Hello! Hello! Chapter 7 - The Finale Part 2

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#8 of Hello! Hello!

Author's Note: That's me, I'm Minaj, I'm Nick-Nicki Minaj and if you wanna Minaj, keep a couple pretty broads. LAST CHAPTER!!! Thanks to all the readers and everyone that voted or commented or faved or watched or came lol. You guys are awesome and make me smile every time I log on. :)). Oh and if you need a laugh check this out: he's hilarious.

If Drizzy say get her, Imma get her, I got that kinda money make a broke bitch bitter, I got that kinda- Wait, wait... fixate, which bitch you know made a million off a mixtape?


There are certain actions you can take against a person that hurt more than anything you can physically do to them. For example, bust the windows out of their car. Kaiden's brand new Nissan Titan looked like a really good target. I found a baseball bat in the back of the truck and started with the windshield. I busted every piece of glass on that truck and left a few dents where I could. It felt amazing. I vented everything I'd been bottling up on the truck and laughed as I did it.

Alright, stop. When your boyfriend has stabbed you and used a doctor to bring you back to life, it's probably not a good idea to go Carrie Underwood on his car. In fact, it's probably the worst thing you could do. I just keep making these mistakes. Play.

Everyone was gone and Kaiden was about to wake up. I threw the bat next to the truck and walked back inside the house. I was so pumped from the adrenaline that I didn't even imagine the consequences. Just as I sat on the couch, the bedroom door opened and Kaiden groggily slid into the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Kaiden yawned. I didn't answer him, I just smiled. "Why so happy?"

"I'm not, you won't be very happy today either," I grinned. I think I'd gone insane.

"Why is that?" he chuckled.

"I destroyed your truck," I said calmly. Kaiden laughed for a moment, but when he realized I wasn't laughing his expression changed gravely. He walked over to the window and peeked through the blinds. He immediately looked away.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" Kaiden asked. I shrugged. Suddenly, his claws were wrapped tightly around my arms and shaking me viciously. "Why the FUCK would you do that!?" All I could do was laugh. He let go of me and ran his hands through his fur with anxiety. I could tell he was debating on something. "Get in the truck."

"What?" I was slightly shocked.

"Get in the goddamn truck, right now," his tone was completely serious and frightening. He wasn't yelling, in fact, it was almost a whisper.

"It's kind of-"

"Nick, get in the truck, last chance," he warned.

"Ok," I whispered and left the house. The truck looked worse than I had anticipated. I climbed in and watch the door of the house anxiously. The truck was full of broken glass and paint chips. I really did a number on the poor Titan. My eyes shot back to the door as Kaiden stormed out of the house and over to the driver's side. Once inside, it took him a few tries to get the truck started, but soon we were on the highway heading away from the town. I started to get anxious as the buildings we were passing became trees and remote scenery. Maybe he was actually going to kill me this time.

After what seemed like hours, Kaiden pulled off the main highway and onto a bumpy dirt trail. The whole truck rattled as we went and when the path became to small to go any further, Kaiden stopped the truck and got out. I sat completely still as he crossed to my side of the truck and pulled me out. I fell to the ground from the force he exuded. "Run," he said coldly.

"What?" I wasn't sure of what was going on, but it didn't take me long to figure it out. Kaiden pulled a heavy black pistol from the back of his pants and pointed it at me. I scurried away as fast as I could. My heart was beating wildly and adrenaline coursed through my veins. All of this over a truck? "Please! Kaiden!" I finally made it to my feet, but I stopped when I heard the sound of thunder. I didn't even feel the bullet hit me, but it did. I continued to run and didn't even look at the wound that I knew was there. I heard many more shots behind me, but I never looked back. I ran through the trees and ripped through vines as fast as I could. I can't tell you my exact thoughts, but it was probably along the lines of "keep running." I ran until it hurt to breathe. My feet felt like they were bleeding. After I was certain Kaiden wasn't shooting at me anymore I stopped running and fell against a tree. Tears were streaming down my face and my heart was beating like the drums of a heavy metal band. I glanced over my body to see where I was shot. I gasped as I realized I'd been shot five times. Once in the shoulder, two in my thigh, another in my leg, and the last through my stomach. Since my heart was beating so fast, the blood was pouring from the wound like waterfalls. I started to feel the same sleepy sensation I had when I was stabbed. My vision was blurring and beginning to fade. I quickly got to my feet and continued to walk. I screamed for help, but no one answered.

