New Friends on Mystery Island, Part 1
#1 of New Friends on Mystery Island
Neopets Fan-Fic Lemon
By Scy Storm & Dreamous
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Heya. My first little Neopets lemon here, and it's actually a joint effort. Myself and Dreamous created some characters to try an RP with in the Wild-Neopets chatroom, and we decided to try out making a little storyline behind it all, instead of just yiffing. While it went on, I decided mid-way that it would make a really good lemon to read. So here it is! I pulled together all the chat transcripts and converted them into a dandy little story. I play the part of Malsvir, and he is Siyonin. Our yiff session is a lot different when read line-by-line like we did it, but this adaptation pretty much copies it word for word, with many edits to make it more story-like, and to correct mistakes we made. We hope you enjoy this lemon, and it may spawn out into another if we play into our creations some more.
INEVITABLE DISCLAIMER: This story consists of homosexual sex between two consenting males, and also features some minor scent & foot fetishes. If you don't like that stuff, or you're too young, don't read. No one is forcing you to read, so if you do and are offended, don't take it out on me or anyone else.
Malsvir crawls along across the ground, hiding amongst shadows of the trees. Oh... How I ever ended up here is beyond me... The Darigan Draik thinks to himself.
He can spot a Battle Arena far off, wear other Neopets are testing their skills. He ignores them, still heading toward the mountain he sees. Maybe there's a cave or something... Nighttime is setting in...
Not far off, an Island Scorchio sits upon a rock, looking at the at the large techno face carved into the mountain. Siyonin's eyes follow the simple curves over and over. How on earth could he do that... So perfect. If I could, I'd be the best artist...
He sighs softly, looking upon the techno face and zoning out. Malsvir pads up to the base of the mountain, looking around at all the rock formations. Wow... Rather smooth rock. Strange...
He looks up at the large face carved, which he sees from mostly a side-view. .... Whoever did that must have been pretty bored...
He shrugs, looking around at the mountain. I better find shelter before it gets too dark...
Over nearby, Siyonin only sighs, laying on his side, his paw holding his head up. He clicks his wooden sandals rather loudly, a few times in a row, a strange habit he had accumulated over the years. He looks at the curves of the techno's eye, wondering how their so smooth, so perfect. Malsvir perks his head up when he hears a sudden clicking sound, tripping over a loose rock and falling on his face. "AAH!" He squeals aloud, going wide-eyed, realizing he just made a sound. Shit... No one better be here...
He looks around a moment before spotting what looks like a stacking of rocks carved into the mountain, and begins heading toward it. Siyonin looks around, his eyes breaking away from the mountain, just as his concentration broke away from studying the architecture. He sighs softly, hating to be interrupted like this. He moves back into the bushes, hoping whoever it is will just pass. Malsvir approaches the formation, realizing there's no entrances. Damnit...
He looks around again, spotting a quaint area with stacked plate rocks, surrounded nicely by trees and bushes. The Techo head on the mountain seems to be looking right at it. That's a cool looking spot...
He begins going toward it, but isn't very close at all yet. Siyonin sighs, realizing he left his medallion in his sitting spot, and he sees something. He's not sure what it is, but it was moving toward his spot, toward his medallion. He sighs and walks out of the bushes and the few steps, bending over to get the medallion. He starts to tie it around his neck, sighing again. Great... I wonder who and what it's gonna be this time...
Malsvir eeps as he spots something come out of the bushes and get into the area. Ohh... Damnit...! Turning back!
As he does to turn, he slips on a loose rock again, falling down with a light scream and rolling a few times. He hits hard and falls woozy. Siyonin jumps slightly as he hears the scream. He turns around and jogs over, his eye showing curiosity as he comes closer. He had never seen anything like it. Malsvir picks himself up, bringing a paw up and rubbing his head. Siyonin took a few cautious steps as he got close. "Erm... Are you alright... er... Sir?"
The sudden voice causes the Draik to jump in surprise and turn around, spotting a Scorchio type he hasn't seen many times. "N-N-No!! Stay away from me!" He backs up, looking nervous.
Siyonin's head goes back a little, tilting to the side. He blinks slowly, then gives a small chuckle "You okay? I think you hit your head a little harder than you should have there..."
