016 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.08

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#16 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story

Now waiting on two of their compatriots Butters decided to conserve some social energy and just wait for one of 'em to return. Butters lightly circles the rim of their latest pint, grinning from ear to ear. Like fuckin' eeeeellllll, what a great night. Butters in a feverish rush replays that butterflying feeling from kissing Chelsea, with the comradery they felt with Gor' and Ideas, healing something fundamentally absent in their very core. It was always sold to Butters that they had to choose between this, that an intimacy with Humanity and the community of Monsters, this felt like a taste of the dream.

Wow they were buzzing, Butters could not wait for Chelsea to come back and maybe fetishize them even more! Because when you have the self-worth of a small earwig covered in dogshit, that's what passes for Monster liberation for the-

-Okay Rose, I hear you okay? Can you get off my back?

Wellll maybe I'm just a little bitter cos I remember not too long ago we promised didn't we? That we wern't gonna do this, go back to debasing ourselves for human's approval. This was gonna be our era of loving our Monstrous parts.

-Well it's not my fault, sorry for being so attractive and irresistible at all times that I walked into a room and just found someone who wanted to smooch me! Explained Butters, lying through their teeth as if they didn't spend the last 3 hours agonising how no one would love them ever and only now now acting like they've achieved inner peace after being kissed by a chaser 15 minutes ago.

They decide to ignore Rose's very salient points by rubbing their stupid forehead as they look at some discourse no one in their right mind gives a shit about on their phone.

-Oh my god you're going to passive aggressive narrate me now?

They pick up their dirt water that tastes like poo poo, but they pretend to like it like a cis dude.

-This ale is fuckin' mint actually. And actually I'm enjoying the taste; agenderly.

They sit at the bar hunched, with the posture of a little goblin and-

-Okay, Okay. I'm not gonna ignore you anymore. If you wanna talk then, let's talk.

Envision if you will, a space, well a void almost, only being pierced by a dim light from above. Illuminating a square, containing two white wooden chairs. In it sits a Gray Squirrel, reserved in their body language wearing dry denim patterned shirt matching their grey fur. It's a Butters, we're Butters, this is Alexandra. The other member of Butters, is sitting on the other chair, a Grey Squirrel in black jeans and a harrington jacket. Oh that's me; Roseschwartz, so I better had hop off from this description and talk to them.

Hello, hey, yes I'm here now. So like I said... Alex... What the hell are you doin'?

-What I'm trying to do Rose, is enjoy this Valentines Day by hooking up with a fellow hot homosexual and someone keeps trying to bring down the good vibe and ruin it.

Okay... Phew, I dunno where to start I mean do you not see it?

-No I see it, I do see it. But today? Out of the other three hundred 'od in a year? I do not see it.

I get the 'Taking a break from common sense to go wild' bit, honestly I do, but like we know what we're like this isn't just a one and done thing...

-It can totally be a one and done thing! I can just have this nice thing and we can y'know go back to being The Big Activists tomorrow.

Oh my god, Aallleexxxx

-Stop being allergic to fun and good.

And who has to pick up the pieces and front 24/7 after 'Fun and Good' is over eh? I'm not saying don't get our back blown out, just like... Ideas seems nice! And hot, and you know centaurs are good for it. Our track record with humans? Mostly not nice.

-...Okay but what if she IS nice?


-She might!

Y'know what this is exactly like that valentines day uni party when we were in college, do you remember that? Ignoring all the red flags because "What if she's nice?" and "it's just a fling" and then I'm fronting for 3 weeks after you get that Dear Joax out of nowhere.

-I know Rose, trust me I know and I'm grateful for you taking care of us

Thank you, it's nice to hear it... Oh right, Alex is uuhh, like holding my arm, err like goodly, like a fresh spring... Like fuck I'm bad at narrating while talking.

-Like yeah I'm standing above them while they're sitting, that was ages ago.

Okay uuhhh. Look. I'll knock it off with the roasting, but please be careful. And when it gets bad, cos it will; jet out of there.

-Okay the first red flag-

We are five red flags in.

-Okay but you know what they say: Magic flag number six! That's the one to watch out for.

No one says that.

-I'm about to sip my drink again, narrate that.

Butters finishes off the rest of the ale they were nursing, signifying the end of the systems pep talk. They felt more sober, like morally, not because there's any less alcohol in their body, when it came to tonight. They got a little swept up in the moment but they remembered something they were told by an old friend years ago. She said they were...

"...in a human's world, have fun but never forget your exit route or the quickest way to defend yourself. Some of these human's only live to see us gone."

Butters orders their next drink, shaking a little more then they were before.

013 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.05

-So you're on the pull essentially? Asks Ideas -Not just the pull, fer ta 'sapians specifically? Gor' Probes. -Well when you say like that you make it sound like I'm gonna drag them to mine and skin them for a rug or something. Complains...

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012 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.04

Dying on a molecular level kind of sort of, then being alright again kind of sort of, in a manner of a seconds is a harrowing ordeal to put it mildly. Gor' and Ideas pop outside for a little while for a smoke, Butters tells them they'll just wait here....

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011 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.03

Gor and Ideas' presence in the Evermore isn't just a result of happenstance. No, this was the dominion of choice as it is famous among Humans and Monsters alike for its colourful selection of cocktails. For Humans, it's your standard affair, the only...

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