Take Out or Delivery

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Lightning finds himself in a small spaceport after his ship docks to refuel, but while there isn't much to explore in the area he finds that there is some exotic alien fauna that is in the area. In this case it takes the form of a draconic sabrewolf that he quickly makes friends with, and as the two continue to get to know one another he finds out that there is more to the alien then meets the eye. Fortunately, or potentially unfortunately, the hybrid seems to take a shining to him and decides that he would be the perfect guest to have for dinner.

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It was the middle of the night on the space station, though the only way one would know about it is if they had a timepiece of some sort since the lights of the docking bay were always on. Beyond that was the darkness of space; it was a backdrop that Lightning had seen for a very long time, the dragon letting out a sigh as he walked off the promenade. He was from an exploration vessel and they were just stopping off at this place to refuel and get repairs before they were back off into the fringes of space. As he turned around Lightning let out a sigh and began to trudge his way to the main section of the station in order to see if he could at least find something to occupy the few hours of time he had on this backwater station.

Lightning found there wasn't much to do there either, though he saw a few people that were from the expedition team that were wandering around there wasn't much going on. There was a small rest stop that had a diner in there and while it likely wouldn't be the greatest of meals it would be better than the food that they were going to get the next few months. As soon as he got inside he found that there was really no one in there, which given that most people on this station belonged to the expedition and were probably dealing with the resupply he would be alone. His part to play was in the beginning and with that done it was time to just sit and stare at the menu.

As Lightning continued to look down he suddenly felt the presence of another, the green eyes of the dragon slowly drifting up to see that he was no longer alone in the booth. He felt himself jump slightly when he saw another pair of green eyes staring at him as the draconic sabrewolf that had been sitting there just give him a grin. "Hey there," the creature said as Lightning found himself looking around wondering where they had come from. "My name's Serathin."

"I'm... Lightning," Lightning said as he continued to look at the creature in confusion. "Do you... work here at the diner?"

"Nah, I was just lurking about," Serathin replied as his grin widened. "I hope you don't mind me taking this seat."

Lightning found himself shaking his head, though there was something strange about this creature. There was something distinctly... alien about him, more so then the usual fare of those that travel throughout the galaxy, yet there was something amicable to him and the more he found himself talking the more he started to relax. "Can I ask something about you and not have it seem rude?" Lightning asked after realizing that they had been sitting and talking long enough for him to finish eating, though it appeared Serathin hadn't ordered anything. "You don't seem like anyone else around here."

"I suppose I am rather unique," Serathin replied with a grin, Lightning blinking a few times to drive the haze that seemed to be settling on his mind after eating. "What some may call an alien even in the farthest reaches of space. I have an interesting anatomy; my body emits pheromones that makes those that are around my company more amicable to my presence, and the second I've been stretching out to you now that I can see that you are getting comfortable."

Lightning looked at the alien creature in confusion before he began to feel something tickle against the tips of his toes. Though he could feel something slithering up his legs he found himself looking down and gasped slightly in shock at the tentacles that had started to coil around his legs. "Serathin, what is this?" Lightning asked, his breathing quickening which only served to inhale more of the pheromones coming off of the alien creature. "Oh, are those... yours?"

"They are," Serathin replied as he watched Lightning continue to look down in amazement. "I thought it would be a good way to introduce you to them. They're rather hard to explain, and since we seem to be becoming fast friends I knew that you could handle them."

"It's... they're definitely more alien in nature," Lightning said, and as the dragon felt them squeeze around his legs they felt soft and almost warm to the touch. "They actually feel... kind of nice, which is weird, right? Normally I don't let someone grab onto me like this, but I'm... glad that you are sharing this with me, is it just in your legs?"

"Oh, I got them all over," Serathin said as his grin widened. "One could say that I give the best hugs." Lightning found himself giggling at this, feeling almost giddy at the idea. He found himself being rather curious at the thought and the more he let those tentacles remain around his limbs the more he found the creature to be intriguing... though he remembered the alien said something about pheromones?