He takes a slow step toward the Draik, his eyes showing worry. "Maybe I should get you to a Neolodge.. or at least my Neohouse..."
Malsvir meeps softly, continuing to back up. "I'm... I'm fine... Stop..."
He can see the expression of worry in the Scorchio's eyes, which causes him to back up slower. He still seems a bit scared. Siyonin tilts his head again, his eyes narrowing a little. "Erm.. I'm a little worried about you now..." He takes one slow step closer, "come on.. I'll get you some medicine..."
Malsvir blinks, once again slowing down his movement back, starting to think this dragon is sincere. He then feels something run down his cheek, and looks down, seeing a drop of blood fall. "... Ah crap..!"
Siyonin follows the trickle of blood, then shivers a little. "That's it... you've got to come." He looks back to the Draik's eyes. "Can you move on your own? Or do you need me to help you?"
Malsvir shakes his head around, another drop of blood falling down. Suddenly he's starting to feel a bit woozy. "... Oh no, that's not good...."
His front paws cave in and he falls down to his chest with an "oomph." Siyonin gives a small whimper, going over to him. He slides one of the Draik's front paws over his shouder, getting him up onto his back. Malsvir wants to resist, but finds it hard to. He's pulled up until only his tail is dragging, then Siyonin starts to walk away from the mountian. Siyonin whimpers a bit annoyingly as he's carried away. He's still bleeding, though, and he's feeling himself start to black out. Siyonin walks a little faster, his breath coming to a soft pant from carrying the limp form of the Darigar. He sighs softly. Thank god my hut is near here...
They approach the Scorchio's hut, which Malsvir sees, and he wonders why anyone would do this for him. He lowers his head down over Siyonin's shoulder and starts to fade from consciousness. Siyonin soon comes to his hut, a two-story Neohome made of straw. He goes around back and in through the back door, passing gardens of bushes. He carries the Draik to a room on the first floor. Malsvir perks his head up, looking around the room he's in, finding it to be quite cozy and inviting. He's laid upon a very large bed by the Scorchio, who looks at the Draik for a moment and goes to a cabinet, looking through vials. Malsvir watches with half-opened eyes, and he continues to try and stay awake, bringing a paw up and covering his bleeding wound to stop blood flow. Siyonin takes out four glass vials and walks over to the bed. He smiles, looking over to the Darigar. "Quite a tumble you had..." He says.
He holds out a vial holding a very pale greenish liquid, uncorking it. Malsvir watches, and looks back at him sheepishly, giving a soft nod. "L... Loose rocks..." He stammers.
Siyonin nods, still smiling. "This will sting a little... It's Lime Elixir... but it'll stop your bleeding instantly."
He raises the vial, and Malsvir cautiously moves his hand away. Siyonin pours a tiny bit over Malsvir's wound. The Draik meeps loudly and winces his face as the elixir stings when poured over his injury, but his bleeding his stopped, as was told. Siyonin smiles warmly, putting a paw on the Draik's stomach "It's okay... It always hurts, no matter how much you use it."
Malsvir twitches when he's touched, getting nervous again and scooting backwards away from the Scorchio, looking like a scared puppy, his ears drooped. Siyonin tilts his head, whimpering softly to himself. "What's the matter? I'm just trying to help... I swear..."
He corks the vial of Lime Elixir, looking at the Draik with concern, taking a different vial in his paw and putting his paw out for him to get. "Unkiberry Elixir." He says.
Malsvir blinks, his eyes shifting between the Scorchio's eyes and the Elixir as he stays curled. "I'm... I'm not very trusting..." He talks in a rather quiet & nervous voice.
Siyonin nods, with a shrug. "Can't be helped, I suppose... I promise I'm trying to help, though... And this will restore you to full hit points."
Malsvir blinks again, shivering for a moment before cautiously taking the potion from the dragon's hand, uncorking it and beginning to drink. "Good taste, as well... That batch was especially good." Siyonin then states.
Malsvir stops drinking, pulling the bottle away and swallowing, letting out a sigh and trying to relax. "Tha..Thank you..." He manages to say.
Siyonin smiles and nods. "Feeling better?"
Malsvir nods slowly. It's obvious he's still kind of on edge, being around someone. Siyonin tilts his head. "Is there a way I can help you relax?"
