The Gnoll's Pet - Chapter 3

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#3 of The Gnoll's Pet

DISCLAIMER - This work of fiction contains non-consensual and abusive scenarios. I do not endorse such things in real life in any way, shape or form. If this kind of content triggers you, this is not the story for you. There will also be much bondage and paw-related content in later chapters.

Artwork is by Adraes

This is actually a combination and edit of original chapters 3 and 4 - which were posted to FA on March 27th, 2021 and April 2nd, 2021 respectively.

There's a bit of a glimpse into Gnoll culture, along with more background development, and of course teasing in a shower, along with some humiliation. ;)

Gerra rolled her eyes as she sat in her fighter, staring at a nearly empty sensor readout... patrol duty was so damn boring, but it was necessary. A __ll it'd take is one ship getting close enough to scan the planet... a_ nd then we're fucked!However, as usual, the only thing on her sensors were her two wing-mates... who were hopefully focusing on their sensors as well. She was usually on the patrol in orbit of the planet their colony was hidden on, just below the barren and unlivable surface. This posting was of course the most important, even though every body in the system has the same patrol setup. _O __ne of the Matriarch's smartest policies, she thought, won't save us if she attracts a full military dragnet to the system with all her raids. She shook her head, kicking at the deck plating. T_ he hell am I thinking? We're surviving, heck we're doing it better than we have in a while. ' S ides, at my age no way I can challenge Matriarch Myrrah anyway..._ Gerra was nearly 30 years old now, and many Gnolls didn't have the luxury of living that long... If ya can call what we do livin', e __ven if I managed t_ a_ kill her and not get maimed doing it, the time I can reasonably fend off other challengers probably won't be very long...

"Hey Gerra," came the voice of one of her wing-mates over the comms, interrupting her thoughts. "So how's yer new pet? Did ya break the little folf already?" Laughter echoed and Gerra began to growl.

"Off the void damn comms, fool," she snarled, "unless ya want the Leonin ta hear!" They all knew comms should be restricted unless they needed to coordinate a strike or report something urgent. "Fucking around is gonna kill us all, I swear!" She grumbled after cutting off the transmission, relieved she didn't have much longer before they returned.

Back in the hanger, Gerra jumped out of her interceptor's cockpit with a snarl, rushing towards her wing-mate and giving her a swift punch in the maw. The blow had not been full force of course, just enough that it would be clearly felt and have an impact. "What the fucking void was that shit, Arth?!?" Gerra exclaimed, Arth quickly righting herself to stand half an inch taller than Gerra, an angry growl echoing in the other's glare.

"C'mon Gerra, ya know how pointless dis patrol is. No one EVER makes it deep into the system!" Arth sniffed, than spat on the deck, "Lucky for you my arm is still sore, or I'd take ya in one round in the arena!"

Heh, sure y __a_ would bitch. You couldn't even land a single blow last week, I'm twice as flexible as y_a ever were! Gerra thought to herself, her maw half smiling. "Well then, we'll just have ta find another time then, won't we? Unless ya'd rather tell Myrrah what you think of this patrol assignment."

Arth shook her head, rubbing her dark brown fur and muttering curses under her breath. "F-fine then, I'll let ya off fer now... old lady!" This response brought a chuckle to Gerra as she left the hangar, heading to her room. They always had to get the last word in, to save face.

"Sleep well, pet?" Hack heard Gerra ask after what felt like a few seconds, jolting him awake.

"Urrgh, I'm so tried..." he groaned, feeling her nuzzling him.

"You've been asleep since I got home a few hours ago; made ya some dinner," at this she handed him a bowl of thick stew, "consider this yer reward fer bein' so good whilst I was gone."

He was too hungry to refuse, and quickly began eating his meal. "Mmm, this is, this is really good; um..." He paused a moment, do I really want to ask her what's in this?

"Oh don't worry," she chucked, watching his reaction as he sniffed the stew, "none of the ingredients were sapient, we're not that kind of Gnoll... I... do have a favor to ask ya though. Won't make ya do this, but I'd really 'preciate it if ya would. Ya see, my paws are really sore after the patrol, and then fixing yer meal..."