Suddenly, I remembered the phone in my pocket. I quickly pulled the phone out, only to find I had no service and the battery was low. Things couldn't get much worse. I screamed a few more times, but finally I came to a clearing and collapsed. I thought maybe I should give up. I was bleeding, lost, scared, cold, and tired. What were the odds I could make it out alive? I began to let myself pass out in an attempt to block out the pain I was in, but I wanted to live. I wanted to see RJ again. I wanted to laugh with Seth again. I wanted to smile at Kaiden every time he saw me. I wanted so much more than death. I crawled on my hand and knees through the leaves and the fallen branches of trees. I crawled for what felt like miles, but I was determined not to stop.

Finally, I could hear the slow roars of cars down the highway. I quickened my pace and jumped to my feet to run. When I made it out of the woods, I screamed and waved until a blue car stopped. Seth ran out of the vehicle. "Nick?" He ran over to me and helped me into his car. As soon as he closed the door, I broke down. I screamed at the top of my lungs and bawled until my eyes hurt. "Nick, you're safe! Calm down! I'm getting you to a hospital. Just breathe," Seth yelled. I was crying because I was safe. I needed to scream and cry to express the overwhelming joy I felt.

"No, we have...to go to RJ's," I mumbled.

"What? No, you need a hospital."

"He has a hospital..." My words were so weak. I wasn't sure if I'd lost my voice or if I was dying. I'm sure it was a mixture of both.

Seth tried to keep me talking, but eventually I reached a point where I was too tired to keep my eyes open.

I woke up in the same bed that Seth and I had sex in. I couldn't believe I even woke up. "Hey," Seth whispered. He was sitting next to me. He looked like he'd been crying and he'd been awake for days.

"Hey," I coughed.

"Are you feeling ok?"

"You look worse than I do."

"Shut up, I haven't had a bath in three days."

"Why not?"

"I've just been sitting here waiting on you to wake up." I was shocked at that. I didn't think I knew anyone who would have stayed up that long for me.

"You just sat here for three days, for me?"

"Well, yeah. Where else would I be?"

"At school, at home, anywhere but here."

"I didn't want to leave you all alone. Trent had to go back to work and RJ went to an important business thing."

"Um, thanks. You can go get a shower now if you want."

"Actually, I was wondering if there's room for me to sleep next to you."

"Of course, dude." I patted the spot next to me and Seth drowsily climbed up and snuggled into the soft sheets next to me. I stared at him for a moment. "Seth..."

"Uh huh?" he mumbled with his eyes closed.

"Thanks," I planted a soft kiss on his muzzle. He smiled and drifted off to sleep. What was I supposed to do now? My mind was muddled and confused. Am I really done with Kaiden now? If I am, do I go for RJ or Seth? Where do I go from here?

It was too confusing to dread about so I decided to take a shower. It was definitely the best shower that I'd ever had. The warm water rinsed away the dried blood and loosened my muscles. I didn't have any clothes to put on so I just dried myself off and went back to watch T.V. with a sleeping Seth. I cried a few times. The memory of Kaiden would probably haunt me forever. I waited patiently while Seth slept for what must have been twelve hours. When the blue husky finally woke up, it was almost midnight. "Good morning," I greeted.

"What time is it?" he yawned.

"Almost midnight."

"I'm sorry, you should've woke me up."

"No, I'm fine. You needed to sleep. Feel better?"

"Yes, now all I need is a shower," he laughed. He stared at me for a moment. "Do you care to join me?" He was extremely nervous to ask the question.

"Well, I already took one and do you really want this with me, Seth?" I loved Seth. I loved him as my best friend and maybe even more, but it couldn't really last, could it?

"I really like you, Nick and I want to... I want to try and be with you. Like as a couple... but only if you want to!" Seth stuttered.

"I like you too, but I'm confused and scared."


"Because I... I like RJ too..." I let my voice trail off. I noticed Seth's expression change.

