Doodle Story: Life

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon/Digimon War

Here's another rather long doodle story about a croconaw who tries to escape the clutches of a ShadowWereGarurumon during an interspecies feud.


Doodle Story: Life

This wasn't fair to him. He knew it wasn't fair. A modern sized croconaw against that ghastly creature? Seriously, what were the odds of him even lasting more than three minutes? Slim to none, and he knew it. But the croconaw fought anyway in hopes or protecting the other Pokémon around him. He lost...horribly. And now the unfortunate creature was breathing sharply as he scurried away from the battle, dragging his feet across the ground and holding the gash on his left arm. His right eye was black and swollen and two of his teeth had been knocked out. The claw marks on his stomach could've been spotted miles away; any deeper and part of the croconaw's organs would be ruptured. But he managed to dodge the attack before anything became serious. Not that it did much good though; considering he still got his ass handed to him by the...what was it again? A mightyena? No, couldn't be; they don't wear pants...nor are they bipedal. It was so tall too that creature, so merciless and fierce. God, he didn't even know what the enemy was that attacked him. Just a tall, dark figure wearing pants. It looked canid from what the croconaw could tell, but he never saw that Pokémon before. Shit, was it even a Pokémon? The croconaw remembered hearing a couple of his friends chatting about some kind of interspecies rivalry. Maybe the creature that attacked him and his friends was part of the rival tribe, out for revenge or out to settle some blood feud. It was obviously angry, whatever it was; 12 to 1 and the croconaw still lost. He didn't even know if his friends got away in time. But, they must've at least damaged the creature, right? So what if he was big? It was twelve against one! Someone had to at least damage or subdue the creature by now, right? The croconaw stopped dragging his feet across the ground and slowly turned around to see if anyone was following him--his friends or the monster. The croconaw felt the cold air blowing in his face and looked around to see the tree rustling from the wind as well. Then he looked back and tried to hear anything, even if it was just a faint cry or victory screech. But he found the exact opposite of what he anticipated.

Two, probably three other croconaws were screaming for help, and the monster was snarling wildly, eager to catch his prey. The cries only lasted for a matter of nine or ten seconds before the croconaw heard a loud snap. One of the surviving croconaws started grunting; it sounded like she was being choked. She probably was. He knew she was. Then there was a faint sound of what appeared to be a sword slicing through bone and meat, no doubt the ferocious beast just clawed his way through another croconaw's viscera. Two thuds were heard, and then everything went silent until the remaining, wounded crocodile creature heard nothing but the leaves fluttering in the wind yet again. He didn't know what happened to his friends, but he presumed the worst, and suspected that all of them were dead. The croconaw turned around and started shuffling across the ground yet again, staring down at the ground with a face capable of making flowers droop. His friends were dead, victims of another random attack. That's just how life was for him. He fought monsters and won, or he fought monsters and lost. He found new friends to replace the old ones. Nothing more or less. Life's not fair, so he should be used to it by now. ...If that was the case, then why did he feel like bawling his eyes out right now? It was just...natural. These things happen all the time; just the other day he knew of a zangoose who lost his cousin in a similar fashion and he seemed to put up with it quite well. The croconaw wasn't a coward just because he didn't go back to help his friends. He fought till he couldn't fight anymore, and when he knew he met his match, he cut his losses and ran. That isn't being a coward. That's being smart. The foe beat him up so badly he could barely walk as it is. If he stayed with his friends he surely would've died. At least he had the courage to fight the beast in the first place, despite his short appearance. That was good enough for him.

The croconaw appeared in front of a wayward building set up in the middle of the forest. It seemed to be an abandoned warehouse of some sorts, judging by the cracked, dirty windows and crumbling cement. The croconaw pushed open the door, hearing it creak loudly before revealing the inside. The Pokémon stepped inside and closed the door slowly, making sure he locked it up so the creature chasing after him at least wouldn't be able to get inside. He looked all around the place and examined the warehouse. A cold, lifeless building filled with the smell of brass and copper, cobwebs, dirt, and tons of planks of wood. There was no sound short of the fly buzzing around relentlessly and the periodic sound of water dripping from the ceiling, creating a small puddle on the floor. There was nothing for him here but the freezing cold. The croconaw opened his mouth as though he were about to say something, but he just wound up letting out a few tiny whimpers of pain, still looking down at the floor. The creature started to walk down the left corridor in the warehouse, whimpering to himself and trying to hold in all the tears forming in his eyes. Eventually, the croconaw just exhaled briskly and collapsed onto the floor with a thud, staring at the wall to his right. His vision was blurry due to the salty tears in his eyes, but for some reason they wouldn't come out. It was as though his body was forcing him to keep the fluids inside his watery eyes, allowing no place for them to escape to. All he could do was just lie there and pray that someone who wasn't hostile found him and took him back to his village. He just wanted to go home now, forget this whole day even started. Screw interspecies wars. Screw fighting for reasons he didn't understand. He just wanted to go home, get some sleep.

