Donum Solis Simul

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#2 of Donum Solis

Now that Jackson has been changed into a gryphon and given the gift to become human during daylight, he wants to learn more about what life as a gryphon entails. Including how to bond with Cleo.

After a great reception to the original story, the continuation of Jackson and Cleo's journey is here.

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Birds chirped, and leaves rustled as the sun slowly rose from the horizon. The cool air began to heat from its light slowly. The sounds of the forest only got louder, as if the entire world was waking up.

The soft grass made for a decent bed to lay on, although this wasn't the first time I had woken up on the spot. Two weeks ago, Cleo and I had first slept here together, and the action changed my life forever. I stretched my front legs out as it stretched my back legs down. Cleo lay behind me, her body hugging my back lightly.

My new body was taking some time to get used to. The more difficult change was that of my daylight restrictions. Since my roommate was unaware and frankly unable to learn about my transition, I had to be in my room before sunset every day. These are the same things I complained about to Cameron directly prior.

Although the new body brought along some challenges, I don't know how I lived as a human. Everything about being a gryphon seemed better. My body is faster, stronger, and more agile than balancing around on two legs. Eventually, with some practice, I should also be able to fly. My wings spent most of their time tucked against my back for now.

As I started to get up, the sun's light hit my dark-colored fur. The sun's warmth felt terrific after the cool night we had just had. At some point today, I would need to go home, and I wouldn't be able to spend another night in the woods. Last night marked the second night I had slept with Cleo in the woods. Although we mated on the first night in the woods, which had completed my change, we hadn't last night. Cleo's attempt at getting me off the ground left us too exhausted for anything more than lying together.

My wings ached from hours of repeated flight attempts and failures. Learning to walk and run with this body was more straightforward than flight. As soon as my feet would leave the ground, I knew I began to overthink it. Multiple hard landings and rolls did a number on me. I stretched my wings to their full span and gave them a light flap. As I held my wings out, the aches began to fade.

"Well, good morning, sunshine." Cleo spoke, stretching her legs out before crossing them, "Feeling yesterday?"

Folding my wings, I turned to face Cleo, "That's one way to put it. I still feel like we never got anywhere yesterday."

Cleo slowly stood up from the grass-covered ground, "It takes time. It took me weeks to glide, and that's being naturally born with them." Cleo nudged her head against my neck, "It'll take a bit, but we'll be flying soon enough."

"When did you learn? Is that like, learning to walk or more like riding a bike?" I asked curiously as I rested my head against hers.

Cleo led as we walked down the trail, "It's a little different from that. I was taught by my mother when I turned twelve. Some learn sooner, and some later. Kind of like transforming."

It was weird to think that I was struggling with something usually taught to a child. But some of that difficulty could be blamed on the fact I've only had wings for a short time. Still felt like I should be able to pick it up quicker.

We reluctantly switched to our human forms as we approached the point where the side trail met the main trail. I spent every moment I could as a gryphon, so walking on two legs took a moment to adjust to. As we approached the car, I couldn't help but think about what Cleo said about her transformation.

"Were you born as a gryphon?" I asked before opening the car door. Cleo gave a light chuckle as she sat in the seat, "I was a gryphon from the day I hatched until my fifth birthday. Traditionally you change on your fifth birthday."

"But until you turn five, you don't go out?"

Cleo pulled her seat belt tight, "it sounds odd, but yeah. You just stay at home until then."

As we drove, I couldn't help but want to ask more. I'm sure it was getting on Cleo's nerves, but a whole world had just been opened to me, and if I was going to be a part of it, I had to learn. I leaned towards Cleo, "So, how many others are there? Do you get to see them often?"

Cleo sighed, "There are quite a few of us. A pretty close community and everyone knows everyone for the most part."

"Would I be able to meet them?" I asked excitedly.

"Maybe... it's just, well, we will have to see." Cleo answered with hesitation.

"Oh, alright," I said quietly as we parked in front of Cleo's house.

Walking into the house, we wasted no time changing forms yet again. Even in that short time, I hated the feeling of my human self. Unsure if it was because of the change or for my happier feelings that came along with my gryphon self, I felt more like myself covered in feathers and fur. Cleo pulled a blanket from a shelf and laid it on the floor like a thick rug. She quickly took to lying on the carpet and gestured for me to join.

