SCAT m/m anthro Pyrenees Rottweiler "The Fudgery"

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The Fudgery

Teddy, a burly dilf in the form of an extremely large, anthro Great Pyrenees, owned his own fudge shop.

And much like his shop, he was full of fudge. Completely backed up. The impressive buildup of waste weighed heavily inside him, stomach so distended that it strained the buttons on his shirt, white fur peeking out between them, his gut ballooning massively past his normal size. The audible churning, blorping, squelching noises reminded him constantly of his burden whenever the dull ache in his abdomen didn't.

"Urghh...fuck me..." the huge Pyr boy grumbled, in a mixture of pain and disgust. He involuntarily bore down hard, thick gut steeling as rippling muscle contracted, trying in vain to force out the thick head of the rock hard, imposingly wide mass blocking up even his enormous pink bagel of a shitter. The plump donut pressed outward to kiss the inside of his linen shorts. As Ted went commando as always, its puckering form was visible through the sheer fabric in the right light, whenever he got excited and lifted his tail.

"Shit," he thought, "Time to go." Thankfully it was a slow day; he was sure he wouldn't get called back up if he was away for a bit.

Walking through the hall in the back, he saw his bathroom. His shop was in a converted cottage, from before the shopping complex pseudotown had sprung up, and he'd done precious little to the bathroom, given it was only meant for him. As such, he had a pretty useless shower cubicle, and more importantly, a very old toilet, the kind with the very small hole and barely any water in the bowl. Being a large man, nothing he made went down without a fight at the best of times, usually with the plunger and shit knife (if he was lucky), or a garbage bag (if he wasn't). But this load today was definitely not going to work out. He'd hoped to shit at home for a variety of reasons, but he'd been so clogged up that it just hadn't happened.

But of course, as always, the need had come surging forth without warning, with a spectacular intensity that refused to be ignored.

Mentally preparing himself for the aftermath, and for what lay ahead, he squatted. His fluffy white tail lifted, stretching out his expansive, pale pink pleat. The velvety soft skin plumped as he pushed, filling with blood and swelling as the pressure rose. The boulder of a log he was attempting to pass was shoving his entire anal region outwards, his glands squirting jets of healthy musk onto the upper part of the bowl, and much of the rear of the toilet. His anus drew taught, as the blunt, barely rounded face of his shit parted it, stretching it so far that he winced. Immediately after the log breached his hole, the air in the small bathroom became incredibly thick with the scent of his extremely dense, well formed dirt, the dog's pent up load reeking of meaty spice and bitterness, with his musk filling in the background.

He felt himself being taken to his absolute limit as his hole, already dramatically oversized even for his figure, was stretched to a thin red line.

"EEEEYEARRRRHHGHHH -" He yelled, a tear forming in his eyes as he got near the widest point, cock plumping in his sheath as it smashed against his prostate like a hammer, fat tip peeking out and just barely beginning to drip. He reached back, gingerly feeling for his donut to see how far he'd gotten. He found his mark, feeling the hot, slick tip of his waste, its smooth width unmistakable. "Jesus fucking...not even past the tip?! Great." He thought. He ran his finger along his bloated rim, checking for blood, and seeing only a little. "Good enough," he said, wiping it on his ass cheek.

He then resumed pushing, feeling the log's progress, slow as it was, gaining steam rapidly as the powerful man's guts continued to shove the immovable mass forward.

"HRRRRNGGGHHH" he grunted, muscles rippling under his flowing coat as he showed his true power, the shamefully large log surging forward like a freight train. Much like a train, once he got it going, it was hard to stop. He felt his guts shifting, hard chunks moving awkwardly through a space objectively huge, yet still far too tight for this cargo, his cavernous bowels shooting jolts of dull pain, as hard pylons rounded tight corners in his intestinal confines.

He heard loud *GRRRGLE*s and *GLLLLRK*s, before he felt a sudden pressure, that let up with him ripping a loud, long fart, smelling solely of his shit and further marking the room with himself. The flapping feel of his rim against the log splitting his massive asshole wide open was exquisite. His sensitive tailhole begged for more action, before an involuntary cramp forced the remainder of this first cylinder free, falling heavily into the nearly dry toilet with a dull thud. Ted never could believe how big his shits were, but he'd seen them enough times to know that whatever chunk has blocked up a hole like his was probably somewhere around the size of a grapefruit. Frequently he'd end up with chunks of shit sort of more like balls than logs, so big and so hard that they could medically be called "fecalomas." He was proud of his ability to pass them, though years of it had resulted in his anus becoming even more massive and soft than the already prodigious gift he was born with. Some were repulsed, yet others dreamt of it. Tight enough yet yielding enough to milk anything he desired.

The next log came, smoothly breaching his opening and moving quickly to fall into the bowl, just as wide but twice the length of the last.

"Ohhhh..." he moaned softly, each millimeter of his crap grinding against his tender, sensitive anus and prostate making his cock harder, the meaty mass peeking out its fat tip from his heavy sheath and drooling pre onto his stomach. He took his tip between his fingers and squeezed, the gentle flare at the edges bunching up at the pointed tip, deepening the crater at the center, as he pushed harder. A surge of blood into his penis and another huge brick of shit surged into the pitifully small bowl. He knew he'd fill it quickly and have to squat to stay clean, but he enjoyed the moment for now.

On and on his load came, thick logs sliding over themselves, becoming gradually softer as he went. Hard, brittle brown grapefruits became firm, sticky bricks, building into a tall mass that he saw was just about to reach his fuzzy rump. He was far from done, the visually dominating size of his gut, and intense pressure against his bloated asshole reminding him that he needed to shift to other options.

Damn near all of his shit was of course above the water, the hot, visibly steaming mass filling the bowl, with a texture mostly like his own products. Quite firm, yet smooth and creamy. He gets up, and sees his mess. "Fucking hell - " he thinks, knowing he'd wreck the shower too before having the pleasure of dealing with both. Feeling another cramp, he turns to move into the cubicle, and just as he begins to squat, he's interrupted by the door dinger. "Shit," he mutters, clenching his filthy, gaping hole, and goes to help the customer, not even having time to wipe or wash his hands. Thank god the bathroom is set well behind the counter way into the back room, and no health department guy is there to see it.

"Can I help you?" He asks, seeing a Rottweiler boy browsing the cases just to the side of the counter.

