Kasim's Harem [CM]

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#35 of Short Story Commissions

Tiberius wakes up, bound, in an unfamiliar garage with a male gryphon. He is quickly informed of his new position as a pet and Broodmother for him after being put on auction, turning him into a female against his will. Tiberius is then renamed to Tiberia and she is forced to find a way to escape or play along for now. But as the story goes along, she finds her body craving each moment of humiliation, fighting it back as she undergoes this new and permanent change of lifestyle.

This is my longest short story to date, 15,000+ words! I super enjoyed writing this as I love petplay and the chastity and kinks used for this are very hot. I feel proud of it so I hope you like it as well!

This story was commissioned by three different people, primarily by Eisdrache, Tiberius and Turmalon! Thank you all for the wonderful commission and I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Link to Eisdrache's FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/eisdrache1989

Link to Tiberius' FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tiberiusm/

Link to Turmalon's FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/turmalon

Would love to hear your thoughts on the story below! Enjoy!~

Commissions are CLOSED!

Follow the link for info on my commissions: https://www.furaffinity.net/commissions/realdrasticmeasures/

Do you enjoy my stories? Consider supporting my Patreon where every $1 goes towards creating stories like this for you full-time

The warm hue of a blurry light filled his vision as the blue dragon blinked their eyes open, groaning as they slowly returned to consciousness. They couldn't remember how much time had passed, rubbing the top of their head with a paw, growing accustomed to the light as they eventually began to make sense of the room. He could see a few light fixtures on the roof of the large, empty space, noticing a few large garage doors on one side of him. In addition, he found racks along the walls with tools and bindings of all sorts, tables and machines laid out for purposes he couldn't be sure of. He shivered, shaking his head as he tried to recollect what had happened.

He remembered his mission, to steal a priceless artifact for the company he worked for. He was so close to fulfilling it as well, swearing it was almost too easy, but then... his memory went blank. Something had stopped him surely, brought him here to this unknown location, but for what reason he was unsure. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to try and remain calm as the numbness plaguing his form began to wash away with every passing moment.

It was only then that he became aware of the bondage on his scales, his once free wings now pinned to his back in large, leather mitts, imprisoning his gold-streaked membranes beneath them. His heart raced as he growled, trying to flex his vast appendages, hoping enough pressure would cause the material to burst, but it too refused. He flicked his tail, the thick blue feathers on his back standing tall like a crown, growing from the end of his tail to his forehead. He grumbled, the dragon trying to find a way to undo his wings as his heart began to race.

He tried to open his muzzle, turning his head to bite the locks on the base of his wings, hoping to tear the bags that kept them confined if he could reach them. But when he tried to open his maw to rip them apart, he let out a surprised grunt, glancing down at his muzzle, noticing long, black straps forcing his mouth shut. He raised his paws up, trying to pull off the restrictions, his eyes going wide as the thick straps held firm, wrapped around the back of his head with only a key on the center of the back of his neck to release it. He tried using his paws to cut through them, bumping against the black horns, the golden growth on the ends of his adorned bones rubbing over his paw. He could feel the brush of the similarly golden-crusted horns under his chin as he fiddled with the straps on his face before pulling away to try and find some sort of exit to the garage he was in.

But just as this thought crossed his mind, he was met with a most unexpected visitor now standing before him, the closing of a door on the other side of the room signaling his entry.

The beak of the black and white gryphon stood confidently before him, staring him down happily with dark yellow eyes. His voice was soft and caring yet firm, bearing a semblance of superiority, flicking the end of his white-tailed backside, turning his dark feathered head to observe him as he began, "Well, good morning. How are you feeling? I do apologize if your head hurts, transporting you here was difficult, but... I believe it will be worth it." Tiberius shook his head, fear spiking in his mind at being in- what he presumed- was this creature's home, letting out a soft growl to try and stand his ground. The male continued, noticing his reaction, "Hey, it's alright! You were caught disobeying the law and were put on auction. You should be thankful I found you, you could have been sold to many others that would have wished ill of you."

The dragon tried ruffling his wings, grumbling at how they refused to move in the bags, only reminding him how defenseless he was. Still, he held his ground, tail twitching nervously behind him as he was still unsure what he had planned for him. He continued soon after, "My name is Kasim, but you can call me Master. You are mine now, my pet and my Broodmother." The drake froze, blinking at those words, giving a louder growl as his heart began to pump, feeling so humiliated in his bindings. "It's okay, I know it will take some time to get used to your new life, but I'm patient. For now, we should get you transformed so you can properly fit the role I've assigned to you."

Tiberius knew how wrong all this sounded, glaring at the animal, trying to figure out how he'd escape. He saw some keys on a rack beside some of the bindings hanging on the wall, wondering if he could use his paws to undo them. He was a dragon with a job, a life, and dreams. He wasn't someone's pet! 'But, what did he mean about 'Broodmother'? Surely I just heard him wrong...'

As he thought about all this, Kasim returned with a glowing pink serum in a syringe, walking up with it between a few of his talons, watching him carefully. "Listen, I get that you had a life before this, but you broke the law and were caught, and now all you can do is accept it. You've given up anything you once were, so it's in your best interest that you cooperate. You aren't a dragon anymore, that's just how it is." He then walked right up to his face, Tiberius taking a step back, tail hitting one of the tables behind him on the edge of the garage. Then the stranger leaned forward with his one hand outstretched, feeling his sharp claws grip his face, moving it to the side to expose his neck. "When you were sold at the auction, your right of being a living, breathing creature was revoked. If you try to fight me and you manage to escape, you'll just be brought back here now. Please stay still."

That didn't help his nerves, his head spinning with the sudden nature of it all, not wanting to believe it was all true. But for some reason he could feel a soft rush of bliss pass through his nether regions at the thought, ignoring it as he begrudgingly had no other choice than to let him continue, too confused and dazed from the long sleep to really fight.

The injection was quick and sharp and it was over before he knew it, the needle pressing beneath his blue scales into the tender flesh, withdrawing it once more afterward. Kasim smiled, giving a soft pet to his neck, the dragon letting out a growl before pushing him off from the unwanted affection. The drake growled, bunching up his muscles to try and scare him off, the new owner just looking over him with a frown, "Don't make this difficult. You aren't getting out of here so I think it's in your best interest to behave."

It was only after a few more moments that he began to feel a warmth pass through his body originating from the injection in his neck, turning around and gasping as he felt something within himself changing. His eyes went wide, his claws darting to the spot on his neck where the injection had been inserted, fearful as to what the stranger had infected him with. But it was only as he gasped again a few moments after that an unfamiliar voice spoke back to him, causing him to nearly fall over in shock. He let out a few more muffled noises, blinking as he came to realize that the unfamiliar voice was coming from him, slowly putting it together as more of the pieces fell into place.

The previous masculine voice he'd had his whole life had now been transformed into that of a female, the soft and yet high-pitched tone causing him to backstep in shock. His gaze then shifted to his tail as the firm feathers quickly began wilting, shifting from tough hairs into strands of luscious blue fur trailing up the back of his body. He could feel the muscles in his limbs smoothing out like dough being flattened beneath a roller, the warmth of the change radiating in his arms and soothing them, unable to ignore the shift as his form turned slender. He then felt a sharp pull at the undersides of his forelegs, groaning in the muzzle as the spikes that protruded from his underarms were tugged inside himself, shrinking until they disappeared completely.

His face followed suit soon after, unable to see much of them himself but certainly noticing the coursing of the magical fluid washing through him. He felt tugs in his cheeks, feeling the feminine fur resting against the top of his head instead of his once proud and bold feather line. He then cringed as the feeling moved to his horns, the dull sensation he had in them sending a wave of soft pain, turning his head as the golden treasures adorning his visage melted away, dispersing like mist. It was only after a few moments that the end of his horns began to lose feeling, something changing in them, wishing he could look at them but finding it hard to focus much anyways with everything happening so fast.

He then felt it trail to his wings inside the bags on his back, washing away those handsome streaks on his body before etching on them something else. He whimpered softly, heart racing as he felt the freedom he once had now forcibly taken from him, turning to glare at the gryphon.

