One More Load - 2021

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#4 of Commission - Dexter and Miles (NSFW)

I'm surprised to have had this.

Miles belongs to Yanixter.

A plast from the bast.

One More Load

Miles was alone in his dimly lit barracks, disrobing his sand-brown fatigues and putting aside his clunky helmet. It was dark out, and the desert evening was as cold as Canada's in autumn. Even at night there was some semblance of home, even the absence of other people just like his father who had been mostly away. Despite the chilly weather, his body felt warm and kept getting warmer. He panted heavily while laying down on his hard bed, sweat drenching his fur. And he saw the red growing tip peek out of his sheath and couldn't help but give it a gentle squeeze with his fingers.

He let out a loud moan, yet indifferent if anyone would've heard him. His fingers wrapped themselves around the pulsing red flesh that oozed out clear pre. Pleasure surged through him, intensified by his fingers massaging those toned abs covered by thin and soft white fur. They traveled up his chest where his aroused nipples stood out. He pinched them, with that jerk of pleasure making him thrust instinctively.

Since he was alone, he felt it was appropriate to play it more risque. Turning himself around, he took his pillow then buried it beneath his arousal. Afterwards he felt the tingling sensation of burying it between his soft pillow, imagining he had been dicking a man or lady in-service.

The rough and inexperienced thrusting made the bed creak, but it was drowned out by his grunts and panting. Suddenly, the door opened and he paused, shaft buried between the pillow's cushions. Miles did not feel any semblance of shame, and in fact had been expecting someone. His eyes were eyeing the entrance, and who else would it be?

"Starting the party without me?" his own voice came from the doorway. A clone of himself peeked in head and dickhead together. His doppelganger's shaft dripped and throbbed, allured by the handsome display he had put on.

"Come on in," the real Miles said. And his clone stepped in, strutting with pride. He showed off those abs and muscular thighs. Plus the way his dick swung left and right as he walked made his hole twitch, before he realized that he was already behind him.

The real him squirmed and yipped as he felt cold spit hit his pucker. He gulped when his other self hotdogged between his toned cheeks followed by a firm grope.

"Dang, if only you'd get to fuck your own ass, huh?" he teased with his tip prodding his virgin entrance. The real him took a deep breath as he felt his rear spread open. There was pain at first but not as bad as the internet had exaggerated. Though that burning sensation in his rear became pleasure, moaning out loud.

And that awoke him, chin-first against the pillow, and bulge pressed against his mattress. The wolf was in his nature, blanketed by the moonlight shining through his only window. He groaned in frustration and turned around to see a large damp spot on his tighty-whities. His actual blanket had been tossed aside because it was on the floor, and he got it back up and covered his hard-on. What a timely dream he had, being a soldier and all since he would be at the academy at first daylight. He glanced at the bedside digital clock which read '0100'. Pick-up was in three hours and he doubted he could sleep again. Not after that, especially with his shaft throbbing and begging to be released.

It occurred to him then that being in the academy's barracks, with all those fellow cadets, meant that he had no privacy to get himself off. He felt flush because it would be the first and last time, in four years at least, that he'd use 'it'.

Miles got out of bed and stretched around a bit. Sideways and forwards with his bulge swung around alongside his hips. He reached for his lower back and much lower after, groping his own muscled ass, with his hips forward which was part of the routine. Followed by twisting his upper body andarms gyrating along, he strutted over towards his dresser beside the bathroom door. His shaft throbbed and peeked out.

And it exposed itself as he crouched down. His plump white orbs were inches from the ground, while his leaky tool bounced above them. The bottom drawer had his favorite pair of undies, a military-camo'd speedo with a woodland pattern. Still in its package, it portrayed a model fox taking a dip in a river deep in the forest but Miles envisioned himself in it, and he looked sexy in them.

His fingers clawed the strip of tape off and unwrapped the plastic. Miles admired the cool and smooth fabric, which still had that department store smell. The wolf's eagerness to put it on was exhibited through pre oozing down from his tip.

Those white undies hit the floor, and he stepped out of them. He inspected the size of the swimwear which was small and stretchy which would be a snug fit but not tight to restrict blood flow. His tail swayed left and right walking onto the light switch, hesitating as he realized that his curtains were still drawn out. A quick tip-toe to his bedside window, he shut it, crept back to the switch and flicked it on.