Malsvir shrugs his shoulders a bit, twitching his body around in his little curled position. "I'm... I'm sorry... I'm just nervous ar-around others..."
"That's okay... But can I help in anyway? Anything?"
".... Why did you help me?"
"Erm.... excuse me?"
Malsvir looks at him. "... Why did you carry me here like that... and help me... with the potions..."
Siyonin blinks. "Erm..." Can't tell him cause he's cute... "... 'cause you needed help.. you were injured."
Malsvir seems a bit confused. ... What... Because I was... "... Because I was injured...? But... I'm...." He closes his eyes and turns his head. "I'm hideous... No one helps me..."
Siyonin blinks, a look of disbelief on his face. "What are you talking about? You're cute!"
Malsvir opens his eyes and blinks a few times. I didn't expect that answer... "... No I'm not... I'm a Darigan... People abuse me... They stranded me here..."
Siyonin's mouth falls open a little. "What horrid people! Stranding someone like that... Who cares what you're painted! You're still a Neopet..."
Malsvir turns away and whimpers a bit. "I was a failure in my Darigan brigade... I was abused a lot... I couldn't defend myself."
"That really doesn't matter... You're still you. And I could help you with that, if you want."
"What, with defending myself? I'm through trying... I'm not going back to them. Heck, I can't..." The Draik huffs, the whiskers on his face billowing slightly.
Siyonin shrugs "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. As it looks like you need a place, you can stay here, if you wish. I have tons of room I dont really use."
Malsvir blinks, turning back toward the Island Scorchio. "...R..Really? You'd do that?"
Siyonin nods. "Why not?"
Malsvir manages to smile, finally relaxing his body. "... Thank you-..... Uh... What's your name?"
"Oh, hehehe... I guess we haven't been formally introduced." He holds out his tan paw. "My name is Siyonin."
The Darigar nods, putting his own clawed paw up to grab his. "I'm Malsvir..."
Siyonin shakes the paw, smiling. "Nice to meet ya."
"... Same... I guess..."
Siyonin chuckles. "Anything you want? Food, maybe?"
Malsvir nods happily. "That'd be great... I haven't eaten in a while."
Siyonin nods back "And after that, maybe I can help you wash some of that filth off of ya."
He turns, walking out to the kitchen, signaling for the Draik to follow. Malsvir nods and pads off of the bed, stretching himself out. ... This is good... I haven't been around someone this nice in so long...
He follows into the kitchen with a small smile, spotting the Scorchio at a fridge, going through it. "What do ya want?" He says.
Malsvir walks up alongside the fridge, watching and glancing around the room curiously. "I.. I dunno... Anything will do... I'm versatile.."
Siyonin chuckles "No favorites you want?"
Malsvir shakes head. "No... Anything's fine..."
Siyonin shrugs, pulling out a plate of fruit. "Suit yourself."
Malsvir smiles. "Hehe... I think I shall..." He samples a few fruits off the plate, tasting them and humming delightfully. Hmm... So long since I had stuff like this.
Siyonin sets the tray down on the counter, eating some Novas. Malsvir finds something to sit on, a stool, munching down several more fruits, seemingly at random. It seems like he sure is liking it. Siyonin only chuckles, eating a few himself, then finishing, electing to not eat that much "When you're ready we can get you cleaned up."
Malsvir blinks, looking around himself and sniffing. "Hmm... We should... I kinda reek." He chuckles, getting down off the chair he's on.
"It's okay.. I like smells."
Malsvir snickers. "Even unbathed Draiks? Wow." He pads alongside you. "I don't like it that much."
Siyonin blushes strongly. "I'm a bit kin-... err... Weird."
He blushes a little more, catching a good wiff of the Draik as he passes by. Malsvir looks over, noticing the blushing, tilting his head and wondering why. "Well... You are a Scorchio, so... You kinda are." He had heard the word 'kin.'
Siyonin blinks, then starts laughing. "I wasn't gonna say kin."
Malsvir shrugs. "Oh well. I still agree, you're kinda weird." He looks around. "Show me the way."
Siyonin sticks his tongue out at him, then starts walking down a hall, his tail wagging. Malsvir follows, close enough to not get hit by the tail. Hmm... I wonder what he was going to say...
