The Other Perspective

Story by SoloAvatar on SoFurry

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#4 of Chronicles of Life, Lust, and Love

Chronicles of Life, Lust, and Love: Chapter 4

Hello everyone, this is Philipp. I want to relay Angel's apologies for how long everyone has waited for this story to come out. He's been a bit overworked in his non-stop drive to remain "successful", and has been unable to commit the time to continue the story which I know you all have been waiting for. I want everyone to know that he does think about it often and is quiet annoyed that he cannot give the time to put out the next chapter, especially with all the wonderful messages and comments everyone sent in, even over a year later. Because of this he did something a bit unexpected, he asked me to write the continuation of the story from my view of how it happened, to which I hesitantly agreed. So please consider this story a hybrid of our talents, he went back through and "fixed" everything that will thrill and captivate you while I wrote everything as honestly as I can remember it. I look forward to hearing everyone's comments on what they think of the story! Also, if you haven't done so already. We recommend reading the previous chapters before this one.

I'm sure everyone has noticed Angel's captivation with me. But is he totally to blame for his fatal attraction? Or maybe I wanted him to fall for me and he couldn't resist me, like a moth to the flame... Maybe it was the other way around... Or perhaps it was fate.


I remember an alarm going off early in the morning. I was so tired I hardly noticed Angel remove my arm from around his chest as he got out of bed. Somehow we had managed to make our way to his bedroom after sharing ourselves in the early hours of the morning. I think I heard a weak "no" escape my muzzle in protest, only to be kissed on the forehead in return. His voice even in the morning was enough to lull me back to sleep. A vague recollection of him telling me he has to go teach and that he had some things to do and he would be back later.

The next time I open my eyes the sun was shining in the window. I rolled over to put my arm around Angel but found nothing, not even the heat of his body was left, only an empty half of the bed. Emptiness and loneliness came back and the hole in my chest returned as my heart sank into my stomach, unable to stop the tears as they begin to flow from the betrayal that left its wounds deep in my gut. Never having released them before, the dam broke and there was no way to hold back the torrent of tears and sobs. I'm grateful that Angel wasn't there to see my like this, even though my body ached for him to hold me while I cried, to give me comfort. The tears needed to come out, pent up without release since that god awful time only a few days ago when I walked in on my previous mate being yiffed in my own bed. The image of his pleasured expression and moans of those few fate-filled moments burned into my brain.

I'm not sure how long I laid there curled in a ball letting everything inside me pour out. But eventually my body and especially my bladder required me to take action. I crawled out of bed and padded over to the bathroom to relieve myself, rubbing my bloodshot eyes from all the crying and blowing my nose.

After attending to natures call I went back into the bedroom to look for my cloths. Nothing, I left them in the spare bedroom that Angel had let me stay in the first night.

Cracking the bedroom door I peered down the hallway and listened for any sounds. The house was so unfamiliar to me I felt strange walking down the long hallway in my nakedness, as if some person would catch me in the nude. I wasn't entirely certain if anyone was home, or if I had forgotten if he had roommates. After a few long seconds of observations I ran down the hall and into the spare bedroom, closing the door behind me, my heart beating fast from the nervousness of being seen. I immediately noticed my old cloths on the floor and went to pick them up. The smell of alcohol on them was foul, I wouldn't be able to wear them until they were washed. The cloths he had let me use yesterday were a bit tight, but for the moment I put them on.

I opened the door and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and saw a pawwritten note on a used piece of paper lying on the stone counter.

"Didn't want to wake you up, I have to teach the martial arts class this morning and some mandatory errands I can't put off. There is food in the fridge and pantry. Feel free to use anything in the house to make yourself feel at home. -Angel"

I immediately felt better knowing he would be back and decided to make myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Having to explore the not small kitchen for the bowls and silverware was frustrating, but opening up the pantry only to find that I it was several strides deep and full of enough food to serve 20 furs. My maw agape I grabbed a box of cereal off a shelf and an apple from a series of hanging wooden bowls and ate a light breakfast. Eating breakfast at the counter by myself, my eyes wandered over to the floor by the fireplace where Angel and I had sex the previous night, feeling slightly guilty that I had sex with another fur so soon after walking in on my previous mate only seemed to finalize that connection was now lost.