He just wanted to get some sleep...


The croconaw wasn't sure how long he was out for, but when he woke up, crickets were chirping and the sky was grey, almost black. It was in the evening and about a half-hour away until it was nighttime. The croconaw blinked a few times before he groaned and groggily stood up. His arm felt better but his leg was still busted. Damn it, why did that monster have to kick him so hard in the kneecap? The croconaw shook his head. It didn't matter anymore. He was gone for now, hopefully sprinting in the other direction. The Pokémon had rested long enough now, and decided that he needed to go back home before reinforcements of that same monster arrived. He dragged his feet over to the entrance of the building, ignoring the metal door that had been kicked in, and started to walk outside. The croconaw felt the fresh air... Wait, when the hell was that door kicked in?! The croconaw jerked his head around. Someone had bashed the door down. Oh shit, he thought. The creature found out where he was hiding, or had been stalking him the whole time. But it was okay; once he started to head back home, he would be in the clear. Of course, he could be overreacting. Maybe it was just a charizard who was hungry or needed a place to stay. And hell, if the croconaw had a charizard bodyguard, he could use the overgrown orange lizard to his advantage. Okay...okay, just think positive. That's all he had to do, think positive. The croconaw started to tip-toe his way through the warehouse, traveling down the right corridor instead of the left one in order to determine where the beast was. He heard faint growling in the distance and smiled softly. The creature was indeed aggressive; good for him. Now, he just needed to find out if it was hostile. The croconaw pressed his back against the wall and moved towards the end of it before peeking around the corner. His smiled immediately turned upside-down and his heart began to beat rapidly. The creature was aggressive, which was a good thing. The only problem was that it was also the same monster who attacked and presumably killed all his friends. It was a black bipedal animal wearing military green jeans--khaki by the looks of them--and a brown arm glove. Now the croconaw knew exactly what was going on. It was an interspecies feud. He was a Pokémon. The black canine was a Digimon. WereGarurumon if he remembered right. And since this particular creature was jet black and menacing instead of blue and kind, it was the virus generation, a ShadowWereGarurumon. Even if the croconaw wasn't a Pokémon, the ShadowWereGarurumon would've attacked him anyway for being bred out of pure evil and hatred.

He needed to get out the building. He needed to leave now before the creature caught wind of his scent. The croconaw held his tongue and started sneaking towards the exit, just in time for the ShadowWereGarurumon to hold his head up high and sniff the air twice. The croconaw gulped. Fuck being sneaky; just get the hell out before the enemy spots you. But it was too late. The black canine jumped into the corridor and spotted the croconaw trying to head out the door. The croconaw slowly turned around and looked at the terrible creature, who was smiling dementedly with drool coming out of his maw. He looked mighty hungry and vicious. The crocodile tried to move, but knew if he did that, the werewolf-like monster would pounce on him and ravage his entire body with his teeth. He just had to stay still, wait for the right opportunity to attack ShadowWereGarurumon. Maybe he could temporarily blind the foe by squirting water in his face like Squirtle does. Of course, if that was the case, he wouldn't have been named croconaw. But that was okay, because he was experienced enough to know the infamous Water Gun move, and still had enough energy to perform it one last time. The croconaw attempted to scurry over to the door, but once he took his first step, the ShadowWereGarurumon got on all fours and growled gutturally, smiling even wider than before as he wagged his tail. Upon taking another step, the werewolf leaped forward and blocked the entrance. Before he could attack, the croconaw used his Water Gun move, squirting droplets of water into the canine's face. It was only water, unfortunately, so ShadowWereGarurumon was only temporarily blinded. The werewolf snarled and stepped back a few inches, swiping all the water off his face with his paws and shaking the liquid from his fur. He looked forward and noticed that the croconaw was gone, and the door up ahead had been opened.