Siyonin walks into a bathroom, the entire place tile, then through another door, leading into a huge shower, the entire room being the shower. Malsvir follows inside and looks around in a bit of awe. "Hmm... Wow, got the whole room following suit..."
"Yea..... Hope ya like it."
"It looks okay. Pretty big though, for just you living here."
"Yep, it is...."
Malsvir looks around again, weirdly. "How are you supposed to work this, I'm not very familiar..."
"Just get in the middle, I'll turn it on."
Malsvir nods, pading over to the middle of the large shower. Siyonin goes over to the wall and presses some buttons. Perfectly warm water cascades down from the ceiling. Malsvir perks his eyes, glancing up as all the water pours down. "Wow, that's pretty cool. It's like rain."
Siyonin nods, smiling. "I like it."
He then sits down on a stool, taking his medallion off. Malsvir prods up on his back legs and letting the water run down him, bringing his paws up and running them through his gray mane, working some tangles out. Siyonin kicks off one sandle, then props the other foot on his other leg. He takes the sandle off and sniffs it, giving a small purr before leaning down and giving his footpaw a sniff. Malsvir's eyes happen to glance over. ... Wow, he _is_ into weird smells...
He shrugs, going back down lower and using his paws to rub around his sides, letting only the water wash down his back. Siyonin sniffs his footpaw more, then gives it a lick, purring softly, not realizing just how much he's liking it. Malsvir starts rubbing his hands around his chest and stomach, his glance once again turning toward the Scorchio. ... Now I'm not sure I'd ever do that.
He rubs a paw over his sheath now to clean it, unable to hold back a soft murr, before moving his tail around to his side and beginning to rub all over it. Siyonin licks his tongue deep between his toes, giving a soft moan into his foot. He closes his eyes totally, his sheath bulging to a noticeable extent. Malsvir continues to clean off his tail, finding it slightly hard now to remove his gaze from the Scorchio. He doesn't understand why someone would be so obsessed with their feet, as he never was. He looks down at his own feet, curiously, before turning his sideways gaze back, now beginning to notice Siyo's sheath. Siyonin purrs, nuzzling the sole of his footpaw, opening his eyes to gaze upon it and realizes where he is. He erps softly and blushes, letting the foot down and looking to the Draik, his paw slowly sliding to feel that his sheath is bulging. He gives a soft nervous laugh, sweatdropping. Malsvir blinks after a moment and eeps, starting to blush, realizing Siyo may have just caught him glancing over. He turns his back to him and continues to rub the filth from his scales, still blushing, embarassed to high hell. ... Curse my curiousity...
Siyonin coughs softly, still looking at the Darigar. "Erm... Sorry... I get a bit into the things I do.." He chuckles again. "Guess ya know a bit about my strangeness..."
Malsvir nods, keeping his back turned. "Heh... Heh, it's alright. I don't mind, you... Do what you wish..." He blinks, hoping his blush will go away. Can't say I don't want to keep watching him, though...
Siyonin blushes a little, not saying anything at first, then mumbling some words. "Well.. How about you come do what I wish with me... Would that be okay?"
Malsvir gasps, his cheeks becoming rapidly flushed immediately. ".... W-W-What?? ... But I... You...." He's obviously confused right now.
Siyonin smiles, slowly standing up, wiggling his toes over the tile. His tan scales shimmer with a soft sweat, a little grime having been over them as well. "Come on over... I won't bite. Unless you want me to..."
Malsvir's heart starts pounding. He did not expect something like this at all. "... But I've.... I've...." He seems too embarassed to speak. Ohhh.... How the hell am I supposed to say it?!
Siyonin tilts his head, a soft whimper on his breath. Oh god... I thought he was gay, and he isn't... He stammers a little for words. "Erm... y-you don't have to... I just... If you're not into that kinda thing..."
Malsvir looks back at the Islander now, the redness on his face obvious. "... No, it's just... I've never done it with... another male..." He sweats a bit, though it's not at all obvious because of the water of the shower. "... I... I can't say I've never wanted to try, though..." He says with a bit of hesitation.
Siyonin's heart feels as though it were going to break out of his chest, the happiness in it flooding "Oh thank god... I thought i was gonna scare you away... And you're such a cutie..." He gave a puff breath of relief.
Malsvir shakes his head. "N-No... Why would you... You've been so nice to me..."
