Melt Me

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You're a fox hypnodom - or, at least, you want to be. It isn't easy to break out of the sub stereotype associated with being a fox. A chance encounter with a wolf at a hypnosis kink party changes everything.

My longest story to date! It was supposed to come out around Valentine's day but got buried under more important stuff.

Chapters begin with -1-, -2-, -3-, and -4- for quickly finding your place!



"Hey cutie." Purred a bulky bear with a musclegut peeking out from under his shirt, swirling his drink in his cup. "You wanna play?"

You smiled shyly, trying to keep your frustration beneath the surface. "No thank you." You said, curt and polite. "Just here to observe."

This sort of thing happened a lot. You didn't really blame the bear sauntering off to go look for a partner - you were a fox, leaning against the wall at an erotic hypnosis party, and, well... people were usually quick to assume that foxes were subs. It wasn't that you didn't sub ever, of course, it's just that this time you were determined to spend the party conscious, and to watch how the doms did what they did.

What you didn't really expect was to be getting occasional curious looks from the other guests. You tried not to let it get to you.

"Well, well." A large naga hissed, drawing many eyes, including yours. "Look what we have here."

Lounging comfortably in his thick coils was a handsome grey wolf, casually reaching over to a nearby table to set his drink down.

"See something you like?" The wolf growled seductively, seeming to pointedly be making eye contact with the snake at all times. He was eager for it, ready for it. You watched in anticipation, unaware that most of the rest of the party was also watching the display, equally excited.

"I think I do, little pup, I think I do..." The snake hissed, beginning to gently gyrate his chest and widen his smooth, shiny hood. "Mmm, and I can already feel you relaxing." The coils around the wolf tightened slightly, forcing a quiet huff from the muscled wolf and causing him to squirm just a little.

The snake hissed in dominant pleasure, placing his hands on the wolf's shoulders as his coils wrapped tightly around his chest and arms, binding him thoroughly. The wolf stared up at the snake's eyes as they began to swirl and glow, and you found yourself panting slightly as you watched the wolf's eyes start to slowly glass over.

Abruptly, the snake began to move his coils, adjusting his grip on helpless wolf. Before your eyes, he organized his mess of draped coils into a tight, orderly spiral around the wolf, squeezing down on him firmly and flaring his hood wide. The wolf let out a soft, low moan, and you felt yourself tent. Thankfully, no eyes were on you.

The snake's eyes flashed so brightly that even though he wasn't facing you, you still saw it. The wolf moaned again and sank deeper into the coils, which eagerly accepted him up to his neck. The snake hissed in satisfaction, smiling down at the wolf's absolutely adorable and sexy "zonked" face, complete with his tongue lulling out. You bit your lip. Fuck, what a hot sub.

The transformation was what got you the most. So handsome, so confident, so in control, and then... that. Drooling, panting, whimpering, whining. Fuck, it got you hard as a rock. Glancing around the room, you weren't alone. The bear that had just solicited you was leaning over a couch nearby, stroking at an impressive bulge through his pants as he watched.

"Now..." The snake said, gently running a few fingers over the helpless wolf's head, drawing another soft whine from him, "What do you say when someone makes you feel as good as you do right now?" He asked.

"Thank... you..." The wolf whispered, only to let out another whimpering moan as the coils tightened once more.

"Thank you what?" The snake demanded, his swirling and pulsing eyes reflected in the wolf's mindless stare.

"Thank you... Sir..." The wolf said, getting another bright flash as a reward. Their face melted into one of intense pleasure as the snake whispered something you couldn't make out, flicking his tongue in the wolf's ear and making him squirm and whimper and moan even more. You quietly chastised yourself for not getting closer, so curious now about what magical words could make someone look like that.

Before you could work up the nerve to approach, the snake leaned back, loosening the coils and gently shifting the wolf around, seemingly trying to help him get his footing.

"Come on up now, knowing you did so well, knowing you've pleased me and everyone else here..." The snake said gently, quietly, as the wolf blinked and yawned and looked around the room. You unconsciously crossed your legs slightly, slightly ashamed at just how aroused you'd become at that simple display.

"Such a good boy, all the way up now. Feeling me pulling you up, just to a nice, comfortable spot where you can rest and wake yourself up..." The snake continued. The wolf let out a gentle sigh and stretched, smiling up at the naga and leaning in for a tight hug. He gave the naga a quick kiss on the cheek as the naga lifted him up and out of the coils, setting him down on his paws and whispering into his ear. The wolf reached up and pulled him in for another quick kiss. The audience around you erupted into applause, startling you. You hurried to join them as the wolf and snake both took a bow.


The display had awoken... strange feelings in you. You were strangely... jealous? Jealous of the both parties. You were pretty in touch with your sub side - more so than you wanted, arguably - but seeing how deep and pleasurable that wolf looked wrapped up in those coils, part of you wished that you could be satisfied doing nothing but that.

On the other hand, you knew you weren't like that. You wanted to explore being on top. The way that naga just walked- er, slithered - up, took what he wanted, not only commanding the attention of the hottest wolf in the room, but of the room itself... You couldn't help but wonder if that was something one was born with. Something you were born without. Cursed to eternally seek to dominate and control, but forever without the tools to do so...

"Hey." A familiar voice said, making you flinch and look up from your drink.

The grey wolf from earlier was leaning against the wall with you, water bottle in hand, smile on his face. "You alright?"

"Oh! Yeah, uhh. Wow, it was amazing, watching you go under!" You awkwardly said. The wolf smiled wider.

"Thanks! Yeah, Zach's a sweetie, and he's always a treat when he comes to these." He said cheerily, taking a quick swig of water. "Glad you liked it! He really is a natural performer. I'm Ryan, by the way."

"Silas." You said, offering a hand, which the wolf seemed content to shake. "So, uhh, you come to these things often?"

"Oh yeah. No better way to spend a Friday night than getting your mind melted, right?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, uhh, yeah, I guess so." You replied awkwardly. To your surprise, Ryan picked up on it.

"Oh, are you a tist?" He asked, seeming to light up a bit. You shifted slightly in place and nodded. It wasn't too dishonest. You'd hypnotized someone before, just... online. And you'd read a lot of literature. Just hadn't done it in person yet, that's all.

"Oh wow! I'd love to sub for you, if you'd like?" The wolf offered, stunning you with his eagerness. You floundered slighty, and then caught yourself and nodded.

"Uhh- Uhh, yeah. Okay." You said. The wolf looked so... excited. Eager.

"Here? Or, in a private room?" He asked.

Thank fuck he'd done this before. You had no idea there were private rooms.

"A private room sounds perfect." You managed to say without your voice cracking, much to your amazement. The wolf raised an eyebrow at you, and you realized with a small spike of dread that you probably looked slightly amazed.

Thankfully, the wolf didn't seem to mind. He lead the way, wagging his tail behind him as he cut across the main room and toward a narrow hallway.

Every eye was on you. It hit you like a brick wall.

Of course. Every hypnotist in the room had their eyes on that wolf, after that little display. Just like you, they all were fantasizing about what they'd do if such a hot subject approached them, and now, they were all wondering what you were going to do.

You let out a shuddering breath through your nose. It was even worse when you thought about the wolf's expectations. A sub like that could have any 'tist in the room, and they just so happened to pick you. Or, rather, to pick you next. No doubt, there'd be another after you tonight. You'd probably be his worst experience of the night.

God, this was a mistake.

The wolf slowly pushed the first door in the hallway open, peeking inside to ensure it was unoccupied before smiling back at you and gesturing for you to follow. You did so somewhat stiffly, somehow managing not to start hyperventilating even as the wolf closed the door behind you and gave you a seductive smile.

"I'm all yours." He growled softly. "Where do you want me?"

You felt just a tiny rush of excitement surge through you, in the opposite direction of your anxiety. All yours.

"The bed, please." You said, your eyes drifting downward as the wolf turned and walked to it slowly, his tail swishing seductively behind him. He even made a show of swinging his legs up as he rolled onto his back, gaze filled with lust and excitement and fixed directly on you.

"Now, uhm." You said, your anxiety resurging as the beginning of the trance seemed to loom over you. Even after all your reading, just getting started seemed... impossible. "Uhm." You repeated, awkwardly walking closer as the wolf relaxed himself onto the bed.

He closed his eyes, waiting patiently for you to begin, seeming to grow even more eager as you hesitated. If his tail's wagging speed was anything to go by.

Eager for you to begin. The induction. The start.