His eyes then widened as the wandering warmth within himself gave a final redirect into his crotch, letting out a moan at the sudden surge of pleasure, arching his head up as it circled and curled around his cock inside his slit. It was like a wrapping of warm tentacles, spiraling around it beautifully, rubbing on the underside and over his head. It was soon accompanied by the same rough tugging he'd felt in his arms, forcing it deeper inside himself, slowly finding his control of it wavering. He couldn't make sense of it or refused to believe it, begging through his muzzle in incomprehensible words for Kasim to stop, but the gryphon just watched. It didn't take much longer until the entire warmth and bliss faded, the injection releasing its grip if only for a while, leaving him to sit down and peer between his hinds to inspect the changes.

And there it was, clear as day. As much as he wished it wasn't true, ignoring it wouldn't change anything and there was nothing he could do to go back.

Laying between her legs was that of a female's genitalia, a vagina, the soft, light blue flesh wet with her arousal. She watched as her muscles contracted around themselves with a soft pulse of bliss, her clit resting on the top, the sensitive nub showing just how real this was. She gave a sniff at it for a moment, hoping to feel some remnant of her former masculinity just hiding inside, but it was for naught. Her new life was already starting to take effect and with how easily she'd been turned into a female, her fate felt more set in stone.

The white and black male spoke up, watching as she pulled her head up to stare at him, "Yes, you are a dragoness now, a perfect broodmother." He then boldly gripped her muzzle in his talons, eyeing her seriously, "Listen to me closely now. You have left your previous life behind of freedom and choice. I don't see you as anything more than a dumb animal so you will be treated as such for the rest of your life. You are going to be my pet and will come to like it. You won't talk anymore or hunt food, you'll eat from a bowl and do as I say when I say it. Do you understand?"

She huffed out at his words, feeling a confusing wash of excitement inside her that made her growl, hating it. He gripped her tighter, "No, no growling. No speech. You are a pet and only that. I will love you and care for you but you must do as you're told. Once we leave this room I will never speak like this again to you and you'll come to crave that. You will desire to be my helpless little animal. Speaking of that, I don't think I elaborated on exactly what being a broodmother is..."

He then walked over to the equipment on the walls, grabbing a metal plate with long straps attached, Tiberuis blinking and taking a step back. There was an odd, round shape in the middle of the plate as if it was to hold something, "This is a chastity belt, an egg chastity belt to be specific. That serum I injected you with will make you lay dead eggs daily for me. This device is to make sure you keep that egg inside you until the next morning when you will lay it for breakfast. Maybe once you can control yourself I'll let you out of it occasionally but for now, I will be training you. A dumb dog doesn't know how to control themselves, so why would you?"

He then walked to her rear, strapping it over her vent, a cold press against her warm nether regions causing her to inhale sharply. There was a small gap though with the round bulge over the majority of her nether regions, unable to imagine herself laying an egg, knowing all the females he'd bred and given eggs to in the past. 'No, I can't be one of them!' But she knew it was true, shaking herself to try and clear her thoughts.

He then finished, looking over her with a smile, locking the leather straps around her rear with a key, keeping it snug before stepping back, "Good girl, all strapped up and ready to go. Your name is no longer Tiberius, for that is a life you no longer are living. Now, you are Tiberia, a soon-to-be willing pet, an animal to lay eggs for me. Now, come along, let's get you introduced to Fiona. You will be living with her here in my mansion so I see it fit that you get acquainted with her."

He then moved away, grabbing a final object from the table, Tiberia stepping back in disdain as a bright pink collar was presented before him, Kasim leaning down and holding the straps open for her, "Come on, you got to wear your collar. Come, girl!" He gave a soft smile, taking a step towards her, the blue dragoness wanting nothing to do with it. Eventually though, with a large gulp, she obeyed, stepping forwards until the leather of the girly belt wrapped around her neck, clipping around the back where Kasim used a key to lock it in place before strapping on a leash of the same color to the ring on the end of her collar. "Alright, let's go!"

Tiberia growled darkly, heart pounding at the degradation she was being put through, thoughts in her mind racing at how she could get free and change back her gender. 'Surely if he has a serum that could change my gender he has another that could change it back, right? I'll just wait a bit, play along... Then I'll kill him when I escape.' She felt the rush of air as the door to the garage opened before them, stepping up into the doorway before it closed behind her. She was then led down a small corridor, the entire house made of white marble with green plants along the edges, the sound of gasping coming from the opening ahead.

It was then that they broke into a large room, the ceiling towering above them, a balcony on the far side with a staircase on the right. Below on the floor of the room was a large TV, playing some sort of show that Tiberia wasn't familiar with. A colorful gryphon lay back against a couch in the center of the room facing the device, her wings splayed out beside her as she seemed to pant. Her feathers were a combination of white and gray with accents of maroon and amber streaks adorning her form. As Kasim walked her around the sofa to meet her, her blue eyes shifted to her masters and then to Tiberia, the dragoness standing taller than her if only by a little.

The gryphon was fondling with herself, at least as much as she could, a link of chains keeping her arms relatively pinned to her sides with only a few inches of wiggle room to spare. She withdrew her hand from her crotch as she looked over them both, wet with her juices, the fur on her nether matted in heat. She gave a churr, waiting for Kasim to address her. "Fiona, meet Tiberia! She is going to be my new pet and I expect you to keep an eye on her when I'm out. I trust you can do that for me?"

She gave an exasperated nod of her head, the two red tufts of feathers on the end of her long whiskers following along with her movements. Kasim hummed happily, giving a soft tug on his pet's leash, forcing her to stumble towards him a bit. He beckoned Fiona forward with a claw, the slave walking up with her leaking vent before approaching the pet. The dragoness growled at her through the muzzle, the white and black gryphon tugging her firmly to behave, keeping her still. Reluctantly she remained at his side, the gryphoness approaching and running her hand down the back of Tiberia's neck. She could feel the slick juices of her arousal as she touched her body, smearing her fluids over her newly-grown blue hair trailing down her body.

"Aww, hey there, Tiberia! It's nice to... nice to meet you." She was still catching her breath, a deep blush on her feathered face, her plump breasts on clear display, leaving nothing to the imagination. If the dragoness wasn't in the predicament she was in she may have found the whole situation arousing, but as of right now that was the last thing on her mind. Yet still, the horrible sensation of dull bliss washing through her like a chilling breeze made her uneasy, doing her best to ignore it as she reminded herself how wrong this all was.

They spent a few more minutes talking about Tiberia before he then left Fiona to continue playing with herself as he showed Tiberia around the mansion. It was much larger than any place she'd ever robbed before, making her wonder exactly where she'd been kidnapped to. She was able to make out some mountains and trees outside, taking note that they weren't near any sort of city, the realization only making it more confusing as she found herself unable to pinpoint where they could be. She was quickly brought back to the sickening reality as he then took her into another corridor on the right side of the house. There were two doors on either side of the hallway, Kasim opening one of them with his talons before calling her forward to step inside the small space.

Inside the room were many different things, all of which made her stomach turn at the sight, wanting nothing to do with it and yet already knowing this was for her. There was a large black kennel at the far end of the tiled square room, dog toys strewn throughout it all with a large scratching pole in one corner. A large mirror was on one wall, a black, round rug in the center of it all. There was a large box with some sort of material on the other side of the wall, her talons curling as she eyed it in disgust. She gave a loud muffled growl as she was presented with it all, Kasim clicking his beak and tugging her once to get her attention. "No, no growling! Bad. I made this all just for you, you should be thankful."

He leaned down and gave her a thump on the nose with a talon, Tiberia baring her teeth beneath the straps, gazing over it all in fear. This wasn't right, this couldn't be real. She was a dragon who had free will, one who could make her own life, and had a job to infiltrate powerful places to retrieve priceless artifacts. She was smart and strong, but now... her mind felt quelled, the muscles in her body diminished from a simple injection, her voice and form turned into a female, leaving the only resemblance to her former life in the black and blue colors of her scales. But Kasim cared none, instead walking her around the room, letting her look over the cute plush toys for her scattering the ground before motioning with a wing to the filled rectangle bin.

He then continued in a cute, degrading voice like one would use with a pet, leaning forward a bit with a cheeky smile, "You see this? This is your litterbox!" He chuckled at the fear in her eyes, pulling his head back up, "It's okay, I'll teach you how to use it. Hmm, I'm not sure if she's been potty trained... Guess we'll see." He finished the words as he thought aloud, standing there for a moment as he peered at her chastity belt before giving a tug to her leash, pulling her back out into the hallway, "Come!"

Tiberia couldn't- No, wouldn't do such a thing. She was a proud dragon, she never in her life would use such a vile invention made for dumb pets! And yet she could picture herself squatting over it, shaking the image in her mind before trying to calm her heart as she padded behind him, following him across the living room to the other side of the house on the first floor.

