Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 1) Part 2

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Audio adaptation is available here:

When Thomas and his Friends are sent to Dartmouth to help out. Their railferry gets caught in a storm. The engines think all hope is lost until they're rescued by a gang of treasure hunters called "The Dread Pirates". Can Thomas and his new friend Mila join forces to find the treasure of the missing coins?

This cut is basically what would happen if Morgana got killed off but Leeko survived the voyage. Plus, I'm also introducing more new characters in different cuts of my double-length episode.

Written by Joseph Morley

"The Pirate's Fate" developed by volkenfox and T.F. Wright

The Pirate's Fate (if you wanna find out for yourself):

© Gullane (Thomas) Limited 2021, 2022, 2023

All rights reserved.





Part 2




Voice-over: Previously on Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends™...

*Shows shots from Part 1 of The Pirate Adventure.*

Thomas: It's not over yet, folks. We only have four coins from the last adventure. This is going to be a VERY tough ride...

*End of Pre-Intro*


Scene 1:

*Episode opens with drawings of the first part of The Pirate Adventure.*

Narrator: If you remember last time, Thomas and The Steam Team were sent to Dartmouth to help out. But during the voyage, their railferry got destroyed in a storm.

The engines thought they were lost forever until they awoke to find themselves rescued by a gang of pirates known as "The Dread Pirates". After many days at sea, attempting to find

magic coins and suffering dangers of the world, such as hippogriffs, animal magic and temples of beauty, the engines and the pirates were on their next adventure to find the

fifth coin. But back on the Island of Sodor, things weren't going quite so well for me...

*Episode opens on the Island of Sodor, Joey is gloomily working with Diesel, who's pulling a local passenger train on Thomas' branch line.*

Narrator: ...because there was still no sign of Thomas' whereabouts, I had to work with Diesel. But I still felt depressed over the disappearence of my friends.

Diesel: Are you still bummed out about the whereabouts of the steamies, Joey?

Joey: *sighs* Yes, Diesel.

Diesel: I can relate... without the steamies around, I haven't got anyone to torment on a daily basis.

Joey: You and me both, Diesel. You and me both.

*Diesel pulls into Ffarquhar station. Mavis is already there, dropping off some workman in Henrietta.*

Mavis: Afternoon, you two. *notices Diesel and Joey feeling down* Oh dear, you look down in the mouths. What's wrong?

Diesel: Apparently, Joey's still miserable after the steamies' disappearences. And not gonna lie, I'm starting to feel that way too. What's the point of working on this railway if there's no

steam engines to make fun of?

Mavis: You can always go back to work on the Other Railway.

Diesel: Nah, I don't think they do much with me since they rebranded themselves. I'm pretty much better off here nowadays.

Mavis: Oh, I wouldn't get too upset if I were you, guys. The Steam Team did bring their phones with them, I'm sure they probably might have not got Wi-Fi.

Joey: It depends, Mavis. Thomas is the only engine who actually HAS a SIM card on his phone, but it's not strong enough to work in a place that doesn't have good Wi-Fi.

Mavis: Oh, fair enough.

Joey: Anyway, Mavis. We have to go, our next journey leaves shortly.

Mavis: Oh, goodness! You're right. I'll catch you two later.

*Mavis honks her horn and departs from Ffarquhar and up to the quarry.*

Joey and Diesel: Bye, Mavis.

*The guard blows his whistle, Diesel honks his horn and eventually departs with his train bound for Ulfstead. Meanwhile, the ship is currently out at sea, voyaging for its next destination.

Mila is busy putting bandages on Henry's wounds from his accident at the temple, whilst Leeko, Tam-Tam, Gordon, James, Douglas and Thomas look on.*

Narrator: Meanwhile, out at sea, the engines were enjoying their life on the ocean waves. All except one, Henry wasn't feeling up to his usual standards. He felt depressed and was still getting

over his accident at the temple.

Mila: *wraps a bandage around Henry's brakepipe.* There you go, Henry. You should be alright in a few days.

Henry: A few days? But how am I supposed to rig the sails now?

Douglas: Trust me, Henry. It could be difficult, you need some rest.

Henry: All in good time too. Having to actually climb up to the top of the ship just to rig a single certain sail is a deathtrap.

Thomas: I feel exactly the same way too, buddy.

Leeko: Look on the bright side, Henry. At least you'll be doing easier jobs like navigating maps with me.

Henry: I know that. And another thing, Leeko. Trying to cut my brakepipe open to retrieve the coin wasn't that helpful. Now I'll have to find some newspaper and a leather bootlace to fix my problem.

James: *sighs* Welcome to my world.

*Just then, a thunderstorm sound is heard.*

Gordon: That wasn't me... was it?

Darious: Feel that?

Tam-Tam: Feel what?

Darious: Very funny! Squall's coming, Time to rig the storm sails. Mila, Thomas, take port. Tam-Tam, James, starboard. I'll try and navigate us through this.

Thomas: But who's gonna be steering the whole ship?

Voice: Up here, y'all.

*The seven turn to find that Percy has called shotgun.*

Percy: Chloe's swabbing the deck so I volunteered to fill her position.

*The others turn to Darious.*

Darious: Well, on the contrary, it's better than none.

Henry: Captain, what about me?

Darious: What about you?

Henry: Yeah, you didn't give me anything to do.

Darious: I suppose not. Well, you can always duck below deck if the winds are bothering you.

Leeko: The wind isn't bothering Henry! *points to Darious.* YOU ARE! You're treating Henry differently. Just because he's broken several parts and limbs in his body,

doesn't mean he's suddenly some delicate doily who can't rig a sail.

Henry: No, no, Leeko. He has a point. He's kinda right about my fear of the rain.

Tam-Tam: But Leeko's right, green boy.

Leeko: Thank you, Tam-Tam.

Gordon: Henry's rubbish at pulling trains even after his rebuild at Crewe. So clearly his clumsy-bumsy had nothing to do with his current lack of skill.

Henry: I BEG YOUR PARDON?! That wasn't exactly what I was trying to say, Gordon.

Tam-Tam: Well, if we want those sails to be done right, somebody had to say it.

Henry: Fine then, if you don't need my help, I'll just go below deck. Gordon take me there.

Gordon: Why?

Henry: You insulted me, now you pay the price.

Gordon: Okay, fair point.

*Gordon shunts Henry to the beneath the deck.*

Thomas: Now then, Come on, Mila. Let's go and rig these sails.

Mila: Right on it, Thomas.

*Thomas and Mila rig one of the sails.*

Thomas: There we go, wasn't so hard.

Percy: I wouldn't say that...

Mila: What'd you mean?

*Percy points towards the horizon, for the ship is heading towards a BIG whirlpool.*

Thomas: Oh... crud...

Percy: Don't worry, I know how to ride a boat. Have you ever rode in a speedboat?

Mila: No...

Percy: Well, what you're about to witness is going to be a VERY bumpy ride. For earlier at Doniford, Bertha managed to fix up the ship and gave us these cool accelerators for a speedy trip. When us engines are driving the ship, we will use our steam

and power the ship whilst running, our wheels will being moving on these rollers which will the power the ship, like a treadmill.

Thomas: Percy, I don't understand how that is going to...

*But before Thomas can reply, Percy revs up the accelerators and the ship suddenly starts at full speed.*


*The Dread Pirates and the Steam Team are taken by surprise at this sudden force, they rock and roll violent on the ship.*

Percy: Yo-ho-ho and bucket of... er... bum! We're gonna ride this whirlpool in fine style. YEEEHAAA!

*The ship enters the whirlpool and spins around in it. Meanwhile, the engines are being bounced about like peas in a frying pan. Edward slips on the deck, Holly spins around really fast and Molly goes sliding past.*



*Mila and Thomas hold on for dear lives.*

Thomas: I regret everything I do here, I really do!

Mila: Oh... I don't feel so good! *goes green in the face and nearly vomits.*

*The ship eventually flies out of the whirlpool and rocks and bounces as it hits the waves.*

Percy: This is better than double overtime on the North Western Railway!!!



*Suddenly, a sharp wave hits the boat and Percy is sent, flying off. Thankfully, he has a rope attached to his foot that Thomas and Mila grab on to.*

Thomas and Mila: PERCY!

*As the ship shoots through the waves, Percy rockets underwater with the rope attached to him. Percy gurgles and screams at the same time. Just then, he passes SpongeBob and Patrick.*

Percy: *gurgles* Oh hi, you guys!

*Percy continues to rocket pass whilst gurgling and screaming. He eventually flies out of the water with the rope attached to him, like a big catch. He falls back on the deck and accidently lands on Tam-Tam and James.*

Percy: Sorry! *races back to the ship's wheel and regains control.* Now then, to get us outta here and fast!

*Percy steers the ship through the rough waves in hopes of getting the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team out of high seas. Gordon has made some tomato soup for Henry, they both hear the noise from above.*

Gordon: Hmmmm... I guess they didn't show the engines how to control in ship in wet weather.

*The ship suddenly hits a bump which spills hot soup in Henry's face, scalding him badly.*

Henry: AAAUGH! Tell me about it.

*The ship continues to rock and roll between the waves before making it's way out of the storm and into sunnier, safer seas.*

Mila: Phew! The storm's cleared up...

James: Yeah... But we all had a near-death experience.

Thomas: That was scary indeed. Percy, you should be careful driving a ship like that in the future.

Percy: Sorry, Thomas.

Darious: Hmmm... Henry still hasn't shown up. *turns to Thomas, Mila and Percy.* Why don't you three go and talk to him? I know some comforting would be appreciated.

*Edward steams forward.*

Edward: I think I better come too. The engines don't seem to do alot for Henry, I'm quite worried about him.

Mila: Are you sure? Since when did you get so good at talking to people and giving hugs, Edward?

Edward: Oh, you know me, Mila. No-one can ever turn their backs on a wise old engine like me.

Darious: Well, you lot saw how much Tam-Tam was teasing Henry. And he and Leeko certainly didn't seem receptive to talking with me. Honestly, I'm not

quite sure how to rebuild that bridge. I keep going over what to say in my mind, second guessing myself. Everything sympathetic sounds paternalistic, whilst egalitarianism

might smack of indifference.

Percy: The wha-?

Darious: Anyways, I really would appreciate you taking a crack at it.

Thomas: Alright, Darious. We'll give it a shot. Come on, Mila, Percy, Edward. Let's go and find Henry.

Mila: We're coming, Thomas.

*Thomas, Edward and Percy steam below the deck with Mila by their sides. They eventually find Henry, sulking.*

Henry: Hey, you guys. What's going on, did Darious think I needed someone to talk to?

Mila: You got it alright, Henry.

Henry: Well, you can go tell him we had a good chat and I'm all better. I don't want to keep you, guys.

Edward: You're not getting rid of us that easy, ol' chap. We want to know what's bugging you about Darious.

Henry: Isn't it obvious, guys? Darious wants to treat me like some kind of fragile vase, just because I got myself squashed by a statue.

Mila: Oh, come on! In case you haven't noticed, Henry. The other engines are quite old, steam-powered machines too. Morgana never had any problems with Darious

like that, didn't she?

Thomas: And Darious certainly hasn't treated me, Mila or the other engines like we're too delicate to do hard work.

Henry: Don't remind me, Mila got to be first mate, even though I had seniority. Even before this happened to me, you were bigger and stronger than I was. But maybe

Tam-Tam was right. She said I wasn't much of a useful engine to begin with. I can't really argue with her there.

Percy: Then focus on the future, not the past.

Henry: The future isn't comforting either, Percy. What about what Duana said? About the Goddess "correcting" me? You know, this... er... what's happened to me and not Leeko.

It's not that bad. I mean, it certainly could've been worse, right?

Edward: If you were still in your old shape, yes.

Henry: But I feel like if I accept this, if I get comfortable in my own skin, if I let Darious and the others see me as a really useful engine, when I never was very good at being a 4-4-2 than a 4-6-0 to begin with.

Well, it's like I'm admitting Duana was right all along, aren't I?

Mila: It doesn't matter one bit what Duana thinks, or Tam-Tam, or Leeko, or Darious or even the other engines for that matter.

Henry: I can't just go through life not caring about what the other engines around me think.

Mila: Why not? You want to prove you're strong and capable? You want to prove that you're still you? The best way to start is not let people or engines bother you.

If you're comfortable with yourself, then BE comfortable. If you want to try and rig a sail, don't wait until Darious gives you permission. Just do it!

Henry: You're right, Mila! I'll show Darious what a really useful engine I'll be.

*Henry attempt to steam forward, but he forgets about his wounds. As a result, one of his driving wheels breaks off and he falls on his side.*

Henry: OOOOOW! Ummm... guys? A little help?

Thomas: *sighs* This is gonna take a while.

*End of Scene 1*


Scene 2:

*Scene changes to outside on the ship deck at dusk where Thomas and Mila go up to see Darious, who's waiting for them.*

Darious: Ah, Thomas, Mila. Glad you two could make it. We're on our way to visit an old friend, I'm sure he'll have some insight on the coins. We certainly could use some.

Thomas: What'd you mean?

Darious: Clearly our ambition in seeking the coins is greater than our knowledge of how to properly acquire them. Our first few issues have been relatively harmless, Thomas.

But I fear for what might happen if we aren't vigilant.

Thomas: Well, maybe for you guys. But not for Douglas and Henry. So, whereabouts is this place?

*Leeko walks up.*

Leeko: Just located in the outer skirts of Lynton. We're going to be visiting some sort of old manor.

Thomas: Okay...

*Scene changes to the ship docked at Lynton. Thomas and the Dread Pirates are talking to a woodsman (who's a kangaroo) and a L&B 2-4-2T locomotive called Lyn.*

Woodsman: Lazerby's manor? You mean that place up the hill, I've got to warn ya, mates...

Darious: I know, I know. Lazerby has a bit of a reputation as a recluse. But I'm well acquainted with his steward, Luprand. He's a dear friend of mine indeed.

Lyn: We don't care who your friends are, you shouldn't go near that haunted house. Even the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway doesn't go as far as there.

Thomas: Haunted...?

Darious: In case you didn't recognize us, we're the Dread Pirates. We can handle ourselves just fine. We've just had some... new recruits recently.

Lyn: Alright, sir. Suit yourself. But I must go, my passengers will be waiting.

Thomas: Thanks for the information, Lyn. I do hope you can come and visit Sodor anytime soon.

Lyn: I will, Thomas. See you soon!

*Lyn blows her whistle and chuffs away.*

Mila: What is she talking about? Did she say "haunted"?

Thomas: I think she did.

Mila: But what did she mean by that?

Darious: Oh, I don't think it's too hard to guess. Since Lazerby is such a wealthy and eccentric man, it's not doubt that many in the village have negative perceptions of him.

Edward: Quite right. Rumours get started and nobody has an incentive to stand up for such a man.

Darious: Well, let's just say having been the object of so many false rumours myself, I sympathize.

*Just then, a dragoness walks over to the pirates and engines.*

Dragoness: Excuse me? I overheard someone say you were the Dread Pirates.

*Thomas steams forward.*

Thomas: Well they are, not us engines. We're the Steam Team.

Mila: Were you evesdropping on us?

Dragoness: Hey! Sounds like somebody needs a pint of rum. I'm Anora, I'm an envoy from Her Majesty's Navy.

Gordon: So... you're associated with the Royal Armed Forces?

Anora: No, that's something different.

Thomas: Anyways, Good to meet you, Anora. I'm Thomas T. Tank Engine, and I trust your visit isn't law-enforcement related, right?

Anora: Well, young Thomas. On the contrary, I'm here to offer you some much needed help.

Thomas: *chuckles nervously* No thanks, why would you want to help us? The engines can manage on their own.

Percy: *calling from the ship's deck.* Thomas, I beg to differ.

Anora: The Queen's interested in learning more about how those coins work. I was asked to find a crew who's looking for them. Learn what I can...

Edward: That's wonderful, Anora. Might be useful to have them around. Maybe we could ask the Queen's navy to look out for Rourkie too.

Anora: Well, that can certainly be arranged, wise one.

James: *steams down from the ship's deck.* Hold on! Are you really just doing this because of the queen's request, or are you really interested in our work?

Anora: Wow, lots of questions from a ton of steam-powered railway engines today. The truth is, red one, I'm very interested. I mean, those coins are quite powerful, are they?

James: You're telling me. Powerful enough to give Douglas a hairy face and strong enough to get Henry flattened by a 50 foot statue.

Anora: Yes. I say, it's downright irresponsible to let them fall into the wrong hands... or wheels if that's what you call them.

Thomas: We say buffers, but you're close enough.

Darious: Yes, indeed.

Tam-Tam: But you've just met us. All you know is that we're pirates. How can you be so sure our hands are clean?

Percy: Easy, use hand gel or soap.

Anora: I... well... what the small one said.

Gordon: Tam-Tam, is it really necessary to ask her these types of trick questions?

Tam-Tam: That question's only difficult to answer if you're lying about something. I don't trust her, big guy.

Thomas: *whistles* Okay, okay. Cut the back chat. Having the Queen's blessing would be a real boon. But even another ordinary deckhand wouldn't hurt. Either way, why not

give her a chance.

Darious: Thomas is right. Especially against Rourkie, we need all the help we can get.

Mila: Alright! *turns to Anora* You're welcome to join us, Anora. In fact, if you want to see us find a coin firsthand, please join us. We have some business in town.

Anora: Excellent, I can't wait!

Thomas: Alright, hop in! We've got a treasure hunt to complete.

*Anora and Mila clamber into Thomas' cab. Thomas blows his whistle and he, along with the Dread Pirates and engines set off for their little treasure hunt. Leeko, Abigail, Rebecca and Holly stay behind to

look after Henry. Scene changes to the outside of a manor house where the Steam Team and the Dread Pirates are there outside. Thomas is ringing the doorbell. The butler answers it.*

Butler: Oh, dear. More would-be guests? Whoever or whatever you're looking for...

Darious: I have business with your master, Luprand.

Butler: Luprand may be the steward for this manor... but he doesn't entertain guests, except on business and you don't have any business with him.

Thomas: Actually, we do. Me and my friends here are looking for some rare coins...

Butler: Oh... You're not getting it, are you? You don't have any, and I mean, ANY business with him. Please leave immediately...

Mila: Excuse me, but Darious is an old friend of his, and I'm sure he'll be more than perturbed if you...

Butler: Listen to me, ma'am. You have to...

Voice: Is everything quite all right out here? I heard shouting.

*Just then, a German Shepherd in 17 century clothing walks out. For he is known as Luprand.*

Luprand: Darious? Is that you? My word, It's been 20 years if it's been a day.

Darious: Hello, old friend. *shakes Luprand's hand.*

Luprand: Come in, come in! Though if I may ask. Could your friends remain outside?

Thomas: Ah... yeah... Not a engine-friendly house... We can live with that.

Percy: But it's so dark... and cold... and musty.

Edward: Yes, We're the Steam Team, and we...

Luprand: I'm sorry, I must insist. There is a matter of much delicacy I must speak with you about... Alone.

Darious: Crew, remain outside please. This shouldn't be long. In the meantime... Thomas and Mila will be in charge.

*Thomas and Mila high-five each other.*

Thomas: Us in charge of the fleet. I can't wait...

Darious: Why not you two give our newest crewmate a tour of the ship, give her the lay of the land?

Thomas: Oh... erm... I'll sure show to... um...

Mila: It'll be easy, Thomas. You just present what we're showing and I'll explain everything to her.

Thomas: Oh, thanks Mila.

Anora: You know, young Thomas. I've got some business in town before I do join your crew. Got to settle up with my land and get my other suit from my local tailor's...

you'll understand eventually. How about I meet you back on the ship later?

Thomas: Sure.

*Scene changes to Henry, watching the sun set on the horizon with Leeko, Rebecca, Abigail and Holly. Just then a sort-of horse person walks pass.*

Henry: Ummmm.. Excuse me?

Horse: Well, hello yourself, young sir.

Rebecca: Is there something we can help you with?

Horse: You're damn right there is. Randy's the name. And I mean, really, do you have any idea how crippled you look? I could stare all day.

Holly: Look, sir. Henry's just suffered a near-death experience.

Leeko: You poor idiot, you don't even know...

Randy: You'd be surprised what I don't know. Now come here and I'll take you to the most finest medical care in all of Lynton.

Henry: Why that's very kind of you, If I could just...

*Just then, Thomas and Mila arrive on the scene.*

Thomas: *clears throat sternly.* Excuse me sir, do we know you?

Mila: Please get away from him. He obviously has enough health care than he needs.

Randy: Ah... yes... I... I was just...

Thomas: You were just about to assault my friend, weren't you? GET OUT OF HERE OR I'LL SMASH YOUR F**KING SKULL RIGHT IN!

Randy: Ummm... Yes, sir.

*Randy gallops away to prevent causing any more confusion. Tam-Tam follows up behind Thomas.*

Tam-Tam: Oh, I'm sure glad that cheeky, blue Thomas was here to come to Henry's rescue!

Henry: Tam-Tam, what are you talking about? I'm glad for Thomas' help.

Tam-Tam: You should learn to deal with creeps like that on your own. The way Thomas, Mila or I would. You know that old saying about teaching a man

to fish? Thomas, if you want to help Henry. teach him to fight.

Thomas: *sighs* Tam-Tam, I'm not going to just sit there and do nothing whilst someone needs help. I don't care what anyone says. Besides, all of us engines are actually

adults. As a result, we DO know how to fight.

Henry: Please don't fight on my account, I'll only feel worse about this. And not to mention I only managed to convince Leeko, Rebecca, Abigail and Holly to help me out into direct sunlight again.

Abigail: Hey, I know what will make you feel better. Look at that little shop over there?

Henry: Thanks, Abigail. But I'm not really hungry...

Tam-Tam: She wasn't referring to the nearby Subway. The next one over.

Henry: Thanks, but I use First Direct...

Mila: Not the HSBC Bank, Henry. The other shop!

Henry: You mean the Tesco Express?

Holly: *sighs* I'll turn your head, Henry. Abigail means THAT shop.

*Holly grabs Henry's smokebox and turns it to the direction that Abigail is pointing to.*

Henry: Wait, what are you...? OW OW OW OW OW OWWW! I don't understand why that was necessary, Holly. I mean...

*Henry notices a boutique shop.*

Henry: A boutique? Abigail, you know I'm a dude. Why would you suggest such a thing?

Abigail: I don't know. You're missing out on the fun things us girls do, Henry. I just love trying on dresses.

*Mila opens her mouth to try and say something but can't think of what to say...*

Henry: So the ONLY way to feel better about people leering at me for my looks is to put on frilly clothes that will draw even more attention to myself?

Rebecca: If you don't like it, Henry. At least it'd be a totally new experience for you as with us. At least, that's what I'm assuming.

Leeko: Yes, Rebecca. You're right, of course it would be a new experience.

Tam-Tam: Then it's settled! Let's go in.

Henry: Are you sure? I mean, would they even let me in if they knew who I really was?

Tam-Tam: Who you really are, Henry, is the engine standing on the ship right in front of me. Nothing more, nothing less. Come on!

Henry: Alright, here we...

*Henry steams forward but he forgets to look where he's going and falls off the side of the ship into the water.*


*Henry splashes into the water. Unluckily for him, the tide is quite shallow and he's landed on a bunch of nearby rocks.*

Leeko: Oh, that looked painful!

