Dark Origins: Revelations Part 1

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#2 of Dark Origins

Dark Origins: Revelations: Part 1

Matt sat down on the convertible couch in his and Feih's quarters, leaned forward, placed his head in his hands and covered his eyes. Feih joined him a few seconds later and tried to say something to sooth his troubled mind over what they had seen in the Dorzeli only meeting about their destination and, to their surprise, the true origin of her species, information that even she had never known. Unable to find the necessary words she decided to remain silent until he "recovered" from the many shocks he had received in the secured room that was near the ships power core and hoped that their relationship would stay intact.

He concentrated and used his still developing Dorzeli abilities to go over the photographic and video record they had both seen that had angered, scared, shocked and so turned him on that it was all he could do to not pounce on her when she sat down next to him. He also could have accused her of having lied to him about some aspects of her culture and species but the stunned expressions on her and Daihas' faces that he had seen in response to what Freerah had presented had caused him to conclude that what her parents had told her and probably what they in turn had been told about their people's history had been, at best, half truths that had been perpetuated by the Kroon Empire for centuries.

He replayed everything he had seen: the approach to earth from outer space, the unexpected and near complete darkness on the planet's night side that was a major clue as to the time period of that ancient visit to earth. Then he heard the explanation of the mission which resulted in actions by teams and individuals that, in many cases, had led to events that resulted in some of mankind's most ancient of legends. As no advanced technology was allowed to be carried by the invaders to prevent cultural contamination some were left with no defense from weapons of the time period. Some fell to single to mass attacks while larger members of the Kroon used various methods of persuasion from negotiations to brute force to get what they needed: living specimens.

He watched as abducted humans were brought to the artificial world known as Origin Point were they were forced to help develop the Dorzeli which lead to the ultimate discovery that it was human DNA that was needed to help perfect their creation. What followed were the details which amazed him: the identity of the human who had become involved with a Dorzel researcher, who had worked on the project, how they perfected the creation of a new species and their ultimate fate.

Fearful of what the expression on his face could mean and his continued silence Feih decided to try and talk to him with the first words out of her mouth since the meeting broke up, "Matt, I...I..."

He opened his eyes and turned to her with a slight grin on his snout. "I know you didn't lie to me."

She acknowledged his continued trust in her with a brief nod of her head before she said, "I still can't believe that he's that old."

His eyes returned to a spot on the floor in front of his feet when he thought about what happened to that human and his Dorzel mate. "I don't think so. Jason gave out too much information about himself after the war that was confirmed by independent sources for that to be true." He had to admit that he did not know what was true anymore, only that what he had just told her had to be so because if Jason had always been a Dorzeli Prime he never would have needed Freerah's help in overthrowing the corrupt corporate owned governments of Earth's last century.

He looked back at her, "It's still hard for me to believe that most of the dragons in all those old legends were members of Kroon scouting teams." He looked down at his hands, hands that had one extra finger than those of the original velociraptor-like Dorzel, the same number as a human, then to his feet that had one extra toe than they but one less than a human.

Feih saw this and nodded. "Then it must have been a relative of an ancestor of his; they look so alike."

He glanced at her for a moment then said. "But there're almost no dragon legends from Africa..." Then it hit him but before he could speak Feih voiced his conclusion.

"It must've been the Fashke who kidnapped him when he was young. They can swallow their prey whole and keep them alive for days without digesting them and a human or two wouldn't have been much of a problem for an adult."

He thought back to the two giant snake-like beings that he had seen in the council chamber. The smallest one was over 14 meters long. "From the size of those two I saw on Kralken I can believe that." He brought his right hand up to his jaw and felt how similar it was to theirs.

Feih saw this and smiled. "Their genes were used to modify our heads, jaws for that same purpose, and give us our base venom, but I didn't know until today that he and Sherkais had also used human genes to help give us our final form."

Matt's memory of the punishments that were received by those humans that had failed or rebelled against their Kroon captors caused him to once again look away from her. "Not that they had any choice in that decision." He couldn't bring himself to finish but was amazed at how little their ultimate fates had disturbed him compared to what he would have felt before his transformation.

He turned back to face Feih when he felt her hand on his shoulder. "I told you once before that I would never allow humans to be treated in the same way as we do the Soriss and that I'll kill anyone who tries, but...." She became unsteady until Matt took hold of that same hand.

"I told you before that I love and trust you. It's just that I'm not sure that if pushed hard enough that I wouldn't act like they did back then."

She stared him in his eyes so hard that he would have backed away if there had been any hint of anger from her; "You stood in a middle of a village with dozens of helpless Soriss in front of you and managed to let them all live when I or any other Dorzeli would've slaughtered them." Her eyes softened. "If you could do that with the enemy of our peoples I'm sure humans will always be safe around you."

He chuckled, "Unless they're really stupid."

She half smiled then said, "Well you could always walk away."

He became serious and thoughtful once more; "It frightens me to think of what could have happened if Freerah had gone ahead with her original plan and changed a lot of people into Dorzeli, especially Jason." With all the anger he knew his commander had had within him back then over the loss of his family he envisioned a scene that could have been right out of an old giant monster movie with whole cities, even countries, raised to the ground as Jason's anger overwhelmed his self control.