The tears began to pool again and I lost my appetite. Not wanting to let these thoughts dwell anymore I decided to explore Angel's house. The house was large for anything I had lived in growing up. There were multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, each decorated with a slight but not overpowering masculine feel. Light but firm colors of greens, blues, browns or purples were painted on the walls. In each room a different black and white print was framed and hung over the bed. An additional door in every room other than the bathroom, led to a small by sizeable walk in closet. The dining room, living, and sunken den all part of previous travels I've made in the house.

An office was my next discovery it almost felt like a library with wooden bookshelves that lined most of three walls from floor to ceiling, a large series of panel windows opened up to a view of a vacant hillside. A solid oak wood desk sat in the middle of the room looking out over the view. Covering the desk was a laptop computer, the latest edition of a newspaper called "The Wall Street Journal" and various papers scattered across it in an odd but clear sense of organization. Tucked against the desk was a chair made of soft leather. A medium sized plant sat next to the window enjoying the warm day's sunlight.

Seeing a staircase just past the office I proceeded down towards the lower level. I was perplexed at what else this house needed, I walked into the room closest to the bottom of the stairs and the lights came on automatically. My eyes went wide as I saw a movie screen hanging from the ceiling against the fall wall and an entertainment system come to life and a random TV show was projected against the wall. Staring awe struck for a moment I picked my jaw up off the floor I walked in and sat in the second row of two rows of comfortable seats still gawking at what I saw. Sitting on the couch (if it could be described as that) was a thin pad like computer similar to what you would see on Star Trek. I picked it up and looked at it noticing easy to navigate controls like volume, lighting, channels, DVD's, etc. I eventually tapped the 'off' button as all the equipment shut down, as fascinating as it was to watch TV I still had exploring to do. The wall was lined with a mini bar that had a small fridge full of soda, a microwave and even a small dishwasher. Opening some of the drawers I found utensils, glasses, and half to my surprise a bottle of lube. I wasn't sure if I should be surprised after last night, but it still felt like I was invading his personal place. So I stopped looking in drawers and turned to a small door which led to a small half bathroom. I began to truly question how much money Angel had at this point. It never crossed my mind before when he said he had money that in fact he was saying he was rich.

My hind legs began to quiver with unease about being in his house alone. But I continued my exploration to satiate my growing curiosity of the downstairs. The next door led into a cool, dark room. I could hear water trickling but my eyes couldn't make anything more than shadows. As my eyes began to adjust to the darkness of the room I noticed what looked like prison cells and torture devices lining the walls, my heart began to race as adrenaline from fear coursed through my veins. Angel had a room dedicated to bondage equipment I began to feel panic as my mind raced to what would happen if he decided to lock me in a cell and leave me. My paw felt along the wall and flipped on the light switch. My fears subsided immediately, the room was actually a wine cellar the cells that I had seen were partitions in the space to house more bottles. The area at the end actually gated and locked shut to guard the bottles within. Several wooden gothic chairs sat beside a small wooden table that fit the old stone that enclosed and kept the space cool. Against the wall was a small water feature lightly bubbling away, and wine glasses of various shapes and sizes lined a counter across the left wall. Blinking my eyes a few times again in both relief and disbelief, I walked in briefly and noticed that the wine cellar was hardly filled. By hardly filled I mean only a few hundred bottles of wine on the racks, but still room for many time that number again. As I left the room feeling a peaceful security with the room, I turned the lights off and closed the door behind me.

Turning around I found a room that I recognized immediately. It was a gym, obviously not as big as one that you could go to. But it had a full set of weights, lifting equipment, several machines including a bowflex, running equipment, a punching bag, workout balls and a full size dummy of the furred body. Two adjacent walls were covered in mirrors a third had various posters of muscles and various points in the body and tail. The fourth wall was a window that over looked an indoor hot tub and miniature swimming pool that looked moderately twice as long as I was tall (I later found out this is a special kind of indoor swimming pool that makes you swim against an adjustable current so as you swim you stay in the same place in the pool). In the corner of the room was a shower area, half enclosed by large smooth river rocks about waist high, complemented by small river rocks that were placed across the floor of the whole pool area. Each room had speakers and a few flat screen TVs hanging against the walls, a towel rack and hamper were next to the glass door leading to the pool. Padding over I pushed the door open and was met with a minor scent of chlorine and humidity that had been previously undetectable from the single glass door. I noticed some windows, tinted for privacy looking out over the hillside.