Tam-Tam: Ah... yes. I kinda didn't think this through. *walks over to the side of the wharf.* Are you okay?

Henry: *muffled* My face...

*Scene changes to outside the boutique where Thomas, Mila, Leeko, Tam-Tam, Henry, Rebecca, Abigail and Holly are going inside.*

Narrator: Eventually, Henry was craned out of the water and rebandaged for the umpteenth time. He, along with Thomas, Rebecca, Abigail, Holly and the pirates entered the boutique shop.

*Just as the octuplets enter the shop, a feline in very fine clothes walks over to them.*

Feline: Hello, Welcome to Mum's Fine Dresses. Don't you all look lovely today.

Henry: They are... I've seen worse.

Mum: Where are my manners, how can I be of service, young man?

*But before Henry could reply, Tam-Tam interrupts.*

Tam-Tam: My friend here is a crossdresser and he would LOVE to take a closer look at that pretty one over there.

Mum: An excellent choice, ma'am. And I think he'd be just the right size.

Tam-Tam: Well, we won't know for sure until you try it on, will we?

Henry: Try it on? No, no, I won't.

Tam-Tam: Oh yes, you could.

Henry: But I'm telling you. I'm not a crossdresser. Do you expect me going around in frilly dresses and calling myself Grayson Perry?

Thomas: He has a point.

Mila: Could I try it? Henry's only an engine and wouldn't fit. I might be a perfect substitute if that's what you need.

Mum: Ah, a spice merchant with a perfect waist size. She could be way much better than the crossdresser. Come with me, ma'am.

*Scene cuts to SpongeBob-style time card.*

French Narrator: One Moment Later...

*Scene cuts to Tam-Tam, Leeko and the engines waiting for Mila to come out.*

Henry: Well... I'm just glad Mila got me out of being a drag queen.

Thomas: Touche.

*Just then, Mum walks out of the changing rooms.*

Mum: Okay, Mila. You can come out now.

*Mila walks out in the most beautiful dress the other engines have seen.*

Mila: What do you think?

*The engines and pirates stare in amazement. Henry's nose bleeds through his bandages.*

Mum: Oh, don't you look absolutely lovely.

Mila: I do?

Tam-Tam: Oh! You're gorgeous, Mila. Maybe later on, the rest of us can go to a ball.

Henry: Maybe once my wounds heal up, we might. But in any case, that's a joke, right?

Leeko: Of course not.

Henry: Do you really think they'd let any of us in? I mean, look at me! I've had a crash that's almost worse than my crash with the Flying Kipper back in '35.

Tam-Tam: If you're dressed in a dapper way, they will. Mila, you buy that thing before I decide to snatch it up myself.

Mila: Alright, I'll take it.

Mum: You're in luck, sweetheart. We're having a sale this week. You can get that little number for a steal.

Mila: How much of a steal?

Mum: Oh, let's say... £75?

Mila: *gulps* 75? I... don't think I have that kind of coin on me.

Mum: Well, you have to understand. I do use only the finest fabrics.

Tam-Tam: Let's just go back to the ship and see what we've got, alright?

Leeko: Sure, I know I have more than enough stashed away. It's getting late anyway, I'm sure Anora is waiting for us.

Henry: No, that won't be neccessary.

*Henry steams slowly forward towards Mum.*

Henry: Now then, do you accept credit cards?

Mum: Ah yes, we do. Come this way, sir.

*Mum leads Henry to the checkout. Scene changes to outside the ship where the pirates and engines are going back on board.*

Mila: Thanks for actually paying, Henry. I never knew credit cards would be a proper thing instead of money.

Henry: Well, we are in a modern society, Mila. You learn as you grow.

*The gang board the ship, only to find it deserted.*

Thomas: Hello? Anora? Darious? Percy?

*Just then, Anora runs up to Thomas with some ambushing, looking gentlemen.*

Anora: Ah, Thomas. Don't struggle so. I don't want anyone to get hurt.

Holly: Smart thinking, love. We don't want you to get hurt either.

Thomas: What are you doing? Why would you do this?

Anora: I've been a servant my whole life, Thomas. It's something I only realized recently. I thought I was a soldier... I was proud of it, even. But when the queen

asked me to help with her little treasure hunt, well... what kind of person would go through all that hard work to find something so special, just to turn it over to someone else?

Thomas: You... TRICKED US! How could you? I trusted you!

Anora: Nevertheless, those coins are mine, Thomas. Now tell me, how do you use them?

Mila: Don't say anything...

Thomas: I'm sorry, Mila. I have no choice. The coins aren't to be taken lightly. They are VERY DANGEROUS. You can't just "use" them. They have their own agenda.

Anora: They have their own agenda? They're inanimate objects, much like you and your engine friends. You expect me to believe that nonsense? Thomas, it's obvious what you need

is a little motivation. You could be cooperative and actually answer my questions, or I could cut off one of Henry's fingers AND throw you overboard.

Thomas: WHAT?!

Henry: You better not, how will I ever pick my nose now?

Anora: It's up to you, really. Why don't I give you ten seconds to think it over?

Mila: This is getting WAY too out of hand. Thomas T. Tank Engine, DO SOMETHING!!!

Anora: Ten... nine... eight... seven...

*Thomas closes his eyes and waits for his demise. Suddenly, a gunshot is heard. Thomas opens his eyes to find a bullet shot right through Anora's chest, she falls to the ground right in

front of Thomas.*

Henchman 1: Wait, stop! We surrender!

*Another gunshot is heard and a henchman falls dead on the ground besides Mila.*

Mila: Eeew... a moron!

Henchman 2: Don't you shoot me, ya motherf-

*Yet another gunshot is heard and the other henchman falls dead on the ground besides Henry.*

Henry: That's a fine how'd you do, ain't it?

*Just then, out of the shadows comes Darious and Percy, with smoking guns in their hands.*

Percy: That's the bad egg taken care of.

Mila: Darious!

Thomas: Percy!

Darious: *chuckles* Thought you'd never see me, didn't you? Are all of you intact?

Henry: I've NEVER been happier to answer that one in the affirmative, Darious.

Percy: I can't believe those b*****ds thought they could steal the ship and attack the crew.

Mila: Thanks to you, guys. We're fine.

Darious: Whoever thought it was a good idea to invite her on board ought to get their head examined...

Thomas: Wait... it was your idea, captain.

Darious: *sighs* I know, I know, Thomas. It's called humility.

Mila: We understand, by the way. How did things go for you in the manor?

Darious: Well, that was... *clears throat* fairly uneventful. But Percy did manage to find a coin.

Percy: I did! For some reason, it was hidden in the exhaust pipe of Luprand's car.

Darious: Yes, even Luprand was quite surprised about how it managed to find its way into his car. As a result, he will be coming with us.

*Luprand boards the ship, followed by Gordon.*

Luprand: Greetings, Dread Pirates and Steam Team engines.

Thomas: Ummmm... Darious? May I have a word in private? Without Luprand, perhaps inside your quarters would be appropriate?

Darious: Certainly, Thomas. Alright, crew. Return to your stations. We should raise anchor and rig the sails immediately, in case those raiders have reinforcements.

Percy: Raiders. The one thing an engine can't stand. We get them on VRChat and Discord 24/7 and they're nothing but a nuisense.

Mila: What's VRChat?

Luprand: And Discord?

Percy: Ah, well! It's about time you two got to know. You see...

*Whilst Percy explains technology to Mila and Luprand, Thomas and Darious go inside the ship.*

*End of Scene 2*


Scene 3:

*Scene changes to in the captain's quarters where Thomas and Darious are talking.*

Thomas: Darious, are you really sure it's alright?

Darious: Alright? Thomas, I'm excellent. Fantastic. Never felt so alive. I mean, it's probably just the adrenaline rush of combat. Saving your lives and everything,

you know.

Thomas: Yes, that's what I wanted to talk about. Why invite Luprand on board? Didn't we just learn our lesson about letting strangers on a ship?

Darious: Come now, Thomas. Luprand is a long time friend of mine and a shrewd antique dealer. He'll be most helpful in tracking the trail of the coins, I'm quite sure

of it.

Thomas: But... er...

Darious: We can't just stop trusting our friends, can we? If we did that, where would the world be? So, Thomas. What do you say? Are you alright with this?

Thomas: Alright, as you wish, Darious.

Darious: All I'm asking is that you give Luprand a chance. You and Mila can keep a close eye on him, if you'd like. Sound fair?

Thomas: Very well, Darious.

Darious: Excellent choice, Thomas. Also, forgive me for asking this but... where did Mila get that new dress?

Thomas: *blushes because Darious has found out.* It's going to be a long story...

*Scene changes to the ship at daylight. Thomas, Mila, Chloe and Jade are talking to Luprand.*

Chloe: So, Mr. Luprand. How did Darious convince you to come on board?

Luprand: I beg your pardon?

Jade: What Chloe is trying to say is, what did he promise you? Money? Power? No, I bet it was... the ability to make a difference in some grand epic adventure, right?

Luprand: I believe he said something like that, Chloe.

Chloe: Oh, of course. Typical.

*Just then, Tam-Tam and Duck arrive on the conversation.*

Tam-Tam: Of course that's why Luprand's here. An appetite for adventure. Someone like Luprand would never be content to spend his life

doing something boring... like managing the affairs of some old rich guys, right?

Luprand: I... uh... I don't see quite what you're driving at...

Duck: Come on, fess up. Why are you really here?

Luprand: You want the truth, Duck? Fine, I'm not here because I'm brave. Quite the contrary, in fact. I'm acutely, painfully aware of how fragile life really is. I'm

here because I don't want to just one day become another snuffed candle. Your captain promised that once we have those coins, the world will change. And when it does,

I won't have to be afraid anymore.

Jade: I didn't expect an answer like that. I worry about that too, Luprand. Whether anybody will remember me when I'm gone. When I'll get to feel less afraid. Recent events

haven't exactly helped matters on that end...

Luprand: Fair point, young Jade.

Thomas: *whispers* Hey, Mila. I hadn't noticed this but... how come you're not wearing your new dress?

Mila: You can't expect me to wear it ALL the time, Thomas. I'll wear it to some special event but that's for another time.

Thomas: Alright then.

*Scene changes to the ship at dusk. Thomas is busy reading a map whilst Mila is watching the moonrise on the horizon. Suddenly, Edward blows his whistle.*

Mila: What is it, Edward?

Edward: I've got great news, everyone. I recieved word from Darious that we're going to see the queen!

*The engines all gasp and mutter in excitement.*

Leeko: The queen? Doesn't she eat pirates like us for breakfast?

Percy: She eats pirates?!

Mila: No, it's a figure of speech, Percy. She doesn't really eat pirates.

Percy: Oh... right.

Darious: Anora did say the queen's looking for coins, so has Luprand. We've got to go there eventually, don't we?

Bertha: But how will we get an audience with her?

Darious: An audience? Who says we need an audience? *chuckles* Come now, Bertha. We can be a little more creative than that, can't we?

Tam-Tam: Wait, I've got it. You'll scale the castle walls and carry off the queen's treasures all by yourself, right?

Toby: Now HOW is that going be possible, Tam-Tam? You can't carry an entire castle with your own scaly hands.

Tam-Tam: And you can't even carry a box with your own wooden hands.

Toby: Hey! Now that's...

Darious: Alright, Tam-Tam and Toby. I was thinking about getting close to some of the queen's associates. See what they can tell us about what's going on. And Luprand,

I believe, knows the queen's steward.

Mila: Indeed, we'll see what she tells us, play it by ear.

Oliver: Play it by ear? What if people are looking for us?

Darious: If we worry about every contingency, we might be too paralyzed to do anything, right?

Thomas: I know what will lift our spirits! A good, rousing, steaming and sailing song.

Mila: But we just sung that, Thomas...

Oliver: Ummm... Darious?

Darious: Why are you looking at me like that? Come on, now Oliver. You must know a good song.

Oliver: I'm not part of the engines' band, you know.

Mila: You engines have a band?

Thomas: Of course.

Mila: No way, why didn't you tell us sooner?

Thomas: Kinda busy with stuff.

James: What about me? I never get to be the lead singer in most songs. I usually play the drums in the band.

Leeko: Hmmm... I'd be quite happy to hear you sing, you must have a lovely voice, James.

James: *smirks* Keep talking like that and you'll have me singing all night. *clears throat* Edward?

*Edward, sitting near a piano, starts playing Bohemian Rhapsody. James steams forward whilst Rosie shines a spotlight on him, using her headlamp.*

James: *singing* Mamaaa,

Just killed a man,

Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger,

Now he's dead

Mamaaa, life had just begun,

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Mama, oooh,

Didn't mean to make you cry,

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,

Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

*A small tear falls from Luprand's eye.*

Luprand: Oh my God... that was beautiful.

Percy: I say, he's bound to get us in!

*Meanwhile, whilst James is singing his ultimate solo. Thomas, Mila, Henry, Douglas, Toby and Tam-Tam are underneath the deck.*

Henry: Okay, something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the captain.

Tam-Tam: Something is obviously wrong with you. You just can't keep your own ten wheels upright.

Henry: Hey! I suffered alot more than you, Tam-Tam. Darious would NEVER see any of us engines that way. He's obviously trying to be an imposter.

Tam-Tam: Yes, of course. He just saved our lives, but he's obviously an evil doppelganger.

Douglas: Ach, Henry. You've been playing too much Among Us. Darious is not sus.

Toby: That's what you think, bushy boy.


Mila: Oh, give it a rest, you three. I've known Darious for a while now. No matter how badly he felt, he'd NEVER mess you guys like this.

Henry: Yes, but I mean really? Singing songs? "Play it by ear"? He's gone bananas! Why is he not having a plan?

Douglas: Exactly, and why does he seem so happy all of a sudden? It's almost like... he's an entirely different person.

Thomas: I have to agree with you, Douglas. This is concerning, but we can't act hastily.

Toby: So we're just supposed to wait until it's too late? This all started when that Luprand showed up. Maybe he put him under some kind of spell!

Tam-Tam: Yes. I'm sure he'd go through the trouble of casting a spell to make Darious sing and dance.

Henry: You can't prove that he didn't.

Tam-Tam: Oh, I can't prove he didn't, so that means that he DID? Didn't Duana use that same argument in favour of believing in miracles?

Henry: She was right about the magic part, wasn't she?

Mila: Well, let's just say I believe you, Henry. Now, Thomas. What's our plan?

Thomas: There's only ONE thing we can do, Mutiny!

Tam-Tam: Oh, very funny, Thomas.

Toby: No, Tam-Tam. Thomas is deadly serious. Darious is NOT just a different person. He's dangerous too, he's already killed those who are in his way.

Douglas: Now that you mentioned it, lad. Remember when he killed Anora's henchmen, even after they surrendered? Darious would NEVER do that. Who is to say

what kind of plan he has with the queen?

Thomas: Ummm... Douglas? Percy had the shotgun too, and you know Percy is the sort of engine who shoots strangers who get in his way.

Henry: If we're going to do this together. We've got to do it at the right moment. If we're not...

*Suddenly, an explosion is heard somewhere outside.*

Henry: Of all the times...

*Suddenly, a cannonball crashes through the wooden wall and misses Henry.*

Henry: WHAT THE? Well, at least I didn't get shot this time.

Mila: But where did the cannonball land?

*The cannonball has happened to have given Toby a direct hit RIGHT in his cowcatchers. After it falls to the floor, revealing Toby's huge orb-shaped dent, he too falls to the floor in pain.*

Toby: Oww...

Thomas: Oh, now that's just dandy! Battle stations, everyone! Henry and Douglas, you stay with Toby beneath deck. Mila and Tam-Tam, you come with me! We've got a battle on our waters!

*Thomas, Mila and Tam-Tam rush out to the ship's deck. Where Darious, Luprand, Leeko, Gordon, Percy, Edward and James are watching something in the distance.*

Luprand: Cannon fire in the distance off of the starboard bow! One ship is attacking another, smaller vessel.

Leeko: I got a bad feeling about this...

Mila: Thomas, can you see the shape of the sail of the larger ship?

Thomas: It's a square sail on a larger wooden boat.

Mila: That sounds like Rourkie's ship.

Thomas: I need my telescope.

*Thomas gets out his telescope and gasps.*


Mila: We've got to swoop in now and fight!

Darious: Why should we do that?

Thomas: Rourkie's got to pay for what he's done! He killed Morgana, we should kill HIS first mate and see how he likes it. This is our chance for justice!

Gordon: For once, I agree with Thomas. If we sink his ship. I'm sure it will help carry favour in the queen's court.

Darious: Indeed, let battle be joined!

*Percy and James both shunt cannons to the port of the ship.*

Percy: Take THIS, ya lazy excuse of a pirate.

*Percy fires the cannon. Meanwhile on the ship, Rourkie, Mary and Brock are watching and also attacking.*

Rourkie: Ha! Those fools approach us like lambs to the slaughter.

*Mary clears her throat.*

Rourkie: Yeah... figure of speech, idiot.

*Suddenly, a cannonball hits Rourkie's ship.*

Rourkie: ARRGH! Fire back at them, you fools!

Brock: But... boss, the shark might get away.

Rourkie: We've got bigger fish to fry.

*Brock fires the cannon. The engines and pirates watch in horror. Just then, Henry arrives onto the deck.*

Henry: Hey, guys. What am I miss-?

*Henry gets hit with the cannonball and gets thrown over the starboard.*

Thomas: DANG IT! We've been hit! Well, Henry's been hit!

*Edward and Gordon immediately steam over to the starboard with a sort of crane to lift Henry out.*

Edward: Engine overboard!

Henry: *Getting craned out of the water.* Yes... I guessed that.

Luprand: Other than that. It's a minor glance against the bow. We're alright.

Darious: Quick! Return fire, again! James?

James: On it, captain!

*James fires the cannon.*

James: Ride the ship to ship hell, you s**t!

Percy: Hey! Rourkie's retreating.

Mila: Should we move forward to finish him off?

Tam-Tam: What about the ship Rourkie was attacking? It's sinking.

Thomas: Well, double back and help the sinking ship. Whatever Rourkie owns, we should nick it.

Edward: Hang on, I see a survivor! *looks through telescope.* It looks like a shark, she's trapped in a cage.

Darious: Right then, Edward, Tam-Tam, pull her on board.

Thomas: Time to get the poop on the survivor!

Mila: Excuse me? "Poop" on the survivor?

Thomas: Yeah, you know. Pin them down, ask them questions, get information from them.

Mila: Oh... what a good idea, Thomas.

*Edward and Tam-Tam lift the cage carefully and put it on the deck. Edward punches the broken lock and opens the cage, the survivor crawls out.*

Survivor: Words cannot express my gratitude, kind soul. I'm Breena. Who might you be?

Edward: Nice to meet you, Breena. I'm Edward, the Blue Engine. *points to Darious.* And this here is Captain Darious of the Dread Pirates.

Breena: Of the Dread Pirates? I never thought someone like you two would be the ones to come to my rescue.

Edward: Well, I'm not really a Dread Pirate. I'm a member of the Steam Team.

Darious: This world is full of surprises, Breena. Now, where was your ship headed?

Breena: I just came from Kittering Castle. I had an audience with the queen. I'm sure that's what attracted that raider's attention.

Edward: I say, an audience with the queen? What about? Anything to do with these coins, the Wizard's Last Treasure?

Breena: That's... uh... confidential. Between me and the queen, you see.

Darious: Well, we're seeking information on them. And, given the circumstances, I rather think you owe us a favour in return.

Breena: *sweating nervously* But... I told the queen...

*James pulls up beside Edward and Darious.*

James: Move aside, you two. Let a splendid red engine like me handle this. *steams closer to Breena* I can see you're struggling, ma'am. I'll make this easy for you.

Tell us everything you told the queen about the coins, or I will make you walk the plank!

Breena: WHAT?!

James: *smirks* It's not SO hard to forget about your confidentiality now, isn't it? Get busy talking or get busy dying!

Darious: James, are you sure that's...?

James: Trust me, Darious. It's a pirate thing, you should understand.

Darious: Okay, fair play.

Breena: Alright, alright. The queen wanted to know about "re-writing the past".

James: And...?

Breena: But I told the queen she was wasting her time. It can't be done. Simple as that.

Darious: But that's not the truth, isn't it?

Breena: No, it isn't. There's a type of coin called "Shape What You Were", that allows you to go back in time and change things.

James: Really? *sighs* Breena, this is the 21st century. You CAN'T use coins to go back through time and space. Only time machines can do that. And from what I know,

time machines DON'T EXIST.

Breena: They do now, in the form of a coin. But there are consequences to meddling with time. One ripple in a pond can change everything.

James: Let me guess, you have one of these special coins with you now, is that right?

Breena: Yes, that's right.

James: Good, give it to me. Or else, well, you know... *raises eyebrows.*

*But before Breena can reply, Henry blows his whistle.*

Henry: Stop it, this instance. I have to come clean with this. Threatening to kill a woman over these coins indeed! Darious would NEVER do such a thing.

Darious: Breena, could you excuse us for a moment?

Breena: Sure.

*Breena walks off to talk to Thomas and Mila. Darious leans over and whispers crossly to Henry.*

Darious: What are you DOING, Henry? I wasn't really going to go through with it, you know. I was just applying a little pressure. James and I are trying to conduct an interrogation.

*Eventually, Douglas and Tam-Tam arrive on the conversation.*

Douglas: We know everything, lassie. Me and Tam-Tam guessed Leeko was under the impression that a GOOD interrogator ALWAYS tells the truth.

Henry: And I'm RIGHT. This isn't some kind of "interrogation" that Darious would do. Morgana would, but NEVER Darious.

Darious: I don't see why you're making such a fuss over this, Henry. I mean, we are pirates, aren't we?

Henry: What the hell did you just call us?

Darious: Like I said, PIRATES! We're the Dread Pirates! What are you on about now?

Henry: We've never been just pirates in your eyes. You called us TREASURE HUNTERS! Don't you remember?!

Darious: Yes, that's right. he called you lot treasure hunters, didn't he?

Henry: He? HE?! "He" indeed! You all heard that! "He" referred to himself in the third person. You're NOT Darious! Ever since you went to Circe's island, You lost

part of your brain!

*Just then, Luprand intervenes.*

Luprand: Please, Henry, try not to alarm everyone. I'm sure our captain was merely confused.

Douglas: Laddie, this is so f**king bogus! Darious has lost his brain! He can't even remember who he really is anymore.

Tam-Tam: He certainly was if he expected us not to notice that.

*Thomas and Mila storm up crossly to Darious.*

Thomas: Who are you, and WHAT have you done to Darious?

*Before long, Darious is surrounded by a very, angry Steam Team.*

Darious: Look, all this hard work and all this planning. I spent HOURS memorizing these useless facts about his life! His friends, his interests, his pathetic, aimless quest to wield powers

beyond his comprehension. And it wasn't enough for you miserable people and lazy excuse for scrap iron. After I shot Anora, you should've ALL been next.

Henry: HA! I knew it! I always knew you were an imposter!

Darious: Not an imposter, you fool! A spirit! And there's no getting in my way...

Luprand: Please, let's not do anything hasty...

Thomas: Right... THAT'S IT!

*Thomas and Mila get their daggers out and aim them at Darious.*

Darious: What are you doing?!

Mila: Don't move, don't even think about doing it, don't even think about NOT doing it. Guys! Tie him up! NOW!

