Happy Eastvore!

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Holidays are a time for happy feelings; appreciate what you've got or else!

A prompt from a buddy and subsequent 24-ish hour challenge.

A beef with Santa or whoever the patron cryptid of Valentine's Day is would be understandable to most people. Sophie was not most people. The tiger's auburn hair bobbed just above the tall grass as she slunk with predatory patience towards her prey: The 6 ft chocolate colored rabbit too distracted with straightening his shamrock green vest to be on watch for things like aggrieved Easter Basket recipients.

'Skimp on my jellybeans, will you?' She thought as she readied her haunches to pounce. 'Let's see how empty you leave my stomach when I stuff you inside it.'

What Sophie had not considered, in her emotionally injured haste and feline proclivity for self aggrandizing narcissism, was that nothing that has been around long enough to be recounted in myth gets that way by being an easy target.

The Easter Bunny bent over at the last possible instant, as nonchalant as if plucking a dandelion. It was a much more alarming experience for Sophie, as the yawning maw of the rabbit's anus delivered an invitation that her forward momentum forced her to accept with unintentional enthusiasm. Sophie's predatory tendencies weren't the only ones that had been honed to unconscious competence. Her chest was enveloped by the rabbit's asshole before she could acknowledge the perverse reversal of the situation.

"Oh? What's this? Someone was kind enough to arrive with a treat for me this year?" The rabbit taunted as Sophie scrambled for purchase, her legs wheeling just out of reach of the ground, the aggression in her veins giving way to panic. Adrenaline addled blood beating past her eardrums failed to deafen the threatening squelches from further down the rabbit hole. "How very considerate!"

The brief flash of hope inspired when her feet found purchase was squashed under the Easter Bunny's weight as he slammed his rump onto the ground, sealing everything up to her waist in the dense musculature belied by his wispy frame. Slimy walls pinned her arms over her head in a mockery of her aggressive attempt. They impressed upon her just how out of her depth she was, acquiescing to her struggles by bending and stretching obsequiously against her desperate clawing. An invigorating rush thundered through her when fresh air kissed her waist, the slight breeze made a cooling encouragement by the inexplicable lubrication saturating her fur.

The rabbit sighed deeply as he adjusted his squat, the kicking pair of orange striped legs pinned under his toned ass the only sign of his impromptu ass prey. He rose and fell a couple tentative inches, stroking his testicles as he sought the most pleasurable position to devour his unexpected but quite appreciated anal interlocutor.

"What a shame though," he commented as the ostensibly apex predator failed to consistently stimulate his anal cavity, "it appears it doesn't quite fit. Too small." He leaned onto his back and stroked himself to a state of semi hardness as his ass gulped languorously at Sophie. His rising chuckle counterposed the ever fainter muffled screams from his abdomen. "Not to worry though, that's an easy fix if ever there was one!"

Grass tore under Sophie's heels as she struggled in vain against the contractions sucking her inexorably deeper into the Easter Bunny. "I will not devoured by a bottom of the food chain herbivore!" She vowed as her knees disappeared past his sphincter. "I am a tiger, the deadliest threat of the jungle!" She assured herself more than anyone as the fruit medley aroma of the rabbit's lubrication seeped into the fur on her calves. 'It can't end like this!' She exclaimed as the damp warmth of the rabbit's guts settled over her feet with a schlorp.

Sophie's athletic body bent and contorted through the snaking burrows of the rabbit's intestines, the constricting caress of his guts like the amorous lapping of a giant tongue. Her journey came to halt in his stomach, where her fully stretched posture gave way to the fetal position, and she found herself in the pink glowing company of shifting particles. The telltale click clack of colliding candies accompanied what were, she guessed, the light jostling of her erstwhile target hopping off to spread more holiday cheer. She sifted through a handful, confirming she was, in fact, trapped in the stomach of the Easter Bunny, surrounded by endless mouthfuls of jelly beans.

"You son of a bitch..." She said, opting to focus on the immediate reality of her situation rather than the specifics of how, exactly, the bunny accessed his store of treats. "You had jelly beans for days and you only gave me a handful!" The gentle nudge of her strike to the mountain of beans was answered by quaking pats that threatened to crush her as they settled. Despite the suggestions of her hopeless situation, cramped surroundings, racing mind, and disastrous turnout of her hunting outing, she inhaled deeply and composed herself. The sugary scents of cherry and watermelon inspired in her a fleeting excitement that she mentally gripped. This could be worse. This could be much worse. The scores of jellybeans restricting her mobility suggested that whatever mucus oozed between them wasn't corrosive. And compared to the paltry offering in her Easter basket, she had certainly hit the jackpot now. A plan came to mind, fully formed for its simplicity and, frankly, status as sole option at this point.

'I'll eat them all.' The sheer volume of jellybeans precluded a need to savor each of the mouthfuls Sophie shoveled into herself, hand over hand. 'It can't fail: If he notices that I'm going to deplete him of all the candy he's supposed to deliver, he'll have to let me out. And if he doesn't, he'll certainly notice once I've eaten enough to start to swell myself. And if he doesn't then, I'll eat until he explodes!'

The Easter Bunny hopped hither and thither as bunnies are wont to do. A light lurch from his still quite flat tummy caused him to chuckle and gently pat at his prey. His eyes lit up and cock sprung to full alertness at the rapacious shifting in his stomach that followed.