Here she was presented with the kitchen, a large table made for a dozen participants spanning across the room, a long counter separating the cooking space from the eating arrangements. On the far end of the room they entered from were many large panes of glass, the golden rays of the sun cascading down into the chamber, revealing a large courtyard on the other side. It was filled with trees and bushes, a large fountain in the center of it all, everything made of the same white marble with accents of dark wood and green foliage to complement it all. Kasim stood by the glass door, explaining, "Here's where you'll be spending your time when I'm away. Sometimes you'll be in your room, but I'll leave you outside when the weather is nice. First though, I imagine you must be hungry. A good girl deserves a treat after letting me bind her up so cutely.~"

He then walked her to where the windows met in the corner of the room with the wall, Tiberia noticing two large metal bowls lying atop a small black rug. She was instantly met with the smell of animal feed, cringing, an arousing wash of pleasure coursing through her nether regions that made her tail thwack the ground in annoyance. 'Why the hell am I feeling this way?!' She knew this was horrible, she was raped of her dignity and forced into this but... if this was the law, that being captured and sold as a pet was legal, should she truly be accepting this?

Kasim wrapped the leash around a metal pole affixed to the ground, keeping her tied there with a little bit of wiggle room before stepping away to grab her food. When he had brought the food back and poured it into her bowl, she eventually forced herself to eat some, the growling in her belly telling her she had to eat sooner rather than later. As she did, she found herself in disbelief at the taste, something that smelled foul and yet had an impossible fruity flavor, a soft meaty undertone rising as she swallowed, this sweet flavor twisting into something of a craving that she hated. It trailed down to her very core, crying out inside as she reminded herself how perverted and vile this all was, but something within her was changing and Kasim wasn't about to let her stop. She continued eating it, leaning down as any other pet would to the metal bowl, licking each piece up with her tongue before crunching and gulping. She growled as he rubbed her neck, his talons brushing her scales and fur, trailing over her pink collar as he watched her happily.

After she had finished she was coaxed to slurp up some water from the other bowl, tasting the metal of the dish clinging to each molecule of the liquid before she was then brought back to her pet room for the day. He informed her that she would be spending the day here to get acquainted with her new life, bringing in another water bowl and setting it beside the litter box, congratulating her once more on becoming his pet before leaving her alone with the yellow glow of the light to shine down upon her humiliating future.

When the door closed behind him, she found herself at a loss for what to do or say. She could only stand there, each little strap on her body acting as a literal weight forcing every bit of her freedom to be held back. It felt empty, the door on this side having no handle, leaving her helpless to escape of her own accord. She looked over herself, at her chastity belt, rubbing a paw over the cold metal before pulling it back, rumbling in anger at how her body was aroused at this all. She was a male, a dominant and proud drake and she wasn't about to enjoy this. No, she promised herself she'd escape in time, she just had to wait.

With nothing else to do and finding herself unable to sleep, she wandered about her room, looking over the scratching pole, noticing markings from other pets, clarifying that she wasn't the first. She then took notice of the toys across the ground, an indescribable feeling passing through her as she stepped on one only for it to let out a high-pitched SQUEAK in response. She kicked it to the side, tail lashing, turning in circles as her wings strained against the leather mitts concealing them. 'This is actually happening... He... He wants to make me his pet, a dumb pet for him... How can this be real?' Even in her mind, she assumed that being sold would result in her being some sort of sex slave, but this... This was worse.

She then turned around, her eyes peering back at herself as the mirror reflected her bound form, forced to take in the bigger picture of it all. Whether she liked it or not, she was a dragoness now, standing amongst toys and all things used by pets, left here for her as that was all he intended on treating her as. She had lost her freedom, her wings, and her right to even breed, another wave of ecstasy passing through her body that made her quiver in confusion. This wasn't what she would have seen her life turning into, but right now she was stuck and she knew if she didn't obey she might lose even more of her freedom.

She had no idea how much time had passed until the light in the room automatically dimmed, the light changing to a milky white, standing high in the room as she assumed it changed with the time of day. Trying to deny it all, she went into her crate, finding some comfort with the soft bed on the floor of the cage, grumbling as she knew it was made for a pet. But she didn't want to think about it, she couldn't bear that her future had led to this. So she closed her eyes, her tail brushing against the metal of her kennel, curled up horribly in her prison as she drifted into a slumberless sleep.


When he awoke the next morning, he was immediately made aware of something inside his lower body, blinking awake as he wondered why he felt so different and who that female voice was. He couldn't remember if he'd slept with a female last night, perhaps wondering if she was greeting him by sucking his cock... but it was only as he opened his eyes and his head hit the top of the metal cage that it all came flooding back.

She crawled out of her confines groggily, her body sore from the tight space, considering sleeping on the main floor tomorrow instead, looking over the toys and mirror under the orange hue of the room.

As she stared into her reflection it was then that she found her breath catching in her throat, turning to view her side, a large lump in her abdomen that she'd never seen before. It was obvious exactly what had happened, only now recalling the other role of being his pet that he'd mentioned. 'Broodmother...' She lay on her side, running a paw over the bulge, feeling the outline of the egg in her womb above her vagina. She felt the rate of her breathing increase, the unworldliness making her head dizzy, reminding her just how real this all was.

Kasim came in shortly after, perhaps hearing her awake, leashing her up to her collar once more as he brought her out to the kitchen. Fiona was already waiting for him, standing beside the table with her hands chained to her sides, smiling at the sight of Tiberia. She gave a soft growl, a little too focused on the unnatural lump in her midsection to think about fighting. Her owner's voice spoke up as he tied the leash to the metal pole by her food and water bowl, the two ladies listening, "Well, it looks like the medication worked. She's already heavy with her egg. Now it's a matter of whether she'll lay it or not."

As he prepared some things on the counter, Tiberia felt another cascade of lust press at her lips, a convulsion hitting her, making her bite her lip. She could feel the egg wanting to be laid, pushing at the entrance to her cervix. But she denied herself, shaking her head, refusing to do such a feminine thing. He noticed her, giving a smile as he looked over to her before walking back to the table near the two girls with a glass in hand, "Oh, are you ready to lay it? Here, let me help you." He then grabbed the key from the counter, placing the cup on the wooden table before undoing her chastity, the cold air against her crotch making her inhale in bliss at the sensation.

He then stepped back, rubbing a hand down her neck, "It's okay, just push! I know this is your first time." She blushed deeply on her muzzle despite how much she hated this, her body wanting to obey him from the way it was acting. But she refused, grinding her teeth together, talons scraping against the tiled floor, pulling back as the urge to lay her egg rose within her loins. It was surprisingly more pleasurable than she expected it would be, the pain associated with it only resulting in a mild strike quickly followed by a flush of bliss across her scales. She gave a growl, glaring at him in the eyes, Kasim giving a disapproving look. "Tiberia... Hmmm..." He pulled back after a moment, grumbling softly before sighing. "Alright, it's up to you, girl. You'll accept your place in time and I'll be here for you through it all."

She was a little taken aback by the kind words, Fiona giving a nod along with him, Kasim walking over before grabbing his glass and raising it up to her boobs. She churred in anticipation, giving a lustful moan, looking over to Tiberia as if to show her what she was missing out on. The male then began squeezing her right breast, kneading it softly and yet firmly, watching as her milk squirted out bit by bit into his glass. She used her other hand to play with her slit, enjoying every moment of his pleasure, his hot breath on her neck to entice her further. As she watched, the dragoness couldn't help but feel an eagerness sparking in her mind, wondering for a moment if it wasn't too late to obey and lay the egg. It would bother her throughout the day if she didn't do it now...

'NO, no, I'm not doing this! I can't! I won't...' She shook herself, holding on to her dignity, Kasim finishing up after a bit and releasing Fiona with a flick of his tail.

"That's a good girl... Thank you. You can go play with yourself somewhere else if you please."

But instead, she stood there as he grabbed some food for himself since he'd been denied his egg from Tiberia. The slave then spoke up a second after, "I only want pleasure from you, Master. I wish to stay."

He gave an approving churr, "I'm glad to hear that. Your servitude is music to my ears. Perhaps you deserve a reward later for your obedience."