*The engines and pirates all gang up around Darious.*

Darious: *sweating nervously* Why're all so mad? Why do you have rope? WHO'S GOTTEN HOLD OF THE COINS?

*Shot of a bird's eye view of the ship where loud crashing and everyone screaming can be heard.*

*End of Scene 3*


Scene 4:

*Scene changes to the ship's deck where Thomas and Mila have tied Darious' arms and legs and the gang hold him hostage.*

Darious: Engines! Pirates! What's the meaning of this?! Untie me this instant!

Gordon: Shut up! *slaps Darious.*

Darious: Stuttering starfish, what the hell is going on?!

Donald: We said "Shut up!", *slaps him again.* you muckle swash-buckling furball!

Leeko: I can't take it! *runs off, crying.*

Mila: Leeko, are you okay?

Leeko: Oh, Mila! Seeing you guys slap Darious like that is just too horrible to watch!

Thomas: No, Leeko. That's not Darious. That's an imposter.

*Darious is wriggling to get himself free, whilst Luprand and Percy hold him down.*

Leeko: Oh, yeah.

Mila: And the only way to deal with these imposter types is to find out what they know.

Leeko: Right. *runs up to Darious and then slaps him.*

Mila: Leeko, you got to ask him a question first.

Leeko: Oh, yeah. What color is my underwear? *slaps Darious again.*

Rosie: Leeko, let us handle this. *turns a light on Darious* Where's Darious?

Darious: *confused* What are you talking about? I'm Darious. *Tam-Tam slaps him again*

Tam-Tam: We can do this all night if you want.

Dread Pirates: Where's Darious?

Darious: I'm Darious!

Male Engines: Where's Darious?

Darious: I'm Darious!!

Female Engines: Where's Darious?

Darious: I am Darious!! I am! I am! I am! I am! I am! I am! I am!

Thomas: This is one stubborn imposter.

Darious: *confused, then angrily yells* WHAT?! *His yelling knocks over the light, Thomas and Mila.* YOU THINK I'M AN IMPOSTER?!

Edward: We don't think; we can see.

Darious: That's the silliest thing I ever heard! I AM DARIOUS!!!

Mila: *walks over to Thomas.* He's not cracking. We'll never get it out of him this way.

Thomas: I got an idea. Keep an eye on him. Don't fall for any of his imposter tricks. *runs into the quarters and returns later*

If Imposter Darious won't tell us where captain Darious is, maybe one of his little friends will. *holds up a blender.*

James: Ummm... Thomas? That's a blender.

Thomas: Yes, but Darious told me and Mila about these from his exploits, he calls them his "valuable treasures".

Tam-Tam: Oh, really? Put it on the table, Thomas.

Darious: You're gonna interrogate my blender? *scoffs* You're crazy.

Mila: We're just gonna see what your "valuable treasure" knows.

*Thomas sets the blender on a table. Mila holds up an bat.*

Darious: *panicking* No, wait! What are you gonna do with my blender? That cost me money.

Mila: Where's Darious?

*The blender doesn't say anything.*

Mila: Not talking, eh? *destroys the blender with the bat.*

Darious: No! It cost me £24.95!

Thomas: I guess it didn't know anything.

Mila: Go get the toaster.

*Thomas gets the toaster then puts it on the table.*

Darious: No, not my toaster. It cost me £32.50!

*Mila breaks the toaster and then Thomas sets a food processor on the desk.*

Darious: £62.67!

*Mila breaks the food processor with the bat. Thomas picks up a coffee machine and puts it on the desk.*

Darious: Four... well, actually, that was a gift from Morgana and... *Mila breaks the coffee machine with the bat.* Nooo!

Leeko: What are we going to do now? *sighs* Why couldn't I've been the "The Exorcist" instead of "The Cartographer"?

Thomas: That's because nobody saw that movie. Well... you pirates didn't.

Edward: Well, whilst you two were destroying the belongings. I happened to check on Breena... After a little... *clears throat* persuation. She gave me her treasure.

*holds up two coins.* Two of the missing coins. One says "Become What You Seek" as usual. The other says "Shape What You Were"...

Rosie: Hold on, didn't she say shaping the past was risky?

Tam-Tam: Oh, but letting our captain remain possessed by an evil spirit, no risks there. But... if we can shape the past, we can stop Darious from going into that haunted house in the first place.

How else could we defeat a ghost?

Edward: What about me? I carry a cross and a Holy Bible, Will that work?

*James pulls up beside Edward.*

James: Holy Bibles make you immortal, Edward. As with mine. *gets out "his" Holy Bible.*

Edward: Let me have a look.

*James gives Edward the book. After that, Edward throws the book overboard!*


Edward: James, that was a bootleg copy. It said "The Bibe". If you want to be immortal, use my Bible, okay?

James: *disappointed* Okay...

*Mila walks onto the deck with Thomas behind her.*

Mila: Anyway, For all we know, if we change the past, we'll all wind up dead or possessed by ghosts.

Edward: Couldn't agree more myself, ol' chap. But what are we going to do?

Mila: There's only one choice. We have to force Darious to walk the plank.

Thomas: WHAT?! Mila, are you out of your mind?

Mila: Trust me, Thomas. It's the only way I can think of to defeat the ghost. He'll leave the captain's body if he thinks he'll die, right?

Edward: But we don't know that for sure, don't we.

Mila: We don't know anything for sure, Edward, don't we?

Edward: So... you're saying... you don't mind if the captain dies...?

Mila: He's no longer himself, is he? That means he's already dead. We're setting him free and preventing his body from being used for some evil purpose.

It's better for him to die with dignity than become a puppet of some evil entity. I'd want the same to be for me.

Edward: You're a dark one, Mila...

*Scene changes to late at night. The engines and pirates are watching Thomas and Mila, forcing Darious to walk the plank.*

Thomas: Sorry, Darious. It's for your own good. We'll promote Mila to be captain in your absense.

*Darious keeps strangely quiet.*

Mila: He's not saying anything...

Thomas: Darious? Are you hearing me?

*Darious turns around, his eyes glow in a blue light. Suddenly, a spirit comes out right of his body and tries to attack the Steam Team.*

Mila: Don't just stand there, STOP HIM!

*But before the engines and pirates can do so. The spirit grabs James by his legs and lifts him up.*


James: HELP! I'm sorry, Darious! Everything I said about you, I meant myself!


Thomas: NOT on the ship!

*Lazerby doesn't listen to Thomas and throws James up into the air.*

James: No, no, no, no, no. I NEED TO LIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!

Lazerby: Choke on this, steamboy!

*Lazerby shoots lazer from his eyes and fires at James.*

Lazerby: F**k you, a*****e!

*Lazerby tries to attack Thomas, but before it does so. Thomas strikes first and yeets the coin from beneath Lazerby.*

Thomas: I got the coin!

Lazerby: *disintegrates in a dust cloud.* No, NO! NOOOOOOO!

*Thomas suddenly notices Darious about to fall off the plank. As quick as a flash, Thomas grabs Darious by the collar and saves his life. Darious awakens to find

Thomas grabbing his collar to stop him from falling into the ocean. Darious awakens to find himself hanging near the plank, with Thomas grabbing onto his collar.*

Thomas: No pirate gets left behind.

Darious: Thank you, Thomas.

*The engines and pirates all cheer and whistle whilst James falls into the sea after being struck by the spirit. Scene changes to morning where Bertha is discussing the events with Thomas, Mila, Darious and James.*

Bertha: So, let me see if I've got this straight. You somehow became convinced that your captain was possessed by an evil spirit. So you mutinied against him, made him walk the plank

The evil spirit of Lazerby escaped from his body, attacked James and then, you saved his life?

Thomas: Yeah... that about sums it up.

James: Okay. So let's review...

*Camera pans out to reveal James, who's been badly burnt and bruised by Lazerby.*

James: What happened?

Mila: Well... We did it, James. We managed to get Lazerby's spirit to leave Darious' body.

James: Alright, good.

Thomas: You should've seen the look on his face. Oh wait, You DID see it. You were there.

James: I know, I did. And I guess my eyes rolled back into my head once it reached the HEIGHT of demonification.

Darious: You're right, James. I looked over, that's what you were doing.

James: Yeah, that's typical with dark powers of this nature and the engines are freaking out right now.

Mila: Well, yeah. 'Cos of what they've witnessed.

Darious: I see. I think I'm going to return to my quarters, if that's alright with you.

*Darious walks back to the quarters and Bertha puffs away. Eventually, Henry, Douglas and Toby steam over to Mila and Thomas, along with Leeko and Tam-Tam.*

Henry: Is James going to be okay?

James: I'm not dead, Henry. If that's what you're asking. I'm resting now. I don't know how long it will take for me to recover, though.

Mila: Well then, If Bertha says the queen wants the coins, that's confirmation that Anora was telling the truth. We've still got to go to Kittering Castle and find a way to steal them.

Leeko: But Queen Nakhta hates pirates. She'll hang us the first chance she gets.

Henry: Hold on a minute. When you said we were visiting the queen. We thought you mean THE Queen.

Leeko: You mean HM The Queen?

Henry: Yes, that queen!

Leeko: Sadly, that's not what we planned. The real queen doesn't have the coins and there's probably no proof she will. Queen Nakhta knows about these coins, so that's why we're seeing her.

Thomas: So we'll have to be careful.

Henry: Do you think the other engines will approve of...

Mila: Until they come to this, and the fact that Darious recovers from his state of shock. I'll be in charge around here.

Thomas: So, what's the plan, Mila?

Mila: I'm sure a monarch that's paranoid keeps her valuables in her room, rather than in some vault. We send in one person, in the dead of night.

They scale the wall, climb to the queen's tower, bust down the door, and steal what she's got. Then rope down to the coast. We leave before the alarm is even raised.

Henry: Quite risky for that one person, and who is our climber going to be, I wonder?

Mila: I'll go, and Thomas is coming with me! Right, Thomas?

Thomas: Oh... ummmm... Yes... Mila...

James: But what about Breena? Won't she be able to identify us as the thieves after we're done?

Tam-Tam: Perhaps we can steal her credentials, pose as merchants, and sneak into the castle that way?

Mila: Trickery is far more likely to get us noticed. We'll deal with Breena when the time comes.

*End of Scene 4*


Scene 5:

*Scene changes to back on the Island of Sodor where Diesel is at Crovan's Gate with Annie and Clarabel, exhausted from doing all of Thomas' work as well as his own.*

Narrator: Back on the Island of Sodor, things still weren't going well without the Steam Team.

Diesel: *pants* This... is... exhausting... I miss the blue puffball, I miss the unrevolutionary, I miss everyone.

Joey: So do I, Diesel. But there's nothing we can do about it.

*Just then, The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) walks onto the platform.*

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Quite right indeed, Joey. Without the Steam Team, I've been having to work in overdrive to get their trains up and running.

Joey: You know, guys. I'm sick to death of doing all this extra work. I miss the engines really badly, I think it's high time we formed a search party.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Hmmmmm... But what about the passengers?

Diesel: Couldn't a bus service take over? I mean other buses, not just Bertie, Bulgy and Algy.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Seems like a fair idea, Diesel.

*Just then, The Thin Controller (Mr. Percival) walks onto the platform.*

The Thin Controller (Mr. Percival): Good morning, you lot. Still peeved about the loss of the Steam Team?

Joey: As a matter of fact, Mr. Percival, sir. Yes!

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): And as a result, Diesel and Joey are going to be forming a search party on the mainland.

*Diesel and Joey look at each other in angst.*

Joey: Us... sir? On the mainland?

Diesel: I don't know, sir. It's been an AWFUL long time since I've been on the mainland.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Yes, I know that. But you're not going alone, I'm coming too.

*Just then, Amy and the Female Furries walk onto the platform.*

Amy: And so are we!

Joey: Hey, girls. What're you doing here?

Amy: We were on this train for ages, we were waiting to go to Crovan's Gate.

Sandy: It's been so boring, not having the engines to torment on a daily basis.

Fifi: I really miss monsieur James.

Fidget: And we're all going to help find them too!

Lilac: We do come from different universes and we must stick together.

Darlene: Even if we make out alive or not.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Excellent. I knew I could count on you girls.

*Just then, Neville pulls into the station.*

Neville: What about me, sir? Can I come too?

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): I don't know...

Joey: I wouldn't mind, sir. Neville hardly hasn't had any work to do. I think he'll work perfectly with us.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Very well, then. Neville. You can come!

Neville: Thank you, sir!

*Just then, the Skarloey Railway engines all pull into the station.*

Skarloey: Are you sure you want to go? We want to come to...

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): I'm sorry, Skarloey. You and the others are much too small in gauge to help with this big mission.

The Thin Controller (Mr. Percival): Alright now, Topham. If my engines want to join, they can. Considering the Skarloey line is need of a HUGE major repair and there might

not be enough work for the engines whilst the repairs are being carried out.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): But how? They are narrow gauge and they possibly can't fit.

Joey: What about the special haulage wagons you've specially built for the engines? They haven't even gotten to use those yet.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Hmmmm... I guess that could work, I mainly just planned on using them if one of the smaller engines on the NWR breaks down and I haven't

any spare engines.

Joey: *turns to the Skarloey engines.* Well, guys. What'd you say?

*The Skarloey engines all whistle and honk in delight.*

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Very well then, it's settled. Tomorrow, we all go the mainland and find the Steam Team!

*Everyone cheers know that their plan will work.*

Narrator: So it was sorted. Tomorrow, me and the citizens of Sodor will travel through England to find the Steam Team...

*Scene changes to Thomas, Mila, Tam-Tam, Leeko, Chloe, Duck, Gordon, Abigail and Nia all keeping a lookout for Kittering Castle.*

Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of the continent, Thomas, the engines and the Dread Pirates had travelled all the way to Kittering Castle to burgle the queen's castle.

Thomas: *looking through a telescope.* We're almost there, guys. I can see the walls. Tam-Tam, get ready to...

Darious: Good evening, everyone.

*Everyone gasps after being startled, Thomas ends up dropping his telescope in the ocean.*

Thomas: Dammit!

Leeko: Darious, you seem okay. Do you remember anything?

Darious: Everything. Both the bad and the good. Thomas, I understand I owe you a large debt of gratitude.

Thomas: Thanks, Darious. But we'll save it for later. We are quite busy.

Darious: So it appears. What, exactly, am I interrupting?

Chloe: We were planning on raiding Kittering Castle and stealing the queen's coins.

Darious: Really? But why would you risk stealing from her, when she's so vicious towards pirates?

Mila: Well, that's just it. There's no reason to think she'll willingly cooperate with us. So I'm going to climb up that wall, and grab them!

Darious: You don't know if you could make it up that wall, or even if you'll find the coins.

Nia: Well, too bad there aren't any smarter plans out there, huh? It's not like we sneak into the castle, posting as someone the queen wants to see, right?

Thomas: Or, we can just tell the queen the truth. That we're not really pirates, but actually stowaway steam engines. In fact, we fought off pirates in order to find our way here.

Mila: Err... Tell her the truth? But we're the Dread "Pirates".

Thomas: And we're the "Steam" Team. Whatever the queen wants with the coins, we might be able to help her with. Perhaps Breena can give us an introduction? We did save her life, after all.

Tam-Tam: That's enough gossip, sweethearts. We're approaching the south wall...

Darious: If we have a chance to do this the right way, we should take it.

Mila: And if we act now, we'll have a chance to get in and out so fast, the queen will NEVER even know who's responsible.

Darious: Unfortuntately, I never thought I'd say this but... Tam-Tam, bring us about. We're turning back and heading into the harbour.

*The engines and pirates all gasp and exclaim in horror.*

Mila: No!

Darious: Mila, please don't misunderstand. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm still captain of this ship. Unless you'd like to lead a mutiny against me twice in as many weeks,

we're going into the harbour.

Thomas: Not anymore, you ain't! *hijacks the ship's wheel.*

Darious: Thomas, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Thomas: I promised we'd get a coin so I can end this bloody mission once and for all, SO THERE!


*The ship crashes into the rocks.*

Thomas: Uh oh...

Gordon: Look on the bright side, at least we're SOMEWHERE.

Mila: Yeah, right. As soon as they see our ship. It won't matter what we say, it's obvious we aren't just merchants.

Tam-Tam: Mila's got a point. What if we were to stop somewhere else?

Duck: Oh... never mind. We're near Minehead and we're stuck.

*Just then, Odney Manor arrives on the scene.*

Odney Manor: No, you're not. You're outside the West Somerset Railway. Where'd you need to go?

Thomas: Do you have a map to Dartmouth?

*Odney Manor, shocked, doesn't say anything, just races off.*

Thomas: Oh, now that's not very nice! He's the sort of engine who wouldn't even give you directions to Watchet.

*Just then Odney Manor suddenly races back.*

Odney Manor: Did you say Watchet? I can take you there!

Thomas: You can?

Odney Manor: Nah, not really. But my line runs through Watchet. Just follow them and you'll find where you need to go.

Thomas: Gee, thanks... er...

Odney Manor: Odney Manor's the name. One of the fine West Somerset engines ever built.

Thomas: *disembarks from the ship and places himself on the WSR's track.* Thanks, Odney. Glad to hear it. *whistles* All aboard!

*Scene changes to Thomas, with Mila on his footplate, puffing down the West Somerset line to Watchet with the other engines following behind.*

Tam-Tam: *on Emily's footplate, calling to Thomas.* Say, Thomas. The tavern where we first met. That's only a few hours away from the castle.

Darious: *on Gordon's footplate* To what end?

Thomas: *scoffs* Tam-Tam, you're obviously mistaken. Kittering Castle is in Redwick. We're in Watchet now, Kittering Castle would be RIGHT across the Bristol Channel from us.

Tam-Tam: *on Emily's footplate, calling to Thomas.* Actually, we switch ships there, Thomas. That way, it's less conspicuous when we show up.

Thomas: What a good idea, Tam-Tam.

Mila: Good idea? Thomas, this plan is a DISASTER!

*Percy (who's following behind) whistles.*

Percy: Mila, haven't you heard of the wisdom of the crowd? All of us agreed this is the smarter play.

Mila: I don't care if anyone on Earth thinks so, Percy. That doesn't make you right.

Thomas: Mila, if you don't approve. I will have no choice but to leave you by the side of the trackbed to starve.

Mila: *sighs* Fine.

Thomas: *whistles* Next stop, The Hook and Sword!

*Thomas and the Steam Team race through the nighttime mist, on their way down to the Hook and Sword tavern near Watchet. Scene changes to inside the tavern

where Thomas and Mila are drinking cola. Just then, a pheasant walks up to them.*

Pheasant: Oh, that was a marvelous one! Truely amazing! So much delightful legwork!

Thomas: Excuse me?

Pheasant: Nice to meet you, I'm Priscilla, royal consigliere. Haven't seen your face before. Can't believe you missed the show.

Mila: I'm not one for plays.

Thomas: What show are you talking about?

Priscilla: The big stand-up comedy night at Kittering Castle. It was great.

Thomas: How great?

Priscilla: Oh, it had loads of great comedians, Simon Bird, Ben Elton, Karen Dunbar, Matt Lucas...

Thomas: Matt Lucas was there?! Awww, now I really regret not going.

Priscilla: Well, that and I'm talking about the hanging.

Mila: *spits out cola in shock.* HANGING?!

Priscilla: Yes, the queen just dispensed some justice on three notorious pirates. I forgot what they called themselves. The "Red" Pirates, something like that...

Thomas: You mean... the Dread Pirates?

Priscilla: Yes, they're the ones. Tried to sneak into the castle under false pretenses, did they? Who on EARTH would've thought that was a good idea?

Thomas: Hey. that hasn't even happened... yet.

Priscilla: Well, they put up quite a struggle at the hangman's noose. Took out a few guards, even. Never seen such a fighting spirit, such a will to live.

But in the end, all three of those fools got what was coming to them. It was spectacular, it was, watching them die.

Mila: What? NOOO! Me and Thomas have only just arrived here.

Thomas: Yes, we have, and so have the other engines... *looks around the tavern to find that he, Mila and Priscilla are the only ones left.* Wait...

*A thought bubble comes out of Thomas' funnel with the engines puffing through Watchet Station.*

Thomas: It's all coming back to me. Mila and I took the track that led to the tavern, but the points (switches) were set, and all the other engines took the track to Kittering Castle...

*And sure enough, what Thomas said was actually true. He and Mila go down one track whilst the Steam Team go down the other tracks. Thomas' thought bubble poofs in a cloud of smoke.*

Thomas: Which means... OH NO, THE STEAM TEAM'S DEAD, AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!! *starts sobbing whilst Mila comforts him.*

Priscilla: Upset that you missed the show, young tank engine? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll catch the next one. The queen loves hanging those pirates. Well, I've got to go.

It's getting late.

Thomas: *sniffs* I think I need a drink stronger than cola.

Mila: So do I...

*Scene cuts to SpongeBob-style time card.*

French Narrator: A few alcoholic drinks later...

*Scene changes to Thomas and Mila, completely drunk and hung over from drinking the booze.*

Mila: *groans* I knew something like this would happen. If only I'd trusted my guts...

Thomas: *sniffs* The engines were right the whole time. I'm not a useful engine, why did I ever form this group without even knowing I've gone mad with power?

*Just then, a mysterious lion walks over to Mila and Thomas.*

Lion: Could I buy you some drinks, Mila and Thomas?

Thomas: No, thanks. We're completely hungover and we'd buy our own... Hang on, how'd you know our names?

Lion: *chuckles* How'd you think I'd know?

Mila: Because we're with the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team. Well, we WERE... Have they come to hang us too?

Lion: No, I'm not with "them". And I was quite sorry to hear about what happened to your friends.

Mila: So... you know who we are and you know why we're drinking. But look, sir. We've got nothing on you.

Thomas: Yeah, who are you, anyway?

Lion: Call me Steamchaser. I've been a sailor for the past 30 years and I understand you lot need some help.

Thomas: *scoffs* If I'd like? Is that really your name, or isn't it?

Steamchaser: It's a name, yes. It will be my name if that's what you call me.

Mila: That doesn't... *groans* My head hurts. You know what? I'll take you up on that drink offer.

Steamchaser: Of course, but let's take those drinks to go. I'd prefer to continue our little chat on my ship.

Thomas: Back on your ship? I don't think so. I wouldn't get on that thing for all the free booze in the world. Forget it, I'm done with ships. I

never want to be on the ocean again. I'm not a pirate, I was born a tank engine and I'll DIE a tank engine.

Mila: *sighs* You and me both, Thomas. I was far much happier being a spice merchant than a pirate.

Thomas: Yeah. I was only out at sea because I was supposed to go to Dartmouth. Now there's no point in going, I might just call the whole thing off and go home to Sodor.

Steamchaser: Well, what if I told you that you wouldn't have to BE on the ocean? What would you say to a ship that has NEVER touched the water?

Thomas: That "ship" is just another name for a relationship. A thing that's NOT occurring with me and Mila right now.

Mila: He's right, do you ALWAYS speak in riddles?

Steamchaser: Not always, no. But... often. Or at least, you'd think it's often, wouldn't you?

Mila: See? You're doing it again!

Steamchaser: Sorry, Mila. My apologies. Now, if you'll accompany me...

Thomas: No way, S**tchaser, if that's what your name is. I'm not going anywhere. Just... leave us alone.

Steamchaser: But what if I told you I had information about your coins?

Thomas: Look, I'm telling you to f**k off. I never want to hear another word about them as long as I live.

