042 - The Fool pt.02

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#42 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story

_ CW: Self Harm Depiction _

?Wakey wakey mux-y bakey! Is it okay to come iiinnn~?

Ell could hear signs of life in the room, but there was no answer regardless. Ooohh maybe they were still mad? Ell decides to enter the room anyways knowing full well Butters is the kind of person who wouldn't never say 'Come in' despite wanting more than anything on this planet for someone to come in. She enters into a scene illuminated by a tiny little telly in the middle of the room. Alongside that the strands of moonlight which managed to creep in-between the blinds of the loft's only window were the only signs of detail Ell could see. Creeping between the thick layers of shadow, The Axolotl could make out parts of Butters, as they lay slouched on their floor mattress. Their grey jacket lay slumped next to them as they were just in their tank top and pants. They were surrounded by empty take away containers and empty cans, nursing a tinnie of their own. Butters passively glances at Ell from the rim of their can, before returning to watching telly. As they shifted their shoulders hit the moonlight allowing Ell to notice the fresh cuts just on the top of their forearms.

Even someone as masterful in the art of obliviousness like Ell could immediately sense the drop of the mood as she walked into the room. As she placed the milkshake on the side and walked up to Butters, she knew that she would have to approach this situation carefully with a huge level of tact and empathy.


Butters trying to drag themselves from the mania they had slipped into got up from their slouch and hunched forward to look up at their intruder:

-Valentine's Ell, Valentine's happened.

Ell walked on over to the desk and switches on the lamp there. She proceeds to glance and look around the room for some kind of explanation or additional information. Ell knows Butters has a tendency too... Let's politely call it: Add theatrics to when something has gone wrong.

-So you couldn't find ANYONE to go out with you?

Butters tilts their head as they look to the ceiling, as if this was the furthest thing from their mind. Before their head falls, as if they had just remembered a new thing to be bummed out about.

-Oh right I had forgotten about being such a irritant to be around that I couldn't convince a single person to be within close proximity of me. So no Ell. Butters explains, the full extent of their bitterness coming out in their voice.

Ell began listing all the possible candidates:

-So Chloe was too sick... Lousid was here... But we know people who arn't in this house. So many people!

-All busy! Shoots back Butters.

-No one?


-Out of all the people we know.


-Not even the birdy lady? Or our goo friend? The fishy lady?

-Nope, neither Chord, Fluu or Sigh were out.


Butters growing impatient puts their face between their paws and groans.

-No Ell. No one. Cos for all the shit you lot chat about "Oooohhh why don't you like spending time with Monsters." When I ask to spend time you're all suddenly too busy settling down and anyone like me who didn't find my soulmate by my 20's can just get ffffuuuuuccckkeeedd right? Y'know what it's fine cos I did meet people tonight, but oooohhhhhh Ell. That's where the problems fucking BEGAN.

Butters body language was getting increasing dramatic, waving their arms everywhere, their bitterness getting more intense and louder with each passing word. This leaves Ell a little conflicted. Like look, no one is gonna stop Ell from doing exactly what she wants too the exact moment she would like to do it. But if she had know Butters would've been alone tonight... Ahhhh maybe they could've set some time for a text through out the night or something? Ell may of only known Butters ever since they moved to Notts, but she really did fret about them a lot. There's not a lot of people in this wide 'ol globe that can hold Ell's rapidly decreasing attention span, but there are people she still thinks about even when they're not directly in her line of sigh and by joe, if Butters wasn't one of them.

Ell not giving any heed to their surroundings, sits directly amidst the take away containers on Butters mattress. She offers the agitated Squirrel the Milkshake she had made. Butters as if hitting a pause button on their twitches and shuffling, slowly grabs the glass as they take a deep breath. Ell's curiosity becomes too much and she NEEDS to ask:

-So you DID find some people in the end? Asks Ell

-Well... Yeah I did but it wasn't anything major. Butters replies in-between sips of their milkshake.

-But... Wasn't meeting new guys the entire point? The search and aqua... sission of guys?

