Liv’s New Girlfriend (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

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#100 of Smut I Commissioned

Liv has a new sous chef, and of course, is quick to loop her into Liv's beautifully depraved lifestyle. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • We continue checking in on the Swiftpaw family, now adding yet another member to the debauchery. And yes, part two will be next month.. As always, this was written by Jeeves. Follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

_ Liv's New Girlfriend - Part 1 _

When Hanna started work at Les Eclabousser de la Sperme, it was a dream come true.

All the lynx's life, she had been holding back. Pretending to be a normal woman. A normal person with normal needs just like everyone else. But then she saw that job posting on one of the sites she checked semi-regularly after bad shifts at her current job, dreaming of getting the hell out of that grimy bar kitchen and her creepy asshole of a kitchen manager, and she knew she had to try. It didn't matter that the posting had to be a fake. That a place like the advertisement described couldn't possibly exist in the normal, sensible, responsible world of adults that she had forced herself to be a part of regardless of her true desires. It didn't matter, because it was as close to Hanna's wildest dreams coming true as she had ever come outside of her own head, and if she didn't at least try, the lynx would never have been able to forgive herself.

Thankfully though, she did try.

Not only did she try in fact, but she got the interview. And then, a week later, she staggered into her current place of employment, exhausted, eyes glazed, one hand trembling as she kept it in her jacket pocket so her co-workers wouldn't see how her furred fingers were matted with her own fresh pussy juice, and gleefully told them that she was quitting. That she had a new job, washing pots in a high class, exclusive restaurant across town.

They laughed. Assholes, of course they had laughed. They'd told her she was being an idiot, thinking that working somewhere posh like that would be any less miserable than working here if she didn't just learn to lighten up. But Hanna barely even heard them. She was too busy smiling remembering her interview. Remembering her first taste of the head chef's food as the snow leopard sat across the table from her. Remembering how it had affected her. How it had changed her life, and set her free by letting her know that she didn't have to be normal. Normal was dumb. Normal was boring. Normal was everything which the staff and customers of Les Eclabousser de la Sperme alike chose to reject with every shift, every meal, every last bite of food which graced the tables at her new job, and as Hanna endured the last two weeks of her old job before her resignation was finalized, she grinned her way through every second of it. Knowing that heaven was closer second by second, and that she wouldn't rest, she wouldn't stop working hard, until she could prove herself to be far more valuable than a pot washer to her new boss.

Some day, hopefully not too far in the future, the lynx wouldn't just be washing up after the creation of the food in Les Eclabousser de la Sperme. Someday soon she would be making it, and in the process of doing so, getting to taste it for herself each and every day.

Hanna was willing to wait months, years if necessary for the opportunity. But to her amazement, the opportunity first presented itself barely six weeks after her first shift.

As she finished up the lunch service pots and prepared to wipe down the worktops so the chefs could focus on preparing for dinner, she could hear the familiar mix of laughing voices, flickering fire from the char grill, bubbling pans of sauce, and of course breathless moans. A brief while later though the laughter faded, and she heard a voice ring out over all the other sounds.

"I know it's missing something. But if I cum in it now you guys are gonna be out of commission as soon as you taste it, and I need objective opinions."

Liv, the head chef and owner of the restaurant, sounded frustrated. A tone of voice which Hanna wasn't used to hearing from her boss, and which made her heart tighten not with fear or frustration in the way knowing her last boss was in a bad mood had done, but with the desire to help make Liv happy again.

"Sure, but... if we can't taste it with your uh, blend added, how are we gonna know it's not just missing that."

One of the sous chefs murmured, and as Hanna turned to glance over in their direction from where she was standing near the sinks and dishwasher, she could see the hare wince as he realized his error the second the words had escaped his lips.

"You don't think I know the taste of my own cum and how it interacts with our dishes, Charlie? C'mon. Don't you think I've taken that into consideration already? Just taste the bisque, please."

Hanna watched quietly as Liv and all four other members of the kitchen team currently on shift tasted what looked to be a rich seafood soup that she had been able to smell simmering away throughout lunch. She saw Liv's brow furrowed beneath the snow leopard's fur, and watched as the sous chefs and even the chef de partie looked at one another with uncertainty. She could see it on their faces. There was something missing, but they couldn't place it either.

The lynx squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Could she really do it? Could she really just walk over and ask if she could help, or would that just undo all the good will she had tried so hard to cultivate with the kitchen team and especially her boss over the last month and a half? She took a deep breath, she clenched her fists with determination and...

"Hey, Hanna? We're fucking losing our minds here. You wanna bring a fresh set of taste buds to this and tell us if you can taste anything off with it?"

Her eyes sprang open as before she could say a word, Liv spoke. To her, directly.

What felt like a second later she was standing by the bubbling and already delicious smelling pot. She was raising a teaspoon of broth to her lips, blowing on it lightly before letting it spill back over her tongue. She knew it still needed more time to cook down and intensify. She knew seasoning and several other savory notes would be added later by the addition of Liv's secret ingredient, the cum for which the restaurant was named and renowned. But even in spite of that, Liv was right. The others were right. There was something missing. In fact, not just something, but...