He then brought food out for himself and for Fiona, allowing her to sit on the other end of the table to eat. She was unable to use her hands though, Tiberia watching as she leaned down to grab it with her beak, the humiliating endeavor seeming to heighten her arousal as she huffed and moaned through it all. It was as if Fiona's heat was all she was focused on, noticing that, despite the lack of chastity, she still desired to be owned. Tiberia swore once again that she wouldn't give in to this, even if the lump in her belly persisted, reminding herself that she could rid herself of the egg when she was alone later in her room.

But just when she thought of that, Kasim brought back over her chastity belt, the reality of what that really meant now weighing on her as she mumbled through her constrictions. She tried speaking to him but couldn't make any coherent words, the gryphon looking over her, "What was that? Who's a good pet? That's right, you are!~" He then rubbed the bottom of her muzzle, talking down to her before strapping the metal plate over her leaking slit, the bulge of her egg pressing against the top of the metal, forced to remain inside. Her mind began to race, unsure how long she could actually last now without laying the egg as she hadn't considered the chastity.

He then retrieved some more pet food and poured it into her bowl, checking her water before leaving her to eat on her own while he joined Fiona at the table. Hoping that having breakfast would distract her from it all, she obeyed, her stomach growling as she ate one piece at a time, her body pulsing every so often with the need to lay. She couldn't help but hold back the soft moan, another lash of her tail showing her hatred of the way her body was reacting, a warmth rising under her cheek scales as she refused to accept it.

Despite the horribly pleasant taste of the food, it was still dry and left her thirsty, dipping down here and there to drink up what was left of the water from yesterday. Once she had finished her food she then stood back, avoiding looking at Kasim, staring out at the courtyard and the fountain. The water poured forth from the top, spraying out and trailing down into the pool below.

She then felt a tingling in her hind legs, one unlike the laying of the egg, eyes going wide as her bladder alerted her of her need to pee. She held her breath, looking at the grass outside, the water dripping into the pool not helping her as she wondered if he would let her out.

What made it worse was how Kasim then told her to finish her water bowl, saying he wanted to refresh it for her but needed it empty first. She whimpered, not wanting to obey but eventually giving in, lapping at it once more. She could feel the liquid pool around her maw, dripping down her tongue before gulping, the wetness on her snout and the growing pressure in her nether regions. She pulled her tail in a bit, swearing that he was aware of her need, finding it hard to finish. She fiddled with her legs, crossing her back paws, Kasim speaking up as she continued to drink, "Hmm, something wrong, Tiberia?" He waited, smiling normally, the dragoness whimpering softly but refusing to look at him. The last thing she wanted to do was beg him to let her pee, and if she had to, she'd rather ruin his furniture than go where he wanted.

That thought only made her think of a dog peeing in the house, feeling more like an animal that the thought just came naturally to her, knowing she would be punished if she did. It was all so confusing, the thoughts of an animal seeming to coincide in her brain, mixing with them in a way that made it hard to tell if they were being coerced to think that way. Once she had finished the water, she pulled her head back up, taking in a deep breath, her lower body tensing as she tried to hold back the release she so badly needed now that she was full of water.

Kasim eventually noticed her squirming, the high-pitched tone returning as he stood up and wiped his face from his meal as Fiona continued eating, "Oh, do you need to go potty?" Tiberia growled softly at him, the feminine sound quickly turning into a muffled whimper as another strong surge of urine pressed at her urethral entrance. She glanced away from him, holding her voice back as much as she could, wanting to walk away but still being tied to the metal pole with the pink collar around her neck. He gave a soft pet on her head, looking into her eyes, "Do you need to pee?~" She looked back at him, noticing a devious glint in the male's gaze, closing her eyes once more as she tried not to let any urine slip out from her lips. He then undid her collar, coaxing her behind him, "Come on then, let's get you acquainted with your litter box, shall we? You are a pet after all so it's natural for you to use one, they're made for you.~"

She stumbled after him on shaky legs, each step causing her to wonder why the urge had risen so significantly in such a short amount of time. She usually didn't have to use the bathroom as often when she was a male, remembering how some of their previous female friends would use the bathroom more often than males typically did. He also figured that drinking the whole bowl of water didn't help, pausing mid-walk as she felt her walls relax for just a moment, releasing a few dribbles of urine into the chastity, clenching hard to prevent herself as she was then brought into her pet room. He then led her on the leash to her litter box, motioning for her to climb on, the dragoness hating yet following his order as she couldn't hold back any longer.

She hoped he would have left her alone to have given her some privacy but he didn't even do that, simply looking around the room, sometimes looking over her as she struggled in her battle against whether to really do this or not. She could feel the mulch underneath her, the smell like that of a cat litter box if only just larger, the humiliation burning in her face as she eventually couldn't hold back.

It was then with another surge that she lowered her hips and squatted down, letting loose, her urine spraying into the material with the pungent smell wafting into the air. She huffed in relief, the tension slowly dissipating as that constant warm flow brushed through her passage. Kasim smiled, "Good girl, that's it. You really are a pet, aren't you?~" She tried to block out his words, simply doing her business, enjoying the light bliss that accompanied her relief, perhaps spurred on by the serum flowing through her veins from the injection the day prior. After a few long moments her stream finally came to a trickle, the chastity plate that was over her vagina causing her nethers and legs to be splashed with her urine through the whole process, the metal dripping with her pee.

He then grabbed a towel beside the box, laying it beside the tray, informing her, "You will dry your nethers on this so you don't drip onto the carpet. Understand?" She huffed, looking down at her paws in humiliation before positioning herself above the towel and rubbing her belt and legs on it, cleaning as much as she could off before he then pulled her out of the room behind him. He was acting so natural about it all, not caring for her dignity, the pride that might have been left in her dwindling greatly from the embarrassing act. She could barely look at Fiona as she cleaned up the dishes, passing her on the way to the courtyard as they walked outside and into the light.

He then unleashed her when they walked over to the fountain, Tiberia quickly realizing that the whole garden was surrounded by a large wall to keep them inside. Kasim informed her that he was going to a meeting and wanted to leave her outside to enjoy the beautiful day. He also told her she could pee in the grass anywhere if needed and drink from the fountain, leaving her alone before closing the door to the house behind him.

She spent the next few hours scouring the edges of the large backyard, hoping to find some sort of gap she could squeeze through but to no avail. She considered climbing a tree to perhaps leap off a branch but none of them would hold her wait. Instead, she lay beneath the leaves of one, relaxing in the shade of the summer day, trying to get some sort of rest after the degrading experiences she'd been put through.


The next few days became increasingly difficult to ignore the constant thrum of heat between her legs, the grinding of the multiple eggs she'd been forcing herself to keep unlaid causing her stomach to grow with her clutch. They were dead eggs sure, but the urge to lay them, to submit and do what he had ordered of her was becoming hard to deny, unable to stop herself from imagining laying them before him with his hand petting her head. She had hated every moment of her capture, the humiliation continuing with less and less mention to her former sentient self, instead talking down to her as a simple dog. If anyone from her previous life saw her like this, she'd be disgraced and cast out, but luckily that would never happen again as Kasim had made that painfully clear.

She lay out in the pet room on her back, her head laying on its side, pressing against one of the fluffy pink squeak toys as her tail rubbed against the metal plate on her groin. She ran a paw over her inflated abdomen, blushing deeply at the feminine feeling, the submissiveness that she had been trying to fight back slowly twisting into a longing that she found hard to hold back. She gave a loud moan, trying to press the tip of her tail under the edge of the plate to reach her vent, to rub it for some relief, but there was no room. Worse of all, she hadn't been able to keep all the eggs completely inside, one egg already lodged inside her vent, her juices leaking out onto herself. She could look down and see the black and blue shell pressing against the metal barrier, constantly rubbing at her walls, making her unable to think properly about anything other than pleasure.

It was only then as she contracted her vent around it, her legs clenching and a hot gasp passing from her lips that she gave in, promising that tomorrow morning she would obey and lay her eggs for him. She couldn't think clearly anymore and all she wanted was relief. In fact, for some reason being treated like a pet was starting to sound more appealing, the bliss that followed with each little command she obeyed rewiring her brain in a horrible way. But now she craved it so, that humiliation fueling a dark seeded desire she never had allowed herself to harness, tongue lolling out as she mildly rubbed at her thighs before drifting to sleep in a trance.

The next morning Kasim took her out on her leash, making her pee outside on the grass by one of the stone walls, standing by her side as she did her business. She gave soft whimpers as she was brought out, the gryphon already putting together what she had secretly decided last night, telling her he was looking forward to seeing her lay for him for breakfast after she went potty. He congratulated her as she finished relieving herself, telling her what a good girl she was that he didn't have to potty train her, rubbing the top of her snout and walking her back inside the glass door to the kitchen where Fiona waited patiently as usual for him.