"Oh," he said plainly. God, this was so difficult! Why? I was going to break my best friends heart for a guy that may or may not be interested in me. "Well, he's a good looking guy and he has a lot of money..."

"I'm not saying that I choose him over you or anything."

"No, if I had a shot at RJ, I'd take it in a second." He forced a laugh. We sat in an awkward silence for a moment. "Do you think there's a reason we wouldn't work?"

"What do you mean?'

"I mean, why are you so concerned with what will happen to us? I look at our friendship as like a forever thing. I don't see any reason why that would ever change."

"Yeah, but what if I did date you, but then I wasn't really in love with you, but you were in love with me?"

"I would understand," he whispered.

"I don't want you to understand. I want you to be happy. I can't make you happy."

"I don't wanna be happy. I just wanna be with you." Suddenly, Seth's muzzle was nuzzling my own and I returned the gesture. I started crying again. Seth licked the tears as they fell from my bloodshot eyes. I kissed the husky's face and neck and wrapped my paws around his head. Seth was beginning to cry too.

"You're so fucking stupid," I sobbed in his ear.

"I don't know how to be anything else," he whispered. He lapped at my neck and ran his paws over my shoulder. It was easily the most intense kiss of my life. My heart was breaking in the most painfully slow way possible and I could feel Seth's breaking just the same. I wanted to be selfish and have it all. I wanted to date RJ, but make Seth wait for me. Even if he had to wait forever. He was mine and no one else's. "I'll just wait for you..." he whispered as he pressed his lips against mine.

"No," I argued, "you should find someone. Someone who will treat you better than me."

"I don't want anyone else, Nick!" he cried. I whimpered as his tongue moved into my mouth, but I didn't stop him. I embraced the kiss and circled his tongue with my own.

"You can have anyone, Seth! You could have someone that never lies to you and doesn't laugh at your mistakes and doesn't constantly put you in danger."

"I want the opposite of that."

"I hate you!" I cried.

"I love you," he whispered. We took turns kissing every inch of each other's face. I ripped his shirt off and cried as I ran my paws over his flat furry chest. I kissed the husky's neck furiously. I didn't waste anytime in getting his pants and boxers off. "Slow down," he whispered.

"No, you have to hate me," I cried as I bit into the husky's neck. He cried out, but didn't attempt to stop me. He ran his paws over my back and neck trying to pull me as close as he could. I reached around to Seth's rear and found his hole. I forced to fingers in roughly and he whimpered, but continued to kiss and rub my fur.

"You can't make me stop loving you!" Seth growled. I removed my fingers and pulled his butt over my erect member. I forced the entire pink flesh into the tight hole. I didn't give him the time to adjust. I fucked him as hard as I could and tears streamed down both of our faces. We didn't make a sound. I kept a rough pace and continued to bite the husky. Soon, pleasure mixed with the pain and my seed filled the tight hole of the husky. I yanked the bloodied flesh from his butt and collapsed against him. My tears soaked the fur on his chest.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered. Seth was crying just as hard. I rolled the husky onto his stomach and lapped at the hole that I had just ripped open. I could taste his blood and my cum. I kissed the bruised hole gently and heard Seth whimper and moan beneath me. He rolled back over and exposed his pink, dripping erection. I eagerly lapped at the fluid and tried to snort the husky's musk. The tears still poured as I sucked, licked, and chewed at the delicious smooth flesh. Seth moaned as I sucked harder and faster. I tried to choke myself on the cock. Every drop of pre-cum filled my mouth. Seth's hips pumped my muzzle and the member began to swell. He cried out as the first splash of cum hit the back of my throat. The streams I couldn't swallow drizzled out of my mouth and onto the husky's throbbing cock. I rested on Seth's stomach and caught my breath. I couldn't cry anymore, but my heart was still hurting.

"Nick, I can't help it. I'm sorry," Seth whispered as he played with the fur on my head. I just stayed still. "Can we go get a shower now?" I glanced at him. He looked so upset, but willing to fake it. I sat up and led Seth to the nearest bathroom. He turned the water on and we stepped under the shower head. I didn't say anything. I let the husky massage my body and wash the tears, sweat, cum, and blood out of my fur. I bathed him as well, but I didn't work on making it as enjoyable. I'd had sex with tons of guys and been in just about every situation imaginable, but fucking my best friend because I wanted him to hate me was the worst. He knew it too.