Steamchaser: Maybe not, but you see...

Thomas: No, sir! Because of this foolish quest to find those coins. The engines are dead and so are the Dread Pirates. Unless you're going to tell us

you can bring them back to life. Leave us to grieve in peace.

Steamchaser: Actually, I can.

Thomas: Can what?

Steamchaser: What do you think?

Mila: Yeah, please stop with the questions or so help me. I'll tear your head clean off.

Steamchaser: Actually, you two. There IS a chance to save their lives.

*Thomas spits out beer he was drinking.*

Thomas: There IS? Well then, start talking now...

Steamchaser: Well, I'll tell you everything there is to know. On my ship, like I said. Unless... there's somewhere else you need to be?

Mila: Yeah, that's fine. Let's go!

Thomas: Mila, wait!

Mila: What is it, Thomas?

Thomas: There's only three of us, attempting to save our friends. Counting you and me in, There have been four of you Dread Pirates and twenty-one of us Steam Team


Mila: Go on...

Thomas: Which means, we have to rescue... *counts his fingers.* TWENTY-THREE of all our friends.

Steamchaser: Twenty-three? That must be a big crew. I hadn't thought of it like that! We need reinforcements, and fast!

Thomas: Don't worry, Steamchaser. I know the perfect crew!

*Scene changes to Minehead Station on the West Somerset Railway where the engines are all sleeping, they awaken after they hear a whistle in the distance.*

Odney Manor: *groans* Who can this be at this time of night?

*Thomas immediately steams into the station yard.*

Thomas: Is this the home of the West Somerset Railway?

Odney Manor: *steams from his shed and up to Thomas.* Yes, this is... Oh, it's you again. What do you need this time?

*A GWR 6000 King Class known as No. 6024 'King Edward I' steams forward from his shed, accompanied by another 7800 Manor Class called No. 7822 'Foxcote Manor'.*

King Edward I: Oh, Odney. Don't listen to him. He's only just an intruding tank engine from the south.

Foxcote Manor: That's enough, your majesty. Don't you know who that is? That's Thomas the Tank Engine! He's a famous television star.

Odney Manor: Ah, I was wondering why his livery looked so familiar. So, Thomas? What are you doing on our line? We stopped hosting your events years ago.

Thomas: I know that, Odney. But me and Mila need your guys help. The Steam Team and the Dread Pirates have been arrested by the orders of Queen Nakhta in Kittering Castle, Redwick.

Odney Manor: Oh no! That's awful! What did they do?

Mila: We honestly can't remember, Odney. Possibly due to the fact that they wanted some of those magic coins.

Odney Manor: You mean the wizard's famous treasure?

Mila: *gasps* You know all about it too?

Foxcote Manor: Of course we do, Mila. Even the engines that no longer work on this line have heard about them too.

Mila: So you're saying... the story of the wizard's treasure... is SPREAD ALL OVER THE ENTIRE BRITISH RAIL NETWORK?!

Odney Manor: Exactly! But let's cut to the chase, are the Steam Team alright?

Thomas: I don't know. We heard from a pheasant saying that they're going to be hung.

King Edward I: *gulps* Hung? But how's that possible? They're locomotives. You can't "hang" locomotives.

Mila: Well, if I know the queen. She's willing to give it a try.

Foxcote Manor: Well either way, we must help find those Steam Team engines and rescue them!

Thomas: But here's the thing. We need to rescue twenty-three of our friends. Because three of them are Mila's friends and the rest are all my engine friends.

King Edward I: Well then, young Thomas. There's no time to loose. And the fact that I've just recently been mainline certified will give me a good excuse to help you.

Thomas: Thanks... erm...

King Edward I: Ah yes, haven't introduced myself. I'm King Edward I, No. 6024. Named after a king of England from June 1239 to July 1307.

Foxcote Manor: *pulls forward.* And I'm Foxcote Manor, I'm one of Odney's brothers.

Thomas: Alright, that's settled. Who else will be coming on our voyage to save the engines?

Voice: I will.

*Just then, another GWR engine pulls up besides Thomas. He's similar to a 4300 except he has the number 9351 on his sides.*

9351: Please to meet you, Stourport's the name. Britain's first ever GWR 9300 Tender Engine.

Thomas: You... you're perfect! Just the sort of engine we need for a navigator.

Stourport: Oh, you should know me, Thomas. I know all the tracks in Britain, even the ones that don't exist anymore.

Mila: Fascinating.

Odney Manor: I think it would better, if nearly ALL of us came.

Thomas: Are you sure?

*Just then, some more WSR engines pull up alongside Thomas and the others. Including Andrew Barclay 0-4-0ST No. 1219 'Caledonia Works', BR Class 47 No. 47 077 'North Star',

GWR 4900 Hall Class No. 4936 'Kinlet Hall', GWR 7800 Manor Class No. 7821 'Ditcheat Manor'. Two BR Class 35 Hymek Diesels No. D7017 'Beyer' and D7018 'Bristol' and

BR Class 09 No. D4107 'Hither Green'.*

Odney Manor: We've not left our little line for a while, Thomas. And we need a change, could we be of any assistance?

Mila: Now that you mention it, Odney Manor. There is one thing you engines can do...

*Scene changes to outside Watchet Station where Thomas and the WSR engines are hooked onto the marooned Pirate's Fate.*

Mila: Alright, everyone. Ready?

Thomas: We're ready, Mila.

Mila: One, two, three... PULL!

*The engines all pull as hard as they can. Eventually, the ship pulls of the rocks and onto the ground, digging through the grass and soil.*

King Edward I: What are we going to do about that ship?

Mila: The people who run the harbour at Watchet will restore it. In the meantime, we'll keep all of the ship's treasure safely stored in Clerestory and Quantock until we get the ship repaired.

*Mila walks over with the boxes of treasures on a trolley and stores them inside Clerestory, a GWR Sleeper Coach, and Quantock, a Hawksworth Inspection Saloon.*

Mila: Now... are you sure you girls can handle the weight?

Clerestory: Oh yes, darling. We will.

Quantock: Quite auspicious, cargo. If I say so myself.

Steamchaser: Excellent. *climbs onto Thomas' footplate.* Come on, Thomas. We've got a queen to see.

Thomas: Yes, sir! Captain Thomas...

Mila: ...and first mate Mila...

Thomas and Mila: *both salute.* Reporting for duty!

*Thomas blows his whistle and the cavalcade sets off for Kittering Castle.*

Thomas: All aboard! Next stop, Kittering Castle, Redwick!

Thomas: *singing* Come on everybody, let's hit the rails

We know this mission's never gonna fail.

We're gonna save our really useful friends

from the dreaded royal end.

We're going to locate their whereabouts

I hope their fires haven't been put out.

We can all either bounce or jump or flip

'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!

Mila: *singing* Come on everybody, and ride those tracks

I know this mission's never gonna suck.

Those steamies are nowhere to be seen

But we all know where they've been

We're all going to work just like a team

Hoping this is never like a dream.

I hope we can all stay strong and hip

'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!

*The cavalcade cross over the junction at Norton Fitzwarren and on their way along the Bristol-Exeter Line.*

Thomas: *speaking* We'll find the Steam Team and the Dread Pirates, and get them home before they know it!

Mila: *speaking* Indeed we will, Thomas!

Odney Manor: *singing* Trust me if we know who's lost out there.

We can show that we can always care.

Foxcote Manor: *singing* Nothing ever stops us going on.

As we're only starting to have fun.

Stourport: *singing* We'll all work together at all ends

and try and find our really useful friends.

Steamchaser: *singing* We better hope that we're not too late

'cos this railtrip's gonna be great!

King Edward I: *singing* Come on everybody, and run so fast.

We know our rescue's never gonna last.

Whoever really thought we'd work a ton?

'Cos we're on a supersonic run.

Ditcheat Manor: *singing* I don't understand why this long run

is going to considered so much fun.

Mila: *singing* But don't worry if we let one slip 'cos...

Cast: *singing* We're on a crazy railway trip!

Kinlet Hall: *singing* The southbound seas are not so good.

Our friends could be surviving without food.

Clerestory: *singing* They might not live long, they're frail and old.

Quantock: *singing* And the weather is really quite cold!

Beyer: *singing* It could be a nightmare, I'll tell you this.

Bristol: *singing* I wouldn't want to hear some possums hiss.

Caledonia Works: *singing* Then why don't you stop being such old drips?

Hither Green: *singing* 'Cos we're on a crazy railway trip!

Thomas: *speaking* Come on, you guys! The quicker we do this, the sooner things will be back to normal.

Mila: *speaking* And that's a fact! Come on, Thomas!

*Thomas blows his whistle as the cavalcade races through Weston-Super-Mare.*

Cast: *singing* Come on everybody, let's hit the rails

We know this mission's never gonna fail.

We're gonna save our really useful friends

from the dreaded royal end.

We're going to locate their whereabouts

We hope their fires haven't been put out.

We can all either bounce or jump or flip

'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!

Come on everybody, and ride those tracks

We know this mission's never gonna suck.

Those steamies are nowhere to be seen

But we all know where they've been

We're all going to work just like a team

Hoping this is never like a dream.

We hope we can all stay strong and hip

'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!

Steamchaser: *singing* Come on, all you engines! I'm counting on you!

We know some missions might even take two!

Mila: *singing* The Steam Team will be calling for heroic acts

And we'll all be switching on the right tracks.

Thomas: *singing* Those really useful engines, they can see

That their lives were never meant to be.

Clerestory and Quantock: *singing* Oh please! Shut up, Thomas and get a grip.

Steamchaser: *singing* We're going to find the tearaway...

Thomas: *singing* We'll be going that-a-way...

Thomas and Mila: *singing* We're on a crazy railway trip!

Cast: *singing* We're on a crazy railway trip!

Thomas: *singing* Yes, we're on a crazy railway trip!

*The engines all blow their whistles and honk their horns whilst they make their way to find the Steam Team. Scene cuts to Mila and Steamchaser inside Clerestory, discussing

important matters.*

Mila: So... let me get this straight. How's this even going to be possible?

Steamchaser: It's a little complicated, Perhaps the explanation ought to be saved for another time.

Mila: Hey, are you saying I'm too stupid to understand?

Steamchaser: Well, I might be saying you're tired and probably almost drunk. But the answers will still be here in the morning.

Mila: I understand. If I'm going to sleep here, can you answer this one question?

Steamchaser: Sure. There, you see. I've already done it.

Mila: That wasn't the question, I was really meant to ask Thomas this question.

Steamchaser: Does Thomas need to be going anywhere in particular?

Mila: Then why did he insist we come to the West Somerset line?

Steamchaser: What if he's a engine who enjoys a nice view? Now... we must get some rest.

*End of Scene 5*


Scene 6:

*The next morning, on the Island of Sodor. Joey and Diesel's search party are waiting at Vicarstown, ready to go and find the Steam Team.*

Narrator: Back on the Island of Sodor, The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) sent me and Diesel's search party plans into action.*

Diesel: Okay, once more, sir. Where are we going?

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): To South West England.

Diesel: And why are you and the Female Furries in the coaches?

Amy: We're gonna help locate the whereabouts of Thomas and the Steam Team.

Diesel: And why is Joey here?

Joey: I came up with the idea.

Diesel: And why am I here?

Sandy: Because you know the Other Railway better than we do, Diesel.

Diesel: And why are the narrow gauge engines here?

Skarloey: Because we couldn't find Duke to look after the railway.

Diesel: And why is Duke here?

Duke: 'Cause Bertram didn't wanna come by himself.

Bertram: *On a flatbed* Hi!

Diesel: And why is everyone else here?

Joey: *sighs* To be honest, Diesel. I think everyone else on Sodor had the same idea.

Diesel: *chuckles* Okay, fair enough.

*Just then, Arthur arrives at Vicarstown with some mail trucks, looking quite out of breath.*

Arthur: Hey, guys! *pants* You're not going to believe what I just found!

Joey: What is it, Arthur?

Arthur: *pants* I found a letter from a certain someone hidden amongs the mailbags in one of the trucks!

Joey: Really? Show me, then!

*Arthur gives Joey the letter, who opens the envelope and reads the message.*

Diesel: What does it say, Joey?

*Joey reads the letter and gasps.*

Joey: It's from Thomas! HE'S ALIVE!!!

*The other engines all cheer and whistle.*

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Alright, settle down, everyone! Let's not get carried away! Joey, what did Thomas write to us?

Joey: Well, he wrote...

*Scene cuts to the WSR engines resting at Bristol Bath Road depot, Thomas writing a letter back to Sodor.*

Thomas: *thinking as he writes* Dear Joey and all my friends.

I'm doing alright, me and the Steam Team were rescued by a group of

friendly treasure hunters known as the Dread Pirates. But unfortunately, things

haven't been going well on our voyage. Douglas' face got ambushed by animal magic

and now he's all hairy, Henry got himself mangled by a 50 foot statue in a temple, so he's

all in crutches, Toby got critically hit by a cannonball in his cowcatcher and James got

struck to near-death by an evil spirit that possessed the captain's body. But long story short,

the Steam Team and the Dread Pirates got arrested and kidnapped by orders of Queen Nakhta and

are now being held prisoners in Kittering Castle. The queen wants to hang the engines and the pirates!

So, I, along with my new friend Mila, who's the first mate of the Dread Pirates have gathered up the engines

from the West Somerset Line and an old explorer called Steamchaser has joined us too. And we're currently

on our way to find the Steam Team and complete the treasure hunt.

But my condolences go out to all the engines and friends who have managed without us.

Yours truly

Thomas the Tank Engine

*Thomas puts the letter in an envelope and puts it in a nearby letterbox.*

Thomas: I hope they get the message in time.

*Scene cuts back to Joey reading the note.*

Joey: Well, won't you look at that? Thomas is alright, he's just been rescued by friendly pirates.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): But either way, the Steam Team is in terrible danger. Once we find Thomas, we'll all

make our way to Kittering Castle and save my engines.

Joey and Diesel: Yes, sir!

*The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) climbs on board Clarabel.*

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Right then! Off we go, everyone! We're on a treasure hunt too, to find the Steam Team.

*The cavalcade sets off from Vicarstown, on their way to find the Steam Team. A map shows the cavalcade at Dalton-in-Furness, it pans out to

reveal the engines are far away near the Bristol Channel.*

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the heart of Bristol, Thomas, Mila and their crew were resting before setting out for their long voyage.

*Mila is cleaning Thomas, ready for his next trip out.*

Mila: I see you're ready and willing to go, Thomas.

Thomas: You bet I am, Mila.

*Just then, an unfamiliar whistle is heard, and in steams an LMS Black 5 with the number 45379.*

45379: 'Ello, 'ello. What's going on here?

Thomas: Oh... sorry, sir. Me and my crew were just leaving.

45379: Crew? You mean those GWR engines over 'ere? I don't mean to brag but... they probably need some help.

*Odney Manor pulls up besides Thomas.*

Odney Manor: And what business is that of yours? Do we know you?

45379: Erm... not really. I've just got back from a gala at the Avon Valley Railway. I come all the way from Ropley in Hampshire.

Thomas: Ropley? Oh, you're from the Mid-Hants Railway, right?

45379: Yep, that's where I'm from. I assume you're a replica of Thomas the Tank Engine, right?

Mila: Actually, sir. He IS Thomas the Tank Engine.

Thomas: Yep, the real deal. Direct from the Island of Sodor.

45379: Really? If you're the real Thomas, prove it. Whistle for me.

Thomas: How's this? *whistles*

45379: Oh my God... you really ARE the real Thomas. No-one could EVER mistake that famous whistle sound.

Mila: Okay, I've got to be firm, Thomas. How come he thinks you're a replica?

Thomas: Because I know the Mid-Hants line well, they have a replica of me for those Day out with Thomas events they host every year.

Mila: Day out with Thomas? What's that?

Thomas: I'll explain later. *turns to 45379.* So... Mr. 45379, is it?

45379: That's my BR number, call me Rugby. It was where I was first allocated. Anyway, enough introductions, why are you really here, Thomas?

Thomas: My friends got arrested by a queen, and she wants to hang them!

Rugby: Hang them? Is she nuts? That's illegal!

Mila: It is?

Rugby: Yes, 21st century. The only death sentance worse than hanging is a lifetime sentance in a jail cell nowadays.

Thomas: I guessed that.

Rugby: But you can't be going around on a rail network on your own, Thomas. Neither can your newly found crew. You need some help. Tell me, where did you find these engines?

Odney Manor: Well, Rugby. We're the locomotives of the West Somerset Railway at Minehead, Somerset.

Rugby: Ah, another preservation line, I see? I never thought I'd say this but... I should come too.

Thomas: Are you sure? What about the engines at Ropley?

Rugby: *scoffs* They'll be fine without me. So, are your usual friends all tank engines?

Thomas: Not all of them are. Some of them are actually tender engines like you. My friend Henry is even the same engine of your class.

Rugby: Your friend? A Black 5? Like me?

Thomas: Well, he's not entirely a Black Five. He IS a Stanier Class 5 but he's not painted black, he's painted green, with the number 3. Which he calls himself a "Green Five".

Rugby: Oh, that guy. Okay, I understand. Then I definitely should come, it would be nice to rescue a fellow Class 5 engine too.

Thomas: I'm not sure...

*Steamchaser walks over.*

Steamchaser: I've been hearing your conversation, Thomas. You are the captain of this "crew". Your friend is clearly a Class 5, and it wouldn't be fair if Rugby can't come too.

Thomas: Well, now that you mentioned it... we do need some allies to help stop that corrupt queen and save mother England. What do you think, Mila?

Mila: Well, I think Henry would be thrilled to see an engine of his kind.

Thomas: Alright then. Rugby, welcome aboard.

*Thomas shakes Rugby's hand.*

Rugby: Thank you, Thomas. Mr. Stanier himself would be pleased.

Thomas: Glad to hear it.

Rugby: So... what's your crew called?

Thomas: Oh... good question... I don't know.

Mila: We're called "The Pirate Engines".

Rugby: Pirate Engines? But... shouldn't you be out at sea, finding treasure? Isn't that what pirates do?

Thomas: Well, Mila's own crew aren't really pirates. They're really treasure hunters, and they're currently searching for some magic coins.

Rugby: Magic coins?

Mila: Yes, sacred coins. My crew, the Dread Pirates, are planning to gather up all these coins to change the world.

Rugby: I see. Well, I understand what you mean by "save mother England".

*Just then, Stourport pulls up.*

Stourport: Thomas? I've just alerted the signalman we're on a quest, all traffic has been halted, signals are set at danger and both lines are clear for 50 miles.

Thomas: Thank you, Stourport. Alright crew, all wheels on deck!

*The WSR engines gather up at the exit to the depot.*

Thomas: Right then! *blows whistles and leads the way.* Onward, noble pirate engines!

Engines: Ay-ay, captain Thomas!

*The cavalcade departs from Bristol Bath Road depot and make their way up the line. People wave as they pass by. Meanwhile, Mila and Steamchaser are on Skype, talking to Stourport,

Odney Manor, King Edward I and Rugby.*

King Edward I: How are you this morning, Mila. You don't look particularly well rested, do you?

Mila: *sips coffee and sighs* Just having a bad dream, King Edward I. But that doesn't matter. Steamchaser said there might be a way to save our crews.

Rugby: Well, spill it then.

Steamchaser: Well, how determined you all are. It's no wonder you managed to get close than anyone else.

Odney Manor: Closer than anyone else... to what?

Steamchaser: To getting all of the coins.

Mila: All of the coins are probably with the queen by now. What good will they do?

Stourport: Well, not much... not even now, but at any rate.

Mila: But anyway, how can we save my crew and Thomas' friends?

Steamchaser: Ah, yes. I'm afraid I can't tell you that.

*The engines all groan in despair.*

King Edward I: Well, you're going to have to.

Steamchaser: Do I really have to do anything, does anyone?

Mila: Well you BETTER tell us, or I'm going to open Clerestory's emergancy hatch and THROW you out of it.

Thomas: *whistles* No-one's throwing anyone out. We're not going to get through to this if we all start squabbling.

Steamchaser: *peers out from Clerestory's window.* And then what? How would you stop?

Thomas: Oh, I'm sure I'll figure THAT out.

Steamchaser: I'm sure you will. But how will killing me bring you the information in my head?

Thomas: Well, why'd you join me and Mila? Just to toy with us?

Steamchaser: Well, on the contrary. I admire you a great deal.

Thomas: Then so help us!

Steamchaser: I'd only be too happy to, Thomas. It's just that... I have a code of ethics that I must follow. It prohibits me from disclosing that information to you directly.

Believe me, it's fairer that way.

Mila: Well, our code of ethics says I shouldn't have to put up with other people's bulls**t.

Thomas: Exactly, especially when us steam engines are bigger AND stronger than they are.

Steamchaser: I'm sure that's served well, hasn't it?

*The engines just look in confusion.*

Steamchaser: Well, I presume you'll be happy to know that I'll help with ANY question you'd like about those coins. Maybe... just maybe... you'll find the answers you're

looking for.

Thomas: Eh, we'll pass. We've got to continue looking towards the tracks...

*Suddenly, a passing BR Class 802 races pass the engines.*

Class 802: Watch where you going!!!

Thomas: See what I mean?

*Scene changes to the gang sitting at Bristol Parkway station. Steamchaser and Mila walk onto the platform with piles of books in their arms, which they place down

on the station benches.*

Stourport: What is all this?

Steamchaser: Over the years, many others have sought the coins, Stourport. Those who have nearly completed the journey inevitably find

their way here. To be tested before they can remake the world in their image.

Caledonia Works: And these books are records of those tests?

Steamchaser: Well, you could say that.

Caledonia Works: I did say that. Would YOU say that?

Mila: Very clever, Caledonia Works. But these books aren't just records, Steamchaser told me they are the tests.

Thomas: Like... reading comprehension?

Steamchaser: Not exactly, Thomas. Ever found yourself so engrossed in a good book, it was as though you were transported to another world?

Thomas: Now that you mention it, Mila did say Darious was fascinated by a book as a child...

Mila: Well, it was more of a story than a book, but you get the idea.

Steamchaser: These books use that same principle. Each book is a different scenario, a different test of character to endure. Such as the coins cannot be gathered by accident.

Only by someone worthy of them.

Thomas: And by reading these books, I can deeply understand exactly what's being looked for.

Steamchaser: Perhaps, one day, Thomas. You could even write one yourself. You could help be a gatekeeper of the coins and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Thomas: *clears throat* If I make a correction, Steamchaser. I've already starred in a series of books. We call them "The Rev. W. Awdry's Railway Series".

Steamchaser: Fascinating. I'll have to take a lookout for those myself.

Mila: I like the sound of that.

Thomas: Me too.

*Scene pans out of Bristol Parkway station and into the night's sky.*

Narrator: As the aeons passed, Mila, Thomas, Steamchaser and the Pirate Engines became the eternal scholars and a temporary pirate-locomotive crew of South West England. There, they

spent the rest of their days together. Their longing to see their old friends grew strong, but they had a duty to their books, didn't they?

*Just then, the scene suddenly pans down towards Bristol Parkway station again as Thomas remembers something.*

Thomas: Wait a minute... I'm an idiot, aren't I? Why are we spending the rest of our lives as bookworms? We were supposed to save our friends!

Steamchaser: Oh, whoops. Kinda got a bit carried away!

Rugby: WHAT? You dragged us all the way out here to become nerds for college?