Oh, fuck, you had nothing. You were choking. You were blowing it. Forget being his worst experience of the night, you weren't even going to make it that far. You'd barely be a hiccup, let alone an experience.

You gently lowered yourself down onto the bed, watching the wolf and trying desperately to just remember an induction you'd done online, or one that'd been done to you. You couldn't even think of how those started - all you could think of were deepeners.

"I've gotta get myself some of these sheets." The wolf said, abruptly.

"Wh- what?" You asked, much more breathily than you intended.

"These sheets. They're incredible." The wolf said, letting out a quiet sigh as he stroked his hands over them, as if he was making a snow angel. "I'd heard of high threadcount but this is just... wow. Really something else."

You reached down and felt.

"Oh, holy shit." You said, stroking your fingers over it. It really was silky smooth.

"Right? Like, gosh, these must be like... bed enthusiasts' sheets, or something." The wolf said, eyes still comfortably closed.

You snorted. "Bed enthusiasts."

"What? I'm a bit of a bed hobbyist myself." Ryan said, stretching out slightly.

"Oh yeah?" You humored him. "You do some occasional sleeping?"

"I dabble." The wolf said with a shrug.

"Hmm, maybe I should give it a try." You said, tapping your chin thoughtfully.

The wolf pushed himself up into a sitting position.

"I definitely recommend it." He said, sounding like he was just barely on the edge of a chuckle.

"So, how long have you been a bed hobbyist?" You asked.

"Beds? All my life. Sleeping, though, only since high school." He said. "One of the theater kids had a thing for... lullabyes?" He said.

"...I think the metaphor is falling apart a little bit." You said. The wolf laughed, and you involuntarily let out a sigh. That was the cutest laugh you'd ever heard. It was deep, definitely a laugh from the chest, but it had a wonderful intonation to it made your heart flutter just a little bit.

Keep it together, Silas.

"But yeah. High school was when I got started as a sub. My first boyfriend was a theater kid. Improv, a thing for projecting his voice, really into long monologues - kinda makes sense he was a 'tist when you think about it." Ryan said, sighing with nostalgia.

"Same, actually." You confessed. "Theater in high school."

Not a LOT of theater in high school. Mostly set building. But some acting! It counted.

"No shit!" Ryan laughed. "I swear, you guys are just, like, the type."

"I believe it." You said with a light chuckle. "All the pieces are there."

Ryan reached into his pocket to check his phone, yawning as he did. "Oh man, it's not even late and I'm this tired. Woke up early this morning."

"Oh yeah? You, uhh, heading out?" You asked, unsure whether to be relieved or disappointed.

"Yeah, sadly. I'd probably pass out on you if you started trancing me." He said, shifting your feelings slightly more towards disappointment. "Hey, I'll make it up to you though. Can I get your number?"

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Uhh, yeah, of course!" You said, as Ryan tapped at his phone to bring it to the contacts screen. You froze as your mind drew another blank.

You gave out your number so sparsely, you couldn't remember it.

Casually, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your own phone, just to check it. You could remember the first three numbers, just... not the last four. It'd been a while. Thankfully, Ryan didn't say anything as you, erm, refreshed your memory. You at least shielded your pride a little by making it sound like you weren't just reading it off.

"Alright, awesome. I'll text you when I'm free." He said, running his fingers along the sheets one last time. "Really nice to meet you, Silas!" He said.

You... liked when he said your name, you thought to yourself as you walked him to the door.


Your phone buzzed. It didn't usually do that, so you were taken by surprise.

You'd received a text. Not a spam text, either, which was remarkable.

"Hey! I've got a free moment, you wanna get some lunch?"

Oh. It was a wrong number. Right?

Who had you given your number to recently? Someone from work? You cycled through each of your coworkers. None of them had earned the incredible prize of getting an offer to hang out with you.

Awkwardly, you typed out "Uhh who is this?" and waited for a reply.


"It's Ryan! We met at a hypnosis party two weeks ago and you gave me your number. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you in a while!"

Oh shit. Ryan. You'd totally forgotten. Two weeks seemed like an eternity. You'd spent the first three days checking your phone five times a minute waiting for a text and had, after scolding yourself that you were getting too excited, clingy, overeager, and a whole thesaurus of other words meaning "really hoping he'd text you soon", forgotten about it. Some time around day 9.

Oh shit, you had to text him back now. Lunch? Lunch sounded great!

But who would pay? Was this a date thing? You were both guys so it wasn't like a "guy pays" situation. Top pays? That seemed... somehow, vaguely sexist. Like, it implied that women weren't usually on top, sorta.

You were definitely overthinking this now. Not to mention getting ahead of yourself.

"Oh hey! It's Silas." You typed out. You quickly deleted the "It's Silas" part when you realized that he already knew who you were, since he texted you first.

"Oh hey! Lunch sounds awesome, what time?" You typed out. Should you ask where first? Having the time didn't make sense if you didn't know where.

"Oh hey! Where were you thinking of going?" You typed out. Was that too direct? Was it possible to be too concise?

Fuck's sake, Silas, just send the text.

You sent it.

"Dane's Diner?" He responded almost instantly.

Dane's? It had been a while. You had a soft spot for it, greasy and cheap and just as awful for you as it was tasty. It honestly sounded amazing. Delicious chain restaurant breakfast garbage.

"Oh hell yeah dude!" You typed out, and sent. "The one by across the street from the movie theater?" You typed out, and then stopped to briefly consider looking up the address. Was it normal that you navigated by like, landmarks? Like you could piece together a map of your town if you really needed to but like, when you thought of Dane's, your mind immediately said "go to the movies but turn left instead of right at the end." That wasn't weird, right? No way it was weird.

You sent the text.

"Uhh, I think so?" Ryan responded.

Fuck. It was weird.

"Yeah! That one." He responded shortly after.

"What time?" You sent, perfectly in sync with Ryan sending "11:30?"

Like an hour from now. That was fine.

"11:30 works for me! See you there." You sent.

"<3" He replied.

Your heart was racing. Just a little, but enough that you were simultaneously excited and embarassed by your level of excitement. You peeled out of your clothes, carefully leaving your phone on your desk as you hurried into the shower. No better place to simultaneously center yourself and become clean.

Under the warm stream of water, you felt like you could think a little clearer. You took extra care running your fingers through your hair as you thought of how to style it. Was this a date? It was totally a date - you were going out for lunch with a hot guy. That's literally what a date is. Like, literally, that's the definition of a date.

But what if he just wanted to hang out? Is hanging out a date? God, straight people have this so much easier. If two people of the same sex go out to lunch it's hanging out, and if they're opposite sexes, it's a date. Simple. Concise, even.

Okay. Push the shower thoughts out. Gotta focus. Do hairstyles differ between dates and hanging out? They had to, right? Like, maybe not by a lot, but at least by a little.

Oh God, how long had you been showering?

You scrambled out of the shower and in front of your mirror, flexing slightly and smiling awkwardly at yourself before you got to styling your hair. Something about styling your hair nude and wet made it slightly more fun.

After much deliberation, flipping it back and forth and running fingers through it and glancing repeatedly at a bottle of gel that you used for professional interviews and nothing else, you decided to use the gel. Couldn't go wrong by looking too good, could you?


Your first thought when you saw him walk in, scanning over the crowds of seated people until his eyes settled on you, is that he looked gorgeous.

Your second thought is that you had severely overdressed. He was in a cute hoodie and you were in a button-up. God, you even had a belt on. Why did you dress like you were coming out for an interview for an executive boyfriend position? Were you going to stand up and shake his hand?

"Hey!" He said, sitting across from you and pulling you from your negativity-induced stupor. "So great to see you again, Silas! Gosh, love how you did your hair." He said. Your anxiety, at least a good chunk of it, evaporated.

"Thanks! Uhh, yeah, I don't usually do it this way." You awkwardly replied.

"Oh yeah? What's the occasion?"

You froze, until you saw his quickly widening smile.

"Uhh, yeah, you are, of course." You said, gracefully accepting the smooth line he'd so blatantly set up for you, and just barely managing to resist the urge to run your fingers through your meticulously styled hair.

He placed a hand on his chest and acted flattered, before picking up his menu.

"Do you know what you're getting?" He asked, stroking his chin fur and flicking his eyes back and forth over the menu.

While you'd been waiting, you'd painstakingly gone through the menu and decided what you wanted to get, so when the waitress came by you were both ready to order. Your indecisiveness wouldn't stop you this time!

"So Silas!" Ryan said. "What have you been up to?" He asked.

