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Someone you don't quite recognize from a work party - a bat - seems to be overstaying his welcome a little. And what's this about him being a hypnotist? Hypnosis isn't even real!

A story request for the handsome and charming Nyeogmi ! He also did the editing!

"You have nice eyes, by the way."

You turn. There's a short, somewhat handsome bat, chin on his wing, smiling at you.

"Uhh. Thanks." You say, stretching your neck in mild discomfort. If you didn't know better, you'd think the bat's pupils dilated just a little at the sight.

"I mean it! I see a lot of very nice eyes in my profession, and yours are stunning." The bat says, rapping his wingtips on the table as he speaks, still making eye contact with you. If he weren't a stranger, you'd probably return the compliment - stunningly deep green, and so bright that they stand out from the rest of his body and pull your attention to them.

"Oh, and, uhh, what do you do?" You ask, glancing around the room. It seems your little late-evening get-together for your new colleagues was a success, but people are starting to clear out. Your hyena friend gives you a wave and disappears out your front door, and now it's just you and the bat.

Hopefully he doesn't stick around too long.

"I'm a hypnotist." He says, and you fail to stifle your instinctive scoff.

"What's funny?" He says, though his calm, in-control smile doesn't falter even a little. If anything, it gets wider.

You don't want to be rude to him - he's a guest, after all, and given that he came to your thing he probably works on the same floor of the research building you do, but... come on. Hypnosis? Research? Hypnosis is just placebo - as far as you know, it's not even real.

"Well..." You say, trying to find a polite way to dismiss him. "I, uhh, I've heard hypnosis doesn't really work."

"Oh, you'd be surprised." The bat says, responding unusually quickly to what you said, almost like he didn't even think about it. Or like he thought of a response before you spoke. "Just about anyone can be controlled with hypnosis."

You scoff again. "Yeah, well, key words being 'just about', right?"

He raps his wingtips on the table again. "Is there something about ferrets that makes them immune to hypnosis?" He asks, seeming both genuinely curious and tauntingly smug.

You're a little taken aback. "It's not that I'm a ferret." You say, somewhat pointedly.

"I see! So, you're just special in how much self-control you have, then? See, I find that pretty funny, actually!" He happily responds, as you roll your eyes. This must just be his bit, or something. Maybe he's hitting on you.

"I met someone a lot like you a while ago." He continues. "I think they were a weasel, actually - maybe they were a ferret too! Can't really remember. But anyway, the point is, the had your same attitude. They were so sure that hypnosis doesn't really do anything, until I gave them a little demonstration."

"Oh, mhm." You respond, trying to feign interest as you rack your brain for a way to move this conversation outside of your apartment, and then move yourself back into your apartment.

"He had nice eyes too. But he seemed especially invested in mine. He was going on and on about their color, their size... he was babbling to me about how wide they are. How much of his vision they take up. I think he was an optometrist, come to think of it."

You look back at him, and make eye contact. You can sorta empathize - if this bat has one striking feature, it's those eyes. Like you thought to yourself earlier, they're... striking, to say the least. In the slightly dim lighting of your apartment, they seem to almost glow - and as the sun sets, they only seem to get brighter. It's hard to look at this bat and see anything else. You can imagine if eyes were your field of study, that might be exciting.

What the hell are you doing? Did you just zone out looking at his eyes?

You snap yourself out of it and find that he didn't seem to notice, still chatting away about this weasel he met.

"But just like you, he didn't think hypnosis was real," the bat says.

"I see," you say, dumbly. You're not even sure why you're speaking - you need to be thinking of a way to disengage the conversation. Maybe you can tell him you have an obligation to worry about?

"Of course, he thought we'd moved on talking about hypnosis at that point. He was more obsessed with my eyes. Which I guess is to be expected, even if he wasn't an optometrist. In fact, now that I think a little more about it, I'm not so sure he was," the bat says, tapping his chin and looking up at the ceiling, which creates a dazzling effect as he moves his eyes.

You blink a few times. His eyes are... bright. You find yourself hoping he moves them around a little more, so you can see all the ways they reflect the light as they swivel. To your delight, he rolls his eyes and woahhh. What an effect. It's like every little reflective part of his iris and retina reflect light in a slightly different way, creating a shiny, sparkling green effect as he rolls them.

You blink a few times. You were... trying to talk about something. You must be tired, because you keep losing track of the conversation. You're just glad the bat hasn't seemed to notice you zoning out.

