Royal Right Chapter 2: Immortal Voice

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#2 of Royal Right

Chapter 2 of a 4 part short story I made for an art piece I commissioned of my character's transition into a deity. Jock Erin is canon, this is sort of an AU. The piece in question:

The wolf's eyes opened, groggily groaning and starting to shift and try to stand up, thinking he was awake or it was morning already... but when he took a moment, he actually found himself staring up at a familiar, glowing sky rather than the ceiling of his comfortable bedroom.

"Much better. The seeds have been planted, and now it won't be as painful to receive me."

Erin rushed to stand up once he heard that familiar voice. Seeing this 'impostor' right ahead of him just a few feet away.

"Goddamn it! You again. Who the hell are you? And don't say that you're me, that's impossible!" Erin exclaimed.

"Mortal comprehension is limited, I understand. But unfortunately, there is no other reality. I *am* you." the 'copy' replied.

"Wha... How the hell can you be me when I'M me?!"

"Quite easy. I am you from another dimension. Care to hear more?"

"Tch. Fine, why not..." Erin crossed his arms and looked away from the figure to the side stubbornly. He was here, he might as well learn all he can without having to worry about interruptions like before.

"As said, I am you. Just another version, from a different dimension, and time. Although I am not here physically, I am using my soul to reach you, to give you an offer I am sure you would take or at the least consider."

"Well... Before you even talk to me about your offer, this is all so strange... so explain to me first what... 'version' of me you are!" The wolf exclaimed.

"Valid question. Simple, I am the Egyptian god of Lust, Fertility, and Magic. A deity that sovereigns an empire of my own in another dimension." the spirit answered.

Erin groaned, this was a lot to take in... And he was even getting a slight migraine from trying to comprehend it all. "Egyptian... god...? Urggh... Fine, if you *say so*... but regardless, what's your offer anyways?"

The alternate-dimensional figure reached out an open palm. "This is my one and only desire: To merge with you, with *myself*. And show you what you're truly capable of, to show you what you're meant to be. Not a lowly, inferior mortal, but a superior being who rules over thousands. Someone who has power unimaginable through loyal followers and worship. To feel what it is to be a G o d." The spirit emphasized his last word, and with an extended arm, attempted to strike a deal with his mortal self.

"Well first off, don't call us 'mortals' lowly or inferior. And second off, that's all you want? Surely there's some kind of catch. " Erin questioned, all of this was a bit much to handle at the time!

"There is no catch. We would be stronger together than you or I by myself. I desire power, and I'm sure you desire it as well. The only price to pay is small. You'd leave this mortal world behind and journey across dimensions."

"W-wait, So you're saying you just want me to leave my world and friends all behind?!"

"Simple, is it not? For the power you'd obtain, I see no reason why you wouldn't take such an offer."

"It really isn't. I love my friends and my time here. Why the hell would I want to give it up just for power? As awesome as that sounds."

"I'd do it in a heartbeat. Loyalty is the only thing I desire alongside power. I quite literally cannot fathom desiring mortality in the slightest. Seems rather... boring."

Erin growled in response. "Honestly that does sound like how an alternate-dimension version of me would think- But still! If you think you know... well, *you*, or *me*. Then one thing you must know is I'm stubborn as hell! And you can't just take over my entire life for one, and second thing's second, How am I to believe in what you've said? There's no way to tell if this is just some fucked up, crazy dream from the alcohol or what."

"Allow me."

Suddenly, the wolf shuddered and woke up, Thankfully the sun was up, so he didn't awake at some crazy hour. But he didn't even have a moment to check the time before realizing something was off, his control of his limbs were limited to his left half. right leg, and right arm feeling numb, even the right side of his head and abdomen symmetrically numb.

"Do not be shocked. I have partially taken over your body. You'll feel it."

Erin shuddered and with his right side starting to move, his left side attempted to accommodate by following its leading movements. Though the downside was it took longer as the overall shift of each body part was slow, awkward, and out of sync.

He eventually made it over to the mirror inside of his room. Upon closer inspection, he gasped at what he witnessed, the right side of his naked body had the tattoos that he saw on the deity from his 'dream'. And his right eye was... golden. The canine thought this split-body experience to be... bizarre to say the least.

"I am indeed very, very real." When the deity spoke, Erin's whole mouth opened and closed to mimic its words, which was the only joint part that worked together in accordance with both the deity and Erin.

The god even lifted his right hand and performed magic to make a point. Conjuring sand from thin air inside of the open palm and fashioning it into a perfectly round, shiny ball, before releasing its structure and causing sand to fall onto the floor.

"Only an inkling of the power you could obtain. I am not nearly at maximum strength-HLK" the deity grunted.

Erin shuddered, suddenly feeling the numbness from his right side go away and return the feeling. Taking a few steps back instinctively but ending up crashing to the ground onto his back.