The croconaw, despite how bashed up his leg was, somehow got the adrenaline following and managed to run away using both legs. However, he could still feel the pain in the other one and everytime he placed his foot on the ground, the excruciating pain only got worse. The croconaw turned around after hearing a massive clang and saw the ShadowWereGarurumon several feet behind him, snarling and snorting like an angry bull. The croconaw shouted and started sprinting. At this rate all the pain he was inflicting on his knee would only cause him to break his leg. But he didn't care. If he got back home, leg broken or not, that was all he cared about. The Pokémon could hear the rival Digimon panting and stomping along the floor; it was only a matter of time before he caught up to him. That's when the croconaw could feel the body heat emanating from ShadowWereGarurumon and knew the beast was directly behind him. The croconaw ducked and hopped backwards once he slashed his claws at the ground, but due to the croconaw's short height, he managed to not only dodge the attack, but run in-between his legs so he was behind him now. ShadowWereGarurumon grunted questionably before yelping once the croconaw leaped into the air, thrusting his entire body into ShadowWereGarurumon's back like a missile, propelling the canine to the wall. The Pokémon opened a door on his left before slamming it shut and locking it. The room he was in was filled with nothing but boxes, a counter, a boiler, and five lockers. He had no other option. He had to hide somewhere, hope the beast grew tired of trying to find him, and left the building so he had a shot of going home one last time. He was almost there. All he had to do was hold out a little longer. The boxes could easily be crushed; no point in trying them. The boiler was...obviously, hiding in there was just downright asinine. The lockers seemed to be the best choice, so the croconaw ran over to the one at the end of the row just when ShadowWereGarurumon banged on the door. He yelped and hopped inside the locker before slamming it shut, standing on a couple of boxes stashed inside so he could look through the slots in the locker.

ShadowWereGarurumon busted the door down and snarled as he stormed inside, growling under his breath and looking around for his last victim. The werewolf started sniffing the air, trying to seek out the croconaw's scent before he went over to the boxes and immediately started ripping them all apart, crushing some with his giant feet. Good thing he didn't hide in there. Directly afterwards ShadowWereGarurumon walked over to the lockers, knowing that was the only logical place he could hide. He snickered with a grin on his face before grabbing the slots on the first locker door and ripping it out of socket, tossing the door against the wall. Nothing was inside. He went over to the second locker and ripped it open. Nothing inside. The third locker was the same, short of a mirror and postcards. The fourth locker had items inside, but ShadowWereGarurumon had no interests in old records or a screwdriver...or a half-eaten Snickers bar. That just left the fifth and last locker. ShadowWereGarurumon smiled widely and pressed his muzzle against the slots of the locker, sniffing vigorously and flaring his nostrils. That's when the werewolf smiled devilishly and chuckled. He had found his prey. And now, the croconaw was going to die. ShadowWereGarurumon opened his maw and started drooling, exhaling sharply and whipping out his tongue in some sort of attempt to taste the croconaw through the slots. Yeah, this was definitely the creature that attacked him. The one thing the croconaw couldn't get out his mind was the canine's horrible breath. It wasn't common for predators to brush their teeth, but sometimes, just once...he wished some of them had the decency to at least keep a pack of breath mints with them. The croconaw covered his nose with both hands, gagging at the stench, praying the monster would catch wind of how bad his own breath was and take out a packet of gum from his pants. But nothing seemed to be going his way today.

Shockingly, ShadowWereGarurumon stopped torturing the Pokémon with his breath and backed away from the locker, still smiling devilishly. Hmm...maybe he would get out of here alive. That's when ShadowWereGarurumon lifted his right paw, his claws shining, and placed the paw flat against the wall. A few seconds later, the werewolf started dragging his claws along the cement, creating an abysmal screeching noise similar to dragging a rusty nail against a chalkboard. The croconaw shut his eyes, sat down and held his ears, trying his best not to scream. ShadowWereGarurumon was being cruel now, torturing the croconaw just to fuel his own sadistic pleasure. He dragged his claws across the wall again, slower this time, and longer than last time. The croconaw still didn't budge, muffling his whimpers and keeping his ear holes shut. The werewolf snarled and placed his other paw along the wall, simultaneously dragging both of them along the cement for at least twenty seconds. Still no budge. Still no screaming. ShadowWereGarurumon stopped scraping along the wall and scratched his head. Maybe his nose was off and the croconaw wasn't there at all. Maybe the scent he found in the locker was just chicken. ShadowWereGarurumon turned his back on the locker and started sniffing the air again, looking through an air vent at the bottom of the room. The croconaw quickly opened the locker and quietly stormed outside, closing it silently and kneeling behind the counter. Good thing he moved too, since ShadowWereGarurumon darted back over to the last locker and ripped it open, finding nothing inside but empty boxes and a gym bag full of dirty clothing. He sighed dejectedly. His olfaction sense was off. Maybe the ShadowWereGarurumon was hallucinating, going crazy with blood lust. He should probably just go back and rendezvous with the other Digimon and call it a day, snag some of the leftover ham the other warriors hadn't eaten and get some sleep.

