A Thing for Star - Chapter 15

Story by Kahedro on SoFurry

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#15 of A Thing For Star

Chapter XV: Hiking Adventure, Part 3

I ran down the mountain yelling at Dani to wait, and I saw him stop and turn around just at the foot of the mountain. I arrived at his side, panting for breath.

"What is it?" Dani asked.

"I know..." I started, panting. "Where Star is."

"Wait how do you know?" He asked. "And where?"

"I just know him well" I replied, still panting and coughing.

"Are you okay?" Dani asked, flinching at my coughs.

"I'm fine." I answered. "I just came down too fast." We stood there for a minute in what would otherwise be silence, as I finally caught my breath. "Wait here." I drank some water, and then I went off. I looked back every 2 seconds to see that Dani was still there, but to my relief the mountainside quickly took him out of sight. Now I was focused, and started searching left and right. Then I saw it. It was where I was sure Star was hiding, and I ran over to look. To my unsurprised, he was there. He was at the bush - the very same one I found him at - the very same one he ran away to when he felt unloved - the very same one he came to when he needed time alone - the very same with so many other memories attached.

"How'd you know I'd be here?" Star asked.

"I had a hunch." I replied, giving a warm smile.

"Just go away!" he yelled, on the verge of crying.

"Star..." I began.

"GET OUT!" Star yelled.

"Not this again." I mumbled, remembering this exact situation good while ago.

For a split second, I saw his eyes widen and shrink, also remembering it. Star slowly nodded, tears now flowing down his cheeks, knowing it'd be easiest to just talk it out, and blurted out "I was awake last night, when you did so much to please Dani and just ignored me!"

My eyes widened and I felt myself blush slightly, and I replied rather defensively "I didn't think you were conscious!" But then I calmed down, remembering the second time I was sprayed I was still in that state but I still saw it, and also that I'm trying to comfort Star. "Look I love you more than I could ever for Dani. But nonetheless, I love him too, but in a different way. He's my cousin, you're my Star."

I heard a slight chuckle, and my blushing grew at its cheesiness. Star didn't reply, and I thought about what he said. I tried to read in between the lines, and so I slowly leaned down and started to unbuckle his jeans. I pulled them down and saw his dick fall out. It wasn't erect, but even then it matched the size of mine. I haven't gotten a view of it like this in a while, and losing my self-control I dove my mouth into it without even waiting for a response. Like with Dani's, I could only fit about 3/4ths of it in, but when it became erect I was lucky to fit half.

Not hearing a response, I worried I wasn't doing enough so I used the other half to stroke with a small ring of my fingers. Still with no response, I cautiously took my other hand and started probing his asshole with my middle finger. Star was obviously not expecting this and flinched, shaking his hips. I was barely able to keep myself from accidentally biting him, and then I slowly stuck it inside. This was his breaking point, and I felt even more cum than Dani's shoot out. In fear I would choke this time I quickly moved out my head. It landed all over my face and long hair, and I just smiled and took it.

After I wiped myself off, I blushed and saw my finger was still partly in his butt. I blushed and asked if he wanted me to take it out. Not hearing a response still, I pressed onward, inching it all the way in. The warmth inside felt great, and I was disappointed I could barely even fit one finger in. I began to wiggle my finger, discovering that his intestines were extremely soft, and then I saw his dick was already erect again, wanting more of my juicy tongue. I in turn wanted more of its - well everything, so I gladly put it back in my mouth.

I began to worry that Star still hasn't responded, but my worry quickly ended when I felt a sharp slap on my ass. I did the best I could to smile with his enormous penis inside my mouth, and then when he did it again I realized he wanted me to go faster. I would have been offended or in pain, but I blocked it out because I actually enjoyed it. But still I enjoyed his succulent dick even more, so I did as he wanted and started moving my head, my tongue, and my fingers faster.

In no time he began to explode again, but this time when I tried to take out my head, he stopped me. Worried I would choke, I tried harder, until a bit of his cum touched my tongue. I only swallowed Dani's because I could fit most of it in my mouth on the first squirt, and as a courtesy. But I didn't have to do it as a courtesy for Star, because his tasted great. I tried to swallow as much as I could, not wanting any to go to waste. I succeeded for the most part, but still some flew out onto Star's balls. After carefully licking it off, trying to keep it all in my mouth, I smiled and groped Star's ass, pulling myself to my feet. After regaining my balance, I continued to grope and felt a grope on myself in return.

I blushed yet again, this time I also leaned in to kiss him. I felt him squeeze my butt even tighter, and on my back I felt a one-armed hug that strangely was tighter than a normal hug, but what surprised me was when I felt his tongue enter my mouth. It started probing around, and then started licking mine. I blushed at first, not expecting this, but I quickly joined him in doing it. This must have relaxed him, probably not sure if I would enjoy it or not, because I felt him do it even more, to the point that I lost my balance and we fell to the ground. But that didn't stop us; we just kept getting even more into it as we rolled on top of one another. I was unsure how long this lasted, but when we finally separated I was very disappointed. In the afterglow, both of us kept laying there side-by-side, until I broke the silence by saying "Best hiking trip ever." I lay there smiling, and I heard Star ask "Can we go rafting next week?"