"First... Gllhh... First off, that was creepy. Second off, That feeling made me fucking nauseous as hell, don't do that again..." Erin spoke aloud.

"You asked for a demonstration, and I provided it. Though I will admit, your mental fortitude is stronger than I predicted for a mortal version of me." This time, the deity simply spoke like a soft ringing inside of the wolf's head.

"You'd be surprised. Anyways, this is all coming at me way too hard. Just give me some time or... something. Ugh." Erin shook his head, Groaning some and putting his hands to his face. Dragging them down his muzzle in a slow, firm fashion. Expecting a response from the 'voice inside his head', but got nothing in return...

Well, regardless. Erin was gonna do something to destress, It was the weekend, and life was good up until this random point, couldn't this dumb spirit have chosen a better time or something... But then again, The wolf considered it and thought, perhaps there wasn't an ideal time for a dimensional traveling spirit deity to come into your body and attempt to basically possess you.

Now the canine was lost on if he should attempt to tell his friends about it or keep it a secret. He mulled over these thoughts as he tossed on his clothes from last night, sans the leather jacket, and walked downstairs.

Upon reaching the bottom of the steps, a familiar voice rang out. "Erin. Feeling better?"

Lo-and-behold, there Gabe was, sitting and leaning back on the couch, looking up at the bigger wolf with concerned eyes.

" 'Better' isn't exactly the word I would choose..." The canine groaned, rubbing at the back of his head, having a slight headache.

Though what he did notice, is that the monkey had his laptop beside him, seemingly on a face-time with someone.

"You're chatting with someone?" Erin asked, walking over to get a closer look of who was on the screen.

"Oh! Yeah, Drew actually. Ya still there?" Gabe responded, looking over at the laptop, to which the equine from last night could be found on camera casually laying on his bed with his laptop on the side, twiddling with his phone.

"Ah, yeah of course. Sup?" the equine shifted, paying attention to the camera now and away from his phone.

"Oh, nothing really, Just Erin's here."

"Whoa! Is he alright now? What's up buddy?" the equine asked.

The wolf had a frown on his face, he wasn't sure how to even begin explaining what he saw. Unsure if he wanted to... but in the end, he said fuck it, and sat down on the couch beside Gabe, and did his best to explain what he saw, what he experienced in his dream, and what happened when he woke up.

The monkey simply blinked, stunned, just as the equine was.

"Well... honestly I have no reason to believe you'd lie... but all of this is just... incredibly bizarre..." Drew said.

"That's what I said! And obviously I don't wanna like... leave you guys behind, even with how tempting the offer is." Erin responded, clearly just as flabbergasted as the horse was.

"Well... It just seems silly on his part. I mean, what about your friends? Your family? Or even your own life in general...? Why would you leave all of that behind, or just randomly disappear. I think it's a load of bullshit." Gabe said.

Erin felt a numbing sensation take over part of his body, and shivered near violently. "Ack!"

Suddenly the wolf put his head in his palms, and after raising his head once more, furrowed eyebrows were over bright, glowing gold eyes that stared back at the monkey. To which the two friends of Erin's eyes widened and felt their posterior's clench.

"Perhaps if you had a reasonable explanation for wanting to stay mortal, I would hear it out. But so far no argument has been made, especially one that is in the slightest bit compelling." Erin's mouth spoke, but his words laced with a different tone, deeper and even his stare was different than the two were used to. Seemed a certain spirit wasn't too happy with what he heard.

Gabe stood up and pointed right at the golden eye'd version of the wolf, in an accusing, aggressive manner.

"You can't just take over anyone's body and use it for your own goals! Especially OUR friend, I could give less of a shit what you want, it's about what HE wants to do with HIS body." The monkey said quite bravely.

The spirit began to snarl. Until another abrupt shudder from Erin's body, eyes clenching shut for a few moments...

They opened back up to reveal his natural blue and purple orbs.

"Unggh... Atleast it's not as painful as it used to be. Don't worry, Gabe. He won't just take it over. Not without my consent, but he is one stubborn bastard, as I am... so he won't leave me alone easily." Erin admitted, sighing a little.

"If I may interject. I believe we three know we have a specific... special friend who claims to believe and know a lot about spirits. Perhaps we could get a bit of his time and ask for guidance? I know he's another trusted friend of Erin's." Drew spoke suddenly.

Erin's eyes widened. "Dude! Why didn't I think of that, oh shit... you guys think this stuff is bizarre, he'd probably take it with ease! We should definitely hit him up!"

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Man... Do we have to? I don't know if I want to listen to him drag on and on about spirits and shit while high off his fucking mind... I swear that guy smokes more weed than there probably is in his entire state."

"He's super chill though! And great in bed. Anyways. I'm sure he'd be down to face-time." Drew responded.

Gabe groaned, rubbing his face with his hands before throwing his hands up in the air.