She walked on shaky legs, pausing every so often as another contraction and grind into her walls sent her into a huffing frenzy, groaning as she tried to regain her concentration before laying down on her back in the kitchen by her pet bowls. Kasim watched in amusement, touching her legs and turning her onto her back before spreading her hinds, getting a look at the egg pressing at her chastity, "Aww, are you ready to lay your eggs for me now? Looks like you've been quite pent up. Are you ready to be a good girl?~" He cupped her bound muzzle in his talons, grinning deviously, watching as she nodded her head, tail flicking and bumping his back paws as he stood over her before stepping off to grab her chastity key. He then slowly undid her binding, his hands brushing over her inner thighs, swearing that he was trying to make this as unbearable as possible.

He then finished, speaking in that demeaning tone once more, "Beg for it. Whine for me and show your acceptance as my pet for life." She stopped for a moment, that last lingering thread in her mind that continued to waver finally snapping apart like a string of cum from a vent, whimpering loudly and watching him, her tail curling and clenching around one of his legs to show her neediness. He smiled, clicking the key as he turned it before pulling off the leather straps and metal, leaving the cool air to meet her wet and moist vent.

Immediately she began pushing, muffled feminine moans escaping her clamped maw, crying into the air as her tunnel tightened and began massaging the egg from its confines. She could feel the smooth surface coated in her arousal, having little to no problem as it had already made it most of the way out of her vagina, watching as, with another hard clench, it slorped out and was caught by Kasim's talons. He picked up the sticky shell, giving a lick to her arousal over it, placing it beside them before looking over her belly, "You still have another. Go on, lay your hatchling in front of me. You are a mother, a woman, a dragoness pet giving birth. You were always meant to be a female so embrace that and know that you are mine forever."

His degrading words brushed through her mind like the wind as her bliss cascaded over everything else, awash in her body like a storm, all centering between her legs where the next egg started forcing her way out. She could feel her cervix widening as she tensed her muscles, talons clenching as she exhaled into the leather on her face, her bound wings straining against her back. Kasim took her leash a few moments after, giving a rough tug whenever she contracted once more, reminding her that every moment she continued laying was another inch of her pride slipping away. The pull on her neck, the bindings holding her firm, the hard shell grinding into her G-Spot...

She arched her back, her breath coming out in stuttered gasps, the largest width of the egg pressing through her womb as felt herself at the edge of her climax. But for some reason even then when she knew it couldn't get much better, she just couldn't reach it. It was then as she squirmed on the floor beneath him that he brought his muzzle to her cheek, whispering, "Oh, and did I mention that you'll never be able to orgasm anymore on your own? No? Hehe... I'm the only one who can fulfill that for you. Does that make you wet knowing that?~"

She let out a small jet of flame in her heat, the blue fire flaring before her snout for a moment before disappearing as her genitalia gave another splash of blissful honey onto her nethers. She could feel it in her veins, clenching again as the tip of the egg crested past her spreading lips, unsure if she could do it again with how hard she found it to focus. But her body took the lead, guiding her in her natural course of a dragoness, coaxing her to massage and knead the clutch further, revealing it to her owner inch by inch. Kasim ran a talon over her clit, circling around it before rubbing her thighs, watching as she moaned out with wide eyes at the sharp spike of bliss.

It triggered another hard clench, a good shove bringing the egg nearing its exit, her copious amounts of fluid drenching it, noticing one more bulge still in her womb even with that egg nearing its exit. She threw her head back once more, gasping in a loud squeal before the egg plopped out wetly in a web of cum, rolling into Kasim's talons where he gave another lick before placing it next to the former one.

Then, with the last one remaining in her womb, she then felt Kasim messing with the muzzle around her snout, confused at first as he undid it, releasing her finally from its grip. But just as she gasped once more, too lost in the bliss to care, her owner shoved a fluffy dog toy in her maw, commanding her, "Bite down on it with each contraction. You are my pet, my dog now. Embrace your true nature." She whimpered, unable to fight back as her cervix parted once more, attempting to muster the remaining energy she could suffice to lay the last dead egg. In the process she bit down on the toy, feeling the flexible ball within as she pressed it between her teeth, a cute SQUEAK ringing above her heated huffs, making her blush.

Her tail thwacked against the ground, retracting from Kasim's leg, nearly hitting the eggs before Kasim moved them out of the way to avoid being smashed in her rut. She clenched on the toy again, the gryphon tugging her collar so hard she was pulled closer to him, another firm contraction wracking her nethers before the shell began sliding into her canal once more. She could taste the cheap material of the pet toy in her maw, the noise reminding her of a dog, knowing she was no different than that. She was sleeping in a kennel, peeing in a litter box, eating from a bowl with a collar and leash. She had already accepted her role long before she'd realized it and this was just the final straw.

And with that realization, her sinful lust drove her further into the forbidden passion of submission, biting down so hard that the air bubble inside the toy gave a loud POP, the egg clenching and shoving out in one swift motion, rolling onto the floor in a wet sloppy mess.

When she felt the last egg leave her vent, she turned her head to her side and unclenched her jaw, letting the broken toy fall out and onto the white tiled floor, the cold stone soothing to her heated body. Her tongue lolled out, eyes dulled over in the bliss washing over her form, wanting nothing more than to focus on this moment of relief. She could feel Kasim's paw over her head and back, giving her soft pets to congratulate her, Fiona mentioning that she was happy to see her finally accepting her place. It was still so wrong, but it was starting to feel so horribly right and she wanted nothing more than to be degraded more, at least for now.

As her mind began to slowly return, Kasim took the dead eggs and began to cook them, thinking over everything that had happened. She had changed so much over the last few days, her will having dwindled to nearly nothing, only surfacing when she wasn't overcome by her lust. But even then it felt hopeless and she truly had no idea how to escape. He had undone her muzzle so perhaps if she continued obeying he would one day unbind her fully to give her a chance to make a break for it. But in the back of her mind, she knew it was all a ploy, a lie to herself so she could experience more of the pleasure he put her through. What was the point of lying anymore? If this felt good, if waiting for the right moment was hot and blissful, maybe enjoying it, for now, was alright.

He brought his food back a few minutes after, Tiberia slowly forcing herself onto her stomach, watching him as he ate the eggs and milked Fiona's breast milk into his glass, enjoying his meal. She almost felt like cattle, being used to provide him food, wondering what it would be like for a dragon to become a pony. She supposed it wasn't too different from being a pet, just with some different steps and lifestyle routines.

She could feel her arousal leaking over the ground beneath her tail, smearing on the floor, but she cared none. A lot of her fluids were already covering her crotch and the floor from the endeavor, simply enjoying the sensation of endorphins that made her smile softly. She could feel her heart beating, that craving between her legs still ravaging her mind even now as her orgasm hadn't been fulfilled.

Luckily for her Kasim finished his breakfast soon after, bringing his dishes to the sink before walking back over to Tiberia and informing her softly, "Mmm, your eggs were delicious. Hmm... I suppose you can have the muzzle off since you're being such a good broodmother. But remember, you are a pet now. If I hear you say anything other than pet sounds then you will be put right back into this." He picked up the leather straps that had been affixed to her face, showing her that he wouldn't hesitate to bind her again, the dragoness huffing and giving an awrf before glancing away in embarrassment. "Good. Now, I know you couldn't reach climax on your own and I think Fiona got heated herself just from watching. Fiona, come here!" He called over to her, the gryphoness returning to his side, watching the pet with a pant of her own, her beak parted as she breathed.

"Yes, master?"

Then, without warning, a gentle and yet forceful grasp of his talons wrapped around the dragoness's body, pushing her over onto her back to which she followed suit, her hinds spread as they once had been before, forced to look up at the both of them. He then motioned to the pet, "Sit on her face and let her lick you to orgasm. I want to show her that even a slave such as you is worth more than her, that even she is below you. Go on."

The lady moaned softly, walking over to the 'ness's head, "I hope you like another girl's pussy in your face because you're about to get a whole meal's worth of it.~" Kasim listened to her teasing, approving it despite the power he knew it gave her, Tiberia assuming he'd put her back in her place later on. It was only then that the orange legs of the bird planted themselves on the sides of her face, the dragoness unable to keep her gaze from staring up into the matted fur of her crotch. She then lowered herself down onto her, sitting on her knees, preventing the lower female from escaping. Tiberia whimpered in uncertainty, already finding it too late even if she wanted to back out, the wet vaginal entrance smearing onto the side of her muzzle as she turned her face.