Caught a bit off guard by the sheer size of the guy in front of him, the Rottie was slightly in awe. "Jesus christ, I didn't even know they came in that size..." He thought, regarding the massive Pyr. "Dude has to be seven feet tall. What the fuck - "

"Is there anything in particular you're looking for? What flavors do you like?" Ted asks, a bit confused at the somewhat stupefied look on the guy's face before him. "Shit," Jax thought, scrambling briefly for his previous train of thought.

"Uh, yeah, I like banana and dark chocolate. Anything intense, really. Do you have anything like that?"

Ted smiled.

"Good taste. Yeah, those are my favorites too. Do you know how much you want?" Ted asked the handsome Rottie, noticing his beefy ass and pecs, before looking up and realizing that he seemed to be undressing him with his eyes too, though much less subtly about it than he had.

"Ah, the fun of youth,'' he thought, wistfully, on how hard he used to go back when he was a bit younger, before smirking a bit. Aging gracefully into one's 40s didn't mean he had lost the ability to hunt.

Jax looked up at the intent looking Pyr daddy, and felt himself blush a bit beneath his delightfully tan snout as he realized he'd been caught. Regaining his composure and shifting back into his frat bro fuckboy neutral state, he looked down at the stock in front of him, perhaps a few pounds.

"I'll take the whole thing," he said, looking him dead on. Ted smiled.

"Yeah? It's a lot, you really want all that?" He said, noting that the Rottie's stubtail was going nuts.

"Hell yeah I do. I like 'em big." Jax said, a bit of a predatory look creeping onto his face as he looked the Pyr up and down again, not bothering to be remotely shy about it this time.

"Well I can certainly do that for you. Is that all you want...?" He said, the leading question landing with a solid impact as he casually shifted in place to show off his enormous bulge through his apron, before lifting his arms and doing a quick stretch, showing off his equally huge arms and barrel chest, assets still visible despite the shimmering white, fluffy coat enveloping him.

Jax began to actually pant before catching himself.

"Maybe. My name's Jax, what's yours?" Ted smirked as he flicked his name tag. Jax stuttered a bit before saying,

"Oh, Ted. Like teddy bear. That's fitting."

"This big bear may be soft, but he's still got some bite to his bark," he said, scoffing at him.

"Prove it, big guy," Jax said, before continuing,

"How about later? At my place. You like speedballs and canapes?"

"Interesting choices, a cultured man I see. More of a steak guy myself, I tend to eat a lot of meat. Bit of a carnivore I guess..." Ted said, a serendipitous yawn showcasing his imposing teeth and fuzzy lips, before his big, perfect nose at the end of his semi truck of a muzzle.

Jax was clearly plumped up in his sheath, the outline visible beneath his tight gym shorts, big melon ass cheeks completing the picture.

"Yeah, steaks. And whatever else," Jax said, locking eyes again with the big male giving him full on bedroom eyes.

"And whatever else," Ted said, pausing for a moment. "You still want the fudge?"

Jax snapped back to reality, away from Ted's gut, and enormous ass, more like planets than melons.

"Yeah, I've always got room for fudge." Ted looked raised an eyebrow at him, the implications being too far beyond likelihood that they were dispelled as soon as they appeared.

Ringing him out, they exchanged info, and just before opening the door, Jax asked,

"Hey, you got a bathroom? I been needing to piss like a motherfucker." Ted chuckled.

"Yeah, normally not for customers, but I'll make an exception for you, just this once, boy. It's through this door, all the way down the hall, on the right."

"Thanks, pops."

"You little fucker - " he mumbled in mock offense as Jax's smaller yet much more densely built form slid past him in the small space behind the counter, brushing arms.

Ted looked off at nothing, leaning on the counter. Oh how long it had been since a random encounter. It seemed like everyone now had lost all ability to hunt in the wild, focusing only on apps. Ted was left to a dying art, one lonesome, though much less tedious than ghosts and losers behind a screen.

"Can't wait to split that - OH FUCK," he thought, remembering that he'd absolutely obliterated that poor toilet just a few (admittedly intense) minutes prior.

Going through the door, he heard the bathroom door latch click. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck - " he thought, walking down the hall briskly but not in a run. It was already too late.

He very gingerly knocked on the door.

"Jax?" He said, quietly, face white as his fur as he anticipated the somewhat literal shitshow to come.

The door opened, a wave of powerful male canine shit stink washing over him as he winced in shame. He immediately began talking.

"I'm so sorry, I completely forgot and I didn't have time to handle it and I completely forgot and people don't normally come back here and I just..." He rambled, before looking up at Jax, who wore an expression he was not expecting: one of intrigue.

And there was that stub wag again. "What the fuck...?" He thought, baffled at the lack of disgust or at least anger, given that the smell was so thick that even he was starting to feel slightly light headed.

Jax just smiled.

"Shit happens. It's fine. Right, big guy?" He said, good-naturedly.

Ted was dumbstruck.

"Yeah, I guess so..." He said, trailing off with a confused look that slowly turned to relief.

"That's pretty big." Jax said, gesturing at the absolute mountain of shit in front of them, nearly up to the rim. Ted was still a little residually mortified, but he chinned up, and said as confidently as he could,

"Of course, hadn't been able to go for a week!" He said, before the boy in him continued, "though that's not the first time. I tend to get bunged up a lot. They're always big but I've done even bigger," he said, some pride creeping in towards the end.

Jax was taken. With a sultry look,

"You don't say?"

Now Ted was really floored. Could it be...? It couldn't possibly. He couldn't be so lucky.

"Yeah, just a few weeks ago, I had to squat up above that seat by a solid foot, in order to keep my ass clean. I got it up to the top of the tank. That was fun to deal with after closing..." He said, testing the waters with a neutral tone.

Jax met his gaze and closed the distance between them, reaching out a claw and finger pad, tracing along Ted's pec, before finding his nipple, and giving it a little squeeze.

"Really...?" He said. Ted was back on his game now, in full Pyr mode.

"Fuck yeah, really. Though that was after a pretty good binge on opiates. Fun every once in a while for special occasions. Tenth anniversary of this place."

"Would love a demo sometime."

Ted felt the magic in the air. Couldn't believe it.

"That can be arranged." His long tail slowly began to wag.