"Fine... fine. Just don't expect me to have a lot to say, or well... tune in much at all." The monkey growled after.

"Listen, Gabe. I know you don't have the highest opinion of him, or like the fact he smokes so much weed... but he's like, the most well known for this kind of supernatural stuff and I doubt he'd be surprised hearing about any of it! A leveled head might be able to help a little, y'know?" Erin said.

The simian once again rolled his eyes.Grumbling something as he sat down with crossed arms, before reluctantly turning and tapping a few buttons to call the large feline.

*Riiiiing* *Riiiiing* *Riiiiing*

Erin's tail swayed behind him and he even somewhat excitedly bounced on the couch. He didn't get to see him often due to taking separate classes, but a while ago upon stumbling on the lion in the halls and bumping into him, he would notice they have a lot in common.

With the meeting of the lion being the first time the canine had smoked weed, he had enjoyed it thoroughly, in fact he was the main reason the blue wolf would ever even do it, that one buddy he could always share it with and have a hell of a lot of fun with.

Eventually the lion picked up, With a blunt in hand, he squinted at the camera, trying to pick up on the faces he saw.

Once he recognized the horse, and especially the wolf, the older lion's eyes opened wide and he waved at the camera.

"Jalen!!" Erin exclaimed.

"Heeeeeeyyy!!! Erin, Drew, and um... uh... I forgot your name. How's it going you guys?"

Before anyone could even respond, Erin of course butted in with excitement first. "Better now that I get to see you! I haven't been with ya in a minute, how's classes and such going?"

Cue the two droning on for a bit, to which Gabe sighed and got on his phone, tapping away at something. The equine, however, looked intently and listened in the entire time, with a chuckle here and there. Eventually, Erin got back to the real reason he was called and explained to him the situation.

"Whooaaa, that sounds kinda rad dude... But ya wanna know what I think? Doesn't sound too bad... this ain't like an aggressive spirit or anything... could be way worse and actually be trying to attack ya and shizz... but he seems slightly reasonable. To THAT I would say, why not just try and show him around? He seems aware of your surroundings and can hear what ya hear, so just by that link I can tell ya both definitely have more in common than yer willing to admit... With that link maybe there is something possible. Just like... let him see how you see life. He clearly ain't a fan of eh... 'Mortals' I guess..." The lion advised.

The monkey had put down his phone for that suggestion, and Drew never took his eyes off the screen, Erin figured they both were listening intently at this point, and after hearing what the lion had to say himself, Erin definitely thought the spirit would have something to say about that, but radio silence in his head...

The wolf sighed, then nodded. "I like that idea... But, Let me uhh... Have a conversation with him I guess."

Jalen shrugged. "However ya do that man, go for it." A puff of his blunt and a soft blow of smoke, Gabe rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. And the equine just shrugged as well.

"Why not, go for it." the horse suggested.

"How do you even... communicate with him?" Gabe questioned.

"Well, I last did in my sleep. I'm not the best at going back to sleep on command but... let me see..." The wolf laid back, and the trio attempted to keep quiet.

Closing his eyes, his vision became black, and he waited for a few moments. It was much easier than he thought, as if he was being pulled into a sleep.

Few moments later, the wolf's eyes opened up to that same familiar sunny sky, looking down to see the endless expanse of sand from before. The deity spirit only a few feet ahead of him, facing the other direction, arms crossed.

"Silent now? I can assume you heard what was mentioned."

"Pesky. I see no point in this. You will not convince me mortality is anything more than I see it. Pointless."

"Of course you would see it as pointless. You're a deity, and you see mortality as weakness. But you know how stubborn we both are. I think you don't have a choice."

The spirit shook his head before turning. Golden eyes settling on his counterpart's face. "Sitting by and simply watching your activities will do nothing to convince me."

"Fine. Then take over my body. Or atleast put yourself in my shoes, quite literally. I'm sure you can do that. Right? Live as a mortal for a day inside my body. My friends are aware it will be you."

The doppelganger raised an eyebrow, closing his eyes, waiting a moment to collect his thoughts, before giving a smirk.

"I will entertain your idea, as useless as it might be. Under one condition. While I am using your body, Your consciousness will be experiencing life from my body, as if you were in my dimension. Although it will be more of a simulation."

This took Erin aback for a second, a confused look on his face. "Um... I... I guess that's fair." the wolf shrugged. "But you better not pull anything funky!"

"How many times must I repeat. I gain nothing from simply *taking* you over by forceful means. Although I will admit I thought the process would be much easier with you being a different version of me. But you are more adamant about mortality than I believed. Regardless, come. Take my hand and we'll switch sides for the day, at 12 am midnight, We will automatically snap back to our regular forms."

The spirit outstretched an arm and an open palm, Erin was for a second nervous. But simply walked up close, Placing his hand in the other's. A strong magic feeling like a full body jolt struck itself through the wolf, knocking him out cold.