PMD - EOM - Chapter 5 (X)

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#5 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Chp 5

Rest that night was troubled for both parties. They both kept shifting and stirring as the room was hot. Mystic awoke first that morning, with an itchy feeling located between her legs. She ran a paw down her belly, and had to hold in a gasp. Her pussy was sensitive, and quite wet. She wanted to rub and relieve the itch, but Phantom was just on the other side of the room. Instead she got up and turned on the water before hopping in. From where she was sitting, she could see around the curtain that shaded the window, seeing that it was early in the morning. She just sat in the water, her tails idly flowing through it, to avoid splashing and waking him. Then she spotted it.

It blended well with the black lower half of his body, and was even harder to see, as it didn't seem to be at full size. Poking out from the sheath nestled between his legs, was a black cock. She couldn't help but stare. She almost wanted to go over and... help him out. But no. She shook her head to break the thought. That might traumatize him. It was difficult to make out fine details from this distance, but she could tell it wasn't the traditional feline one, instead a cone shape, with no discernible head. The longer she looked at it, the more her need grew. She tore her gaze away when he twitched, but all he did was roll over.

He rolled onto his belly, removing most of the temptation from her mind. She shook her head in an attempt to drive the image from her mind, but it didn't work. She settled for looking out the window until her body calmed down. While she did this, Phantom woke up.

"Good morning." He greeted her. She looked back at him just in time to see his nose twitch. He opened his mouth to ask about the smell, but stopped when he realized what it was. The usual blush appeared, though this time she blushed too. She had never been trying to hide her feelings, but now... she didn't want it to happen like this.

"Yeah. Ready to get to work?"

"Maybe after breakfast." He said awkwardly. Neither of them were looking at each other. He cleared his throat. "I'll uh, head to the dining room. See you there."

She tried to say 'yeah' but her mouth was dry. Before she could do anything other than let out a noise, he was gone. She took a few deep breaths. She felt bad now. She had acted like a total slut. While she did believe what she said about her body, the way she flaunted it was too much. She did like him, more than she was willing to admit, but it had to be romantic, not some lust fueled romp. By now she had cooled off, so she got out of the water and headed out to catch up with him.

By the time she made it, he was already seated and eating. She barely gave him a glance as she went into the meal line. She met Dumpling and looked over the options for today. There were the usual apples, berries, some poke puffs for desert. The menu seemed to be much more varied during the week. She went for the glazed fish.

Dumpling put it into the carrying box, designed for quadruped pokemon. It was a round bowl like shape, with a lid and handle able to be carried in the mouth. She went to leave out the other end but another pokemon stopped her.

"You gonna pay for that?" The wartortle asked.

"I thought we didn't have to pay..."

"Only on the weekends. If you want food any other time, you gotta work. C'mere." He said, motioning with a paw. He raised the device held in the other one and pointed it at her badge. It beeped and he waved her on.

She left the kitchen and went over to the short table where Phantom was. "Hey."

"Hi..." He said, looking down at his food awkwardly.

"So uh... what was that thing the wartortle did?"

"Our money is stored by the guild and we can scan our badges to pay for things, without having the money on hand." He explained while idly picking at his food.

"Neat." She mumbled. Seeing him like this really made her feel bad. While it was fun to tease him and see him act shy, this was all together different. "Listen, I'm sorry. For everything."

He looked up at her and forced a smile. "Don't be. It's... um, nevermind, I'll tell you later."

They both ate without speaking, then went to the bounty board.

"Why don't you find a job today?" Phantom offered.

She looked around, until she spotted one on the lower half of the board. "Missing person. Sounds interesting. How about it?"

He nodded, allowing her to pick it off and read it.

"My friend has vanished. Please help find her. Signed Hearth."


They followed the directions included in the letter to a house in town. They knocked ont he door and were greeted by a typhlosion.

"Hello. What can I do for you?" He asked in a deep but kind voice.

"We're here for the job you posted. Something about a missing person?" Phantom said.

