Elvira and Seth - Chapter 8

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#8 of Elvira and Seth

Chapter 8

After 15 minutes of walking, they were in front of an entrance.

"Well," Seth started, "it's down and in."

"You know a lot about down and in," Elvira teased.

"Come on. That's the entrance to a cave system, and it's also dry as dust. I couldn't tell either from you," Seth countered.

"I agree with you there. However, you've also done plenty to make sure that doesn't happen."

Isis rolled her eyes. "So he actually has the potency and drive that I deprived my spouse of?"

"More than enough, and the endowments are more than satisfactory as well."

Seth sighed. "Yes Isis, I have all that Osiris should no longer have or never had."

"Excellent," Isis replied, "and the fact that you're still alive suggests that he's good with it, too."

"Could we drop this now?" the jackal mule ruled, "No one cares how I'm built."

"Oh, yes they do," Elvira repeatedly harrumphed, "Is it actually true what the mythology says?"

"What do you mean by that?" inquired Isis.

"There are such sexual encounters with Horus, you and Hathor."

"Partly, partly," Isis mused, "Horus and he are not green to each other. So it was logical that Horus had to be toxic to him in some way. That it would be his sperm, of all things, even I could not have guessed."

"But you made good use of it," Seth growled.

"Horus had his fun," the winged mother-goddess hissed.

"I didn't. It's bad enough that falcon ejaculate has no taste of its own to speak of. That's the only reason I hadn't noticed it."

"So that is indeed true," Elvira murmured.

"Yes, but he was only weakened," Anubis interjected.

"Oh please," Seth growled again, "let's finally descend the steps."

"Don't deflect," Isis curbed his sudden haste. "Then there was the story about Hathor. The one he was supposed to have raped on the riverbank. It wasn't true in that form. She had officially claimed it, but through three corners it came out that it was not rape, but that she wanted to be taken by him. The cow was in heat and demanded it."

"That she ended up pinning an atrocity on me was the height of mockery," Seth rumbled, "But it was easier to pin it on me than to admit she was being fucked by a hybrid. She was screaming for more, after all, but then I didn't want that."

"And what about you, Isis?" inquired Elvira.

"He wet the desert sand," she explained succinctly.


"I was young then," Seth rebuffed.

"And you needed the money?" quipped Elvira.

"No. I became a laughingstock for good."

"Well, not quite. At least you got to show off your manhood," Isis said, looking at Seth with a grin.

Seth looked at Elvira with a blush. "I was fighting with Isis, I got horny, Isis ran away, I wanted to follow her. However, I was hindered by my erection. I had to stop and all I could do was stand there and watch my semen furiously as it went down. Unfortunately, others saw it too."

"That was a rushing sight," Isis laughed.

"Oh, more than now?"

"I can't tell," the winged goddess remarked, "but it was a lot, a lot."

"Then it seems nothing has changed," Elvira snapped.

Isis and even Anubis looked at Seth appraisingly.

"Is there anything else I should know?" the wolf-woman echoed.

"Do you actually know the story of when he was supposed to serve as a stud to two half-Egyptian demigoddesses?" began Anubis.

"No!" cried Seth, "you keep that story to yourself."

"But why? So my chaos god had two playmates?" interjected Elvira.

"Well. A request was made to see if he would be willing to meet them and if he would be able to satisfy them. He agreed. However, both had made a demand. His penis had to meet their demands for that purpose and they were, if you'll pardon the expression, slightly exotic."

"Bloody hell," Seth rumbled, "they were two big shots with the ancient Mayan culture, and they wanted me, but only as a carrier of another living being."

"Oh, that sounds fascinating," Elvira gasped.

"It was, but my penis was transformed and I wore a spitting cobra as a mating organ as a sign of respect. I was a slave to that reptile and its horniness."

"Oh come on," Isis placated, "you did enjoy it."

"Not really. Every time the snake-beast wanted to say something, it had to crawl out of my penis pocket, my live cock stiffened, twitched, squirmed toward the listener, opened its mouth, and precum dripped constantly from its poison fangs. I was permanently horny and ejaculated almost all the time. I carried pure horniness around."