He shivers a bit at the "cutie" comment, but doesn't say much else, secretly contemplating if he should approach or not. Siyonin nods, the situation a bit awkward for him. He puts his paws behind his back, showing his slightly swollen sheath, rubbing the back of his head after a moment. Should I approach him? He'll probably think what I like is weird.. He'll probably get grossed out... Without realizing he murmurs, "Ya... It'd gross him out..."
Malsvir blinkblinks. "... Gross me out?" He raises a brow in confusion, then finding his gaze shifting down to the Scorchio's sheath, which he finds hard to stop looking at. Siyonin sweatdrops more, ready to hit his head into the wall. He puts his sandals back on slowly. "Ya... I'll get out of your way..."
Malsvir shakes his head again, turning back toward Siyo. "No! ... No... It's alright... You can stay... I'll... I'll come over..." He gulps slightly, still very embarassed, and begins to pad slowly toward you. .... Not sure why I'm doing this, but..... He's such a great person...
Siyonin stops, his breathing slow, his veins running with ice. He slowly turns back toward the Draik, his sheath much more full now, the ivory tip of his member showing. Malsvir goes slightly wide-eyed, seeing the cock is starting to show. This causes him to stop approaching for a second, but she shakes his head around and keeps coming, stopping front of Siyo and sitting down. "O-Okay... I'm here..."
"Yep... Ya are..."
Malsvir shivers nervously, looking up to the fellow dragon's face. "What... What would you like me to.. to do?"
Siyonin looks down, looking at the Draik's feet and sheath, then jerks back up, looking him in the eyes with his bright green ones. He slowly flips his sandals off again "Well... You saw how I ... *ahem* Like smelly things... And feet... So.. Ermm..?"
Malsvir blinks and nods slowly, his massive blush not fading away at all. He glances down at Siyo's feet for a second, then back up to your eyes. "You want me to....?"
"Erm... Actually, I like to be the one smelling and stuff.... or sharing..."
Malsvir closes his eyes and nods. "... Alright..."
He looks back behind him for a moment, scooting backwards across the wet tile floor, so he's no longer so close to Siyo. His back legs stick out in front of him, slightly spread out, his sheath in clear view, which he doesn't mind, being a Neopet. Siyonin blushes deeply. Oh my god... I'm gonna do it.. He's letting me do it...
He slowly kneels before the Darigar, sitting back on his heels, looking at the Draik's feet, before back up to you "Th-thanks ... so much..."
Malsvir tilts his head, spotting Siyo blush so much, wondering why he seems so happy. "I, um... you're welcome?"
Siyonin smiles, and moves his paws down, taking a foot in them, a hand on either side. He leans his head down into them, his muzzle end right between the toes and the balls of the foot. He takes a deep breath, moaning deeply, his member filling. Malsvir's leg twitches a bit, and he stifles away a giggle. Not quite sure what to do, he wiggles the toes around on that foot for a second, before stopping, cracking a small smile. Siyonin purrs, rubbing the foot over his face, his member throbbing between his white thighs. Malsvir smiles lightly again, the feel of the little nuzzle to his foot feeling nice, like a foot massage. Siyo starts purring and whimpering at the same time, his erection almost painfully hard just from sniffing. Malsvir now spots the Scorchio's throbbing maleness, which causes the blush on his face that was receding to quickly spread out again. "... I guess I got you... pretty excited..."
Siyonin pauses with his foot over his nose, blushing strongly. His tan face turns a deep red shade, a soft, nervous chuckle coming from him. "Sorry... I told you i'm weird..."
Malsvir stares at the blush. .... That again... Why his he so nervous... He stops looking, giving soft nod. "It's alright... It's... It's not that weird..."
Siyonin blinks, then chuckles softly. "I like you..." He smiles and leans down.