My head was spinning as I climbed back up the stairs, this house wasn't large. It was HUGE. I looked over at the kitchen clock and saw it was two in the afternoon. Since I didn't know when Angel would be getting back I may as well try and get a workout in, so I headed to his bedroom and cautiously looked through his closet for some gym cloths that might fit me. Being a couple sizes larger than him it was difficult, but I managed to find some shorts that didn't ride up my crotch too much and a tank top that fit very tight. Glacing at myself in the mirror I could see my muscles clearly, the plump soft looking muscle that didn't require a lot of effort to maintain. However, being one of those perfect German soldier types I definitely didn't want this body to go to waste. Especially with all the cheap beer and alcohol I had this last week.

Heading down to the gym, I turned some invigorating music on and put all my mental frustrations into my workout until every part of my body ached from the effort. Dripping with sweat I showered in the pool room and walked upstairs in the towel, throwing the sweaty dirty clothes in the hamper in the weight room as I left. Grabbing a pear from the kitchen I headed to the bedroom, hung the towel up and crawled into bed holding Angel's pillow close filling my muzzle with his latent scent as I fell into the blissful after workout exhaustion.

I woke up hungry, the light outside heading towards evening and the house filled with a wonderful aroma. I wrapped myself in the damp towel I used before and padding towards the kitchen, practically drooling as I hurried along.

Upon my arrival I saw Angel checking something in the oven and then stirring a couple pots on the stove. I leaned against the wall still regaining my strength from the groggy feeling of waking up from a nap. I couldn't help but stare at his strong muscled ass as his tail flicked back and forth smoothly while he bent over. He wore a short sleeve t-shirt that complemented his not overly muscled by very refined shoulders and arms. His arms were well defined unlike mine showing all the lines and definition of that horseshoe shape of his triceps muscle on his arm that filled the short sleeve opening. His forearms having a soft indented line running down them where the different muscles separated and a clear indication that he had a lot less body fat then I did. The V shape in his back pointing towards that beautiful ass of his, causing and stirring in my sheath as I remembered how tight it was being inside him last night.

I must have sighed because Angel turned towards me and smiled with that friendly self-confident face of my dreams. "Damn, you sleep a long time I didn't think I wore you out that much last night." He said casually a grin playing across his muzzle.

"I've been up a while, actually." I retorted "I used your gym and just decided to take a nap afterwards." I responded striding over to him as he turned back to stir a pot of some sauce I wrapped my arms around him and buried my muzzle in his neck and inhaling deeply. His fur had a nice aroma of a shampoo he must have used, sadly not the scent I was hoping to get but I managed. Pulling his body to my chest as if death would take me if I let him go, a felt a tear run down my face as I took solace in his company.

Unable to turn around from my vice-like grip Angel simply turned his head and gave me a kiss on the side of my head that was exposed to his muzzle. "Dinner will be ready in just a sec." he said with a smile as I stood there with the damp towel wrapped around my waist. I chuckled lightly before asking "Can I wash my clothes? They fit me better than yours do but I don't really want to smell like cheap booze." He laughed. "I kind of like it when you wear my clothes, I'm ok with that towel you have on now too." I couldn't help but chuckle, I have caught him staring at me occasionally. Probably about as much as he's caught me staring at him. It was almost like a game we played, where we drooled over the other when they weren't looking.

I smiled, but refused to let my grip around his body go until he had to open the oven, my paws moving instead to hold onto his thick tail as my only connection to him. He pulled out some chicken that he had baked after searing them on both sides. He sliced it crudely into strips (translation chunks sorry babe your food tastes great, but you definitely need work on the presentation) and mixed it with some rice and gravy. Plating the hot food he put it on a small kitchen table set back in a nook in the wall.