"So here he was, fawning over my eyes-" the bat continues, stirring you from your trance. Not a trance. Stirring you from how zoned out you were. Trance is something else. "-and suddenly, he notices my teeth."

You look down. You aren't sure how you didn't notice it before, but this bat... has enormous fangs. Sharp looking, too.

"Naturally, he was a little frightened at the sight," the bat says.

"I'll bet," you stutter before you can stop yourself. You feel a little embarrassed for blurting it out, but for goodness' sake, those are some intimidating teeth - they're huge, and almost shaped like needles. Thin little fangs emerging from pink gums. You envision yourself being bitten by those teeth and-

"But that passed. In fact, I don't think he was an optometrist at all, because once he got over that initial shock, he was all over those teeth," the bat says, smug. "He wanted to touch them, but I didn't let him, of course."

That makes you a little sad, for some reason. Why the hell are you thinking that you want to touch this bat's teeth? Weren't you... trying to do something else, earlier?

Were you trying to let him show you his teeth earlier? ...No, wait! You were trying to get him to leave!

You open your mouth to speak, only to shut it immediately as he continues.

"Well, not at first, anyway. I just let him stare for a while. Eyes, and teeth."

You glance back up at his eyes. He's looking at you this time, and you feel like you flinch without moving.

"See, what he didn't realize, is that he was hypnotized," the bat says, proudly.

You- what? You want to scoff at the notion. You should. But you've already nodded - why did you nod?

"The whole time, he thought 'oh I'm far too in control for something like hypnosis to change the way I think!' but of course, that's just what his conscious mind was thinking," the bat continues with glee. "His unconscious mind - the part hypnosis lets me control - was all mine. Pretty soon though, he seemed to admit that."

"That sounds like nonsense," you say. There's no way that your unconscious mind can be directly manipulated while you're still completely awake and in control.

"You'd be surprised!"

You feel surprised, though you don't really know why. It's not like you're believing this!

"See, once he admitted it, and he let his unconscious start influencing his conscious more directly, that's when he got to have fun," he says, licking his teeth. You shiver.

Hypnosis didn't make you shiver. You shivered because the teeth were... well, kinda hot. In a weird, kinky way.

"See, I didn't wanna let him touch my teeth until he was downright begging for it - I mean groveling for it. He seemed to find them unbelievably exciting. He obsessed over them. He couldn't take his eyes off them. Just flashing them or baring them at him made him tremble! By this point, I brought him somewhere more private."

Your eyes have been on the bat's teeth for some time. You quickly pull them away. Not because they're doing anything for you, but because you don't want the bat to think they are. You want him to see how different you are from the ferret in the story. Weasel. Whatever.

Unfortunately, the only place to go with them is his eyes.

His dazzlingly deep eyes.

"You're blushing. Are you okay?" he asks, making you flinch for real this time.

"Yeah! Fine," you quickly say, only just now realizing how hot your face feels. You must have been distracted by his eyes, that's all. You didn't notice how... aroused you were. No, not aroused - you weren't aroused, you were just-

"You should sit and relax a little," the bat says.

"Okay," you say, before you can think about what's coming out of your mouth. You're already sitting by the time you get the urge to stand up, and then as soon as it comes, it fades.

You're looking at his eyes again. He's smiling, but his teeth aren't visible. He shifts his mouth just the tiniest bit, and a little pointed piece of white emerges. You jolt slightly. Your eyes lock onto it, and he smiles and tucks it back away.

You realize what you're doing. This- this is ridiculous. You're not hypnotized. There's no way he made you become turned on at the sight of his teeth. There's no way.

"You were saying, about my teeth?" he asks.

"Y-Your teeth." you mumble in response, blushing bright red. It's like your mind can't quite keep up with your body, or... or like your conscious can't quite keep up with your subconscious.

No, no this is ridiculous. He- He just wants you to think that he's in control.

"Oh, my bad! I got you mixed up with that weasel," he says, dismissively waving a wing at you. "The weasel was excited at the sight of my teeth. He obsessed over them even more than he did my eyes. He was just begging to touch them. I could only imagine everything he was thinking about in his head, too. All the ways he wanted to feel them."

You squeeze your thighs together, and quickly pull them back apart. And then together again. You don't want him to notice how... how hard you've gotten. Your mind is filled with nothing but images of those teeth again. You... you wonder what it'd feel like if he bit you. Or gently scraped the tip over your skin, or...

"Hey! You alright?" the bat says, jolting you out of your stupor.

