Royal Right Chapter 4: Finale.

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#4 of Royal Right

Chapter 4 and final of a 4 part short story I made for an art piece I commissioned of my character's transition into a deity. Jock Erin is canon, this is sort of an AU. The piece in question:

Erin's eyes opened to a sight he had seen enough times to not be surprised by it, however, one slight change would be the night sky instead of a bright, sunny day. The moon was clear in view and shown down on the soft sand the wolf's back was against, laying down.

Erin slowly stood up, tight tank top stretching around his muscles, shorts doing their best to hold back his massive weight, although he was barefoot, feeling the smooth sand underneath his soles, even pushing it around some with it, like he would if he was at the beach.

He looked over to a figure in the distance, Sitting down, staring off into the stars. It was his other half.

Those golden eyes were relaxed, looking idly over the constellations, wide, muscular hips were planted firm against the ground, along with those heavyweight cheeks flush against the soft sand, knees were slightly bent, soles meeting the ground, Leaning on his bulky arms on each side, palms occupying the ground to keep himself held up.

Erin approached, slowly, with no rush in his footsteps.

"Hm, there is some merit in mortality. Or atleast, the opportunity it brings." the deity spoke.

"So... I assume they convinced you there was more than meets the eye during a day of a 'common mortal'?" Erin asked.

"Perhaps. But I am curious of what you have learned, if anything."

"I'm sure it wasn't planned, but your journal certainly did a lot for learning."

"From what I know of you, I... did not think you of the type to have the patience to read through it."

"Of course I didn't read through it ALL. But a good portion. I have to say, being a god sounds stressful but... Well, the good outweighs the bad, for a man like me."

"I'm sure you would take to the praise, worship, and loyalty with ease. Bask in it, I cannot emphasize enough, though we are two different dimensions, you are still wholeheartedly me, as I am you. However you still seem reluctant, I can feel it."

"Well, there's uncertainty, I'd have to leave my friends. And hopefully you can understand why, now."

"Certainly. Though it still is somewhat odd, I have a better understanding of it."

"There's no... half-merge we can do? Best of both worlds?"

"That I know of, no. With even the slightest doubt we could not merge as perfectly as we should. You have to desire it through and through."

Erin sighed, What a decision, Though it was clear to the both of them what he wanted in the end.

"Go. Your friends await you."

The wolf's eyes opened wide. "Hey! I thought you said you were as stubborn as me! You're just gonna leave it at that?"

"Perhaps it is for the best, Maybe another dimension, or maybe I will settle as is. Perhaps it was too... greedy of me to call upon you for such a thing."

Erin's heart sank, the thought of just... losing this opportunity shook him. Although the two options were difficult, there was one that was clear in his mind, that he couldn't ignore.

Sighing in defeat, Erin looked at the ground, before back to the deity, who could practically read his mind at this point.

"Do not feel pity for me. Go. There is no need for wasting time." the deity spoke.

"You'll see me again." Erin spoke, voice unwavering, echoing with a surety.

The deity immediately looked over to the mortal, eyes widened. "Tch, spare me the false hope you mortals are so fond of." He said before standing up and simply walking off into the distance, waving away to his other self.

Erin smiled, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

In a moment, he opened his eyes to... his dorm room.

It seemed to be in the middle of the night, but he wondered how he got here... Looking over to the bunk bed beside him, he saw Gabe laying down, snoring.

That must've been a lot of heavy lifting for the crew if the canine didn't make it to their room by himself.

Regardless, he did mull over his decision for a moment, but in the end, didn't regret it. He'd get some more sleep, and hopefully, maybe pretend like this didn't happen...

Erin laid down on his back, staring up at the ceiling before closing his eyes, falling fast asleep within moments, it had been a hell of a long weekend.

-----------------------Some few months later.--------------------------------------

The canine yawned, lounging in his dorm room on the bed, a large, wall-installed tv opposite him, flicking through channels with the remote, bored.