She could smell the earthy aroma of the female, her juices coating her face, slowly grinding over her with no remorse. Kasim's voice reached her hearing, "Good, rub off on her. Now it's my turn." It was hard to make out what he was doing as Tiberia was being smothered by another lady's snatch, her snout pressing at the entrance as she tried to turn to watch. It was only out of the corner of her eye that she made out the male climbing over her hinds, his talons forcing her legs far apart before his thick tip pressed hauntingly against her entrance. The size was much larger than she had expected, feeling him start to hot-dog her, grinding the underside of his shaft between her feminine petals.

Her gasps were cut off as the lips of another girl pressed over her maw, forcing her to drink in the scent and begin licking as she knew she ought to. Her long tongue slithered out, pressing firmly against her entrance, the flat surface giving a slow, sensual lap at her folds, catching the leaking arousal she had been gathering. She could hear the gryphon chirp at the feeling, her chained arms straining against the cuffs, forcing her hips lower to press onto her tongue, attempting to coax it deeper.

The heat of his dick brought her attention back to her master, feeling him start with small thrusts, pressing against her clit as it stroked against her nethers in that grinding position, coating it in her fluids. She felt his talons grip her hips, claws against her scales, "Such a sexy girl. I'm going to enjoy breeding you. All mine.~" It only fueled her arousal, the wash of bliss returning like the blooming of a flower, the nectar of ecstasy coursing through her veins, making her mind afloat in passion. She slowly found herself letting go of her worries, the pleasure of it all becoming the focus as she then slurped her tongue back inside to taste Fiona before nuzzling deeply into the slave above her.

She felt the warm arousal splaying in strings over her face, the soft and plump lips spreading with her rubs, the thighs of the gryphon clenching around her snout, listening to her pleas for more. She could hear the hot gasps that echoed within her own mind, eyes widening once more as she began rubbing deeper. Kasim spoke up, watching the two of them, "Pet, lick her. I want to see your tongue inside her, eating her out." Tiberia took in another whiff of the musks around the room, unable to turn her head with the legs around her face, a snout full of pussy as she obeyed and thrust her tongue slowly into that wet canal of heat.

The gryphon gasped, placing her hands onto the chest of the dragoness for support, sitting on her knees as she thrust back ever so slightly for more. Her own long tail thwacked the ground as Tiberia began lapping at her innards, her beak exhaling soft sounds of bliss, wings flaring at her sides before drooping in lust. The dragoness's tongue prodded further, feeling the clench of the warm walls around her appendage, holding it firmly, giving her a full taste of her depths. She then lapped at her insides like one licking up the last remnants of ice cream in a cup, not leaving a single inch to spare. She could feel the thighs tighten again for a moment as she did this, the talons of the female above scraping softly at her scales.

Her attention was then turned to her owner as he stopped his grinding and began lining up for her slutty tunnel. She could feel his hips brushing against her own, the feathers of another species preparing to claim her as his own. Tiberia's huff wafted over the clit and crotch of Fiona, licking harder, swirling her tongue around before withdrawing it and licking over her clit. Kasim rumbled happily at the sight, his rod kissing the entrance to her vagina, holding himself back for only a moment before, with a firm grip on her thighs, he shoved himself inside the hot cunt.

Tiberia yelped at the sudden entry, vibrating the female above her in the process from her shock, his cock hilting inside her only a moment after. His feathered crotch pressed hard against her own, pushing her legs back above herself as she continued pleasuring both the gryphons. After a moment of him resting inside, she could feel the width of his shaft wasn't as large as the eggs she had laid, instead finding the length of his member the most alarming and yet arousing part of it all. The tip was already spearing into her cervix, that inner chamber so prominent with his head pressing into it, eager to pollinate it with its seed. She felt his tail brush over her own, the sound of kissing then reaching her ears as she felt Fiona lean forward as well.

'Are they... making out? Fuck...~' Her mind spiraled with lewd thoughts, going back to tonguing the girl above her, planting her muzzle against her snatch firmly enough so she could suck on her clit at the same time. She made a soft suction, pulling on her little nub, finding that G-Spot inside her before grinding against it. She could feel her leaking more arousal in return, one of Fiona's hands placed on the pet's collar before finding the leash and handing it to Kasim. He pulled back from the deep kiss, leaving no slack in the fabric as he wrapped it around his talons before tilting his beak to french kiss his slave once again. It was then that Tiberia felt the tug against her collar, spurring her vent to massage over her owner's dick, feeling his warm pre spill into her womb before he pulled out and began truly breeding his bitch.

His movements were lustful and yet paced out in the perfect timing, making each thrust just that much more enjoyable. His cock's head thrusting into her walls and pleasure button, rubbing hard before retreating once more, dragging that flared tip's edges wonderfully over her walls, each nub making her squirm below him. Her tail flicked, gasping for air as she pulled back her snout to breathe from the snatch. The slave above quickly cut off her breath a moment after, forcing her to continue to pleasure her, wiggling her tongue inside the dripping cunt as it continued leaking over her face, completely coating her scales.

The duo slowly began to increase their speed, Kasim fucking faster as each slam into her form forced her to groan at the collision. She felt him raise her rear off the floor with each hilt, her body rocking with the rhythm as the slaps of their passion filled the kitchen. The chilled stone below her was cold no more, now warm with their sweat and pre-cum, the warmth of the sun from the glass window outside cascading over the trio like a sauna as they lost themselves to the bliss. She felt her tail hit the leg of one of the chairs from the table, caring none as wave after wave of increasing heat filled her body like a flood, only increasing in intensity.

The pull of the leash only forced her muzzle deeper into the cunt of her better, her snout deep into her privates, tongue lapping at the entrance to her cervix, giving a deep purr to stimulate her further. She could hear Fiona moan deeply into the wet kiss the two above were sharing, the female rising and falling to thrust over her tongue. Tiberia happily fed her desires, the taste of her sex arousing her greatly, Kasim's claws moving to grab his pet's legs to hoist them high. Getting a better angle, he was able to thrust faster, using her like a sex toy as he plowed away with reckless abandon. She could feel him getting close, his shaft pulsing in anticipation for his seed, his churring and groaning surely signaling his release was close.

Her legs quivered as her own orgasm drew close, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she ate out Fiona. The scent of them all infiltrated her mind, intoxicating her, making her blood boil in need. She thrust back into his grip, clenching and massaging his cock, wanting nothing more than to feel him cum inside her. She felt him pull hard on her leash, forcing her snout just a little deeper into the wet snatch above her, used and abused by the both of them. She then curled her tail around his hind talon, squealing into the vagina as she began climbing that peak to release, her heart pounding like the wings of a hummingbird.

He followed suit, his thrusts becoming quick and heavy, carrying with him his entire weight, making her slide forward ever so slightly. She felt the slam of his dick into her womb, the grind of his hard dick pressing into her G-Spot as he entered, the pull of his barbed tip as he pulled back out. He raised her rear once more, growing ecstatic in his movements, moaning out loudly in a masculine voice before he reached his peak and splurted his load inside her! He then kissed Fiona deeply as he came, fucking hard to stroke himself clean, Tiberia's walls aiding in this as they stroked eagerly, each splurge of seed shooting deep into her womb.

Feeling his hot cum splash against the back of her inner chamber caused Tiberia's body to reach her climax, talons raking into the tiles below her as she shoved every inch of her tongue into the pussy she was eating, squirting her fluids over her master's shaft. It was like plunging into a warm river, the tide coursing through her form, overwhelming any other scent or feeling. She felt like she could see stars, the rocking of her body like a boat in an ocean, the sea of ecstasy carrying her away into a downpour of liquid gold splattering her form. Her orgasm only rose higher as he continued pulling on her leash, his talons on her rear keeping it raised pressing deeply, letting her feel his passion as her virginity was taken.

Seeing the two of them cum caused Fiona to finish shortly after, riding Tiberia's tongue erratically before sitting down hard on the pet's face. Then, with a loud squeal of bliss, the dragoness's face was covered in her femcum, squirting around her tongue and directly onto her muzzle. She could feel the tight grip of the slit around her tongue, kneading it firmly like it would a cock, her thighs clenching so hard that she had no choice but to be drenched in her essence. She had no problem with this though, simply closing her eyes as she embraced the degradation of them both, awash in her honey-filled bliss as she tongued and humped back at the two on top of her, face dripping in her cum.

