The Mythical Incursion 14 - Becoming Lions

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#14 of The Mythical Incursion

The dragons took off after dropping them off inside Leonar. Nick didn't like how things turned out. Janet sabotaged her first real battle by not even trying, and the dragons abducted her sister as a result. They couldn't even follow the dragons since five lions blocked their path.

"Please show your card," a lion said.

"What card?" Nick asked.

"You are not lions. I only chose to overlook your transgression and you also lack the security clearance," the lion said.

"I challenge you to a duel."

"Denied, forgive them. They are from Zootopia. They didn't even bother to send real lions."

"I am a lion."

"I chose to overlook that you aren't a lion."

"Blake, don't mess this up," one of the five lions said. "It will be great if Zootopia could see the error of their ways."

"We're looking for Jack Savage."

"If you become a lion, we can consider it."

Nick now knew the lion's name. "So, Blake, when can we try again? Our slaves weren't up to par."

Janet said, "I didn't even get to try!"

"That's what you're going to say? After how you didn't even try to duel Felicity?" Nick glared at Janet.

"Forget it," Janet said.

"Why don't we grab a bite to eat?" Blake said. "I'll tell you more about Leonar."

Even though it was past midnight - who was he to object? The eight of them - sixteen if the rabbits were counted too headed to a nearby restaurant. None of the lions' rabbits rebelled or tried to run away while on the way. As expected, the establishment was empty except for them and the staff - staff which were lions, and they too had rabbits accompanying them. Everyone wore clothing except for Janet and Linda.

The staff showed them to two separate tables - the lions and rabbits went to different ones. Every single lion introduced themselves to the newcomers while a few introduced their rabbits as well. Rabbits who weren't even sitting at the same table. Of the three rabbit names he heard, one had a real name, and the other two rabbits had the names Toy and Mop. Blake placed orders for food - a curious item on the menu was rabbit steak.

"We're hoping you would consider spreading our ways to Zootopia," Colton said.

"You are aware that more than just lions and rabbits live there - right?" Nick asked. "I don't see the benefit."

"Tell me - are you aware of the number of lives lost due to violence?"

"It's unfortunate, but how does this solve anything?"

"We settle our problems with rabbits. No one needs to resort to violence. It's something all lions follow."

"I don't believe you. And why would Zootopia go along with it, and more than that, why would we subject our rabbits to this? If it's some form of skill - any contest would do. There's no need to involve rabbits. We're only here because we want to know what happened to Jack Savage, and we want Judy and Melody back. How did this even start?" Nick knew what it was like, but them having ambitions of spreading this culture seemed absurd.

"Rabbits are somewhat expendable. They breed like rabbits - as the saying goes. Life is still precious but no one will miss a rabbit or two. Have you never had the desire to eat meat?"

"How did all this start?" Nick wanted to know.

Another lion answered that one. Ivan said, "At first rabbits sought shelter with us since we could fight off other predators. Then a rabbit pleaded for her life, thus slavery began. Eventually, a lion bragged about what his rabbit could do, and others got in on the game. Now, everything is settled with our rabbits."

"They don't want to be here."

"Do you think that we would get anything done if our rabbits worked against us? They need to win duels for us. It wouldn't do us any good if our rabbits decided to not try their hardest."

"And how did you make them so obedient? Mine defied my commands. She didn't even try."

Orion said, "They need to learn their place. Don't worry if they complain while doing so. Slowly, they learn to love it or become food. A good master will be able to compel the slave to obey."

"And how did you convince yours?" Nick said.

"I've decided that a good test was having her hold my scat in her mouth for an entire day without swallowing," Blake said. "During this time, she gets no food or water. It only took her five tries to succeed."

"That was your third rabbit," Zachary said. "You were lucky."

"The third time's the charm. The other rabbits were tasty." Blake licked his fangs. "Food's here."

The rabbits were the ones carrying the plates. What made it worse was that a rabbit was carrying a plate with rabbit steak on top of it.

Grizzoli eagerly dug in as soon as the waiter placed the dish on the table. "This does taste good, better than bugs."

Nick couldn't believe that the bear ate the rabbit steak without a second thought. "I'm not hungry."

"Don't lie about that, Nick. Have a bite." Grizzoli placed one on his plate.

Reluctantly, he ate the steak. The taste wasn't enough to overwhelm the guilt that he felt for eating rabbit. It felt wrong to do so. There was still more information to be gleaned, so he started talking again - hopefully, that would prevent him from needing to eat more food.

"What did you mean by he was lucky, Zachary?" Nick asked.

"When a lion turns of age, they're only allowed three rabbits to train within the first year. After that, it's only one after every decade."