It was a fleeting thought though and suddenly he found his legs free again, the draconic sabrewolf standing up as he offered a hand to Lightning. Though the dragon was unsure of what was going on he found himself taking the hand and being stood up. As they began to walk towards the back though he did notice that the one that had served him was gone and the diner seemed to be empty. That was odd... but as he felt a tentacle slither over his forearm that had pushed out of the alien creature he found himself smiling once again.

Lightning eventually found himself in what looked to be a break room Serathin snapped his fingers and told him to take off his clothing so that they can have a really nice hug. Even though that would normally be something that the dragon wouldn't do with a stranger he found his alien so compelling that he soon found himself naked. As soon as he kicked the last article to the side he looked down to see purple tentacles starting to slide around the black and green scales of his chest. When he looked up in slight shock Lightning saw that there were emerging from the purple fur of the other creature.

They were so soft and warm, Lightning thought to himself as they started to curl around his body while the draconic sabrewolf got closer. At this point he realized that the hybrid was completely naked and had been this entire time, but since he was nude as well it didn't seem that strange. The only thing that he could really focus on was the snuggly feeling as his entire arm was covered by tentacles while more slithered against his back. He found himself letting out a groan as he felt something tease underneath his tail while his own cock throbbing against the other creature.

"Feels pretty good, doesn't it?" Serathin practically whispered as the dragon shivered in the grasp of the tentacles slithering around his body.

"Yes..." Lightning said as he gasped slightly when they continued to tighten.

"You like being encased by my tentacles?" Serathin cooed, his grin widening. "Or maybe encased in general?"

"It feels good," Lightning said with a smile of his own, which widened even more as he breathed in more of the potent pheromones. "So soft... and warm... I love it..."

"Perhaps, you like to go further?" Serathin asked.


"Do you trust me?"


"Good..." Serathin hissed as Lightning noticed something was happening to the throat and mouth of the alien. "Then just relax and enjoy."

There was a moment of pause as Lightning saw the muzzle of the alien begin to swell and bulge, and then the dragon gasped as what he initially thought was a tongue was actually several tentacles that slither through the air and coiled around his head. One of them slid into his muzzle and if the dragon had the capacity through the pleasure that he was feeling he would have said how great it was. The mouth tentacles of the aliens continued to pull the two creatures together until their muzzles were practically touching. Lightning felt himself twitching in delirious bliss as he saw the snout and jaw of the creature split down the middle, though it was only for a second before the tentacles pulled strongly and the draconic sabrewolf slide the outstretched muzzle over his head.

A muffled grunt came from Lightning as his head disappeared in the alien maw of the creature that had continued to squeeze him in his tentacles. In a matter of moments he felt his head getting squeezed by the throat muscles of the one that was swallowing him down. Though the shoulders of the dragon bumped briefly up against the alien muzzle but it proved to be surprisingly stretchy as they were pulled in deeper. Though there was a brief bit of squirming Lightning could eventually feel his muzzle start to push down into another chamber that he guessed was the stomach of the alien hybrid.

The dragon could feel his body starting to curl up in the stomach of the creature and as he felt the lips of the alien slide down his black and green scaled sides Lightning could swear he was doing it on purpose to pleasure him. That suspicion was confirmed when he felt a tongue lick along his groin and curled around his cock, which was when he felt that he was actually fully erect. His legs kicked in the air as he felt some sort of goo that was in the bottom of the cavity that he was sliding into. At this point there was nothing he could do, even with his arms no longer being pinned to his sides he found that all he could do was stretch out the stomach as his knees were pulled in.

For a few moments Serathin seemed to hold the thick tail of the dragon in his mouth while Lightning felt the gooey substance that was inside of it continue to coat his body. As he pressed his hands against what he thought was the bottom of it though his body tingled wherever it touched. The dragon could feel something happening to his head and arms and as his wings were completely immersed after his legs got pulled in he could sense that something was happening to them more intensely. His body continued to stretch out the stomach he was inside as he felt his wings go completely numb before feeling more goo drip down his back.