"Seth, I think I should go," I whispered.

"Ok, we can get out," he said as he turned the nozzles off.

"No, I mean like go away."

"Why?" He sounded hurt.

"It's just not going to work out..." I mumbled. Seth threw his fist against the wall and broke a few tiles.

"I'm fucking trying Nick! I don't know what else to do!"

"Don't try!"

"Why did you kiss me back!? You feel the same way and I know it!"

"I don't know why I did. I love you, but..."

"But you love RJ more, right?"


"Stop, Nick, just stop. I'll leave. Thanks for the sex." Seth wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Seth, wait! I don't want you to leave!"

"Call me when you think we can be friends again because for some reason it's always your decision! Somehow every time you call or every time you cry I come running and apologize like it's my fucking fault when it's not. All you care about is yourself and when RJ turns you down I'm sure I'll still be here."

"How the fuck can you say that?! After what I just said! After what I just did! That was all for you!"

"Goodbye, Nicki," Seth whimpered as he stormed out of the bathroom. I'm sick of my life.

Alright, stop. This is the point where most people would go ahead and kill themselves, but I've come up with three reasons why you shouldn't kill yourself. Reason one, there are so many people that only ask for one more minute of life and wasting that moment is like an insult to their existence. Reason two, you're really going to give up after sixteen years of bullshit to not see what other crazy shit life can throw at you? Reason three, if you fail, it probably hurts... Play.

I rummaged through RJ's clothes until I found stuff that would fit. It took almost an hour. His closet was bigger than my parent's living room. I took a pair of black boxers, a pair of maroon sweatpants that had his name on the butt, and a grey high school football shirt. I was about to make myself something to eat when the doorbell rang. I ran to the door hoping it was Seth, but a muscular german shepherd was standing on the porch instead. "Well, I'm glad you're up, Nickster. I got you something to eat," RJ greeted and held up a Chick-Fil-A bag.

"Shut up," I said and RJ's expression changed, "you have one chance RJ. One chance to make me feel like I'm the most special person on the planet and you're the only one for me. If you can't do that then we need to be done."

"What's wrong?"

"I just told the only person that ever really loved me and cared about me to get lost because I thought I had a shot with you and if I don't then I really owe him an apology so please just do something-" Suddenly, I was cut off by a muzzle pressed against mine and the most amazing tongue work I'd ever seen. I stared into his sparkling green eyes. The way his paws ran down my back were unlike any other before him. I could feel the passion he wanted me to feel. It was perfect bliss. I couldn't think of anything except for him.

"Is that a good start?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah," I whispered. I tried to kiss him again, but he stopped me.

"Wait, can we talk and eat?"

"I'd rather not."

"I promise I'll make it worth your while." I nodded and followed him to the soft leather couch. "So tell me what happened with Kaiden first."

"I bashed his car and he shot me."

"You did what? Why would you do that?"

"It seemed like a good idea."

"Oh yeah, let's destroy the guy who stabbed me's car. You're brilliant."

"Ok, I've already decided it was a bad decision! Can we move on?"

"What about Seth?"

"He told me he loved me, but I told him I wanted to be with you. Then we did it and it was just a big mistake. I don't want to think about it." We ate as we talked.

"What made you think you had a chance with me?"

"You're totally into me. I can tell."

"Oh, really?"


"Pup, I don't even know you."

"Yes, you do!"

"I know a small bit of information about you, but I can't honestly say I know you well enough to date you."

"What was your first impression of me?"

"I thought you were cute, funny, and a drug addict."

"Well, you were right! Except for that last part."

"So I can date someone on the basis that they're cute and funny?"

"Well, no, but you know about my past and you helped me get away from Kaiden, even though I was shot and stabbed in the process."

"Those are things I can learn from anyone. I want to know about you."

"What about me?"

"Who are you?" I thought about the question for a moment.