"Ahh, that." He brought a paw up to his chin, rubbing it as he sized up the pair of smaller pokemon. "Yes, she's an... eevee. I haven't seen her for... almost three, or maybe four days now. I have no idea why she would have left, but she wasn't from around here, so she might act a bit off. I'd ask around town, I doubt she'd go into any dungeons."

"Alright, thanks. We'll find her so don't worry." Mystic said.

They both left and headed for the market place. They spent a couple of hours asking random people and shop owners if they had seen any strange eevee, but to no avail. No one had seen a single eevee in the last three days, much less an odd one.

"Ugh. Nothing at all." Phantom complained.

"Yea, how has no body seen her?" She fluttered her tails angrily. "Oh, over there!" She shouted, dashing off. Phantom hurried after and found her standing in front of Hearth. "Hey, we having found any info about her. Any ideas?"

"Yes actually. I had an idea. She mentioned a place she always wanted to go to. Have a map? I'll mark it for you. I would go search but I'm a real softy." He said, bashfully rubbing the back of his head. "Never been one for fightin'. Would you be willing to go out there for me?"

"Of course!" Mystic said proudly. "We're a rescue team after all."

Phantom approached and offered his map from the box. Hearth pointed at it, a place called Spook Tower.

"She always wanted to go there and visit the grave of her grandmother. If she isn't in town, that's the only other place I could think she'd go. Thanks again for doing this."

"It's no big deal." She said. Both of them departed, but Phantom stopped her before they left town.

"Hey, we should go to the market. Maybe we could buy some useful stuff."

"Sounds good." They changed course, and made a beeline for the market.

The shopping distract was crowded as usual, filled with a wide variety of pokemon. Phantom looked around, leading the way to a stall with a "general store" sign. It was manned by two pokemon, a magmar and an electabuzz.

"What can I do for you folks?" The magmar said.

"No, what can I do for you?" The electabuzz said. They shot each other angry looks.

"We need some supplies." Phantom said, interrupting their feud. "Berries for sure."

"That's my department." The electabuzz said boastingly.

Phantom hopped and put his forepaws on the stand and looked over the selection. He pointed out a pair. "Are those kasib berries?"

"Yup. Fresh this morning." Electabuzz said.

"Kasib?" Mystic asked.

"They reduce damage from ghost type moves." Phantom explained.

"G-g-ghost?!" Mystic asked fearfully.

Phantom didn't pay her much mind. "I'll take two of those."

Electabuzz rung up his purchase. But when he told them how much poke they had left, Phantom's mouth dropped.

"5000 poke! How do we have that much money?!"

"Butterfree must have paid a lot for that job." Mystic offered.

"In that case, have any TMs?"

"I've got you covered." The magmar said loudly. Phantom stepped over to his side, and he opened a large case, filled with TMs.

"Hmm, can I get thunderbolt and flamethrower."

Magmar skimmed through the pages, pulling out the two disks. "That comes out to about 3000 poke."

Phantom offered the badge affixed to the back of his head. Once they paid, they head back on the path out of town.

"What are those TM things?" She asked on the way.

"They're like... uh, well they teach you moves that you either don't learn naturally or wouldn't until you get stronger. I don't know exactly how they work, but they do. We should probably use them now." He took both disks out of the box and set them down. He pressed his paw against the thunderbolt one. There was an audible click and a dull flash. "Your turn."

Mystic repeated the process with flamethrower and the same thing happened. "I don't feel anything different."

"You'll know how to use it when you need to. We're not really in a good place to practice, so let's hit the road."


The pair set up camp later that night. They had made plenty of progress, but they had still not arrived at Spook Tower.

Phantom gathered up kindling for a fire, and Mystic gathered fresh leaves and grass for bedding. She lit the fire, and they both settled in for the night, having a dinner of apples from a nearby tree.

"So you mentioned ghosts?" Mystic asked between bites.

"Yea, ghost types."

"But ghosts aren't real!" She yelled, fear entering her voice.

"They're not dead pokemon, just pokemon that resemble ghosts."

