Grim Fairy Tail

Story by Razade on SoFurry

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#2 of Fairy Tales

The latex fairy lounged in his new abode, the whole interior of the house a perfect latex duplicate of itself. The pipes and other functions of the house had ceased to function but being latex he needed little of them. With a little magic the lights returned to life, casting a soft hazy glow off the house and its slick surfaces. A few more humans had come to the house, though he didn't really understand why or who they were though each visit always ended the same. He'd let them in, jump them and devour them. He liked feeling full, and while they didn't give him any nutrients, each conquest had given him more mass and energy to work with. His magic had grown stronger, weird and dark almost like himself; he had control of the latex not only inside of him but the house as well. He'd spent the time between meals messing with the control and shaping of his body and the house though after a week and a'd grown stale.

He wondered what the fairy village was doing, though feared if they found out one of their own had breached into the mortal world their anger would be brought down on him swiftly. He had to act discreetly in that case until he had a plan to at least defend against them. He could certainly trap a few more fairies and convert them that would be ample amusement enough but how to get out seeing as how a massive latex humanoid would surely attract attention if the human's reactions were anything to go off of. He'd have to be off swiftly and in the night so no one would see his black form, and thus he waited for the sun to slowly set. Once nightfall had arrived he slowly slipped out of the house, forming himself into a large winged draconic beast and took flight. He'd learned he could fly with a little more latex and more "muscle" mass, his old fairy wings to small and thin to support his bulk. He landed in a small glade in the nearby forest, quickly wrapping himself around a large tree and taking on its form. A few more minutes passed as he formed faux flowers, coloring them into a vivid glowing white that would act as a beacon. Then came the scents. He knew that male and female fairies put off scents to attract each other; he knew the smell of a fresh and ready female all too well despite never laying with one. A little more work with his magic and soon he was the perfect tree to lure sex addled male fairies like bees to a flower.

He waited most of the night, though slowly a large band of male fairies appeared in the air attracted to the massive scent that wafted through the air. They seemed to be from another local tribe, which was perfect as too many from his home missing would alert the elders and bring their powers against him. Each landed on the slick black branches in confusion, talking amongst themselves almost angrily that the new tree had tricked them and made them so horny. But the latex fairy wasn't going to let them leave unsatisfied...or at all. The branches and flowers acted swiftly, thin tentacles coiling about the dozen or so tiny men and sucking them all into the tree. He had learned how to delay or even not corrupt people during his experiments with the humans, keeping each wriggling angry mass inside of him as he pulled off the tree with a shudder. Their wriggling only excited him more as he felt each motion, causing him to moan and shudder powerfully. He quickly morphed back into a dragon, flying home as swiftly as he could as the wriggling ceased as he filled the small chambers within him with a small sedative. He landed on the roof of his stolen lair, morphing into the house and into the central room where he quickly formed a nest, settling down into it with a happy purr. The fun was about to start for sure now that he was in a safe location, his feet merging with the floor so he had command of the whole house like it was his body. He pulled the first drooling fairy from his body, the small man's eyes glazed and staring into the air almost peacefully.

Most fairies looked more or less the same, thin almost feminine build with bright colored hair and wings and none that he captured were much of a break in the mold. The small fairy slowly started to come to, screaming and struggling as he saw the massive latex dragon staring at him with an amused look. "Tsk tsk..." he murmured, placing a claw tip into the fairies mouth to silence him though the fear and panic didn't cease. "Let's have some fun! I want to see what we can do with your body..." he chirped, the talon morphing into a cock shaped tentacle as it slide more comfortably into the fairies mouth causing him to moan in fear. The latex dragon ignored it as he started to morph more, his hands and arms forming one massive cage as his draconic body became immobile. The fairy inside the cage looked on in horror at the perverse magic, a small latex fairy appearing out of the floor in his cage as the tentacle stated leaking a sweet honey dew flavored liquid that drooled out of the struggling fairies lips. His latex captor tsked again, walking up to his prone body as more tentacles weaved themselves from the wall and ceiling to hold him up in the air spread eagle. The little fairy continued to struggle but try as he might, some of the liquid started to trickle down his throat and into his stomach as the fight slowly left him. When the last of the fight finally faded from his body, the liquid started to seep freely into his stomach, his body burning to list as his struggles became wriggles of need. He started to suck at the tentacle in his mouth, all thoughts of the other fairy in his cage gone until he felt the slick hand on his dick. The latex fairy stroked him slowly, several fingers spreading some cooling liquid over his ass and between his crack, forcing his muscles to relax.

"We're going to have lots of fun you and me cutey...don't you want to be big and bad?" The latex fairy cooed, moving behind the bound creature as he spread his cheeks. "Your butt is so cute...we have to share it with your friends and the world! But its mine first and I want to taste it." He parted the cute fairy's butt, slowly licking around his pucker as he spread some slick clear latex between and around it. The actions caused the small fairy to moan louder as he started to suck needily along the tentacle in his mouth, which slowly started to thrust within the confines of his hole. The bulge of the tentacle could be seen in the fairy's throat, causing him to shudder and pant through his nose as he went slack. The latex fairy giggled as his tongue slowly formed into a long tentacle all its own, fighting to wriggle into the cute little lubed up ass in front of him. It finally broke past the tight muscles, winding into the fairy to the sounds of more passionate moans. The tongue tentacle slowly wound its way into the little fairy's guts before starting to spray a powerful jet of cum deep into him. The fairy screamed and thrashed in pleasure against his bonds, his cock swelling before it came all over the weird cage. The fairy slumped after its release, but the tentacle in his mouth continued to fuck him mercilessly to its own orgasm, filling his stomach with enough cum to make his tiny belly swell grossly.