I laid behind her, placed my arm across her body, and rested my head on her shoulder. The TV came on with a flicker, and Cleo laid her head on her front legs. The TV was in the middle of some movie, I tried to figure out what was happening, but my mind kept trailing back to our conversation in the car. Was there something I had done to worry Cleo?

"So, about earlier, would I be able to meet your family? Ever?" I asked, running my hand down her side.

"Maybe? It would be hard to explain where you came from." Cleo sighed, rolling her head to face me, "As I said, the community Is pretty tight. If they don't know you, they know you are not from around here."

I began to reply before being cut off. "I can always tell them I just moved here. They wouldn't need to-"

"They have a network of different cities. It's not impossible, but it could be hard with the other issues combined." Cleo closed her eyes before shrugging.

"What other issues?" I asked, pulling myself closer to Cleo.

"Well, don't take this the wrong way, but for a male Aquila, you're a little on the small size. Normally males are a bit bigger." Cleo said, turning forward.

"Oh, is that bad?" I asked, confused. Cleo and I were almost the same height as Gryphon, and I assumed this was normal.

"No, just a little different." Cleo repeatedly laid her head on her talons, "I wouldn't want you any different."

Her words admittedly got me a little excited, and it filled me with a sense of pride to be accepted by her. I stumbled over my words as I sputtered, "I love you the way you are." Although the words didn't leave my mouth as I expected, the meaning must have come across as Cleo's tail twisted with mine.

We napped lazily on the blanket-covered floor. My face and beak were buried in her neck feathers as my mind wandered. I hadn't paid much attention to it, but my dreams had changed since that night in the woods. When I did dream, I saw myself as a gryphon, and usually, they involved Cleo in some manner. Even fast asleep, she still ran circles in my head. I truly wanted to spend every moment with her. Never before had I felt this for anyone.

Sleepily I opened my eyes to find myself still intertwined with the beautiful gryphon. I knew I had to go home but I didn't want to leave her. I preened her neck in a feeble attempt to nudge her awake. At first, she stayed still, but after a few minutes and a shift of my hips, her eyes slowly opened. "Good morning, my little bird," I spoke softly as I ran a clawed foot down her neck.

Cleo rolled to face me, her eyes locked on mine. "Morning, hon," Cleo uttered before slowly closing her eyes. She laid her head back and into my neck feathers and breathed deeply. "You know, I am supposed to meet up with Gavin and Rachel this week." Cleo spoke slowly, slightly hesitant, "If you wanted to meet some others."

I paused, wondering if I knew either of them, fearing I may have forgotten. "Other... gryphons?" I asked to which I felt Cleo nod.

Cleo pulled her head from my neck and stared at me with her ears laid back slightly, "We can't tell them about what happened, though," Cleo sounded worried, "I wasn't supposed to tell you what I am, let alone do this," she motioned to my furred body with a claw.

"We will be fine," I assured her, "I've kept it a secret this long. I can keep that a secret too."

Eventually, I had to get up, knowing I had work today and work to be done at the apartment wasn't much of an issue. But I had begun dreading anything that required I be on two legs. I locked myself in my bedroom if I wasn't with Cleo at night. I had to form an entire routine to ensure I wouldn't need to leave the room for any reason. Although, I still needed to work on my methods. Cameron had already found a stray feather in the hall once. It was interesting to explain how a black feather managed to find its way to the floor.

Cleo stood up and nudged her head against my chest as I shifted back to my human form. "I'll see you soon?" She asked.

I rested my hand on her head and ran my fingers through her feathers, "Very soon."

The next few days I spent working. The most time I had spent as a human since I entirely changed. Work was fine, but I couldn't wait to get home and relax how I wanted. Cleo made plans for tomorrow with the two other gryphons. Outside of my time with Cleo, I hadn't met or even seen another gryphon. So knowing I was going to soon be face to face with more was exciting if not a bit worrying.

The morning came, and I was on my way to pick up Cleo. I spent most of the night thinking about what to say if they questioned me. I thought through every scenario, ensuring I made the best first impression. Once Cleo sat in the car, she immediately wrapped an arm around me in an attempt to hug across the center console.

"How are you this morning?" Cleo asked excitedly.

I breathed and tried to sound relaxed, "It is nice out," I said, sounding off by answering a question I was never asked. "I mean, it is nice out today... isn't it?"

