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Kshhh, kshhh, kshhh. The sound of the grass being crushed under his paws felt loud to him as he snuck slowly deeper into the center of the courtyard. The large buildings scattered across the place were tall and imposing to him, their limestone walls looked tough and foreboding even in the afternoon light. But he kept moving deeper into the courtyard anyway knowing that even if the walls and buildings looked scary to him the humans inside them weren't. After all, he was in the middle of the courtyard because he had smelled humans. He was the predator here, not the other way around.

Lowering his nose to the ground he sniffed the grass, the scent of humans very present in it, he could smell the scent of the females he was here for mixed in with the other males scents. As he breathed in the scent of all the females who had been through here he felt himself start to get a little excited, his cock starting to get hard at the promise of having a female to bury itself in and breed with. Stopping at the base of a tree he breathed in the dense smell of female that surrounded it. Several had been here for a while. Sitting in the tree's shadow he waited patiently for a female to come into the courtyard from the buildings.

He didn't have to wait long for people to start coming out of them. He heard a loud ring echo across the field and then a few moments later tons of people came rushing out of the doors of the buildings, all talking loudly and saying things he didn't understand. Scanning the sudden crowd of people he spotted several females right away, his cock becoming fully erect at the sight of them, growing out of its sheath and dripping ribbons of pre cum into the grass. As more and more people came flooding out of the building's doors he began to become confused at which target to go after there were so many to choose from.

His eyes flicking from one woman to the next and then the next. He was happy there were so many for him to have, but choosing which one to take first was proving difficult. His mind was made up for him however when one of them walked past his tree. Leaping at the chance he jumped at her, tackling her to the ground, a growl escaping his throat as he dominated her. As he took her to the ground she screamed loudly from fear and surprise, not that he cared, she was his prey after all, what did he care if his prey was afraid of him?

Taking her shirt in his mouth he tore it off her quickly taking her bra along with it. He didn't want anything in the way of him and his reward. Her tits jiggled as the shirt and bra ripped off her body, the soft breasts enticing him with the promise of sex. Unable to contain himself anymore he started tearing at her pants with his claws, ripping them and removing large chunks of the clothing. His claws hooking into her pants, he tore the rest of them violently off her revealing her pale blue panties which he promptly removed as well. The female was still screaming as he tried to fulfill his purpose, which seemed to attract the other humans around. Even with his attention on his prey in front of him he observed the humans gathering nearby, forming a dense ring around him and the female.

As he lined up his cock with the female's entrance, one of the humans shouted at him angrily, trying to scare him off, but he paid no attention to them. Pushing his cock forward into her, he felt her pussy slide over his hard cock the soft, warm, hole spreading to accommodate him. As he pushed into her breeding hole, one of the humans surrounding him rushed forwards at him, shouting angrily. But before they could get close enough to strike him, his tail whipped out towards the human, snapping at it and hissing, revealing its poisonous fangs as it did so.

The human fell over backward, landing on their back and scrambled away from the tail hastily. His tail hissed again at the gathered humans, warning them to stay away or be killed. He was the predator and they the prey, not the other way around. As his tail warned the humans, he was busy reproducing with the female beneath him, his cock penetrating deep inside as he pistoned in and out of her, pleasure enveloping him as his dick wormed its way into her. Pushing deeper and deeper into her pussy with every thrust, waves of ecstasy running through him as he rutted the human's plump pussy. His cock tense as he continued to pump his cock into her. Feeling the woman's pussy wrap around him smoothly as he filled her with his purpose he ran his throbbing length inside her the slick satiny feel of her pussy walls conforming over his cock welcoming him into her even as she struggled underneath him.

Wrapping his jaws over the woman's neck, he growled wanting her to stay still. She would do what he wanted, he was the one in control, it was the way of the world, the weak would do the bidding of the strong and if they couldn't abide by that simple rule they would be put in their place. Stopping her struggling he focused back down to what his body was doing the feel of her pussy like warm butter melting over his cock. Reveling in the feeling of his purpose, the lightning of pleasure running through his body like warm sunlight. The prey's pussy was clenching down around his tool automatically as he worked her over. He felt shivers of pleasure wracking through him as he sampled the pussy of this human.

Rutting his cock deep into her pressing it against her cervix, he breathed heavily around her neck the moist air running over her skin as extra jolts of pleasure pulsed through him. He let out a short whimper of pleasure as his eyes rolled up into his head, his brain feeling fuzzy and warm from the pleasure. He could feel himself dripping precum all along her insides coating her with his seed, the warm liquid heating up her carnal passage even more and making him feel like he was melting into it.