"That's a good girl," he purred, consciously staying his hand from his leaking shaft. "Help yourself to as much as you like."

The uncertainty of their biological origin notwithstanding, the candy was so much more flavorful straight from the source. An unguinous film of sweetness coated Sophie's mouth, adding a perpetual hint of strawberry to the fruity deluge that never left her mouth wanting for saccharine satisfaction. She'd forgotten why she'd started eating them in the first place. She hadn't noticed the rabbit's stomach was no less or more accommodating for her furious feasting, nor had she noticed that her thighs and breasts had plumped to keep pace with her stomach, all of them expanded to give her the appearance of several water balloons poured into tiger patterned lingerie. Bringing her hands to her mouth only introduced a second of delay between impulse and reward; She buried her head under the confectionary sea, swallowing the inundation with scarcely a thought given to chewing. The emotion that rose into her voluptuous chest when she felt herself pulled downwards once again into the rabbit's intestines was not elation at the possibility of escape, but chilling horror.

"Well, aren't you just the most accommodating little sweetie!" The rabbit traced a finger around the head of his cock, his knees trembling with excitement as he pushed out the slight bulge in his belly. He gasped as his insides stretched, copious catgirl corpulence flooding his intestinal tract. "Oh, m-m-maybe not so little any more!" His breathing quickened, his penis leaking an anticipatory stream of precum as his now fleshed out toy made its way into place. His pleasured howl rang through the trees as Sophie's calves emerged from his anus, stretching his rectum more than her shoulders had managed at the outset, and assailing his prostate with cannonball like force. Unable to contain himself any longer, his hand jackrabbited his dick with an instinctual energy he hadn't been granted in a very, very long time. Inch by ecstatic inch, the emerging tiger coaxed louder and louder moans from the rabbit.

He laid once more onto his back as Sophie's titanic tummy left him gasping incoherently, his ass stretched to its absolute limit. Hooking his feet around the back of her knees, he slid himself along the squirming tiger, delighting in the liquid sensations afforded by her largely formless bulk. With his right hand, he stroked his shaft and caressed his balls. With his left, he searched among the amorphous fat of Sophie's legs and stomach until he found an opening with a wetness of a consistency different to the lubricious slime dripping off the tiger. Prior such engagements gave him ample experience in finding the clitoris (not that it was that difficult in the first place) and extensive knowledge in the precise amount of light stroking necessary to operate the love button.

"No no no no no, take me back, take me back!" Sophie cried breathily as convulsive waves pushed her back through the intestinal maze. She kicked when her feet hit open air, trying to return to the Halcyon jellybean fields she could no longer remember being apart from. The excessive weight adorning her hips didn't comply with her spry muscle memory, leaving her to flail impotently as gravity shifted and her breasts smushed against her face, drowning out any further pleas. Her whining melted into moaning as a dexterous finger swam between her splayed open legs and stroked at her own bean. Restrained by the rabbit's ass and expert footwork, she could only buck her hips against the oh so slow and tender strokes sending lines of bliss arcing through her body.

The bunny's tongue rolled out of his mouth, his eyes rolled back in his head. Everything from the waist down was a limitless tingling, unconstrained by the thinness of his physique; everything from the waist up roared with inarticulate encouragement as his ass tightened around the blob of a tiger wriggling between his legs. His hands picked up their supernatural speed as he noticed the subtle but distinct shift from struggle to sexual grinding, edging both of them closer to climax.

If not for his firm lock with his feet, the arching ecstacy of the orgasm would have immediately propelled the bunny free of his commiserative captive with frightening velocity. Jets of rabbit spunk poured freely over his abdomen, and his jerking, sputtering kicks finally sent him rolling backwards, minus one panting, moaning tiger with far more generous proportions than the ones she'd had when initially ingested.

"Well, I hope you learned something today." The Easter Bunny said as he rose shakily to his feet. It had not been his intention to release the tiger, but given that she struggled to push herself to her knees, weighed down by her breasts and belly even as she fully extended her arms, he felt there was no imminent threat. "Or at least had as much fun as I did. See you next year, Happy Easter!"

"Wait!" Sophie cried, her collapse softened by her literal chest pillows. "Take me back, please!" The urgent desperation in her voice gave the rabbit pause. He looked back with a coyly cocked eyebrow. "Shove me up your ass, swallow me whole, fuck my brains out, do whatever you want with me, please, just take me back to the jellybeans!"

The Easter Bunny sat down and leaned back, prying his cheeks apart, his asshole gaping wide enough that Sophie could see all the way to the first bend in his insides.

"Oh no, I'm sure you wouldn't want that." He teased, wiggling his hips and fluffy white tail. "Being carried inside me with nothing to eat but an infinite supply of candy?" He stifled a giggle as Sophie crawled towards him. "Nothing to do but get fatter and fatter, only to be used for my pleasure when I see fit?"

By way of a response, Sophie shoved her head into the rabbit's rectum. Her strength which had proved insufficient to push her to her feet was enough to get her partially back into the internal fun slide. Struggling with her mountainous chest, the bunny opted to help her in the endeavor. Rhythmic undulations once again accepted her into his squelching depths. His soft gasps accompanied the form fitting jigglyness of the tiger squeezing the last drops of semen from his balls. She slipped comfortably back inside, an actually noticeable bump forming in the rabbit's stomach.

"Happy Easter indeed," he said contentedly as he rubbed his slowly expanding gut.