Cleo giggled before setting a hand on my leg, "Jackson, take a deep breath. It will be perfectly fine; they won't think anything of it."

As we pulled into the park, there were two other cars parked. Two figures were sitting at a picnic table under an awning. I followed Cleo out of the car and to the table. The two figures were a man and a woman, similar to Cleo and me in age. However, the man looked as though he could be slightly older than I was.

"Gavin! Rachel!" Cleo shouted as she hugged both of them. She then turned to gesture to me. "This is Jackson, my partner."

Rachel was tall, with long red hair and bright green eyes. She sat with her hands in her pocket as she nodded to me. Gavin was shorter than me by a few inches, his hair was a light blonde, and he was quick to speak. "Hello, Jackson, nice to meet ya!"

He turned to Cleo and gave a whisper. Cleo slightly chuckled as she said, "Oh no, he isn't the human. He's an Aquila."

Gavin gave a smile, "Figured you would find yourself one. Not to sound wrong, but I didn't think the human would work out." He leaned in and spoke quieter, "I know you struggled with that, but it seems like everything worked out."

"Yeah..." Cleo said, lowering her head, "I was worried..."

"Well, no sense wasting any time! Let's get moving and get stretched out." Gavin started to walk towards the woods, and I followed Cleo, who hung back from Gavin and Rachel. Once we reached the tree line, each step crunched under branches and leaves.

"You alright?" I asked Cleo, "Did he say something?"

"No... everything is fine." She said quietly.

"This should be good," Gavin called out. He then fell forward, landing on his front arms. In that time, feathers and fur sprouted from his body smoothly. His face resembled that of an owl compared to the eagle-like faces of Cleo and myself. His feathers were in a brown barred pattern, with fur matching his feathers to the perfect shade. Rachel was next as she fell forward into a gryphon closely resembling Cleo, although her feathers were white with a light grey fur covering her body. I looked over to find Cleo had already changed as well.

Cleo signaled me to go with a small head bob. I relaxed and fell forward. My feathers and fur covered me as I took my true shape. Once finished, Gavin walked up to me, and I was surprised to find he was almost 6 inches taller than me. He didn't seem to pay much attention to that, as he gave me a playful shove.

"I don't think I've seen you around. Were you hatched around here?" Gavin asked.

I had prepared myself for this. I opened my beak to speak my rehearsed lines but quickly started to stumble. "I wasn't... I'm from out, uhh, western. I'm from out west."

"Oh, what brought you all the way out to nowhere?" Gavin laughed.

"Cleo... I mean, Cleo is what I'm... staying here." I struggled to speak clearly, "I am staying to be with Cleo, but I was going to go home before."

"So you two are courting?" Gavin asked, slightly confused.

"We did," I stated confidently, to which Gavin looked surprised, "I mean, we started courting. We are currently courting." I quickly interjected.

Gavin looked confused at Cleo, "I'm sure you two will make great mates..."

"Sorry, Gavi, he's just a bit nervous around new people," Cleo said, trying to give me a lifeline. "He's still new to the area and trying to adapt."

Gavin shrugged, "He must like ya if he isn't going home to be with ya."

We continued walking into the woods, and Rachel stayed silent as Gavin talked our ears off. He was excited to tell Cleo everything that had happened since they last talked three months ago, which was a lot of new things. When we finished the small trail loop, Gavin ran out of things to discuss. After which, he turned his attention back to me.

"What family are you from?" Gavin asked.

"Family?" I responded slowly, looking towards Cleo, who was wide-eyed.

"Jackson is of the Randen family." Cleo jumped in to say. I haven't ever heard the name in my life.

"Oh, so they are not out this way yet?" Gavin said with a puzzled look, "But I guess they are now, right?" He said excitedly.

As we walked toward the edge of the woods, we all switched back to our usual human forms. Gavin congratulated Cleo on starting her courtship. Which Cleo seemed embarrassed to talk about it in front of me. "Rachel and I have moved forward in our courtship, and we are now in the resting phase and will soon move to pairing," Gavin said, dancing in place.

"That's great to hear!" Cleo exclaimed, "I knew you two would make a great pair." I played along as if I understood all the terms, trying to seem as excited as Cleo.