"Oh, uhh." Gaming and work. "Been keeping busy." You said. "Mostly work." Mostly gaming.

"Oh, nice, what do you do?" He asked.

"Oh, uhm. I work in an office." You explained, unhelpfully. "I, uhh, do IT."

"That any fun?" He asked, as your drinks were delivered. Coffee for you and water for him. You distantly remembered that he was drinking water at the party, too. Dude loved his water.

"It's got a lot of down time." You said, with a shrug. "A lot of small fixes with a gap in between."

"Well hey, paid down time is pretty nice." Ryan said, and you distantly nodded. There was a few moments of silence, and then he spoke up. "So, I guess I owe you some zonk time."

You did your best to swallow the coffee in your mouth before you spoke. You did a good job, mostly.

"Uhh, wow, yeah, that'd be really awesome." You said.

"What kinda stuff do you like to do?" He asked, resting his chin on his hands, looking at you with a kind of eager excitement that you made you squirm slightly in your seat.

"Uhh. Sensory play? Mostly. Really into that stuff." You said. It was the first thing that came to mind. "Uhh, sorry if that's a little... generic."

"Not at all, I love that stuff." He said. "Any particular kind of thing you like to do with it?"

You drew a blank. You weren't even really sure what the question was asking. You opened your mouth to speak, but didn't get that far.

"Actually - no spoilers." Ryan said, saving you. "But you do have me curious. How'd you get in to this stuff?"

You let out an anxious breath. This was someone who had been doing it in person for their entire adult life, and even slightly before that. Meanwhile, you didn't have any real experience. You felt dirty, like you'd led him on. You weren't what he wanted. You weren't what he thought you were.

"I, uhm." You stumbled. "I... started with books. And, uhh, online... stuff. Files, and stuff."

"Oh, nice! So, started sub side, then?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. Mostly. But, uhh, I wanted to try domming too, so, uhh... I read a lot of books, and uhh, zonked one or two strangers online. With mixed results." You explained, instantly regretting that you added that last part. "And then, uhh. I started wanting to do stuff in real life. I figured just observing would be best, since uhh, I wasn't really sure how much of the theoretical stuff I knew translated into like... real life zonks, I guess."

The wolf's eyes widened slightly as he realized what you were skirting around. You felt your heart sink. Then, his smile was back, just as he'd left it.

"Have you had a chance to give a try yet?" He asked.

You swallowed dryly, and shook your head.

"Well, let's try something right now, then! See how much carries over." He invited, and you reeled slightly.

"Uhh, what?" You managed to say after some light sputtering. "Like, right here?" You leaned in. "In public?" You whispered.

As if to accentuate your point, the waitress set down your plates, and you both thanked her, though only Ryan was suave enough to do so with eye contact a smile. Your eyes were still on his, as they returned to matching your gaze.

"Why not? Just something real quick, real light. I respond better to a softer voice anyway. Just whisper, nobody'll notice." He said, a excitement in his eyes that lit a fire in you.

"Uhh. Okay." You said. "I guess just, uhh, lean back and relax for me." You said. "Just a bit. The leaning, that is. The relaxing, well, I think I'd like you to do a lot of that." You began, slightly amazed as your mind continually supplied you your next line. "Even more than that." You added, and the wolf let out a cute sigh.

"You can close your eyes, if you'd like. That makes it a lot easier to focus on my voice. Even though it's quiet, you still find it easy to listen to, easy to follow." You said, picking up speed a little. "And of course, with your eyes closed, it's easier to focus more on your other senses. It'll get even easier to focus once you relax a little more. Go ahead and sigh, and you'll feel the difference." You said. You squeezed your thighs together as he sighed and slumped forward a little more. He was breathing slower now, looking almost asleep.

You were hard as a fucking rock.

"You're asleep." You said. "Just like that. Sleeping, and listening. You're already so close to being completely in trance. You're sliding there, slipping into that comfortable state of altered consciousness, and by now you can do the rest. You'll be there by the time I time I finish counting down from... five, to one. Do you understand? Just nod."

He nodded. Fuck, you were doing this, and fuck this was hot. You glanced around the diner, and were relieved to see that no eyes were on you or your seemingly very sleepy friend.

"Five. Four. Three." You began, lifting your fingers up, near to his slightly twitching ear. "Two. And... One." You snapped. "Down. Into trance."

You could see it. Just a little twitch, and he started fucking drooling onto the table. You blushed brightly and gently gripped his wrist. "Come on up, now." You said, glancing nervously around. Looking sleepy was one thing, but drooling like that - well, it was fucking hot, you never knew you could be this hard - but it was also a lot less socially acceptable. This wasn't a hypnosis party.

Ryan blinked and yawned, rubbing at his eyes slightly and wiping the drool off his chin. He focused his eyes on you and his smile fueled a roaring fire inside you. It was... impressed, pleased, aroused, but even better than that, it was... submissive. Excited. The kind of look that told you "there will be more of this" with no words necessary.

He quickly wiped up his drool with a napkin, and laughed. Your heart fluttered, slightly.

"That was really good!" He said, and you felt your blush deepen twofold. "Like, wow! There's no way that was your first face-to-face, right?"

"Uhh, it was." You said, sipping awkwardly at your coffee before shoving some food in your mouth as you covered your face with your other hand. Ryan, too, began to eat, but every time your gaze your returned to him, he still had that incredible look directed right at you.

"That was really good! Really really good. Loved the way you made the fact that you had to whisper a key element, like, making the trance stronger with a limitation like that." He happily continued, at a volume that was probably reasonable, but seemed twice as loud as it should have been. "Really good stuff, dude!"

"Shh, gosh, Ryan." You said, nervously glancing around the diner again, as you giggled slightly. No eyes were on you, of course, but you still felt like they were. "Glad you, uh, glad you liked it."

"More than liked it." He said. His eyes said the rest. You squeezed your thighs together again.

His compliments didn't let up. He ate fast, but he kept getting distracted from his food as he seemingly thought of more things to say he liked about what you thought was an entirely unremarkable induction. He didn't even stop when the check got dropped off, which you found slightly mortifying.

More than anything, though, you were unbelievably proud. You were so proud of your simple induction, you were embarassed that you were so proud of it. Ryan took that as a great sign that he should keep going. He even touched on your "tist voice."

"It's really good. Love how you like, drop down an octave." He said.

You didn't even notice you did that.

"Oh, shoot." He said, suddenly, as he checked his phone. "Guess I got time dilated a bit." He said, which you were pretty sure was a joke.

"Gotta go?" You asked, struck with a sudden sadness that your date was suddenly coming to an end.

"Yep. Sorry, gotta split quick." He said, standing up already. "Promise me I'll get another session with you soon, though?" He said, grinning down at you.

"Uhh! Uhh. Yeah." You said, blushing again. "I'll be in touch." He said.

"Nice! See you soon, hopefully." He said, hurrying off.

You sighed contentedly, and reached for the check, only to find it missing. You looked around, and, not finding it on the table, just barely spotted Ryan paying it at the front counter before he darted out the front door.


You spent the next few days working up the nerve to text him. The day after seemed way too soon, even though you really wanted to. You reread your completely mundane conversation with him probably a dozen times to get your dose of "social interaction" and managed to wait. The next few days were easier, until you got to a point where it would probably be okay if you texted him.

Then began the slow, steady process of working up the nerve to actually do the deed. To actually text him.

To ask a hot guy interested in you out on a date.

It shouldn't be this hard, you thought angrily to yourself. You already know he's into you. Just invite him!

Just do it. Just text him.

Okay! Fuck.


You slumped onto your couch, staring intently at the text conversation, as if hoping that if your look was intense enough, a smooth and seductive text would manifest itself out of fear.

This shouldn't be this hard.

Okay. Just start with "Hey!" You can't go wrong with just that. Then something like "Wanna meet up?" It's to the point.

Wait, is it? "Meet up" is kinda ambiguous.

Well it's not like you're trying to get him to like, sign into an appointment. Texting him "Come over to my house so I can hypnotize you!" isn't wrong, it's just... sterile. You're talking to a cute guy! Be seductive! Be suave!

"Hey! I'm free this weekend, when do you want to come over?"

No, no. You're implying that he's already agreed to come over there.

Well, he has, but-

You pounded your palms into your head and hissed in frustration. You were doing it again: overthinking every little word, dwelling on minutia so microscopic that normal people slide their eyes right over it and don't give it even a first thought.