"Hmm, it's almost there. Maybe a... yeah, a bit of nutmeg?"

Liv blinked, then sighed. Hanna's heart sank as the snow leopard shook her head.

"Nah, there's already nutmeg in there and..."

She paused. She glanced over to the pot, and the lynx could see the mental gymnastics going on in the snow leopard's head. Finally, just a few seconds later, Liv threw back her head and laughed.

"Well fuck me sideways with a pneumatic strap-on. I think I forgot the goddamn nutmeg. One teaspoon for that entire pot, and... holy fucking shit, Hanna. You could taste that? Or, the lack of it. Have you been reading our recipes in your breaks or something?"

Hanna's cheeks flushed.

"Uh, no. It just... kinda seemed like that was what it needed, y'know. What it was missing is just the subtle notes that a teaspoon, maybe a teaspoon and a half of nutmeg would add once it's been cooked through."

Her face glowed hotter as all the kitchen staff looked at her, not with anger or frustration at having succeeded where they had failed, but with a kind of expression that had been so unfamiliar to Hanna prior to starting this job. With respect. With pride. With delight that she had been able to solve their problem. If her face had been red from their wordless praise though, it glowed brighter than the surface of the sun when Liv stepped forward, the snow leopard wearing her chef's jacket and hat but as bottomless as she practically always was from the waist down, and leaned against her. She planted a soft kiss on Hanna's cheek, and her eyes twinkled as they locked with the lynx's own.


She murmured.

"Tonight, when I add my cum to the pot just before service, wanna be my taste tester? I know your shift ends a little before dinner service, but..."


Hanna blurted out before she could stop herself, before Liv could finish talking. The snow leopard didn't seem to mind though. In fact she grinned and chuckled, her face still so close to the lynx's that Hanna realized she could smell the other woman's breath, including what smelled very much like at least three different sources of cum and pussy juice mingled with her own recent tasting of the bisque.

The lynx shuddered. She bit her bottom lip as a small, spontaneous orgasm crashed through her body right then and there. And as she kept her fluttering, pleasure stricken eyes locked with Liv's own, she saw the snow leopard acknowledge her pleasure. She saw the other woman's smile widen, and then...


That was the day everything changed. The day Hanna graduated from pot washer to pot washer and part time cover chef de partie.

Practically once a week she got to work in the kitchen, actually preparing food for paying customers again. But while that was a delight in itself, what blew Hanna's mind was that Liv, her boss and the source of the countless masturbatory orgasms to which the lynx drove herself for the majority of her waking hours outside of work, actually seemed to take a liking to her. Not just as a promising younger cook. Not just as a co-worker. Not even as a friend.

The snow leopard took a liking to the lynx in the precise way which Hanna had dreamed of both asleep and while feverishly, blissfully awake countless times. By granting her the greatest honor and joy of anyone who worked at Les Eclabousser de la Sperme.

"Hnhhhahhhhh... ahhfuck! Fuuuuuckyesssss, hhhhh... Hanna, c'mere. Ohhhgod, cumming... so good. So fucking g-ghhhahhh... taste this for me. Nnh, make sure it's... ohhhgod, strong enough to do the job for our customers."

With the snow leopard's thick cock gripped between both her hands as she pumped ribbon after copious ribbon of cum into a rich batch of caramel and hazelnut crème patisserie, she beckoned the lynx over. She nodded into the cum-coated pot of sweet, now salty and savory touched custard, and watched hungrily, stroking her cock faster and more greedily still as Hanna approached it. Liv bit her bottom lip and growled loudly as Hanna picked up a teaspoon and scooped up a dollop of the crème pat peaked with a glistening strand of cum, and when the lynx rather gluttonously stuffed it into her muzzle with none of the restraint which might have been shown by a chef truly concerned about assessing the flavor of a food item, a soft, pleasure-wracked giggle escaped the still masturbating, cumming snow leopard.

Hanna's eyes bulged as the flavor, so rich, so luxurious, sweetness balanced out perfectly by the rich tangy notes of Liv's cum, swept across her palette. The lynx mewled breathlessly. She held herself together just long enough to smile, to grin and nod at her boss in affirmation of the crème patisserie's quality, not that it had ever been in any doubt. A single drop of Liv's pre-cum would be enough to make anyone cum clean through their underwear, anything more than that was just pure indulgence. And with that in mind, as Hanna stood there so proudly in her crisp chef's whites and tasted that crème pat laden with abundant ropes of the chef's cum, the crotch of her pants began to darken.

Her smile twitched. Her eyes fluttered. She staggered, she let loose a grunt of raw, shameless rapture, and as the dark wetness spilled down the insides of her legs as it began to saturate and drip through the crotch of her pants while still spreading further upon the once smooth white material, Hanna saw Liv still watching her, still grinning, and still feverishly masturbating her own cock as the lynx began to squirt, and squirt, and squirt until her juices were pooling so abundantly across the kitchen floor they were almost trickling their way out of the door and into the main body of the restaurant itself.