"Good. How about a prelude?" Jax asked, walking his fingers up Ted's pec, up onto his neck, before scratching it softly, enjoying his luxurious fur. Ted's cock twitched and began to swell again, his heavy sheath sagging his shorts, and making his bloated cock tip quite prominently visible from atop the waistband as it grew upwards.

"Oh? What did you have in mind?"

"Well..." Jax said, before looking briefly over his shoulder, at the pitiful toilet tasked with handling a week of the enormous Pyr's firm, sticky bricks of shit.

Jax continued. "I don't see any toilet paper."

Ted's blushed, embarrassed again. Hot or not, how unprofessional. "Uh...yeah, you kinda caught me while I was in the middle of it." Ted said, sheepishly. Jax grinned like a feral finding an unattended hen house.

"Then I'll bet you need to wipe."

"Yeah, I do..." he said, feeling his slick rim flesh sliding against itself. He'd been resisting the urge to rub it through his pants, knowing there was enough to easily bleed through the fabric...

"Well too bad you're out of paper." Jax said. Ted glanced at the definitely present roll of paper on the tank, playing along.

"But I'm not -" Ted started, before Jax picked up the roll and dropped it into the wastebasket.

"No, you're out." Jax said, with a certain kind of swagger to his toothy Rottweiler smile.

Ted was amused. "It appears that I am. What should we do about that?" He asked, closing the distance between them, his face now inches from Jax's. Jax looked up, their muzzles touching together, before reaching up to rub Ted's ear.

"Well," Jax began, "I've been dying to know what you taste like." His breath was hot and wet against Ted's nose, Ted inhaling deeply to catch it as Jax spoke.

"Mmm...what part?" Ted said, looking into Jax's chestnut eyes, his cute little tan brow dots.

"All of them." Jax said, before opening his mouth to extend his tongue, and licking against the cleft between Ted's lips, beneath his nose. He dug his tongue in, taking in the feel and taste of the fuzzy hairs there, the softest part of his muzzle besides the velvety dot above his nose.

Ted sighed deeply, bathing Jax in his heat before pushing his hips forward, grinding his fully hard tool against the cumgutter running up Jax's chest. He opened his mouth and took Jax's smaller one fully into it. Jax giggled before opening his too, and turning his head slightly to fit them together. Their mouths were now one large space, and both began to explore. Ted felt Jax's wide set bite pattern, a classic scissor bite known to all meaty breeds. Jax was infatuated with Ted's outright massive...well, everything, but his mouth in particular was a treasure chest. He was mesmerized by how long and wide the Pyr's muzzle was, how big and numerous his teeth were, wondering what it would feel like to be bitten by them while fucking.

"My god, his tongue..." Jinx thought, feeling Ted's tongue envelop his own, and begin to dance, the appendage disproportionately large even compared to the rest of him. Jax swooned, splaying his clawed fingers through Ted's head fur, and drinking in the way he felt. How the cartilage at the base of his ears folded, how his war hammer of a cock, and Tanuki-esque balls, felt pushed up tight, and nearly to the top, of his chest, their difference in height now very noticeable.

Ted was in heaven as well. It had been too long since his last time, a fact his achingly full balls, and the flood of pre drooling from his cock, cheerfully reminded him of. This young stud with his silly diamond earrings, gold necklace and bracelets, in branded athletic wear, was simply putty in his hands, yet knew all the right moves to get into them. Something about his cheeky front of confidence was almost as tantalizing as his fuckable mouth and big muscular ass, or those damned eyebrow dots. Ted reached down to grope Jax's ass, one of his sizable cheeks only barely too large to fit in his hand. Firm, yet yielding, just how he liked. Following Jax's lead, he also took the liberty of exploring his head, feeling the exquisitely soft, short, fine furs on his head and the unreal, otherworldly softness of his ears. He'd never felt anything so soft before.

Their noses were pressed together, their big masculine dog snoofers pushing up slightly with the force as their nostrils were almost in a seal. They huffed each other's air while they explored, becoming almost something akin to drunk, until their shared hardness became unbearable. Pulling off with a huff for air, Jax said,

"This is nice and all, but I'm fucking starving. I know this is a fudge shop, and a really good one at that," he said, moving his hand down to rest it on Ted's still-large stomach, "but I'm really craving a big, warm, fudgy donut...think you can hook me up?"

Ted flashed a toothy grin.

"I do happen to have just one. Nice and fresh, with plenty of fudge on it. Filled, even, so much that it's oozing out..." he said, his stomach groaning loudly before it turned into sounds of wet burbling, as though to drive it home, "but it's huge. We'll have to see if you can even fit it into that pretty mouth of yours."

Jax was visibly drooling, spittle dripping down in tendrils, his lip bitten in that cute fucking stupidass rottweiler way they do when they want something.

"Oh I'm starving. I think I can handle it."

"Listen boy. By the time I'm done with you, you're going to be screaming my name so loud that the bitches at the craft store across the street will be fistbumping me tomorrow when I open up - " Ted said, pausing when Jax looked confused.

"Oh we talk about our conquests, Marcy's husband died a few years back and Sandy finally got her divorce finalized"

"What the fuck lol"

"Yeah. So are you ready for all this, boy? You really want this fudge maker to fill you up? Stuff you good?"

Jax got to his knees and stripped his shirt, before springing up to drop his forgotten shorts. He panted in anticipation. Ted chuckled.

"Eager. Just what daddy likes to see." He patted Jax on the head, as he happily looked up and panted, waggling his ass like a feral, nub going apeshit.

"Alright, here goes..." Ted said, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Finally, he revealed his tremendous gut, soft white fur framing the round expanse, and his big soft pecs, fat nipples demanding to be tweaked.

"And now my gift to you."

Ted undid the button on his shorts, and dropped them. He had gone commando, and thus immediately exposed the fat cock and huge balls Jax had felt during their embrace earlier. They hung close to his heavy, flopping sheath, yet separated enough to bounce and swing commandingly. Jax bit his lip, drooling like a feral as he stared, waiting, begging, for what he knew was coming next.

Ted turned around, showing Jax his otherworldly rump. His fluffy white tail hung straight down, being eaten by the gaping cleft between his huge cheeks, the white fur covering them tinged almost black with musk stains under the base of his tail.

He looked back at Jax, and kept eye contact, as he bent down, first to his knees, then to his elbows, all while keeping his tail down, and scooted back towards Jax, until his snout was just inches away from his dominating rear.