After the three of them slowly began to simmer down from their highs, they eventually climbed off her, leaving her a sticky, leaking mess of their fluids. She panted as Fiona pulled off her face, trying to catch her breath as she had nearly been suffocated by pussy, the smell of their heat filling the house. She stretched her claws out, tail twisting and straightening as well, arching her back as another wave of pleasure coursed through her. Kasim made sure to clean her off with a towel, not wanting his pet to trail their arousal across the house, informing her to relax in her room for a bit and take a nap while Fiona cleaned the mess. She had no reason to argue, simply too lost in her body's sensations. Eventually, she found herself collapsed on the dog bed in her crate, Kasim leaving the door of the cage open as she nuzzled into the plush cushion and slept for a short while.

A few hours later she heard Kasim calling her name, eventually blinking her eyes open and walking out to meet him. He brought the egg chastity with him, mentioning he had forgotten to put it back on afterward, fixing the straps and locking it with the key before giving her a pat on the rump. And then, for the first time since she's arrived, he didn't leash her, Tiberia finding some satisfaction in that and some... happiness? She followed behind him to the courtyard outside, the smell from their rut in the kitchen still present. She could taste the scent of lemon rising from an air freshener in the room, assuming it was to cover the smell, giving a flick of her tail before following him out onto the patio.

The sun was lowering across the sky, Tiberia finding it hard to see behind the thick foliage of trees surrounding the mansion. She still found herself unable to understand exactly where they were, curious as she couldn't hear any other cars driving by or sounds other than nature filling the area. She cleared the thoughts from her mind soon after though as Fiona waved to them as they exited the house, a bright smile on her face as she sat on the edge of the fountain. Kasim called back to his pet, the dragoness padding alongside him as the brush of the verdant grass grazed her paws with each step.

It was only as they reached her side that Tiberia noticed some sort of bright-colored disk sitting beside her on the stone, watching her pick it up, somewhat awkwardly with her hands chained to her sides, standing before her owner. He gave a sigh, patting the dragoness on the head as she sat beside him as he had taught her the day before, "The weather is perfect today. A good day to get out and get some exercise in. What do you say, girl? You wanna play? You wanna play some Frisbee?~" He leaned down to his pet, talking in that demeaning voice, earning a warmth of embarrassment to flush under her scales, mildly annoyed by it but slowly coming to terms with it nonetheless.

She wasn't sure what 'Frisbee' was but she assumed it had something to do with the strange disk Fiona was holding, eyeing it in curiosity as to how it should be used. Still, she gave an awrf, the freedom of being able to open her maw catching her off guard for a moment, still so used to having worn the muzzle for the last few days that it felt refreshing to be able to stretch her jaw.

The gryphoness then spoke up as Kasim took the frisbee from her restricted paws, "You go ahead, I'm happy to watch!" Tiberia glanced at her bindings, still unsure exactly why Fiona couldn't or didn't want to play but was unable to ask regardless. 'I'm not allowed to talk anymore... Huff...' She knew she could say words if she wanted but obeying just felt so much nicer. Plus, there was a thought that had been rising in her head before she went to sleep, something she wanted to ponder over but she found herself unable to pinpoint at the moment.

Her attention was drawn away as Kasim began walking into one of the large patches of open grass around the fountain, calling her to follow. She obeyed, staying at his side before he stopped and then stretched his arms. After a sigh he then gripped the Frisbee in his talons, rotating the disk until it was over his shoulder before throwing it out into the air. Tiberia watched in surprise as it seemed to soar for a while, noticing how the air and curve of the edges of the object kept it afloat. But just as she wondered how far it could travel, it began descending towards the ground, falling softly onto the grass on the other side of the courtyard.

She stood there for a moment, confused about what the point of this game was. 'Is the goal to see how far it can be thrown? Surely it could have been thrown farther...'

Kasim then spoke up, giving a confused look, "Um, you're supposed to catch it... Oh wait, have you never played Frisbee before?" The dragoness blinked back at him, tilting her head, the gryphon nodding with a sigh. "Ah, I suppose it makes sense. A wild animal like you wouldn't have learned how to play fetch. Well, to start off, pets like you would run off and try to catch it in their mouths before it hits the ground. Buuut... I guess you can just go grab it for me so we can try again." He smiled at her kindly, motioning with a wing to the disk, "Go on, Tiberia! Fetch!"

She could feel the humiliation of running after it filling her mind but she ignored it, walking after it as he commanded. As she made her way over, she found herself thinking again about how much she had fought this whole 'taming' process she'd been put through, how she had been sold as a pet for him. She remembered how she'd tried to deny her new position in life, how the pleasure of it all felt wrong. But over the past few days, something else had been rising within alongside her arousal that she'd been denying. It was something she found hard to explain, thinking over it as she stood over the Frisbee, staring at it blankly.

While everything had been taken from her, she had been given something new, something scary yes, but something free of worry if she chose to let herself feel it. In her past life, she'd stolen from many facilities, made enemies, and worked for corporations that were sometimes sketchy to be able to keep herself afloat. But now, she didn't have to worry about a job anymore, about anyone breathing behind her back. She'd left behind the life she once had for a new life free of the burdens of her previous one. It made her wonder why she kept trying to hold onto her past, to try and return to it. If she did she would have been severely punished for failing, perhaps killed as the mission was one of high importance.

But now, standing here under the sun in the courtyard, she felt a sense of peace. It felt calming, the rush of wind passing through the trunks of the trees and over her slick scales, the scent of flowers and the water from the fountain soothing her thoughts. She glanced back over her wing at Kasim and Fiona, their smiling faces encouraging her to return the object. Sure, they saw her as a pet and treated her as one and yes it was an arousing thing to be that for them, but they didn't seem to mean any harm. She didn't want to admit it when she'd first gotten to know them, but now that she considered it she knew it was true. They simply adopted her from the life of a slave that could have been much worse, taking her in and making her serve her new purpose, but with a loving home.

It felt right, meaning that even if being a pet would be degrading, perhaps she could come to enjoy it. At this point, she wasn't sure if her arousal to being degraded was natural or not, but she found herself craving more of it, the relaxing life set before her also acting as one of lust with a kink she slowly found herself coming to love. The fact she was forced into this was also slowly turning into something hot, something that made her nethers quiver whenever she obeyed, knowing how good of a pet she was becoming.

She then smiled, gripping the curved edge of the plastic in between her teeth before walking back to Kasim and handing him the Frisbee. He gave her some soft pets, looking her over in thought. Tiberia allowed herself to enjoy it, trying to come to terms with it all, the touch of his talons sharp and yet gentle. She leaned into it, giving a soft purr, her owner speaking up after a moment, "You really are a good girl. It's barely been a week and you've already warmed up to your new lifestyle so much. One might think you were always a dumb pet. Mmm, perhaps I'll have to show you off to my friends at some point to see if they can tell you were once a sentient dragon. Hehe..." He spoke mostly to himself but that didn't stop Tiberia from moaning softly, a wave of bliss passing through her body at his words.

He then continued, holding up the Frisbee once more with a bright tone in his voice. "Alright, let's try this again! Fetch!"


After the fiery sky had fallen below the mountains in the distance and the glimmers of possible futures sparkled hopefully in the vast space above, they retreated inside to Kasim's chambers, laying on his large bed as he set up a movie for them all to watch. To her surprise Kasim let her up on the mattress, telling her she would usually lay on the floor but wanted to thank her for her obedience for the day. She happily lay at his side, Fiona on the other side of the bed beside their master, the three of them watching the movie with only the light of the TV and the soft orange glow from the lamp beside them filling the room. Tiberia's owner wrapped a wing around her, causing her to let out a soft purr, tail tip flicking nervously as she tried to focus on the scene on the screen.

As the movie slowly began to wrap up, a sex scene began playing of the two main characters, enraptured by one another. The dragoness noticed Fiona moaning, her paw moving between her legs, unable to see fully as she sat on the opposite side of Kasim as her. At the same time, she tried to ignore the arousal in the back of her mind, still a little tired from the orgy earlier that day, but it seemed Kasim had something else on his mind.