"Um, well... my name is Nicki and I'm sixteen years old. I'm kind of funny, sometimes boring, I'm very intelligent, but extremely clumsy. Um, on most days I'm a total bitch. I like pizza, ice cream, sex, and music. I can get really angry, but most of the time I'm happy, but I still act like a bitch. Um, I've never worked a day in my life, but I make more money than those that do. Sometimes I cry at night because I hate my life. I ruined my relationship with my best friend. I'm really deep, but I pretend to be shallow. I think I'm the sexiest fur who's ever lived, even though I've met furs that are a million times better looking, including yourself. And I think I'm in love with a German Shepherd." RJ stared at me for a long moment. "The truth is I don't know who I am yet, but I really want to find out with you."

"That's the answer I was looking for," RJ giggled and kissed my cheek. "Now, if you're feeling up to the task, I have a few things I'd like to do in the bedroom." He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Why does it have to be in the bedroom?" I laughed and crawled over to him.

"Well, it doesn't have to be," he chuckled. He pressed his muzzle against mine in another passionate kiss. He laid me on the couch and mounted me without breaking the kiss. His paws roamed my body and groped various areas that I wished he'd kept groping. "I like these pants. Especially that name on the butt. Does that mean you're mine?"

"Oh, thanks, I borrowed them from some jerk who stopped kissing me to make a joke." RJ giggled and resumed the kiss. One of his paws moved under my shirt and gently played with one of my nipples. This was definitely going to be the best sex I'd ever had. I ran my paws across his strong back. Finally, I got his shirt off and he didn't waste any time getting mine off. He was extremely skilled with his paws. I was sure he realized my cock was throbbing against his belly.

"Are you having fun yet?"

"If you stop kissing me one more time, I swear to god!" RJ quickly resumed the kiss and worked at getting the sweat pants off. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down around his knees. I could see he was already hard too through sexy blue boxers. I played with the tip of the member through the cloth and RJ moaned in my muzzle. His paws played between my thighs and tickled me. I nibbled on his tongue when it worked in and out of my muzzle. He liked it. Slowly, he ended the kiss and move to my neck. I'd never felt a more talented hicky-giver in my life. I wanted him to bite me like a vampire. His lips moved under my fur and licked at the sensitive skin underneath before he gently nibbled the same area. He sucked on the skin and pulled it into his muzzle. How did he do that? After a minute or so, he move down to my nipples and sucked heavily on those. I cried out when he bit into one, but it was more pleasure than pain. I wrapped my paws around his head and gripped him tightly. I heard him chuckle as he moved his talented tongue to my belly button. I moaned at the sensation. My paws didn't let him come back up my chest as he planned. He instead moved lower and spread my legs. His muzzle worked on the insides of my thighs and nuzzled my balls gently.

"You smell so good," RJ whispered. I moaned as his tongue slid against my furry orbs through the boxers.

"Please take them off of me," I asked quietly. RJ grinned at me and worked a finger in the waist band. I gasped as his claw touched my throbbing member for the first time. Suddenly, he stopped.

"No, I think it's my turn." I whimpered in protest, but I really didn't care either way. I pushed RJ off of me roughly and sat in his lap. He was very nice and slow, but I wanted him to know I could play rough too. I used my muzzle and tongue to trace over the dogs perfect pecks. He groaned as I mocked his movements on me. I was a lot more rough and mean.

"You like this, daddy?" I whispered against his ear.

"I don't know where you learned it, but yeah little puppy, I like it a lot." I grinded against him and scored another moan. By this point both of our boxers were soaked in pre-cum. He pumped his hips against my tail a few times. I gave him a smirk before I pulled the boxers down enough to play with the pinkish-red flesh. He moaned and let his head roll back. I took the opportunity to take the boxers and the jeans all the way off. RJ growled and grabbed my butt. He picked me up and we slammed into a wall as he attacked my muzzle with his tongue again. I kept playing with the hard member and used the other paw to hold on to him. He ripped my boxers off and I took the opportunity to push him against a wall (broke a lamp in the process.) RJ's paw circled my member and slid across it gently, making me moan.

After that, it became more like wrestling than sex. RJ broke a table with my back and we knocked the flat screen off the wall. (I could never afford this much damage.) There were holes in the walls and we killed a few fish because we broke the aquarium. RJ didn't seem that concerned because he didn't stop slamming me around and pawing at me. We ended up (several broken pictures and furniture items later) in the bedroom on his mattress (Where we broke the bed frame and were now on the floor.)

