A Demon's Pet - Awakening

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My latest commission for @WrenQuire!

A follow-up to their wonderful A Demon's Pet! This time, Jamie is inspired by the demoness Castella to dress femme and chat up a wolf at a nearby bar. They then allow him to use their mouth.~

If you'd like to support me, please favorite and leave a comment! Also, check out my profile for commission info and socials!

Jamie emerged from the dank subway station into a world of cement and light. Thunder rolled above them in the night sky. High-rise buildings hugged their left, a street crowded with banana yellow taxis on their right. The flashing neon of nearby signs made the scene almost psychedelic. Lights danced in the reflection of Jamie's eyes as they gazed at the crowds passing by. Castella's hand rested on their shoulder.

"There's no need to be nervous, darling," she said. "But you should move. People are trying to get by."

Jamie nodded and stepped aside to a nearby bench. Their paw grazed the cold steel. They breathed heavily, their chest rising under their scarlet dress. The moisture in the air caused soft white fur to puff out from their chest. "Yeah, sorry. I guess I need a minute. I feel like everyone is looking at me," they said.

Castella raised an eyebrow. "Too used to playing dead, are we?" she teased. She then sat on the bench, patting the seat next to her. Her ruby eyes invited Jamie closer. "Sit down, darling. You have nothing to be afraid of."

The possum obeyed, sitting next to Castella and gently leaning on her ample chest as their thoughts raced. They couldn't believe they were actually going through with this. The whole situation seemed like a dream. Less than a day ago, Castella had been a stranger. And now? They were wearing a custom femme wardrobe. They wore mascara, dark eye shadow, and cherry-red lipstick. Hell, they were going to a bar. Their hands squirmed.

Castella's smooth voice cut through their thoughts. "You shouldn't worry so much about what others think, dear," she said. She wrapped a hand around Jamie's shoulder and hugged them close. The faint smell of clove and charcoal met Jamie's nose. "Remember - I have partial access to your thoughts. You're my mortal now. So don't be surprised if I know how you're feeling." She flashed a devilish smile.

Jamie clenched their paws and stared upward at Castella. The goat's posture was immaculate as she watched pedestrians pass by. She puffed her chest outward, her bosom just barely contained by her tight black dress. The hem cut off above her knees, showing off her thick thighs and strong calves. Faint embers fluttered within her eyes. Neon lights glinted off the rings in her ears.

"I-I know all that," Jamie sputtered. "This is just my first time in public like... this, you know? It's weird. Good weird." They shifted in their seat, watching the masses pass by. The faint scent of cigarette smoke mixed with cheap perfume mingled in the city air. The chatter of innumerable animals surrounded the pair. "I guess, um, I'm excited. I mean, I love being seen like this! But I've never been to a bar. Never picked anyone up before either. I'm scared I'm gonna panic," they said. A sigh escaped their lips.

Castella snickered, covering her mouth with her clawed hand. "Darling, you're adorable. There's a reason I picked you over anybody else, you know." Her toned bicep flexed as she reached over to Jamie. She caressed between their ears, her grip firm. "You're positively delectable. Especially in this dress. I could eat you up right here." She traced her nail down Jamie's chest, moving it across their tummy and down toward their thigh.

Jamie squirmed. They squealed as Castella's nail traced itself along their exposed thigh and toward their groin, leaving a long red mark. "C-Castella! There are people around!" they protested.

A smirk rose to Castella's face. Their nail traced further inward, moving up Jamie's inner thigh and grazing their package. "You wouldn't mind if I praised you a bit, would you?" she teased. Her muzzle brushed against Jamie's ear. The warmth of her breath fell against the possum's cheek. "I think it would be cute to make you moan. Especially in front of everyone," Castella teased.

Words couldn't form in Jamie's mouth. The possum could only grunt in response. Nobody seemed to be watching, but their vulnerability made Jamie's heart race. Their legs quivered.

"The black splotches on your fur are adorable," Castella continued. She chuckled. "And look how your cute thighs poke out from this dress. How the fabric wraps tightly around your chest. I can even see a bit of cleavage! Red complements your eyes well." Her hand lightly brushed Jamie's dick. It twitched gently against her, growing firm. "I'd like to breed you here and now, darling."