His beak nudged into her side, giving a deep churr, rubbing against her collar around her neck before giving the fabric a soft bite. She let out a surprised whimper, talons curling as her tail bumped into his, submitting to his touches as he examined her. His talons grazed over her bound wings, the dull sensation of sharp talons scraping over the leather bags making her even more eager to stretch them wide. But she couldn't, she was his pet and she had no need for flying anymore. She huffed at the thought, her nethers growing wet, praying she wouldn't get in trouble for spreading her fluid on the bed from his teasing. At the same time, his masculine scent began filling the room, taking note as the movie finished and the credits began rolling across the otherwise black screen.

He paused at the sight, turning off the TV with the remote and speaking up to them both. "Hrmm, Fiona, I think I'd like some time alone with Tiberia. She's been so needy the last few days I'd feel bad if I didn't quench that for her. She's come around much faster than I already anticipated she would, so I'm going to give her a rut she won't forget.~" The gryphoness gave a heated nod, pulling her talon away from her sticky snatch, climbing off the bed. But just as she began to leave, he added, "Actually, I think I'd enjoy having you watching. I have a feeling our new pet enjoys public humiliation. Am I wrong?" He then gripped her muzzle with a claw, turning Tiberia to face him, her deep exhale and flick of her tail giving it away before she even said anything. "Good. Now, turn around and face the back of the bed."

She gulped, shifting until her face stared at the dark brown backboard cast in the glowing light of the lamp. He got up a few moments after, walking to one of his closets. It was only as he returned that she looked over her wing at him, eyes widening as he brought with him long strands of leather, one of her dog toys in his hand as he placed it beside her head before walking around the bed to begin his plan.

He started at her back legs, grabbing her ankle, nipping it between his beak teasingly before wrapping it with the straps. He curled the fabric around it, tying it to her limb before pulling it and attaching the other side to the leg of the bed. She gave a yelp as she realized what he was doing, squirming a little before submitting as a deep lick was planted between her folds as his face shoved itself under her tail. She felt another wave of bliss wash over her, the restricted leg straining against the binding before releasing the tension as he pulled away and continued. The other limbs were tied easily, her apprehension building as she watched, her heart pumping as she felt like a lamb tied down to be sacrificed to a god. And Kasim was her god, and she was merely a lamb, an object for his desires.

As she lay on her belly, he filled her hole to restrict her speech, pressing that squeak toy into her maw as she moaned out as he climbed over her onto the bed. She felt the mattress dip with his weight as he positioned himself above her, his feathers brushing her back and muffled wings, his cock pressing under her tail and into the entrance of her slit. His hot breath then met her neck as he leaned down over her, a wrap of his talons around her neck making her breath catch in her throat as another strong splash of excitement hit her, "God, I want to feel your squirm and squeal. Such a noble and proud creature brought down and defiled into a dumb, worthless pet... Mmm, but you're liking it already."

He then shoved his cock slowly into her warm depths, the dragoness flexing her talons and arching her back against him at his entry, her walls clenching over the intruding length. "It's a good thing I found you. I only want to protect you and make you feel loved, but every time I seem to humiliate you it makes you huff and moan. Do you like that, how I talk down to you during sex?" He then nibbled on her neck, hilting his shaft inside her pussy, churring into the bite at her tightness. Tiberia on the other hand was trying not to respond to his question, conflicted and yet already knowing the answer as she thwacked her tail on the bedpost in response if only by nature alone. He chuckled into the bite on her neck, pulling back a moment later, "Pathetic. But I'm happy to give you just that, little plaything.~"

He then progressed by starting with a slow rhythm, his hips pulling out, dragging that flared tip beautifully across her inner lips before thrusting back in with force, a soft squelch of their juices reaching her senses whenever their crotches kissed. She could feel the wet feathers on his crotch, still matted from their previous mating session, the strong pulse of his veins on his cock signaling his enjoyment. His wings flared over her, a deep exhale of heat escaping her maw as he then cascaded his vast wings over their bodies, shielding them in a tent of his feathers, leaving only the golden glow of the light next to the bed to shine through his wings dimly.

In the darkness she felt more vulnerable and yet so much more aroused, wishing she could press back against him or hump back to show her enjoyment. But the bindings refused to budge, instead biting on her squeak toy to signal her excitement. He heard the cute sound, in return speeding up, the small alcove they had created under his feathers quickly filling with both their scents. Her eyes then shot open in surprise as one of his talons began rubbing over her clit as he fucked her, that nub fueling the inner cosmos with a sugary coat that heightened her bliss greatly. It made her veins pour with honey-covered bliss, tasting the lust of it all as she panted and moaned for more. He churred happily at her response, circling his lubed talon over her button, his dick then humping in, grinding at her G-Spot at the same time, biting down hard on the toy, the demeaning squeak of it reminding her how helpless she was.

His fucking quickly turned rough, spurred on by her sounds and defenselessness, grabbing one of her horns and placing his other talons on her back for stability, pulling back her head as his cock pumped inside her canal. She let out another small jet of flame into the air, his feathers still surrounding them, forced to stare up into them as she moaned out at his firm grip. He then began to pull back on her handles whenever he hilted inside her, swaying her form with his thrusts, leaning down to tease, "Look at you, becoming just a sex toy for me right now. I bet you would have coveted your fertility and pride in your last life, a species of respect and recognition. And now you've been willingly tied down to be abused by someone better than you. What a real slut you've become, just what I like.~"

Fiona watched from the outside, the silhouette of the gryphon and dragon making love visible in the glow of the golden light on the other side of the room, their shadows thrusting and panting in lust. She masturbated on the side, plunging a talon into her snatch with reckless abandon, lying back in one of the large chairs, churring at the sight of it all.

It only took a few more moments before they both began to grow closer to their peaks, the need for orgasm inside Tiberia making her tremble visibly. Kasim gave a deep rumble, using both his forepaws to grip her horns, only increasing the pressure on her as he pulled back on her head and fucked her tight snatch, bucking his hips under her tail, getting as deep as he could. His tip slammed into her cervix each moment, throwing his own head back as he lifted it from out of his wings, gasping in the cool air on his face. Tiberia on the other hand was covered in the sweaty, musk-filled chamber he'd created, her breath short as she gulped, focusing on that grinding in her tunnel of nectar.

She could feel the building in her loins, her moans turning into high-pitched whines, her feminine voice ringing out under the confines of his wings. He pulled back on her horns, thrusting as fast as he could, the slams of their hips rocking the bed beneath them, Fiona's voice rising along with theirs as she orgasmed. They followed suit soon after, the gryphon suddenly flashing his wings open and giving a deep bite over her collar, his beak latched onto her neck while his talons pulled her head back hard. Then, with a final hilt into her sex, his flared tip speared into her womb and spurted heavily, coating her center with his semen once more. Tiberia whimpered out in a moan, her limbs pulling at the corners of the bed, the inability to move only making her orgasm that much better, awash in the sea of ecstasy that encompassed her entire form.

The two of them rode out the climaxes for a good thirty seconds, Kasim fucking deep inside her, relishing each strong pulse of his cock as her pussy clenched and milked his dick, drawing every drip of seed inside herself. She eventually found herself growing too weak to do anything else but lie there, collapsing her head onto the bed as the leather bindings were making her body burn from the pull. Fiona seemed to read her mind, a nod from Kasim signaling she could release Tiberia as his slave untied the leather from her ankles, allowing her to move them freely once more.

Kasim then flipped them onto their sides, his shaft still inside her vent, enjoying each stroke of her walls as he then began drifting off to sleep with her in his feathered embrace. Fiona joined them in bed, lying in front of Tiberia, prompting the dragoness to wrap a paw over her smaller form as the two of them began drifting off in their bliss.

It was then with all of them cuddling that she really felt happier than she'd ever felt she could have been, wondering if maybe things wouldn't be as bad as she had initially thought. Perhaps she could come to enjoy this as she already was, perhaps this was how she always was meant to be? She was still just starting her life as a pet and she was nervous about it all and unaware of where the mansion really was, but in this new life, she found herself, in a twisted way, freer than she ever had been. She could just relax all day, spend time with her owner and Fiona, have food without having to work for it and all of the new kinky desire that came along with being his pet. Still, having no goals was an odd thing for her as she had stolen so many things in the past from her job, but she figured she'd have to get used to it.

She then thought back to Kasim's friends, wondering how they would react to her. She blushed at the thought, the warmth under her cheek scales making her tail flick, brushing up against the feathered tail of them both. 'Seen as just a pet from now on... I love this...' And with that secret thought floating in her mind, she closed her eyes and melted into the embrace of the company of her owner and friend, dreaming of what was to come.