"That's not that comforting. Ghosts are still scary..."

The conversation died down for several mintues until she spoke again.

"Again, I'm sorry for acting so slutty. It was kinda cute to see you so flustered, but..."

"It's okay. I think I know the reason. You're probably in heat."

"Heat... I don't think so. From what I know, I'm definitely not."

"But then why was your... scent all over the room this morning."

"I just had a wet dream is all."

"Oh..." He said meekly.

A loud howl echoed through the night, coming from the forest they were camped at the edge of. Mystic fur stood on end. "Can I uh... nevermind..."


"I'm scared..." She said, almost too quiet for him to hear.

"It's alright." He said, getting up and lying next to her. "Like you said, nothing wrong with our bodies." Despite his words, he was looking away and blushing furiously. She smiled and indulged his shyness, rolling onto her side facing away. It made her feel a lot better. But the gesture did not resolve her fears, instead distracting her. To think that he would be willing to do this, after how she had acted.


The night, and following morning, proceeded without incident. They set out shortly after waking, as the tower was only a few hours away.

They made it, stopping just outside the entrance. Spook tower was a massive burial site, and as such, ghost types flocked to the area. There were no windows on the entire structure, and it was affected by the power of mystery dungeons, causing the layout to change daily. Just before they entered, Mystic spotted something.

"Over there, in the grass." She said, going over to find a small pink book. On the front of it was 'my diary'. "Maybe the eevee left it here." She flipped it open and looked at the pages.

"Diary of Home the Eevee. KEEP OUT!!!" she flipped through until she found the most recent page. "I found the place, and from my studies, my grammy should be buried in the cemetery off to the side. Thankfully I don't have to go through the main tower."

Mystic led the way around the side and to the iron fence that blocked the cemetery. Once at the gate, they ran into a problem: it was locked.

"You can take care of this. Your new flamethrower should melt it right off."

She looked over at him before turning back. She closed her eyes and the method for using the move came to mind immediately. She drew in a deep breath, built up flame, raised the temperature, and blew, spraying a steady stream of fire into the lock. The metal lit up, and soon began to drip down onto the dirt. There was thankfully no grass, as it could have started a fire. Once the lock was gone, the gate was opened by gravity with a rusty creak. If it wasn't noon, it would have been creepy.

They proceeded in, Phantom being very careful not to touch the still glowing red bars. Once in they walked through the rows, until they both spotted something. In front of a tombstone, was a large hole. Unlike a hole that would be used for a burial, it was dirt stairs, leading down into the earth. On the third step down was a pink bow.

"She must have gone down here." Phantom said, leading the way down. They went down a great number of steps, the dirt turning to stone, and the sunlight fading away. "This is weird. This shouldn't be here."

After a long descent, far too long for a cemetery, they made it to the bottom, finding themselves in a large room. There was only one path to follow, straight forward. They did so, and quickly found themselves in another room. Once they were both in though, a click sounded out below Phantom's feet. Behind them, a rock slab suddenly slammed down, blocking the way back out.

"Damn!" He shouted. "Only one way to go now. Hope there's an exit..." He took another step forward, and heard another click. "Aw come on!" This trap shot out a plume of pink smoke up into his face, and it quickly filled the room. He tried to hold his breath, but with the way out shut, the gas was sealed in. When he was unable to resist, he breathed in. The gas did not seem harmful, and didn't even have a smell. Once it entered his body though, it started to take effect. His eyes drooped half open and his mind went blank, almost like he lost consciousness.

Mystic on the other hand, was doing much better. She blew out small bursts of fire as the gas flowed towards her, burning it out of the air, and blowing the rest away from her. Thanks to her efforts, she was largely unaffected. The thick smog of pink began to flow further down the hall and deeper into the passage, and away from them. "Phew, what was that?" She asked once he became visible again. She received no response, he did not even twitch. "You okay? Did the gas do something to you?"