The latex fairy slowly pulled the tentacle out of its captives ass, some of its black latex cum spilling out as he ran his tiny fingers of the distended belly of the bloated fairy. "Mmm...look how sexy you are now...but I'll make you even sexier..." he giggled, the belly of the fairy slowly starting to deflate as the black cum flowed out its ass, covering its body swiftly. The poor fairy was too exhausted to fight, struggling only as the latex filled its ears and down its throat, coating it completely. The bindings let go of the new latex fairy as its transformation was complete, before the cage slipped back into the dragon. The newly created fairy landed on the ground, looking around as it tried to flutter its wings. The dragon chuckled, tapping the fairy on the belly and giving him a little bit more latex, forming his old wings into bat like appendages. He spat out two more of the newly converted fairy's friends, converted and transformed as well, who stood and looked around in wonder before taking to the air. "Why don't you go out and play...while I work on the rest of your friends." The dragon giggled darkly, a rumbling sound as the three did as they were told.

The three wheeled around in the air outside, the night air cool on their new slick bodies as they explored one another. Ariel fucking was a specialty of fairies, but before long they set their sights on the house next door. They flittered in through an open window, looking around the house until they found their prey. A young boy around eighteen sitting in front of a strange glowing window, clearly pleasuring himself to images of other naked male humans. The three latex fairies's moved in quickly, two grabbing the boys arms and pulling them back against the chair with surprising speed as the first flew down the boys throat, silencing the surprised scream that almost broke free from his lips. The transformation was swift, the two fairies letting go of their companion's arms before they started to fly off. But the newly transformed creature only grinned, grabbing his compatriots before they could flee far. "Where do you think you're going..." he purred, pulling them down to his now massive erection. The two fairies's yelped in a mix of fear and lust, starting to kiss and suck along the towering length. The surface of the massive dong seemed sticky to them, suddenly finding themselves caught and molding into the surface of the dick as the larger fairy laughed with a pleased moan. "Y-You'll both look so cute as my dicks." He growled, the tiny fairies' trying to struggle but were to swiftly absorbed into the organ. The larger fairy moaned again as he could feel their final struggles before the new transformation took hold. The easily ten inch length started to spilt and grow, coiling in the air until they each ended at roughly four feet. Their mushroom shaped heads started to morph and push out as well, suddenly ending in two perfectly handsome fairy faces that moaned and drooled thick pre-seed onto the ground.

The creature giggled, inspecting his new and powerful body. His master would surely be pleased but there was so much more to do. He knew from his host's body that another of his age was sleeping over just in the room next door. He crept in, his tentacle cocks wiping about as they found their prey. The boy couldn't be much older than his host, sprawled out on a couch with a simple blanket covering his mostly naked form. The fairy moved forward, removing the blanket to expose the boy in his boxers much to his sleeping complaint. The fairy giggled, the two heads of his cocks drooling more as they scanned over the body before biting into his boxers and sliding them off his frame. The action brought the boy to a partial level of alertness, though the fairy moved quickly to cover the boys mouth with a hand. "No'll wake the rest of the house...and we can't have that now can we?"

The long tentacle cocks whipped about the boy, one face hovering before his while the other started to lick at his balls. The face in front of his own moved the hand aside, pressing its lips to the boys mouth before it's tongue invaded his mouth aided by the slick pre-cum drool. The musky odor of the pre-seed and the attention to his balls and the tongue action he was receiving made it to hard to resist as the boy started to kiss the odd face back while he tried to swallow the sticky gooey saliva that drained down his throat. His cock swelled softly, the face giving his balls such attention shifting to swallow it giving him the best blow job of his young and soon to be changed life. The fairy stepped forward as the second face moved to the boys ass, replacing it as the boy and he made out eagerly between moans and other sounds of pleasure. He slowly shifted his tongue into a long cock like his master had, pulling away to let the organ have the boys full attention. And attention it got, the boy deep throating it like a champ, sucking and gobbling along the length like a man possessed. The second face slowly yawned its mouth open, three powerful tentacles issuing forth to start striking the boys rear, forcing him to scream into the tentacle in his mouth.

The abuse didn't last long as the tentacles merged together into a powerful phallus, spearing into the poor boys virgin ass to strike at his unused prostate. The attention was too much, the boy cumming into the hungry mouth over his length before he felt it suddenly melt into the goo. He wanted to struggle as he felt his manhood disappear but he was bound tight as the tentacle in his ass started to fuck him viciously. His body continued to shudder as a strange sensation overtook him, his eyes darting down to see his groin overgrown in thick black rubber. He screamed and thrashed more but each movement only caused the stuff to over take him faster. The first face pulled away as a long powerful dick of rubber grew out between the transforming boy's legs. He felt the dick in his ass swell, praying to whatever God he could that the nightmare was over. And over it was as the cock spilled buckets of black ooze into his bowels and ass, the transformation ending as his whole body was encased. The fairy let the rubber coated boy fall to the floor, disappearing into thin air as the transformation ended.