018 - Prime pt.01

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#18 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story





Not even 30 minutes ago Butters got the text message from Chloe about tonight's plans:

[urfavey_theyfriend.kiss] 18:19: There's a MONS/HUM co-ed lonely hearts party down Hythe

[urfavey_theyfriend.kiss] 18:25: You in Brotha?

[a_somebodyishere] 18:51: Who else is going?

[urfavey_theyfriend.kiss] 18:53: It's one of Venus 'sapian mates

[urfavey_theyfriend.kiss] 18:53: We booked a taxi to drop us off

[a_somebodyishere] 18:56: I dduunnoo

[a_somebodyishere] 18:57: ¯_(?)_/¯

[urfavey_theyfriend.kiss] 18:57: Gotta be better then a posh wank at home lol

An undeniably sound argument, so they pull their knickers back up proceeded to get dressed for the evening. They stand in front of the mirror in some hopes to regain themselves before they made themselves public for the evening. They breathe in and out. Slowly.

They were Butters. Butters is a Monster, a Non-Binary Monster, a big They/Them, a humanoid with features of a Western Gray Squirrel. Their visible features, such as their ears, tail and claws, all intentionally curated to make their Monster identity as palatable with humans as possible. Their paws, manicured down to the bed and puffed up to look as fluffy and non-threatening as possible. Their tail similarly puffed up and dyed at the sides with a swirly pattern, hoping to give off a "Cartoon in real life" energy. Still they havn't been able to do much about the 'ol nashers, as their overbite for the acorn based diet they're not on, sticks out prominently out of the mouth. Ain't been able to save up the money to have the surgery to sand them down, so as always just has to hope it contributes to their overall aesthetic. It's a lot of work to maintain aesthetics that lead to a grim fetishisation of Butters' being, but better to be objectified then at the end of violence Butters reasons. Besides, for tonight it might be nice to be nice to just be the object of a human's affection? Maybe?

Like they know it sounds bad, but Butters had been trying to refine this look down to a T. They didn't wanna sell the farm removing all their monster bits like their mother had done, but y'know just wanted to look nice, for Monster and Human alike. Still that self consciousness after years of jeering about said bits is hard to shake, it's reflected in Butters outfit choice. A fluff lined gray woollen cape, that lets Butters hide their paws in times of idle. Tho underneath wearing a mid-drift bearing cardy and their brand new leather shorts! That paradox of wanting to hide, but wanting to show off to anyone who fancied a gander. Don't mistake their anxiety for lacking the common sense to know they were a snack.

Satisfied with their outfit, they started to pop downstairs to start on the pres! It always took getting a little merry to transform from the most boring person at the party to 'merely shy'. They actually shouldn't be drinking, they were ment to start taking new meds for their B Pee Pee DDT or whatever they diagnosed them with now.

-Well, I'm sure they can wait to start on them tomorrow, getting a little a kissy has to be important for the psyche too right? Justifies Butters to their cat, who of course was an expert on psychiatric medication.

The cat just continues to wash it's arse, which Butters takes as approval.

They poured themselves a rum and lemonade, a put a few bevvies in a carrier bag and put on some tunes in their kitchen while they waited to get picked up from Old Heath. While Butters started the night up for a good night out, as the taxi got closer and closer they started to feel a knot in their stomach as the reality dawned on them: A Monster and Human co-ed party? Sounds great on paper but they knew better, these things always end up with their squad being the only monsters in a human majority. Butters just imagining a room full of human eyes staring at them as they walk in fills them with a bit of panic, their breathing increases. Maybe just one more Rum before they get here.

No matter how long the pre-drinking went on for it never felt like long enough, as they can already hear the taxi pull up at their house. All that 'up for it' energy was gone. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

017 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.09

Hahahaha it's been 20 minutes, oh god they all hated Butters this whole time and they ARE going to die alone. Maybe even tonight! Hahaha their mind starts to unhinge, kind of like when your jaw does when you feel like you're gonna chunder? The chunder...

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016 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.08

Now waiting on two of their compatriots Butters decided to conserve some social energy and just wait for one of 'em to return. Butters lightly circles the rim of their latest pint, grinning from ear to ear. Like fuckin' eeeeellllll, what a great night....

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013 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.05

-So you're on the pull essentially? Asks Ideas -Not just the pull, fer ta 'sapians specifically? Gor' Probes. -Well when you say like that you make it sound like I'm gonna drag them to mine and skin them for a rug or something. Complains...

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