PMD - EOM - Chapter 8

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#8 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Chp 8

Mystic woke up peacefully that morning. She felt wonderful. "Wow, I slept great." She said, looking over to Phantom. Except he wasn't there. "Oh." She looked around, but didn't see him. She did however see a white object on his bed. She got up and went over to it to discover a piece of paper.

"Taking care of things. Find you later. Phantom." It read. She stopped briefly to wonder how he had written it. The image of him holding a pen in his mouth brought a smile to her face. She hopped in the bath for a minute to rinse herself, and then headed outside. She had her own things to take care of.

She went out to the training yard and took over one of the unused dummies. That move she had used yesterday, she wanted to master it. She carefully focused, recalling what happened. They were attacked, they were injured, and she was angry, furious at the dragonite. She directed those feelings at the inanimate object, giving it a death glare and baring her fangs. The dummy just sat there, doing nothing. She tried to work herself up, to reach the peak of emotion again, but she just couldn't do it. After a while of nothing, she stepped forward and began to bat and smack the dummy with her paws, trying anything to get riled up.

She went overboard, and ended up falling over. She got up, flipped her tails about to get the dust out of them. She was panting loudly, but still, nothing.


She turned around when she heard someone call her name. She immediately spotted Hunter approaching her.

"Where is your friend?" He asked gently.

"I haven't seen him since this morning, said he had stuff to do."

"Any idea where he is?"

"Nope. What's up?"

"He brought your situation with a typhlosion named Hearth to my attention. I take bandits very seriously, so I was attempting to gather more information about it."

"Oh, that son of a bitch. Sent us to find his eevee friend, who never existed."

"That's just it. Home the eevee lived here in town with her family. She was reported missing almost three weeks ago."

"How did you know that? The job never said anything about who it was..."

"Very observant. Based on your reaction, I assume my guess was right. Another team brought back a record of what they found at Spook Tower: a diary and ribbon, that Home's family confirmed as hers. I also received a report from another rescue team base far away from here, saying that they had a run-in with a typhlosion matching Hearth's description. I believe that Hearth robbed Home and was using her as a way to rob you. We do not know what happened to her, however. She may be dead, but I hold hope that he is keeping her prisoner."

"So why tell me all this? It sounds pretty official."

"Exactly. All rescue teams are equal, no matter the rank. So, as you were the ones to bring it to my attention, you and I shall be working together to solve this. I plan to keep you informed, and I expect the same in return. Rest assured, he will be brought to justice." He placed his claw against his chest, and his back went straight in a salute.


"Welcome. So what are you doing?"

"Hmm? Oh, trying a new move, but it's not really working."

"Maybe I can help you. I have the most experience with moves next to Crash."

"So when we fought the dragonite gatekeeper, I got really mad and he kinda... split? But he didn't really."

"Ahh, that move is called extrasensory. Your species is unique in that they can learn some psychic and ghost type moves. Those moves are unique in that they attack the target's mind. Tell you what, I'll tell you how to use that, and teach you an even better move. It's called hex." He stepped past her and stood next to the dummy. "Test them on me. Dummies don't really have a mind to attack so go ahead. I can take it."

"So how do I do it?"

"Ah yes, Phantom mentioned you didn't have your memory. Most pokemon can use moves by instinct. Let's see... For extrasensory, you use your emotions and confuse the enemy with them. It causes no physical damage, but the shock can knock you unconscious. Hex is similar, however it works from the opponents mind. You take their weaknesses and bring them to the surface, causing them to manifest. First, you need to find my weakness. I'm trained to resist such moves but I'll leave one thing exposed for you."

She nodded and looked him over for a weak spot. He was standing casually, without protecting himself, but she didn't see anything in particular. She locked eyes with him and felt something, a little tingle in her head. She continued staring, and the tingle grew more intense. An image of a roaring fire popped into her mind. *Fire?* she thought.*Is that his weakness?* She drew in a breath and spit a weak ball of flame at him.

He made no attempts to avoid it and it hit him in the chest. He did not even react. Licks of flame spread over his body and continued burning. "Good!" He said to her. "Now, I'm burned. Hex is especially strong against pokemon with status effects. Try again, but don't use any other moves."

She repeated the process, this time seeing him exactly as he was, standing there with fire on him. The terrain around him was dark, and all she could see was him. As her thoughts went to harm, two purple orbs formed in the real world next to him. In her mind, she pictured the flames growing and consuming his body. The twin orbs flew at him and exploded in a blast of ghost energy. The malice of her thoughts was transmitted and hit hard, but once again, he did not budge.