"Hey, I'm free this weekend, you wanna spend some time together?" You typed out, and, without letting yourself think on it for a moment, sent.

You waited, holding your breath, in anticipation. Still unread.


You released your breath and looked around the room, and then back to your phone.

Still unread.

Ryan, please, pick up your phone already, you were suffering here.


Minutes went by. He still hadn't read your text. Should you text him again? That - that wouldn't do anything. You already texted him once, and he didn't read it. Sending him another text would just make it so when he DOES pick up his phone, he'd just read BOTH your texts, back to back. Literally no point!

Unless... he didn't hear it buzz the first time. Maybe he was in the shower or something, and sat down afterwards and didn't check it. It wouldn't be impolite to text him again in like... half an hour, right? Just to be sure?

What if you texted him something unrelated. Like, "Oh, by the way, this thing happened - crazy, right?" Like, a conversation starter, but more like...

No, no, that's so transparent. I mean, come on, the first thing you sent was supposed to start a conversation, albeit a fairly utilitarian one. Trying to start a second, unrelated conversation, with the same person, thirty minutes later, is the biggest signal of "I have nobody to talk to!" that you could possibly send. No thank you.

You buried your face in your hands and sighed. Ryan gave you butterflies. You hadn't felt this kind of genuine stirring emotion since... you didn't even know when. It was so new, so exciting, it made you feel things you had forgotten you could feel. More than anything, it was just so... real.

You just didn't want to mess this up.

You set your phone down and forced yourself to take a shower. If he responded to you while you were showering, you'd reply when you got out. More than anything, you were forcing yourself to relax and slow down.

Warm water running through your fur always helped you calm down.

You flopped yourself out over your bed, still slightly damp and completely nude. The relaxing freedom of lounging around in the nude didn't stop you from reaching over and checking your phone a few seconds later, but it was nice. Now you just had to kill time until he texted you back.

However long that would be.

You sighed.

Your phone buzzed, and you practically threw yourself off your bed lunging for it.

"Hey Silas!! I would LOVE to meet up today. 7pm - my place?"

His place.

Holy fuck. Okay. Yeah.

"Sounds perfect. Can't wait. Uhh, can you send me the address?" You typed out, and reread probably fifty times for before mentally punching yourself and sending it.

"Sure thing!" He replied, followed by an address you immediately looked up. He wasn't super close to you - probably a 20 minute drive or so with good traffic.

You really wanted to keep texting him. Just hearing him talk about anything sounded nice, but you couldn't think of anything worth his time to talk about. You ended up just sitting there, staring at your phone, wishing he'd say more. He was probably busy.

You laid out over your bed again and got to thinking as the butterflies stirred up. This was it - you were really gonna do it.

You needed an induction.

Something very simple - he knew you were new to things, and wouldn't mind something basic and consistent. After all, creative, cool inductions are always fun, but really fun part is when he's actually deep and you can do whatever you want to him.

Huff. "Whatever you want to him." You let those words roll around in your head for a bit before you got back on track.

Something simple. You could do that, easily. No sweat.

I mean, hell, you already did it once! Just do... whatever you did, again. Which one did you use at Dane's?

Oh, yeah, the whole "close your eyes and listen" thing. That was really good. You could hardly believe it was improvised.

You were just going to do the most basic induction you could think of, the most basic there was. Relaxation, and counting him down. You couldn't possibly screw it up.

Ryan pulled the door open, and looked so genuinely excited to see you that you that the butterflies you had just driving to his place multiplied tenfold.

"Silas! Come on in, please." He said. You glanced downward and spotted his tail wagging behind him, very quietly slapping against the doorframe.

God, he was cute.

His place was also cute. Cleaned up, dimly lit, and featuring an extra-wide couch that looked perfect for some one-on-one zonk time.

"So great to see you again! Can I get you something to drink?" He asked, popping the fridge open glancing through it. "Water?" He offered, pulling out a bottle for himself.

"Oh, sure." You replied. Hydration was important. Your heart was quietly racing in your chest, but the quiet of the conversation was quickly slowing it down to an acceptable level.

"How was your day, by the way?" Ryan asked, flopping backwards on the couch and cracking open his water bottle, before handing you yours.

"Oh, uhh." You began, thinking back on your pathetic morning and setting the bottle on the coffee table. "It was... fine."

"Nice! I had work all day, couldn't wait to get home." He said, his eyes alight with excitement. "Are you ready to go, by the way?" He asked.

You felt your mouth get a little drier as you nodded.

"Alright. Melt me." He said, stretching out and closing his eyes.

You felt your heart flutter with arousal. What a wonderful way of wording that.

You looked down at the relaxed, eager wolf, and a cold feeling washed over you. You did your best not to let your smile falter as you did your best to recall your induction. The cold feeling grew and your heart sank into your chest as it dawned on you that you'd done it again.

You'd forgotten. You'd forgotten your induction. It wasn't even a complex one, but you couldn't remember the beginning.

Just for a moment, he cracked an eye open and peeked up at you, before shutting it again.

"Did you work today, by the way?" He asked, abruptly.

You blinked, the gears in your brain whirring as your train of thought was swapped out for a new one. "Uhh, no, I didn't."

"Oh, nice. What do you do on your days off?" He asked, eyes still closed.

"Play games, and stuff." You answered. "Nothing too special." What DID you usually do on your days off? Did you really just spend them sitting around playing games and watching videos?

"Same! Although honestly, on a day like today, I'd probably just be listening to files." He said. "You can sit, by the way." He said, gesturing to a chair beside the couch, his eyes still closed.

You graciously took a seat.

"What sort of files?" You asked.

"Hypnosis files." He replied.

You chuckled nervously. "I know that - I meant like-"

"Oh, like- yeah, what stuff. Uhh, today? Probably something really horny. Tentacle fantasy or something." He answered, sighing softly.

You stirred slightly. "I think I might know the exact one you're talking about."

If you were correct, it was a file all about feeling long, muscular, slick tentacles feeling and groping all over your body. Heavy sensory play - your favorite.

"Oh yeah? The one from zonkbijn?"

That was the one.

And you could remember how it started.

"I really love how it-" Ryan started, until you abruptly stood up and quietly shushed him. You could see his clawed fingers curl into the couch, in anticipation for what was coming.

"No more talking now. Just quiet breathing. Just focus on me, on what I'm saying - calm, quiet, like a steady stream flowing into your mind." You began. "Focus only on my voice, flowing steadily, trickling into your ear and slowly filling up your head, flooding your mind."

Ryan shifted and let out a slow, shaky sigh.

"It's very relaxing, this feeling. It's a trickle of consciousness, it's a slow, inevitable waterlogging of your mind. It feels good to let this feeling build and build, and open yourself up to it more and more. You can control the flow, just a little bit - you can open yourself up to it, let it turn into a wider stream - a stronger flow, that gently washes over your mind and fills up your head just that much faster."

Ryan's mouth began to hang open slightly. He was a talented subject - in truth, he was doing most of the work dropping himself - and the feeling of your steadily increasing power over this wolf began to slowly dawn on you.

His body relaxing, his breathing getting slower and slower, ears twitching as you spoke, soaking up every word. You felt arousal you'd never felt before in your life.

"Try your best to move your chin, just a little. Wiggle your jaw as much as you can, just to feel that warmth in your head slosh around just a little." You suggested. He obeyed, and let out a shuddering sigh. You capitalized. "Your head is halfway full now. It's so nice and heavy, so very warm, and it's slowing you down more and more."

He arched his back slightly, and sighed. You had subbed enough to recognize the motion to be a VERY good sign.

"Just breathe, just relax - and as you relax more and more, you can let that stream widen and widen, filling up your head just a little faster, the stream of my words slowly surrounding and permeating your mind and your thoughts." You said. "And as your mind becomes completely waterlogged, as your thoughts become muffled through the warm liquid filling up the space between your ears... everything just-" you snapped your fingers, and he flinched, "-clicks, into place."

His body rapidly relaxed, seeming to deflate and sink into the couch.

"Good boy. Very good." You said, the sudden tenting in your pants becoming slightly painful as you throbbed with excitement. Your eyes glanced up and down his completely relaxed body, hovering on his own excitement tenting his pants slightly as you thought of where to go next. He looked like he was asleep, but you knew he was fully attentive, fully focused... only on you.

"Goood boy..." You growled softly, just to see his ears twitch and his body shiver slightly. "You enjoy being called that, don't you? The little rush of pleasure you feel, just from being called a good boy by someone who's in control of your mind?"

"Mmhh..." He moaned, softly.