"What would've happened if he didn't succeed after three tries?"

"If they're lucky, they get assigned to menial work or to look after cubs. In most cases, we execute them."

"Cubs?" Nick hadn't seen any around - given the depravity of this place.

"They live in a special district because they're too young to partake."

"Don't the parents want to see their cubs?"

"They're free to do so at any time. Most choose not to after the first few years. You can't use your slave to the fullest capacity there, and there's no chance to duel anyone."

"They just spring this on you," Blake said. "You have no idea that it's like this. Rabbits just did housework where I lived. I had no idea that I needed to enslave a rabbit or what the rabbit would need to do for me at times. We trained them on our own without any assistance from others."

"I raped mine on the first day," Rowan said. "It worked."

"And you lost your ten battles. What's your record? Two to five hundred?"

"At least, I didn't need to go through two extra rabbits!"

"You could've eaten her, and gotten someone new."

Ivan said, "I had mine walk around naked."

"A good deal that did. You serve her and never dueled yet," Orion said. "Pathetic. The right way to break them is you eat your first one in front of your second. The rabbit learns the price of failure."

"Isn't that why you only win half your matches? I took mine to Extra Rabbits and had her practice," Colton said. "She adjusted - eventually. That's why I have two thousand wins with only five hundred losses. If she disappointed me, she was going to stay there permanently."

"You pick on the weak," Zachary said.

"What do you mean by Extra Rabbits?" Grizzoli asked.

"It's a place where Extra Rabbits go. We use them for stress relief or training purposes or practice. I took mine to the park at a sharing rabbits event. That's also why I'm undefeated."

"What do you mean by sharing rabbits? What happens there?" Nick had a good idea, but the details wouldn't hurt.

"We share rabbits and the rabbits share with each other. They swap cum, piss, and sometimes scat. It's great for bonding with other lions."

"And yours did that willingly?"

"Not at first, but other rabbits had no problems forcing her to obey. Other lions also trained her."

They finished eating so Blake called for the check. It was rather expensive and Blake paid for it all. They were finally reunited with the rabbits - which didn't seem miserable. Blake guided them to a hotel where they would be staying for the night.

"I do hope that you'll have your rabbits hold your scat in their mouth for an entire day," Blake said in front of their suite. "If they fail, their hearts were never in it in the first place. You can get a new rabbit too."

"How do I become a lion?" Nick asked.

"You need to win against me, or I can make it so that you take the citizenship test instead. The citizenship test involves you winning five duels in a row - if you fail, we execute you. If you take that test for becoming a lion, you can try again if you fail. Think of it as practice."

"We'll consider it," Grizzoli said. They were finally on their own again.

Grizzoli decided it was a perfect time to punish Linda for losing earlier. Although he didn't say anything indicating such, he simply told her to lie down on the floor.

He hovered his tailhole over her, which she eagerly began licking.

"I didn't sign up for this."

Although, she wasn't going anywhere since Grizzoli easily pinned her down. He pushed turds on her face. Linda's mouth remained closed.

"Put some into your mouth, slave," Grizzoli said.

As if hoping to impress him, she took one into her mouth and swallowed it, forcing it down.


Once, she filled her mouth again, Grizzoli said, "Don't swallow." He turned his head towards Nick. "You should have yours clean her up."

Janet took the initiative of taking the remaining turd into her paws. She moved towards the toilet.

"Eat it," Nick said.


"Because you need training."

"I disagree."

"Fine, let's go," Nick said.

"Don't do anything stupid," Grizzoli said. "I'm going to bed." He still didn't give the command for Linda to do something with the scat in her mouth. She had tears on her face and both paws helped her keep her mouth shut. The remaining turd rested on her face.

They walked outside their room. Janet didn't know what Nick had in mind. There was a lioness nearby with a brown rabbit. The lioness said, "You do not belong here."

"Why not?" Nick said.

"You are a fox. Come with me."

"I'm the ambassador from Zootopia."

"Do you have anything to prove that?"

Nick shook his head. "Blake can vouch for us. He should be somewhere nearby."

"Do you know where he is?"

He shook his head.

"Then he'll retrieve you. You are coming with me."

"I refuse. I challenge you to a duel."


Janet and the lioness's buck stared at each other. She was naked, but the buck had clothes on, putting her at a disadvantage.

"Females think they're better at everything!" the buck seethed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Janet asked.

"I'll show you. I'll let you make the first move." He started undressing, presenting his clean tailhole to her.

