Diane's Distraction

Story by Stormewolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of Diane's Distraction

Diane looked at herself in the mirror, trying to put on a charming smile and finding it hard to do so. The outfit she had put together was cute enough; there was no doubt about that. She looked at herself in a black skirt that came a bit down mid thigh, a new pair of black leather boots that came up to the knee and a white blouse that exposed an ample amount of her generous cleavage. It would have looked fantastic on any buxom vixen in her early twenties. Unfortunately, Diane was in her early forties and no longer possessed the firm body she did when she first got married.

Simply remembering the fact that she had been, until quite recently, married brought forth another swell of uncertainty and not a small amount of anger. The divorce was amicable, at least as far as the dividing of property went. Her ex-husband has been quite generous in the divorce settlement, granting her the house among other things without much trouble. Of course, the fact that she caught her ex fucking the not-quite-eighteen year old daughter of their next door neighbor made him more amiable to negotiations. She had been shocked at first, then surprised that he managed to coax that little bitch into bed. But then again, her ex had always been a smooth talker if not the brightest bulb in the bunch.

That had been half a year ago, and here she was, alone in a nice two-story home in the suburbs. Her only daughter away at college and the loneliness was setting in. She gave a sigh as she looked at herself in the mirror once more. Her body was showing a little bit of pudge as her middle had grown softer over the years. Her hips had more of a "womanly flare" than she would have liked and her ass seemed to have a bit more padding than she remembered. At least her breasts looked nice, she thought, but that might have to do with the push-up bra she bought with that new skirt.

She looked at herself a little longer in the mirror before looking to the clock, a little past 9pm. She blinked in surprise at the time, it had been over an hour since she had gotten dressed, had she really procrastinated so long. She gave a huff, grabbed her purse and car keys and hurried as best as she could out the door in those new boots. She told herself she was going to do this and there as no sense in stopping now.

The Oasis was a bar inside a very nice hotel. Aldin had never gotten a room there though, even on a football scholarship at State, money was a precious commodity to a college student, even more so when he didn't have time for a part-time job between practice and classes. His folks sent him a little cash now and then but if it wasn't for the scholarship he'd never have gotten into college in the first place. His grades were hardly fantastic, but they were enough to keep him on the team, which was all he cared about really. The young black wolf wasn't stupid, he just was more interested in sacking a quarterback than learning about some dead author and why his book was so great.

Tonight he was happy to leave that all behind for a little while, kicking back a few beers with his teammates. It had been a rough practice earlier in the day and the chance to unwind was welcome. The chance to maybe take a coed back to his dorm was also welcome. The Oasis was a popular hangout spot for students trying to get off campus for a little bit and there were always a few hotties later in the evening.

Aldin was pacing himself, going to the bar for just his second beer when he took notice of a woman who was sitting at it by herself. She was obviously no college student, though the vixen seemed to be trying hard to look like one judging by the way she was dressed. Despite the age though, she was certainly curvy in all the right places. She also looked bored, toying with the ice of a tumbler devoid of anything left to drink, staring into the mirror behind the bar.

The young wolf looked over his shoulder, his friends still laughing and joking amongst themselves. They wouldn't notice if he was gone for a few minutes perhaps. He felt into his pockets, searching the insides with his paw. He still had a few folded bills left in there and now was as good a time to use them as any. He moved up to the bar, slipping between her stool and the one beside her.

"Don't suppose I could buy you a drink?"

Diane blinked, her ears swiveling to the question before he head turned to face the one posting it. She found herself looking around with her eyes to make sure the young wolf was indeed speaking to her. Realizing it was she managed to put on her best smile and give the wolf a nod.

"Why, of course" the vixen said, brightening up quite a bit. She had truly thought the night at the bar would have ended up with a few drink and little else. Suddenly there was a very handsome man...boy, talking to her. She finally started to process the situation. This wolf couldn't be much older than her own daughter, why in the world was he offering to buy her a drink?

"So, whatcha drinking there?" the wolf nodded to her empty glass, wearing a winning smile of his own.

