020 - Prime pt.03

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#20 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story



Butters checked the time on their phone and noticed it was Seven to Eight. They were on ale number 3 of 4, taking their time with this bottle cos they know after number four, they might have to interact with another living being to ask for booze. Oh god, can you imagine?

Butters scans the area they now found themselves wall flowering. (see: Random-Scafolding-flowering) Venus' friend had led them all further up the riverbank until they got to an abandoned warehouse. Based on the faded posters and painting on the side, you can assume this used to be a garage or just somewhere that sold parts and metalworks once upon a time. Y'know it's weird, Butters had drove past this area like what? A million times as a kid when coming down Whitehall Road and they had no idea all this space was hiding behind the power grids and mechanics. It's a little exciting being in these places that were closed off as a kid, like now we're in Adulthood Baby~

What better way to embrace this rebellious era then to stay glued to this random piece of metal and not move.

Well contrary to Butters fear they wern't the only Monsters at the joint, there were two (2) other Monsters. That passes as a 'diverse' university party around these parts. Sadly both Monsters where entrenched with the other Humans they came here with, likely wanting to keep the Monster friendly people close as they vetted the room. A smart idea Butters could've utilized if any Human could stand to be in a conversation with them for more then 2 minutes, which they can't.

Everyone had gone off into their own little groups, seemingly trying to find a way to convert the 'House' part of a house party in their current environment. Some have gone full gorilla mode and are scaling up the scaffolding, while others are just doing what they would do in the house but feat. Smoking while they do it.

In a more cosy group does Butters find Chloe in her element, slouching up against a wall in the corner with a crowd of humans. Her boots and hat have come off by this point and all her monstrous features were on display. She was leading the conversation with her tail wrapped around the lad on her right and her claw running through the hair of the lass on her left. This was just Chloe, not 'Watered down for Humans Chloe' that had entered the room before, just Chloe, peak Chloe. Butters sighs as they eject themselves from the wall (read: Random-scafolding), they loved Chloe but also: Fuck Chloe, egotistical little shit, like fuck her. But damn, how Butters wanted to mingle with that level of confidence too, but they had no clue how to even start a convo. What do humans even talk about?

'Man... Not having the ability to run 10mph on all fours has to suck right?'

That's awful actually they thought to themselves, don't say that. Slowly taking steps away from the scaffolding they hope they can come up with something quick. While lost in that train of thought Butters had cleverly decided they should be mobile heading in one direction the entire time while not paying attention. Inevitably, Butters feels something hit their tail. They quickly turn around and back up a few to see they had bumped into a pair of humans, one of them barks at Butters.

Butters feels a small prang of frustration, almost at themselves in a way. All this fretting isn't actually resulting in being any more ready for: Doing Big Social. They just decide; fuck it, they're gonna just walk out there and try and strike up a conversation!

Unfortunately whatever courage was afforded by that small prang of frustration, dissolved immediately as soon as their back disconnected with the wall (pillar). Uh oh, eeerrrrrrr, shit go back, back to blessed wall (pillar) flowering! But there was no take backies, as a crowd of Humans mistook Butters as walking towards them.

-Oh hey you're one of the Monsters that showed up, how's it going?


-Yeah I'm doing alright, replies Butters. Sorry I uh don't really know anyone here.

-Oh well you can hang with us lot, we can be the First Contact haha

Butters chuckled as they grit their teeth a little in that "I'm laughing, don't hate crime me" way.

But nah despite their hesitation it seemed at worst these humans were just curious, soon they found the crowd introducing themselves and asking innocent questions. Like they joked but this might be the first time they've spoken to a Monster. Butters ego is immediately tickled, yes why yes they will take this Burden for the sake of their siblings.

-What's it like to have fur?

-I wouldn't get anything done I'd just be touching it all the time.

-I love how your tail looks~

-If your ears are on your head, does wearing a beanie mean you can't hear?