"Y-Yeah! Yeah." you say, squeezing your thighs together tightly in a feeble attempt to suppress your painfully hard erection.

"Oh good. Anyway, yeah, he ended up on his knees begging me to bite him, so I did. That was the end of it," the bat says, standing up abruptly.

"W-Wait!" you blurt out before you can stop yourself. "W-wait, that- that can't be the end of it, what did he do when you bit him?" You don't know why, but you need to know.

"Oh, that's a secret! It's a pretty special little group of people, who I've bitten," the bat says.

Your heart sinks. He can't just leave now. You have to know.

You shouldn't want it this bad, you know that. It's embarrassing to feel this helpless. It's... beneath you. You shouldn't want him to bite you.

But you do. So bad.

The bat's leaving. He's walking toward the door, whistling some weird, jaunty tune.

"W-Wait!" you say, unable to stand, with the bulge in your pants hugging your leg so tightly.

"I- come on, can't you just tell me?" you plead.

"Nope, sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I'm not even sure you'd enjoy it that much. Like I said, this guy was moaning and begging for my teeth before I bit him. I can tell you're not all that interested."

You've hidden it too well. You're torn, now. You... you want to show him just how interested you are, but moaning and begging is way too much - you don't want to moan and beg. You won't do that. That's the line. You won't go that far.

"I-I think your teeth are..." You stop yourself before you say 'hot'. "...exciting, too, though," you say, trying to maintain your level of discretion. "I'm just curious to know what it felt like."

The bat smiles, but keeps his teeth hidden. You manage - just barely - to suppress a little whimper. It was so close that you snap yourself out of it a little, and steel yourself against your still-growing arousal.

"Can I see them again? Please?" you say, immediately regretting it. You didn't want to beg, but that sounded like begging. Why did you beg if you didn't want to beg?

He turns to leave, and you answer your question. Because if you don't beg, he won't bite you. And you need him to bite you, so bad.

"Please, please, wait." you say. "I really- I-" You take a deep breath, as the bat smirks at you. "Can't I see your teeth again, please, at least?"

"You're hypnotized. Did you notice?" he says, turning back around.

You shake your head. You can't be hypnotized. You can't be. You would have noticed.

"Aw, come on. Remember like I said about that weasel? He had to admit it before the fun stuff started," the bat says, wagging his wingtip at you as if to scold you. It hits harder than you expected it would, and you feel your soft little ears folding against your head slightly.

"H-How would I know if I'm hypnotized?" you ask.

"Oh, you're not sure?" the bat says, cocking an eyebrow and looking so incredibly smug. You tremble and hang your head. "Or maybe you're very sure, and you just don't wanna admit it?"

You're silent. You want to look up at his eyes again. Somehow you know they'd make it easier to think, even though you know you shouldn't. You shouldn't look up at his eyes again.

You're looking up at his eyes again. They're gorgeous. He smiles and shows a little teeth, and you gasp involuntarily.

"There you go. There you go," he says, in a different tone of voice. One that makes you shiver and tighten your neck a little. You see his pupils expand just a little as you do. Part of you is worried about that.

"That part of you is asleep," the bat says.

"Okay," you say.

"You're hypnotized," the bat says.

"I'm hypnotized," you say. Finally. You admit it.

"Doesn't that feel so much better?" the bat says, approaching you for the first time since he got up. Your heart accelerates and you shiver in anticipation and excitement.

"I'm hypnotized," you repeat, and sigh in contentment. It does feel good to say. To confess.

"By me," the bat says.

"By you." Dopamine. You shiver in pleasure. You're still painfully aroused. You want to fight this, but you don't even remember why. Why would you want to resist feeling so good like this? Why wouldn't you want this bat to sink his teeth into you?

He bares his teeth at you and you shiver.

"I can see where all that 'excitement' has gone. Excitement from the sight of my teeth," he says, and you nod desperately. Your thighs are spread apart now, your length's throbbing almost visible through your tight pants. "It'll help if you admit it."

"Your teeth turn me on," you say.

"Hmm, getting there. Not quite the whole story," the bat says, and you shrink a little.

"Your teeth- I'm- I'm obsessed with your teeth. I can't look away from them. I- I want to feel them inside me."

"Much better," he says, and you moan. You shouldn't be moaning from this- this stranger's praise. You should be- You should be-

"You should be begging if you really want me to bite you," the bat says, helpfully completing the thought for you.

"Please, please, please. Please bite me," you say, shuddering in your seat. You feel like your pants will rip just from how completely erect you are.

"Stand up."