Within a year of starting work at the Cum-Splatter, Les Eclabousser de la Sperme's translated name and the only one used by most of its staff when not talking to customers, Hanna was head sous chef. While her job and her skill in the kitchen being recognised by her boss and her colleagues was an immense source of pride to the lynx though, it wasn't the best thing which happened to Hanna that year. It was fantastic. It was phenomenal to feel so fulfilled and eager to do her job, even the parts of it which didn't involve getting propelled to a state of orgasm so intoxicating and overwhelming that for the first time in her adult life Hanna actually knew what it was to be sated, to be entirely relaxed and sexually fulfilled. But all of that work stuff, even the parts of her job which did involve said hyper-orgasmic situations, still paled in comparison to the true highlight of Hanna's year.

The fact that not only was Liv seemingly eager to work with and alongside her in the kitchen, but that slowly but surely they began to spend time together outside of work.


In the back alley behind the restaurant, an hour before either of their shifts were due to start, Hanna sprayed the ground with copious drumming splashes of ejaculate as she grunted and moaned and gurgled around her muzzleful of the snow leopard cock, Liv grappling her ears and pumping relentlessly against her face.

"Again! Fuck! OhhhhhmygodLivyesssssss, I'm cumming again!!"

In the back of a taxi, Hanna's body convulsed and thrashed, arms and legs kicking and short tail twitching wildly in time with the unrestrained convulsions of her pussy around Liv's pumping, spasming, cumming cock.

"Mnnhhhhh!! Mnnnnghhh -hhhhnnhh!"

On her own bed, in her own apartment, Hanna muffled her screams with a pillow as Liv rutted her doggystyle. She didn't care if the neighbors heard. She didn't care if the whole world heard. But the lynx didn't dare pull her head away from the pillow as she came and came and came without end around Liv's equally abundantly gushing cock, for fear that if she did, Liv would hear the words lost within each and every muffled, mindlessly scream.

The indisputable truth bursting forth from her heart and loins with equal potency, that at some point over the course of that year, Hanna had gone from thinking of her boss as a Goddess, the miraculous deliverer of the sex-fuelled life she had always craved, to something far more personal. Something far more embarrassing than simple godly ascension.

The lynx was in love with Liv, and after a year, three months and two days working at Les Eclabousser de la Sperme, that was when Hanna realized for the second time in her life, the snow leopard was responsible for making her wildest, most unfathomable, seemingly impossible dreams come true.

"Hey, Hanna?"

Liv panted, pulling her face away from Hanna's spasming, needy pussy and peering up the length of the lynx's shorter, plump figure, having put on some extra pounds since starting work in a place with so much incredible, irresistible food.

"Mmnhh... y-yeah?"

The lynx whimpered, her body aching for another orgasm, yet relishing this opportunity to actually focus on what Liv was doing to her rather than simply being lost in the all consuming throes of ecstasy induced by the snow leopard's own fluids. She looked down over her heaving breasts to where Liv was seated in her office chair, her own legs up over the older feline's shoulders as she lay there on Liv's desk at the back of the restaurant, and blushed at the look on Liv's face. A look she had seen many times before, but still couldn't quite wrap her head around. She knew what it looked like. She knew how it made her feel, and how she would have interpreted such an expression on her own face. But, to see it from Liv, it had to have been something else. It had to have been wishful thinking on Hanna's own part, because there was no way that...

"I love you, Hanna. Please don't feel the need to say it back. But... I just, yeah. For whatever it's worth, before I make you cum again? I just want... I need you to know, I love you."

The world stopped.

The lynx's heart felt like it was going to explode inside her chest.


She whimpered softly as Liv just sat there, face inches from her pussy, and smiled softly, adoringly up at her.


She gurgled, thighs starting to tremble, the pucker of her asshole winking as her own arousal trickled down between her cheeks and teased against that sensitive flesh.

"O-ohh, god..."

Hanna mewled as tears began to spill down her cheeks, and at the very same instant, she burst into a spontaneous orgasm which even without the snow leopard's supernaturally enhanced cum to provoke it was one of the most powerful of her entire life.

"I llooh-hhhooohhhhh... I llhhahhhh-hhnnngghhhhaah!! Ohhhfuck, fuckfuckfuckyesssssssssss, Liiiiiiv,Ifuckingloveyoutoosooooommmmhh-_ hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaahhhhyessssssss!"_

The lynx's juices splashed over the giggling, beaming snow leopard's face for a few seconds, before Liv stopped giggling, stopped smiling, and let loose a primal snarl. She flung herself forward over the desk. She slammed her rigid cock deep, deep into Hanna's already gushing, violently squirting pussy, and as she muffled Hanna's frenzied screams of bliss with one of the deepest, sloppiest kisses the two women had ever shared, she began to rut the lynx like she had never fucked her before. With a force, with a desperate urgency that betrayed the fact the restaurant wouldn't be opening that day, quite simply because Liv needed every drop of her near infinitely productive balls to be saved for Hanna.

Every last drop for her sous chef, and the woman who from that day forward would be so much more than a colleague, fuck buddy and a friend to Liv.

Every drop, every moment of mindless, all consuming bliss, for her new girlfriend, and the woman who before long would become the newest member of Liv's loving, pleasure fuelled family.

By Jeeves