"You can speak, if you'd like." You said, leaning over the armrest so your face was just above his. "You love being called a good boy, don't you?"

"Yeaah..." He slurred, and the tent in your pants tightened once more.

"And it just feels so good to give in, and let me control your pleasure, doesn't it?"



"Of course it does. That's why, when you hear me call you a good boy, or hear me snap my fingers," you snapped, to demonstrate, "-just like that, a warm rush of pleasure will wash over your body."

You snapped your fingers, and he squirmed slightly, and panted a little more.

"Ten times more." You said, snapping them again, and reveling in his more lively reaction: squirming more, making a cute, suppressed moaning sound, curling his claws into the couch some more - so, so fucking hot. Your eyes darted to the pronounced tent in his pants, and you quietly stepped closer, gently pressing a finger to his chest and slowly dragging it down.

That, too, elicited a shiver.

"You're feeling very good, I see." You growled, licking your lips. "Would you-" You stopped yourself. You didn't want to suggest that he'd like physical stuff, which you hadn't agreed to, but... you hadn't forbade it, and he seemed to enjoy your touch plenty. "How would you feel about me undoing your pants?" You asked instead, hoping it was more neutral.

"Good..." He mumbled.

"You'd enjoy if I could play with your dick a little, as I kept talking, and kept hypnotizing you?" You asked.


It was all you needed to hear. You tried not to make it obvious how much your hands were shaking with excitement as you unbuttoned them and slowly dragged the zipper down, very gently squeezing his hard dick through his underwear with your other hand. He shivered as you did, and you immediately responded by snapping your fingers again.

"Ten times more." You said, as he groaned and clawed the couch a little more, humping the air. You couldn't stop yourself from licking your lips.

"Such a good boy," a shiver, "so very receptive, so very suggestible, so completely hypnotized." You said. He nodded, and you realized how much he was drooling. You rewarded him by giving his dick a few more strokes through his underwear, and snapping your fingers again by his ear. His moans grew louder, and he humped into your hand in a way that tempted you to just keep going and finish him off.

"I have a treat for you." You said instead, trying not to pant. "You've been such a good boy," his cock twitched in your hand, "and now, I'm going to make you feel even more pleasure."

You leaned in close. "When I press my lips against your neck, it will feel so warm... so very warm. It'll leave a spot of warmth there, a spot of warm pleasure that will stick. And every time you feel pleasure, it'll run through that spot, and it'll multiply your pleasure ten times over. Do you understand that?"

"Mhmm... think... so..." Ryan mumbled, drooling considerably.

"Good boy, very good..." You purred in response, before slowly bringing your lips down and planting a warm kiss there. He shivered as you did, and you made sure to rub it in, lewdly making out with his neck. By the time you pulled off, your tongue was still connected with a thin string of saliva.

"And now... when I snap my fingers..." You began, panting hard with excitement. You were at first embarrassed by your own excitement, but it occurred to you that Ryan was probably driven into higher highs of lust as he subconsciously mimicked you. Tone of voice was important in hypnosis, after all. "When I snap my fingers, you'll feel it. So much more pleasure, all thanks to that little mark on your neck, that warm wet spot..." You let it hang in the air, letting him anticipate it, build it up, until...

Snap. A jolt, his body literally flinching as he let out a needy whimper. Of course, you snapped again, just to revel in his reaction some more

"Good boy." You said, as he writhed and panted. "Good boy. Such a good boy." You whispered, snapping again, and again. Without warning, you pressed your muzzle against his neck once more, and planted another wet kiss on his neck, right beside your first. He whimpered and whined as you made out with his neck once more, and his whimpers only grew louder as you reached down to pump at his dick, finally deciding it was time to free his hard dick for your full enjoyment.

You pulled his underwear down, gently squeezing at his fuzzy balls before pumping at his hot, exposed length. Meanwhile, you reached your free hand just beside his ear, for the finale.

Snap. Snap. Snap. "Ten times more." You whispered, as he feverishly humped your hand and clawed up the couch, whimpering and whining and making a mess of drool.

Snap. Snap. Snap. "Getting closer, so ready, so overwhelmed with pleasure, that on my count, you'll release, you'll cum, HARD." You urged him, talking fast, keeping up the momentum. "On my count."

"Five." Snap. "Four." Snap. "Three." Snap.

Without warning, you felt him release, spraying himself with white as he let loose with an adorable, submissive whimper. You dropped the count immediately, instead focusing on snapping over and over again, watching him reel and squirm and shoot rope after rope over himself. His tongue lulled out of his mouth, and he went completely limp on the couch.

If you didn't know better, you'd think you'd killed him.

You stood over him, watching him slowly wind down from the orgasm, his breathing steadying to a slow, relaxed rhythm.

Time for an awakener. You sucked at these.

"Okay, Ryan, you did very well, very very well." You began. "Time to come up. Go ahead and open your eyes, let the room come into focus..." You began, watching him to ensure he obeyed.

He did, of course.

"Feeling very good, not holding any suggestions you don't want to hang onto, feeling awareness flowing back into you, like cold, crisp air."

He blinked sleepily and slowly sat up, smiling dumbly at you.

You anxiously wrung your hands. "Uhh, how do you feel?" You asked.

"Good." He answered.

"Come up just a little more, please?" You requested.

"Okay." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He blinked a few times, then smiled at you, wider. "Wow." He said.

"Good?" You asked, eager for praise. Needy, even.

"I'll say! Hehe." He said, stretching and glancing down at his drool puddle, and at himself. "Gosh, I made a total mess. You mind if I uhh, change into something fresh real quick?" He asked, blushing slightly. Seeing Ryan blush felt... out of character, somehow.

"Of course!" You said, looking around before taking your original seat. Your eyes continually glanced between Ryan's drool puddle and his still slightly exposed sheath, until he pulled his pants up and hurried off to his bedroom (presumably).

Then you were left alone, in silence.

Your mind went through the whole trance over and over again. Every little detail, every little stuttered word, every little half-executed idea.

Then, to the beginning. Forgetting your entire induction, again. Stage fright.

Some theater kid you were.

Ryan returned, looking snazzy and fresh. He smiled at you again before hurrying past you to the kitchen, to grab a paper towel for his drool puddle.

"Wow, you really got me drooling." He commented as he mopped it up. "I must have been even deeper than I thought I was."

Always, with the compliments.

"Ryan, uhm." You said, curling up slightly. "I- When I-" You stumbled, drawing a concerned look from the grey wolf. "At the beginning, when I messed up, and stumbled, again, you- did you-..." You huffed in frustration, and buried your face in your hands to center yourself. "Did you start talking because I was panicking, again?" You asked.

You knew the answer. Of course he was. He saw you floundering it, just like the party, and did his best to salvage the situation before you screwed things up, just like the party.

"Huh?" He responded, tilting his head slightly. "Naw, I just get chatty when I'm excited, is all." He said. "Drives some 'tists crazy."

You wanted to believe him, but you just... didn't. You knew he was just trying to make you feel better.

"C'mere." He said, stretching out across the couch and patting beside him. You suddenly understood why it was so wide.

Reluctantly, you got up, and laid yourself out in front of him. He wrapped an arm around you and held you tightly, pulling you into a warm cuddle.

"You did a great job, Silas." He said, quietly. "I really, really enjoyed that. You should be proud of how great that was."

You remained silent. You felt like you were going to cry. What the hell was wrong with you?

"You did an amazing job. I can't believe you're new to this - that was a better induction than some people do even with years of experience."

"Thanks." You breathed.

"You okay?" He asked, squeezing you a little tighter. "Did you have a good time?"

"I... yeah." You responded, slowly. "I like... being on top. I really like it." You said, emotions welling within you. "I always kinda thought that I would. I mean, I started sub - I think, like, almost everyone does - and that was great, I enjoyed it. But suddenly it was like, oh, hypnosub fox."

Ryan sighed and squeezed you a little tighter.

"Like, I was just railroaded into being the sub fox forever. Even online, people always saw it as a gimmick. Like a dom fox was an 'escaped sub' or something. When it was just... me." You vented.

God, you were breaking down. You were the guy who cries after sex. The kinky equivalent of sex.

Ryan squeezed you again.

"You did amazing." He whispered. "I enjoyed myself so much, I hope you'd be willing to have me again some time."

"Of course." You responded, instantly. You swift reply reassured you more than anything Ryan could have said, you realized. You wanted to do this again. You wanted to EXPLORE this, because you enjoyed it.