Steamchaser: Well, that's not what I entirely thought of...

Mila: That's enough, Steamchaser. Thomas, We need to find a way to save our friends.

Thomas: Well, it's too late for that now. It's gone dark, our friends would've been dead by now! Unless...

*Thomas opens his running board and finds a coin.*

Thomas: Of course! I had it safe with me the whole time!

Mila: What is it?

Thomas: "Shape What You Were"! We can use this to travel back in time to stop the moment where the engines all left me to find Kittering Castle.

Odney Manor: That... is an ingenius idea, Thomas!

Steamchaser: Oh, you DO have a coin! Just what we've been looking for.

Thomas: Alright, everyone. Couple up to me. We're going back through time and space!

*The Pirate Engines all buffer up to Thomas and each other, from front and back. Mila and Steamchaser quickly board Thomas' cab.*

Mila: How are they going to work?

King Edward I: Beats me, it's going to take quite a long while to figure this out.

Thomas: Indeed! So, is everyone all coupled to me?

*Everyone agrees in determination.*

Thomas: Right then. One coin and a tub full of gold dust... here goes!

*Thomas blows his whistle and in a instant, he along with Mila, Steamchaser and the Pirate Engines all disappear in a cloud of gold dust. Scene changes back

to the moment in Scene 5 with Thomas, Mila, the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team.*

Tam-Tam: That's enough gossip, sweethearts. We're approaching the south wall...

Darious: If we have a chance to do this the right way, we should take it.

Mila: And if we act now, we'll have a chance to get in and out so fast, the queen will NEVER even know who's responsible.

Darious: Unfortuntately, I never thought I'd say this but... Tam-Tam, bring us about. We're turning back and heading into the harbour.

*The engines and pirates all gasp and exclaim in horror.*

Mila: No!

Darious: Mila, please don't misunderstand. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm still captain of this ship. Unless you'd like to lead a mutiny against me twice in as many weeks,

we're going into the harbour.

Mila: You know what? Fine! You may be captain on this ship but I'm getting off!

Thomas: Same here. You're on your own. Adios motherf**kers!

Darious: Thomas, Mila, WAIT!!!

*Thomas and Mila dive off the ship into the ocean. They eventually struggle out from the shores whilst being helped by King Edward I and North Star. Stourport steams forward.*

Stourport: So... what happens now?

*Thomas and Mila smirk, they know what to do next. Eventually the Pirate Engines are attempting to climb the wall of Kittering Castle, where the queen's royal bedroom is located. Whilst the queen is in the shower,

Thomas and Mila look carefully around, and there's the coin! Sitting on the queen's bedside table. Thomas quickly nicks it and he fistbumps Mila. Back on the ship, the Dread Pirates are waiting anxiously for them. Suddenly,

they hear groaning and chuffing noises.*

James: I see something, Thomas and Mila are pulling themselves on board!

*Thomas pulls himself onto the ship and pulls Mila on board too.*

Percy: Thomas! Mila! You made it!

Tam-Tam: Hey! And I thought was good at climbing!

Donald: Well, looks like we have a new champion now!

Thomas: Well, we got the treasure too!

Darious: Impressive moves, you two. But... as your captain, you've put me in an awkward position. My quarters, if you please...

Thomas: *whispers to Mila.* Oh dear, more trouble I bet.

Mila: *whispers to Thomas.* I think so too...

*Thomas and Mila look back at the Pirate Engines and wave at them. The Pirate Engines wave back at Thomas and Mila and make their way back to Minehead. Scene changes to

Thomas and Mila in the ship's quarters with Darious.*

Darious: *sighs* I gotta be honest with you. Was that little escapade truly necessary?

Thomas: Well, we had to do what we thought was right.

Darious: What about what I thought was right? Does THAT not matter anymore? I told you the first day we met, Thomas. We're NOT real pirates.

Thomas: Yes, Darious. I know that.

Darious: And after today, I don't know if I can ever honestly say that again.

Mila: Oh, come on, Darious. This isn't the first time we've stole. What is this really about?

Darious: Mila, Thomas, I remember everything. Every moment of every day. I was trapped inside myself, seeing my own life play out in front of my own eyes, with no say in the matter.

I remember shouting at you, I remember killing a defenseless person for no reason, I remember threatening that poor woman with death if she didn't cooperate and I remember

that you two realized something was wrong. You two launched a mutiny against me because I acted like that. You were all willing to kill me, rather than let me live as someone else.

What's my life good for, if I don't at least try to do what's right when I can?

Thomas: Well, don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't kill. Those are the rules laid out by society. And yet those we fight against never follow them. We can't live up

to a hypocritical double standard and defeat our foes at the same time.

Darious: So you're saying... because the likes of Rourkie or Lazerby can't keep their moral compass straight, we have to sink to their level? That's... disappointing to hear

you say it like that.

*End of Scene 6*


Scene 7:

*Scene changes to the Sodor search party at Bury Bolton Street Station on the East Lancashire Railway.*

Narrator: The next morning, me and Diesel's search party were staying at the East Lancashire Railway whilst on our big search party tour.

*The Sodor Engines are sitting at the platforms of Bury Bolton Street talking to Jimmy the Jinty No. 47324, Lanky the Class 27 No. 52322, Belson the Class 28 Co-Bo Diesel No. D5705 and

Gothenburg the MSC 0-6-0T Engine.*

Joey: ...and so that's how it's been. So you see, Jimmy. We've travelled a LONG way to find our friends who've been lost at sea.

Jimmy: Yes, I can see that. But how do you know where they are in the UK?

Diesel: That's easy. They're sailing on the Bristol Channel, Joey's homeplace is right near that sea.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): It's going to be a very long railtrip but it's going to be worth it.

Belson: Quite so, sir. But, brother... are you really sure you want to go out on the main line again? Us Metrovicks aren't as popular as we used to be.

BoCo: Oh, we'll be alright, Belson. It's only South West England they've gone to.

Belson: I suppose.

Lanky: I'm worried for my cousin, James. I hope he's doing alright, I shouldn't like to see his paint grubby.

Amy: I don't think anyone does, Lanky. But we're doing our best.

Sandy: We've tackled long trips like this before. We can definitely do it again!

Gothenburg: Well then, good luck if you need it.

Sandy: Couldn't agree more myself, Gothenburg.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Well then, thank you for letting us stay the night. We have to be on our way.

Joey: Oh, yes. Thanks for all your needs, guys. Really appreciate it.

Jimmy: Don't mention it.

Gothenburg: Happy to help.

Belson: Be good!

*The search party depart for their next destination on finding the Steam Team.*

Diesel: So, Joey. If we can't find the steamies, what will be the last place we'll look before we give up hope?

Joey: I say we should look into Dartmouth. The engines there still need help with their work done.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Quite right, Joey. *turns to the other engines.* Alright, you lot. Get your pistons pumping and boilers bubbling. We've got some steam engines to find!

*The search party makes it way down the line in hopes to search for the Steam Team. Meanwhile, on the ship, Thomas and Mila are talking to Leeko, Henry and Douglas.*

Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of the continent, the engines and the pirates were on their way to find the seventh coin. But Thomas and Mila were having second thoughts...

Mila: How could we just lose two people like that, guys? Not to mention James, Henry, Douglas and Toby all had near-death experiences.

Henry: Look, we're telling you what we saw, guys. Since the Spirit attacked us and fried James up. There was a bright flash of light and then... Breena and Luprand were just... gone.

Thomas: Now that you mentioned it, Henry. I was wondering where they went.

Mila: These are strange time indeed, Henry. Stay on the ship whilst we dock. Let us know IMMEDIATELY if you see any funny business.

Henry: Awww, why are you asking me to be the one who stays behind?

Thomas: Henry, you're still crippled and we don't want you to go out and be crippled again. Nothing like a good overhaul at the Steamworks can't fix, right?

Henry: *brooding* Yeah... right.

Mila: What's the big deal, guys? I thought you hated "reconnaissance".

Douglas: Och, you remembered? I assumed you were leaving us behind because you thought we were worthless.

Henry: But we can see... you're doing it because you CARE about us. Mila, Thomas... I can't tell you how much...

Mila: We know, Henry.

Thomas: But when we see those other merchants, Mila. We'll try to be reasonable with them, alright?

Mila: Well, no can do, Thomas. A reasonable woman bends herself to fit the world. An unreasonable woman bends the world to fit herself. Therefore, all progress

rests on the shoulders of the unreasonable woman.

Thomas: *looks at the viewers.* This... is going to be a real headache... and a spine-bender based on what Mila said...

*Scene changes to a merchants shop in Porlock Weir where Thomas, Mila, Darious, Tam-Tam, Donald and Douglas are going.*

Donald: So... Thomas thinks there could be another coin hidden in there?

Mila: Well, I suppose he's right, Donald.

*The sextet enter the building carefully and quietly as they could.*

Darious: Are you sure this is the right place, Mila and Thomas?

Mila: Well, the bill of sale I found in the queen's chest said she bought something here. There's got to be some connection, why else would she keep it with the coins?

Donald: Oh, I couldn't even think of a few reasons to hide evidance of coming here.

Tam-Tam: But I can.

Donald: Really?

Tam-Tam: Eh... no.

*Just then, two matchmakers (one rabbit and one cat) appear out of nowhere.*

Cat: Oh, hi there! Welcome one, welcome all, to Sherry and Threyon's love imporium! We have everything you could want for your most intimidating needs...

Douglas: Och, your what now?

Darious: Intimidate? I think... we have the wrong place, we should go.

*But before Darious can leave, Donald grabs him by the collar.*

Donald: Now wait a minute, laddie! Mila said we had to be here, whether we like it or not.

Tam-Tam: Darious is right, A little window shopping will just kill us, won't it?

Darious: Tam-Tam, we have an important mission. We don't have time be dilly-dallying.

Sherry: He thinks finding love is waste of time, maybe he's beyond even our ability to help.

Threyon: I'm sure she's just acting reprehensive 'cause he's so shy.

Donald: No, he isn't. In fact, he'd make a great substitute to use as a log for the true Scottish Caber toss championships.

Douglas: *chuckles* Good one, brother!

*Darious groans in embarrassment.*

Threyon: Cupid just needs a helping hand sometimes, mister. There's no shame in that...

Thomas: Well, could you at LEAST keep your hands to yourselves? We are looking for the coins, if you know what I mean.

Threyon: Well, of course! The wizard didn't conjugate them for nothing, you know.

Darious: The wizard?! So this is INDEED where we're supposed to be.

Tam-Tam: See, Darious? We're at the right place after all.

Threyon: You sure are! I know love will be in the air soon.

Darious: Well, for your information. We're going to use the coins to make the world a better place.

Donald: Yep, so much better it could even cure Douggie of his so-called "facial" hair. *chuckles*

Douglas: Ach, don't you start, laddie.

Sherry: Well, we're already living your dreams. We're making the world a better place with 'em every day.

Darious: Really? How? By using them to sell these trinkets here?

Threyon: Well, we're not just merchants! We're matchmakers! Love gurus! Romantic enervators...

Thomas: Well then, If you are the love-making duo... Do you know how to talk people into having *leans over to Threyon and Sherry and whispers.* S.E.X?

*Threyon and Sherry look at Thomas in disbelief and blush.*

Threyon: Ummmm... You're going to have to find out for yourself...

Sherry: Anyways, what could be better than a world in love, right?

Darious: But what about a world at peace?

Sherry: Have you ever heard the phrase "Make love, not war"?

Mila: Sounds quite overrated.

Tam-Tam: And here I thought being a pirate would be fun. Do you two have an opening?

Sherry: Sorry, team of two over here...

*Douglas and Thomas gape nervously at the fact that Sherry's breasts are digging into the back on Threyon.*

Douglas: Dang... these guys are a proper wee lovey-dovey...

Thomas: Tell me about it...

Mila: A team? *facepalms* You gotta be joking. How do you even use the coins?

Threyon: You know, it took us quite a while to contemporize and figure them out... But it turns out there was a clue written on the coins all along!

Thomas: There was?

Threyon: Yep. It says "Become What You Seek".

Thomas: Hey, Mila's got one of those... It's around her neck.

*Darious rolls his eyes in annoyance.*

Sherry: The coins amplify, among other things, desires. Normally, your own... But how is that going to help your love life?

Threyon: Maybe if you're in love with your own refraction...

Thomas: I never said I was.

Sherry: Well, with the aid of the coin, we managed to capture the desires of others into talismans. So you can become the perfect fit for your ideal partner. Combined with our coin, love will be

in the air before you know it.

Darious: Why would someone need to change how they looked like for their ideal partner? Isn't love supposed to be blind?

Donald: Love has eyes, you just never see them.

Tam-Tam: Scotsboy is right. Love may be blind, captain. But passion is not.

Sherry: Well said, lizard-girl!

Threyon: You know, I'm getting a thought, we could get the gold egg? Or that rabbit one that's built with the twins?

Sherry: Perfect! I'll go get it from the back! *huddles Threyon.* You should come with me. I don't want to spend another second away from your beautiful face...

Threyon: And I don't want to extirpate myself from your beautiful... well, you know...

*Threyon and Sherry both walk to the back room, huddling each other.*

Darious: Alright, Tam-Tam. What's with the attitude?

Tam-Tam: What's with yours? *scoffs* If you want them to cooperate, we've got to play along.

Donald: Ach, Can we say "OwO What's this" while we can?

Thomas: No... Donald, you can't.

Mila: I like the idea!

Darious: I sense your enthusiam is going beyond the call of duty.

*Douglas hides his copy of Call of Duty in his cab.*

Tam-Tam: So what if it is? Is love just pointless for you?

Darious: Well... here's the thing... er...

Thomas: At any moment, one of us might die, transform into someone completely different OR be sucked into an alternate timeline... and yet you want to worry about love?

Darious: Ah yes! Thank you, Thomas!

Tam-Tam: It's because life's so fragile that every moment is so precious, darling.

Mila: Romantic pirates? What's next, pirates that want to take teatimes and play with fancy umbrellas and lace gloves?

Thomas: Mila, don't be such a furry gob. It takes ALL the colours to make a rainbow... Except brown, there's no brown in a rainbow.

Tam-Tam: Why not? What's the harm in playing a little dress up now and then? I think we'd ALL be happier if we did, don't you agree, Darious and you two scotsboys?

Darious: All of this? Well... sorry, Tam-Tam. But I don't have much of a feminine side.

Thomas: Yeah, and I've had bad experiences with little dress up games before.

*Scene cuts to a cutaway of Thomas at Knapford Station Platform 1 where the Female Furries are waiting for their train.*

Thomas: Hey, girls. I'm doing a Sunday Roast special on my branch line today and wondered if you...

*But before Thomas can reply, the Female Furries pounce on him.*


Thomas: Wait... what the-?

*The Female Furries hold Thomas down and gang up on him.*


Amy: Hold him still, push him down! Put him on all six wheels.

Thomas: HEY! Cut it out! HELP!

Amy: It'll be really cool, put your pinkie in his butt!

*The Female Furries corner Thomas and start doing "something" to him. Eventually, Thomas emerges from their grasps, dressed like a princess. The Female Furries laugh wildly.*

Sandy: Calm down, y'all.

*Sandy smacks Thomas' bunker, which immediately sends him puffing down line and crashing into a signal gantry. The Female Furries laugh louder. Amy points to Percy who's sitting at Platform 6.*

Amy: Now Percy!

Percy: Alright, I guess this is the night b****es die. *Gets out shotgun.*

*Scene cuts back to Thomas, Mila, Darious, Tam-Tam, Donald and Douglas in the love merchants shop. Threyon and Sherry arrive back at the counter.*

Threyon: Sorry about the delay, folks. Can't believe we missed the cutaway. Not to worry, we've got exactly the talisman to put love in the air.

We've just been having a friendly debate over who to give it to...

Darious: We're only looking for the coin, thank you very much. We need NO help in managing our *clears throats* personal affairs. You see...

*Donald covers his hand over Darious' mouth to shut him up.*

Donald: Och, our captain's just shy, as you said. We're happy to pay for whatever talisman you think is fitting.

Douglas: Aye, Let's at least hear them out, lad.

Sherry: *chuckles* You won't be sorry. I'm convinced love is about to be in the air.

Darious: Trust me. It isn't...

Threyon: Well, not yet. There's certainly a possibility that two members of your crew might be comparable...

Sherry: But I think something's in the way... and that's why we're going to give love a little helping hand!

Thomas: Please hurry up, Just give us that coin and we'll be leaving. ASAP!

Donald: Thomas, wait... laddie.

Thomas: My paitence has reached its end, Donald. The coin is FAR TOO DANGEROUS to remain in their hands and their power is FAR TOO GREAT to be used flippantly.

Threyon: Fine, fine. You win, Thomas. Take it.

Sherry: But Threyon, they need our help!

Threyon: Inherently, I guess they want to go on their little treasure hunt instead. Here you go, Thomas. Take it and go.

Thomas: Finally, we can take the god damn coin and...

*But before Thomas could finish, Donald steams in front of him.*

Donald: Och, NO WAY LADDIE! I promised myself a trinket and I'll get a trinket. *pulls up to the counter.* So you two, what do you have in mind?

Sherry: Well, for Thomas, we considered an item for him, but after some discussion... Donald, we've both decided that

this love talisman would be best placed in your hands.

Darious: Let's just get the coin and go, Donald.

Donald: Patience please, laddie. I need to try this out! Can't I enjoy my moment just a little?

Sherry: It's just what you need, Donald. Here, take it...

Douglas: Donal', no! Don't do it! It's a trap!

Donald: Ach, hud yer weesht, Douggie. What's one talisman going to do to me?

*Sherry gives Donald the talisman. Donald puts it around his smokebox. Just then, Donald notices a small bottle with a nozzle on his talisman.*

Donald: Ach, no way. I never knew this was a hanging fragr-... *sprays the fragrance in his face.* AAAARGH! MY EYES! THIS ISN'T FRAGRANCE, IT'S PEPPER SPRAY!!!


Douglas: I tried to warn you, Donal'...

Tam-Tam: Wha... what happened?

Sherry: What do you think? You've sprayed yourself to be lucky in love.

Donald: Lucky in love? LUCKY IN LOVE?! You give me a f**king pepper spray and call it "lucky in love"? *sobs*

Tam-Tam: Lucky in love? I certainly doubt that, but... damn. Scotsboy certainly feels lonely and empty so often that he's tempted to get his hopes up.

Douglas: Ach, I wouldn't judge it, Tam-Tam.

Mila: Ummm... Is that true?

Donald: Ach... I... I thought... I thought you were trying to help people look PRETTY!

Threyon: Oh, you're very pretty.

Donald: I don't look any different, I've just sprayed my own eyes with pepper spray and YOU'RE SAYING I'M F**KING PRETTY?! *sobs*

Tam-Tam: Maybe according to you, But Scotsboy will get a lot less attention from other people, if not other engines too. And you know me, I really, REALLY, like getting attention.

Darious: Tam-Tam, did you break your sarcasm bone or something?

Thomas: No, she hasn't. Well... aside from Donald burning his own blood vessels.

Sherry: That's another little side effect there. The rabbit who donated that egg was brutally honest, always.

Donald: Och, you're telling me I have to be honest all the time?! *sobs* I never wanted to be honest with people! Oh crikey, lads! I'm already doing it. Captain, Douggie. Let's just get the coin and go, okay?!

Sherry: You can't take that. How do you expect us to help people without it? Giving people advice? Creating a safe space to talk about their problems?

Threyon: We'll go broke. We might as well declare bureaucracy right now.

Thomas: Don't you mean bankruptcy?

Threyon: Yes, that.

Thomas: Oh... whoops.

Mila: I don't care what you do. We're the Dread Pirates. We've got twenty-one heavily armed steam locomotives docked outside. Do you really think it's wise to tell us

what we can't do?

Thomas: Leave it to me, Mila. I've got this...

*Thomas aims a gun at Threyon and Sherry and opens fire at both of them.*

Thomas: There we go. If James can do it, so can I. Now then, Douglas, Darious. I want you to take Donald back to the ship. Mila and Tam-Tam can stay and help me raid the store. *leans over to Mila and Tam-Tam.*

Trust me, you guys are pirates and pirates do steal from whom they've killed.

Mila: I'm not sure about this... but okay.

Tam-Tam: Are you sure, Thomas? I wanted to get outta here as soon as possible.

Thomas: Tam-Tam, we're pirates. Stealing is fractically within our blood.

Tam-Tam: Oh... alright. Makes sense when you glance at it.

*Scene changes to back on the ship where Thomas, Mila and Darious are outside the quarters, waiting for Donald.*

Thomas: So... let me get this straight. You really sure you want to go through all of this?

Donald: *opens the door and makes hand gestures.* Laddie, I just sprayed my f**king eyes with pepper spray. Those bloody merchants, they think they can take away so many things.

My vision, my senses, but I'll be damned if they're going to tell me what to wear.

Darious: If you say, Donald.

Donald: Don't look yet! I don't want anyone to see my eyes like this... Just a little bit here and... Alright. But whatever you do... don't laugh at me...

*Donald steams out from the quarters, wearing eyepatches on BOTH of his eyes. But he's stuck googly eyes on them to make it look like his eyes are fine.*

Donald: Well, my penmanship drawings are awful, hence why I had to use these googly eyes instead.

*Thomas and Mila try not to giggle. But Darious walks forward.*

Darious: Well, on the contrary, Donald. I thought you didn't care if people looked.

Donald: I don't...

Mila: *smiles* Don't worry, Donald. You know, a true Scottish engine could lead this crew NUDE if he, or she, wanted to.

Darious: What...?

Donald: What are you saying, laddie? That you should take your clothes off and prance around with your gentials showing to the public?

Mila: No, Donald. I'm saying that if you're brave enough. You can deal with anything.

Donald: You know... you're right, Mila. I'll get back to work.

*Donald attempts to move forward, but he turns left and falls of the starboard and into the sea. He eventually emerges from the water.*

Donald: Well, at least my eyes are alright now! *climbs back onto the ship and groans.* But... the same could not be said for my firebox...

*Donald reveals a large, pointy stone has been lodged into his firebox, BADLY.*

Thomas: Ouch...

*Later, Thomas, Mila, Donald and Darious have gathered up with James, Henry, Toby and Douglas.*

Toby: So... er... Donald? What's with the-?

Darious: Stop staring at him, Toby. That's an order.

Toby: Sorry, sir. May I ask, what happened?

Donald: Long story short, lad. Fell into the sea, got stabbed by a giant rock. End of story.

Toby: Understandable, we were ALL in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Darious: Well, not to worry, Toby and Donald. We're happy to help you through every stage of your journeys.

Donald: There's no stages, there's NO journey! We just can't accept this, laddie!

Henry: He's right. The answer to that might be "Yes" and that deeply frightens us.

Darious: Yes, I know it might be hard at first. But what have we really lost? We're still all the same on the inside, aren't we? I mean, Douglas, Henry, Toby and James, right

after you got brutally annihilated yourselves, you were incredibly upset. You all got mad at me, Thomas and Mila for not asking you to properly rig sails due to your *clears throat*


Donald: Yeah, and NOW you think you can make us all better with a few empty platitudes?

James: This is all wrong, If Mila and Thomas got beaten to s**t, you'd rush to their aids. Where as when we get beaten, in a helpful way, and you treat us like actual s**t! We must live in topsy-turvy world!

