Kass Fucks Ran In The Ass (pegging, very short story, joke)

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All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by Valsalia




Kass Fucks Ran In The Ass

By Teether

It was late at night and all the assistants had gone to bed. The great researcher Ran Ste-Su G'Mindel worked alone in his laboratory devising new smells and concoctions to try on the Indrel he had come to know so well. He plodded away mixing perfumes and herbs together in order to make unique and strange smells. His couple hours long silence was broken from a small figure in the doorway to his lab.

"Ran!" a squeaky voice shouted.

Ran turns around to see none other than the Lady Kass herself. He does a little bow. "How are you fairing tonight Lady Kass? A bit late to be wandering the halls isn't it?"

Kass snorts, "You bastard"

Ran looks surprised, "Bastard? Now what have I done to be accused of such a thing?"

Kass looks pissed, "I know it was you"

Ran plays dumb, "Me? I don't know what your accusing me of my lady"

Kass smirks, "You were zhe one who played zhat fake egg trick on me wasn't it?'

Ran puckers up, "I don't know what your talking about"

Kass chuckles, "Of course you do, You were zhe one who put an egg in my bed when I was sleeping. Zhen when I woke up I zhought I had laid an egg har har"

Ran chuckles a little, "funny, but I swear it wasn't me"

Kass looks unconvinced, "right......."

Ran shrugs, "If you excuse me Lady Kass I have very important work to be attending to right now"

Kass smirks, "Not so fast"

Ran looks surprised, "What?"

Kass holds up some papers that look like records, "See I've been snooping around your records while your away and I've noticed some pretty big errors in your book keeping"

Ran raises an eyebrow.

Kass nods, "You've been taking out large sums of money to pay for sex wizh yinglets haven't you?"

Ran looks nervous now, "I have no idea what you mean Lady Kass"

Kass snickers, "If I spill zhe beans to Viracriox zhat you been spending researching funds on yinglet prostitutes he'd be furious"

A bead of sweat drops down from Ran's brow.

Kass smiles, "got nozhing to say ehhh?"

Ran doesn't say anything, not wanting to accidentally accuse himself of anything.

Kass nods, "Zhis is how its going to go. Iam going to punish you and you are going to take it like a good boy and I wont spill zhe beans to Viracriox"

Ran sighs, "what do you want me to do?"

Kass pulls a large leather horse cock strapon from behind her back, "Your going to take zhis whole zhing and I am going to watch you as you squirm like zhe worm you are"

Ran looks at a loss for words.

Kass grins as she gets into the strapon harness, "Now get up on zhat examining table like zhe good little worm you are and pull down your pants"

Ran rubs his face and does as she says, He lies down on the examining table and pulls down his pants.

Kass gets up on a little step stool beside the examining table and grins. She holds the shaft of the horse cock strapon in her hands, "Normally I would spit on it before putting it in but you've been such a naughty boy I zhink its going to have to go in dry"

Before Ran can protest Kass lifts up Ran's legs and rams the tip of the strapon into his ass. Ran lets out a squeal between pleasure and pain. Kass chuckles, "Not so hot on zhe receiving end Id assume"

Kass thrusts more and Ran squeals in a high pitched tone again. Inch by inch the strapon slowly slides into Ran's ass until it reaches the hilt. Ran chuckles, "Lady Kass, is it reallly necessary to be so rough?"

Kass laughs and rams Ran's ass a little, "Zhis is supposed to be a punishment remember?"

Ran huffs but keeps his mouth shut, still recovering from the soreness in his ass. Kass licks her lips, "Now zhis is where zhe fun part begins"

Kass slides the strapon back out of Ran's butt and then just as quickly slams it back down to the hilt. Ran moans and tries to stroke his hardening member but Kass slaps his hand away, "Zhis is a punishment remember? No touchy"

Ran groans and seems to fall into a cheerier mood, "Yes lady Kass"

Kass grins and resumes the onslaught on Ran's hind end. She braces her hands on Ran's legs which are up in the air and thrusts in and out and in and out. Kass soon grows bolder, with every thrust she says, "Zhis is for making me feel like shit! And Zhis is for all your stupid snide comments! And zhis is for making me your precious little guinea pig!"

With every thrust Ran lets out a higher and higher pitched wail. After ten minutes of the thrusting Ran looks up at Kass, "Yes Lady Kass, I've been a bad boy, a very bad boy. ' sorry for how I've treated you"

Kass looks surprised by the response, She looks shocked but then quickly grins and resumes the humping, "Yes yes, you are bad. And I am going to rough up your ass so bad zhat you wont be able to walk straight in your lab for a monzh"

Ran submissively nods and smiles. Kass doesn't notice the smile and keeps on thrusting. Ran tries reaching and stroking his hardened member again but Kass slaps it away. She growls at Ran and with all her yinglet might, slaps Ran in the balls. Ran lets out a high pitched yelp and winces at the pain but Kass laughs and keeps thrusting, "Zhats what you get"

Ran whimpers as his cock begins to leak precum from the tip. Kass starts really getting into it and starts biting down on Ran's legs. Ran lets out a loud moan and his dick throbs even harder. Kass chuckles, "Lets see you clean up zhese yinglet bites. Zhat is what I am right? A dirty little stupid yinglet?"

Ran shakes his head, "No lady Kass, Your so much more than that"

Once again Kass is momentarily at a loss for words, she stops thrusting and looks at him, "Are you zhe same Ran?"

Ran chuckles, "Quite"

Kass shakes her head and resumes thrusting, "doesn't matter"

Ran moans as his ass is once again stretched to its limits. Kass thrusts faster and faster until she reaches her peak momentum for thrusting. Ran shivers and cries out as his dick begins bobbing up and down, "I'am gonna cum!"

Kass hisses and grabs Ran's dick. She pinches the top of his member in an effort to ruin his orgasm but instead Ran squeals with pleasure a his rod erupts, spraying copious amounts of cum all over Kass's hand. Kass growls and recoils in disgust. She wipes the cum from her hand onto Ran's pants. She is rolling in anger as she stares down at the deeply satisfied Ran, "For Feks sake you weren't supposed to enjoy it!"

Ran giggles and blows her a kiss, "Thanks for a wonderful evening Lady Kass"

Kass shakes with anger as she slides the strapon out of Ran's ass and then slides out of the strapon harness. She throws the strapon at his head, "Eat a fekking dick Ran"

Ran catches the strapon before it hits his head and Kass hops off the stepstool and storms out of the lab in anger.

Ran looks around at the empty laboratory and grins. He hugs and kisses the strapon before reinserting it into his ass and moaning with absolute pleasure. He looks out at the exit to his office and smiles, "Thank you lady Kass"

Unwanted (wholesome, yinglets, short)

All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by...


Yinglet Soldier CH1 (A Sequel to Yinglet Squire)

All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by...

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Yinglet Soldier CH1 (A Sequel to Yinglet Squire)

All Characters and setting were inspired by the Out of Placers webcomic (OOPS) and world created by...

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