"Dig in, boy," he said, lifting his tail.

Jax had to do a double take, seeing finally what he'd been imagining since he first laid eyes on the dog. Time slowed down as he took in the sight. An absurd, offensively large anus, caked in soft shit, with trails of heady anal musk dripping down the black stained fur surrounding the rim, beaconed him. He could have had a nosebleed, as Ted's throbbing cock jerked, plump tool jumping upward, balls tightening, and most of all, that huge hole briefly bloating out a solid couple inches, the tight clench in the center splitting momentarily to reveal not only his tender pink insides, but the tip of what Jax correctly guessed must be an unfathomable amount of hot shit, before the meaty rim drew inwards again, clenching firmly, another few drops of fragrant musk bleeding out from the center, dissolving shit as it went in muddy brown rivers.

Jax's head spun. Between the oozing honeypot before him, attached to the male monument to canine sex whose bodily functions commanded the whole room with their powerful, gorgeous stench, and his own barely contained arousal, he couldn't help himself. With a loud whine and a bark that detached the tendrils of drool that had been flooding from his mouth as he took it all in, he mounted Ted, bucking furiously into his slick pleat. His own cock was not small, the fat tool splitting Ted's huge anus respectably far, but nothing but his own shit could truly gap him. Jax growled gutterally in ecstacy, as he felt Ted's velvet hallway of a rectum grip him tightly. The heat of his flesh was as incredible as his shit, the sticky sludge so viscous that it added the most pleasurable friction as he pumped, hard. The force was so strong, the Rottweiler demonstrating the absurd strength and muscle his breed was known for, that it caused an earthquake inside Ted. Ted's guts cramped up, as an unstoppable tsunami pushed forward the already desperate load he'd had to cut short prematurely earlier. Ted groaned, the pressure both exquisite and painful, prostate beaten, his cock bloating at the edges of his tip into something like an engorged horse flare. His waste pushed back hard against Jax's cock, as Jax fucked his huge hole. Ted whined and groaned, baritone music filling the room as Jax felt the big bitch's smooth crap coating his groin and getting all over his feet as it easily weeped past his cock. He gripped Ted's stomach firmly now, the pressure on his still shit bloated stomach making him curse and huff, growling at Jax, snarling as he began brutally knot fucking him, the massive bulb splitting Ted's orifice over and over again, even his gaping pleat taken to the limit by Jax's unusually large knot. Jax took Ted's neck into a firm mating bite as Ted snarled into his ears, Ted's anus desperately squeezing down and trying to crush Jax's cock betraying his overall feelings beyond the pain. The feeling of having his massive pucker properly fucked, for once, was marvelous. It had been too long since he'd been with another big man. He was however beginning to feel nauseated slightly, though, his shit being blocked by Jax's cock, even the copious clods crackling their way out on each backstroke relieving him of precious little of his actual contents.

Ted was nearly at his limit, as Jax's knot kept beating his prostate, and making him musk as his glands were smashed by Jax's rock hard bulb. He moan-growled to Jinx, still jackhammering him,

"Jinx...I'm close...finish so I can shit please, I'm going to be sick otherwise..." Ted stuck his ass up just a bit further, giving Jinx just a little more reach. Jinx eased off Ted's neck slightly.

"Duntsh wuhrry, I'm guhnna..." Jax said, the feel of Ted's exquisite asshole and insides driving him closer to the edge with each pump. Ted moaned like a bitch, that little bit of extra depth sparking him just a little more. Jax managed to have a coherent thought within the funk fueled stupor, and grabbed a clod of Ted's warm, soft shit from beneath them, and drove it onto Ted's cock. He coated every inch of Ted's big tool in his own waste, the hot, wet slickness and tight pressure of Jax's strong hands as he pumped him hard from the front and from behind, finally flinging him over the edge.

"GRRRAGHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRHHH" he vocalized, as his dangling cock erupted violently into an explosion of cum, a torrent of white piercing his creamy scat as Jax continued to pump him. His sensitive cock continued to pulse and blort out more semen like a feral's, as he clenched down in a death grip vice on Jax's cock, the big, sloppy, plush muscle all contracting at full power. Despite managing to slam down on him mid thrust, the momentum and power of the large, muscular Rottweiler still drove his huge knot through Ted's vice grip tight hole, then slamming down on his shaft behind his knot. Jax yowled in a feral expression of pleasure and rage as he bit hard on Ted's neck, and blew up like a pound of C4 in Ted's fat ass. A flood of cum shoved into Ted like a pressure washer, Jax's cock jerking, balls hiking, and donut blowing up far enough to musk before drawing in, clenching rythmically in time with his cock's spurt after spurt of creamy white that basted Ted's velvety insides and smooth crap with his essence.

Ted felt his already full stomach bloat out further, as Jax had filled him with a deluge of Rottweiler cum. Jax panted through his bite, coming to slowly and easing up. Both of them were completely out of breath, huffing loudly in steamy gusts that echoed in the small bathroom. Jax could taste a little blood, and looked down to see that he had indeed injured Ted slightly.

" carried away there." Ted chuckled.

"I'd say so, kid. But goddamn, son, you can fuck," Ted said, Jax beaming as he continued,

"I've not gotten railed like that in years. Where'd you learn how to do that? Your daddy teach you?"

Jax laughed. "No, yours did."

"Pfft, fucker." He said, warmly, them both enjoying the moment, Ted enjoying the feel of Jax's cock spurting inside him, and Jax's warm hand on his shit covered bitch banger, and Jax enjoying how perfectly Ted's cavernous ass suckled and caressed his sensitive cock, and how stupefyingly thick and heavy Ted's cock was.

Ted burped. They both smelled that it reeked of Ted's shit. He groaned, reaching back to rub his stomach.

"Jax, I'm about to blow. I hate to cut it short but I'd rather explode from that end than this one. I prefer shit only go into this hole, not out."

"No trouble. How about I pull out, and we flip? You can suck me clean, and I'll do the same."

Ted raised an eyebrow.

"You really want me to bury you?"

Jax bit his lip, before saying,

"I've wanted that since I set eyes on you, fag."

"My, aren't we confident now."

"You know it."