"Perfect. The attacks different types are related to their sources. Extrasensory uses your emotions to attack and damage your enemies mind. Hex uses their weaknesses and fears, and combines it with your aggression to create a powerful attack. They both have conditions where they are useless, just like your fire moves. Mastering your moves is key to success." He told her with a smile. He took a moment to pat out the flames on his body and left, completely unharmed.

"Thanks!" She called after him. He waved a claw back at her as he walked away. Now that training was done, she was getting hungry. On the way in, she passed by a notice board, and she couldn't help but spot the glittery sign. It proclaimed that there was a meteor shower tonight. *I wonder... If so, that's pretty convenient.*

She proceeded on into the lunch line. She considered getting something for Phantom to eat later, but without any idea when he would turn up, she decided not to.

After eating, she didn't really know what to do. It was about midday and Phantom likely wouldn't come find her until dark. As curious as she was, she didn't want to ruin whatever he was planning. So, she decided to head over to the market place and explore.

The shopping area of the building was as busy as ever, and all by herself, Mystic was a bit overwhelmed in the crowd, many of the pokemon being larger than her. One of the shops that really caught her attention was a jewelry shop, containing ribbons and other items. There was one she had her eyes on, an orange ribbon with a red heart on it. The other that she liked was a bright yellow, with a small black lightning bolt pattern knitted into it.

As much as she wanted the one for her, Phantom deserved a present, so she bought the yellow one. The shopkeeper explained that it powered up electric type moves. She got it boxed, and put her head through the large strap, carrying it by her neck as she left. She headed back outside.

"Hey, kid." She looked over and saw a charizard beckoning her. "Yeah, over here." She approached, trying to place his familiar face. "I gotta job for ya."

"Wait, aren't you Flare, that one asshole?"

"Watch it missy. I'm only talking to you as a favor for a friend. He wants you to prove your worth, so you're gonna go get somethin' for him. Any questions?"

"Yeah, can you go fuck yourself?" She said plainly. He growled in response. "I haven't forgotten how you treated us, so if you think we're going to do you any favors-"

"Fine then, bitch." He grunted, turning his head and snorting out a bit of flame. He flapped his wings, sending out a gust of wind and dust across the ground and messing her fur as he took flight. He was obviously trying to be intimidating, but she couldn't care less. It felt good to get some revenge. She walked away with a strut in her step and smile on her face.

She decided to head back to the room and clean up. Her fur was coated with dust and the wind had disrupted it. Once back up, she turned on the bath, removed her badge, and hopped in after the water warmed. She sunk low, allowing the water to cover her body. She took a deep breath and dove her head in, surfacing a second later. She did this a few more times, then looked over her body, making sure her fur was completely clean. She got out of the tub and began to lick her fur smooth, making sure it was perfect. Once she was prim and proper, she affixed her badge back in between her ears. She started to leave, but realized something. If she went back out, she might get dirty again!

She made a disgusted sound as she went over to the window. She nudged aside the curtain and climbed onto the stool to look out. The sun wasn't that low in the sky, so she would be stuck here for a while.


Phantom was walking back towards the base, when Flare swooped out of the sky and landed in front of him.

"Kid, I got work for ya."

Phantom yelped at the sudden charizard. "Uh, okay..."

"Yea, that's right. When the second best pokemon in the rescue federation gives you an order, you follow."

"So what do we need to do?"

"You will go to Black Bleak Cave and rescue a friend of mine. I would go, but the cave is too small for me to fit. I would really... appreciate it." He said as if it hurt.

"Sure, we'll leave tomorrow." Phantom said, stepping around Flare and continuing on his way.

A short time later, he made it back to their room. He found Mystic there, looking out the window. "Hey." He greeted her.

"Soooo, where have you been?"

"I found us a job for the day. Ready to go?"

He wasn't too good at hiding, and she knew exactly what they were really going to do, but she didn't reveal that. "Finally, I've been bored out of my mind here. Let's go."

"What's that thing around your neck?" He asked on the way.

"My leftover lunch. What? You want some?"

"No, that's fine."

They left the headquarters and went out into the town. They headed eastward and down the hill until they reached the beach where Phantom used to live. The sky was beginning to grow orange.

"So what's the job?"