Quickening his pace as the want for release piled into his brain the fog of pleasure rolling in. feeling his cock throbbing inside the woman readying itself for his release. He began to feel his knot start to swell as his orgasm came closer, the extra blood rushing to his cock making the sensations increase intensely. He kept thrusting into his prize with reckless abandon, his body feeling at home with his actions, the act natural to him. The feeling of his dick being swallowed by the sweet feeling of pleasure was right, like it was the only thing that made sense for him to do.

As heat traced ecstatic lines of pleasure throughout his body, lighting up his brain in its wanton animal delights he began burying his dick deeper and farther into the female beneath him pressing forward over the knot that bulged around the base of his cock. The sensitive swell being swallowed by the tight heat of the female's pussy. Breathing heavier around the human's neck from the excitement and energy flowing through his body as he pumped his whole shaft forcefully into her. The feeling of sharp shocks of pleasure cracking through his body every time her cunt swallowed his knot electrifying to him. Growling with lust, he readjusted his jaws around the human's neck, breaking skin in his frenzied excitement and filling his mouth with the rich taste of blood.

Pushing his whole cock into the human one last time as the accumulation of pressure and pleasure within him reached their crescendos, he came. Ecstasy breaking through his brain like water from a broken dam, sweeping all thought of rationality within him, lost to the raging currents of pleasure flooding throughout his body. The feel of cum ejecting from his cock deep into the human's womb like a pressure hose in one continued and unabating stream. His cock throbbing as it pushed his seed into the female beneath him, sending addicting crashes of pleasure running along his phallus and through his body as his penis pulsed against the moist elasticity of the human's vaginal walls. He kept pumping his seed into her womb like he possessed her, his animal brain telling him that this female only existed for this purpose, to be bred by him and bear his children.

Feeling his knot swell inside her to an even greater degree tying her to him even tighter causing a great jolt of pleasure to pass through him as he impregnated her further. As he pushed more of his purpose into her womb he felt her stomach start to swell against his with the sheer amount of semen he was unloading into her, far more than he had ever been able to before. More than he had even unloaded into his creator when she let him loose upon the world to fulfill this very purpose. And even at this amount of seed being pumped into the female beneath him he felt nowhere near satisfied. Her stomach grew in size as he continued to hose her insides with his semen, his cum unable to escape due to his massive knot plugging her pussy up.

As the cum kept flowing from his balls into her, filling every crack and fold inside her, the hot cum slipping between her walls and his cock covering it in a slimy heat heightening his experience inside her. He felt his cum filling her womb to an incredible degree, acutely aware of his sperm flooding into her ovaries and covering her uterus with its heat. The sperm reaching the egg already in her fallopian tubes and impregnating it. He felt his cum swarming the eggs in her ovaries covering them in his slime and mating with every last one of them.

Even as he was aware of this through his instincts he kept pumping his sperm into her, filling her with as much as he could, her uterus expanding out until it was pressing him off of her before finally he felt himself drained of all that he could push into her. Scrabbling off of her and releasing her neck from his jaws thin pinpricks on it from his teeth. Turning around he made eye contact with the humans still around him in a circle. A couple had their strange black devices held to their heads and speaking into them even as they stared at him with fear in their eyes. Scanning the humans before he picked out another female he wanted to fulfill his purpose on, identifying her with the smell of hormones coming from her indicating that she was at peak breeding ripeness. Taking a predatory step toward her, he was stopped suddenly by a pulling on his dick. Glancing back at the source of the tug he saw that his dick was still stuck inside the first human because of his knot.

Growling in frustration at his situation he saw that the human that he had bred was unconscious from his venom. She was still alive as he could see from her chest rising and falling but he was still very stuck. Turning his gaze back to the humans surrounding him he glared at them menacingly, growling as he waited for his knot to shrink. As the minutes passed he kept a careful eye on the humans. The humans talking all around him in words he couldn't understand in worried tones as he felt his knot slowly deflate.

When he finally felt that his knot had loosened enough he pulled out of his breeding partner and turned to stare at his new prey, licking his lips he stalked towards her as he heard the humans scream and back up, some still holding up those black devices towards him. Breathing in the sweet scent of his prey's hormones, his cock started to harden again, dripping fresh precum and the semen that still clung to his cock from his previous partner over the grass. She backed up slowly on shaky legs as he stalked closer and closer to her. He could feel his cock throbbing in anticipation for her pussy to wrap around it and squeeze him dry of all of his sweet semen as he poured it directly into her cunt, filling her full of his cum. He could feel his balls churning in excitement as he imagined the scene, ready to unleash as much, if not more of his seed into her uterus, impregnating her to his content.