*Donald, Douglas, Toby and Henry all agree with James.*

Tam-Tam: Woah, easy on the backchat there, guys. Loving the stone, Donald!

Donald: Och, lay off the sarcasm this one, Tam-Tam!

Tam-Tam: You know, I didn't realize this at first. But seeing you five altogether... Well, I guess you two aren't cut out to be the proper pirates we think you are.

Darious: That's enough, Tam-Tam. Please, you're dismissed. Just rig the sails already.

Tam-Tam: Oh, right! The sails, forgot about those. Sorry, cap'n. Be on my way!

*Tam-Tam races quickly away to rig the sails.*

Thomas: So... uh... who's our next lead on the coins?

Darious: Unfortunately, we don't have one, Thomas.

*The others gasp, stutter and mutter in shock.*

Darious: I know... I know. I'm shocked too. This has been a difficult, yet conflicting time for us.

Mila: So, where would YOU like to go next?

Darious: Sadly... I don't know.

*Percy steams up.*

Percy: I think I know where I like to go... home.

Henry: Now that you mentioned it... I do miss the Island of Sodor and I miss pulling the Flying Kipper.

Toby: I miss going down the quarry line with Henrietta.

Donald: We miss working on the Main Line.

Douglas: Aye...

Thomas: You know, guys... I feel the exact same way too. I miss the railway too. I miss The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt), I miss Joey, I miss Annie and Clarabel, I miss my branch line. And I never thought I'd say this but...

*sighs* I even miss Diesel and the Female Furries.

Mila: Wow... we never knew your home meant so much to you, Thomas.

Thomas: I know. It's been almost a month since I first met you guys. I mean, we had our ups and downs. We've had pros and cons. But here's the thing, we ALL did this together. If it hadn't been for us, Darious wouldn't have

been able to get this far. We only have one more coin to find! We're not doing this just because these pirates saved our lives. In fact, those pirates feel more like friends to us.

Henry: You know... You're right.

Thomas: Well... like I always say. "That's what friends are for".

Thomas: *singing* When you think life's unfair

And you feel nobody cares.

Don't be afraid to open the door

Then you'll find you're not alone anymore.

Percy: *singing* Sometimes there's rainy days

You may need help along the way.

Do not despair, you know we'll be there 'cos

That's What Friends are For.

Chorus feat. James, Henry, Toby, Donald and Douglas as backup vocals:

Thomas and Percy: *singing* All pull together

All join hands

Old friends together forever

We are the best friends

We stand as one

Whatever life may bring

We are never alone

We're together, forever... one.

James: *singing* Life's full of ups, and downs

Henry:*singing* Just like a merry-go-round.

Donald and Douglas: *singing* Happy or sad, we will stick by your side

Toby: *singing* 'cos That's What Friends are For.

(Chorus feat. Mila, James, Henry, Toby, Donald and Douglas as backup vocals)

Mila: *singing* One day, we may be apart

And the distance may sadden our hearts

Wherever we stray, remember this day...

Thomas and Mila: *singing* Friends together, forever...

...we stay.

Darious: Well, I'm glad we've all got this cleared up. So which direction shall we take?

*Thomas and Mila look at each other, for they do not know either.*

Thomas: *gulps* Okay, I must admit. I'm pathetic, aren't I?

Mila: Oh, Thomas. *pats Thomas' buffer.* It's pathetic that you think being a pirate is something to be ashamed of. Especially when you've got me as an example

of everything a once spice merchant now first mate can be.

Thomas: Well, Mila. It's just been the last straw really, for all of us. I mean, it was your plan that won us the queen's coins for a start. Donald sensed that danger in the merchant

shop and yet I couldn't protect myself. Now I can't even command the respect for the others.

Darious: But you DID, Thomas. You showed us that treasure isn't always important, but mostly friendship. And that's what I never thought of. And ever since Morgana died, We've all been so miserable

and so tired. Thomas, I know we butt heads from time to time, but by the looks of things, Mila is obviously considering you her closest friend.

Mila: He's right, you know.

Darious: Thomas, since you probably have more sense than us pirates, Tell us... what should we do?

Thomas: Well around some of us, you're often trying to look like Rocky and Bullwinkle's arch-nemesis Fearless Leader. Instead of actually being brave, you're just trying to look brave.

Percy: Thomas is right. My old friend Gator once said to me "Being brave is not the same as being scared. Being brave is about what you do, even if you do feel scared!". Those words have stuck to me ever since.

But on top of that, you wouldn't even let Leeko or Henry talk to you.

Mila: Then what do you want us to do? Paint each other's nails?

*Thomas and Darious start chuckling*

Darious: I wouldn't mind seeing that... I'm sure you'd look great!

Mila: Really? You mean it?

Thomas: Of course! Why not at least wear clothes that actually fit you. Show them you don't care what they think. Do you still have that dress we bought from the boutique?

Mila: It's... uh... currently in storage. Under Darious' treasures...

Thomas: Oh... But anyway, no matter what livery I'm wearing, I can't ever be happy with myself like this.

Mila: Well, I must admit, your blue paint certainly does bring a smile onto everyone's faces.

Thomas: Anyways, back to work.

Darious: Where are you going? I'm the captain!

Thomas: Like I said, Back to work. I gotta sweep the decks.

Darious: Oh, of course. I assigned you that, Thomas. Carry on!

*Later, Thomas and Mila try moving a very heavy box from beneath the deck.*

Thomas: Right then, now to move this box of...

*The box breaks open, it spills all the coins out, right on top of Mila! Thomas drops the box in astonishment.*

Thomas: Oh... c**p...

*Mila sits up and rubs her head.*

Mila: *groans* What just happened?

Thomas: I'm not sure... but I guess I kinda found the ship's bounty... in £1 coins.

*Mila gets up, dusts off her clothes and chuckles*

Mila: You almost planned this out, didn't you?

Thomas: Yeah... But anyways, I've got some more sweeping to do.

*Darious walks in.*

Darious: Wait... these aren't the coins I'm looking for... *looks at Thomas.* Do you want all this?

Thomas: *smiles broadly* Much obliged.

*End of Scene 7*


Scene 8:

*Meanwhile out on the ship's deck, Gordon is squabbling with Tam-Tam*


Tam-Tam: I didn't hear "please".

Gordon: I'm not going to grovel with you! I'm an express engine and I have seniority over you. I do not waste time saying "please" and "thank you"!

Tam-Tam: Oh! Of course you do! Because of the chain of command means so much to you around here.

Edward: *whistles* That's enough, you two! We're both the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team! We're not squabbling schoolchildren. Didn't Darious give you something

for either of you to do? Like... scrub the decks, for example?

Tam-Tam: Oh, yes... he did.

Edward: Just get to work...

Tam-Tam: Yes, sir.

Gordon: Alright...

*Edward steams off to rig the sails whilst Gordon and Tam-Tam walk off the scrub the decks. Meanwhile, Darious, Mila and Thomas are watching.*

Darious: By the looks of things, Thomas. I think Edward would've given me a perfect example of being a captain.

Thomas: You have to hand it to Edward, Darious. He's one real chad.

*Edward steams over to the trio after rigging the sails.*

Edward: Well, Captain Darious never left, Thomas. All he needed was some perspective.

Darious: Thanks for that, Edward.

Edward: My pleasure.

Darious: You know, Thomas, Mila and Edward. I really appreciate the things the Steam Team have been doing for me. If not counting you three as well.

Mila: Ummmm... You're not getting mushy on me, are you?

Darious: Having emotions isn't a sign of weakness, Mila. I'm sure you must have them too.

Mila: Well, from time to time.

Edward: I certainly think you're due for a little *clears throat* heart-to-heart, Mila. I know you and Thomas have put on a rough front but underneath all that. I think you two want to talk about your feelings.

Thomas: Well, not without at least eight or nine gallons of booze, I don't.

Darious: I'm glad you asked, Thomas. It just so happens that I've got some stashed away...

Thomas: You have some? Oh, HELL YES!

Darious: So, you're going to keep your word?

Thomas: You bet your sweet ass, I will!

*Scene cuts to SpongeBob-style time card.*

French Narrator: A few more alcoholic drinks later...

*Scene changes to Thomas, Mila and Darious, completely drunk from drinking the booze.*

Darious: *slurred* So, Thomas... is it? When was the last time you were scared...?

Thomas: *burps* I think it might've been the time back in '64 where Percy coated himself in lime and scared the living daylights out of me by being a ghost, even though he wasn't really one...

Mila: *takes a big gulp after drinking another gallon.* I've never been scared...

Thomas: *slurred* Ahhh, come on!

Darious: *slurred* Tell us, ol' girl...

Mila: *slurred* Hey, it's true.

Thomas: *slurred* Yeah, you better hope it isn't... *barfs* Certainly makes all your feats of strength A LOT less impressive.

Mila: *slurred* Man, big words for a scared little girl.

Darious: *slurred* He means bravery is being scared but setting sail regardless. If you never felt any fear. Then you've never really been brave, have you?

Mila: *groans* Fine, I'll come clean. The Mila I used to be... I was almost damn scared. But hell I had reason to be, right? A weak little catgirl, once a spice merchant now

a first mate, who couldn't do NOTHING! But Thomas here had the courage to save my life by punching Rourkie. Doesn't sound like he "couldn't do nothing" to me.

Darious: *slurred* Alright. Let's spin the bottle to see who else gets a turn.

*Darious spins an empty beer bottle to see who gets their turn at talking their emotions out next. The bottle lands on Thomas.*

Darious: *slurred* Well, we don't have to ask you THAT question. I know that turning you from a normal, plain, steam engine into a brave, mechanical pirate scared you plenty.

Thomas: *takes a big gulp after drinking another gallon.* Well, I was upset, confused maybe... but scared...? Hardly...

Mila: *slurred* Ah, don't fool us, Thomas. We know what you were like... *elbow bumps Thomas.*

Thomas: *barfs* Okay, then when?

Darious: *slurred* I guess it was probably the moment you witnessed five of your friends getting hurt in many possible ways.

Thomas: *slurred* What? You think I'd fight back? Sacrifice myself to save my friends? Fat chance.

Mila: *slurred* No... it wasn't that... *barfs* It was who you realized us of. Another strong, independent crewmember who was determind to never let anything stand in their way.

Someone we cared about a great deal, and we lost her. Thomas... *stands up.* You and I have grown so close and... we just couldn't BEAR the thought of losing you too.

Thomas: Well, you don't have to worry too long. I live on a railway network and I'm always there. I would NEVER go anywhere unless assigned to.

Darious: *stands up* Well, that's good. Seeing you grow from the engine we met into such a strong, brave tank engine has been a joy. In our eyes, you've become more useful every day.

Mila: He's right. You're an inspiration to us pirates, Thomas. In more ways than one. And knowing you have the courage, the strength and the determination to do what needs to be done.

Well... there's no doubt we want you by our sides every so often. We mean that in every way.

Darious: Of course, We realize that given our present conditions, there might be a few obstacles to that...

Thomas: *chuckles* Are you kidding? There's no problem to that. As a matter of fact, I might even like you than any other pirate on this planet put together.

Mila: You do? How fascinating, Thomas.

Thomas: Well... that's not how I'd put it.

Darious: Then, how would you put it then?

*Thomas grins, he knows what to do. Later, Mila and Darious are both sitting on the deck, eating tacos.*

Mila: Mmmm... Sudrian Tacos. Why didn't we think of this before?

Thomas: Ah yes, the old traditional favourite food of certain tank engines. Glad you like them.

Darious: They're better than any other taco ever made, Thomas. I'm surprised you went through all this trouble just to make these delicious tacos.

Thomas: Thanks.

*Later, Mila is talking to Tam-Tam and Percy.*

Percy: You know, I noticed the captain's mid-life crisis has been cured. That couldn't be your doing, could it?

Mila: Well, no. But I was involved, you know.

Tam-Tam: Really? You? A doctor? I never would have guessed. How typical! Darious turns into a middle-aged man and can't be bother to embrace it with

dignity or grace. Parading around in those clothes and expecting us to keep a straight face, and the coins just magically fix everything.

Percy: Well, not just the coins, Tam-Tam.

Mila: And what's your problem, exactly?

Tam-Tam: It's not really a problem, you see. Dress with you and Henry certainly helped you adjust nicely. I'm sure Darious will feel better now he's got a proper crew.

Percy: Is that your answer for everything? Sarcasm? You're a weird one, Tam-Tam.

Tam-Tam: I know, green one. Of course, what to eat, where to sail, how to defeat bandits. All of them have age-related answers.

Percy: You know what I mean, so say it plainly.

Tam-Tam: Well, I happen to think that enjoying the way we look, picking out the right sorts, being useful, that's some of the highlights of being a pirate.

Percy: I know, but Donald and Douglas encountered witchcraft and James, Henry and Toby have been critically injured. So... *clears throat* I don't know how to

make it any plainer than that, buddy.

Mila: Well, me and Thomas' highlights of being pirates are beating the s**t out of people. Because I must admit, Thomas is a strong, brave engine who can double up

as my bodyguard when needed.

Tam-Tam: Oh, of course. Nobody would ever think otherwise. Not for a moment.

Percy: What're you talking about?

Tam-Tam: I think Mila would enjoy being fitted for a beautiful dress.

Mila: What... me? And I think Percy would enjoy having his feet burned with hot coals.

Percy: *chuckles nervously* That's not how things work with engines. Hot coals obviously go in the firebox.

Tam-Tam: How very clever, green one. You're almost to sound like me. Why not we finish the process and relax like me as well, I'm happy to help.

Percy: Oh, no no no no! Absolutely not.

Tam-Tam: Oh come on, darling. It won't be all bad. I'll make it worth your while, if you catch my drift.

Mila: What are you talking about?

Tam-Tam: Oh, don't be so coy. The way the green one is looking at me. He isn't exactly subtle.

Percy: I am! I just... don't do subtlety. Never have, never will. You've got enough of that for the three of us, right?

Tam-Tam: Of course, no complaints here.

Mila; But why do you want to dress me?

Tam-Tam: Because I really want to see you in one... again. It will be a feast for my eyes. Come on, indulge me. Unless, you're too proud to debase yourselves.

Percy: Of course not, I don't care WHAT I wear.

Tam-Tam: Then prove it, darling.

Percy: Even if I did this, where are you going to find enough fabric for me?

Tam-Tam: Oh, that's already been taken of, Percy.

Mila: You really thought this out, haven't you? I have to admire your dedication.

Tam-Tam: Dedication? Please Mila, you have no idea.

Percy: Oh really? Make me the finest dress you know...

*Tam-Tam smirks, she knows what going to happen. Later, Percy is admiring himself in a mirror, wearing a frilly dress.*

Mila: Tam-Tam, are you sure this looks right?

Percy: You kidding? I look gorgeous, and very sexy. Rawr...

Mila: If you say so... Well, I hope you're enjoying your eyeful. I hope this is the only time we'll do this.

*Just then, Gordon enters.*

Gordon: Hey, Mila. I just heard from... *sees Percy in a dress.* HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!

Percy: *notices Gordon.* ARGH! Gordon! It's not what it looks like!

Gordon: *blushing really badly* Never mind, I've seen enough!

*Gordon steams out of the room. Mila and Tam-Tam watch in disbelief.*

Tam-Tam: Okay... maybe I'm starting to think dressing Percy wasn't such a good idea after all.

Mila: Tell me about it.

*Scene changes to the ship's deck where Leeko is attempting to raise the anchor.*

Thomas: I'll give you some help with that anchor, Leeko.

Leeko: No, no. I'm perfectly capable of pulling a rope, Thomas.

Thomas: But I can pull it easily, you see?

Leeko: Very impressive, Thomas.

Thomas: You don't sound very impressed, do you?

Leeko: I already told you, I don't want any help.

Thomas: Alright, then what DO you want?

Leeko: I want you to stop rubbing it in my face. I know you're brave to help others but do you have to be such a showoff.

Thomas: That's not rubbing it in your face. THIS is rubbing it in your face!

*Thomas grabs Leeko's head and rubs his face on his sidetanks.*

Leeko: *breathes heavily.* I don't see why THAT was necessary, Thomas.

Thomas: Well, why would me being a showoff bother you? Sounds like you're the one with problems, not me.

Leeko: Well, I guess don't exactly need a reminder that I'm, you know... the weakest member of this crew, you know.

Thomas: Oh, so you want us to trade lives, is that it? I'm the weak corgi cartographer and you're the famous tank engine from television, right?

Leeko: I never said that! I just want to feel important, Thomas. You were able to conquer ghosts and scale the walls of a castle with you AND Mila together. Tam-Tam

managed to get that coin from those merchants and the captain can certainly talk fancier than I can.

Thomas: Hey! It doesn't matter what you accomplish or who recognizes your skills, Leeko. It only matter that you trust your gut.

Leeko: Usually, the only thing my gut tells me is to worry.

Thomas: Well, that's good! Embrace it!

Leeko: WHAT?!

Thomas: Sorry, slip of the tongue. What I really meant was, you knew something was wrong with Darious, and Tam-Tam didn't believe you. I wasn't sure either way at first.

But your nervous little worries saved us all.

Leeko: Oh... maybe you're right. But all anyone will remember is you saving the captain's life.

Thomas: Hey, just because you didn't get the glory doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

Leeko: Yeah... I hadn't looked at it like that. I never thought my worries might actually matter to someone.

Thomas: And like I said, Leeko. One thing you shouldn't have to worry about is lifting an anchor. Not when us engines are on board, anyway.

Leeko: But I don't want to give up on that. I don't want to be seen as a weak and helpless animal.

Thomas: Oh, so you do want to trade lives! I GODDAMN KNEW IT! Look, just admit it! There's no shame in that.

Leeko: I know that! Just look at me! But... having you around helps a lot! You've helped me find my courage! You know, throughout my life, I wasn't ever really sure

I'd feel comfortable with myself. But you never treated me like I didn't belong... You never ignored me or passed over me.

*Henry pulls up beside Thomas and Leeko.*

Henry: Leeko has a point. When I got crushed by a statue. I thought that was it for me on the ship. I was just going to be a joke. Henry, the poor sucker who couldn't even keep his dignity.

But I wasn't a joke! Well, not in your eyes. But when I see myself in your gaze. I feel like I'm exactly who I want to be.

Thomas: Yeah... whatever. I've got to stuff to do. Catch you later!

Leeko: You too, Thomas!

*Thomas puffs away, Leeko turns to Henry.*

Henry: That Thomas, I have NO idea what he's talking about.

Leeko: Me neither...

*Thomas makes his way back up to the deck and meets Mila. Just then, James steams up with a small microchip in his hand.*

James: Thomas! Mila! I found this hidden under the coal inside my tender! It's a microchip one of us formerly used.

Thomas: Wow, what does it do?

James: Do you realise that this chip can be inserted into a GPS that can enter into someone's brain that...

*But before, James could reply. Percy steams up to the trio.*

Percy: Or it could be inserted into the mouth manually, and digest it. So we can battle hunger and taste good.

Thomas: Wait... Percy.

*But Percy ends up swallowing the microchip.*

James: Ohhh... man.

Thomas: Tell me you just didn't eat that f**king...

Percy: Hey, James said it was a chip. So where's the ketchup? Or am I looking at him?

James: OOOOOH! You did not even just do that! *chuckles* You are so dead! OOOH NO, you didn't! *laughs* Oh my God!

Thomas: Yeah... right.

*Later, Percy is sitting on a bucket. Mila gives him a drink in a beer mug.*

Mila: Alright, drink this.

Percy: I'm not thirsty.

Mila: I said drink it.

Percy: Well, what is it?

Mila: It's a mixture of mustard, vinegar and oyster sauce.

Percy: Oyster sauce, oh hell yeah!

Mila: You see that chip you ate. It's coming out of you, one way or another.

*Percy drinks the mixture.*

Percy: A little weak but you can fix that up a little half and half. But it was cool, so give me another.

*James steams up, quite jealous.*

James: I get it, they badmouthed you and they make delicious sugary energy shakes. And I open my mouth in a helpful way and I get slapped. We must be in topsy-turvy world.

*Just then, Thomas arrives with another drink for Percy.*

Thomas: Here's another, Percy. And I think I may have peed in this one.

James: NO WAY!

*James yoinks the drink out of Thomas' hands.*

Thomas: James! Wait, what are you doing?

James: I am now in training. *drinks the mixture.* It's kinda fruity when you...

*James vomits over Thomas, Percy and Mila. Percy covers the bucket over his face to stop James from puking on him. James stops vomiting, the others take a closer look to see if he has. But then he vomits


James: *groans* Yeah... that was GOOD! *coughs* My teeth feel goody! And I'm gonna drink some water.

*James steams off to drink some water and Thomas follows. Percy sits back on the bucket.*

Percy: Well, not bad. Get some of that in a keg. That body needs nutrients...

Mila: ...and Thomas needs that chip, Percy. One way... or the other.

Percy: Oh, okay. Fecal matter. Stool sample.

Mila: Don't talk about it, just do it.

Percy: Well, I don't do it, Mila. Like most engines, My body consumes all waste material. It's like the Thunderdome in here. Only, two men enter... no man leaves. Rated R.

Mila: *stunned* No!

Percy: Starring Mel Gibson, and Tina Turner.

Mila: Are you serious?!

Percy: Yep.

Mila: You don't...

Percy: Don't what?

Mila: Uuuhh...

Percy: Come on.

Mila: You... you know...

Percy: Look, Mila. We're all adults here. You can say it. I promise I won't laugh.

Mila: Uh, poop?


*Percy calls out to James from the forecastle.*

Percy: Hey James, Mila said poop out here!

James: Poop! *laughs before he vomits again.* Poop!

*Just then, Tam-Tam calls from the bottom deck.*

Tam-Tam: Hey, Percy! Are you up here? Are you feeling, you know, in the mood again? *notices the vomit that James has made.* Ohhh... I'll see myself out.

*Later, Thomas, Mila, Tam-Tam, Leeko, Percy, Molly, Abigail, Duck and Jade have gathered in the captain's quarters with Darious.*

Darious: You all going to want to see this... See that X on the map there?

*Darious holds up a map.*

Thomas: Yeah... we see it.

Molly: Why'd you draw it there?

Darious: That's just it, I didn't draw it. I expect it must be a sign. The coins are instructing us where to go. Our journey must be nearing its end.

Thomas: *sighs* And about time too! But in any case, all engines on deck!

*Thomas and the engines steam onto the ship's deck and the Dread Pirates follow. The other engines are looking out on the horizon when they see a ship. Holly blows her whistle.*

Holly: Captain! Off the port bow! I hope that's not who I think it is...

Darious: It's... oh dear... It's Rourkie. Pull back, lads. Don't let us slip over the horizon. With any luck, he won't know we're right behind him.

Rosie: Yes... but he'll get there first!

Mila: Well exactly, Rosie!

*The engines all gasp and exclaim in shock.*

Mila: I've got a perfect idea, he won't be expecting us. But we can be prepared for him.

Darious: At long last... revenge will be in our grasp!

Oliver: We're getting closer now, I can see them getting off the ship.

Thomas: Then there's no time to lose. Steam Team assemble, let's follow them inside! Chloe, dock the ship by those rocks there.

Chloe: Ay-ay, Thomas!

*Chloe steers the ship into the rocks, The ship moves scratches and tears up through the rocky parts of the sea.*

Thomas: Keep going. You're good. You're good. You're good... and... stop.

Mila: I thought you guys already knew how to dock a ship by now.

