021 - Prime pt.04

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#21 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story



-Gaia wept Butters, Venus Chuckled. We've hardly got here and you're already starting fights!

Butters shrugged with a smirk, deciding to take Venus' interpretation of intentionally inviting hostility. Rather then the reality of things being so fucked for Monsters you actually cannot walk into a room without starting a fight. Butters grasps the hand Venus had rested on their shoulder.

-But seriously thank you, it weirdly makes me feel less anxious now something went wrong, but seeing you jump into action. Explains Butters. As opposed to things being precisely still and... Not knowing, I guess?

As they're walking up Butters looks over and notices a few plastic cups on the floor.

-Ooohhh, okay. You actually ment the beer pong thing? Asked Butters.

-Well you know what they say, the best excuse is just uhhh, the truth. Explained Venus

-So you're gonna leave me to hold your loss for you?

-Hahaha yeaaah, I'm no sore loser, but I don't like that them thinking they're better than me.

Butters couldn't help but snark at the spiteful conviction in Venus' voice as she said that. She continues:

-Anyways what do you mean hold my loss? This you're thing! I've seen you lob pebbles and hit targets from miles away! I didn't call you earlier cos I wanted it be fair but... Well not if they're gonna WIN y'know?

Butters started grinning at hearing this, kind of catching them by surprise! It's not often someone speaks about something they do with honest to god regard. Gosh, well okay! They couldn't possibly let Venus down now, they stretched out the fingers on their paws and psyched themselves up. This isn't too unlike how they used to throw acorns into the public bins down castle park sometimes from meters away. Cos y'know that's the peak of entertainment when you're like... Ten.

They got to the scene expecting to need to finish off the last 3 or 4 cups for team Monster. Only to come upon an embarrassing scene of ten practically undisturbed red cups piled up near a crowd of Humans who had all come in Toga outfits. Meanwhile along side 1 lone Monster sat a single plastic cup.

Butters turns around to glare at Venus.

-...So okay maybe I'm a bit of a sore loser. Venus explains.

-Yeah sorry about this, I guess wine messes with our depth perception?

Butters looks up to the other Monster on Venus' team. She was moth, with two sets of arms covered in fur, wearing a matching brown peacoat with holes cut beneath the arms to fit her second set through. She wore a flat cap to cover her antennae and had also cut holes in the back of her coat so that her wings could fit through. Butters was surprised that such a visible Monster would be in attendance at this party, kind of made them feel silly for going to such lengths to cover their paws.

Butters grabbed the ping pong ball, it was their turn of course. Squirrels are known for their de- actually thinking about it you already know this bit don't you? But still it's one thing to have the ability of godly accuracy, it's another thing to use those skills in meaningful way. They need to visualise the projectile they're throwing's course, to predict with certainty where an object will go once struck with the velocity that Butters can utilize. That's what makes Butter's ability so impressive, of course it's not enough for a Monster to MERELY have god like powers, they also need to ascend beyond that, to have any value in a Human society. They took aim and sure enough, one by one they landed the ball in every beer cup, much to the shock of their audience. Bloop, bloop, bloop.

There was one cup left and of course Butters had to go for a trick shot, they started to visualise all the debris in the warehouse that could be used as ricochet surfaces. A great plan, if the beer in the cups Butters had been downing this entire time wern't starting to slowly catch up to them. Their Ballance is just that little bit off, a little 'I'm merry' wobble if you will! They strike the ground as hard as they could and bit by bit the ping pong ball pinged off walls, scaffolding and railings all over the warehouse, until it was steering towards the cup and...

Tragedy, as it hit of the rim of the cup and back onto the floor. Butters was in mid pose ready to pounce with a one-liner as a profound embarrassment crawled up their face. The Humans were of course loving it, acting like the most impressive 9 in a row beer pong didn't just take place.

-Aaaahhhhhhhh ya shite mate. Shouts one of the Humans as they head to take their turn.

The sheer confidence in his stride and Butters knew this had already been decided. Losing is no big deal, but losing on top of a life time of these hairless apes thinking they are the superior species and that Monsters are a subservient form of life? Yeah that cuts. Maybe that's what trips them up every time; the pressure. A Monster can never just have a fun little game of summat, that Monster becomes an ambassador of all Monsters everywhere. It sounds ridiculous, but you never know who's watching. Seeing a Monster achieve could be someone's moment of accepting themselves, seeing a Monster fail could enable a sicko to get violent with us later. Yet again Butters has let the team down worldwide, they were just waiting for that shitty ball to go in that shitty cup and see them drink the shitty beer (it was shitty) and then have to swallow... All of that.

Just as the Human began to throw the ball, The Moth that had been behind them stretched their arms in the air (the top pair, the bottom pair stretching downwards of course), as they flex out their wings in a big yawn. The position of their wings however glistened, from the moonlight? Or one of the many lights going of the abandoned factory equipment? Butter can see the bead of light reach the Human's face, putting of his throw significantly. Just like it had with Butters' it hits the rim of the cup and lands on the floor.

-Oh don't look at me! I think all the fruit cider is getting to me. Explains The Month yawning again, while winking at Butters.

Butters starts to grin as they hoist their arm around The Moth yelling:

-Aaaahhh this one's good isn't she? Our old mate...


-Quadeco, our old mate!

Butters then takes no chances and does a simple throw to the floor as the ball bounces into the cup, they take a sip and suddenly the beer tastes sweeter then ever.

-Sorry lads, they said in the midst of taking off their gloves. Never try a best a Monster at their own game.

That sentence didn't really make sense, but they didn't care, it sounded cool. Also it was Quadeco's turn, whatever! They strut away from the table with their head held up high as they give her and Venus a well earned hi-five. During the commotion they had noticed a human leaning against the very scaffold Butters was glued to earlier, sizing Butters up from behind her beer cup, giving butters a sly smirk as she sipped her drink through a straw.

020 - Prime pt.03

-VALENTINES DAY 2011- -19:53- Butters checked the time on their phone and noticed it was Seven to Eight. They were on ale number 3 of 4, taking their time with this bottle cos they know after number four, they might have to interact with another...

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019 - Prime pt.02

Butters and their companions were finally in the taxi on their way to the party which gave Butters some time to relax. Which they promptly spent imagining all the worse scenrios happening at once and also what if they died? Like taxi just exploded...

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018 - Prime pt.01

-VALENTINES DAY 2010- -19:02- -ESSEX- -6 YEARS PRIOR- Not even 30 minutes ago Butters got the text message from Chloe about tonight's plans: [urfavey\_theyfriend.kiss] 18:19: There's a MONS/HUM co-ed lonely hearts party down...