Malsvir smiles. "... Thanks... But it's honestly not that wei-"
He's cut off as Siyo licking over the soft soles of the Draik's feet, his tongue sliding deep between the toes, cleaning them out of their strong odor. Malsvir eeps, his body shiving around some more, and he tries not to twitch his legs. This tounge work on his feet is certainly a new feel to him. Siyonin purrs, now suckling on the toes. He bobs his head up and down on them, licking deep between them, his member now drooling pre over the tile floor, getting quickly washed away. Malsvir adjusts his body a bit, tensing up slightly, his toes wiggling a bit when they're not in the Scorchio's mouth. The feel of the suckling would make his hair-mane stand on end, if not for it being wetted down by the shower. Siyonin eventually slowly comes up upon his knees, panting softly. His eyes are filled with lust and love, his member throbbing, full and thick, ivory white down to his sheath. He gulps softly, looking at the Draik, not sure where to go now. Malsvir gets a note of the strange look in Siyo's eyes. ... I guess he really liked that...
His suspicion is confirmed when he looks down and spots the white cock, throbbing, making Siyo seem so thoroughly aroused. He starts to flush widely again, his legs twitching and curling instinctively, and he cannot take his eyes off the throbbing maleness. Siyonin looks upon you and blushes more, his eyes lowering. "Is.. There anything you like...? I want to be fair..."
He slowly looks back up with his bright green eyes, his paws idly playing with each other in front of him, his tail nerviously twitching behind him. Malsvir blinks, looking at Siyo's member a bit longer before turning his gaze back to his eyes. "Well I......." He doesn't know what to say.
He seems quite embarassed that he's staring at another male's cock, but he can't help himself. Siyonin purrs, tilting his head a little. He slowly moves his paw down, grasping his member, tan paw on white, slick meat. He slowly says, "Would.. you like this?" Then moving his thumb over the head a little, gathering a drop of pre from it.
Malsvir blinks, starting to unnoticeably sweat again as he watches the Scorchio grasp himself. He feels as though his face is going to explode, and his mouth is beginning to water. He manages only to give an embarassed nod. Siyonin comes closer, slowly stroking his length, walking upon his knees. Malsvir watches the approach, his eyes still a bit wide in his embarassed state, opening his muzzle slightly and beginning to drool a bit, which can't really be seen because of the water pouring. When Siyo's right in front of Malsvir, he sits back upon his rump, lets go of his member and puts his paws behind him, on the ground, leaning back. He spreads his legs a little. "Please... have at it, if it's what you want..."
Malsvir he glances down at the cock as it sticks up before him, looking over to Siyo's face, and back to it, gulping. ... I can't believe I'm doing this....
He slides backwards onto his knees for better access, slowly leaning forward and lapping the end of his thin pink tounge over the cock head, getting the pre that lingers there. Siyonin takes in a deep, slow breath after the tounge flick, the white slick meat throbbing hard and full. He groans softly, closing his eyes tighter, then opens them, smiling down upon the Draik. Malsvir presses the end of his tounge a bit more forcefully over the cock tip, taking it back up afterward with the pre coating the end of it. Well... It doesn't taste so bad...
He moves his muzzle closer, wondering really what to do, as he's never pleasured someone else's cock before. He decides to sort of mimic what Siyo had done to his feet, moving his snout to the hilt of his member and nuzzling against it, a few breaths of air coming out of his nostrils. Siyonin moans, closing his eyes, and purring deeply, using a lot of his self control to keep from bucking into Malsvir's mouth. Malsvir then gets a big whiff of Siyo's musky scent while he breathes through his nostrils, causing him to pull back a bit and blink several times. ... Whoa.....
More pre begins spilling from the tip of Siyo's member, sliding down the belly of it. Malsvir shakes his head around, looking back and spotting the pre sliding down. Continuing to mimic what Siyo did, he runs his tounge up the length of your shaft from bottom to top, picking up the pre and pulling it into his mouth with a soft murr, immediately going back down to do the lick again. Siyonin moans, his eyes following the Draik's movements, wincing softly as the pleasure flows through him. He purrs, taking a deep breath, then spreads his legs a little wider, his tail coming out to point straight down, finding the position more comfortable. Wow... he's really g-good at this... Is this really his first time?