"Oh, I find that very interesting," Elvira grinned.

"Yes, and since I was supposed to accompany him all the way to the cave, which I did, the mating cobra decided to cast her spell on me, embracing me, looking me in the face, talking to me beguilingly."

"That was degrading," Seth rumbled repeatedly, "My own stepson wrapped by an over horny cobra, me on the other end, full of lust and unable to suppress it."

"I can guess what must have happened," Elvira concluded.

"No, not even close," Seth started, "the cobra managed to get Anubis hot, he got an erection, his knot swelled and he was delivered. The snake took his thing in its mouth and sucked until he sprayed his loin juice, at the same time I also climaxed and everything formed a slimy white lake. And so it went all the time. I was only a slave. The cobra was the command giver and I was just its messenger, means to an end."

"That sounds degrading indeed," Elvira observed.

"Exactly," Seth confirmed, "And that's why I'm more than embarrassed. I'm glad I got through it."

"I don't want that cobra either. I want it to be you using that thing, not that thing using you."

"That's the way I want it, too. I want to enjoy you and you, every second. That wasn't enjoyment, it hurt in the end."

"Well, eventually your things will run out," the wolf-woman quipped.

"That won't happen," Seth countered, "but when you're constantly aroused, your overfilled bladder hurts and can't empty."

"I can't say anything about that. I don't have a penis."

"Anubis?" turned Seth to his stepson.

"What is to be the matter with me? - Oh, I see. Yes. I can confirm that. It's very hard to pee with a hard-on."

"Thank you. Does that settle it?", Seth concluded the topic with the question.

"Perfectly sufficient," Elvira confirmed.

They strode down the stairs, reached a granite door, and slid it open.

The glow of light that illuminated the interior didn't get far, as it was more than pitch black inside. The light seemed to be literally swallowed up.

"Seth, Anubis! The torches!" ordered Isis.

"Very well Lithe One," escaped Seth, and received a good punch in the neck in return.

"Eh, if anyone's going to hit him, it's going to be me," Elvira growled.

"No, my sweet," Isis countered, "because with you he enjoys it. With me, he knows it's a reprimand."

"Touché!" the wolf-woman relented.

"You know what strikes me?" asked Anubis.

"No, but you're about to enlighten us on your obviously rhetorical question," Isis countered.

"We're a mighty dirty bunch."

"I hadn't noticed," Seth countered.

"But I have," Elvira added, "and you really are terrible. I always thought gods were above worldly and especially carnal things, but you three really have it going on. Now get those damn torches going, I want to know what's going on."

A few seconds later, those same torches were lit, bringing sparse light that ceased to exist after about ten meters. It was simply gone and further visibility at zero.

"What's going on down here?" inquired Elvira.

"It's the catacombs of danger. Here all laws are suspended, there is no good and evil, there are no shadows. There is only light and impenetrable darkness. There is no life and no death," Seth murmured.

"It is our realm," Anubis added.

"You mean that we are in the intermediate world?" whispered Elvira.

"That's just the way it is," Isis began, "I don't really belong here. At least not in this area. Here is actually Osiris, later Seth comes in and at the end sits Anubis, as well as Thoth."

"And Ammit," Seth added.

"Oh, the soul eater," Elvira whispered.

"Right. However, we will turn before and change the catacomb. This is not where the right entrance is either. It's on the other side and further back. Therefore, we can move here without coming into contact with the dead," Anubis explained.

"They're confused enough anyway," Seth murmured.

"No wonder if they need to see you," Elvira teased her beloved jackal-mule stallion.

He was not impressed and kept holding the torch forward. "Back there, we have to go to the right."

"One thing you'll have to explain now," Elvira suddenly snapped, "if we're here and Osiris is sitting in the sun and dying all the time, who's handling all the souls? Who weighs the heart?"

"Holograms!" explained Anubis, "We've automated everything. All that matters is that the dead see we're there, whether it's all real or just a simulation doesn't matter anymore. We are something that no one believes in anymore anyway. Everything just has to be soulless, the main thing is that it beeps, it flashes, it whirs and moves artificially angular."