"C-Castella!" Jamie's voice shook. Their entire body trembled. Yet somehow the others around them didn't spare a glance. It was almost as if -

Castella retracted her hand, smiling. "Feel less anxious now?" she asked, and kissed the top of Jamie's head. "Don't worry about the pedestrians. I've cast a spell on our surroundings. They can barely perceive us."

Jamie sighed. Their shoulders relaxed. "You can manipulate others like that?" they asked. "I mean, you can control their perceptions of time. I guess I should've assumed."

"I can control all matters of perception," Castella explained. She waved her hand dismissively. "Other times, I employ misdirection. You'll share a fraction of my power eventually. But I'll have to train you first."

Jamie furrowed their brow. "Did you do all that just to distract me from being anxious?" they asked.

Castella rolled her eyes. "I can't have you panicking before getting to the bar," she said flippantly. She then stood, her cloven hooves resting bare against the sidewalk. The hem of her dress accentuated her round hips nicely, her upper back fully revealed with the exception of some thin black lace. She looked over her shoulder at Jamie, displaying a fanged grin. "Ready to get going?" she asked.

"Fine," Jamie said. They rose at her command, their legs still unsteady from excitement, and trotted down the street alongside the demoness. The couple passed storefront after storefront, each covered in flashing neon.

Jamie sighed as their heeled shoes clacked against the sidewalk. "I can't believe these are my innermost desires," they said. They shook their head. "I mean, I've been wanting to dress femme for so long. To express myself. I'm just ashamed this is... me."

Castella's hand clasped Jamie's. "Don't feel ashamed, dear," she said. Her head swiveled as she scanned the venues around them. "Your inhibitions will fade in the face of your own beauty. And some prompting from me, of course."

The possum scoffed. "Thank you for the compliment," they said.

Within a few minutes, the pair had arrived at their destination. A shimmering sign above the entrance read 'The Spot.' Jamie shrugged. Their tail darted back and forth. They said, "I guess this is the place."

Castella nodded, her nostrils flared. "It smells of lust in there," she commented. "I can't wait for you to show yourself, darling. You'll definitely attract some attention."

A pause. Clinking and distant laughter. Clouds passed by overheard. Faint rain pattered down on the cement. The amber light of the bar entrance leaked outward onto the wet pavement, creating a path toward the entrance. The wind passed gently across Jamie's legs, blowing their dress upward. And there the couple stood, cemented to the ground. Both were silent.

"You don't plan on showing yourself to the people inside, do you?" Jamie asked.

"Of course not. But that doesn't mean I won't be influencing them," Castella replied.

Jamie frowned. "I just don't want to feel alone."

Castella chuckled. "Oh, believe me. You'll be anything but alone tonight," she said.

A deep breath. Slowly, the possum marched their way closer to the door. They then passed the threshold and basked in the dim glow of hanging lamps. Raucous animals sat at tables to either side of them, drinking and conversing. Their faces were a blur as Jamie walked wordlessly toward the bar and took a seat.

"Good girl," Castella said. She held Jamie's shoulders, her nails lightly scraping the possum's skin. She said, "Go on, order a drink. My magic will do the rest."

Jamie nodded. Their paw shook as they raised their arm, calling for the bartender's attention. They ordered a gin and tonic and sat staring at their paws, sneaking glances around the bar. Two seats to their right were a couple of foxes chatting. Three to their left, a drunken dog finished off a glass of whiskey. Neither party noticed Jamie.

"Um, Castella? I don't think anyone saw me come in," Jamie said. The bartender promptly handed them their gin. They took a tender sip, placing the glass down gently on the polished mahogany. "Should I bring attention to myself?" they asked.

As they stared mindlessly at their paws, a light whisper made Jamie's ears perk. Castella's deep, husky tone spoke from behind them in a language they didn't understand. An incantation. Definitely an incantation.