Malsvir takes all of the Scorchio's sounds and movements to ear and eye, licking over his cock just as was done to his feet, the scent of another male's musk really starting to get to him. Siyonin closes his eyes, leaning his head back. He can't watch any more, or he'll cum too soon. He wants to let his friend do as much as he wants. The Scorchio's white member throbs hard, the surface bulging in a few places with thick veins. The end is covered by a silky white foreskin, pulling back with the licks. Malsvir soon pulls away from the licks, murring quietly, thinking of what to do next. He then remembers his toes, and then nods inwardly, floating his muzzle over the throbbing dragon maleness and beginning to take it inside his maw, lowering down over it slowly as he tries not to bite or clamp down to hard. Siyo lets out a deep groan when his cock is taken, not having seen it coming. A large amount of pre spurts deep into the Draik's mouth. Malsvir feels the pre splash up, and he stops to get it with his tounge, letting off another murr. He then resumes lowering, not going too far, a bit afraid he may choke. He begins to mimic Siyo again, bobbing his head steadily and sucking softly, trying to ignore the male's scent trying to force its way into his nasal passage. Siyonin groans, his breath coming out in small, shakey bits. He looks down, his eyes small green slits. "I... I'm gonnnnnna... cum soon..." He takes another slow, deep breath. Gods..... I need to slow myself.. but I can't...
His balls swell a little, readying to fire, sweat covering his body with the flowing shower water and adding to the musk. Malsvir hears his words, knowing what it means, but confused on what to do. His confusion turns to lust however when he musky scent picks up, causing his eyes to flutter as he releases a murr. Seemingly like an instinct, he brings a paw up and grabs the hilt of Siyo's member where he's not sucking, beginning to bob his head a little bit faster where he is. Siyonin grunts and can't help but thrust his hips up, pumping his member into the Darigar's lips, a loud snarl as his face contorts with pleasure. Malsvir opens his eyes in surprise at his sudden force up into his maw, forcing his paw to let go of the cock. Siyo lets out a howl, cum shooting from his member in thick, gooey strands, all over the Draik's mouth and throat. Malsvir lets a soft eep go as he feels the seed fill his face, frozen in place, now _really_ not sure what to do. He decides to stay still and try swallowing what he can. Siyonin whimpers through his orgasm, his seed now splattering inside the Draik's mouth, his eyes closing tightly. Gods.. I hope I didn't hurt him... Or scare him...
He feels the pleasure slowly stop, his cum dripping from the tip of his member now. He opens his eyes to look upon the fellow Neodragon, panting slowly. Malsvir relaxes a bit as he feels Siyo's cock stop firing, and he lifts his muzzle off it slowly, some of the seed being left stuck on it, quickly being washed away by the running shower. He puts his head up and opens his mouth, the sticky Scorchio cum coating it and stretching out in little strands with his opened jaws. He closes his mouth again and swallows hard, now looking at Siyo with a look of surprise. Siyonin tilts his head, panting, then swallows softly. He looks with half open eyes, cum still trickling down his member. "W-What's the matter? D-Did you not like it?" I didn't do anything wrong... did I?
Malsvir shakes his head. "N-No... That was just... interesting..." He scratches the side of his face, secretly feeling around his mouth with his tounge. Tastes interesting, too... mmm...
Siyonin purrs, nodding slowly. He just stares at Malsvir, not sure what to do next. He's sitting in his giant shower, oozing cum and looking at a new aquaintance whom just sucked him off. This... is awkward... Should I return the favor?
Malsvir blinks, seeing him stare, feeling really weird about the awkward silence. "... Well... I did like it... And you smell..." He snuffles slightly, his nostrils still tingling a bit. "... interesting..."
Siyonin smiles a little. "Male musk... is it a good or bad interesting? Like... do you like it?"
Malsvir nods. "Uh huh... I know my own smell, but... Never smelled another's..."
Siyonin smiles, bigger now. "Well... I'm glad you liked it..." Should I ask... I want to... so bad....
Malsvir smiles faintly, turning his glance to look at nothing. "I'm glad you... Liked what I did, I guess..." ... What did that smell of his do to me? I feel strange...
Siyonin takes a deep breath, then says really fast, "Wanna-get-off-too?" Don't hate me....!
Malsvir blinks, a blush returning over his cheeks, and he looks back at Siyo. "... What did you say?"
He really does know what was said, but he isn't quite sure he heard right. Siyonin looks down, putting a paw behind his head. "Er.. do you wanna.. Ya... cum as well..."
Malsvir blushes more. ... I can't believe he asked that... He closes his eyes and bows his head down, pressing his chin to his chest, looking rather timid. "I'd... I'd like that..."