Hack blushed but nodded "I... suppose I could help..."

"Such a sweet pet." Gerra murred, nuzzling and kissing him, then propping her paws up on the bed. "Just give 'em a good rub down; I'll find some way to reward ya later."

He gingerly looked down at her paws, then started to rub her thick, sweaty pads. "Oh yeah, that's perfect..." she murred as he rubbed, closing her eyes and not noticing how he was licking his lips.

W-why am I enjoying this? Why do I wanna lick those filthy paws? It wasn't long before he found himself leaning forward and licking her paws.

"Mmrfh!" Grunted Gerra, opening her eyes, "Oh, ya really like my paws huh?" She teased, pressing her pads to his nose.

"Um, n-no I... oh what's the use, I don't know why but your paws just seem so lovely."

Gerra chuckled, then rubbed her paws over his face. "Mm, perfect reward for you then!" She murred as he slurped all over them, wagging happily. After letting him lick for a while, she pulled her damp paws back. "Good boy, they feel much better now... anyway, got some training for ya."

"Huh? Training?" He looked confused, suddenly noticing her taking her pants off.

"Yes, training... on how ta please yer new mistress. This time I'm not expectin' anything too impressive; just gonna explain how ta suck me off, now lie face down on the bed..."

He blushed as her paw-hands gently pushed his head down and towards her unusually large shaft.

"H-hey! Do we have to do this?" He squirmed in response, to this, causing her to be more forceful.

"Little folf, I'm only gonna explain this once, ya have 3 choices: be my pet, get assigned to a labor crew, or git kicked out an airlock. I'm sure ya don't want the last option and I don't think ya'd last long with the second so... do as I say, 'kay?" She smiled with a toothy grin, after stating this in a shockingly calm, matter-of-fact manner.

"A-alright..." He whined with a sigh, lying down compliantly.

"That's better, 'sides, I can tell yer enjoying this... guessing this resistance isa trained response of some sort, from an organization or family? No need ta answer, only interested in one thing: ya pleasing me, physically fer the most part. This ain't an interrogation, dear, but... if the wrong Gnoll found out, ya could wind up in one." She leaned over, looking into his eyes, an unusually concerned look on her face. "Please, fer the love of... whatever ya hold sacred stop resisting me. I really like ya and if another gets ya they will not be so kind."

He whined as this, his eyes tearing up as he looked into hers. She was genuinely concerned for him it seemed but... "Sandra" he whimpered softly as he began to sob. "Why did I insist on taking a shortcut through this stupid system! I... I'm never going to see her again, am I?"

Gerra visibly winced at this reaction, then gently wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a surprising pleasant embrace. "Sorry pet, wish I had a choice, I really do but if the Leonin ever found out where we were... can't be risked. Best I can do is keep ya safe." She nuzzled him gently, licking the tears up. "'Right, no training tonight, but I wanna know more 'bout Sandra."

He sniffed softly, relaxing into her embrace. "Alright, she's Yotan, we grew up together... and until recently she was like a sister to me."

"So when did that change?" She asked, moving around behind Hack to rub his shoulders.

"I... Guess it depends on for whom you mean. She started showing interest about 3 years ago, first it was just the way she looked and me and insisted on being as close as possible but after a couple months, well.... we were engaged in training exercises for the ship's defense forces, ones regarding handling interrogation, capture avoidance and escape from hostile forces. She was my training partner and drew the role of the hostile party. So there I was, strapped to a chair for a mock interrogation, she just walks in the room strips down, to her bare fur."

The Gnoll giggled at this, leaning back and relaxing a little. "Oh, so that's why ya fell fer me so easily; I'm guessing ya failed that test?"

"Actually, no... I stared at her blankly and asked her how in the galaxy watching her remove her clothing was supposed to get me to reveal anything... you see, puberty came late for me so I didn't understand what she was trying to do... then she slapped me, pulled her clothing on and requested a partner swap. The irony is a few weeks later, puberty hit me like a loose cargo crate."