A brush of wind simultaneously passed by Jamie's left side. They turned to see a male wolf sit next to them. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, his fur the color of stainless steel. He wore a loose-fitting pink jacket and black denim jeans. Pearl-white fangs emerged from the corners of his mouth. He raised his paw, catching the bartender's attention. The woman behind the counter smiled in recognition.

"Ah! Sam, good to see you," the bartender said. She approached, notepad in-hand. "Doing well?"

The wolf nodded. "Well enough! I'm just looking for something fruity tonight," he said. He tapped his paw on the bar. "Let's go with...a pear daiquiri. That in-stock?"

The bartender nodded and recorded his order. She disappeared after some more small talk, leaving Sam to fiddle with his phone. Jamie nervously glanced at him, then back downward. He didn't seem to notice their staring.

Castella went silent. She removed her hands from Jamie, ambling over to Sam and placing her hands on his shoulders. Jamie watched in morbid curiosity as Castella grinned, speaking softly into the oblivious wolf's ears. Her victim's eyes slowly widened, staring straight ahead. His phone clattered on the bar. The wolf's ears perked and his hackles raised, like a radio being tuned to a new frequency. His mouth opened as if to speak, but nothing came out. Scarlet flecks fluttered within Castella's eyes. Her breasts squished against his back.

And just as suddenly as Castella stepped toward him, she retreated out of Jamie's view. The possum hurriedly turned away and stared downward at their drink, swishing it lightly. Their heart raced. Their mouth was dry. What the hell was Castella doing?

A gruff voice resounded from their left side. "Hey, are you gonna finish that drink? If not, I'll do it for you."

Jamie turned back to see the wolf staring at them, a goofy grin on his face. He pointed toward their glass. "Seriously. I'm a bit of a lush," he joked.

Jamie smiled. They shrank into their seat. "Um, I'll finish this one. But maybe I could buy you another drink sometime tonight?" they teased. This remark would've been smooth, but their voice cracked mid-sentence. They cursed themselves internally.

The wolf giggled. "I'm Sam," he said. "And you?"

The possum took a gulp of their gin and tonic. "I'm Jamie. Um, so, do you know the bartender?" they asked.

"Yep! I come here pretty often," Sam explained. "I work down the road at a doctor's office as a receptionist. So I usually stop here after work." He glanced to the side and rubbed his head. "Okay. That sounds bad. I swear I'm not a drunk."

Jamie laughed. "No, it's fine. I'm actually not from around here," they said. They watched as the bartender gave Sam his drink. He drank half the glass in one gulp. "I'm from Elmwood. So right outside the city. I just came by to check this place out. It has good reviews!" they explained. Jamie's hand shook as they fiddled with their glass.

The wolf's blue eyes locked with Jamie's. "Well, it's a good time here." He paused. "And I'm glad to see someone new. Especially someone as cute as you. I love that dress." That goofy grin again. His eyes squinted as he smiled. "Sorry, was that too forward?" he asked.

A smirk rose to Jamie's face. "Not at all. I think you're cute too," they said. Their heart pounded in their chest. They were actually flirting with a cute boy. In a bar.

"Oh?" Sam leaned closer. "I'm glad you think so. I'd love to wear something like that sometime," he said. "But for now, that dress is more adorable on you."

Jamie's jaw dropped. "You'd wear something like this?" they asked.

"What? A man can't wear a dress?" Sam teased. He raised the hem of his jacket to Jamie. "I'm wearing a bright pink jacket. I'm not exactly straight. But neither are you, right?"

Blush rose to Jamie's cheeks. They turned away, holding a paw over their mouth. Words caught in their throat. "I mean, no. I'm not." They sighed. "Dressing like this is actually new to me," they blurted.

Sam recoiled. "Oh, sorry. I don't mean to make you self-conscious. I just mean to say you look adorable," he said. The wolf blushed. Nervous laughter as he looked away. "You look... stunning, actually." His tail wagged against the back of his seat. He shook his head. "Whew. Sorry. The alcohol must be hitting me quickly tonight." He tapped his paw nervously on the bar, his ears folded back against his head.