Siyonin smiles "I'm glad... I really want to... Let you..."
He moves closer, standing next to the Draik. Malsvir turns his head up and looks at the approach, wondering what he's doing. Siyo takes a deep breath, his eyes closed. Here it goes...
He opens his eyes and leans forward, his tan paws wraping around the Darigar's neck, and he kisses him. Malsvir is taken completely by surprise when he's kissed, his face exploding with color as he releases a small eep. He seems to panic at first, but he slowly falls soft, almost limp, his eyes half-closed. He had never been kissed before, and he was swooning. Siyonin gets a little worried, his soft, scaled lips pressing against Malsvir's, but nothing in return. He closes his eyes tighter. He's not liking it... He's not kissing back...
Malsvir lets off a sigh into the kiss, his swooning attitude soon flowing into a passionate state, as he begins to return the kiss, bringing a paw up to Siyo's cheek and closing his eyes all the way. Siyonin gives a deep purr of relief, his paws holding the Draik tighter, his face turning into the paw. He presses his lips a little more needingly, his tail wagging quickly behind him. Malsvir quickly pushes back, murring deeply, his hand beginning to stroke over the Scorchio's cheek softly. His face feels like the sun just set on his cheeks. Siyonin slowly breaks the kiss, not wanting to scare his friend or anything, not realizing it's probably a stupid idea and that he should continue. Malsvir opens his eyes slowly when the kiss ends, his mouth hanging open, taking in soft gasps of air. Siyo looks up at his face, smiling. "Where.. do you wanna cum? My mouth? Or mount me? My paws? Maybe my feet?"
Malsvir looks at him strangely, somewhat because of the question, but mostly because of the kiss, which he secretly didn't want to end. Siyonin gives a small smile, though it looks a little fake, but not all that suspicous. Damn it... I should have kissed more...
Malsvir puts his paw on his head and rubs down his face, murring. "Mmm... Any of them is fine..." He seems to be lost in his senses.
Siyonin sighs to himself, then smiles for real, hearing the answer. He nuzzles the Draik's neck softly. Malsvir gasps slightly, letting his head go back a bit as he's nuzzled. Siyo then gives it a nip with his teeth. "Well, I want you to cum how you want. So it's up to you."
Malsvir's arms are draped at his sides. "I... I don't know...."
He's completely confused, his mind a blank, no one ever having given him a moment like this. Siyonin pulls his head back, tilting it, a little worry in his eyes, and he sighs softly. "If you don't wish to do this, please, don't feel like I'm forcing you."
Malsvir blinks a few times, shaking his head around a bit fast, snapping himself back to his senses. "I, no... I'm... I'm sorry, Siyo... I lost myself there..." He looks at him, a look of softness on his face. "No one has ever done all this for me... I'm... My mind is in a blur..."
Siyonin smiles, giving a long, deep sigh of relief. "Good... I was worried I was forcing you..."
He hugs the Draik close again. Malsvir manages to smile, awkwardly bringing a paw around the Scorchio and patting his back. Siyo smiles lightly. "Well, take as long as you need..." He then considers, " you want to stay in here or go somewhere else?"
"Well... I'm sure we're clean enough... Maybe it's time to give the shower a rest..."
Siyonin nods and gets up to walk to the panel. Malsvir watches him go. ... I can't believe all this... First, I... Suck him off, and now he's kissing me...?
Siyo presses some buttons. The water stops, and torrents of hot air run through the shower, quickly drying both scalies. as he walks to you. Malsvir finds his thoughts interrupted suddenly by the hot air blowing. This is all happening so fast... But... I can't let it stop now...
Siyonin begins to approach again. Malsvir gives him a small smile, nice and dry again as the jets turn off after not very long. Siyonin smiles as well, looking upon his new friend. Wow... He really is cute.... His thoughts wander for a little while, but he comes back to the present. "Where would you like to go? The main bed?"
Malsvir scratches his face, feeling awkward. "I... I guess..."
Siyonin nods, walking out of the shadow, and then out the door to the bathroom itself. Malsvir pads along close behind, his mind buzzing with several different thoughts about what just what happened and what will happen...
Neopets and all related characters & locations Copyright © Neopets Inc.
Characters/Locations used without permission
Malsvir © me
Siyonin © Dreamous
~ Scy