RJ lifted my legs and I pointed my butt at angle he could get in. He pushed a finger in my muzzle and then used it to penetrate my tail hole. I groaned at first, but he was so talented with his fingers that I didn't even realize when he slipped another finger in. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Wait, how many was that?"

"Just two, I want it to be a little tight."

"Oh, yeah, go daddy," I laughed. He didn't waste a second. The tip slid in easily, but the rest was a little more painful.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"NO! God, no!"

RJ chuckled and gently pressed the rest of the member in. He stopped at his knot and waited for me to say something. I moved my hips instead and he moved very slowly. He placed his paws around my waist as he sped his pace. As soon as his hips were pumping at a steady pace, he kissed me again with that awesome tongue. I moaned as the best fucking I'd ever received pounded me steadily. I moved my paws across the german shepherd's body and got a moan as he hit a sweet spot inside of me. He wrapped a paw around my member and used the plentiful pre-cum as a lubricant to slide his hands up and down me. Every thrust knocked the breath from me and he was beginning to sweat. "You're so tight and warm," he whispered. I squeezed my butt and scored yet another moan. I could feel the wave of orgasm beginning as he squeezed my knot and pulled the flesh roughly. I moaned as strings of cum shot from the tip of my throbbing cock onto my chest and RJ's belly. RJ's speed increased drastically as he forced the knot into me and humped my hole wildly. His breath was getting shorter and wrapped his paws around my shoulder as he filled my bowels with his warm sticky seed. He collapsed against me, exhausted. I massaged his shoulders as we basked in the afterglow of our long awaited actions. "So, how was it?"

"Best I ever had," I laughed.

"Damn straight! You're not too bad yourself."

"Not too bad?!" I was a little offended.

"I'm kidding! You were awesome. I'm sweating like a pig right now."

"The pigs are probably offended by that statement."

"Probably. Should we shower or just lay here and see what happens?"

"Um, honestly, we should probably go clean your house. We just destroyed the whole living room. And the hallway."

"And my bed."

"Yeah, awesome sheets by the way. They're super soft."

"Ok, well maybe-" Doorbell.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know..." RJ laughed. Of course he wouldn't know, we hadn't gone to look yet. He pulled out of me and I followed him down the stairs and the hallway to the war zone of a living room. He found his jeans and I quickly threw on the RJ pants. He glanced through the peephole. "Yeah?"

"It's me..." I knew that voice. RJ looked at me with fright and gestured for me to hide.

"Kaiden," he mouthed. My heart stopped beating and I froze. "Hold on a second, Kaiden," RJ called and ran over to me "What the fuck is wrong with you? Hide!"

"I'm scared RJ!" I whispered as pure fear charged through my veins. RJ pushed me over to a small closet and shut the door. I sat in total blackness and held my breath. My heart was racing and I was pretty sure I was about to pee on myself.

"Hey, what's up?" RJ said.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Kaiden laughed. I hated that sound.

"Oh, Trent and Tyson were over here and they um, had some fun."

"Really, when did they leave?"

"Just a few minutes ago, I'm sure you passed them."

"Nope," he said suspiciously.

"Oh, well maybe it was longer than I thought."

"What's that smell?"

"I told you-"

"No, it smells like..."

"Seth was over here too. He was worried about Nicki."

"Well, he's dead."

"I figured."

"So, it's about that time again."

"Kaiden, not tonight. For real, I don't feel like it."

"RJ, do I need to remind you of what happens if you don't?"

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute." There was some walking around and then a door slammed shut. I tried not to imagine what they were talking about. Suddenly, the door flew open. "Hey, dude, I've got to go. Just stay here and I'll be back later tonight."

"Where are you going?"

"I just have to do something really quick, ok?"

"No, not ok! You need to tell me-"

"Nick! Not right now," he whispered harshly. And just like that he was gone.

Alright, stop. Everyone hates cliffhangers, but they build so much suspense. Haha. Besides this was the longest chapter yet. And I'm finally with my RJ. What more do you want? Hello, Hello, Goodbye, Goodbye. Change tape.