That's when a red spike caught the ShadowWereGarurumon's left eye. His ears perked and he grunted questionably again, jerking his head over to the left, at the counter. The croconaw hit the deck and got into the fetal position, unfortunately after the ShadowWereGarurumon saw the giant red spike on his head. Whimpering and hoping the monster would leave, the croconaw heard a loud clang from behind him and saw a dark shadow appear in front of him. He heard loud growling and panting, felt the body heat emanating from the ShadowWereGarurumon. The croconaw whimpered loudly again and shut his eyes. He could feel--strike that, smell--ShadowWereGarurumon's breath coming out of his mouth in large puffs. The croconaw felt two large drops of sticky goop splash against his face. Drool. There was no point in hiding anymore. The croconaw stood up and tried heading towards the door, but ShadowWereGarurumon swiped his claws at the Pokémon's face, knocking him over to the wall. The werewolf pinned the unfortunate creature over to the wall before smiling yet again. He watched as the croconaw began shaking like a leaf, putting on a face as though he was to ask the monster for mercy, but he already knew the answer. ShadowWereGarurumon opened his maw again and started licking the crocodile all over his face, making him whimper and shut his eyes. It wasn't that he just felt scared, but violated. He had a tongue coating his face with saliva from a beast that was surely seconds away from eating him. The werewolf licked all around, acquiring the taste of the short creature and slobbering like crazy, spreading his muck all over the croconaw's upper body.

The licking lasted for another thirty seconds or so before ShadowWereGarurumon put his tongue back inside his mouth and stared down at the scared little croconaw. The Pokémon looked back up at the beast, staring at his flaring nostrils and his dark yellow eyes and drooling maw, unsure of what he should do now. All the croconaw could think about doing was putting on a sad face, making his eyes extremely big and cute like a puppy, hoping the ShadowWereGarurumon would find some place deep down in his heart to spare him. But no. ShadowWereGarurumon just snorted and continued to breathe heavily before smiling again. The croconaw got rid of his puppy-dog face and started whimpering again, shaking so much it looked like he was about to pee all over the floor in fear. ShadowWereGarurumon opened his mouth wide again and growled, making the croconaw scream. He lunged forward and bit down on the crocodile creature, standing up and tilting his head back. The upper half of the Pokémon's body was inside the beast's mouth while the lower half was outside, shaking violently and trying to get free. The croconaw saw nothing but the innards of the monster's mouth, his red tongue resting underneath his chin. He could see drool dripping from the roof of his rigid mouth, his jagged, yellow teeth, and the uvula resting at the back of the throat. Up close, his breath smelled even worse, like hot garbage that had been soaking in sewage waste. The croconaw thought all his troubles were over, but the Digimon decided to add insult to injury and play with his food. The croconaw saw his tongue move all around the mouth, slapping him in the face several times over, making slobber go inside one of his ear holes. Hell, ShadowWereGarurumon even managed to stuff the damn thing inside one of the croconaw's nostrils, causing him to snort and sneeze a little, but ShadowWereGarurumon didn't care. The croconaw heard loud hacking coming from inside and out of nowhere, a giant loogie came up from the throat and smacked him right on his black eye. The Pokémon was drenched in saliva, which made it easier for him to travel down his throat, similar to the same properties as lube or oil. ShadowWereGarurumon slurped noisily and sucked on the croconaw, savoring the flavor of the Water-type Pokémon before sighing with his mouth full and licking the croconaw one last time. Then, he tilted his head back and let the rest of the croconaw slide down his throat, creating a giant bulge in his neck. The croconaw was still whimpering while cramped inside the esophagus before ShadowWereGarurumon gulped loudly and the bulge in his throat disappeared into his stomach. The Digimon sighed happily and patted his belly before turning around and heading outside of the warehouse. His job was done, and the clan of croconaws was all gone, and he even got to eat one as a treat.

It was all a part of nature, really. He was prey. The ShadowWereGarurumon was a predator. He fought monsters and won, or he fought monsters and lost. He held out as long as he could, and in the end, he and his friends lost. Nothing more and nothing less. That's just how life was, and now his was going to end very soon. But just ain't fair.

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