You obey, bending your knees and trembling, the position of your aroused member making it impossible to stand up straight. The bat walks calmly up to your front, wrapping his leathery wings around your back. Even turned away from the sunlight, his eyes are dazzlingly bright. They glow on their own. They hypnotize you on their own.

"This is going to feel very, very good," he says, and you nod desperately, lifting your chin up and offering yourself to him. This time, his pupils widen and stay like that. "I'm going to bite you, and you're going to go completely limp, and feel intense pleasure. Say yes if you understand that."

"Yes! Yes, please, please..." you whimper, wrapped in his embrace that seems almost too strong for someone so small, so lightweight.

His teeth sink into your neck, slowly. Very slowly. You're pretty sure you've just come in your pants, but the feeling is muted and distant. Irrelevant. A drop in the ocean compared to the feeling of this bat's teeth in your neck. If he wasn't holding you perfectly still, you'd be spasming from the pleasure right now. Your paws still do, as the bat lifts you up slightly. Your toes curl, your tongue lulls out of your mouth.

It's the best feeling in the world. There's no contest. There's nothing that compares to this. You can't believe you didn't want this before. You can't believe that even now, part of you is in denial still.

You listen to the bat drinking from you. It's the hottest thing in the world. Every glug and gulp makes your toes curl all that much more. You're moaning. It's like one long moan that starts over and over again with every gulp.

He sets you down, and you're unsteady on your feet. Thankfully, there's a couch just behind you that he lowers you onto, chuckling at how limp you are. You gaze adoringly up at him, before the clarity starts to fade back in, little by little. He flicks his wingtip over the tip of your tooth, and you flinch.

They're longer than they were before. Sharper.

You have fangs. And judging by the way he's grinning at you, he knew that was going to happen. He... he did something to you. He made you like him.

You should be angry. Or alarmed, at least. Anything than what you are now - floating on a cloud of bliss, smiling dumbly up at him. He smiles down at you, with teeth this time. You shiver and mirror it without thinking, and he cackles.

"Wh-Why am I... why am I so happy with this?" You manage to speak, though it feels silly, and almost wrong to do so. It's like one little insignificant part of you has seized control. You wish you could just snuff that part out and go back to floating.

"Aw, is somebody stuck?" the bat says, taunting you with a gentle chin grab. You want to pull away, but can't. You can't do anything to oppose this wonderful bat.

"I'm... I can't wake." you say, stumbling over your words.

"Do you really need me to tell you why?" the bat says, resting his chin on his other wing and smirking down at you.

"You- You hypnotized me," you say.

"No no, that's not why," the bat says, tapping you on the nose and making you feel heavier.

"Y-you... you..."

"I'll give you a hint," he says, not allowing you to stay on this line of thinking a second longer. "It's not something _I_ did."


"It's something you want."

"I want... I want you to bite me again."

The bat giggles sharply, patting you condescendingly on the head. "That's a good little prey. But that's not quite it either. Come on, use your head."

"I... I want to be hypnotized."

"There you go."

You exhale, and shiver. Those three little words evoke some incredible feelings in you. You feel small, and docile, and... owned.

"You've got very nice teeth now, and I'd love to fill you in on what that means for you, but I've gotta go!" Your heart sinks. "But I'll be back. And you'll be perfectly safe while I'm gone."

You feel completely reassured, as the bat leans down and locks eyes with you again. Then you feel completely... a lot of things.

"In just a moment, I'm going to tell you to sleep. And when I do, you're going to close your eyes, and lay across this couch, and fall completely into a deep sleep. You won't wake until you hear my voice, and only my voice, telling you to rise. Say yes if you understand that."

"Yes." The word reaches your lips before your mind.


It's morning, and you left your phone at your friend's place. You can't believe it. Desperate to grab it before work (lest you be trapped at work with nothing to distract you) you change your jog's route to his apartment to grab it. You even picked up some donuts on the way over, just to be nice.

Having been there just the night before, you find his apartment's door pretty quickly and give it a good knocking. "Hey dude, it's me! I left my phone." Silence. "Dude?"

You're pretty sure he didn't leave already. His scooter was out front still, you made sure. Hesitantly, you try the knob. It's unlocked. The curtained billows silently in front of you from a window left wide open, and you spot your ferret friend laying limply on the couch. He must have fallen asleep cleaning up and subsequently overslept.

You shut the door behind you and quietly cross the room to shake him. You hadn't planned on eating these donuts by yourself, after all.