It was more than just the goo, he could tell his wings were melting and as he felt something similar happening to the horns on his head he brought up his hands to touch them only to see his fingers were gone. His wrists and forearms were bending unnaturally next and strangely Lightning felt... happy, almost euphoric as his body continued to shrink while the rubber-like stomach around him tightened. He wasn't sure how he knew but the dragon realized that he was going to become part of this creature, and he delighted in this prospect. Even as he felt the goo drip over his malformed muzzle and his tail turned to goo a smile formed on his melting face...

Meanwhile Serathin stood there with his muzzle back to normal while he stroked he purple fur of his distended belly. He could sense the essence of the dragon as the stretching and bulging of his stomach was growing less and less while jiggling occasionally. As he was added to the goo that was assimilating and absorbing his body he found himself licking his lips... but he wasn't done yet. Serathin brought up his hands and saw the blue scales turn to black while the fur on his chest and such melted before turning to green.

Serathin shook his head as he could feel the memories and personality infiltrating into his own, though the alien could easily shut it off he needed to know exactly what he was dealing with so he could get off this forsaken station before anyone knew he had escaped. As he continued to take the form of the dragon he had just consumed he realized that this one would be needed to fly the ship... and that meant that he would probably want him to be autonomous and not have to constantly shapeshift like he was doing at that moment. Fortunately he had just the ability to help out with that regard as he thought about those that he had met on the station before remembering one in particular that will help as he put on the dragon's clothes.

About fifteen minutes later Calvech had just finished doing his inventory for the station, the purple horse sighing as he scratched his head. Since it was a small station keeping supplies up to date was crucial since it took days if not weeks to get certain things. They did get a bit of a priority for being a refueling station but it was still necessary to keep things on track, even if no one really appreciated him or the others for doing it. Of course this wasn't what Calvech was intending on doing for the rest of his days and was looking forward to getting off this station at some point.

As he finished his log Calvech was about to leave when the door opened and he saw someone standing there. "Oh, you came with the ship, right?" Calvech said as the dragon nodded. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"I was actually wondering if you could help me out with something," Serathin said as he continued to keep the disguise of Lightning, his hands rubbing on his flat stomach as he tried not to lick his lips. "I was told that you might have a set of goggles that I can borrow? If I remember correctly last time there was something over in this back corner near you."

"Oh, that probably wouldn't be in here," Calvech said as he watched the dragon walk over towards him, the horse sniffing the air as a strange but familiar scent hit his nostrils before he shook his head to refocus his thoughts. "This is for ship parts and... ah... do you smell that? Something smells... rather nice, is that you?"

"It is me," Serathin replied, dropping the act as he begins to revert back to his original form as he watched the face of the horse go slack. "You were one of the first that I brought under with my pheromones, but considering I didn't want to startle you I thought that the dragon would allow me to get close enough. I'm glad that I met you in the first place, you are going to be exactly what I need..."

While Calvech continued to look into the green eyes of the other creature as the face around it shifted from dragon to draconic sabrewolf, but he didn't have much time to gaze upon it as he found himself turned around and pressed up against a wall. Much like what Lightning had experienced Serathin had a surge of pleasure that came from consuming the dragon and with this equine already under his thrall he decided to have a little fun with this part. It took very little to get the horse to undress and as soon as he did he was once more pressed up against the metal wall, his muscular body flexing as he could hear the creature behind him coo at how handsome he was.

But while Serathin's stomach growled he had no intention of eating this one, instead as he continued to stimulate the man in front of him with his hands and soon his maleness sliding between those rounded cheeks he was about to do the opposite. Though Lightning was nothing more than goo in his belly he hadn't absorbed him completely and was about to make use of the dragon. He could still sense the creature was in the throes of euphoric bliss while being held inside him just like the naked horse in front of him. But it was time for his two partners to meet up in the most intimate of ways as Calvech let out a gasp when he felt his cheeks get spread apart and his inner walls were stretched open.