Chloe: They do... but I don't.

*The Steam Team disembark from the ship.*

Gordon: So... where are we?

Mila: We're in Woolacombe, Gordon. Rourkie and his crew have gone into that library over there. *points to a nearby library.* We should ask Indigo Jack, he's the librarian of this place.

Thomas: So you know him? Well, There's no time to lose, guys. Come on, let's go!

*The Steam Team and the Dread Pirates carefully follow Rourkie's crew into the library. As the crew enter the library, Indigo Jack, a shark librarian, walks out.*

Indigo Jack: Hello, and welcome to...

Thomas: We haven't got time for introductions, we...

Librarian (not seen): Shhhh! This is a library!

Thomas: *whispering* Oh... sorry. *turns to Indigo Jack.* As we were saying, where's Rourkie's crew?

Indigo Jack: Hmmm... you mean those others who just came in? They were going to the Infinite Cafer, I believe.

Thomas: *whispering* Take us there now... please!

Indigo Jack: Well, your wish is my command.

Thomas: *whispering* Thank you! Come on, guys!

*Indigo Jack claps his hands and in a instance, the engines and pirates vanish in a puff of smoke. Meanwhile as Rourkie, Mary and Brock are having their lunch, Thomas kicks the door open.*

Thomas: Alright, Rourkie. END OF THE LINE! Remember me? The guy that punched your face weeks ago? Well, we're back and to finish what you've started.

Rourkie: Damn, and I've just started lunch! Brock, Mary! *points at Thomas.* GET THAT MOTHERF**KER!

*Brock and Mary attack Thomas. But Darious punches Brock and Mila kicks Mary in the face. Thomas charges at Rourkie.*

Thomas: Get ready to feel the wrath of Thomas T. Tank Engine!!

Rourkie: Oh, motherf-

*Thomas punches Rourkie, which sends him flying into a wall. Thomas looks around to find Rourkie and his crew, unconcious.*

Thomas: *dusts off his hands.* There we go. All done, we've slaughtered them all.

Leeko: Wow... I can't believe it's really over, and it's weird that Rourkie didn't change one bit, hasn't he? Become what you seek? Well, why didn't he turn into some kind

of terrible demon?

Mila: Rourkie wasn't the end all, be all of evil. He was just a bad guy who needed to die.

Darious: I take no satifaction from bloodlust, Mila.

Thomas: Oh, come on, Darious. You're as happy about this as anyone.

Mila: Well, Thomas. I think we're ALL happy with that now. Morgana can properly rest in peace, and we'll have no disruptions with Rourkie the next time we go hunting

for treasure.

Percy: You know, I gotta be honest. You don't really think she was, you know... Looking down at us, waiting for us to kill him?

Darious: Well, I'm not sure what I believe, Percy. But I know I fulfilled my duty to her.

Tam-Tam: *chuckles* If you two are fortunate enough to meet in the next life, I'm sure she'll find some way to express her appreciation for what you did.

Henry: I don't mean to be a worry wheel but... Where, exactly, are we? And how did we get here in the first place?

Thomas: We just went through the doors. I think the librarian called this place "The Infinite Cafe".

Darious: Well, perhaps Indigo Jack must specialize in magic. Or maybe the books themselves were the key? Are we inside a book itself, like a living fiction? Or was the book a portal to another realm

of some kind?

James: Never mind that... there's a corridor that way! Maybe once we're outside, we can try to find out more about where we are!

*The Steam Team and the Dread Pirates make their way through the corridors. But as they end up in the cafe again, they're halted by a pirate called Mako.*

Mako: *clears his throat sternly* Were you the ones making that infernal racket a few moments ago?

Thomas: *nervously* Erm... We were just... er... taking out the trash... yeah.

Mila: *nervously* Yeah... what he said. We're garbage collecting...

*Quick silence*

Mako: Sure are a lot of you here, too bad.

James: Why's that a bad thing, exactly? The kitchen was full of garbage.

Mako: *sighs* Because, as far as I'm concerned, the fewer people trapped down here, the better.

Duck: Wait a minute... did we just hear you say... "trapped"?

Mako: Well, there's nothing wrong with your hearing.

Thomas: So... you mean...?

Mako: Do you really need me to spell things out further than that? Surely you've started to put these pieces together.

Darious: Never mind that, I will have to admit that a troubling possibility crossed my mind. But I'm sure we could benefit from your experience.

Thomas: Either way, can you tell us about this place?

Mako: What's there to tell? If you've seen one room, you've seen them all. No matter how far you go, no matter which way you go.

Thomas: Wait... so you're saying... There's no way out. It's a never-ending...

Mako: Yes... It's never-ending, the Infinite Cafe.

*The engines and pirates gasp and exclaim in horror.*

Tam-Tam: Are we dead...? I've always believe in reincarnation, but... but...

Duck: Well, that would explain the twists and turns we've gone down there.


Percy: Joey and the others will be really worried sick about us!

Mako: I don't see why you need to keep asking me to repeat myself. Seems like you understand me perfectly well, young tank engines. If you have any real

questions, well, I'm all ears.

Thomas: How did you even get in here?

Mako: My crew and I were on a journey, hunting for the wizard's treasures. One day, we simply woke up here. I don't even know how or why, But now we're all lost souls.

Thomas: And none of you have managed to learn anything?

Mako: Well, no. Only that the rooms go on forever.

Percy: How can you be sure that they go on forever? You'd need an infinite amount of time to test that, don't you?

Mako: True enough. I haven't been here quite that long, only about over 400 years ago, give or take.

Thomas: 400 YEARS? You'd probably must be already dead by now.

Mako: Yes, and I suppose I ought to spend the next billion years walking in a single direction, just to make absolutely sure the rooms go on forever. Is that what you think?

Or will you lot still be around then, telling me I need to make it a googol before I issue such a bold pronouncement?

Percy: I thought Google was an internet company.

Duck: No, that's something else. Anyway, where is the "crew" you speak of?

Mako: Well, who knows? After we went our separate ways, we never found each other again. Speaking of that, I'll be moving along now...

*Mako leaves the engines and pirates on their own, Thomas turns to Mila and Darious.*

Thomas: That's it? That's going to be our fate? Wandering around aimlessly for the next million years?

Mila: Of course not, Thomas. This place was supposed to be dangerous, not impossible. Just because he hasn't found a way out doesn't mean we won't.

Darious: You planning on doing this with Thomas again, Mila?

Mila: Well, nothing is stopping you from finding a way out of here before I do, let's move on to the next room.

Percy: Wait, I just realized something... There shouldn't BE a next room.

Darious: Okay? And how's that?

Percy: Well, the corridor out of this room curves to the left. Just like the last few rooms, you can only make so many left-hand turns without finding

your way back to where you started.

Duck: An interesting theory, Percy. We shouldn't be going the wrong way, we should go the Great Western way. *turns to Darious.* It's my way of saying the right way.

Darious: Very good, Duck. Percy, lead the way.

*Percy blows his whistle and sets off, whilst the engines and pirates follow. It isn't long before they come to the same room again.*

Darious: Hmmmm... How curious is that...

Mila: If we split up, we could cover more ground and try BOTH directions.

Darious: Agreed. A sound strategy. Me and the Dread Pirates will go left. You engines turn to the right.

Thomas: I don't see how that's going to work. We might never even find each other again...

Darious: Not to worry, Thomas. We'll stay in groups, each travelling different directions. Then we'll retrace our steps and meet in the middle.

Duck: Assuming there even IS a middle to a place like this...

Darious: We all have to make some assumptions and take some risks, if we want to escape, Duck.

Tam-Tam: I'm sure that's just what Mako's crew said to themselves, right before they all walked their seperate ways.

Gordon: What are you going on about? Darious is talking about assumptions here, Tam-Tam.

Tam-Tam: And I'VE got an assumption for you, this really is the Infinite Cafe.

James: Okay, we get it!

Darious: What? Be rational for a moment...

Tam-Tam: Is there any "rational" reason why we can't stick together?

Darious: Well, I refuse to live my life out of fear like that and to be so timid that I can't take a risk because I might fail. We're splitting up. Thomas, you stay with Mila and me. We're going in either threes, fours or even fives.

Thomas: I would've been happier if it was just ONLY Mila. Come on, let's find a way out. But this means I'll probably have to go over the movie's time limit...

*Thomas, the Steam Team and the Dread Pirates split up to find a way. Meanwhile, Rosie, Tam-Tam and Oliver are finding a way through the corridors where they meet a dragon pirate warrior.*

Rosie: Hello there, sir. You seem lost.

Dragon: Hello. You're right there, missy. I'm Shentian.

Tam-Tam: So, been here long?

Shentian: Well, I don't have to ask you the same question. Anyone still trying to cover despair with humour obviously hasn't been here long at all.

Oliver: Hey, we're still looking for a way out.

Shentian: Denial, eh? Well, lad. As I said, to each his own.

Rosie: I noticed these rooms seem to go in a circle, but that's impossible, right?

Shentian: You've got that right, ma'am. There's no way to navigate it. This place just goes on forever, I was the commander of fifty sailors when I arrived.

But one by one, we all went our seperate ways. We can wander and wander from time to time, but we can't seem to find one another again. I don't even know

how many of them are still alive, lad

Oliver: I think you were better off splitting up. There's possibly a greater chance that at least one of you would find a way out.

Rosie: Haven't you been listening, Oliver? There's no way out! None! Not one! Nobody's ever come out of here and nobody ever will.

Tam-Tam: Oh, I didn't realize you were omniscient, Americano.

Rosie: Oh, shut up.

Shentian: Well, because there's no other possibility, every room is the same. Every day is the same. Every person, ultimately, becomes the same... forever.

Oliver: People and engines do change overtime, you know.

Shentian: Well, not here, they don't. Unfortunately, people don't even age in this place.

Oliver: Unfortunately? You know I wouldn't mind eternal youth.

Shentian: But you'll change your mind, and sooner than you think, old timer. If we could all be permitted to grow old and die here, like we would in

any other prison, then at least I'd be able to look forward to rejoining my comrades. In the Great Beyond, that is. Before we were lost here, I commanded all my

men to all kinds of terrible tasks.

Rosie: Oh come on... really?

Shentian: Well, charging through beaches filled with enemy soldiers, Sieging castles, battling pirates on the high seas. But throughout it all, I at least

had the comfort of knowing that when one of my crew died, he or she would be in a better place. Half the time, I was practically jealous. How pathetic is that?

To envy the dead...

Oliver: Well, if you're so defeated by this place that you long for death, we'd have nothing more to say! How could someone like you help us?

Shentian: Well, your attitude doesn't matter to me. The Great Beyond, that's all I want to trouble myself with. I hope you too have the comfort of a belief in paradise.

Tam-Tam: Well, I believe in reincarnation and a new life, not a static, pointless paradise.

Shentian: Reincarnation? What utter hogwash. Where do new souls come from? As for static and pointless, look around you. That's your existance from now on.

Tam-Tam: If you're so hungry for death, why don't you take matters into your own hands?

Shentian: The door's locked, and it would deny me my ticket to the Great Beyond. Reading some scripture would do you some good, child.

Tam-Tam: Okay, firstly we don't do suicide, that's not cool. And as I keep saying, I have my own scriptures.

Rosie: Don't worry, sir. We hope you can find a way out. Maybe ask the next engine you find and they can possibly help you.

Shentian: Thank you, sweetheart. I hadn't thought of that. Good luck finding your way out.

*Shentian walks off and so does Rosie, Oliver and Tam-Tam.*

Tam-Tam: *on board Oliver's footplate.* What an unpleasant fellow. What did he have to gain from questioning my beliefs?

Oliver: Well, what did you have to gain from questioning his?

Tam-Tam: Religion is supposed to be about hope, isn't it? He clearly wasn't doing it right.

Rosie: So? What if he was wrong, and why should he care?

Tam-Tam: If there IS a way out of here, Americano. Static and pointless, he said. It's already starting to feel that way.

Oliver: Don't worry, Tam-Tam. As long as we have each other, the fire and the passion in our hearts will never die.

Tam-Tam: You say that with such confidence, GWR. The same confidence that also says we'll find our way out of here, Neither is particularly convincing.

*End of Scene 8*


Scene 9:

*Scene changes to Leeko, Duck, Henry and James, finding their way out. They haven't gone far when they meet a young kangeroo, feeling very sorry for himself. Duck blows his whistle

to attract the kangeroo's attention.*

Duck: Hello. Have you seen anyone around here lately?

Kangeroo: No... I try to avoid it, mate. I'm Eth, by the way.

Henry: Why would you do that?

Eth: I just don't really like talkin' to other lost souls, mate.

James: You probably might've been the first we've talked to who's used that phrase...

Eth: Well, I had a crew, but we've seperated.

Duck: Sometimes, you have to go your own way. Other people or even engines can just hold you back.

Eth: If only that was the reason, mate. I wasn't much use on my ship. I couldn't rig a sail, aim a cannon. I couldn't even

haggle with shopkeeps for supplies.

Leeko: Oh come on, Eth. You're not the only one in that boat. I wasn't really cut out to be a sailor either. Just a merchant.

Eth: Well, you must know what it's like, mate. The worst part was the crew, they didn't even have the decency to mock me. Instead, they humoured me,

gave me fancy titles, their pity makin' it all the worse. They called me... *sighs* The cartographer.

*Leeko gulps in shock.*

Eth: I know, mate. It's quaint. Maybe if they'd had someone competant on deck instead of me, we wouldn't have all become trapped.

James: Why does everyone have to describe it that way? Trapped indeed, if you haven't explored the whole thing, how can you be so sure that it's a trap?

Eth: At first, I wanted to think about that, mate. But now...Oh I shouldn't really say.

Henry: Why the hell not? Speak up, l'il man!

Eth: Of course I'd want everyone else to be home free. But not me, If I were to get out, I'd be a sailor again. Weak, pathetic, useless. Nothin' but

a burden on everyone else. They're better off without me.

Duck: So what if they thought that? You wouldn't have to BE a sailor forever, right? You could be anything you wanted! Like work on our railway for example!

Eth: Maybe, but I wasn't good at much before I became a sailor, mate. I could try somethin' new, see if it takes, but odds are... eventually it would just become another testament to

my own uselessness. I'd just be goin' from one prison into another.

James: Wow... talk about a proper downer.

Eth: But then again, mates. You have a point, can you promise me somethin'?

Henry: Well, not all of us do promises, but we'll take it under consideration.

Eth: I guess that'll have to do. If you do find a way out, mate. Don't let anyone know you spoke to me. With any luck, they'll just forget about me and leave me behind.

Henry: Yeah... we'll think about it.

James: But take my advice, Eth. Find the next engine you see and they'll make a man out of you.

Eth: Thanks, mate. Really appreciate it.

*Eth leaves and James, Henry, Duck and Leeko make a move too.*

Leeko: *On board Duck's footplate.* You'll think about it? What's that supposed to mean?

Henry: Oh puh-lease, Leeko. I meant exactly what I said, what's so difficult to understand?

Leeko: That man, Henry, was clearly suffering, just like you and me, and you won't grant him his one request! Do you even have any empathy?

Henry: You think so but no.

Duck: Oh, sure. I know what it's like to feel weak. I mean, that's how we were when we came on this ship, right? But we didn't just try and hide away

and hope everyone forgot us, In fact, Thomas did something about it, and so did Mila!

Leeko: Duck, How could you be so insensitive?

Duck: When did I ever give you the impression I was anything but insensitive?

Leeko: You didn't... It's just... *facepalms* Duck, you don't get it, do you? That could've been me or Henry he was talking to about.

Duck: So?

Leeko: I've felt like he felt more often than I can remember. I was just hoping we could help him feel... I don't know, a little better?

James: You heard him. He thinks he's trapped forever, right? Even if WE find a way out, he wants to be left behind. How could we possibly make someone

like that feel better?

Leeko: I... well... Oh, f**k it. Let's just find another way out, okay?

*Meanwhile, Thomas, Mila, Darious, Percy and Jade are finding their own way out. They haven't gone far when they see a blue vixen.*

Vixen: Ah, five more miserable fools 'ere too! Oh, look at you lot, aren't you adorable? Ryka's the name, what's yours?

Thomas; I'm Thomas, the Tank Engine. And this is Percy, Jade, Mila and Darious.

Darious: I really hope you aren't talking to me...

Ryka: I've got to just go and pet your ears.

Mila: Darious isn't some kind of guy you can pet, you can pet me if you like.

Percy: Mila, get away from her. She could be a sex offender!

*But Mila is already being petted by Ryka, she purrs whilst being stroked on her head.*

Darious: Excuse me, I'll have you know this is my first mate!

Ryka: First mate of what? Of cuteness? Of all of cats and kittens?

Thomas: Nobody talks to Mila like that!

Mila: Oh, lighten up, Thomas! She isn't doing any harm.

Thomas: Yes, but only WE engines can headpat Mila.

Mila: Thomas, I wouldn't mind being headpatted by anybody. It's just a cat thing, you'd understand.

Thomas: But nobody touches Mila's ears but me, we could smash that fox's head right in!

Jade: No, Thomas. We're too...

Ryka: Too scared to take a swing at me? *chuckles* You're a bunch of cowards, is that it? I like that.

Percy: Coward? I don't know the meaning of the word.

Jade: Yes, you do, Percy. It means...

Percy: Don't tell me, Jade! I just want to make Ryka look stupid!

Ryka: I don't doubt that, you thickheaded idiot.

Percy: *steams forward in agitated manner.* Alright, that's it! Now I'm gonna destroy you.

Mila: PERCY, WAIT! She's obviously trying to provoke you. Don't let yourself be weak enough to give in to it!

Ryka: No! Don't calm her down. Why'd you want to help me, anyway?

Thomas: We're the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team, and our mission is to help people... Or at least, it WAS our mission.

Ryka: Pirates, eh? Sounds like great fun. I wish I could join up.

Jade: There's still slots available.

Percy: No, no and no. First you insult me, then you unsult me and now you expect to be invited on board?!

Ryka: Hey, I said I WISHED I could join up. I didn't ask for an invitation, there's a big difference.

Darious: Well, why don't you enlighten us?

Ryka: I can't ask to join you because there's no way out of here, is there?

Jade: *facepalms* Oh God, there it is again. Why... just WHY is everyone so defeatist?!

Ryka: It's not so much that this place is my end, it's that it's such a miserable one.

Darious: Miserable?

Ryka: Oh, you wouldn't understand. You guys, look like real warriors.

Mila: That we are, and not thickheads. Unlike Percy...

Percy: Oh, shut up...

Ryka: Didn't you ever dream of dying in battle?

Thomas: Me and Mila dream of our enemies dying in battle.

Mila: No, you're probably thinking of seeing them suffer. I know I would.

Thomas: Understandable.

Ryka: No, I meant... You want your death to mean something, don't you?

Mila: Of course, Don't we all?

Percy: *smiles* You know, I'd have to agree with Mila on that point. If I died, I'd rather die a hero than a zero.

Ryka: I would've been overjoyed to be run through by a blade. I would've also accepted drowning, or falling into a pit of spikes...

Percy: What about being run over by an engine or another ongoing vehicle?

Ryka: Yes, that too. I'd be happier dying in many ways, but this? *sighs* Wandering around in this hall of mirrors, trying not to lose my mind? Forever?

No hell ever dreamed up by any clergyman could ever be worse than this.

Jade: Don't worry, Ryka. We may not understand why now, but I'm sure this place exists for some reason.

Ryka: But how could you know something like that, Jade? Did you build it?

Jade: Nope, this place must've been built somewhere before the 21st century. I wouldn't have even existed by then, neither would Mila, Darious, Thomas

or Percy would've either.

Ryka: How do you know the purpose wasn't to entertain a sadistic b*****d? Someone could be looking in on us right now through a crystal ball, laughing at us as we lose

our minds. But if you're not going to fight me, then... I guess you're not worth being in the same room with me.

Percy: My God... you're not a bad person. You're just misunderstood.

*Thomas and Jade start leaving with Mila and Darious.*

Thomas: Come on, Percy. We still have to find our way out.

Percy: I'll be with you in a moment, guys. Don't wander too far. *leans over to Ryka and whispers.* Ryka, I know a perfect idea on how you can live your life properly again!

Ryka: Really?

Percy: Yes, just hop in my cab and you'll wait and see. *winks*

Ryka: Oh, thanks Percy!

*Ryka walks over to Percy's cab and climbs onto his footplate. Percy blows his whistle and steams off to catch up with Thomas and Jade. The engines and pirates all meet up in the same place again after hours of fruitlessly searching for a way out.*

Thomas: Any luck, guys?

*The others disagree.*

Thomas: Well, on the contrary. At least we're altogether again.

Edward: Our journey was fruitless, Thomas. Any luck on your end?

Mila: Nope, just someone attempting to give me headpats.

Thomas: Lost them in here.

James: In here?

Darious: Never mind that, Thomas. We shall continue to explore.

*The engines all groan in dismay.*

James: That'll take a thousand hours!

Darious: Trust me, James. It's the only way.

Gordon: NO! Why bother going on? Face it, Darious! We're stuck.


Douglas: Ach, I think that's fairly obvious, you t**t!

Darious: *sighs* What a sad irony. Our ultimate triumph over Rourkie and we can't even enjoy it.

Henry: I think I need to lie down for a bit, rust up my paint and maybe stay here, slowly degrading for a few hundred years...

Tam-Tam: I'll join you, better than all this pointless walking.

*Henry rests near a wall and Tam-Tam sits by his cylinder.*

Edward: You know... I'm quite hungry, anyone want a slice of cake? Seems odd to see it so many times and not try some...

Thomas: No...

Edward: You could've just said "No, thank you"...

Mila: Edward, That's not what Thomas meant. We WON'T become complacent and we WON'T accept these comfortable prison walls.

Donald: Aye, give it a rest, Mila. Why not accept defeat with a little dignity and grace?

Abigail: Face it, Mila. We're failures...

Thomas: No, we're not. We didn't come all this way to become stuck in a hellhole forever. We're a really useful crew, are we going to let life fly away from our eyes?

I say! We tear this place down. Mila? Are you with me?

Mila: I never thought I'd say this but... COUNT ME IN!

Thomas: *blows whistle* That's the spirit, Mila.

*Thomas opens his running board and gets out two mallets.*

Thomas: Alright, Mila. You know what to do!


*Mila and Thomas swing their mallets and start smashing the walls.*

Tam-Tam: What are they doing?

Edward: They're tearing down the cafe...

Darious: Which means... the never-ending cafe will actually have an end!

Gordon: And we can all make it out alive AND together!

*The engines whistle in delight.*

Darious: Come on, engines! Start your demolition!

*Chloe turns on a stereo which plays Owen Paul's You're My Favourite Waste of Time. The engines get out their weapons and start tearing the place down. Edward rips the curtains off, Duck body-slams a table,

James rams into some chairs, Gordon smashes a window. Percy blows up the walls with his grenades. Toby tears up the floor. Donald yeets Douglas towards some paintings. Oliver drinks some booze and screeches in

delight. Before long, all the engines are smashing and tearing up the cafe!.*

Thomas: You know, this is something my controller never lets us engines do on a daily basis!

Darious: Well, there's always a first time, Thomas!

*Suddenly, the engines and pirates find themselves sucked into a vortex and back outside the Library

of Forbidden Knowledge, only to end up crushing a rubbish bin because Indigo Jack threw the book out.*

Thomas: Well done, guys. We're free at last!