Janet blinked. He threw away his advantage. She knew what she had to do so she started rimming the buck. Although with just a paw keeping her steady and the other paw pleasuring herself, she wasn't giving the best rimjob possible. The smell wasn't as bad as the others that she licked before. That didn't mean by any means that it was remotely pleasant.

"Use both paws or I'll start fighting back. As long as you keep your head there, I'll let you continue."

"Your rabbit isn't even trying," Nick said.

The lioness said, "I don't mind. He gets to throw matches here and there, given how everything is. It's not like having you come with me is that important."

The buck still didn't climax after five minutes. Although after he farted in her face, she backed off momentarily.

"I'll show you how it's done," the buck said. He turned around and charged toward her. It didn't take him long to pin her down. He gripped her legs and shoved his snout into her tailhole. Despite her efforts, she couldn't break free from the buck's grasp. He had a way with his tongue as he licked her over and over. She cried out in orgasmic bliss from the buck's unrelenting assault.

"Now, follow me," the lioness said.

"Are you serious?" Nick glared at Janet. "How can you lose that?"

"He's strong," Janet said.

"It's not even that part that I care about. You moved your face away."

"Why don't you try it? You think this is easy, do you?"

"I don't, but I trusted you that you could perform. I should've taken someone else back then." Nick turned toward the lioness. "So, where are we going?"

"To the arena."

This didn't seem too bad for her loss. They followed the lioness as she led them out of the hotel. None of the lions they encountered on the way paid them any mind. A few rabbits were dominating each other because of the squabble their owners got into.

The arena had a guillotine in the middle. There was still blood from the last use. Next, they followed the lioness into a room. "Soon, this will be you." There were several severed heads on the shelf.

"You're executing me? I'm part of Zootopia's delegation." Nick inspected the heads. "I know her. What happened to Skye?"

"Don't worry, we'll give the lion in charge a chance to rescue you if you're telling the truth. Meanwhile - let's get you ready."

"Tell me what happened to her." Nick insisted as they went back to the middle of the arena.

"She was unworthy."

"What happened to her slave?"

"One of many in Extra Rabbits."

"Is there anything I can do to prevent this?" Janet asked. "A rematch?"

"You had your chance."

Nick didn't even fight as the lioness secured his body below the guillotine. The lioness secured her to the wall - immobile. The metal felt cold against her fur. At last, the lioness left them alone.

"And that's why you need training," Nick said. "You see what the stakes are?"

"Why did you let it just happen?" Janet said. "It's also your fault for leaving the room."

"How was I supposed to know that I couldn't? We didn't even leave the hotel."

"Maybe because you're a fox in a city of lions?"

Nick struggled against his bindings. "And I can't break free of this. What about you?"

"No luck."

They had no choice but to wait for someone to rescue them. Even though the execution if it were to happen was hours away, spectators started gathering for the grisly event. It took a few hours for Blake to arrive.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you that you can't be on your own yet," Blake said.

She didn't expect him to offer an apology. The lion set them free and guided them back to the hotel. Upon entering the suite, not much changed. Linda was still on the floor with a turd on her face. Her paws held her full mouth shut and tears matted her face.

Blake did leave them once more but before he left - he gave them cell phones so they could call him if they needed anything.

"We can't leave this room without Blake and I nearly got executed," Nick said.

"How?" Grizzoli asked.

He recounted what happened earlier that led to all this.

"You need to train her."

"I agree." Nick pointed to the turd resting on Linda's face. "Slave, eat that."

Janet willingly cooperated by putting the turd in her mouth. How long it was lying on Linda probably didn't help with the taste. This made the buck's fart pleasant by comparison. If she hadn't pulled away from his tailhole back then, she could've probably avoided this. She forced down the burning mush.

"That was easy," Janet lied. She hoped there wouldn't be more.

"Then maybe this will be a challenge." Nick had her kneel in front of his tailhole. The fox had to have undressed while she was consuming the bear's scat, and she didn't even notice.

"Keep your mouth open and do not swallow."

She wasn't looking forward to this, but she knew better than to protest. As soon as it hit her tongue, she realized that fox scat tasted worse than bear scat. Just like Linda, she had to keep that in her mouth although, unlike Linda, Nick didn't tell her to close her mouth yet. He snapped a few pictures with his new cell phone.

Grizzoli came up with the next devious idea. He had her put her nose inside Linda's tailhole while Linda did the same to hers, having them end up in a sixty-nine position. That wasn't all, he instructed them both to sniff from time to time. They each got a good whiff of each other's musky scent.

It didn't take long for Linda to break since she could no longer use her paws to hold her mouth shut. A deluge of bear scat fell out of her mouth as she gagged on the taste.