"Well you're not the only one. Now listen because I'm only going to tell you once, bitch. I'm going to sit on your face, and that pretty beefboi muzz of yours is going to go straight up my butt, right inside that big bagel you just wrecked. I'm going to unload the last week of my meals and that gallon of your cum straight into your mouth, and you're going to swallow it all down. Then after I'm done, you're going to put that sexy, powerful mouth into that toilet bowl, your new dinner dish, and eat what daddy fixed you. Don't worry, it's still nice and hot. And if you finish all of it, you get a prize."

Jax had been looking at Ted hungrily, but now he was curious.

"A prize? Isn't your fudge the prize?" He said, in earnest.

"Aren't you sweet. No, you'll just have to find out. You ready to impress daddy?"


"Okay big boy. Lie down." Jax happily did as instructed. Ted got on top, their stomachs smashing together, the tight pressure on Ted's gut making him groan and rip a powerful, wet fart in Jax's face, splattering him with dirty cum that he quickly licked off. He took Jax's fudgy cock into his cavernous maw, Jax's size impressive, though Ted's towering size meant it still fit easily within his mouth. A fact Jax immediately enjoyed, feeling the contrasting textures of Ted's big, coarse tongue, his washboard roof of mouth ridges, and rounded and pointy teeth gently pressed on his stick. Ted lowered his butt to make contact with Jax, a proper face sit now that would have threatened to dislocate his jaw if he hadn't been mindful.

Jax was in heaven. His whole field of view was dominated by Ted's enormous ass and bloated pucker. He squeezed his muzzle past the center of his ring, before opening it to welcome in Ted's gift.

Right on cue, Ted groaned around Jax's dirty cock, wet, desperate bowel sounds loud enough to be heard over the wet schlucking of their activities.

"Hrere hit cuhms," Ted said around the cock, before Jax's tongue met the tip of a huge log of shit, that tasted heavily of himself. it was surrounded by a sea of cum, and he began gulping it all down as Ted gingerly went slow to give Jax time to keep up. He was doing an exemplary job, Ted noted, but being such a large guy kept that from being enough. Ted involuntarily bore down, a river of brown cum spewing out around Jax's face, all over and below his head.

"Shruury" he mumbled, digging his tongue into the divot in the center of Jax's doggy cock. Jax just shrugged, and kept swallowing, finally through all his cum, and now introduced to the true mass bloating up his friend.

Easily four inches around, and impossibly dense and creamy, it stuck to his mouth like peanut butter, and no amount of chewing seemed to make it any less sticky. He settled on simply swallowing it as it was, treating it like a thick fluid, forcing it down his esophagus in a train as he sucked down more and more, like shopvaccing out a basement flooded with mud.

"Mmm...." Jax moaned through his nose, as he withdrew to take a breath. Ted pulled off and looked back at him approvingly, before going back down on his spire. Jax plunged back in, Ted farting as he did so. Jax breathed it in deeply, staring into the depths of the big boy on top of him. The sight of that huge Pyr donut lewdly bloating out, then folding I'm on itself, never got old.

He sucked down a never ending flow of shit, beginning to wonder how much Ted must eat to have this much crap inside him. He was already feeling full, and there was still a whole bowls worth whenever this finally stopped!

Ted sensed Jax getting bogged down.

"Hey boy. You said you had to piss earlier, right?" Jax nodded. "Go ahead and I'll take care of you, that'll make some room. You just focus on your meal."

Jax sighed appreciatively, and relaxed, a torrent of hot yellow piss flooding Ted's mouth almost too quickly for him to keep up. He was not expecting so much from a guy of Jax's size. The golden yellow fluid bulged his cheeks, Ted barely able to keep up even while gulping loudly. Jax moaned between swallows of the pyrs creamy waste, his meat based diet rewarding Jax with dense, sticky fudge that was immaculately smooth and rich, with a full flavor of Ted and meaty spice. Jax finally ran out of piss, just as Ted began shitting a less dense, softer kind of crap. But, he knew Jax only had so much room, and he really wanted to see him eat the main course. So he pulled back off of Jax's mouth, and pulled his mouth off Jax's cock, and spun around. He crawled up and put his cock into Jax's mouth, now utop him as he tweaked his nipples and a confused Jax suckled his daddy's dick. Biting his lip, mouth in a grin with eyes closed, Ted finally allowed himself to bear down fully, with all his strength. Immediately, a fucking volcano of steaming hot creamy Pyr crap splorted all over Jax's face and head, barely missing his eyes as Ted simply continued to unload. He buried Jax's head and neck, Jax having to lift his head and wipe the shit off his eyelids before opening them to see Ted's ass pumping out a thick rope of smooth, wet scat that coiled around on itself in an embarrassingly large pile on his upper chest and neck. It seemed to go on forever, the big male tweaking his nipple with one hand as he pumped his cock with the other.

"OhHhhhh YES," Ted yelled, before continuing,

"HRNNNNG!" before pulling his cock out of his mouth, and moving backwards, before forcing out a veritable flood of shit onto Jax's body, making eye contact with him as he did so, the rope of the huge Pyr daddy's hot shit burying the smaller Rottie in him. Jax felt the warm blanket of soft canine poop encase him, his cock achingly hard, as Ted moved back to shit onto it, sitting on it and getting back up, riding him cowgirl while flooding his groin in a mountain of crap, until Jax came again, spraying Ted's back with cum as he pulled off.

Ted ripped a long, loud fart into Jax's face, spraying him with shit, and signaling the end of his dump.

"Good fucking GOD that was good. You did great, son. Fuck I feel so much lighter. You ready to get fucked and take in the main course, bitch? Daddy's empty now and can move a little quicker," Ted boasted, chest puffed out and mane floofy. Very happy boy.

Jax was flabbergasted.

"Yes, um. What the fuck. How did...where...what? WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THAT?! HOW DID THAT ALL FIT IN YOU?!" Jax yelled. Ted just grinned.

"Big boys like me have big shits. You'll learn that in time."

Jinx blinked once, not missing a beat,

"Oh you bet I will. You won't even need that shitty toilet anymore now that you met me." They both felt the mood shift there a bit. Ted said warmly,

"I'd like that very much. Don't worry, we're going to try a lot of stuff together from now on, if you like."

"We still need to have that date," Jax said, from beneath his warm cocoon of the huge Pyrs hot fudge. The situation was comical.

"We sure do. Now how about I get you dirtier and fuck that big muscular tight little ass you've been waving in my face this whole time, and you taste what my bowels can really do, what my best fudge is like."