"Your voice is really hot, too. I usually dream about my 'tists voices, and I'm looking forward to that." He whispered. You trembled slightly as tears ran down your face.

Ryan didn't seem to notice, though he did hold you slightly tigher.

"I'm pretty sleepy." He mumbled into your ear.

It was the last thing you heard before you passed out in his warm embrace.


Your work productivity must have been cut in half. Your previous light daydreaming had been completely intensified and hyperfocused on thoughts of Ryan. In the time it took to read one email, you'd probably spent at least 4 minutes just thinking about the way his chest slowly inflated and deflated as he breathed, how the muscles beneath tensed his shirt, how it felt to hold his...

Hell, make that 10 minutes.

You NEEDED to see him again. Preferably, soon.

And yet, every time you picked up your phone, a wave of anxious hesitation swelled up to push your fingers away. Sure, your first trance together went well - very well, even, given that it was more or less your first time.

But it was far from Ryan's first time. He had experience, and as a result, no doubt, taste. As proud as you were (or wanted to be) of your performance, there was a sinister part of you that was eager to remind you that someone with as much experience as Ryan had had better. Probably much better, many times.

It was also quick to use your little breakdown - "dom drop," Ryan had called it the next morning, assuring you it was total normal and he was even ready for it - as a perfect excuse to dismiss any and all praise he'd given you.

God. Maybe it wasn't even that good of a trance after all.

A quick mental image of Ryan's teeth gritting as he sprayed himself down with cum gave you the lifeline of at least being sure it was a good sexual experience. You clung onto that.

Your phone buzzed on your way home and your heart leapt up into your throat. Feeling self conscious, you tried not to rip your phone from your pocket to see if it was from who you were hoping. Lest the strangers on the sidewalk vaguely near you learn that you were desperate.

Ryan was calling you. Part of you was concerned that he hadn't opted for a text, but you quickly reassured yourself that it the medium he was contacting you on probably had no meaning.


You answered it.


"Silas! I really want another session with you - what's your schedule look like?"

The sinister part of you was stomped into a paste, momentarily.

Another session. Soon.

He wanted you.

He wanted you.

"I'm get off work around now, usually." You replied. "No work fridays or saturdays."

"Do you think you wanna do something later today?"

Something today. It was so sudden, you weren't sure you'd be ready in time. Then again, you hadn't really felt ready any other time, even given days to prepare yourself. You could wing it.

"Silas?" Ryan said, stirring you from your anxious calculations.

"Yes! Uhh, yes. Let's do today. Can you stay the night?" You asked, before instantly biting your lip and wondering if you've overstepped your boundaries.

"Of course!" He replied almost instantly, making you seriously doubt whether any of your insecurities were really justified.

You told yourself you wouldn't even make up an induction this time, and just wing it like you did last time, since it worked so well. However, as you spent some time sitting around, you found yourself unable to resist the temptation, and you sorta planned one out. Just the beginning of one, at least, so you'd know how to get started.

It didn't help you feel any more at ease, though.

You'd spent the entire afternoon pacing around your place, anxiously looking at yourself in the mirror, cleaning anything that looked vaguely dusty or messy, and wishing you hadn't told him to come so late, before reminding yourself that him coming late gave you more time to prepare, and you couldn't have known how long you'd actually need to-

Your doorbell rang, and you felt your whole body lock up, and a cloud of butterflies awaken in your stomach. You hobbled your way to the front door and took a long, deep breath. Then another.

"If I keep breathing like this I'll zonk myself." You joked quietly to yourself, if only to warm up your vocal chords.

Finally, you grabbed the knob and pulled it open.

Ryan smiled and lifted up a box of something and a set of mugs.

"Hey, Silas! I brought stuff for hot chocolate, for afterwards." He said, talking slightly fast like you'd come to expect from an excited Ryan.

"Oh! Awesome, uhh, come in, come in!" You urged him, stepping aside and feeling slightly self conscious of where your eyes drifted as he trotted past you and gave a whistle.

"Cozy bachelor pad." He said, making you blush slightly. Bachelor pad was right - you didn't even have a couch, just an office chair and a bed.

"You can set the hot chocolate stuff down in the kitchen. Uhh, on your left." You said, closing and locking the door and following behind him.

"How have you been, Si?" He asked, causing your brain to freeze for a moment or two. Pet names. Did that mean you were dating? Was that too fast?

"Uhh, good, uhh- R-Ry?" You replied, getting a laugh from the wolf as he stretched. "You wanna lay down?" You quickly asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, yes please. I've been anxious to feel what a fellow bed enthusiast's sheets feel like." He said. Your face contorted in brief confusion until you recalled your embarrassing first night together and broke out into laughter. It seemed like a silly thing to think, but you definitely had changed since then, for the better.

Ryan crawled up onto your bed and stretched out with a sigh, gently gripping your sheets and closing his eyes. "Ohh yes. Very nice." He said.

You walked around to the other side of the bed and laid beside him, slightly surprised when he gently wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into a low-effort snuggle.

"Oh, before I forget. I downloaded a couple shows onto my phone that we can watch after too. You could probably put them on a laptop or something, if you wanted a bigger screen, or like, transfer them to your computer and move one of the monitors closer-"

You brought a finger to his lips, and he quieted, his absolutely stunning blue eyes locking onto yours in eager anticipation.

"Shhh." You whispered. "I'm looking forward to the rest of the night. But for right now, I think you just need to focus on relaxing for me."

He shuddered and laid back into the sheets, head on your pillow, eyes closing. You propped yourself up so you could keep whispering right into his ear.

"Yes, just like that. I can see your breathing starting to slow down, slower and slower, until it finds that nice, comfortable pace, happening all on its own, taking absolutely no effort from you at all. It's as if the air is flowing in an out of you, completely on its own, effortless..." You whispered, watching down the length of his body as your words began to take effect. You hadn't even noticed that he'd kicked his shoes off, but now you were treated with the sight of his toes curling slightly within his socks.

"And now you'll take a nice deep breath in for me, and hold it for a moment, and then sloooowly let it out..." You whispered, squirming slightly as your pants began to tent slightly. Ryan kept following along, sighing and seeming to sink deeper into your mattress.

"And you're feeling yourself sink a little deeper with every breath now, just relaxing so, so much. Relaxing so, so deeply - feeling like your whole body is becoming lighter and heavier at the same time. You feel like you're a warm, fluffy cloud, drifting freely, the sun on your face, completely and totally relaxed." You continued, the words flowing from you with ease. You were amazed at your own performance, but rather than worrying your inspiration would suddenly end, you felt your confidence only growing.

"And you're almost there, almost completely enveloped in this feeling, now. Feeling nice and comfortably warm, and just beginning to dip down now, starting to sink, starting to float gently downward. You can feel it in your stomach, just a little, like when an elevator starts to move, that gentle lurch downward." You whispered, biting your lip hard as Ryan let out a long exhale and seemed to melt into your sheets slightly.

"And you're falling now, slowly, gently, but definitely in free fall. Down and down, falling right down into that gentle, soft state of trance. And you'll be there, so comfortable, so soft, just after my count - just when I reach zero. Falling all the while, and dropping right into that warm trance on zero. Do you understand that, Ryan?" You whispered into his ear, straining to keep your volume level as the excitment and arousal began to rush through you.

"...yeah." Ryan whispered back, matching your tone subconsciously and doubling your arousal. You quickly and quietly undid your pants with one hand as you adjusted your position on the bed, to give your sheath some breathing room. Ryan's nose twitched, and you bit your lip again. Keep it together, Silas. Almost to the fun part.

"Now, falling from ten, nine, eight..." You began, matching your counting with the pace of his breathing and marveling at the results. His body was completely limp. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was deeply asleep, but you could tell he was listening to you. Enraptured by you. Under your control. The rush of power and control drove you forward and got you harder than you could describe.

"Seven, six, five..." You continued, slowing as his breathing did, nearly stuttering as you watched his eyelids twitch slightly. He was so deep. You'd brought him so deep.

"Four... three... two... one..." You dragged them out, giddily curling your toes as his breathing matched your pace automatically. "" You finished, with a sharp snap of your fingers. Ryan flinched, and then melted into a blissful, relaxed state. Trance. A very deep one, by the looks of it.

"Gooood boy, Ryan. Good boy." You purred into his ear, causing him to pant slightly. "I... want to kiss you. Would you like that?" You asked. He swallowed.

"...yyeah." He mumbled, shortly after.