"Oh, a screwdriver, sweetie." Diane almost covered her muzzle with her paw when she called him that. She was talking to him like she would her own daughter. The wolf didn't seem to mind though and quickly caught the attention of the bar tender, ordering a beer and screwdriver. Despite the boy's attempt to shield it, she caught sight of him finding a few crumpled bills in his jeans pocket and handing them over. He certainly wasn't trying to attempt to impress her with a display of wealth.

The drinks were delivered in due course and the small talk began. Names were exchanged and soon playful joking. Another round of drinks were ordered, ones she offered to pay for this time. The minutes that had been dragging while sitting alone were starting to fly while she enjoyed the company of this young wolf. Underneath it all she felt a little guilty chatting up one so young. She had gone out with the full intent of meeting someone, but she had thought something more along the lines of a nice business man, not a college student.

The conversation stopped a moment as the bar doors swung open and a gaggle of young girls suddenly swarmed into the bar, already looking like they had had a few drinks before arriving to The Oasis. Her companion noticed too and she experienced a wave of unexpected jealousy. These girls, still young and tight and a whole life ahead of them, she expected the young wolf to break off and head their way. The girls wound their way to Aldin's friends and joined them, but the wolf looked back to Diane and started talking again like nothing happened.

The jealous feeling was quickly replaced by a sense of victory. Here this young wolf was, forsaking the girls his own age to stay with her. The feeling gave Diane a surge of courage and she lifted her drink and quickly finished it.

"So, you want to get out of here?" She could hardly believe the words coming out her muzzle, but she wasn't going to let an opportunity like this get away if she could help it.

The young wolf blinked a moment, then hurriedly chugged the rest of his beer and nodded. What had been a smooth talker suddenly looked like an eager young pup. "Yeah, sure!" Diane swore she almost saw his tail wag.

The vixen's nervousness had vanished from her, now feeling a little smug that she managed to net this young stud even when options more the boy's age were readily accessible. Perhaps she had been wrong when she came here. She didn't need some working man her age to show her a good time, this young wolf was exactly what she needed.

"Come on then, pup. I think it's your lucky night." And with that she slid off her stool and made her way to the door. She didn't need to look over her shoulder to know that she was being followed. After all these years she was taking someone back to her place. How many times in her youth had she been propositioned by one male or another and gone back to their apartment for a quick screw? It was her turn now and she was enjoying the feeling immensely.

In the parking lot she led him to her car and suddenly turned to face him, pressing her muzzle to his in a fierce kiss, catching Aldin by surprise, but only for a moment. The wolf quickly responded and tongues entwined with one another. His strong paw quickly found her backside through that black skirt, squeezing and kneading the round flesh there. Her own paw slipped between his thighs, giving his package a testing squeeze, causing his eyes to go wide for a second.

As quickly as she had initiated it she broke the kiss and gave the boy a playful wink and slid into the car, Aldin wasting no time in joining her in the passenger seat. The playful rubbing and groping continued there, his paw sliding along her bare thigh, pushing the skirt up as she drove. Her paw would have to slip down, making the wolf pause when his own went too high along her thigh.

"Just be patient, stud, we're almost there." flashing him another grin as she spoke. Aldin almost looked sullen at the rebuke but complied, but as promised, the ride home was short and before long she was almost dragging the young wolf inside, not that he needed much encouragement.

Aldin followed the vixen upstairs where she spun on him once more. Diane had seemingly lost the self-consciousness she had before about her figure and quickly began to disrobe, unbuttoning her blouse to expose the white, lacy bra underneath and the 34C's that it contained.

The wolf looked at her with hungry eyes as the blouse hit the floor. But Diane was making him wait. She reached out and grabbed his paw in her smaller one and led him to the edge of the bed. "Now...sit down a moment and get comfy, sweetie."

The wolf did as he was told, wearing a small, goofy smile as he obeyed and began to enjoy the show that Diane put on for him. She reached behind her back and unzipped the black skirt, letting it fall around her ankles, revealing the white French-cut panties she had selected for the evening, matching her bra. She turned and faced away from him then, bending at the waist to put her curvy and slightly plump backside on display for him as she unzipped her boots and slid them off, revealing the natural white socks covering her footpaws.

