A Thing for Star - Chapter 14

Story by Kahedro on SoFurry

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#14 of A Thing For Star

Chapter XIV: Hiking Adventure Part 2

I opened my eyes to a black, starless sky; lighten by the glow of a crackling campfire at the bottom of my sights. I sat up to see Dani resting by it, setting up a table to hold up and cook an assortment of eggs, hot dogs, marshmallows, and bread. The subtle glow of the fire gave him a more enchanting look, and somewhere in it all I lost myself in it. "Good morning." I heard myself say, in a tone more surprised than comforted.

"Oh," Dani said, obviously not knowing I was awake. A faint blush snuck on him that was easily put to shame by the fire as he replied "g'morning."

"Did you do this yourself?" I asked, whiffing the aroma coming from the food and fire.

"Yes, but it's nothing." He answered as his blush slowly grew. "I just was cold, so I decided to collect some wood. And then I heard my stomach growled and I decided to use some of that food we brought."

"It smells delicious!" I exclaimed, still whiffing it from before.

"Oh, please." Dani said. "I didn't even start yet."

As he laid each individual food item upon the table, the sizzle and scent that followed would make any combination of words describing it an enormous understatement. I found myself frantically licking my lips asking "When will they be done?"

With a clear giggle in his voice, Dani replied "Calm down! I just put them on!"

After a long sigh, I said "Alright. I'll wake up Star." I moved my head and confirmed that it was Star's belly I slept on. He had the gentlest smile on his face, and I couldn't help but feel them. They felt so soft, and the touch quickly turned to caressing it, but I didn't have time to enjoy it because that woke Star up.

He yawned and stretched, and I just kept staring at him, mesmerized by his beauty enhanced by the glow of the fire. "Argh... What happened last night?" Star asked.

In the back of my head, I was surprised that he didn't remember it. But my subconscious just kept me smiling and answered with "We just had some fun." Star got a confused look for one second, then the next it turned into an "I-don't-want-to-know-more" look. But that too was foreshadowed when he inhaled the scent of the fire.

"That smells heavenly!" Star exclaimed. "When will they be done?"

"It's nothing special," Dani replied "But the eggs should be done in a few seconds."

"What about the marshmallows and bread?" I asked.

"They'd just burn." Dani said. "I only took them out because they were all in one bag."

"Oh..." I said, disappointed.

"What's wrong?" Dani asked.

"Well we don't really like eggs." Star answered.

"Sorry." Dani said, frowning. "I didn't know."

"It's okay." I said. "We should have told you."

"Well, more for me!" Dani exclaimed. He took the eggs off the plate and quickly ate them all. After he swallowed them, he said "The hot dogs should be done about now too."

"Alright!" Star yelled, running up to the fire licking his lips. He immediately took his hot dog and jammed it into his mouth, eating it as swiftly as he could. I looked over and saw Dani was taking a more savoring approach. He was slowly inching the whole thing into his mouth. I decided to try that too, but I had to bite off a small part at the beginning to fit it all in my mouth. Following Dani's lead, I didn't chew, but I sucked out its moisture.

I couldn't help but think it felt like the succulent dick I had housed in my mouth last night, and in no time I got so caught up in the memory I confused it for the hot dog in my mouth, and started to frantically lick the spot I convinced myself one of his 'white hearts' was at until I sucked out all the moisture, and felt myself drooling out the excess. I came back to my senses and felt disappointed, but I got over it and laughed seeing that Dani was in the same situation.

After we laughed ourselves back to normal, I noticed that the sun was halfway past the horizon, lighting the dim sky with an array of bright shades of orange. "It's beautiful." I heard myself say, an obvious understatement. With a window facing the sunrise, I saw it every day, but when I saw it placed in the setting of a resting mountainside preceded by a raging river and a breathing forest, it was indescribable. I would have stared into it as long as it lasted, if it were not for Dani leaning over and kissing my cheek.

I blushed, not saying or doing anything else until he whispered into my ear "We're all alone now."

My eyes widened, and I frantically started searching around. "What?" I asked. "Where's Star?"

"I dunno..." Dani replied, rubbing my chest with an ongoing grin.

"This is not the time for that!" I yelled, swiping away his arm. "What if he's hurt, or w-what if..." I started, but then I was interrupted when Dani leaned in and kissed me again, this time on the lips. I knew I should be worrying about Star, but I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy the kiss. I felt guilty for it, imagining Star possibly in danger and calling for our help, but I didn't push Dani away.

After he finally leaned out, I snapped to my senses and said "You go look down and by the river, I'll go up. Let's meet back here when we're done." Dani nodded in confirmation, and grabbed his backpack and walked away. I stood there for another few minutes, frozen in confusion, fear, pleasure, and for some reason anger. I swiftly convinced myself to forget that and to go on, but for some reason I still had trouble bringing myself off my feet. But then, my eyes widened and I knew where Star was.