"Just stop it," Seth growled, "this reminds me of Camilla Queen and our shared body, this Taur, before I became Seth again and you became Anubis."

"But that's a different story and the Taur named Anuset is living happily with his fox-wolf. And you and I are back here and where we belong."

"Yes, once across alternate worlds," sighed Seth.

"Who's Camilla Queen?" suddenly interjected Elvira questioningly.

"No one you should know," Seth evaded.

"Oh yes I do, now I'm curious."

"It's an alternate world where everything evolved differently than here," Seth began, "There, an archaeologist named Camilla Queen ordered a load-bearer, a robot. However, it was so that here in our world the belief in us as gods collapsed, there were rifts, there were gods who wiped each other out.

In order to repair everything here, after we realized that we were wrong, we decided to go to this alternative world. At least Isis and Anubis did.

I heard about it and took advantage of an inattentive moment of the two of them and teleported there as well, heard about this Camilla Queen and what she was doing. I also heard that a BigDog Supreme had been ordered from a robotics company and was to be delivered to the Fox Wolf.

I decided to put my body in stasis in a cavern on a planet called Sirius D and to transfer my mind into the electron brain of the robot.

I knew where I wanted the journey to go, and I desperately wanted Anubis and, more importantly, Osiris to return to this world here."

"But what you didn't know was that Isis was going to transfer my memory into this very BigDog Supreme," Anubis added.

"And no one knew that I was already part of it. It started a funny game with a robot Taur, which was called Anubis, was Anubis, but also Seth," explained that one.

"But what no one could have guessed either was that this fox-wolf fell in love with the Taur and let him mount her."

"Wait, the two of you shared a robot body and screwed a she-fox in another world?" indignant Elvira.

"Yeah, that's kind of how it went. However, the whole thing gradually came to light, Isis gave up the game of hide and seek. Osiris was revived, came back to this world with Isis. The Antermerians with the same names stayed in the world there, Anubis and I were transferred back into our real bodies and are here again. This Camilla Queen kept her Anubis-Seth-Taur, which at this point was a living being and no longer a robot due to Isis' manipulations. This one calls himself Anuset and probably has offspring with her. Am I forgetting something?"

"Not really," Anubis mused.

"And this Camilla Queen, was she good?" inquired Elvira.

"Are you jealous?"

"No. What makes you think that. It's just very unusual to be with someone, have them fuck you, only to find out that that same person was in a Taur body in a parallel world, fucking some fucking fox-wolf's brains to a pulp," Elvira got angry.

"Honey! That was before we met, won't happen again, and the sex wasn't planned that way."

"Was it fun at least?"

"No," Seth shouted, while Anubis answered "Yes" at the same time.

"Isn't that a little schism right now?"

"That sums it up," Anubis replied and Seth nodded, "The whole thing was almost full-schism by the end. No one knew who was inside Camilla right now, and she herself didn't either."

"You guys are disgusting."

"No, necessity is the mother of invention, and when you've got trouble on your hands anyway, you might as well think about relaxing in between," Anubis explained.

"I give up on it and I don't want to hear about it anymore. You are here now and you are mine and only mine. Is that clear! Otherwise I'll show you a mess," growled Elvira.

"Very well my plush fluffy lover," Seth confirmed.

"Your lucky. I always carry a knife and your balls are impossible to miss. Is that enough of a clue?"

Seth whimpered softly as he saw his testicles lying on the floor in thought.

"The look on your face tells me it's arrived."

"It is very clear," whispered Anubis, "do you think you are up to it?"

"More than ever before. I have never known myself to be so intensely desired."

"If you need any help, I'll be glad to help."

"Forget it. I have everything you have, too."

"You don't have a knot," Anubis teased.

"Our connection in this Taur has preserved some things that don't belong to a stallion, my dear. I have everything from both worlds."

The Jackal God looked at Seth in horror and said no more.

"Can we go on now, then ...", Elvira started gruffly, but got no further.

"... Can one of you idiots explain to me what you're doing here?" a strange voice suddenly bellowed from the darkness.

Elvira cried out in fright, while Isis closed her eyes and Anubis and Seth took deep breaths.