Even though the equine was bigger than Serathin the purple horse was completely within the grips of the alien creature behind him. Calvech was so enthralled by the pheromones of the hybrid that he hardly noticed the tentacles that were coiling around his muscular form, holding him in place as he was slowly being thrusted into. What he thought was the draconic sabrewolf's tongue was actually a gooey, semi-translucent tentacle that started to slither into the horse's mouth. It didn't take much coaxing to get Calvech to start to suck on it, though it quickly turned to gulping as Serathin's stomach began to gurgle from the essence of the dragon flowing into him.

For a few minutes anyone that might have come into the auxiliary parts storage would have seen a smaller draconic sabrewolf thrusting into the purple horse, though anyone that got close would have seen the pulsating tentacles wrapped around him. As he continued to get plowed into the goo had not stopped flowing into him, and as his eyes glazed over they began to shift to a green hue. The horse hair on Calvech's body looked like it was starting to melt and a muffled groan escaped from his mouth as his muzzle began to shift and distort. Tentacles slithering around his body squeezed around his decreasing frame as Serathin had to shift his position to watch for the wings that were starting to grow out of the horse's back.

For Calvech the feeling of his transforming body was second to the strange feelings of an alien psyche pushing into his own mind. The horse gasped from more than just being plowed into as the purple coloration shifted to black and green, scales forming on his skin as a familiar creature emerged. As the last of the gooey tentacle slithered out of the hybrid and into the worker he was no longer the horse that had stood there, instead as he continued to gasp his lithe body pushed up against the wall as the horse tail morphed into a thick draconic one. The look of confusion on the face of Calvech shifted increasingly to pleasure until suddenly he blinked his green eyes and looked around.

"Se-Serathin..." the transforming creature said as Serathin could see the last of the horse's psyche disappear and be replaced with the one that was possessing his body. "What's... going on? What have you done to me?"

"I've given you back your form," Serathin replied with a grin as he leaned in and nuzzled against his neck and ear. "From what I saw in your mind your ship will leave long before anyone notices that he is missing, not to mention those here aren't exactly the most observant. At some point I will have to extract that form from you, he was a rather handsome horse, but for the moment I'm hoping that perhaps you can smuggle me aboard your ship?"

There was a moment of pause as the dragon continued to feel the pleasure from the cock that was still inside of him, only to let out a sigh of contentment as Serathin saw a smile form on his face. "You ate me... and then you brought me back..." Lightning said happily. "You really are... amazing. Yes, I want you to come aboard with me, I need you to come with me."

"Well that is a twist," Serathin said as he stroked down the neck and chest of the dragon. "It seems that my pheromones and your trip in my gullet have made you much more compliant then the others. I bet you would do so much for me..."

"Yes, I would do anything for you..." Lightning gasped.

"Really now... would you help me eat a few of your friends?"

The dragon seemed slightly taken aback by that, a soft gasp escaping from his mouth. "You want me to... feed my friends to you?" Lightning asked. "You'd eat them the same way you did me?"

"And I can reconstitute them as well," Serathin clarified as his grin grew wider. "Just like I did you. Now, I'm sure that there's someone you wouldn't mind seeing disappear down into my maw..."

A few minutes later in the engine room of the ship the area was almost completely quiet; until the refueling was complete by the station they wouldn't have anything to do, though that didn't stop the dragon that was inside one of the offices from continuing to work. As one of the ship technicians he felt it was his responsibility to make sure that all the stations of everyone else was in proper order, mostly so that they could leave this place as soon as possible. There was also something about this station that gave him a bad feeling that ran down his spine. His feelings were not shared by the others however and most of them had gone off in order to find what little fun and frivolity they could.

Just as he had finished another diagnostic the light that had been causing his shiny, almost unnaturally white scales to glint suddenly went out. That left the dragon standing there with only the soft blue glow of the hexagonal patterns and lines of circuitry on his body. He found himself grumbling but also feeling a sense of self-satisfaction that someone was here to fix whatever just caused the fault in the electrical system. Since the panel he was at was down he would just have to go to the main power control room and try to diagnose the problem there. Even in the darkness the nanite dragon's enhanced vision helped him to easily navigate through the corridors of the ship's bowels before finally reaching where he needed to go.