As the woman turned to run away he burst into motion leaping at her, closing the yards between them in a millisecond. Just as he was about to make contact with her, he was struck HARD in the side, sending him flying at least twenty feet away sprawling across the ground barely being protected by the scales underneath his fur.

Scrambling to his paws he whipped around to face the direction of the attack. There stood a group of five humans glaring death at him. The one standing in the front's arm was split into four sections, electricity crackling between the pieces, as he pointed it directly at him holding it with his other arm.

Staring intently at the group that had attacked him he sniffed the air trying to attempt to collect information about them. The one in the lead smelled of metal for some reason, the two behind him smelled very similar to regular humans but something was just slightly off about their scent the one on the far right smelled confusingly like an animal most similar to a cat but he looked nothing like one and was much larger than the others in the group. The one on the far left smelled like the first one but still had human scent mixed in. Catching a sixth new scent he turned his head in the direction of the scent and saw another odd smelling human next to his mate injecting some sort of fluid into her. While his attention was turned the metal smelling human shot something out of their electric arm, the projectile hitting the ground just next to him before he could even react.

Snapping his attention back to the large group he growled at them angrily, trying to intimidate them. Starting to circle them, he slowly stalked around them looking for an opening. The group followed his movements carefully, the fully metal one keeping his arm pointed at him steadily. He could feel his snakelike tail whipping violently in anger, hissing at the group as he stalked around them.

Keeping all his senses trained on the group he heard the Large one say "You think he's one of Hijack's?"

The Metal one responded to the Large one's question with "Can't tell. If it is, I don't know what it's doing here."

Confused at what he heard and that he could suddenly hear what these humans were saying, he became even more wary of these five humans he was facing. But there was something about the word "Hijack," perhaps because of the way they said that word or maybe he recognized it? But he felt something akin to fear when he thought about the word, the other words he didn't really understand but the word "Hijack" stuck out to him as important, like it was something dreadful but familiar, something that felt almost like it was genetic, just as much of a part of him as his desire to breed. He didn't like this one bit. Continuing to stare down the group on high alert he noticed when they became slightly distracted when their other teammate called out to them.

"She'll be okay guys! She'll live!" called out the odd smelling human by his prey.

Taking advantage of the minor distraction he charged forward lightning fast toward the Metal one leaping at his throat, baring his fangs dripping with paralytic venom his teeth inches away from his target when the Metal one dodged faster than he could believe and missed.

Still flying through the air he saw a massive fist flying straight towards him covered in thick fur and with nails more like claws than the stubby tips that humans had. The punch slammed home straight into his chest, sending him flying once again through the air and skidding along the ground on his six paws. The Metal one immediately began unloading his arm at him, several of the projectiles hitting him again though they hurt less than the first shot. The Half-Metal one started shooting at him with several shots, nearly hitting as he recovered and started to move as fast as he could. The two Odd-smelling humans in the main group stayed where they were tracking his movements with their eyes as was the Large one who now sported a mane, fangs, and cat-like eyes and looked even larger now. After being struck by several of the Half-Metals shots and a couple of the Metals as they got more used to his movements one of the Odd's exploded into motion, a female, he noticed as he couldn't tell because of their clothes and weird scent before but he was able to identify them now. The Half-metal and Odd by his prey were also female, the rest were male except for the Metal one, he still couldn't tell with that one. The Odd's fist suddenly appeared into vision and he just barely managed to dodge the blow. The Odd flying past him and slamming into the ground leaving a hole where her fist struck, dust being flung up into the air from the impact.

Realizing he was completely outmatched considering three of them weren't even really fighting, he immediately bolted away from them toward the crowd of humans that were watching. Diving into the midst of them he felt his tail start attacking them at random injecting them with its venom, as he slashed at any of the humans in front him, slicing them open and splashing blood into the air. Screams pierced the air as he bowled through them, running at top speed with all six of his legs. Not looking back he kept running until he was sure he got away before looking behind him and seeing that the human buildings were no longer in view.

Sniffing the air he didn't smell any of the odd scents they exuded. He was safe for now. He would have to be more careful in the future around humans. Slipping into the woods he went to rest and recover before he went to hunt his next prey.