"Where would you like me to kiss you, Ryan?" You asked. In a way, it was a test. You wanted him to give you an answer that wasn't just mindlessly agreeing, so you could know more confidently that he really did want this.

"...l-lips..." He replied, making you throb in your underwear. He definitely wanted this.

You pushed yourself up more, and leaned over him to bring your lips to his. You knew he was relaxed, limp, as soft and docile as he could be, but feeling it - really feeling it - was something else. It was a lot like how you imagine kissing someone deeply asleep would feel. His tongue couldn't move to meet yours, his lips didn't tense, or react to yours at all. You could feel the warm breath from his nose gently grace your cheek, and could hear the quietest little whimper, but otherwise, he gave no reaction. It was... magical.

"Does that feel good?" You half asked, half suggested.

"Mhmm." He hummed.

"Good boy." You went for another, more boldly pushing your tongue into his mouth, sucking on his lips, gently scratching under his chin. Part of you just wanted to keep making out with your deeply hypnotized little wolf, but you had much bigger plans.

"I'd like to touch your cock now." You whispered, getting a small, aroused twitch from the wolf. "Would you like that?"

"Yes." He replied, breathily.

You licked your lips and slid a hand down his chest, feeling his muscles through his shirt as you drew closer to your real prize. His pants were already tented from your zonked makeout session, and undoing them to free his tented underwear was easy to do even one-handed.

After a moment to build up the nerve, you slid your hand under his underwear and onto his hot, hard dick. You pulled the underwear down as you went, leaving his length standing straight up, dripping with hot pre and eager for your attention. You couldn't help but let out a shuddering sigh, eyes fixed longingly on his gorgeous length.

You were going to suck this wolf off. The decision was made in an instant. All it took was one look at that dick, and you knew you wanted it in your mouth. You were in complete control of this wolf, and if you wanted his dick in your mouth, you'd have it, and you'd make it dommy somehow.

The loud, shameless, guttural moaning sound he released as your lips wrapped around his tip and your tongue lapped up all the salty pre reaffirmed your decision. You looked up at his face, watching his tongue lull out of his mouth, his breath become ragged panting as you worked your magic on him. His mind was immersed in a sea of fuzzy bliss, and you were turning it into a sea of hot pleasure.

"Listen to me carefully." You said, momentarily taking a break but keeping his pleasure going with one-handed strokes. "You're so deeply hypnotized right now. You've listened to my suggestions and commands so well, you've followed along perfectly." You stopped to lick a thin stream of pre rolling down his length, making Ryan moan and tremble and fueling your power rush.

"Because of how wonderfully compliant you've been, what a good listener you were, and continue to be, I'm rewarding you." You explained. "You're being rewarded for your good behavior. And all you have to do to keep earning this reward is to repeat after me."

Ryan nodded, and you felt yourself trembling. This was something right out of your deepest fantasies.

"I am hypnotized." You said, clearly as you could.

"I'm... hhypnotized." Ryan said, so deep he was having trouble forcing the words out.

"I am being rewarded." You continued, giving his length another long lick immediately afterward. The wolf shivered.

"I'm being re-hahh... rewarded." He repeated.

"Pleasure is the reward for obedience." You said, rubbing him faster.

"Pleasure is the rewa-haaahh- the... reward, for obedience." He repeated.

"Now, Ryan, I want you to keep repeating. Just that line. 'Pleasure is the reward for obedience.'" You instructed. "Each time you do, your pleasure will be magnified. Twice as much pleasure for every time you repeat it. Do you understand that?"

"Yessir." Ryan slurred. You smiled.

"Go ahead."

You resumed your ministrations, as Ryan began to chant his mantra. You made a game out of making him interrupt himself, trying to time your biggest tongue strokes with vowels and turn them into moans.

"Pleasure is the reward for obedience. P-Pleasaaaahh- pleasuure. Is the reward for obedience." Ryan mumbled, as a thought occurred to you.

You pulled off his dick and crawled over him, your own length hanging between his thighs as you leaned forward and lifted his shirt up. You couldn't pull it all the way off of him, but you could at least expose his bare chest. Your canvas.

Ryan frowned slightly, his eyes still closed. He repeated his mantras clearer and louder, seeming to think that he was doing something wrong to make his pleasure stop. You felt a little guilty, really.

You brought yourself back down to his dick and resumed your work, cherishing each and every little noise your wolf made. You traced a little circle into his abs with one finger, loudly sucking and slurping on his length and reveling in his obvious enjoyment and relief.

It didn't take long for him to grit his teeth, grip your sheets, and throb in your grip as you pushed him over the edge. His faded away into needy whimpers as his tip erupted with thick wolf seed. Rather than swallowing, though, you pulled off of his tip, pumping at his shaft and pushing it down against his belly as he came, hard. He painted himself with thick ropes of cum, as you panted and whispered praises to him.

"Good boy, Ryan, such a good boy."

His eyes were open now, half-lidded and slightly crossed. You giggled at the sight and crawled forward so you were on top of him, your tip pressing lightly against his fuzzy balls as you began to lick his mess off of the his pecs. The delicate movement of your warm tongue caused him to giggle slightly, and you got to feel his whole body relax after its brief tension.

"Theeere we are. Good boy, Ryan, very good boy..." You whispered. "That probably brought you up, at least a little, but I'm not finished with you quite yet, so now..." You gave his belly a long lick, savoring the taste of your efforts. "I'd like you to focus on relaxing once more, falling right back down into that nice, pliable state you were so comfortable in before..."

His head slumped back down into your pillow as you spoke, eyes closing once more. He was such a good, obedient subject. It was almost a shame you'd already gotten him off once, and couldn't reward him again.

At least you could make him feel good and soft as you cleaned him up. You kept whispering your affectionate praise, sprinkled with induction-y bits to ensure that he was feeling just as soft and pliable as he was during your makeout session. You took your time, too - you had a lot to lick up, and you wanted him good and deep like before.

"Such a good boy, Ryan." You hummed to him. "Such a good, docile wolf. Feeling similar to how you did before, now... Like you're back to being a soft, fluffy cloud, drifting lazily through the sky, warmed by the sun. Indistinct, fluid, even. Just completely relaxed, spreading yourself out with no tension anywhere in your body."

He responded by making a slightly gargled mumble of confirmation that you took to mean you'd done very well. He was right back to feeling like a soft pile of fur, just how you wanted.

One thing did take you by surprise, though. A point of heat, pressed into your belly as you leaned over him. You glanced downward, and were amazed to see him back as half mast. You'd always taken him to be the insatiable type, but this was astonishing.

You had the chance to give him a proper reward after all, you thought gleefully to yourself as you gripped his length and gave it a few experimental strokes. It had only been a few minutes since his last orgasm, but the way he throbbed readily in your grip, you knew he was sready for a second round.

"Ryan." You whispered. "You're doing so very well for me. Such an amazing subject. I have a reward for you."

He made a sound somewhere between a needy whimper and a moan of acknowledgement.

"The next time you hear me snap my fingers, you'll feel your cock become magically linked to mine. You'll feel everything you do to me as if it were happening to you. Do you understand that?" You said, slowly. "It'll feel like you're pleasuring yourself, everything you do will be done just the same to you." You repeated, cutting him off as he tried to open his mouth to answer. You made a mental note not to do that in the future. Save questions 'til the end.

He nodded, and you snapped, just next to his ear. You felt a little bad when he flinched, and hoped it wasn't too loud on those sensitive ears of his.

Pressing forward, you kicked your pants off completely and crawled all the way up his body, sitting lightly on his chest and hanging your vulpine dick just in front of his nose. He gave it a long sniff, drooling slightly at the smell, before giving it a soft, experimental lick. He sighed contentedly, and you realized that to make this really work you'd have to cheat a little.

No shame in that. It was more fun for both of you.

You leaned back slightly, pushing your dick closer to his mouth and allowing you to position one hand near his dick, ready to copy whatever he did to you as best you could with your fingers. Your suggestion would easily do the rest.

Ryan didn't wait long before diving in. The only hesitation left was his shivers of pleasure as you mimicked every wet lick, every loving kiss, every hot breath (as best you could) with your fingers. He didn't tease you for long before starting to really give you a proper blowjob.

"Such a good boy, hahh..." You moaned, humping his face lightly and making sure to pump at his shaft in the same timing. He moaned and mumbled something into your dick, and you had to stop yourself from saying "don't talk with your mouth full." You wouldn't get that cheesy. At least, not on your third date.