When he got to the primary power station he could already see the screen blinking, the auto-diagnosis kicking out a code that he could use to diagnose the problem. It was actually just a simple calibration error and Vyrnen guessed that it probably was the refuelers causing a cascade effect as he went over to another panel. When he saw it though his jaw dropped as all the switches had been completely reset and were turned to zero. Disbelief quickly turned to anger as he realized that someone had screwed up and after the hour or so that it would take to get everything realigned he looked forward to seeing who it was in order to kick their butt all over the station.

As he went back over to the screen in order to get the calibration listing for the panel he heard the door open once more, Vyrnen looking up to see Lightning standing there. "Oh hey, someone is already here," Lightning said. "Power is out in the ship and was going to take a whack at fixing it."

"You could certainly help," Vyrnen said with a sigh as he went back over to the panel, unaware that a second creature had slipped in through the shadows before the other dragon closed the door once more. "Someone thought it would be funny to reset the power calibrators and not tell anyone."

"Someone did that?" Lightning replied as he made his way over to the panel as well, standing to the left of the dragon in order to pull his attention away from the alien slowly skulking through the shadows on the right. "Man, you're going to be here for a while, you want me to go back and pick you up something from the station? By the time you're done we're going to be probably setting off."

"Nah, I'm fine," Vyrnen replied, flipping a few switches before letting out a sigh and looking at the other dragon. "Do you feel like there's something... strange going on at this station? I did go out to talk to the refuelers and half the time it seemed like they were a thousand lightyears away, not to mention this place is rather understaffed."

"Well, I think that can be explained by the alien creature that's living on this station," Lightning replied, the statement causing Vyrnen to do a double take before looking at the other man in shock. Before the nanite dragon could say or do anything however he suddenly became acutely aware of a presence behind him and as he looked down his eyes widened at seeing purple tentacles slithering all over his body while the grin on Lightning's muzzle grew bigger. "You'll see though, he's such a magnificent specimen..."

As the nanite dragon tried to struggle he found that the ambush had been successful in restraining him, and as one of the larger ones coiled around his neck he found his head being pushed up and his gaze directed towards the one that had snuck up behind him. Vyrnen's jaw dropped in shock as he saw the glowing green eyes of the alien before Serathin's own maw stretched out, the nanite dragon getting out he briefest of shouts before the monstrous snout clamped down his entire head all the way down to his neck. Lightning continued to smile in rapturous glee as he saw several smaller tendrils from the mouth of the draconic sabrewolf slithering down the shoulders and neck of the creature while the throat of the nanite dragon bulged out. Vyrnen tried to claw at the muzzle that was starting to slurp up and swallow him whole but the fight was quickly being sapped out of him between the pheromones and the tentacles keeping him pinned.

Unlike most of the crew Vyrnen had no need for a space suit or clothing in general, which meant that the alien was free to continue to slide him into his gullet as Lightning stepped forward and stroked down the nanite dragon's lean chest. "Just relax and enjoy it," Lightning said as he watched the shape of the dragon's head slide down the neck of the draconic sabrewolf with the rest of his body following behind. "Soon enough you're realize how delightful it is to be inside of him, to be a part of him."

Even though Vyrnen continued to kick and squirm the body of the nanite dragon was having a reaction similar to what Lightning initially had, and he was more than happy to oblige his trapped crewmate as his tongue replaced the tentacle that had been coiled around the throbbing maleness of the other dragon. Once more Lightning could hear the sounds Vyrnen letting out muffled grunts and moans despite the tentacle in his own throat and being inside the furry body of the alien. Since he had been the one that got eaten the first time Lightning found himself fascinated in watching the muzzle and head of the draconic sabrewolf distort and deform around the creature he was about to assimilate, even seeing Vyrnen's hand push out the side of his skull before it was pulled into the rubbery gullet.

