Meet and Eat
**meet and eat by: berserkerb** _(remix is owned by his creator)_ berserker sighed and stepped out into the light. the young hyon's morning had been dull and uninteresting.
Windfall: Eating In
Product=windfall) _\<\<_ windfall: eating in by tempo a promo for my upcoming novel, _windfall._ note: this takes place after the novel. ~ ~ ~ the sun in his fluff, max strode down quiet streets, distributing polite nods to townsfolk.
Eat The Rich
It just wouldn't do to be seen eating a corndog; phallic connotations aside, that was, most importantly, _poor_ food. to keep her mind off of eating (a losing fight with food stands around almost every corner), katja went in search of another show.
Eating Right
It also was a matter of eating right. "looks like eating all of them was the right thing to do." he thought with a chuckle as he finished getting cleaned up before leaving the showers.
Eat the meat
eat the meat balto watched his children eat the beef he had brought for them, well most of his children, alue wasn't touching it "is there something wrong alue?"
A Bite To Eat
"i'm going out to eat." he repeated and his lips twitched in a grin. he was barely able to stop the laughter from rising to his throat. "that's fine, i'm going to... mmm.. soak."
Sleep Eating
Sleep eating this diet was killing her. every day for the past week heidi would starve herself without losing a single pound. worse, she actually gained weight on a number of occasions. it didn't seem possible.
Eating the Client
Shorter than most of my other fics, but i felt it worked better on it's own, rather than bloating a different story.eka'sfuraffinity eating the client content warning: contains (in no particular order,) f/f fatal vore, non-consensual prey, melty/graphic
Orion Eats
. \* orion eats by whooperjr orion is hungry. that is something orion never liked to be. orion is a dragon around eight feet tall, being rather young in the ways of the world still.
Eat the Evidence
"be-because you might eat me." n'ra purr-chuckles softly, curling around the frightened knight. "i'm not going to eat you, not unless you want me too." n'ra says, hir forked tongue flicking out to tease the male's sheath.
Eat Up
It is now two days later and "eat up" is closed again for a private function.
Eat Cake
Sisco had truly meant it when he said he was going to eat cake, as with two buns the horse had, you'd be an idiot to pass up the offer.