024 - Prime pt.07

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#24 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story



[a_somebodyishere] 00:04: Chloe I'm not pissing about, where did you go?

[a_somebodyishere] 00:05: The 2nd party is already on

[a_somebodyishere] 00:05: Like did the bobby catch you?

[a_somebodyishere] 00:06: I'm already at the flat!

After another two missed calls Butters frustratingly threw their phone onto the sink. Somehow on their search for the missing cat, they had ended up in the bathroom. Butters decided to take a little moment to recharge themselves...

But it was no use, they couldn't stop panicking about losing everyone, what if Chloe and Venus wandered off home? Even if they did find them, what if they were too late to find the second party? If they did find it, what if Rosie had gotten bored of waiting for them by then? What if she was mad at them for being gone for so long? Ahhh if only they didn't dance everything would be fine. Butters wasn't sure why but their breathing started getting faster and faster, the idea that they'd never meet Rosie again started to hurt. Butters started feeling pain in their face, in their stomach, on their arms. They didn't understand why, how did they even know Rosie cared if they were there or not...

Butters leaned over the sink and started staring at their own reflection in the mirror. Yeah, Rosie wouldn't have cared, they're human they wouldn't care. Butters is just inventing this in their head. Butters fixated on their reflection, they started becoming aware of their monstrous features, their bulbous ears, their freakishly huge teeth, their stupid tail, their fucked up hands. They couldn't stop staring, this is why, this is fucking why. Like all of it THIS is fucking why, every fucking time.

Butters reflection starts to twist and distort into a more accurate picture, hair growing out of every pores on their face, their eyes bulge and shift from every corner, their claws grow so long and so sharp they pierce through the sink, their overbite grows through their top lip. Something soft and loveable so far away from their reality. Looking at this image makes them more and more sick. They have to fight the urge to lift their abstract amalgamations they once could've called claws, and rip every single little hair from their face, tear the teeth from their gums, peel it back and back until something recognisable arose from underneath, rip the nose from their face and grasp each wrist and remove them both at the same time. Something to make this gormless shape known as Butters a little more aesthetically pleasant even if just for mere seconds.

The phone vibrates against the porcelain vain unable to bring Butters back from wherever they were.

Yeah... She wouldn't of cared.

023 - Prime pt.06

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -23:42- -Okay we're off to party number Undos, says Sawyer who absolutely was about to say Uno but tried to save it in time and failed. -Oh I didn't hear anything about a second party? Asks Butters. -I mean there wasn't but...

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022 - Prime pt.05

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -23:03- Butters went to check their phone, to see it had just gone eleven, about a few hours since she had last heard from Chloe or Venus. Butters briefly considered checking up on them both, but found themselves in a delicate...

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021 - Prime pt.04

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -20:15- -Gaia wept Butters, Venus Chuckled. We've hardly got here and you're already starting fights! Butters shrugged with a smirk, deciding to take Venus' interpretation of intentionally inviting hostility. Rather then the...

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