"I take it ya were attracted at that point, but now she was upset and avoiding ya?"

He lowered his ears, whimpering with a deep blush. "Yes, I spent the next months begging her to give me another chance, slipping her extra rations, even though I was getting slightly malnourished; and then just when she finally came around again... aell, that's a story that would take a long time."

"Thanks pet," Gerra murred, holding him close, "that's enough fer now," she sighed "it's been a long day fer both of us... think we could both use a shower."

Hack murred, nuzzling back against her. "Thanks Gerra, you're really sweet."

For a moment she blushed, then growled as she shoved him against the bed. "If ya ever say anything like that again, especially around anyone else you'll find out how 'sweet' it is ta not be able ta walk 'r sit fer a week! Understand, pet?"

"Y-yes mistress!" Hack gulped, nodding with his ears lowered.

"That's better," she murred, leaning in t whisper in his ear, "if the others find out I'm being 'sweet', that could get us both killed, so just keep yer yap shut and enjoy it, 'k?"

He sighed in response with another nod, nuzzling her again.

"How are those legs, pet, think ya can walk yet?" Gerra asked as she got up, Hack tried standing again but was still a bit wobbly, so she steadied him. "Good, won't have ta carry you at least, this way folf." He allowed her to direct him to the bathroom, which seemed rather primitive, especially for a race with access to space travel. "We havta be careful with water supplies, so no more than one shower per day, and no more than 10 minutes ta rinse off for both of us." She explained began to fill a bucket with soapy water, "first I'm gonna wash ya, then you can return the favor, possibly in more than one way." She winked, taking his collar off, then gently pushing him into the shower before stepping in behind him, starting to lather the fur on his head and working down.

"Mm, do you also steal your water supplies too?" Hack asked as she reached his neck and shoulders.

"Occasionally, but primarily we use natural groundwater... 'least fer now anyway." She sighed, shaking her head a bit, now to his chest and upper back.

"I take it you don't quite agree with how it is managed?" Hack noted.

"Yer not wrong, but at the same time don't know of anything better, none of us do really... I mean, I do know that short of outposts that ain't got water sources or ships that must use internal reserves these kinds of restrictions 'r very common."

"Reclamation?" Asked the folf, rolling his eyes.

"'Scuse me?" She asked, visibly confused as she stopped scrubbing his fur.

"I was asking what the means of waste water reclamation you use is."

"Well'n... not sure we really have anything like that."

"Your species wasn't even close to basic spaceflight technology I take it, it's sort of a prerequisite to feasible space travel." He snorted, not realizing just how arrogant that statement sounded until it had already been said.

She roughly grabbed his nuts and squeezed. "Don't get arrogant with me, folf, we didn't pick this fate, the Leonin did that fer us."

"Aagh! I m-meant no disrespect, it was just an observation!"

She released his sack, moving her paw to "lather" his hardening shaft instead. "This ain't the time for a conversation on infrastructure, although I am interested in what ya have ta say regarding that. Ya got more pressing matters, like what yer night is gonna be like tied up in this needy state, 'less o'course ya can convince someone to take pity on ya."

He whined softly, dammi __t he thought to himself I should have known she was planning this or... n_ o, that was my superior attitude, I should be careful not to insult her._

"Now that my smart assed pet is good an' hard, lets finish soaping 'im up." She rubbed his butt with the soapy water, squeezing them gently before doing his legs and paws quickly. "Yer turn pet," she grinned, handing him the bucket, and gazing down a him, "get me soaped up good, no smart talk, and I just might do somethin' about yer little problem."

Hack blushed as he strained to soap up her head and ear fur seeing as she was significantly taller than him. Once he got further down it was easier. "Don't be shy, my breasts need cleanin' too... just so long as ya don't try getting into my tailhole or pseudopenis. If ya do, yer need will be the least of yer worries." With a whimper and whine he started soaping her breasts up. "Hmm, I know ya never did nothin' real, but did ya ever touch Sandra's breasts, or am I first ya've done this to?"