A moment of silence. Jamie stared at his face. Splotches of beige fur adorned his cheeks, intermingled with flecks of black and white. Two silver earrings studded each ear. A thin layer of eyeliner accentuated his piercing gaze. Tufts of soft silver fur poked from under his jacket. And as Jamie stared, they were struck with a startling realization: For the first time, a cute boy was nervous around them.

The smell of a campfire briefly surrounded Jamie. Castella whispered to them, "He's flustered. Toy with him." Her breath warmed Jamie's neck. Fire rose from their tummy, filling their limbs and shocking their spine. Their mind felt vigilant, sharper, as Castella's thoughts mixed with their own.

Jamie smiled and sipped their drink, straightening their posture. Their shoulders relaxed. They rested an elbow casually on the bar. "Your fashion sense isn't half bad either, you know. I think you'd look amazing in something like this." Jamie gestured toward themselves.

Sam's ears perked. "Really? Thank you." He sighed. "It's hard, you know? Like, I mountain bike and rock climb. But try and show me a guy from the gym who thinks I'd look cute in a skirt. I'd be waiting forever," he complained.

"I think you'd look amazing!" Jamie said. They leaned toward him. "I've been dealing with the same thing. But recently I just... took the leap. And I'm happier for it." They grinned. "But I think your nervousness is adorable. You're the type to snuggle close during a scary movie, right?" they teased.

The wolf's maw opened as if to object, but no words came out. He thought for a moment. "If you'd like, we could do that sometime," he proposed.

"Sure! I love horror. I'm kinda a film nerd, actually," Jamie said. "Well, and a guitar nerd. A media nerd in general, I guess."

"I think that's cute," Sam said. "You're cute in general." He stared at Jamie and exhaled deeply. Jamie looked down to see his paw resting on their leg. His large palm easily reached around their kneecap. Sharp silver nails jutted from each finger.

"Do you want to go somewhere else? Somewhere more private?" Sam asked.

Jamie licked their lips. "Sure."

Sam then stood from his seat, beckoning Jamie toward him. He took their paw in his, leading the short possum along. Jamie hadn't noticed it before, but Sam was at least a full foot taller than them. The realization sent a shock through their spine.

They followed him through the throng of drunken animals and into the men's restroom, disappearing inside. Its furnishings included three stalls and two urinals. Bright fluorescents coated the room in white light. The air smelled strongly of bleach. Sam walked to the stall in the corner and motioned inside. "This ought to give us some privacy," he said.

"I-I guess so," Jamie replied. They stepped gingerly inside. Sam followed and locked the door behind them. He then turned to face the possum, grasping their lower back in his arms. He stared into their eyes. A small whine escaped his mouth as he observed his prey.

"You're beautiful," Sam said. One paw embraced the possum's back, another resting on the back of their head. He pulled Jamie into a kiss, then moved his muzzle downward onto their neck. The scent of pear-flavored booze wafted from his muzzle as it closed in on the vulnerable possum's throat. He suckled gently on Jamie's neck, his canines leaving small indents on their fur. Sam's tongue lapped at their jugular, working along the grooves of their neck as he resisted the urge to bite down and draw blood.

The thump of Sam's tail sounded throughout the room. Jamie moaned as they felt themselves consumed by the ravenous animal. "Y-you can bite me if you want," they said.

The wolf pulled back. "Oh? If you want me to bite you, I'd prefer to hear you beg," he teased.

The possum's eyes were half-lidded as they pleaded. "Please? Please bite me. I need it. I need you to ravage me." Their breath quivered. Their body was held up almost entirely by the wolf's toned arms.

Satisfied, Sam plunged his maw back into the crook of Jamie's neck, sinking his fangs into their shoulder. A light growl sounded from Sam's maw. His claws dug into the possum's fur. Hot breath cascaded down Jamie's back. The faint musk of sweat and adrenaline filled Jamie's nostrils as their face was pressed into Sam's shoulder.

Jamie moaned as sweet pain radiated throughout their body, making their limbs spasm uncontrollably. The possum squeezed Sam as tightly as they could, but their small paws could barely wrap around his shoulders. Their tail flailed wildly against the stall's wall.