Still nothing. She stepped forward and waved a paw before his eyes, without him blinking. "Phantom, you're scaring me. Please say something." He didn't say anything. Her nose twitched a new smell filling the small room. It was salty and a bit sweaty, the scent of male musk. She pushed against his side with a paw in an attempt to make him react, but all he did was fall over.

Once he was down, she saw it. His jet black penis was fully unsheathed and dribbling pre. There was already a tiny puddle forming. She gasped, blushed and looked away. Then she realized, it wasn't sleeping or paralyzing gas, it was an aphrodisiac. "You should be fine..." She said, hoping he would hear. "I'm going on ahead. I can burn the gas, so don't worry." She turned and began to head for the hallway, blowing a puff of fire towards the gas that was still there. She stopped dead in her tracks once she heard a growl. She lowered her stance, ready to fight whatever was coming towards them, but then she heard the sound again. It was behind her! Before she could move, she was pounced, being pinned under the unseen attacker.

She wriggled about in an attempt to escape, but his dark blue forepaws wrapped around her shoulders. The gold band in the fur gave it away. "Phantom? What are you doing?" She asked, her struggles decreasing greatly. "Get off!" She yelped when something hard and hot poked her rear, something that left a drop of liquid on her fur. "What the hell! Fucking stop!" She screamed, her voice echoing through the stone walls on the room. She shot out a puff of smoke at his paw as a warning, but his teeth latched onto her neck, ceasing any further resistance. "Please don't." She whined.

He did, however. He drew back his hips, thrust forward lightly a few times, jabbing and spreading pre over her rear, before he scored a hit and his cock hilted in her. He howled out in pleasure, and started panting into her ear as he readied himself. Though his fangs were gone, she could feel his claws pressing into her fur, a cold reminder of his dominance. She clenched her teeth a bit back a scream for fear of what he might do. Tears quickly began to wet her face as her virginity was taken.

He didn't give her any time to get used to him, starting to violently hump her only a few seconds later. His conical penis drilled into her tight pussy, forcing her apart to get its smooth surface as deep as possible, which was her cervix. With every pounding thrust, he hit that barrier, his tip spitting pre into it. *No, no, no...* she thought. *He's really going to... go all the way.* Her fears were assured when she felt something big tapping against her lips. *Is that a knot?! No way! He's a feline!* He began pounding even harder, trying with all his might to get it in. She was sure now, he had a knot. She started whining pitifully, pain far outpacing any pleasure she might feel. His knot was huge, easily twice as thick as his member, and it almost tied her with every thrust.

"Please don't! I'm begging you! Phantom, hear me! You have to hear me!" She cried out. The only response she got was another growl. He leaned more into her, pulling her into his thrusting and holding her in place with his fangs. She felt the object of her fear pushing and squeezing, until it popped in. He let out a groan into her ear, and cum began to leave his nuts and enter her womb. She felt the seed blast into the top of her reproductive system and felt its pooling warmth in her belly. If his guess was right, and she was in heat, she would definitely be impregnated.

Her head fell to the ground in defeat. "Not like this, not like this..." She kept repeating. Her tears had wet the ground enough that she got mud in her fur. Then she saw it through blurry eyes. The pink cloud of lust gas was coming back down the hall. She tried to raise her head, but he was lying on top of her with all his weight. She settled for curling her muzzle up and beginning a flamethrower. Phantom saw this and gave a tug on his knot and bit down on her neck harder. She yelped in pain, coughing up some smoke from the failed attack. By now, the gas was in the room, filling it quickly. She had no choice but to breathe it in. She made an attempt to hold out, but failed and quickly fell under the effects.

With a burst of strength, she tore her hips away, ripping his knot out, though she hardly felt it, and escaping his clenching fangs. She spun around and faced him as his haunches raised in preparation for an attack. Her expression was not one of rage however, it was one of hunger and lust. "Come get me, big boy~" She teased. Her mind screamed out, fighting its hardest to regain control, but was unable. Against her will, she rolled over onto her back, showing off her cum leaking slit. A paw went down to rub at her lips as she looked right into his eyes. "Fuck me. Fuck me again and again and again." She begged, her tails waving her scent towards him.

