Silly And The Big Bad Wolf (part one)

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Silly And The Big Bad Wolf (part one)

Seth: *wearing a pink t-shirt and blue skinny jeans is sitting in his study* SILLY COME IN HERE FOR A SEC!

Silly: OK! *runs into seth's study wearing a purple t-shirt and blue low riders* what is it?

Seth: grand ma's sick...

Silly: we have a grand ma?

Seth: yes and she's sick run her over some cookies and stuffs

Silly: *giggles* ok! *smiles*

Seth: good boi *smiles as well*

Silly: wait a sec...why cant you do it?

Seth:.... Becuz me and grand ma never got along

Silly: I see... well I'll go over *runs out of the room*

Seth: wait a sec silly I got to tell you something

Silly: *walks back in* what?

Seth: there's wolves out there and the LOVE kits do be careful

Silly: d...did you say wolves?

Seth: yes...yes I did

Awkward silence...

Sill: oh...ok well I'll try not to run into any

Seth: good *hands silly a map* AND NO SIDE ROUTES YOU GO THERE AND BACK!!!!

Silly: ok *smiles and and steps out of room*

Seth: *thinks "I don't know WHY I tell him no side routes when I KNOW he's gona take one" shakes head*

Silly gets his basket and fills it with cookies, medicine, and a drawing of a turkey he made with his paw to make his grand ma smile, he says bye to seth and heads out the door and starts heading to the forest were the map tells him to go

After a few hours of walking

Silly: damn this sure is a scary forest *puts paws over his mouth* wha...what did I just say... I just...cursed... thank gawd there's no one here to hear that *giggles*

Ace: (a 6ft tall muscular wolf (yes its ace wolf on sf)) *walks up to silly wearing jeans and nothing else* I heard...

Silly: *looks up* h...hi *gets on knees* PLEASE DON'T HURT ME *whines*

Ace: *chuckles* I'm not going to hurt you silly

Silly: did you know my name?

Ace: *stops laughing* that's...that's your name?

Silly: YUP!!! *Smiles*

Ace: *giggles* that's cute

Silly: mhm *giggles* whats yours?

Ace: Ace Hunt...

Silly: I like that name *giggles more not caring that he's a wolf any more*

Ace: so whatcha doin out here.. alone

Silly: I am bringing cookies to my grand ma *smiles* shes sick

Ace: is she now? *smirks* mind is I cum along?

Silly: ehh..I don't know my big brother said I cant trust wolves

Ace: oh really? And what did he say about us?

Silly: that all you guys want is to fuck and eat kits.... Ah crap did I just cures again...

Ace: yes... also he's... sorta right

Silly: how so?

Ace: well... *thinks "if I want this to work I gota act normal"* never mind he's COMPLETELY wrong

Silly: well he's never met a real wolf in person.. Well I don't think he has... OK *smiles* you can come with me *giggles*

Ace: *giggles as well* thanks *smiles*

They both start walking down the path seth picked out for silly, after a bit they both sit down to rest

Ace: *sighs* we have been walking for a long time now lets sit down and rest

Silly: ya I agree *sits*

Ace: *sits as well* soooo whatcha got in there?

Silly: *giggles* I got cookies, medicine, and a drawing of a turkey I made with my paw *smiles*

Ace: *smiles* how fun I bet she'll like that

Silly: *nods* I hope so *sniffs the air smell a strong musky sent* umm...

Ace: umm what? *knowing what silly smells*

Silly: are you....?

Ace: maybe...

Awkward silence...

Ace: *pounces silly* I'm gona be honest... your bro was half right

Silly: wait...what????

Ace: *smirks* we do like fucking kits...

Silly: *whines* b...but I don't wana lose it this way

Ace: you sure?

Silly: *thinks* well... but I'm to young!

Ace: age is just a number

Silly: you think so?

Ace: I know so *kisses silly deeply*

Silly: *murrs and holds ace close*

Ace: *stops the kiss* you ready?

Silly: icon_redface.gif y...yes

Ace: *gets off silly* ok *unzips pants and drops them to the ground reveling his 7in cock*

Silly: icon_redface.gif I.. don't thinks its gona fit

Ace: oh it will fit...I'll make sure of it

Silly: *blushes more* but...wont it hurt?

Ace: at first *smirks already fully hard* wana taste?

Silly: *starts getting hard*m...maybe

Ace: have at it *smiles warmly*

Silly: o...ok *gets on knees and slowly starts to reach for it*

Ace: shy?

Silly: *looks up* ya.. *grabs it*

Ace: *pushes it in silly's face*

Silly: *slowly starts to lick it*

Ace: *lets out a slow moan* mmm get it nice and wet and maybe it wont hurt as much

Silly: *nods and sucks head*

Ace: *moans a bit more and lets out a bit of pre cum*

Silly: *murrs from the taste and puts a bit more of ace's cock in his mouth*

Ace: *moans and puts his paw on silly's head* your....your good at this

Silly: *takes it out* so I've been told *giggles and puts it back in*

Ace: *chuckles* so you've been told *he says moaning*

Silly: *gets to the half way point and starts to gag*

Ace: *takes it out of silly mouth* your done...I want you

Silly: *coughs and looks up blushing* wha...what?

Ace: *nods* you heard me *smirks*

Silly: ok...but be gentle

Ace: wasn't planning on hurting you *smiles warmly*

Silly: *smiles back* thanks

Ace: ok... get up agents that tree *points*

(this is the end of part one)