When she turned around she couldn't help but smile when she saw the effect she was having on the young wolf, a noticeable tent having appears over the crotch of his jeans. Diane stepped back to him and lowered her paw, gently stroking it over the firm lump that she found for a moment before she reached for his belt, deftly undoing the buckle, then the button and zipper of his pants. A quick tug of at the waist of them soon had his pants around his thighs, revealing to the vixen that her young lover had gone "commando" this evening, his pink shaft standing proudly from his crotch.

"Well now...that looks delightful" she looked up at Aldin's face and grinned with mischief, noticing the slight red tinge forming inside the wolf's ears. Her small hand wrapped around the base of his length as she slid down to her knees beside the bed. Her muzzle opened and in a practiced motion engulfed the young male's length till it teased the entrance of her throat.

Aldin gasped at the sudden sensation of his cock being wrapped up in such a manner, the pink shaft throbbing in Diane's paw as her head slowly began to bob up and down along him. Her tongue swabbed against the underside of his length, pressing firmly as she worked up and down along him. Sliding up along that length she used the tip of her tongue to gently tease the opening at that taper tip, causing the wolf to squirm in pleasure. The vixen grinned around that length, all the time her ex had insisted she go down on him was at least paying off in one way.

Diane's cheeks dimpled in as she suckled him in earnest, keeping her paw tightly wound around Aldin's shaft, just above the swollen wolf knot. Her head bounced up and down quickly, tasting the salty precum her muzzle coaxed out from him. She made sure to keep her paw near that knot of his to judge how far along her young lover was, another trick she had learned when dealing with her former mate.

It came as quite a surprise then when she heard Aldin start to grunt, and then sink into a low whine, the young male's knot barely formed as he was already spraying thick streamers of his cum into her muzzle. She began to yank her head back in surprise, only at the last minute wrapping her lips tight around the tip of his cock and suckled, swallowing the seed he fed to her. The older vixen had never minded the taste of cum, but it has been a long time since she was able to enjoy the fresh seed of a strapping young stud like the one she had in her home now. Her eyes drifted closed as her paw moved up and down his length, coaxing the boy's seed into her mouth and down her throat.

Once he began to come down from his climax she pulled her muzzle free and looked up into Aldin's face with a wry smirk. For his own part, the wolf was looking rather sheepish, that slight red tinge in his ears having darkened to a full blush. "Um...I...I'm sorry Diane, I didn't think, er, I didn't mean to...." the wolf babbled on, causing the older vixen to giggle.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry about it" her paw still attached to Aldin's shaft, stroking it up and down. That pink cock was starting to flag slightly, but she intended not to let that happen. "I know you're young, I should have gone a little slower, perhaps."

Diane looked down at Aldin's abashed expression, her paw still moving up and down, squeezing and slightly twisting that cock in her paw, making sure her young stud stayed up and at the ready. "But, I suppose I can give you a second chance now." Her paw finally left his length and both reached behind her, undoing her bra and letting it fall off. Her large chest bounced free, a little sag with age but decades of dedicated support bra wearing minimized it as much as possible. She stood one again and faced away from the boy before her thumbs hooked into the waist of her panties and slid them down her thighs, tail up and presenting that slightly chubby ass to the wolf.

She looked over her shoulder to check on him, and sure enough, that lupine cock was still hard as a rock. She let a grin tease across her muzzle. "Of course, there are some advantages of being young, aren't there?" Turning around once more she grabbed Aldin's jeans and yanked them off all the way, leaving him nude from the waist down before rejoining him on the bed.

Aldin swung his legs up onto the covers and started to slip up, slowly trying to make his way behind the older vixen when she put a paw to his chest and pushed him back down again. Her paw lifter up, wagging her index finger with a gentle "tutut" of admonishment before that mischievous grin returned. She had enjoyed running the show this long, she wasn't giving it up.