"Nothing I'd like more," Jax said.

"Good, because I'm about ready to pop again. Few things turn me on more than burying someone, besides watching them eat my dump." Ted said. "Now get over there and have a taste."

"Yes sir," Jax said, happily complying by sitting up out of Ted's soft scat pile with a loud schluck, and crawling the couple feet to his toilet, to finally address the big brown elephant in the room that had started all this.

Standing tall up to the rim, Jax was as confused as ever as to how Ted could hold so much waste inside himself. The mound filled the entire bowl, chunky logs of intimidating thickness piled atop each other in a beautiful mound that still steamed lightly. Jax leaned his head into the bowl, just millimeters away from a log, and gave a deep sniff. The nearly black, dark chocolate brown log smelled heavenly, even better than what he'd eaten already. A mild bouquet of fine northern dog musk, heady and strong with a certain kind of offensive yet mesmerizing richness, complemented by the bitterness of digested meat mixed with the natural character of Ted's gut biome. He took a lick, finding it to taste as it smelled, only immensely more powerful. Similar to his softer waste, only far more mellow and complex. All the flavors he'd noticed before were now much more developed and distinct.

He took a bite, chewing through the thicker texture, finding it delicious. Satisfied, he dug in like a feral to his dish, teeth gnashing, eyes wide, horking down bite after bite of Ted's thick, rich, sticky crap. The smooth waste coated every surface in his mouth, with Jax taking special care to force it into the crevices between his teeth, ensuring that he would always taste like Ted, no matter what he ate or how he brushed.

Ted was in a trance, watching Jax so enthusiastically consume his proudest expression of himself, before recalling that there was more to be done.

Finally getting a chance to properly address Jax's form, Ted was enchanted. Here before him was a strong, powerful, confident young man that had ass for days and velvety ears as soft as his own insides, that begged to be nibbled. In fact, all of him begged to be nibbled; his sizable, well defined muscles accentuated by just the right amount of fat to make him sporty yet pleasurable to hold. He ran his large, warm hands up and down Jax's sides, feeling his toned softness and power, as he positioned himself closer, his large cock feeling more like an arm to Jax as he hotdogged his boxy, muscular rump. Cock satisfactorily planted firmly between his firm globes, nestled against his own beautiful pucker, Ted's hands moved to explore all of Jax, running from his burly shoulders, to his thick pecs, to cum gutter abs, fine fur on his sheath, wideset hips, and pendulous balls, before coming to his cute stubby tail, and lifting, to present perhaps his best feature of all. Jax's anus was not a tremendously sized bagel like Ted's, but it was still proportionally large, and much tighter and more compact, better able to milk than caress. A true meatboi pucker, plump with a welcoming dip in the center, yet strong enough to crush glass, proven to Ted by the way Jax's clenching force almost numbed his finger as he checked to see how much prep he might need. Jax gave a grunting whine into his bowl, the fat fingers of this handsome man feeling incredible as they grazed his prostate and hooked against the inside of his spot, irritating it, making him bear down to push him out, Ted pushing back in after, in a delicious game of tug of war that had Jax's cock bouncing with each spray of watery canine pre as his asshole began bloating out and clenching back inwards in time with it. Ted growled sensually as he leaned down to nibble Jax's tasty ear, "I think you're ready." Jax responded by turning his head, muzzle covered in Ted's firm shit, a breathy huff shooting out chunks of scat that had gone up his nose, and meeting Ted's somehow still clean lips in a kiss that straddled the line between tender and lewd. Perhaps towards the latter, given the amount of the Pyr's creamy dump that covered their mouths afterwards, and that his fingers were still playing with Jax's asshole. Ted kissed and suckled on Jax's chocolatey nose, digging his own shit out of his new friend's nostrils, nibbling on the leathery, textured skin there, rough tongue feeling the tender split between both halves at the front. Jax only hoped Ted found his as divine as he had found Ted's, Jax finding his much larger honker much more interesting. He sure seemed to, though, Ted practically worshiping the smaller dog's muzzle.

Withdrawing, Ted moved backwards, before nuzzling into Jax's asshole, cold nose sending a jolt through his body before Ted's wide, long tongue swiped from the base of his cock, up his taint, to the base of his tail, feeling him dig his adept tongue into his tight ring. The big dog began sucking, while working the big muscle with his tongue, driving it inside him before beginning to play with him from the inside. Jax felt absolutely electric back there, as he made very gay noises into his slowly disappearing bowl of his new friend's hearty load. Ted sucked hard while working the sides, before getting Jax to squirt a potent stream of musk into his mouth, the rich, meaty, umami flavors quickly claiming his mouth. He couldn't get enough, astounded by how pleasant a flavor it was. He could enjoy a flavor like this anytime, even as a regular condiment. Jax's much mellower sharpness and stronger food alike flavors of mushroom and wine shone through as something to be savored, as Ted greedily milked them as much as he could, expressing and working the muscle-bound Rottie's hole until it had plumped up to twice its original size. Ted could hardly stand it now, seeing his swollen pucker, tender and red and dripping musk at the center, between mountainous globes of ass cheeks on a sporty, boxy male whose whole face and body were covered in his dominant filth. He knew he wouldn't get in with the spit in his hole alone, or the thinning layer of his own waste coating his cock, so he reached down to grab some of his softer shit, and lubed himself further with it, slathering the soft, slick, newer crap up and down his meat and pendulous balls. His cock jerked proudly before he pressed the spire tip below his divot into the center of Jax's milker, feeling the tightness squeezing down incredibly hard already. Forcing his tip past into the Rottie's muscular orifice, he was immediately overwhelmed by how strongly he was being squeezed on all sides. Jax howled into the toilet, his voice echoing off the modest amount of exposed porcelain no longer buried beneath heavy logs, feeling himself being split like a dinner roll as the enormous Pyr's cock's comically large size (compared to his ass, anyway) broke him in like a glove.

Ted was in ecstasy. A completely different kind of fuck than he was used to, Jax's muscular form was exotic beneath his hands, and tight ass magnificent as he felt him milking his throbbing tool, asshole clenching rythmically on his shaft behind his knot, his tight insides barely large enough for his frighteningly huge knot and thick shaft to even fit.