Feih seemed to know what he was on his mind when she said, "After what I learned today about what my ancestors did to those that were uncooperative or openly rebelled against them I'm glad that she didn't. At least they eventually stopped that practice toward the end."

He sighed, "Only because they couldn't return to Earth to get replacements after the Soriss had cut them off from our sector." He looked at her torso and smiled. "And I guess it was also because Jason's ancestor and Sherkais fell in love and wanted to have young." He managed a small laugh. "It's was also smart of him to secretly add a failsafe in the later generations to help keep the other humans as safe as possible."

He saw her sniff at him and grin. He smiled, sat up, leaned back and grinned.

Her eyes widened at what she saw. Matt had somehow managed to hide from her that he had opened the fly of his modified uniform's lower half and gone to full mast since he had first sat down. She gave him a curious, yet appreciative look.

His grin broadened. "I used all of my concentration to keep myself down while Freerah showed those recordings of them having sex. I can't imagine why they included them in the official record." He smiled when she licked her lips and moved closer to him.

She took a firm hold of his maleness. "Is that why you're so ready?" He nodded yes and gave off a hiss of joy when she stroked him.

"Seeing him submit himself to hir despite hir large size turned me on almost as much as our first time together and what we saw from Kralken Four."

"I thought as much when I saw how you, Daihas and Jason squirmed when we saw them make love to each other for the first time."

He smirked. "You weren't...ughhhn...much better."

He again hissed with joy when Feih licked his entire length in one slow pass but opened his eyes when she released him and saw her grin and look his throbbing organ over. Before he could ask if anything was wrong she said, "You've grown since we left Dessla." and began to stroke him once more.

He could not believe that she had noticed and grunted, "I'd hardly count a centimeter...ahhhh."

She kept up her efforts and added, "Just think how big you'll be in a few years."

His memory that all Dorzeli continue to grow throughout their lifespan was wiped out when she next asked, "Did you like what you saw and what they did?"

When he thought back to when Freerah made love to him as a herm and how much he enjoyed his short time with Kreesak, the former human starship captain that had tried to assassinate Jason and was turned into a Dorzeli-An sex starved hermaphrodite as a 'punishment' he said, "Yessss.".

He grabbed her and licked and kissed her face with a passion that she was unprepared for. When he stopped he panted, "You don't know how much I've wanted to do this since watching them go at it." He stopped and thought for a moment. "It's too bad that a traitor among the surviving humans sabotaged the project so that your people where no longer herms like the Dorzel." He smiled and caressed the left side of her face. "You would've made an exceptionally beautiful one."

She was truly surprised. "You mean that if I was one you'd still would've..."

He nodded yes then asked, "Did you ever want to be one?"

He saw her become thoughtful then, after several seconds, when he began to think that his question may have been a bit too personal she gave him her answer; "Yes."

Her answer did not surprise him as he had always suspected that most Dorzeli females were envious and maybe even jealous of the fact that their males had retained part of their species hermaphroditic heritage in the form of his/their pseudo feminine orifice. As if to prove him right he felt the tip of one of her tails brush against that organ. He shivered, not in revulsion, but from pure arousal in anticipation of her plunging it deep within him.

She took a firm grip of him and continued her answer, "Although I had once wished I had one of these," she resumed stroking him, "I'm more than happy to be the way I am with you."

She stopped and squeezed his member and to her delight, found that it barely yielded to her pressure; he grimaced with pleasure at her vice-like grip. "If watching those brief scenes did this to you I should have recorded what we saw from Kralken." She grinned at his reaction. "I'll have to ask Freerah if there're any others in the memory core and if we can get copies."

Matt smiled then said, "Jason could make millions selling them, especially the footage after they successfully changed themselves." He saw her become the epitome of seriousness. With her sharp clawed hand still firmly around his member he became a bit nervous. "I was only kidding."

"I hope so." She resumed her massage. "Jason's status among your people would be seriously damaged if those recordings ever got out."

He frowned when she released him and stood up, but it turned upside down when she moved in front of him, stepped up onto the couch so that she straddled him and lowered her slit onto his cock. They both hissed with pleasure as she impaled herself and her breasts came to a rest level with his face.

She leaned down, licked him between his eyes then said, "Definitely bigger and y-you're so hard...I'll definitely have to ask Freerah..."

Matt grabbed her sides and forcefully pulled her down until she enveloped almost all of his length. She raised her head high and gave off a growl of ecstasy from deep in her throat with each thrust up into her and he in turned growled, "We...don't...need...no...steeken...videos."

Over the next several hours all thoughts of the video and what they had learned would be the least things on their minds, but it was the first thing on the mind of the individual who through creative hacking had managed to break through the Pressat's sophisticated security system and copy not only that file but what was discussed during the meeting, including Freerah's original plan to convert millions of humans into Dorzeli and that only Jason's intervention soon after her release from suspended animation had prevented her from carrying it out.

The spy smiled with the satisfaction that this mission, which was backed by the same cabal that had launched the last unsuccessful assassination attempt against Jason, could allow enough information to be acquired so that both he and the Dorzeli could be discredited in the eyes of all humans once and for all, especially if the information he saw on their next destination proved that they had turned on their human creators and would one day do the same to their new allies.