Phantom stopped and looked around, seeing that no one else was around. "You have to enjoy yourself." He sat down on the sand, right next to a pile of wood. She joined him and drew in a breath to light it. "Stop, this job has a special condition. You have to relax too, so let me." He explained with a smile. He turned around and placed his tail on the wood. It twitched a few times as electricity flowed through it, and a spark took root, slowly growing into a flame.

He lied back down and she began to scoot closer, not minding the sand getting in her fur. When their fur touched, he looked over at her with a blush and a smile. She moved even closer, until their bodies touched, and she leaned into him, letting out a pleased sigh. They sat like that for a while, until the sun set. Phantom got up, causing her to let out a groan, and went around the fire.

"It's time." He said. He pushed a medium sized rock onto the fire, putting it out and putting the beach into darkness. The moon was absent and Journey town was also black, leaving the starry sky very visible.

Mystic let out a gasp when a shooting star shot past. Soon, more came, until the sky was filled with streaks of light. "It's beautiful..." She said dreamily.

"A-a-are y-you r-r-ready t-then?" He said shakily.

She smiled and got up. She walked over to him and licked him on the nose. "I'm not going to bite." She started to turn around.

"Not here." He said. He led her over a ways, until they reached a bush. He moved the branches away, to reveal the spacious and hollowed out inside. She stepped inside and looked up to see that the top was removed too, providing a clear window into the night sky, still filled with shooting stars. She lowered her front, presenting her rear to him, while forming a heart shape out of her tails.

He approached and gave her folds a lick, and her anticipation grew. Instead of mounting her though, he walked around to her front. He pushed a box in front of her and waited expectantly.

She rose again and opened it, taking out the orange ribbon with a red heart shaped pendant. "How did you know?" She asked.

"Know what?"

"This is the one I wanted."

"I didn't... the shop had two and I bought one. Does that mean..."

"Yep, here's your present." She lowered her head, allowing him to slip the box off her neck. He opened it to find his lightning bolt ribbon. She affixed it to one of his ears and he put hers on, wrapped around the base of an ear. She gave him another lick on the nose. "Thanks." She turned around once again and returned to her previous stance.

He gave her vulva another lick, and this time, climbed carefully onto her back. She then felt his jet black member poking at her rear as he tried to get it in.

"So, why do you have a knot?" She asked.

"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry!" He started to get off her back but her tails wrapped around him, three on either side, holding him down.

"What?! No, in fact, I like it. But felines don't usually have them."

"My father was an manectric, and I kind of... inherited it from him. Does it really not upset you?"

"Well I am a fox~" She purred, grinding herself back onto him. "So why don't you put it to use~"

He made another attempt to thrust in, and with her pussy already grinding him, he ended up hot-dogging her slit. He drew back to line up another thrust-


He would have leaped into the air, but he was still held down by the iron grip of her tails. A massive explosion had shook the ground. She tried to thrust back into him, not really caring about what happened, but it had scared him soft.

"What the fuck was that!?!" He yelled in a blind panic.

Mystic let go of him and stepped out from under him. She poked her head out to find a small meteorite lying in the sand, letting out a steady stream of smoke. The smell of burning tires assaulted her nose. Phantom joined her in looking out, his face scrunching in disgust. "Damn it! Things were just getting good!" She whined.

Phantom stepped out of the bush and started walking over to the stone. As he did, a crack formed down the middle, and a large black triangle shape fell out and onto the sand. "What is that?" He asked.

She approached too, getting close to the object. She reached out and tapped it. She hissed and pulled her paw away. "Shit, that's hot!"

"Well it did just come from space... But what is it?"

"Well, a triangle. A space triangle. When it cools off, I'm taking it." She said, bringing her paw close to feel the heat.

"My heart is still pounding..."

"Yea, maybe we should take a rain check. As much as I want it, and tonight was the perfect night, this is a once in a lifetime deal. We can fuck anytime."

"Don't say it like that!" He said with a blush.

"You're a cutey." She gave him lick on the cheek. "Thanks for the date. Now help me carry this thing." The object was about as big as her head. She took one end in her mouth once it cooled, and he took another. It was heavy for its size, but the two of them carried it with little problem back to their room. Now that the shower was over, the town was quiet, so no one saw them sneaking it home.

They got it back, sitting it in the corner of the room. It was certainly a triangle. A nearly flat and jet black one. Mystic covered it with some of their bedding and they went to sleep. She had really wanted to do it tonight, but she didn't want to force him.