"Oh, great. That's all I need," Anubis snapped, "Ammit, my sugar-sweet little pet," he cried, playfully delighted.

"Shut up, jackal. The ancient Egyptians may have thought I was on a leash with you. You don't fool me. You left me alone and replaced yourself with a hologram. Do you really think I didn't notice," snarled Ammit, stepping into the light of the torches.

Elvira now cried out in panic when she saw the head and the, teeth spiked, jaws.

"It's all right, darling. She won't hurt you," Seth reassured his lover.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. You already have her soul, so I can have the body," Ammit said, leaning forward and opening her mouth.

"AMMIT!" screamed Anubis, "OUT! PLACE!"

Suddenly the goddess squealed and sat up dutifully. "As you wish master."

"That's why I wanted to come down here alone and get everything ready," blurted out Seth, "That's exactly what I wanted to avoid."

"And now?" asked Elvira in a shaky voice.

"Ammit!", Seth started, "we are here to train this wolf-woman in fighting techniques. Her name is Elvira and she is my beloved partner."

"Say an," Ammit retorted in amazement, "so you're saying you've been fucking a mortal."

"And how and damn well," escaped the wolf-woman.

"When the pie speaks, the crumb is silent," Ammit indignantly growled at Elvira, "You're going to train her and make her a seeker?"

"I plan to."

"You don't have to."

"What do you mean?" interposed Isis, astonished.

Ammit turned to Elvira repeatedly, "You had sex?"

"Yes," the wolf-woman replied.


"What's the point of this question? Do you want me to list what we did now?"

"No. I'm more interested only in whether you drank his semen?" rumbled Ammit.

"Um, yes. Plenty."

"You drank his loin effusion and survived. Then you are now immortal," Ammit stated, "didn't any of you know that?"

"We didn't ask about positions or oral sex," Isis countered.

"Just as Horus' sperm is poisonous for Seth, Seth's ejaculate is leading to immortality for a mortal he has voluntarily chosen. - Was he able to fully penetrate you?" explained and hooked Ammit.

"Yes. To which I was amazed."

"Then you are his goddess now. Only an immortal, a goddess, can take the aroused penis of Seth. All others would perish beneath it."

"But that Camilla Queen survived him, too," Elvira blurted.

"Who is Camilla Queen?", Ammit confronted Seth.

The jackal-mule hybrid explained the past situation to her.

"Then that one is also immortal, but not a goddess. However, she'll never know," Ammit sighed, "You really are the last idiots left in the universe of the gods. You squander your semen everywhere it doesn't belong, without a thought for what you do with it. You are like animals."

"Thank you," Elvira exulted, "that's exactly what I told those two when I found out about that Camilla Queen and what all happened there."

"I like you right now, I'm not going to eat you. What you need is courage. You're too scared. Everything else you already know and don't need training," Ammit said, baring his teeth in a wide grin.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe how that reassures me," Elvira replied.

"How is she going to get more courage," Seth asked, turning to Ammit.

"Don't act dumber than you are, stallion," growled the goddess, "Take her on the next quest and just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. The rest will take care of itself."

"Thank you. That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Seth quipped.

"You asked, I answered, now get out of here or I'll get pissed. - But it was still nice to have you around, especially Anubis," Ammit ended the conversation and disappeared back into the darkness.

"And now?" inquired Elvira.

"We're going again. Who's coming?", Isis stated and turned around.

Elvira and Seth - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Climbing the stairs and standing in the daylight again, Seth looked at Isis. "Well, that was a sentence with an X." "At least I met Ammit," Elvira rebuffed. "Yeah," Anubis started, "she had a reasonably good day. Most of the time...

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Elvira and Seth - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 "Well, this looks quite acceptable," Elvira started as she entered her new home. "The best we can offer," Seth countered, pushing her through the door, "You should settle in and especially show your face outside with the others....

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Elvira and Seth -Chapter 6

Chapter 6 "It's so ... quiet," Elvira whispered. "No. No one can jump out of the bushes this time," Seth reassured her. "Joker, there's none there either." "There is at the oasis, but I don't see anyone." "Then let's dismount at the...

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