Sam released them and looked into their eyes. A faint red sheen remained on his canines. "Are you looking to get caught? It's loud out there, but we should be careful," he said.

Jamie's breathing was haggard. Their eyes watered. Red puncture marks remained on their shoulder. "S-sorry. But I think I know a way to keep me quiet," they said. They rubbed their paw against Sam's package. "Call me a good girl and I'll let you use me," they teased.

A toothy grin rose to Sam's face. "Fine. You're a very good girl. Now get to work." He unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his underwear, revealing a sizable canid cock barely contained within a thick silver sheath. Dark grey fur trailed from his tummy, culminating in a tuft of dark fluff above his package. Only the pink tip extruded from the fluffy sheath, below which hung a pair of large soft testicles. A thin bead of precum formed on the tip of his dick.

Jamie quickly dropped to their knees, entranced. Castella's influence bubbled up within them, urging them forward onto the wolf's cock. They opened their mouth, allowing their hot breath to wash over Sam's member. Their long tongue then snaked itself past their lips and deftly licked the precum off the wolf's cock. Jamie flashed a smug grin.

"Showing off your tongue?" Sam asked.

"Just wanted to show you what you're in for," Jamie said. They then closed their lips gently around the tip of Sam's cock, lapping up his precum and peeling back his sheath. The sour, pungent smell of his musk enveloped them as they held him in their mouth, curling their long tongue around his glans. The heft of his cock weighed against their maw. They could feel his heartbeat pulse through his pink flesh.

A fierce growl escaped Sam's muzzle. "Good girl," he said, grasping the back of their head with both paws. "There we go. Keep going." His cock grew inside Jamie's mouth, throbbing with each movement of Jamie's maw. Bitter precum trickled down the back of the possum's throat. The steady tensing of Sam's cock beckoned Jamie further down his shaft. Muffled moans erupted from their mouth. A sizable bulge poked from the hem of their dress.

"F-fuck, you're tight," Sam breathed. The spade of his cock pressed up against the roof of Jamie's maw. He thrust instinctually inward, his hips shaking. Jamie's mind fled as they needily devoured his cock. They fought tears, shoving the wolf deeper into their warm throat. Their arms wrapped around his ass and pulled him closer. Sam's tail brushed happily against their forearms.

Sam grunted. His voice echoed off the bathroom walls. "That's it. I'm taking control," he said. He grasped Jamie's hair, pulling them off his cock and locking eyes with his prey. Jamie stared desperately at the wolf towering above them. A trail of drool stretched from their lips to his glans. Traces of their lip gloss stained the length of his dick.

Sam then pushed Jamie's head down onto his groin, forcing their muzzle into his balls. His gruff voice sounded from above. "Worship them, bitch." The acrid scent of sweat and lust overwhelmed Jamie's nose. They suckled gently on the wolf's damp fur, feeling his abdominals contract in their embrace. His package twitched upward as Jamie lapped dutifully at him. They grasped his hefty thighs, holding the muscled wolf still as they worshiped every inch of his flesh. One paw slowly snuck their way between Sam's thighs, pressing tenderly upward on the skin behind his package. Sam jerked as they lightly massaged his prostate. A small spurt of precum dribbled from the wolf's glistening cock, dripping onto Jamie's face. The possum's tongue quickly revealed itself and lapped up the bitter lust. They stared upward into the wolf's blue eyes, pleading for more.

"Please," Jamie begged.

The wolf's face contorted. His nostrils flared. His eyes widened in predatory frenzy. His clawed paw harshly grasped Jamie's hair. All inhibitions fled his mind. He was struck with the overwhelming urge to breed Jamie's mouth. He didn't care if they were caught.

Sam slid his cock into Jamie's maw, gripping their hair for leverage. Light moans escaped the subdued possum. Their ears twitched as they were reduced to the predator's cocksleeve. Their throat burned as Sam thrust himself as deep as he could inside them, forming a small bulge at the top of their neck. The possum's desperate expression made his cock twitch in their mouth.