"Y-you'd be the first..." he replied, trembling as he moved around to clean her back.

"Figures," she remarked, mimicking his tone from before, "foreplay is sort 'o a prerequisite ta good sex."

"I-I'm sorry, mistress," he responded, "that wasn't meant to sound insulting..." he sighed as he started cleaning below her waistline.

She nuzzled him as he finished, rolling her eyes a bit in response. "Don't worry 'bout it, I'll make sure ya learn." She pulled a handle near the shower head, and lukewarm water started flowing over them both, but with barely enough pressure to be effective. "Mmmm, think I know just what ta do with ya tonight pet, to complete yer lesson on manners..."

The rest of the shower passed uneventfully, though he couldn't help be anxious. A lesson on manners?

After Hack and Gerra got out of the shower she quickly began to dry him with a rather threadbare looking towel, then fastened his collar back on before drying herself. "Uh... Mistress, what did you mean by lesson on manners?"

"You'll see soon pet, you'll see soon." He shivered as she led him back to the main room, taking a length of rope from the table and tying his forearms behind his back. "Make this easy on yerself and relax." He shook his head and sighed, but didn't try to resist her. Clearly that had not worked and she hadn't done anything really harmful to him. She sat down on the bed and pulled him along. "Face away from me and sit on my lap." He turned around, gingerly sitting, and gasping aloud when he felt her angling her shaft into him. "Like I said pet, you'll wanna relax." She snickered as she she pressed him down all the way, holding him in place as they moved into a lying down position. "Now, ta get this anglin' right..." she grunted as she shifted around within him, until he felt her tip shoving against something sensitive, "there we go, yer little prick isn't getting any more attention tonight, but this oughtta be more than enough to relieve ya, eventually."

He squirmed slightly, looking down to see his prick to see it dripping cum like a leaky faucet. "Wh-what? How is this happening?" He moans and shivers softly with a deep blush.

"Well, git just the right amount o' pressure in the right place and ya get the longest, weakest, least enjoyable an' most embarrassing orgasm ever," she grinned deviously as she rubs his chest delicately with her claws, "yer gonna have quite a mess ta clean up tomorrow mornin'..." Hack shivered and whined as he continued to leak cum all over his abs. "Be glad I picked a gentle punishment, we could be doing something much more painful."

Hack winced and grunted, shivering from the teasing claw traces over his body. Why can't I stop leaking cum? A-and why am I enjoying this punishment so much?? He wondered silently, not wanting to admit this feeling out of embarrassment and fear of a harsher punishment... eventually he figured he'd better say something to hopefully improve his situation. "I'm s-sorry mistress, please forgive me."

"Sweet pet," she murred teasingly into his ear as she stroked his muzzle, "yer forgiven, but that don't change yer punishment." She took her other paw hand, smearing his cum all over the folf's chest, then muzzle. "And what a mess ya are, right after that nice shower I gave ya. Little folf certainly has a lot ta learn."

"Y-you're the one making me a mess mistress! Gaah!" He gasped, squirming slightly.

"Oh am I?" she snickered, giving his nuts a rough squeeze, "now I know that wasn't defiance I just heard, 'cause that'd mean I'd have ta put ya on a special liquid diet..." ahe shoved a few cum coated fingers into his maw, "this kind of liquid. You'll get awful hungry living on natural protein shakes, pup. So, whose fault is this mess again?"

He moaned at the taste of his cum, licking it off her fingers before she pulled them out. Damn, I... I'm gonna be in bad shape if that's all I get to eat. He paused in thought, taking a moment to get his thoughts clear enough to respond. "M-my fault mistress..." he whimpered, his ears drooping.

"Much better, pet... but yer gonna havta earn yer next shower, and meal. That's fer tomorrow though." She shifted again so the were both laying on their sides, nuzzling the top of his head. "Good night pet, hope yer comfy..."