-Uuuhhh does wearing a hoodie mean we can't hear Jake? Come on man.

Ah, this was nice! Attention starved Butters was revelling in every second of this as all eyes were on them.

-Can you use your front teeth like a bottle opener? Here do this one.

-Do you hate Humans? I don't blame you, but do you ever wanna just eat us like?

-Can I touch your tail? Just rub it on my face a little bit. I do the same with my cat it's not weird.

Oh no "Please don't hate crime me" feelings back.

Without escalating the scene Butters tries to back away slowly, trying to natural fade into the background of the convo and get out of there. But as they tried to juggle everyone's questions they didn't notice themselves bumping into a Human behind them.

-Hey Monstrum, watch where you're swinging that bulbous thing.

A second crowd of humans who outflanked Butters by a fair few in number were all glaring at Butters while nursing a glasses of wine. Where did they get that wine glass? Did someone bring glasses? Also Monstrum? Is that like the new slur now? Or maybe it isn't? Someone from the original crowd behind them started to speak up

-Oh chill out love, this is our new Monster friend!

-They were just telling us about cool Monster stuff!

-Don't diss the tail!! They're gonna let me motorboat it later.

Butters didn't switch on the part of their brain that could detect someone's tone in time, let alone parse two different crowds.

-If they're gonna be hanging around us Humans they should look where they're going.

-My friends allergic to NUTS actually, they should stay away.

-You should be careful, I hear they can snap at any minute... But also ask them to link me to where they got that cape?

This was a lot of information to analyse and react to at once. In an additional horror while Butters had been thinking all this, they realised they had just been silent and not reacting for an uncomfortable amount of time, they scrambled in their list of scripted replies to say something that would hopefully de-escalate the situation a little bit. Also that Human was right it's a good cape. Oh good they're also sweating now. Great.

-O... Oh I'm sorry, Butters apologised with a slight quiver, pointing at their drink. It's just... After a f- um, err.

Butters finds themselves a little vocally lost, trying to string together a reply, remember words, calm down and now they have to process a microaggression now too? All of this at the same time was stealing all of Butters brain power and the only reply they could must was a jamble of: Um uuhh aha aaahhbuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh.

Just then, a hand slams pats Butters on the back, already in a jumpy mood they quickly turn to see Venus.

-Hey Nutters are you okay? I haven't seen you talk to anyone all night?

Butters feeling incredible relief that someone noticed their wall flowering this entire time, takes a deep breath. Venus starts to lead Butters away from the scene as they reply:

-Yeah, they reply. It's just y'know I'm a little nervous around humans I guess. I don't know what to say to any of them.

Butters gives a little glance back at the crowd of humans who were both chastising and defending them, as they feel their attention slowly gravitate away from The Squirrel. They notice the Human that greeted them after they got out of the taxi was talking to everyone, Sawyer was his name right? He actually kind of looked miffed, like he was telling them off.

Venus then throws her hand over Butters shoulder in comradely after reading the room.

-Y'know what? I just started a beer pong match with these lads, why don't you take over? Venus suggests, I'm kinda bored of being wrecked by strangers honestly.

Butters nods taking Venus' much appreciated out.

019 - Prime pt.02

Butters and their companions were finally in the taxi on their way to the party which gave Butters some time to relax. Which they promptly spent imagining all the worse scenrios happening at once and also what if they died? Like taxi just exploded...

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018 - Prime pt.01

-VALENTINES DAY 2010- -19:02- -ESSEX- -6 YEARS PRIOR- Not even 30 minutes ago Butters got the text message from Chloe about tonight's plans: [urfavey\_theyfriend.kiss] 18:19: There's a MONS/HUM co-ed lonely hearts party down...


017 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.09

Hahahaha it's been 20 minutes, oh god they all hated Butters this whole time and they ARE going to die alone. Maybe even tonight! Hahaha their mind starts to unhinge, kind of like when your jaw does when you feel like you're gonna chunder? The chunder...

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