He doesn't respond to your shake at all. He's really out. Like, really out. Even shaking him around a little more doesn't seem to do anything.

You chew your lip a little. It's a bad habit, so you stop. At this rate, your friend will be late for work. As much as you'd love to just let him sleep for a while, you feel a moral obligation to wake him up.

But how?

You glance over to the breakfast nook. You could probably get a glass of water, as a nuclear option.

You chew your lip a little more. It's an option. Just an option.

Turning back to your unconscious ferret pal, you instead try to tickle his belly a little. You pull his shirt up and really get in there with your claws. Not even so much as a nose wrinkle. You instead try feathering your fingers just over the tips of his belly fuzz.

A snore. Hmmm.

You glance back to the breakfast nook.

No, no. Let's not go that far.

You up your hand behind his head and try to sit him up. He's as limp as a corpse, and as such, pretty difficult to deadlift. You drop his head and it plops back down onto the couch cushion with a quiet snore.

You hook your hands under his armpits and grunt in effort as you heave him up to a sitting position. His head rolls forward and hangs low, drooling slightly onto his lap. Not even a snore this time.

You start to get a little worried at this point. How asleep can one person possibly be? Did he drink too much?

No, his breathing is steady, deep, and quiet. He's just... a heavy sleeper, it seems like.

You pull on his legs so he's sitting on the couch correctly now, and push him back into the cushion behind him. His head rolls back to face the ceiling, and he mumbles something.

You like to think of it as progress, if only to push the increasingly tempting glass of water out of your mind.

You tap your foot and pace around a little. Despite your "progress", your list of ideas was growing worryingly shorter and shorter.

"Buddy, wake up," you whisper into his ear. "Awaken. Rise."

He stirs just a little. You freeze.

"Rise. Rise," you say, silently acknowledging that you're being a little superstitious here before also acknowledging that you're dealing with something borderline supernatural.

Both sides of you agree to disagree, and you feel silly.

Oh, and he completely ignores you the second time.

After a bit more pacing, another idea comes to your mind.

You raise your hand up, trying to get a good angle on his upward-facing head to give him a light slap. You put your hand back down. You simply don't have the nerve to slap your friend.

A quick glance over to the clock makes you realize that you should probably slap your friend.

Not hard! Well... not harder than it need to be. It won't sting for longer than a bit. No big deal. Just slap him. Just slap him. Come on.

You do not slap your friend.

Instead, you gently get your thumb onto one of his eyelids and pull it up to get some light into his eye.

It's slitted, and the moment the eyelid is pulled back, it locks onto you, and widens.

With a feral hiss, your friend lunges at you, your gasp of surprise being the only sound you can make before his teeth sink into your neck and you find yourself spasming and jolting. He's drinking the blood right out of you, and your vision grows dark around the edges after just a few swallows. You lock eyes with him again, staring into the slitted, feral gaze as he bites down slightly harder onto your neck. His eyes flash.

Then you aren't sure what's happening. Aren't sure who you are, even. Or why you're here.

The ferret continues to suck loudly on your neck. That's okay. It doesn't bother you. You're pretty comfortable, actually.

You manage to focus your eyes on his again.

Another flash.

You're laying on the floor. You feel... sleepy. Tired. There's a paper bag in your hand, half-crushed. Your donuts. You brought donuts here, because-

It all comes flooding back to you, and you sit up with a gasp. You glance to your right, and your ferret friend is curled contentedly on his couch, snoring.

You glance to your left, and a very amused-looking bat is sitting, watching you. Before you can speak, his wingtips cup your chin, and his eyes flash, and everything is fine. You are asleep. You stand up. You sit beside your friend.

"Rise," you hear the vampire bat say, making you blink rapidly.

"Not you," he says, glancing over at you, sending you right back down to where you were. Even deeper, maybe.

Your friend is sitting beside you now, drooling on himself and staring at the bat's eyes, just like you.

"You bit your hyena friend," the bat says, and the ferret nods. You must be the hyena friend. Yeah.

"Do you know why?" the bat asks, and the ferret shakes his head. You don't know why either, but he's not asking you.

"Are those donuts?" he asks, his eyes suddenly on you and seeming that much brighter. Your words are gone, and you can only nod.

"Oh, nice! Good job," he says, taking the bag from your hand as you offer it to him. He quickly digs through it, and, finding a jelly one, licks his teeth. Your ferret friend shivers heavily and starts drooling a little more.

"Anyway. Thrall, food," he says, nodding to the both of you in turn. "Let's get you both orientated."