"Take it, bitch," Sam growled. He slid Jamie up and down on his cock, a rumble rising from his chest. With each thrust, Jamie kissed his plump red knot, their nose meeting with his pubic fur. His abdominals tensed as the possum's lips grazed the base of his cock, each pump taking him deeper and deeper.

Jamie couldn't take it anymore. They slipped one paw beneath their dress, shamelessly sliding themselves across their dick. Moist precum completely coated their glans. Their paw was soon covered in sticky lust, feeling their pink cock flare in time with Sam's heartbeat. Their jaw quivered; their back arched. They fought the urge to orgasm, desperate to take the wolf's cum first.

Feeling his prey quiver, Sam's arms tensed. His breathing became ragged. A snarl rose to his face. He suddenly pulled Jamie fully onto his cock, shoving his knot inside their maw. His body was wracked with pleasure as Jamie massaged his bulb, the tip of his cock hugged tightly by their throat. Breathy moans escaped his mouth. His knot flared inside his prey. The wolf's thrusts were nothing more than frantic twitches as he tied the vulnerable animal. Jamie's name barely passed his lips before his cum violently erupted down the possum's throat. His prey's face was pressed flush against his tummy, enveloping them in his thick musk of his matted fur.

Sam couldn't keep quiet, releasing a cacophony of moans. Jamie wrapped their tongue around his knot, milking his cock. They melted as the sour tang of the wolf's cum met their tongue. They swallowed load after load of the wolf's seed, each heartbeat sending another spurt into their throat. It completely filled them, a stream of the wolf's cum escaping their maw and dripping down their chin.

The sting of humiliation sent Jamie into a submissive frenzy. Their ears folded back. Their tail coiled around Sam's toned calf. Their body tensed. Shivers overtook them. They whimpered as an orgasm wracked their body, cum spurting past their paw and onto the cold tile.

A moment of silence perforated by whines as Jamie needily nursed Sam's cock, swallowing every drop of his cum. They then released him, falling backward and taking a deep breath. Their chest heaved as they breathed freely, staring upward at the predator with tear-filled eyes.

Sam wordlessly slipped his arms under theirs, lifting Jamie to their feet. Their legs wobbled. He stared into their sedated eyes.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yep," Jamie replied. They kicked their legs a bit, regaining circulation. Their tongue lapped at the semen resting on their chin. "Your cum tastes amazing," they said. Blush colored their cheeks a bright red.

Sam smiled. "Let me try some, then," he said. He brought Jamie's maw to his own, lapping up his cum. The possum whimpered as his soft tongue worked its way around their mouth, then back out. He swallowed. They stared at each other for a moment longer. Sam flashed that goofy grin.

"That was amazing," he said. "Clean up and meet me back at the bar, okay? I haven't finished my drink." He threw a sideways glance at the stall door, frowning. "They better not have cleared it by now."

Jamie nodded. The couple shared another kiss as Sam buckled his pants. The wolf then stepped out of the stall, winking as he closed the door. Jamie heard the bathroom door open and close.

Silence. Exhausted, Jamie took a moment to breathe before heading to the sink and washing off. They rinsed the cum off their hands, dabbing their stained dress with a paper towel. They glanced at their disheveled hair in the mirror, then down at their dress, then back up at their smudged lip gloss. Castella appeared behind them in the mirror. Jamie didn't bother to turn to her, instead wiping the smudged lipstick off their lips.

"I bet you loved that," Jamie said.

Castella replied, "I did. You're a natural."

"Only because you worked your magic on me," Jamie said. They wiped mascara off their cheek.

Castella rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms. "I've already told you. These desires are yours, Jamie. They're not mine."

Jamie looked themselves in the eyes. They smirked weakly. "That was some of the best sex I've ever had," they said. "I can't believe I actually did that. I can't believe this is me."

Castella rested her hands on Jamie's shoulders. The smell of cloves and the clacking of hooves on tile. Then, quiet. They both stared into the mirror.

"Welcome to yourself, Jamie," Castella said.

Jamie sighed. They stared at themselves. "Nice to meet you," they said.

And they slipped silently out of the bathroom door.