The tall mirror stood between it and the bed, which he stood in front of his naked reflection. Miles flexed his developed muscles, with his cock twitching in admiration, and turned himself around squeezing in those glutes. He smacked them softly, followed by a hushed giggle. Turning around so his hunky bod faced the mirror, he eyed his cock for a while. Watching it throb, bob up and down as pre dripped down to the floor. The little notion made him giggle because of how silly it felt, yet he was impressed with his own size.

He was impressed with the pre-academy training his father put him through. A near-decade's worth of hard work and very militaristic mindset all in white-furred glory. Finally, he put on the speedo and stretched it, brushing over his thighs. The fabric tingled his nuts and bulged around them as the hem was already on his hips. These were a small pair compared to his rocket standing tall, hugging his abs, while his sheathe barely peeked out.

"Oh my," he felt flushed seeing himself like this in the mirror. It would be embarrassing if he was at the beach or poolside like this, but damn was he attractive. He blew his hunky reflection a kiss, and turned to check how big the speedo made his rear. It brought out the curves of his magnificent glutes which he gave another pat.

Miles turned around again with his paws brushing over his chest, leading down towards his twitching red rocket. A soft moan escaped his lips as he massaged it with both hands. Fingers going around his sensitive flesh, massaging his exposed knot that made his legs wobble and his orbs tense up. He thrusted in and out of his slicked paws, but paused knowing he wouldn't want to explain this mess in a few hours.

Miles flicked the switch on in his bathroom, and went up the mirror posing more. Changing his facial expressions to show off those cheekbones, and pique canine features. What kind of soldier would he be if he didn't take care of his fangs after all. Sharp fangs that matched those sharp eyes of his basking in every pristine detail, save for his fur that had been stained with his excitement from earlier.

"If you were real," he said in a low seductive tone, with an inviting finger, "I'd kiss you." He continued doing what he had been doing, smearing slick essence all over his dick and stroking its entirety. It pulsed and warmed to the touch while thrusting into it as his ass bounced against the glass.

Miles panted, holding back his moans against the overwhelming pleasure coming from his knotty stimulation. It felt good but it wasn't enough. If only there wasn't a sink on his mirror then he would happily be all over himself. His eye caught the reflective shine of his smaller shaving mirror on the sink, and walked over to it as he slowed his strokes.

There was a slight hesitation at first because it would be the first time he did something like this. Admiration of himself through the mirror was one thing but using one to frot with himself was unconventional. Yet his throbbing urge begged him, his shaky arms grabbing the small oval reflective glass.

He warmed up to it, holding the cold surface. Miles' felt warmer bringing it closer to his dick, and found out that it was longer than the mirror. Excited and gulping, he leaned back against the shower cubicle as he stroked himself off with it.

This was far more pleasurable than he imagined; the glass wasn't cold, nor too rigid. In fact, his pre-coated dick and the idea of frotting with himself heightened the experience. He shut his eyes and imagined the same strapping guy in front of him.

"Hey there, stud," his imaginary self approached him, already erect and leaky.

"Hey, handsome," he muttered. His heartbeat quickened with every loud step.

The hunky doppelganger slammed his hand against the transparent glass behind him, briefly intimidating the real him before leaning forward for a deep kiss. They both melted into it and moaned in each other's mouths as their tips touched. They tightly embraced each other in one hand, with the other pressing their dicks against the small mirror in between. Their nuts slapped against each other in their hip thrusting motion with both Miles, now gazing into each other's dashing red eyes.

"I love me," the real Miles groped his clone's ass cheeks who in turn let out a soft yip.

"I love me too," he enticed him, mimicking his grab-ass gesture and made the real him moan softly. "We both know you love getting your ass grabbed."

And he admitted in an embarrassed whine, "I do." And those imaginary fingers felt real as it reached between his cheeks, and brushed over his twitching hole. He fought back the temptation to moan louder, not wanting to get caught like this.

His doppelganger's white muzzle leaned in and whispered, "Do you really want it?" He prodded with his index.

"Y-yes," he whimpered, legs trembling. They kissed again, and held it for a moment. Their lips parted as Miles turned around, his arm resting against the glass. He lowered the back-end of his speedo, raised his tail, presenting the pink hole amidst his luscious white fur.

