[c] Zellorin's Eggcellent Evening 2

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#2 of Zellorin's Eggcellent Evening

Part two of the story. This story is a commission for purpistol and Zellorin is their OC. c:

When Zellorin woke, it was with a groan. Everything seemed sore, and she could barely manage to hoist herself into a sitting position. As she did so, her heavy and aching belly shifted, and she gasped as she felt the eggs inside tumbling over themselves.

That's right... before she'd went out, those tentacles had claimed her and bred her, depositing their eggs into her womb and stomach.

Staring down at her own taut tummy, Zellorin gulped, tracing a finger along its roundness. She was good and swollen, but... was she crazy, or did she actually look bigger than she had last night?

Rising with a grunt, the succubus imp moaned, and forced herself to stagger through the dappled sunlight streaming through the forest. It was pretty slow going; she cradled her belly with one arm, while leaning the other onto rough bark for support. Her tail idly thrashed side to side with the effort.

It would have been hard for anyone to walk so laden, but Zellorin was so small, and so the problem of her gravidity only compounded for her.

She needed to take frequent breaks, and it was during one of these breaks that she felt it. A dull, tight surge in her belly, one accompanied shortly thereafter by a gurgle, and then her belly visibly grew. Zellorin gasped at that, her long, tapered tongue panting out of her mouth. They were getting bigger.

Trying to ignore it--because what could she do?--Zellorin continued her wanderings through the forest. But, shortly after noontime, she felt it again; and this time, it didn't go away.

She felt the eggs occupying her womb shift, and then suddenly, one of them settled into her birth canal.

Her voice rose to a high, wordless whine, and almost as second nature, she sunk to her hands and knees.

She felt the egg sliding further down, and gathering all her strength and resolve, Zellorin pushed. The imp girl felt the egg get closer, but it was big--far bigger than it had been when it had been put into her, and that had already been big enough, thank you very much. It wasn't going anywhere without pushes, and Zellorin determinedly obliged, grunting and panting between each push. More fluid leaked out of her pussy as she worked.

Finally, feeling it come close, Zellorin doubled down. The egg crowned, and she trembled as the open air met it for the first time. Slowly, she squeezed it out, only for it to hold halfway where the egg was at its widest.

She groaned. The egg was stretching her so impossibly far. "Come out," she half growled, half pleaded. "You're so close!"

Finally, after an insane amount of effort, the succubus imp finally managed to squeeze it free. The egg plopped snugly down onto the ground, covered in fluids, and Zellorin breathed a long sigh of relief.

It didn't last long, however. She felt another one slide into place, and she groaned again. This was going to be a long laying.

Egg after egg stretched her tunnel, and all of them were as big as the first, stretching her so wide she almost couldn't stand it, and demanding that she put her swiftly-draining stamina to use in squeezing them out. Slowly, however, the pile in the grasses grew. After struggling with the last one, Zellorin finally managed to lay it with a scream before collapsing into the forest floor, her chest heaving. Finally, she thought, finally, it's all over...

But her celebrations came a touch too soon. After a few minutes passed (during which she danced the line between wakefulness and sleep) a sudden sensation jolted her awake.

She had two more eggs to lay.

Angling her face properly, she grunted, wincing as an egg forced its way up her throat. It didn't require nearly as much effort as the ones in her womb, thankfully, but it was still slow going, and her throat stretched tightly around them, making them tremble. The second one followed close behind.

When the first egg reached her mouth, she opened her jaw to spit it out, only to realize that it was nearly too big.

Whimpering, Zellorin stretched her jaw as far as she could. The egg managed to slip out partially, but got caught at the widest part, and she was left panting and coughing, trying to force it out. Finally, alighting on an idea, Zellorin dipped her head up and then down again. The force of gravity managed to bring the second egg clacking against the first, and the impact forced them both out.

Dizzy from a lack of air and the general exertion needed to law those eggs, Zellorin spiraled down into unconsciousness again.

When she woke, the first thing she noticed was that the eggs were gone.

Well, gone was a relative word here. To be more accurate, there were shells everywhere, hatched and broken--and surrounding them were the little footprints of new imps. Rising with a satisfied grunt, Zellorin took it all in. After a moment, an unusual sensation in her chest made her glance down.

Her already prodigious breasts were swollen even bigger than usual, and enormously tender and delicate. Her nipples were sensitive and enlarged, and a tiny trail of milk was dribbling down from one. Zellorin blinked as she cupped her breasts with her hands. While she was unconscious, it seemed that her new offspring had actually drank from her.

Settling back with a relieved sigh, Zellorin stared up at the late afternoon light. She still ached all over, but now that it was finally done, it was a good kind of ache. The benefits of being a sex demon: you bounced back quickly.

Of course, she still had to find some mortal's lust to feed off of. Rising resolutely, Zellorin figured she would hunt down her missing clothes and then make her way back to the human village.

This entire ordeal had been a fun diversion in its own way, but now she had a job to do.

[c] Zellorin's Eggcellent Evening 1

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