She lifted a leg and gently, slowly straddled the wolf's thighs and slide forward, letting the base of the still half-swollen knot press against her now very hot and very wet slit. She leaned over the young wolf, pressing her palms to his chest. "Do you like what you see, sweetie?"

In response Aldin could only enthusiastically nod his head. He had been more used to sloppy, drunken sex with other coeds. This was nothing like that at all. The experience was novel for Diane as well. There was nothing at all wrong with being taken, but being in control of this young wolf was a thrill in of itself.

He paw reached for that shaft once more, holding it firmly as he hips lifted and her body shifted forward, drawing the slick tip across her black lips. Once in position, she slowly lowered herself onto him, groaning out in pleasure as she squeezed her walls around him. Finally she settled down over his lap, her bottom resting on his thighs as that knot pressed against her warm opening "Oh gods...."

Aldin groaned out as well, his own paws reaching up and cupping the large breasts hanging down over his face, licking his lips while his thumbs went to work. Quickly he began to rub and roll those nipples into firm nubs of flesh, his head trying to lift up and take one into his muzzle. Diane leaned back, toying with the boy, playfully keeping them out of his muzzles reach.

The vixen's fingers curled, scratching lightly through Aldin's fur as her hips started to slowly move up and down, the quiet house soon filling with soft moans and the wet sounds of sex. Her bottom rose and fell, brushing her young stud's thighs as she took him into herself over and over, her excitement starting to trickle down his length, matting the fur on his balls.

Diane's muzzle hung open, emitting a stream of pants and whines as she rode the wolf's hard cock, finally letting herself lean over and giving a sharp gasp as the wolf's searching muzzle finally reached her breast, latching onto her and suckling like a newborn cub. "Oh yes, baby, suck on my tit....that's a good boy..." her fingers curled tighter, gripping pawfulls of the wolf's chest fur as she began to bounce up and down vigorously. Her new lover having a bit more staying power this time, having worked that first load out of him with her muzzle, she could feel that knot swelling once more every time her mound slammed down ontop of it. It was a little bigger than she had anticipated, but despite that fact she was determined to get it all in when it was time.

That time was quickly approaching, Aldin was fervently working on her breast, alternating his muzzle from one breast to the other, leaving both wet and glistening with his saliva. Diane's bottom continued to crash down upon his thighs, grinding that knot against her slick hole until it became to much to bear. With all the force she could muster she drove herself down on that lupine knot, forcing the bulb up inside her quivering pussy as she came. Her muscled clenched hard around length and knot both, and that was enough to get her boy toy to cum once more, this time filling her waiting sex.

Diane's hips pushed and ground down over Aldin's crotch, murring and panting at once, enjoying the throes of her orgasm. She couldn't' remember the last time she had cum so hard. Gods knew her ex never attempted to get her off like this. The feeling of warmth radiated from her belly as she looked down at her young lover, his tongue lolled out to the side and panting heavily, spent from the wild ride.

She let her body start to relax and slowly laid herself down over the wolf's chest, that knot still tied within her as she cuddled up against him, pressing soft kissed to his jaw and muzzle. "Mmm, I needed this, sweetie...thank you."

The wolf looked surprised at the remark. "Thank me? I think I should be thanking you. I mean...I never...oh, I hope we get to do this again sometime!"

The words rang like music in Diane's ears. She turned her muzzle to conceal the smile she held before she spoke again. "Sweetheart, I plan on keeping you around as long as I can." She pushed herself up once more, hovering over the wolf, giving a slow lick to her lips. "So tell me, sugar. You ever fucked a girl in the ass before?"

Diane watched with glee as the wolf try to stammer out a replay to that question. She planned on having a lot of fun with this young wolf, as much as she could. It was just the distraction she was looking for, and maybe something more. Though he was proving to be quite a distraction already, such a distraction that she never heard the key unlocking the front door...

Note: There are ideas for a part two, as one might guess from the ending. Should feedback be positive enough to warrent it, I'll crank it out (pun not intended, but implied anyway).