A firm hand smacks his left ass cheek, making the submissive wolf gasp. He spat on his hole and buried his shaft in between those cheeks. His sexy self prodded his wet and loosened entrance making him gasp again with his tail wagging in anticipation.

He whistled at the beautiful sight, "Ready, stud?"

"Y-yeah," Miles covered his mouth, suppressing a loud moan. He knew he was large, but feeling it was entirely different. If he hadn't trained this much, he would've fallen to his knees from the thrill surging through his body. It was overwhelming at first, before it settled in hot passion as his other self started humping him.

He kept stroking himself off with the mirror, and it would've been damp by now given how much he coated it. And he kept at it while squeezing his knots, whimpering under his breath because he was close.

Wanting more, he stood straight, reducing the gap between him and his imaginary partner who locked him in another embrace. His paws rubbed the white fur all over his chest and abs, firmly pressing those toned muscles that gave him a delightful shiver across his body.

"God you're so sexy," he said to the real Miles. His pace below picked up, with his knot bumping against his rim.

He panted with his hips thrusting back against him, then forward against his paw and mirror. Miles kept resisting the urge to let go and moan loud into the night, as his other self was smacking his thighs against his ass; and his knot bulging on his dick throbbed uncontrollably.

"G-gonna cum..." he muttered, thinking quickly where to shoot his load. The shower drain was the closest, so he hastily slid the door without slamming it because his partner would instead. Being knotted was an intense build-up of pain followed by a wave of ecstasy. Miles fired his load onto the shower floor. Strings of wolf cream would pain the floor, he let out shrill satisfied whines as he shot his load.

His partner faded, whispering his parting message, "See you, sexy." In reality his hole had been fingered, and was still sensitive from the marginal stretch. His dick slowed down to a drippy twitch, staining the mirror still hugging his sensitive flesh, before it slowly retracted itself back to its white pouch.

Miles took deep breaths, and relaxed himself. And paused himself with ears twitching to know if his dad awoke. Fortunately for him, despite his father being a hardened military man, he didn't hear the little fun he had. No knocking on the door, nor were footsteps to and fro his bedroom door.

He looked down at the mess he made, and started up a heated shower. And since the urge to sleep was long gone, he may as well have one too. The wolf stepped into the hot water while sliding his feet so the rest of his spunk got drained. He scrubbed his fur in soap and shampoo, the last time in the next few years he'd use fancy products. That smell of strawberry with a 'manly' scent will be missed, and the scent of his own musk too. His paws gently scrubbed his shaft and rear, and even the speedo too which made it glisten.

After he was done, he stepped out grabbing the towel hanging above besides the door, and started drying his head. He admired himself in the mirror and boy was it a sight; a sexy canine whose attractive bod glistened. First thing that came to mind was a video he saw on those adult sites, an oiled up bear dancing with his bulge bouncing up and down. Miles swayed his hips side to side as he leaned back. Those abs were more pronounced, his wet fur sparkled, and he held up the towel, flexing those muscles of his.

"Show your stuff stud," he winked at the mirror, curling those biceps. He gave him an inviting nod while wiggling his eyebrows. His little dance had him turn to the other side, still swaying his body to the imaginary saxophone, a vague tune from that same video. Lastly, he finished it by grabbing his crotch, and moved his fingers aside to emphasize his sheath's bulge as he stuck his tongue out.

Miles continued drying the rest of his body, followed by a hair dryer. He even used it on his speedo. Following that was using a pristine brush with no strand of fur clinging onto it, and then he coated himself in luxury hairspray before using the brush again. Another self-care product he would miss once he was in the academy.

He stepped out and stripped his speedo, hiding it in the back of his underwear drawer, and exchanged it for some clean red underwear. It was his lucky undies too. It occurred to him that he would wear his cadet fatigues which were in bags downstairs, but an earlier memory countered it by recalling his father saying otherwise; that he'd go in as a civilian first. So he put on something simple: a gray shirt, and some blue jeans. Socks would be prior to his departure, and the shoes were by the door.

The wolf shoved his undies down the laundry basket, and ensured it was at the bottom of other prior undies he had stained with 'excitement'. He went back to his dresser, and opened his underwear drawer again and took a quick whiff of his used camo speedo. Miles basked in his musky scent one last time. He felt his temptation grow down there. Maybe he could blow one more load.


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