Jax was a strong pup, though, and made it look easy, bucking backwards and forcing down on his pleat to get his Pyr to blow up just a little bit harder. Ted was having trouble not losing it, as he felt Jax begin bearing down, loosening his pucker immensely before clenching down again, providing more contrast. And more importantly, Ted noticed, driving down a pleasantly firm brick of shit. The rapidly crowding tunnel had Ted panting hard, balls hiking as he saw Jax nearing the bottom of the bowl, biting into the last, and biggest, boulder that had gapped him what felt like an eternity ago. Jax stared at it, mesmerized, for a moment before picking it up, feeling it's heft and otherworldly girth in his hands, before nuzzling it against his face, the hot Pyr's dirt leaving a pointedly thicker, drier streak down his cheek, before Jax bit into it. The whole mass did not remotely fit into his mouth, but biting into the corner still filled it well. The hardness of it took him aback, it was like trying to eat extremely firm modeling clay. It immediately stuck in everywhere in his mouth and glued into it, making it difficult to chew. He whimpered, both in frustration that it would be longer before he could consume all of it, and because he was a needy, overstimulated bitch, with his huge daddy nearly breaking his ass, and his hot shit coating all of him now, inside and outside.

Ted saw him struggling with his big boulder, and it drove him wild, an evil grin spreading across his face as he scooped up an armload of his softer slop and fudgy crap off the floor, and dropped it straight into Jax's back, before leaning back over, making them into a shit sandwich, before he began jackhammering his beefy ass, tight farts escaping around his cock as he jarred loose everything inside Jax that wasn't bolted down.

"OOOOHHHRRAHHHHGHH" Jax yelled, feeling the most intense pain and pleasure he had ever felt before, as Ted's knot pumped in and out of his muscular ring. He bore down as hard as he could, trying to push him out, the feeling intensifying as he did so. He felt his shit slipping past Ted and getting stuck in front of his knot inside him, making Ted effectively as thick as his knot and even longer, as his thrusts shoved Jax's firm load back and forth like a train with his thrusts. Jax's hole dripped musk pitifully in a river as his glands were pressed absolutely dry.

Ted spoke.

"You look like you're having a hard, let me help," he said, Jax looking confused until Ted took his boulder into his gaping cavern of a maw and bit down, chewing it a bit before opening up and pressing forward onto Jax's muzzle, surrounding him in his hard waste, and inviting him to share. They mashed and dissolved the dry dirt into a smooth paste, delectable sticky chunks breaking off as they went, this final chunk that has caused Ted so much trouble having the best flavor of all, so mellow and rich yet so intense that by the time they had almost finished, Jax yowled into his mouth and came, spraying Ted's hand and the base of his toilet with cum, and clenching down on Ted in a way that broke something and forced him to begin rapid buttfucking him like a feral, with zero concern for his well-being whatsoever. His massive bitch banger was so thick and Jax's shit so firm that the pressure upon him almost hurt, but the intensity finally flung him over the edge again, erupting in a flood of cum befitting his size. A sea of white overwhelmed Jax's insides and engulfed all the shit filling out his colon, as Ted continued to pump Jax full of cum. Jax panted, feeling incredibly spent, and nearly empty, though not quite.

"That was incredible," Ted said. Jax gave a tired smile.

"It was. You're something else, and so is your cock. I've never taken anyone so big." Ted laughed.

"Yeah I get that a lot. Comes with the size I guess."

"Speaking of size, you were right, those logs were even better! I still can't believe those things came out of you, let alone in one sitting. Though I guess I can now, seeing how much flatter your stomach is."

"Yeah, I've always got the gut, but I can really blow up when I don't go for a while," Ted said. Jax reached up a shitty hand to scratch Ted's ear.

"You sure can. My god, I've never been so full in my life..."

"Ha! I'd like to say I get that a lot too, but you may be interested to know that you're the first to try out my most personal, best fudge."

"You serious?"


"Oh my god, I'm honored. People don't know what they're missing, you've got the best tasting shit I've ever eaten."

"Why thank you. And you have the best tasting ass glands I've ever eaten - I could just about drizzle that on pasta or a piece of toast."

Jax blushed. "I've gotten compliments before, but never like that. I'm glad you like them."

"Of course I do. I think I like a lot of you, so far. It'll be exciting to get to know you better," Ted said. Jax looked starry eyed for a moment.

"I'd like that very much."

After some time, Ted's knot softened, and popped out, Ted rushing to slurp it out as Jax bore down and splorted it out in a messy torrent of muddy brown all over Ted's face. He barely managed to keep up, before being met with what he was waiting for.

Jax's hole was utterly destroyed and gaping, cum still dribbling out despite already forcing the release of the majority of it. Suddenly, they both heard a loud GGGGRRRRRGGBLPHT as Jax's guts cramped, sending a heavy snake of firm, sticky shit, directly into Ted's mouth. Though smaller than Ted's, his own loads were impressive in their own right, and proportionally much larger compared to his size. Ted had never seen a Rottie with such girth, as even he had trouble fitting it into his mouth easily enough to keep up with the speed of Jax's eruption of hot bricks of meatboi shit. Copious amounts of cheap protein powder and fast food condensed into a cheerfully offensive sludge, that between the overwhelming stickiness, and (compared to his own) incredibly sharp, heady and intense funk from Jax's much shorter GI tract, was genuinely difficult to swallow. But Ted made it look easy, as he chomped through Jax's filling logs and slurped his own cum that dribbled out with them, for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Jax's shit turned to a soft, creamy paste that erupted at an overwhelming speed, Ted's waste having finally spurred Jax's ponderous intestines to rid themselves of their accumulated gunk from Jax's deliciously poor diet. The torrent of smooth filth gave Ted chipmunk cheeks in an instant, as he struggled to keep up while the Rottie blorted out sticky farts and hot filth, filling up Ted's stomach again for round two later.

Finally done with a loud fart, Jax wearily got up, tree trunk thick legs feeling like jello after being on the floor so long. Ted was in a similar boat, though moreso given his age and size, groaning loudly as he did so.

Jax hugged him.

"That was amazing, Ted." Ted hugged him tighter.

"As was it for me. How about I clean up all the soft stuff I buried you under, and then I clean you up?" He said, the last part a sensual growl. Jinx giggled.

"As long as it involves that hot tongue on me, I'm down for anything you want to do, big man."