We sat at the table and ate, talking about school, career goals, and where we came from. He asked lots of thoughtful questions, and I found myself opening up to him as if I had known him my entire life. It was very comforting to me, getting to know Angel. He gave off this confidence about himself that puts me at ease, like everything would be alright. In a way he's become my personal guardian angel, he helped pick up the pieces of my broken heart and gave me a shoulder to lean on. I always heard that rebound relationships don't last, so I tried fairly unsuccessfully to keep a sense of detachment. Not that I thought we were in a relationship or anything, I mean we just met and yiffed, that's all. But at the same time when I looked into those yellow-green eyes I felt a twinge of excitement, like he could be the one. He was so calm and level headed, not to mention intelligent and patient for when my English wasn't good enough to convey what I was saying.

After we finished dinner Angel got serious at a sobering speed. "Philipp, I know you agreed yesterday. But I hope you're still alright with staying here for a while. I'd really enjoy having some company in this house for a change." He said catching me slightly off guard, but not in a bad way.

"Of course I'd be happy to stay here, I can't pay very much in rent but I'll help around the house with whatever needs to be done." I replied trying to convince him that I would really like nothing better than to just be with him. Wait wasn't I supposed to stay detached? Damn it! I should have held out longer at least.

Raising his paw he said "You're a guest in this house, you're not going to pay a single penny in rent, and I have a housekeeper that comes four days a week. So don't worry about any house work." I sat in silence unsure what to say. "The reason I bring this up is because you probably have some belongings at your old place that you would like to move over here. I know it's probably uncomfortable for you to talk about, but we should consider retrieving your things." He finished calmly.

After thinking about it for a few moments I said "Yeah, I probably should get my cloths, computer and all my international paperwork. Although I don't know if I'm ready to face my ex yet." A shuddered sigh escaping my maw as I started to shiver and get cold as my body retreated inward, at least until Angel wrapped his paws around my naked torso and pulled me close. His warm body lulling my pain away, after a few minutes he continued.

"I'll hire some people to pack everything up, if you give me the address I'll have everything taken care of." I nodded going to the counter and writing the address down on a notepad, giving it to Angel who smiled and brushed the back of his paw against my face causing me to close my eyes and lean into the back of his soft paw.

"Now that the hard question is out of the way, I have another question." He said my eyes opening and meeting his in a questioning manner.

"I was planning on taking a small vacation over spring break, would you be willing to join me for the rest of the break? If it's not too sudden of me to ask that is." He said throwing in the disclaimer to not sound to forward.

My body seemed to forget how to speak English for a moment so all I could ask was "Where?" Smirking he leaned forward and kissed my muzzle, causing me to sigh before whispering in my ear. "It's a surprise but I think you'll enjoy it. Just say yes."

I blinked at him a moment, dumbfounded, before hesitantly saying "yes" unsure of what I was getting myself into. Wait detachment, NO! Why did I say yes? Damnit I thought to myself.

"Great!" he responded "Let me make a couple phone calls to make sure everything will be ok, and get your official moving figured out." I nodded in return feeling better about the whole thing since he was taking care of it.

He popped open a cell phone and walked to the office sounding excited. I decided to do the dishes to kill time and by the time I finished washing all the plates and pans I felt 100% better about the whole situation. My life with Matt the punk ass fox would end and my life with Angel would officially begin. Not that I was looking for Angel to be a rebound relationship, but it was just so easy to be around him. Not to mention that he is fucking gorgeous.

Walking into the office I heard him discussing times with someone and he happily purred as he finished the conversation, obviously pleased with himself. Standing he turned to see me behind him and we stood there for a long moment. Both looking into each other's eyes not but a foot apart, unsure of what the next move should be. I reached forward and took his paw in mine. Smiling softly at him, before he moved forward and wrapped his free arm around my neck and my kissed me. I felt the fur on the back of my neck stand on end as it felt like electricity was passing between us at all the places we touched. I was lost in time exploring those soft lips with my eyes closed.

I felt Angel's paw leave my neck and explore its ways down my chest and arms. Tenderly feeling the shape of my body as I do the same with his, feeling the hard muscles through his shirt. I think he likes tighter shirts to show off his body, which I definitely didn't mind at this moment.

