Xavier's new hope part 11

Story by Kaze on SoFurry

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#11 of Xavier's new hope

Chapter 11: A new life

Johana Screamed in pain as sweat built up in her fur. Now damp, She gritted her teeth as she used all her strength to push. Female furs around her to help her, She held metal bars afraid to hurt the others as she screamed and growled with pain.

"Push! Thats it, I can see a head, Push!" Yelled another fur, the young wolfess said calmly as she held her arms out to help the pup out.

Xavier out side hearing the screams, He stood calm, but with worry. He stared at the wall as he awaited for the news. Zak and Siera walked up and down the hall of the hospital nervouse of their new found niece and nephew. Xavier still stiff like a statue.

"I hope everything goes okay." Siera said telepathicly to her brother.

" I am sure things are fine sis." He said in his thoughts, know she can hear him.

They both nodded as a sign of relief as they finally sat down.

Johana now tired with pain and exhaution. She laid back as the first born was out, the young male pup cried as it was cleaned and weighed. Johana winced and grunted with another sharp pain.

"Its not over!" She growled as the nurse ran back and got down to help the other pup.

The doctor took the pup and wrote down notes as he reported back to the elders. The pup was taken away by another nurse and laid down into a crib. Johana screamed as she began the painful pushing once again, she cried as she saw blood and other stuff pour from her. She winced and piushed as she did it for her children...her pups.

A doctor watched from another room through a window. He sighed as he took his glasses off, the badger walked into the hall way.

Almost as if they knew, Zak and Siera jumped up and walked to the doctor.

"Is she alright doctor?" they bothed asked him.

The badger held up a paw and looked to Xavier. Xavier looked over as he flicked his ear. His ears layed back as he gritted his teeth. Already preparing himself for the line.

"We are losing her, we don;t know why. But it is rare. The pups are fin but she is unstable." The badger said in a russian like acent.

Xavier growled and slamed his fist into the wall as he walked into the room and seen his daughter/mate done with the second birthing.

Johana looked over with half lidded eyes, she smiled and panted as she seen her father/mate. She waves weak for him to come closer. Xavier walked over slowly as tears build up in his eyes as he walked over slowly. He took his mates paw in his as he whimpered.

" I can;t lose you love..." Xavier said as he held back his crying.

"You will never lose me dad." johana said in a whisper.

"I told you not to call me dad...I am your mate" XAvier said as he stared at his mates paw.

Johana smiled as she felt her breath almost seem to try and escape her lungs. She gasped abit as she held her mates paw.

" Your my father thought. i love you just the same." She said.

Xavier whimpered as he felt tears roll down his cheeks. Zak and Siera both walked in holding each other as they had tears soak their cheeks as they looked to their dieing cousion. They went to the pups and rubbed their cheeks as they ate from bottles.

Xavier growled as he looked up and he looked to his chest as he kissed his mates paw.

" I won;t let you lose out on our pups.: He said as he griped his mech paw to a metal bar which squeaked and crumbled under the imense strengtrh of his mech paw. Tears suddenly fell to the flooor as he held his mates lifeless paw. He got up slwoly and closed her eyes as he then slwoly picked her up. The doctors and nurse moved out of the way. He walked with the lifeless body to the roof.

Rain beat at the roof of the building, thunder boomed through the sky. Xavier opened his wings and with a hard push down he was up in the air, with Johana in his arms and he growled as he looked straight up into the sky challenging the clouds and the gods. He flew through the clouds as rain and hail beat at his face. Thunder just shoooting past him as he snarled and sudenly bursted out through the clouds to the clear night sky.

XAvier kept a float their, his wings not moving, he seemed to stand on thin air as he looked to the clouds and let out a loud Dragonic roar to the skies. calling the gods to face him, the roar went on for ever as down below Zak and siera held the pups hearing the roar. The pups silent and asleep. They knew he was pissed.

Xaviers eyes went red with fury and love both a mix. He loooked to his mate and kissed her once. just like as if he was an angel, a fire like light went from Xaviers throat to johana's and she opened her eyes and gasped for breath as she clung to her father tightly. But with that, Xavier went limp and Johana meeped as she felt them fall.

"Love! wake up! Please.....wake up! "Johana shouted in the air as they fell through the rain clouds. Thunder making it hard for Johana to even hear her own voice. as they broke through the clouds Johana cried as she held her mate to her.

"Please wake up..." She said in a sad voice as they fell.

To be continued.

Xaviers new hope part 10

Chapter 10 : WAR! Xavier stood quietly as the wind blew calmly across the city streets, He smirked to him self. Zak and Siera join him, by his sides all ready for battle. The dragon stood on the roof of a skyscraper holding a modifyed .50 caliber...

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Xavier's new hope part 9

Chapter 9 : The enemy of my enemy...is my friend? Xavier stood quietly at the window. HIS daughter, now his new mate walked over and hugged him from the side and looked out side. They both looked to the flower garden that had taken a life of its owna...

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Xavier's new hope part 8

Chapter 8: A Dying rose Xavier growled as he held his right arm, it was in extreme pain, his hind paws dug into the ground. Dust and gravol kicked up, Bianca and Johana both watched in worry as their beloved male was in pain. Blood pooled to his right...

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