*Indigo Jack walks out of the library to see what the fuss is going on.*

Indigo Jack: You lot smashed your way out of that cafe? Is that the only way you solve problems? By punching them?

Thomas: Well, yes! You see...

Indigo Jack: Nevertheless, you made it, Thomas T. Tank Engine. So I suppose that's all that matters...

Mila: Hang on... you were observing us? Couldn't you have assisted our escape?

Indigo Jack: And ruin the point of the test?

Darious: What could be the point of such a test?

Indigo Jack: To prevent just anyone from uniting all the coins. I shouldn't have to explain it to you. But then again, what if Rourkie managed to defeat you? Would you really want him to have

all that power?

Thomas: Well... when you put it that way...

Leeko: But what about all those people we met? The ones trapped inside...

Donald: Did they fail your test?

Indigo Jack: *chuckles* No, of course not. They part of it. Fictional characters in the story, Meant to encourage you to give up and accept your fate.

Percy: Yes, fictional characters that I smuggled aboard! *opens his cab door.* Okay, guys! You're free to go!

*Mako, Shentian, Eth and Ryka all climb out from Percy's cab, excitedly.*

Mako: Oh, the beautiful fresh air!

Shentian: I can finally live me life again, lads!

Eth: The modern air... That... feels good. *smiles*

Ryka: Freedom at last, Now I can finally restart my life. Thank you Percy! You're a real hero!

Indigo Jack: What the... how's that possible? No-one's ever tried to smuggle the characters from a book.

Eth: Obviously we can, mate. Your friend saved our lives, we owe it to him.

Mako: Now, we must do what we're made to do. Survive. Do you know a ship we can use?

Darious: Yes, there's a battered one just docked outside on the beach.

Mako: Thank you. We'll be on our way, come on crew!

*Mako, Shentian, Eth and Ryka make their way to Rourkie's ship, marooned on Woolacombe beach. The Dread Pirates and the engines turn to Indigo Jack.*

Mila: So, what tricks will you have for us next?

Indigo Jack: Good question, None! You passed the test. And between you and Rourkie,

you've gathered all the coins.

James: Alright, what do we win?

*Indigo Jack brings out a skeleton bride.*

James: Oh, HELL NO! I'm not marrying that bag o' bones!

Indigo Jack: Seriously?

James: Yes! Seriously!

Indigo Jack: Alright, congratulations, I know I said the last one was it but

THAT was the last test of the coins. You passed again! You're something else, red one.

James: Yes, we are! What do we win now?

Indigo Jack: Free brain surgery!

James: That's what I'm talking about, bab-

Mila: Wait a minute... we're not going this far if you're going to promote stuff in a silly way!

Indigo Jack: You're right, my mistake.

*Indigo Jack gets out an orb and places it in front of Mila and Thomas.*

Indigo Jack: Don't get excited, you two. It's not a punching bag.

It's a place to put all of the coins you've gathered. Your journey is finally at its end. Now then...

change the world.

Mila: Thanks, but how exactly are we going to do that?

Indigo Jack: Oh, that's for you to decide for yourselves. Hey, it's your money, isn't it?

Percy: But we...

Indigo Jack: Farewell...

*Indigo Jack vanishes in a puff of smoke. The other engines look in disbelief.*

Mila: What was that about?

James: No idea...

Percy: So that's it...? No explanation at all?

Duck: Oh, what a surprise. It's because he was SO helpful earlier,

when he trapped ALL of us in that book in order to trick us into giving up.

Mila: He's nothing special, Duck. People have been trying to manipulate and control us since day one.

Oliver: What do you mean?

Mila: First, Rourkie threatened Abby, then he kidnapped Darious to threaten us and killed Morgana, Circe tried to take away Darious' mind and Lazerby took his will.

Donald: Och, and the love merchants in Porlock Weir didn't get permission before they reshaped us, did they?

Darious: It's an interesting correlation, Donald. All of our troubles seem to have the same cause. The corrupting influence of power may explain the motives of our foes.

Clearly, we need to change the way power and influence operate so that such rebelliousness is no longer a necessity.

Henry: But... how?

Mila: I've got it! What if, instead of corrupting, power ennobled? And maybe ambitious were invariably compelled to aid others rather than hinder them?

Thomas: That's impossible, it doesn't matter if you're helping or hurting, you're still meddling with things that ought to be left alone. I say, tear it all down. No more rules

or rulers, no more manipulations, threats, social influence, or hierarchy of any kind. Instead of one Queen, let everyone be their own monarch!

Leeko: But what if... you know... some people are too shy to insecure to take charge on their own?

Darious: More importantly, how will society function without order?

Mila: Society doesn't need to function in order for people to be free.

Thomas: Exactly, but even the simplest units require some structure. Even controllers have authority over their own engines, don't they?

*The other engines agree.*

Darious: And I guess controllers never abuse that power, do they?

Gordon: Oh, come on. Even our ship has a hierarchy...

Thomas: Which we've always violated. I punched out Rourkie, Mila burnt Circe to smithereens, we mutinied against Lazerby (Yes, that's the name of the spirit that possessed Darious),

robbed the queen behind her back and we ALL smashed our way out of the Infinite Cafe, and it's always against orders, laws or instructions. It's thanks to our relentless individualism that we've all succeeded.

Darious: That's true... It may be my dream. But thanks to you, Thomas and Mila. We've all made it this far and it would be wrong of me to stand in your way.

Thomas: Well, we know what we must do. Come on, Mila. We've got work to do!

Mila: You're right, Thomas. I guess I won't be needing this anymore. *takes the coin off her neck.* World, hear us roar! All rules are broken and all contracts are void. All bosses are fired and all monarchs are dethroned.

Every woman and every man shall be free to be the master of their own fates.

Thomas: Well, that's not what we hand in mind. But... okay. I really want to de-throne the Prime Minister!

Mila: Me too!

*Thomas and Mila put the coins in the orb, the orb begins to shine right in front of their eyes.*

Narrator: With the abolition of all rules and hierarchies, all forms of social structure broke down. Society became a conglomerate of individuals, with everyone going

their own ways and living their lives as they saw fit. With total freedom came beautiful creativity and unstifled innovation. But also unprecedented confusion and delay as no

engine ever wanted to compromise again...

*The screen turns to black, only to reveal the orb had just gone out.*

Thomas: Well... we're done. Now what?

Darious: Well, the most important thing is, we all did this together. Our lifelong mission is complete and it's all thanks to you, Thomas, and all your engine friends.

Without you lot, none of this would've been possible.

Leeko: You know... he's right, Thomas. Maybe you are a good pirate.

Tam-Tam: And a heroic engine.

Mila: But most importantly, a good friend.

Thomas: *smiles broadly.* Thanks, Mila. You too.

*Thomas wraps his arms around Mila and gives her a hug.*

Percy: Well, now that's THAT taken care of. We should be on our way.

Edward: Exactly, I've texted Joey and told the engines we're making our way to Dartmouth.

Darious: Excellent.

Thomas: What're we waiting for? Let's set sail!

*But before Thomas could board the ship, Darious stops him.*

Darious: Hold on, Thomas. I don't think I will sailing the seas for the time being. I think we should all go to Dartmouth BY RAIL!

*The engines all whistle and cheer in delight.*

Mila: Are you sure? There's no railway line in Woolacombe.

Thomas: Mila's right. But I have an idea!

Darious: You do?

*Thomas steams onto the ship.*

Thomas: Yes, I do! Leeko, chart a course for Minehead!

Leeko: *gets idea* Right on it, Thomas!

*The engines and pirates board the ship.*

Darious: What's your idea, Thomas?

Thomas: Mila and I know some guys who can help!

Mila: *gasps* Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Thomas: *winks* Precisely, Mila.

*The ship disembarks from Woolacombe and makes it way towards Minehead. A map pans out to reveal the ship sailing the channel from Woolacombe to Minehead. Scene

changes to Minehead station, where Steamchaser and the engines are resting after their long expedition.*

King Edward I: So... I wonder how Thomas and Mila are doing now?

Steamchaser: Nothing too important I must say.

*Just then, Thomas steams into the station yard followed by the Steam Team and Dread Pirates.*

Thomas: Guys... today's your lucky day. We're going to Dartmouth.

*The WSR engines all whistle and cheer. Scene changes to Thomas, The Steam Team, The Dread Pirates and the Pirate Engines racing down the West Somerset line.*

Mila: *peers out from Clerestory, who's coupled behind Thomas.* I can't believe you're taking us ALL the way to Dartmouth, Thomas!

Thomas: Well, you know what us engines are like. We are full of surprises! But anyway, Pirate Engines! ONWARDS TO DARTMOUTH!

Pirate Engines: Ay-ay, captain Thomas!

Thomas: *singing* There's a very special crew that we all know so well,

That stopped our own suffering hell.

They all work together as a great team.

Whether powered by diesel or steam. (Pirate Engines: Diesel or steam)

Working together as the bestest of friends,

and they help out until the great end.

Treasure-hunting and helping, that is their own game

and The Pirate Engines is their name. (Pirate Engines: That is our name)

Mila: *singing* The Pirate Engines do the work quite faster

and Steamchaser is the stationmaster. (Steamchaser: That's me!)

There's Odney Manor and King Edward I.

And Hither Green never comes last. (Pirate Engines: Never comes last)

Stourport, Ditcheat Manor, Kinlet Hall too

Foxcote Manor to name just a few.

And with Rugby and Beyer and Bristol by their sides.

They will help on the rails that we ride. (Pirate Engines: Rails that we ride!)


Thomas, Percy, Mila, Odney Manor and Steamchaser: Steam Team, Pirate Engines, Dread Pirates too.

They're the greatest to come and help you. (Pirate Engines: Come and help you)

We all worked together to find the treasure.

We're the bestest of friends, that's for sure! (Pirate Engines: That is for sure)

Steam Team, Pirate Engines, Dread Pirates too.

Make you smile when you are feeling blue. (Pirate Engines: When feeling blue)

We finally made the mission fully reach its end.

With the help of our newest friends!

*The engines pull into Norton Fitzwarren station where Rahiros, Duana, Angie, Breena, Mako, Shentian, Eth and Ryka are waiting to board them.*

Rahiros: Hey, you guys! How did your treasure hunt go?

Percy: Well, you see, Rahiros... *singing* When the Steam Team engines all got lost out at sea,

while we were sailing for our place to be!

Gordon: *singing* We were saved by the Dread Pirates on their own ship,

and invited us on their own trip. (Pirate Engines: Board their own ship!)

Darious: *singing* When we lost our own first mate to a rivalling crew,

I just couldn't help but feel more than blue.

Leeko: *singing* But with Thomas and all his locomotive friends

we all brought this great trip to an end. (Pirate Engines: Right to the end!)

Douglas: *singing* When we all visited Circe, I got struck by magic.

Which I thought was extremely tragic. (Rahiros: That sucks!)

Henry: *singing* And at Doniford, I snuck right into a temple

and I suffered a terrible fall. (Pirate Engines: He had a fall!) (Duana and Angie: Not our problem!)

Toby: *singing* Then we all battled Rourkie floating right out at sea.

And a cannonball was hit right at me! (Breena: That must've hurt!)

James: *singing* And then later, I was zapped by a real ghost,

that is something that I'd never boast! (Pirate Engines: Never would boast!) (Mako, Shentian, Eth and Ryka: Never again!)

*Once Rahiros, Duana, Angie, Breena, Mako, Shentian, Eth and Ryka have boarded, the cavalcade departs from the station and makes their way down to Exeter.*

(Chorus feat. Rugby, Darious, King Edward I and Gordon.)

*The cavalcade steam through Exeter St Thomas station, people on the platform cheer and wave as they pass.*

Tam-Tam: *singing* Sometimes when we don't even get along,

there's a chance that something could go wrong.

Donald: *singing* We could often run, but we could never hide.

Well, let's say that at least we all tried.

Chloe: *singing* Consequences happen when we cause a slip,

just like me when I'm steering the ship.

Edward: *singing* Or the fact that one thing could never get in our way.

We could finally have a chance to say...

(Chorus feat. James, Leeko, Stourport and Tam-Tam.)

*The cavalcade passes through Newton Abbot station.*

Thomas: *speaking* Not long to go now, guys. Only half an hour before we arrive at our destination! *blows whistle*

Thomas, Mila, Odney Manor and Steamchaser: *singing* Now we're finally on our route and we're going down south.

Going to a place that's called Dartmouth.

Percy, Darious, King Edward I and Leeko: *singing* Our journey seems to be going really fine,

as we're speeding on down the line. (Pirate Engines: Right down the line!)

Gordon, Tam-Tam, Rugby and Stourport: *singing* Vehicles passing by will suddenly see,

that the Steam Team are finally free!

Emily, Kinlet Hall, Foxcote Manor and North Star: *singing* Now we're going to finally have our holiday,

on the famous Dartmouth Railway! (Pirate Engines: Dartmouth Railway!)

James, Beyer, Bristol and Caledonia Works: *singing* Come and climb aboard, we're all ready to go!

All us engines are ready to show...

Donald, Douglas, Toby and Ditcheat Manor: *singing* That we're going to all show our usefulness

pulling the locals or the express. (Pirate Engines: Passenger trains!)

Duck, Oliver, Clerestory and Quantock: *singing* We'll see all our friends, who are waiting for us.

All of them will soon make a great fuss!

Nia, Rebecca, Molly and Hither Green: *singing* When we finally make it to Dartmouth Railway,

we are all going to shout Hooray! (Pirate Engines: HOORAY!)

*The engines storm through Torquay Station like mad.*

(Chorus repeated twice feat. Cast)

*The engines immediately pull into Paignton station.*

Thomas: Well, we've done it! After weeks of being absent and tons of delays, we're FINALLY HERE! Dread Pirates, welcome to the Dartmouth Steam Railway!

*The Dread Pirates disembark from Clerestory and look around.*

Darious: There's not really much here.

Tam-Tam: We should probably turn back, there's no one there.

Mila: *looks up.* Hang on... What's that?

*The Dread Pirates and the engines look up. In the sky, they see a helicopter, coming towards them.*

Leeko: It's just a helicopter, nothing special.

Thomas: Wait a minute... That helicopter looks familiar.

*Sure enough, The familiar looking helicopter hovers into view. Thomas knows who the helicopter is right away and he blows his whistle in delight.*

Thomas: Is that who I think I it is?

Percy: Yes, it is!

Steam Team: Harold!

Harold: Aha! Great to see you again, chaps! We thought you were never coming, and on time too!

Thomas: Thanks, Harold. But we couldn't have done it without our new friends.

*The Dread Pirates all smile and wave.*

Harold: Splendid! Now then, chaps! Follow me to Kingswear station at the end of the line. The others are all waiting!

Thomas: Alright, Harold. *turns to the pirates and engines.* Come on, everyone! We're going to Kingswear at the other end of the line!

*The pirates all board Clerestory again, Thomas blows his whistle and follows Harold down the line with the Steam Team and Pirate Engines following behind him too.*

Narrator: Eventually, after their long voyage and a free trip down the Dartmouth line. The engines and pirates made their way, safe and sound into Kingswear Station on the Dartmouth Steam Railway.

*Scene changes to the engines racing into Kingswear station. Mila suddenly points to Thomas.*

Mila: Thomas! Look!

*Thomas turns to see, the Sodor search party and the Dartmouth engines all whistling and cheering under a big banner that says "WELCOME BACK, THOMAS & FRIENDS!".

Thomas pulls into the station platform, followed by the other engines. Joey, Diesel and The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) all rush over to greet them. Joey throws his arms

around Thomas and hugs him.*

Joey: Thomas! Oh my goodness, we were so worried sick! I'm so GLAD you've made it back alive!

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): We heard everything, Thomas. Being lost at sea must've been very frightening for you.

Diesel: That was really cool, working with pirates. You must be very lucky engines.

Thomas: Thanks, guys. But I couldn't have done it without the help of my engine friends.

*The other engines look at Thomas and smile. Darious and the Dread Pirates disembark from Clerestory and come forward.*

Darious: *shakes The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt)'s hand.* My dear, Topham Hatt. I must say your Steam Team have been instrumental in completing my treasure hunt.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Indeed, I assume Thomas and the engines were well-behaved whilst they were with you?

Mila: Oh, we had a few issues, sir. But they were very helpful to us and they're what I'd like to call "really useful".

*Thomas blushes with pride.*

Darious: Most certainly, thanks to your fine examples of famous steam locomotives, We finally achieved our lifelong dream of finding the wizard's magic coins and making

the world a better place.

The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Splendid! Well then, Now that everyone's here. We'll all get the work done faster here in Dartmouth. Goliath, I want you to show the Steam Team to

your sheds.

*A GWR 5205 Class No. 5239 called Goliath steams up.*

Goliath: Consider it done, sir.

*Scene changes to the engine sheds at Dartmouth where Thomas and the Steam Team are talking about their BIG adventure.*

Narrator: And that night in the sheds, Thomas and the other engines told everyone about the greatest adventure they had with the pirates.

Thomas: So that's what it was all about. It wasn't an easy trip but we managed to get it done in the end.

Mila: It's been a very long voyage. But I have to hand it to Thomas, he and his friends saved the day.

Tam-Tam: I agree. He's a great adventurer.

Darious: Yes. But since our ship is still beyond repair, we can't go around roaming the channels for the rest of our lives.

Leeko: Yes. We need a proper place to stay so we can keep The Pirate's Fate in tip-top condition.

Mila: *gets idea.* I know... Thomas? You said you're from the Island of Sodor, right?

Thomas: Yes, and... *realises what Mila is saying.* Oh... what a perfect idea! Of course you can.

Joey: What's the idea, Thomas?

Thomas: Since Mila and the Dread Pirates have no place to live other than their own ship. How about they live with us, on the Island of Sodor?

*The Steam Team all agree in delight.*

Joey: Alright, it's settled! Once our two weeks on this line are up, you can move in with us on our little island.

Darious: Fantastic! Thanks, Joey. I'm really looking forward to all of this.

Mila: So am I.

Thomas: *turns to Steamchaser.* What about you, Steamchaser? Do you want to stay with us too?

Steamchaser: No thank you, Thomas. I think I found my dream place, on the West Somerset Railway! With your beautiful crew of pirate engines!

Mila: You have?

Steamchaser: Of course, I've always dreamed of becoming a stationmaster, and Minehead station is the perfect place for the job.

Thomas: Okay then, but you know where to find us! *winks*

Steamchaser: Indeed I do.

*Scene pans out from Dartmouth Sheds at night. Scene changes to back on the Island of Sodor where Thomas is travelling to Arlesburgh Harbour with Annie and Clarabel, he passes Mike on the way.*

Narrator: Several days later, Thomas was back on the Island of Sodor, doing all his jobs once more. He was glad that things were back to normal and hoped nothing

would stand in his way this time.

Thomas: *sighs* Such a fine day to be going to Arlesburgh Harbour. Nothing can ever go wrong on such a beautiful day. Right, Annie and Clarabel?

Annie: I couldn't agree more myself, Thomas.

Clarabel: Most certainly indeed.

*Thomas steams into Arlesburgh Harbour. But as he pulls up by the lighthouse, he hears something... familiar.*

Voice: So... THIS must be the Island of Sodor. Hello, Thomas!

*Thomas looks around and gets a very big surprise! For there, standing at the harbour, right next to the lighthouse, is The

Pirate's Fate, and in front of it, Mila, Darious, Leeko and Tam-Tam.*

Thomas: Guys! You made it! I thought you'd never find us!

Mila: Well, it was a long voyage and a very tough sea to fight. But it's nice to be here, Thomas. So, which place is this?

Thomas: Why, you're in Arlesburgh Harbour, which is at the far end of Duck's branch line, The Little Western.

Darious: Interesting.

*Leeko is looking at the views of Arlesburgh when he sees something.*

Leeko: Hey, look! They've got a Maritine Museum.

Darious: They do? That would be a PERFECT place to keep our ship.

Thomas: Glad to hear it. Hop in, I'll show you my branch line.

*The Dread Pirates all board Annie in excitement, Thomas blows his whistle and sets off. Scene changes to Thomas puffing through the countryside with his two coaches.*

Mila: You know, Thomas. I had a thought, Maybe the pirate's life isn't as exciting as we thought it'd be.

Thomas: You think?

Darious: Why, yes, Thomas. I don't want to be a thief anymore. I think I'll just be a fisherman, I've always loved a spot of fish and chips.

Tam-Tam: And I think your home on the Island of Sodor is very colourful.

Thomas: Well... when you live on Sodor, it's the bestest place for an engine to live.

Mila: You really think so?

Thomas: Yep, there's an old song that us engines always brighten up to, and we all know that it's great to be an pirate! *whistles*

*singing* Oh yes, it's great to be an pirate and go sailing along

Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along.

All the cannons firing as you speed along

Yo-ho-hoeing along all day

We're all so proud to be famous pirates

And travel through the ocean waves

We're always brave when there're storms to climb-

Thomas and the Dread Pirates: *singing* No rough sea is too high!

Oh yes it's great to be an pirate as you're sailing along

Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along.

Fly along the ocean as your sails go high

Splash, splash, splashing around all day

Mila: *singing* It doesn't matter come rain or shine,

Tam-Tam: *singing* There's always things for us to do.

Darious: *singing* And in the cold-cold wintertime

We're ready!

Leeko: *singing* When you hoist the sails and lift the anchor and-

Thomas and the Dread Pirates: *singing* we'll be there for you!

Oh yes it's great to be an pirate as you're sailing along

Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along

Feel the wind around you as you push along

Yo-ho-hoeing along all day! (Thomas: One more time!)

Oh yes, it's great to be an pirate and go sailing along

Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along

All the cannons firing as you speed along

Yo-ho-hoeing along...

Thomas: *singing* Rush, rush, rushing and a Yo-ho-hoeing along and a-

Thomas and the Dread Pirates: *singing* Sailing around all day! Arrr!

*Scene freezes on a old sheet of paper with the words "The End" above it.*

*End of Scene 9*



*Scene opens in a royal courtroom where Priscilla and Jackie, a royal high-ranking tigeress officer, are talking to Queen Nakhta, who's hidden behind her own throne.*

Queen Nakhta: Let one repeat you once again, why didn't you stop those Dread Pirates from obtaining the coins?

Priscilla: We tried, your majesty. We really tried...

Jackie: But a crew of locomotives known as "The Steam Team" came along and fought tooth and nail to get the coins first.

Queen Nakhta: Steam Team indeed. Just wait until one catches them...

Priscilla: But... won't they be able to attack you first, your majesty?

Queen Nakhta: No, they won't. *turns her throne around to officially reveal herself.* For I AM QUEEN NAKHTA... *evils laughly*


Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 1) Part 1


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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure Part 2

THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE CARTOON SERIES DOUBLE-LENGTH EPISODE #2 THE PIRATE ADVENTURE Part 2 © GULLANE (THOMAS) LIMITED 2021 © 2021 JOEY MORLEY LIMITED Pre-Intro: Voice-over: Previously on Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends™... \*Shows shots...

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure Part 1

THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE CARTOON SERIES DOUBLE-LENGTH EPISODE #2 THE PIRATE ADVENTURE Part 1 © GULLANE (THOMAS) LIMITED 2021 © 2021 JOEY MORLEY LIMITED Pre-Intro: \*Episode opens in a darkened captain's quarters with Brock, an African...

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