What Do You Do In A Secret Base?

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#2 of Team Foxy

When a rockruff and a mienfoo set up a secret base for the remote chance of meeting cute explorers, Luna and Brush of Team Foxy miraculously step up to the challenge! But things go south for the vixens, fast, and it's all the rockruff's fault. While his friend cleans up his mess, can he keep it together and make a good impression before the truth is revealed?! A short, erotic story, and the second in the Team Foxy series.

"Eddy...I am starting to have my doubts."

A mienfoo sat in a wide expanse of the pale, dusty ground deep in a quarry. As he rested his paws upon his knees, legs crossed, his head turned to the rockruff lounging about as he spoke.

"Oh come on, Taka. Have some faith!" Eddy replied. He looked to his friend as he lied upon his back and pawed the air in gesture. "Secret bases in mystery dungeons are all the rage these days. I bet some explorers will show up soon."

"But did you have to set so many warp traps?" Taka asked.

"I told you, we needed good defenses! What's the secret base good for if the pokemon prowling around can walk right in and beat us up?" Eddy insisted. "And I can't let them go to waste after a fire sale, right?"

Taka frowned. "All those warp traps, and you didn't think to buy goggle specs."

"I had to stretch the base budget somewhere, Taka!" Eddy reasoned, unfazed.

Taka bowed his head, grumbling as he simmered with frustration. "Madness. Did you hatch this plan after pounding drinks at the juice bar?"

"Oh, quit being so negative," Eddy pooh-poohed. "You're going to change your tune the moment some guild members stroll in. You never know, we might even get a couple of the cute ones."

"That's assuming even the cute ones do not try to throttle us for getting warped everywh-"

At that moment, a sudden, blue light exploded feet above the rockruff. His eyes popped wide.

"Oh, cr-!"

A pokémon zapped into the room and landed upon Eddy with a yipe and a thud. Taka sprung up and spun into a defensive stance, startled and claws bared.


It soon dawned on Eddy and Taka that whoever warped into the secret base wasn't the threat they first feared. A petite fennekin wearing a red neckerchief lay sprawled upon the larger canine's chest and stomach. As the fennekin quickly gathered her bearings and lifted her head with a push of her paws, her eyes met Eddy's. Her eyes widened with shock. She realized she lied intimately close upon a button-eared pooch.

Eddy held his dark paws up close to a spiky collar of fur and pebbles. His curled, fluffy tail swished against the ground behind her. "Um, hi!" Eddy greeted, a light blush now in his cheeks. "Welcome to our secret base."

"Oh, sorry!" The fennekin apologized as she slipped off Eddy and stood before him and Taka. By now, Taka's stance began to relax, as both he and Eddy noticed that the cute vixen in their company looked anxious. Before long, they realized who she was.

"My name is Taka. This is Eddy," the mienfoo stated, pointing as Eddy rolled to stand on his paws. "You're Brush of Team Foxy, aren't you?"

Brush quickly nodded. "It's good to meet you, but I need help! My partner Luna kept walking on one warp trap after another. They were everywhere! And then after the millionth time she got whisked away, I stepped on one too before she could find me again. Now I'm here, but I don't have a clue where she is!"

Eddy clammed up, frozen in a subpar poker-face barely suppressing the terrible epiphany that struck his thoughts. He noticed Taka's eyes glancing his way. They flashed, for a moment, a fury of condemnation. He broke eye-contact from Taka straight away, turning even more rigid.

"Unacceptable!" the mienfoo declared, his attention back to Brush. "We will not let some trap-laying idiot ruin today. I am the fastest one here, so I will go find her and bring her back."

"You'll do that? Oh, thank you!" Brush replied, feeling a great weight lift off her shoulders. "But what about the warp traps?"

"They break if you set them off. I will break as many as I have to."

Taka took off towards the nearest wall behind them. There, he grabbed an item bag stuffed with supplies for the expected danger ahead. As he slung the bag over his shoulder and turned to head for the exit, Eddy interjected: "Wait! Shouldn't I do something, too?"

"Yes, you should. Stay with Brush. She did not explore twelve levels of the secret quarry to be left alone in the secret base." He pointed. "You can manage that, can't you?"

"Y-Yeah, sure. I'll be a good host." Eddy nervously assured.

"Good. Then I'll be back with Luna. This might take awhile. If anyone else shows up, you stand your ground."

Taka took off in a hurry. As his friend disappeared down the passageway to carry out a rescue mission, Eddy breathed a sigh. He turned his head towards Brush. As the rockruff and fennekin stood alone in the secret base, he let slip a nervous laugh at her lingering concern. Brush cocked her head in response, looking back quizzically.

"I'm sorry getting here turned into a mess," he apologized. "Wait there. I got something good for us." He turned with a hop towards the wall behind them, where a leather pouch with a nozzle sat by, close to where the item bag used to be. He dragged it back between the two of them by his teeth as its contents sloshed about.

"Is that juice?" Brush asked.

"Yeah, exactly! Can't have a meet-up in a secret base without it."

"Oh!" Eddy's answer perked Brush up. "I hope it's mixed. Those are the best!"