He gave her a stare, filled with pure carnal lust, before bounding forward and onto her. They got into a very similar mating stance, though she was belly up and much more willing. Her hips raised up to allow him to thrust better, and he got it in on the first shot. Her passage had tightened back up significantly, almost like the previous mating hadn't happened, except for the cum in her already. His knot was still swelled, too much to allow it to enter again. And so it was that they settled in to a rapid pace, both thrusting at the other as hard as they could. Mystic was staring at their union, licking her lips as the jet black flesh, glistening with their combined juices, moved swiftly in and out. Her lips clung to it, trying to hold it in as her depths clenched at him with need.

He was rutting her at a furious pace, his knot slamming into her, slapping her clit in the process. This time, there was nothing but pleasure, but her thoughts were quickly fading away, leaving only a horny shell. Soon, too soon for her liking, he came again. But that did not stop him. Their sex continued until his knot shrunk and inflated, tying her once again. Over the course, they had both climaxed several more times, seemingly without tiring. It was only once she was knotted again that he stopped, but he did not cum. "Come on! Please! Give me your cubs!"

He let out a grunt, shimmying his feet.

"Yes! Make me your mate! Give me an egg! I need it! I need your seed!" She whined, gyrating her hips on him.

He let out a roar as he started thrusting again. His pounds were much shorter but even faster, his hips a blur. She began to cry again, but not from pain, but sheer pleasure. Then, the dam broke, and a fresh wave of cum filled her womb. By now, there was so much inside her that her belly was visibly swollen, and his knot was keeping it all in. She smiled and rubbed across her stomach with a paw, sometimes dipping down to squeeze her vulva against his knot. She was sure she was pregnant now. But that didn't mean they were done, not by a long shot. "When your knot deflates, I'm gonna suck you dry~"

It was too late though. He was already unconscious. As horny as she still was, she closed her eyes and joined him, sure that more would come when she woke.


"In here?" One machop asked the other.

"Yep. Put your mask now though. No telling how much is still in there."

The third machop stepped forward and crushed the stone wall with a punch. It crumbled, showing the room, as a wave of pink gas flowed out past them and into the open air. Their thick wool mouth covers prevented them breathing any. Inside the room, surrounded by large puddle of cum, were two pokemon, a shinx and a vulpix. The vulpix was lying on the shinx's chest, her fur stained with the same seed that covered the floor.

"Here they are. Dump the shinx and secure the vulpix. We gotta get moving fast."

They stepped forward, but stopped in their tracks when Phantom's eyes shot open. He moved Mystic off of them and got to his feet. He gave the machop an intimidating glare.

"Beat it chump. We got a date with that little lady."

Phantom leapt forward quickly, his jaws clamping around the lead machop's neck and crushing it. The copper taste of blood quickly filled his mouth, before he tossed the wheezing fighting type aside. Only one thought was running through his head: protect his bitch. He then rapidly shot twin bolts of lightning at the other two, leaving them writhing in electric agony. With all three dead, he took a few deep breaths, planning on fucking the vulpix again when he caught his breath. The fresh air that was rapidly flowing into the cave entered his lungs, allowing him to return to his usual self.

"What the... Where..." He muttered to himself while rubbing his head with a paw. There was a great pain there, and in his loins. He looked over to Mystic and gasped. There was no doubt about what had happened to her, but who had done it? They had to get out of here, now. He walked over and tapped her with his badge, but nothing happened. "Damn, we're not in a dungeon!" He shouted. He quickly took hold of her neck as gently as possible and began dragging her out. He managed to get outside, seeing that it was late in the day. He propped her against a tombstone, and managed to get her on his back. It was heavy, as she was the same size as him, but he forced himself through it. Someone had raped her and he had to do something about it.

It took a while, the sun setting and night stretching on, but he eventually made it back to their campsite from earlier that day. He set her down, their bedding still in place, and fell over, quickly passing out from exhaustion.