Lightning was able to suck on the cock of the trapped crewmate for a while as he watched the chest and torso of the nanite dragon disappear into the maw of the alien. Already Vyrnen's muzzle was stretching out the furry chest of the alien creature and when the shaft was pulled out of his own maw Lightning was still able to watch as the cock he had been sucking on disappeared into a completely different muzzle. Seeing Serathin's powerful maw and throat sliding and swallowing down an entire crewmate of his was exhilarating and as the purple-furred stomach began to stretch out he found himself helping take the still kicking white-scaled legs and pushed them down. More than anything Lightning wanted his friend to experience the same joy he did, and a growing part of him was enticed at seeing the feet and tail get slurped down to join the rest of him.

Soon the room was quiet once more as the last of the nanite dragon disappeared, Serathin's maw reverting back to normal as the tentacles that could still be seen in his maw retracted. There was a loud gurgling sound and he had to lean back as Lightning rubbed against the distended chest and stomach of the alien. He could still feel Vyrnen moving around inside, seeing the occasion hand, foot, or even his face pushing out from the stomach of the alien before disappearing once more, but knew that soon he would be overtaken by the pleasure of the goo that made up the inside of Serathin's body. Having experienced the same sensation himself he found himself licking his lips and looked down to see that his own maleness was not only completely erect but had become a horse cock.

"Mmmm, now that was a unique flavor of creature," Serathin said as he patted his rumbling stomach, which already was starting to shrink down as the dragon shape within it was starting to become less defined. "I can hold his essence for a while, but we're going to need someone to host him just like I did with you. If we don't mind my having a bit of a bulge we can probably go in a few minutes."

"So, can you turn into him now?" Lightning asked as he still rubbed against the distended belly containing his friend.

"Yeah, just like I did with you," Serathin replied. "I can also mimic him as long as I have his essence in me, though it's not perfect. If I wanted that I would have to absorb him completely to make an identical copy, and then I can take on his identity forever."

"An... identical copy..." Lightning said as he saw the purple and black fur of the alien creature start to melt, taking on the form of the creature he had just absorbed. The dragon's voice took on a whisper of awe as he saw blue lines emerging in the skin of the transforming creature as the stomach he was rubbing continued to shrink. "I... want to see it, I want you to absorb him completely."

Serathin looked slightly surprised by the comment, though a smirk appeared on his muzzle that was quickly becoming Vyrnen's as he crossed his new arms over his chest. "Are you sure about that?" Serathin asked. "Our deal was that I would assimilate members of the crew and then give them host bodies from the station, and while this one was quite delicious I'm ready to make good on my deal. Once I completely absorb him there's no going back, only time you can talk to your friend again is through me."

"Yes, yes, I want you to do it," Lightning said with a giddy nod, completely enraptured as he watched the draconic sabrewolf continue to transition into the nanite dragon. "Make him into a part of you, absorb him into your form. It would be an honor..."

Serathin merely nodded and seemed to concentrate, his hands drifting to his stomach as the remaining pudge that came from the gooey nanite dragon within was absorbed into his alien psychology. The process didn't seem to take long and when Serathin opened his eyes again one of them was a bright blue as the rest of the lines on his new body started to glow. "Well... that was something unexpected," Vyrnen's voice said, Lightning's jaw dropping as he started to act and talk exactly like how his friend did. "You had me absorbed by an alien creature?"

"I... thought it was for the best," Lightning replied in pure awe. "So are you Vyrnen, or are you Serathin?"

"Yes," Vyrnen, or potentially Serathin, or maybe both said as Lightning scratched his head at the situation. "But I have to say that you have surprised me, I didn't think that you would have the mindset to really allow me to do something like that. I'm eager to see more, perhaps you have someone else that we can visit for a little take out?"

Lightning found his smile widening and his tail wagging behind him as he found this alien, this monster, this beautiful creature waiting on him. There was something intoxicating about it, even more than the pheromones he continued to breathe in, and he found himself starting to compile a mental list of his other friends and crewmates that he could turn into Serathin's next meal...


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