The door opened to a somewhat panicking Gabe entering the room, looking all over the place, sighing frustratedly.

"Uhh, something wrong?"

"Yeah, I can't find my keys! Me and Jalen were gonna hang out for the evening, Gah, this is a bummer, did I hand them to you sometime?" Gabe questioned.

"Uhh, I think I gave 'em back to you last night... I can look for 'em if ya want." Erin responded.

The monkey's eyes lit up at that.

"Yes please! I'll have Jalen come up and get 'em if you do find them, just let him know, I have to reeeeally quickly get with my math professor about something before heading out for the evening. Oh, and are you suuure you don't wanna come with us?"

"Yeah... I just wanna chill for the night, try to actually get to studying... But yeah, I'll look for 'em, dude."

"Gotcha, fair enough. Thanks a ton!"

With that, gabe rushed out of the room in nearly a blur.

Erin chuckled some before starting to search through the place, underneath his bed... in his backpack, he even went through the bottom of his drawer which he almost never opens, if he somehow tossed it in there.

His eyes widened upon not only seeing the keys but upon seeing a... peculiar looking object inside.

A golden sand crown.

It was expertly crafted, the wolf picked it up, seeing no blemishes, and complete symmetry. Something compelled him to put it on, though he examined it at first.

With a closer look, he saw text engraved on the inside.

"For if you still have hope."

Erin had a shit-eating grin on his face. Some doubts went through his mind, but he shook his head and focused on the present moment.

"You know what, Maybe I can teach you a thing or two, You underestimate my determination. I'll find a way." Erin spoke out loud, though only to himself.

"Besides..." The wolf stood up, Putting the crown on his head.

Immediately, it felt like it was attached to him, and much more heavier now on top of his hair, to the point his body was shook from its foundation on top of those huge soles, Making the canine stumble some.

His body thrashed about uncontrollably, muscles tensing and flexing, having constant, painful contractions. The canine grit his teeth and bear the pain, Purposefully flexing his own muscles, welcoming the tension.

From the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, he felt himself grow in size, muscles expanding, veins more apparent, eyes fluttering from their natural colors to a golden yellow, Body shuddering. Numbing, crawling akin to several snakes sliding across his form made him thrash and shiver, on the muscles that experienced that numbness, golden tattoos formed.

After clenching his eyes and shuddering once more, everything came to a halt, time, thoughts, actions, His body simply stood still, arms to his side, head tilted upwards.

The wolf opened his eyes wide, taking in a deep breath, the ceiling was much closer to his face now.

He breathed heavily, droplets of sweat running down his now naked form, ripped clothes scattered across the dorm room floor.

He grinned and gave a big flex of those humongous arm muscles. Biceps, triceps, and deltoids strong enough to bend steel straining, making veins appear.

"...I believe being a god fits me."

With a flash of sand, he disappeared into thin air, leaving a small pile of sand in his wake.

Jalen knocked on the door. "Hey Erin. Can I come in? Gabe said he told you to give me the keys if ya found 'em..."

No response.

The lion shrugged and walked in, if he found a naked wolf, so be it.

Jalen raised an eyebrow, seeing some odd bits of sand here and there across the floor, stepping over it in his sneakers, seeing a familiar set of keys on the drawer ahead, but what caught his attention was a pile of sand on the floor.

The lion kneeled down and swept a palm over it, before finding a small piece of paper underneath.

"I'll be back, Promise."

Jalen smiled, chuckling a little, and stuffing the piece of paper inside his pocket, he took the keys and shoved them in there as well.

"Ah... Don't worry, I don't doubt you for a second."

The lion looked up towards the ceiling idly, closing his eyes.

"We'll see each other sooner than you think, anyways." A big, happy smile appeared across the feline's muzzle.

Eyes opened up, a bright golden yellow from their usual soft, dark brown color, fading away to their natural look after a few moments.

Jalen whistled and stepped out of the room, closing the door gently behind him and starting to head downstairs for his evening plans.

The End.