He breaks our kiss and I reluctantly let him go. "Why don't we go relax in the hot tub for a bit? It's been a busy day for me." He says. I nod in response and leaving the office we head down stairs paw in paw.

Once we got to the weight room, I watched as he strips out of his clothes as he must have done a hundred times before. He does it so casually it's almost like I'm not there. He slowly pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his 6-pack abs and defined chest as I gazed at body. I felt a familiar twinge in my loins at the half naked body just a few inches away. My paw reaches out to touch his body, just to ensure my senses that he is real. The soft fur covering the hard muscles tells me I'm not imagining things, his eyes look up into mine softly at my touch and a smirk appears on his muzzle as he turns away from me.

Unbuttoning his jeans he slid his legs out of the pant sleeves painfully slow for my tastes. Pulling his legs free he tossed the pants and the shirt in the hamper, now standing in front of me in only his white boxer briefs as he faces me. His package firmly pressed against the front pouch. It was clear that he wasn't hard at all, although unlike Angel, I was semi hard under my towel as I looked over that beautiful body of his.

Without a moment of hesitation he pulled down his underwear and tossed them in the hamper. Leaving him complete nude to my gaze, I guess I wasn't expected it because I felt my ears start to blush. Even though I saw him nude last night, it was still a little weird that it was so easy for him to be naked. Like it was a trivial thing to him, something he could do with anyone.

I didn't have a lot of time to think about it before I felt his lips on mine, my paws automatically moving over his naked body as my eyes closed to the sensations. His paw undid the tie I had on the towel and before I could stop it, it had falling to the floor. My hard on exposed to his prying eyes. I covered myself and turned slightly to guard myself against his view out of instinct and embarrassment.

Tilting his head to the side in a questioning concerned look he asked "Are you ok?" I nodded with a "Yeah, I think I'm just not as used to being naked as you are. I'm sorta hard and it's embarrassing because you're not."

He laughed a little bit, which did nothing to help my embarrassment. He said "I just liked what I saw last night and I wanted to get another look." Feeling my butt in the process. "As for being hard, don't worry I can get hard in an instant, and yours was definitely a lot harder last night when you were ramming that thing into me."

He had a point, he had already seen me naked... and hard... so why was I nervous. Maybe it was that I was still worried about falling for him so fast. Well, I don't think I can stop the feelings that are already here at this point, so I might as well enjoy the ride. Turning back towards him I uncovered my now hard cock and let his eyes wander up and down my body. He reached out and took my paw in a way that was far to endearing and I leaned in for the kiss.

We moved to the hot tub, and both sunk down into the steaming hot water. Our moans of pleasure were coming from the heat of the pool as much as from caressing each other's bodies. It was never like this with Matt, he never liked the foreplay just sex then back to whatever he was doing.

With Angel it was like we were connected before our bodies even touched, he was taking the time to figure out the places that gave me pleasure. A paw behind the ear, or the base of my tail each causing moans. Leaning down he suckled my nipples tormenting me till I had to pull his head away least I lose control. Angel straddled my legs and sat in my lap kissing my lips and allowing me to feel his body. My cock was hard again and pressed up his ass crack, pleading invain at me to slip inside him again.

I caressed my paw along his back and rubbed gently causing him to melt into me. "Mmmmm, my god I'll be your best friend for a back rub." He said between rubs his face buried in my chest a purr vibrating both of us, I'm pretty sure he was drooling too although it was hard to tell with all the water. I laughed softly to myself as I mushed on his tight back the best I could.

Before long we separated and were both simply leaning against the jets of water. Our paws gently holding the others till our skin was noticeably turning prune-like under our pelts. I felt thoroughly cooked and got out of the hot tub, Angel followed in suit. We showered together and washed the chlorine out of each other's furs. I could only laugh when he washed my cock and balls, squeezing my still hard cock and pair of blue balls at this point. I got my revenge by doing the same thing and teasing his tail hole at the same time.