Ryan's mouth was a hot, wet bed of pleasure. You knew he was an experienced sub, and you probably should have expected his oral skills to match his skills as a subject, but even so you couldn't have prepared for his masterful tonguework.

You were already close, but thankfully you could feel Ryan completely synced up with you, rapidly approaching that edge. You humped his face a little faster, trying to keep praising him but finding most of your sentences falling apart into pleased moans before the end.

Unable to hold back any more, you gripped Ryan's head tightly with one hand and vigorously pumped his shaft with the other, pumping the biggest load you'd ever had right into his eager mouth. You weren't sure whether to be impressed or just aroused at just how easily he swallowed every thick spurt down.

He came just after you did, spurting another few thick ropes up onto the back of your shirt. You momentarily regretted not taking it off before dismissing the thought and burying your full length in Ryan's mouth, your knot popping into place behind his lips, panting heavily as he finished swallowing your load and began to diligently clean you off.

You just sat there, enjoying the feeling of his tongue lazily sliding over every bit of you, the quiet sound of his swallowing, the hot breath from his nose ruffling the fur below your belly.

After a few moments of blissful afterglow, you pulled your mostly soft length free, biting your already sore lip when you saw it connected to his face with multiple strings of spit. You wished you had a camera for that one.

Rolling off of him and laying back down in your original position, you gently wrapped your arm around him and pulled him in close, if only to make whispering into his ear easier.

"You did so well, Ryan, so well. It's time for you to come back up now." You said, doing your best to project yourself. You knew from experience that a gently whispered awakener could be about as effective at pulling someone up as a deepener. "On my count, you'll feel yourself gently rising back up into awareness. Nice and slow, taking your time to wake up fully and completely. Do you understand me?"

"Yess." Ryan mumbled.

"Good boy. One, two, three..." You began, racking your brain for a good awakener to use. "Taking a nice deep breath now, and feeling like the air is cool and crisp. Like your first breath on a foggy morning. You can feel it fill you up with awareness, enough that your eyes are easy to open and keep open."

To your relief, it worked superbly. His eyes fluttered open and he looked, exhaustedly, up at the ceiling.

"Four, five, six. Blinking a few times for me, and stretching yourself out. Flexing your muscles a little, feeling yourself reassert control over your body. Go ahead and sit up a little, and shake out the cobwebs in your head." You continued.

He slowly sat up and gently shook his head, then let out a big, adorable yawn.

"Seven, eight, nine. Almost completely awake now. Able to move and think on your own, able to stand up and walk around if you wanted to. It's okay to feel a little groggy, as long as you're feeling awake and aware."

He nodded absently.

"Ten." You finished, unsure what else to add. "How do you feel?"

"...Sleepy." He added, after a pause. "Tired. A little sore."

"...and good, I hope?" You asked, a pang of sudden anxiety piercing through you.

"Oh yes. Very good." He replied. "Gosh, that was just. Wow. I just mean... wow. Gosh." He said, giggling slightly and laying back down.

"Don't slip back into a trance, now." You said, half joking.

"Gosh, that was just... that..." He said, trailing off.

"Wake up. Awake and aware, Ryan. Come on, you can do it." You chuckled, squeezing him into yourself gently and getting a pleased hum as your reward.

"Sorry. I guess I was pretty deep. Really deep." He mumbled, happily, as he returned your snuggles.

"I could tell." You purred, giving his shoulder a nuzzle. "You were adorable."

"Gosh. Just... so good. So vivid, and... and... wow." He mumbled, earning another chuckle from you.

"Gosh, Ryan, you sound totally out of it. Are you sure you're awake?" You teased.

"I- I thought I was." He replied, sounding genuinely unsure.

"Just teasing you, silly." You said, giving him another nuzzle. "You're awake, you're aware. Just need to focus."

"Focus..." He mumbled, and you broke into another fit of giggles. Post-trance Ryan was the cutest thing ever.

"C'mon, Ryan! Focus now, awake and aware, wide awake." You paused for a moment, thinking of what might help center him. "Do you wanna make that hot chocolate?" You asked.

"Oh, yeah." He said, sleepily. "In a few minutes..."

You huffed in mock frustration and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before laying back down next to him and sighing.

"Any thing about the trance you wanna talk about?" You asked. "Did you have a good time?"

"Oh, that was... so good. Yeah." He said, dreamily. "Gosh, yeah. So good. You- you were so... creative."

It wasn't the word you had expected.

"I honestly had no idea what was coming next, and gosh, every... every new... thing, that happened. Just got better and better than the, like. Than, uhh..." He trailed off, getting tangled up in his words while you giggled beside him.

"Gosh, you must have been deep. I've never heard you so scrambled up." You said.

"Yeah, really scrambled." He mumbled.

"And really cute."

"And really cute." He repeated. You snorted.

You snuggled with Ryan for a little longer before he was finally feeling awake enough to want to stand up. You walked him to the kitchen, both of you bottomless, and helped him find everything he needed. He promised he'd do his best not to drool into it. You told him that was all you asked of him.

He had his own special mix for the hot chocolate, which you were very much looking forward to trying. Thankfully, "making hot chocolate for two" was one of many things on Ryan's resume, and it wasn't long before you were both curled up under a blanket on your bed, sipping at the best mug of hot chocolate you'd ever had, completely nude. After all, it was warm enough with two furry bodies snuggled up under a blanket.

Ryan introduced you to one of his favorite shows, some weird comedy/adventure thing about a bat detective and his weasel partner. To be honest, you weren't really paying attention. You were much more focused on the incredible taste of his hot chocolate and the indescribable sensation of laying in bed with someone you had such strong feelings for.

"Hey, Ryan?" You asked, quietly. He carefully freed a hand from under the blankets and tapped the screen to pause the show.


"Why... did you choose me? At the party." You asked. You weren't really sure where the question came from. Of course, it had been on your mind since that day, lingering quietly in the background, but you weren't sure why you thought now of all times was the moment to finally ask.

Ryan nervously scratched the back of his head. "Uhh, no judgement?" He asked, which only further piqued your curiosity.

Of course, you nodded. "No judgement."

"You, uhh, heheh..." He began, uncharacteristically nervous. "You... sorta look like one of my exes." He said.

You laid in stunned silence, and then gave your hot chocolate another sip.

"...Really?" You asked, after realizing he wasn't going to continue unprompted.

"I mean- not like, not exactly like him. It's honestly just a few little things! Like, uhh, the tips of your ears, and..."

You found yourself anxiously reaching up and playing with the one of your fluffy ear tips.

"I mean, that was the reason at first. I saw you standing around, looking a little lost, and more than a little hot, and uhh... I mean, I just figured I'd give you a try, I guess." He explained, in a way that made you feel surprisingly... bad. Worse than you would expect for being called "more than a little hot."

"But- I swear, all it took was a few minutes in that bedroom to make me want more than a hookup." He quickly said, which quickly pulled you right back out of that little downward spiral you'd started to fall into.

"O-Oh?" You asked, trying and failing not to sound too hopeful.

"So, I guess if you're asking why I chose you at the party, that's why. But if you're asking why I chose to call you back after the party, then, uhh... the most I can say is that it wasn't a hard choice." He said, once again looking uncharacteristically flustered.

You were careful not to spill your hot chocolate as you pulled him in for a kiss.


All eyes were on you, and your sweet, grey, wolf boyfriend. You had him laying up against you, your favorite position that let you whisper hypnotic commands right into his ears, between gentle little bites that you knew drove him wild.

The rest of the party seemed to have quieted down, everyone enraptured by a little performance of back-and-forth teasing that had quickly escalated to play. It seemed like every dom in the room wanted a piece of Ryan, and every sub in the room wanted to BE Ryan. They watched in rapt attention as you wrapped your arms around the wolf and gave him a gentle squeeze.

"Are you ready?" You whispered into his ear.

You'd never felt more confident. Ryan turned his head and gave you an equally confident smile.

"Melt me."

Closet Space

Today was your third day as Dr. Faustus's live-in assistant. She'd called you to her office and explained, politely and succinctly, that from now on you'd spend your off hours living and working in her home. You had, of course, immediately agreed to...

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Mind If I Take That

You'd wandered outside, struck with the sudden desire to go for a walk. Now, you were hopelessly lost. The familiar roads around your house had wound and weaved their way into an incomprehensible tangle of pathways that crossed and interwined, bathed...

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Break time. The best time of the day, one might argue. You always took your break at the same time every day, and usually at the same place - a coffee shop just down the street from the lab. They even knew your name, which you found very gratifying. ...

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