"That's a good boy." Ted said, before cleaning up, which Jax found was apparently Ted simply getting back to the floor on all fours, and chomp slurping the copious piles of his own crap off the floor, like a feral. Jax grew hard again but was too tired to do much but idly play with his tip. Jax had started dripping pre by the time Ted finished, Jax finding that seeing him go through so much of his own waste right after releasing it was extraordinarily hot. He saw that Ted's gut bulged out again, too.

"Goddamn, you are so fucking hot."

"I'll show you how hot, bitch." Ted said, before playfully shoving Jax into the tiny shower, Jax laughing as Ted got in alongside him, their two large bodies only just barely fitting.

"This isn't going to work too well, but hey, all in good fun, right?" Ted said. Jax nodded.

"It'll wash off eventually. Can't rush art." Jax said, as Ted turned the water on and pumped several large globs of soap into his palm.

"That's right. And we certainly do make art together, that's for sure."

And with that, they washed up, Jax and Ted both enjoying the feel of each other's bodies under the hot water and luxurious feel of the creamy, shitty suds. Jax was even more impressed by Ted's body now that he saw it more clearly, his floof laying flat against his form.

"You really are a work of art, aren't you?" He said. Ted chuckled.

"No, but perhaps you are," he said, finding the way Jax's muscles looked under the soap to be adorable. He continued, "but you make me feel like I am."

Jax responded by rinsing off and suckling on his meaty nipple, and squeezing his big pec.

"Ahh careful I-" he said, before a jet of hot milk sprayed into a confused looking Jax's mouth, taste and texture much like cream.

A mortified Ted explained,

"I'm sorry, I don't know why that happens, I just do that. I've always done it. I usually milk myself in the morning so it's not a problem later, tends to be more when I'm turned on for too long." Jax's quizzical expression turned to one of awe.

"You mean you don't even have to buy milk?" He said, excitedly, with a childlike enthusiastic interest that instantly made Ted feel better, for the second time that day.

"Sure don't. It's a little rich for cereal, but it's amazing in coffee."

"Tastes like it's got some protein too. I might start stopping by after I hit the gym, for recovery shakes."

Ted laughed.

"I suppose that would be an excellent use for my cream," he said, enjoying the feel of Jax's sturdy hands squeezing his muscular pecs/man titties, and being the feeling of being milked in yet another way.

Finally washed up, with Jax helping out with cleaning up the bathroom and finishing licking out the inside of the toilet bowl, everything was in it's place, as it was before Ted unloaded.

"Well, I suppose that's it," Ted said, before checking his clock on the point of sale display. "Oh fuck, it's after my usual closing. Damn, we were busy for a while, weren't we?" He said, checking around briefly to see if anything was out of place. seeing nothing, he continued, "but I'm definitely down to do dinner if you are? Do you want to go now, or meet up again later in nicer clothes and pretend we didn't just swap our internal contents? Jax snuggled up to him and grabbed his ass, still amazed by its size and softness.

"I'd love to go with you now, but dressing up is fun, and I know a cool restaurant I've been wanting to try, Chien Boueux Fantaisie. I'll be sure and buy you ten of everything, I want next week to be even bigger than the one you said you did weeks ago."

"Well we'll have to do a lot of drugs together to manage that."

"Yeah, exactly!" Jax said, stub going nuts again. Ted chuckled as his own long floofy one did a slow wag.

"You are such a silly boy. I can't wait to boof shit and suffocate you under my massiveness while we sleep."

"Ohohoho, inviting yourself over now?" Jax played.

"As if you wouldn't."

Jax simply put his tongue up Ted's massive nose again.

Ted scratched behind Jax's ears warmly before pulling him off.

"Okay, boy, keep up with that and we'll never leave, and I'll never eat. And I'm fucking starving," he said, Jax looking at him in amazement.

"But you ate so much!"

"Yeah, and you had part of it, and I was about to have lunch after dropping that load! It's like you don't know what I'm truly capable you'll lose your mind and your load when I show you later."

Jax was a dripping, hard puddle.

Sharing a friendly hug before parting ways in front of the store, Ted locked up. "What a good day," he thought, rubbing his fat, casually blorping stomach. "A very filling day."

A while later, Jax was greeted by Ted at the entrance of the restaurant, where they shared a wonderful dinner spread, good wine, and good company, followed by good vanilla sex and good drugs. The night seemed to breeze by, their surprising number of shared interests making conversation effortless. The flame they had lit earlier continued to grow exponentially.

Eventually, after the long day and strong pills, they nodded off in the middle of watching AHS Hotel, a shared favorite neither had seen in years. Groggily waking up, Jax wondered for a split second where he was, before remembering the day he'd had, and feeling himself surrounded by the most luxuriously soft white fur. He stretched, rubbing his body across Ted's, feeling his form pressing into his back, before turning over and running his hands over Ted's naked form. Seeing him clean and asleep like this, he was a completely different man, so much softer, sweeter, yet still every bit as creepily powerful as ever. Ted began to stir as Jax cupped and gently rolled his balls, tweaking his plumped up sheath in one hand while he got a nipple in the other, and asked,

"Hey, what was that prize supposed to be?"

"Hrmmph?" Ted blearily grunted.

"The prize you mentioned earlier. What was that?"

Ted smirked. "I think you're going to love this. I wanted to wait until we'd gotten a bit better acquainted before I showed it to you," Ted said, grunting deeply as he heaved himself up off the couch. Walking down the hall, he opened his bedroom door. Jax's jaw dropped.



"Holy shit. And the prize is that I get to use all that on you?"

Ted smiled.

"You sure do," he said, gesturing to the many bondage accessories and toys of all sorts laid out. Being a successful small business owner had its perks, as affording so many of such small luxuries was effortless. "You earned it. Show daddy how powerful his boy is." Jax's nub went crazy.

"I'm going to wreck you," he said, a predatory twinkle in his eye at the possibility of taking such a large stud dog and making him truly his bitch.

Ted laid his huge, white furred hand on Jax's meaty shoulder, and said, with the toothiest smile,

"I'd like to see you try."

Not the end, I'm hoping to milk these characters almost as hard as they milk each other.

I wrote this one while I was sitting at a shopping mall waiting on family. The fuck kind of name is "The Fudgery." Seriously. They're asking for it.

No, I'm not retarded, I am aware a lot of touching up needs done here. It's just barely before the end of HSD in my time zone, and I've been sitting on this almost finished work for too long. So, here you go. Enjoy.