"Taka made it. Guess we'll find out!"

Eddy popped off the nozzle and took a few slurps. He sat down to indulge the taste and gulp. "Oran and Chesto. That'll give a jolt."

After what I've been through, I'll take it!" Brush replied. She scooted in close to Eddy and dipped her head down to the nozzle. As she happily took her slurps, Eddy fell quiet as he peered down at Brush, taken aback.

"You know what? I'm glad."

Brush now sat as well beside Eddy. She licked the juice off her lips after she spoke.

"About what?" Eddy asked.

"Well...I wasn't so sure about going to a secret base. Luna thought for sure it was going to be another trap. But you and Taka? Totally nice guys."

"Well, if we weren't good hosts, then no one gets to have fun here, right?" Eddy reasoned, his demeanor laid-back. Deep inside, he fretted endlessly. He hoped Brush didn't dig further on the warp traps.

"Yeah! So, what do you do in a secret base, anyway?"

"What do you...do?" Eddy repeated.

"You're the one who wanted some guild members to find you!" Brush pointed out, poking Eddy gently in the chest with one paw.

Eddy's eyes shifted, his confidence considerably withered. "Well, it's up to whoever shows up. We make our own fun here."

"How about sharing secrets, then?"

Eddy paused. He then laughed nervously. "Uh, sure! We could do that."

"Share one of yours, then." Brush pressed. She leaned in, pressuring the rockruff. "Tell me the biggest secret you'd never tell me otherwise, and I'll do the same. I'm sure something comes to mind, riiiiiiiight?"

The dam of guilt broke wide open in no time flat. "I set all the warp traps!" Eddy confessed. "I wanted to protect the secret base from the rest of the quarry, but I didn't think about what they'd do to a team. If Taka wasn't around I'd have ruined everything! I'm stupid and I'm sorry!"

Brush took a moment to soak it in as Eddy's ears wilted. "Oh, wow. You really put yourself out there," she then replied in amazement. "How am I going to top that?"

"Oh, come on. Don't leave me hanging like that," Eddy whined. His posture drooped, tail tucked against his body.

Brush hung her head, deep in thought. Hesitance grew on her face as a very sensitive secret dawned upon her. She lifted her head and turned to Eddy to eye him, scrutinize him, and determine how much she trusted him. Eddy fell quiet and tensed up under Brush's gaze, unsure where she was going with all of this.

Finally, Brush spoke up. "Eddy?"


Brush leaned in closer. She could smell his breath, steeped in an aroma of berries.

"I think you're cute."

Eddy paused, surprised, as a light blush warmed his face. "That's your big secret?"

"It's the start of one," Brush implied, smiling.

Brush turned her head away as she closed what little distance remained between the two and leaned right upon him. Her tail batted against his own, while her ear teased him against the collar and beneath the chin. The warmth of her pale, yellow pelt pressed firm against his body. Eddy tensed up and felt his heart begin to pound, his temptation growing.

"You think I'm cute too, don't you?" Brush asked.

"You're really cute," Eddy replied, melting in her embrace.

The rockruff tempted fate. He slowly reached around the fennekin and flanked both sides of her with his dark, brown paws. He scooted in close behind her. He reached down and bit the knot of her neckerchief between his teeth.

Eddy breathed in through his nose as he tugged and loosened the knot inch by inch. Moments later, he unfurled the red neckerchief from Brush's neck in one swift motion. As the cloth hung loosely between canine teeth before floating delicately to the ground, the rockruff looked quite pleased.

"That didn't cover much, you know," Brush teased, looking back to Eddy from the corner of her eye as she sat.

"If we're doing this, it's all coming off," Eddy replied, as he took hold of her, reeled her in closer, and began to stroke his tongue along the small of her exposed, little neck.

"Mmmm...whatever you say," she cooed.

Eddy rose to his feet behind Brush as she sat. He loomed over her closely as he raised one paw to stroke her back. His licks and nuzzles ran along her neck and her pelt. He felt the vixen beneath his paw shake with anticipation.

"Hey, I'm starting to wonder." Eddy spoke up.

"About what?" Brush asked.

"You can, uh, handle me, right?" Eddy pressed.

Brush shot a look of sudden desperation his way with a turn of her head. "Don't ask such a thing! The last guy who doubted me chickened out and bailed mid-mount."

Eddy slowly blinked. "You're kidding," he replied, in disbelief.

"I only felt the tip. I never felt so robbed," Brush added. She hung her head. "I wanted that houndour so bad."

"But you're one of the cutest members in the guild!"

Brush couldn't help let slip a giggle. "Oh, I don't know. Luna's a real contender. She could have anyone she wanted, if she tried."

"Maybe she could, but you're the one luring me in," Eddy pointed out. "No way am I bailing on that."

Brush giggled some more with delight. "Okay, big boy..."

The fennekin pulled away a short distance from the rockruff's provocative touches. Her tail brushed against him from chest to chin as she lifted it back and raised her glutes. Her skinny legs behind her presented a firm, healthy, and alluring backside, flanked by the outgrowths of pale, yellow fur on her thighs.

"Like what you see?" Brush asked.