We laughed and sprayed water at each other before drying off. Wrapping towels around our waists Angel led us towards the movie room. He pulled a lever on the front row of seating and the couch back folded back. Turning the second row of seats into a couch that you can lay down on and face the movie you're watching. We pulled the pillows up and I got some sodas for us as he picked out a movie. Dimming the lights I watched a gay flick of two furs who just met running around a city trying to find a place to yiff each other but being thwarted at each stop in a cute comedy romance. (10 points if you can name the movie from that description.)

I loved the movie, but something about watching two hot furs trying to get it on when my cock was hard from the fur sitting next to me, I just couldn't take it anymore. I rolled over and started kissing Angels neck, my paw feeling his strong thighs. The purr I got in return directed me to his soft lips, which parted as mine found them. My eyes closed as I got into the kiss more passionately.

With a quick movement of my paw, I undid the tie of his towel and reached for his cock. It twitched as my paw found it, my muzzle still firmly attached to Angels. A few strokes and he was as hard as I've been for the last couple hours.

In a single move I flipped him onto his stomach with a grunt. I allowed my towel to fall off and I was lying on his back. Nuzzling his ears and neck, kissing his back and making moans of pleasure escape his open maw. My rock hard cock sliding between his ass checks like in the hot tub, rubbing over his puckered opening and teasing his body.

It was getting hot in the room as I ground my cock against his ass crack. Our breathing became ragged from the pleasurable sounds we made in-time with one another. Reaching over I pulled open the drawer that had the bottle of lube I found earlier. Keeping my paw on his back I applied a coating to my canine cock and rubbed a lubed pad against his opening to get him loosened and ready. Placing my legs between his I forced his legs apart, opening him up for my entry.

I looked at his feline hole for a few seconds before it winked at me making me want it even more. With my canine meat, I pressed the tip against his opening. Angel started protest, but my cock slipped all the way inside him in a single go. He grunted loudly from the sensation, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as instinct took over.

My paws wrapped under his arms to give me leverage for each thrust. My hips pounded him continuously with everything I hard. With every slam into Angel's ass I could hear the air leave his lungs in a grunt or moan. It was so hot I pounded harder, my mind focusing on the tight ring of his asshole that surrounded my cock. The opening conforming to the pushing and pulling of my meat as it forced its way through.

I spread my legs move, trying to open his passage more as I pounded my cock into him. Attempting to force my knot passed his already abused opening. Angel began to struggle underneath me, probably sensing what I was trying to do. But I had all my weight on his back as I tightened my grip on his body. With a massive slam of my hips I felt my knot push past his ring as I locked our bodies together. A hiss escaped his body as I felt myself pushed over the edge.

My body convulsed over and over as I shot my canine seed into my feline lover. I started seeing stars before my last load of cum traveling out my cock into the body of my panther. My orgasm so powerful I could only lay there panting as I attempted to recover.

As our bodies lay connected I regained my senses and kissed Angel's neck. "Are you ok?" I asked with a renewed sense of sympathy of what I had just done. "Yeah" he replied weakly from under me. "That was really intense. Holy crap your knot is big."

I hugged him as best I could given the position we were in. "I think we're going to be like this for a while until my knot goes down." I could still feel my cock twitching inside him.

"In that case can we at least roll over so I can get off to?" he asked almost as a command. Smiling I kissed his neck and positioned us to roll onto our sides. Trying hard not to put pressure on the knot that invaded his tailhole as we found a comfortable position.

He reached over and started rubbing his feline length as I held him and kissed his neck. Before I knew it he shot his load, hitting me in the side of the head in the process with his thick sticky cum. I jolted out of surprise as I told him what he did once he lay spent and covered in his juices, since he couldn't see where he hit me. Angel laughed "Guess that revenge for ripping me apart with that knot of yours."

I leaned in and breathed in his scent on his neck, murring in pleasure. "I'll have to do that more often if that's all you can do to me." I snicker back at him.

He wiped the drying cum from his chest and abs as we lay tied together. The movie was still playing and we watched the ending, my knot softening up enough that we pulled apart with a grunt as the credits started rolling. A little more clean up and making out, we walked paw and paw up to his bedroom, Angel walking a little funny, understandably.

As we slipped under his cool refreshing covers, we drifted off to sleep. My arms holding Angel against my chest as he purred contently.

Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I already can't see my life without the feline I fell asleep with in my paws.