-Well I thought so... No I mean it was, like no it was good they were really nice. But they... Ugh.

Butters kept switching between really closing up their body and leaning against the wall and kicking their limbs out in frustrations. They seem to have two mind of how the night went and it looks like neither side can agree.

-No look I met some Monsters, they were all genuinely lovely. They even helped out escape a Hunstman punch up and get home safely.

-Oh Lousid and their partners were watching a news thing about that.

-haha yeah... Uuuhh I maybe caused that maybe?

Ell's jaw dropped as she places her hands on the side of her cheeks. she lets out a:


-Yeah I mean there was this MERF lady and a cop and... Look the important thing is I made some friends. Explains Butters.

-I guess the spoils are the most important part of any hijinx, japes or rapscalionary. Ell thinks aloud. But I mean did you 'get' them?

-...Define 'get' them?

-Like did you gottem them?


-In a murd-

-Okay right, yeah I did 'Gettem' the Policem'men.

Ell moves the hands on her cheeks, slowly in front of of their mouth.

-Are they gonna makes us do a jail? Whispers Ell.

-Noooo I don't reckon. Replies Butters. I mean the streets kind of got washed by the sea, it's a long story and it's how I met new people tonight. Like it was good, they saved me and we all rode on one of them away from danger. But by the end of the night they all just... Went home with their partners or dates. And like you were right, the point of tonight was Acquiring New Guys, but I listened to what I'm always being told and hung out with my people, Monsters, instead.

Butters is clearly transition back to being annoyed as their leg starts to kick out involuntarily again as they continue:

-So like what they get to go home and be loved, and I just end up feeling punished. Like I wasted my time, time I could've spent meeting... I dunno the person who would ride or die with me maybe? Like I'd meet someone who would heaven forbid find me desirable? Like I don't want to sound entitled like it was a god given right I would get some tonight. But in general like, do I not deserve to have that someone waiting for me at home? Someone who thinks I'm hot as shit and wants to spend time with me? Why is it so important I use my time with people who are never gonna give me that if Monsters are so important? God I'm so pissed off I let people trick me like. AAAAAA.

Butters takes one last angry sip of their milkshake before putting it to their side. The Angy Sippy seems to have calmed them down a little.

-Oh man that's good. Where did you get this from?

-I got them from the ingredients. As I put them in the blender. Then I turned it on and got it from there. That's a total of three froms. Ell explains, if you can call it that.

-Wait you made this for me? You knew this was my favourite.

-Hehe yeeaaahh, I am good, at recalling small facts. Ell said with a braggadocious stride.

Butters stares at their milkshake, as they slowly pull their limbs back into themselves, they start breathing really heavily, with long sighs. Before they start to lose it again. They pt their paws over their face as they start to cry. Like Ugly cry. Like gasping for air like your life depending on it ugly.

-No no please! I'm sorry! Was it that bad? I'll go to the shop next time. Are you ment to use something other then Ice Cream, Milk and Violent Spinning? Asks Ell.

-No no, it's not that, it's delicious. Just ugh I'm just hearing myself. You're so sweet. Everyone is so sweet but I'm such a whingey bitch. Butters eeks out in between gasps of air and crying. Like why can't I just make up my mind am I upset or not!?

-Um... If you're asking I dunno... You seem kind of upset.

Butters lowers their paws a little to look at Ell, before laughing at Ell's reply. After a little more of a cry and some time to return to a centre, they start to smile as they look at Ell.

-I hate to be even more of a Demanding Debby here, but do you think you could fetch me some water from downstairs? Crying is uhhhh, thirsty work.

Ell immediately stands to attention and salutes.


041 - The Fool pt.01

-VALENTINES DAY 2017 (TECHNICALLY THE DAY AFTER)- -NOTTINGHAM- -01:17- Ell slams her back to the door as she lifts her leg waaay past the 90 degree mark, as she dramatically plummets it back to the earth. Aaaahhhh. Walking. It's not great! Less...

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039 - Proxime Pt.07

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