"I don't think I've seen a butt with wings before," Eddy teased.

"Well, why don't you come on over and make them flutter?"

Eddy chuckled. "I'll give it a good try."

The rockruff slowly closed in. He slunk his chin over the fennekin's tail until he rested the weight of his head atop her backside. He raised a paw to run his touch along the curve of her thigh. As he gave her growth of fur a playful flick, he turned his mouth towards the other side.

Brush's ears perked up with surprise as canine teeth and tongue clenched upon her rear. "Ooh, that's new," she remarked pleasurably. She instinctively leaned back against Eddy as he planted love bites all over her pretty, little bottom. Through each bite he rumbled a low, aroused growl, and in turn, with heavier breaths through her open jaw, she sank deeper into her carnal needs.

"Don't keep me waiting, Eddy," Brush pressed.

"You want it that badly, huh?" Eddy teased.

"So do you!" Brush rebutted. So stop making me beg and just do me!"

Eddy's view upon Brush flashed with a determined glint. He threw his weight forward with a spring in his paws and clutched the vixen tight around the waist. Brush yipped in surprise, her forepaws bracing against the rockruff's sudden mount. And then, with a solid thrust of his hips, the head and shaft of his cock slid fast between the folds of her pussy. She yipped again louder than before, electrified, as Eddy's member speared her backside with a lewd, wet smack of their crotches.

The pleasure of Brush's body flushed Eddy all over. He soaked it in as he clenched his paws against her and nuzzled his cheek against her brow, giving them both a needed pause. He felt the fennekin tremble, her exhales a soft stutter, as her sex squeezed hot and tight around his length. With a lick against his head and an upward curl of his spine, his hips began to move.

"Aaanh!" Brush felt Eddy drive a vigorous, focused motion from head to paw. Every plunge of his cock rippled the force and pleasure of his thrusts through her lithe, aroused body. She bounced in Eddy's grip, reeled in by his escalating lust.

Eddy lifted his head from Brush as he hit his stride. He looked smug and immensely pleasured, tapping gasps, moans, and heated breaths out of the vixen as her hot pussy sucked him in.

"Aw, yeah," he beamed, not missing a beat, "This is the best!"

"Y-Yes!" Brush returned between gasps.

By now, the ongoing churn of Brush's backside seeped fluids from Eddy's tip against the gate of her womb. At the point of no return, Eddy went all-in without a second thought. Tightening his clutch, he pulled Brush further in, lifting her rear high, then pinned her down outright by the shoulders. Brush's eyes widened, her moans rising in pitch with surprise, as Eddy took right off with short, rapid banging. The fennekin, plowed by cock in ways she had only dreamed, breathed out small, erratic puff of flames in the throes of carnal intensity.

"Aaah! Aaaanh! Eddy! I'm-!"

Eddy's knot at the base of the shaft had swelled within Brush without warning. The rockruff's bulge tied the fennekin with ease. The sudden gain of girth in Eddy's cock as he groaned, plowed, and raced to his peak drove Brush into a crazed euphoria. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as the walls of her pussy spasmed and squeezed.


Brush cried out, quaking all over. Eddy groaned loudly and shortly after, gritting his teeth as hot juices flushed all around his seized member. He shot one last thrust into her backside and held firm against her raised glutes, blasting his load in rapid, voluminous spews. The canine's semen gushed forth from the tip and flooded deep into the vixen's womb. By the time he petered out, she barely stood on her hind legs, so utterly wiped by the unbridled fucking he just gave her.

Eddy's paws slipped off Brush's shoulders to flank her sides. He let out a long, satisfied sigh, the both of them now a hot mess as the moment winded down.

"Holy crap," he muttered.

"Oh, god...you have no idea how much I needed that." Brush cooed.

Eddy began to turn around. In the next moment, he stood tiredly behind Brush, the two of them joined together by the tie. Brush let herself lie down upon her chest, saving her energy. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"So, um...thanks for that," Eddy said, still amazed at what just transpired. "Uh...you're looking for a boyfriend, right?"

"Oh, just...broadening my horizons," Brush answered with a smile. "But I'll think about it."


Eddy's fur stood on end. He heard Taka's voice from the entrance of the secret base, followed by the rush of six feet. He peered over his shoulder and saw his mienshao friend and the eevee, Luna, both worn from what was likely a dangerous and daring escape. Neither looked very pleased.

"What the hell, Brush?!" Luna exclaimed. "You literally screwed around while I was lost?"

"But that's why I came to the secret base," Brush deflected, as she sheepishly averted her gaze.

"Ugh! Well, you can get your new squeeze out of the quarry yourself. I'm leaving with him!" Luna stated, gesturing to Taka with a flick of her head. "Come on, Taka! I want to forget this place."

Luna walked off in a huff.

"Let's go to the bar in town. Drinks are on me," Taka offered, as he followed.

"Sure, why not?" Luna answered.

Taka smiled.

Team Foxy's Expedition

Late one morning, an eevee stirred from her slumber. "Yawn..." The little brown fox got upon her feet within her bed of hay. She limbered up, curling her spine as she stretched far back, then far forward. She shook her body down to fluff her poofy...

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