After leaving, I drove Cleo back to her home and went inside. We returned to our gryphon selves and found our spot on the floor. We joked about my 'smooth' talking with Gavin and how I somehow passed it off. Cleo explained what Aquilas were and why Gavin looked different since he was a Noctua. She said that Aquila's are Eagle-like Gryphons, whereas Noctua's are Owl-like in looks. Noctua's are rarer in this part of the country. As if the fact that gryphons existed wasn't enough, I now have to learn about different subspecies of gryphons.

We lay quietly on the blanket, with no TV on, just the room's silence. I wanted to know more about the courtship Gavin spoke of, as I could not put together what he meant. I slowly built up the courage and asked, "The courtship thing, how is that supposed to work?"

Cleo leaned her head back and explained that there were five steps to courting. Meeting, resting, pairing, laying, and bonding. "Meeting is how we started. Spending time together and learning more about one another, it's usually the longest part of courting." Cleo said as she rolled to her back. "Resting is when you begin to sleep with one another like we did when you gained the ability to change. This then goes into the pairing, where you... copulate for the first time." Cleo said, embarrassed, "Like the woods when you fully changed into a gryphon."

I thought back to the previous steps in our courtship. Although Cleo was embarrassed, I was interested to learn more about what is now myself. "So what comes next? For us?" I asked.

"Cleo sighed and giggled, "Well, the next step would be laying. That is usually when a courtship is finalized. Then you are bonded for life, becoming soul mates."

I waited a moment before speaking, "So what do I need to do to get there for you?" I asked as I put an arm around her body. Cleo smiled and looked like she could jump with excitement. "Well, we would keep doing what we did until I lay." She answered.

I was confused by what she meant, "Lay? Lay together?" I asked.

"No, lay my first egg. It's a ceremonial thing; your first egg is always unhatching, but it signifies that you are bonded as mates for life." Cleo answered slowly as she stretched he hind legs out.

I wrapped my tail around hers, and she pulled me closer, "I want to be your mate Cleo. I want to be together until the day I die."

Cleo smiled as wide as a beaked creature could. Her front legs trembled as she tried to speak but struggled, "I want to raise a family with you, Jackson. I want to spend an eternity with you."

I could feel my member sliding out of its sheath. I tried to readjust my position to try and hide it from Cleo, embarrassed that I was getting aroused. As I slid my rear away from her, I could hear her giggle as she wiggled closer. "God, you are adorable, Jackson," Cleo said as her tail lifted to one side. I stopped moving just as it finished siding to its full length.

I could feel Cleo's heat radiating off, my mind wanted to go, but I was still unsure how she felt. The tip of my member was only inches away from Cleo, and I tried to hold it out, still trying to hide it from her. Cleo's head turned, eyes closed, and she whispered, "I want to lay my first with you."

With those words, I brought my hips closer and felt myself poke at her entrance. Just like before, with one motion, I slid in. Cleo clenched and made a trilling noise. I slid in until our skin finally made contact. Cleo rotated around and wrapped her front legs around me, pulling me to stay beside her. I stopped moving, waiting for her to stop her movement. She finally opened her eyes and gazed deep into mine. She began to gyrate her hips against mine, and I felt a tingle up my back. My wings unfurled, and I held them out wide.

Outdoors, my wings were not an issue, but quickly I found them hitting objects in Cleo's living room. I tried to force them to fold up to my side, but the surging feeling made it hard to concentrate enough. I pulled back before thrusting again. I could feel something on my member expanding as I attempted to pull back again. This was met with a loud gasp from Cleo as she wrapped her rear legs around mine, trying to restrict my motion.

"Ahh, you... you're barbed...just let... me," Cleo huffed as she tremored. She continued to move her hips in sync with my motions. I started to feel the pressure build, and Cleo continued pushing me further with her legs. Until I bottomed out, nothing more to give. Cleo tensed right before letting out a loud gasp. Around the same time, I lost control of myself and tensed. The flushing feeling of release fell over us as I felt my member spasm. Cleo tensed slightly with each pulse, her hole massaging me as the last of my seed oozed out.

As we slowed to a stop, Cleo turned to face me, my member still locked inside. "We just have to try. Eventually, you're going to egg me." Cleo laughed.

I nuzzled my beak against her neck, closing my eyes. "I can't wait."

Donum Solis: A Gryphon TF

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