Chapter 22: Competition

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#22 of The Murderess of Maplesburg: Disappearing like Rabbits

The duchess continues to torment Ellie and Jason in new ways.

Chapter 22: Competition

Rita donned a white apron and a pair of light blue nitrile gloves and bounded down the

stairs to the dungeon. Wolfgang and Johann had returned with a new guest, fresh prey for her

pet kitty, and she was excited to get to work. Rita swung open the heavy metal door to the

basement and skipped across the room to the bound rabbit. Rita traced her right index finger

from the Dutch rabbit's black belly to her white chest, stopping at the black velvet bag over her

head. The rabbit tensed at her touch, and Rita smirked as she toyed with the opening of the

bag. Whether the bag was really necessary was a moot point; Rita enjoyed pulling it off to

reveal her guest. It was like opening a present, and it had the added benefit of letting her tease

her guest before they found out where they were and who was holding them. Rita lay her head

against the rabbit's chest, listening to her heart pound frantically against her ribs. Finally, Rita

pulled away the bag.

She gazed down at the rabbit with her best gentle smile, "Hello there, Dear. Are you

feeling well this evening?"

The rabbit stared at her in utter confusion, "Huh?"

"I asked how you're doing. Well, I hope."

"Er, well, I-"

"That's good. What's your name, Dear?"

"Er, it's Margret, but-"

"Thank you, Margret. Do you have any questions before we get started?"

"Yes! Who are you?! What am I doing here?! What do you want with me?!" the rabbit


"I'm your host, and you're my guest," Rita replied calmly. "But as for what I want with

you, I have a question of my own. How do you feel about cats, Margret?"

The rabbit blinked, looking puzzled, "I, uh, don't have anything against them."

"Have you ever considered becoming part of one?"

The rabbit's eyes widened fearfully, "Bec-coming p-part of one? What, what do you


"I have a kitty who's going to be getting awfully anxious about his breakfast in a few

hours. I wanted to know whether you had any suggestions."

"What?!" she yelped.

"Suggestions, for example, do you think he'd enjoy a leg and an arm? Or maybe," Rita

traced her right index finger around the rabbit's belly. "He'd enjoy some organ meat."

"N-no!" the rabbit wailed. "Tell me this isn't real! You're joking! This is all some kind of

prank! We're being filmed for some show!"

"No suggestions? Oh well, I suppose you wouldn't have much insight as a herbivore;

though, come to think of it, I've never had organ meat myself. I'm not sure you can buy it." Rita

tapped her chin with her finger, trying to think if she'd ever seen lab-grown organ meat. She

couldn't recall having seen any and shrugged. "It'll be something new for him then."

"You-you're serious?" the rabbit whimpered. "You're really going to, to feed me to a cat?"

Rita nodded.


"I told you: he's hungry. He's been on a terrible fast this past week, and he needs your

help to recover."

"B-but people don't eat people anymore! Can't he just eat meat from the store like

anyone else?!" Tears were running down the frantic rabbit's cheeks.

Rita wiped away the tears under the rabbit's right cheek with her left thumb. "Of course

he could, Dear," she soothed. "He'd love to, but I get to decide what he eats. And I've decided

it's going to be your liver and kidneys."

"No!" the rabbit wailed. "No, no, no! Please don't! I'll do anything!"

"You're already doing exactly what I want you to. Unless you can provide me with a

dozen rabbits to feed him, there's nothing more I want from you."

"Alright, I can do that!"

Rita looked at her dubiously, "You can?"

"Mhmm, I'll bring you a dozen rabbits, no problem."

"Well, go on then."

The rabbit stared at her desperately, "You have to let me go get them."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. So you can't magically summon a dozen rabbits then?"

"N-no," she whined.

"Pity. I really would have kept you around then. It would have been an amazing time

saver." Rita trotted back to the counter on the back wall and retrieved a scalpel. She wouldn't be

needing the full cart; the duplicate surgical implements on the counter would be enough. She

trotted back over to the rabbit and lightly pressed the scalpel blade against the rabbit's belly.

"Alright, let's get started."

* * *

Jason and Ellie were awakened by shouting from out in the rest of the dungeon. Jason

assumed it was the vixen's doomed victim, and he tried not to listen to what they were saying.

There was nothing he could do to stop it, and he didn't want to know about the person he would

be forced to eat later. However, the shouting was nothing compared to the screams that

followed. Jason squashed his hands over his ears, trying to block out the horrific shrieks of

agony. Ellie sat rigidly, her expression grim as she listened to the vixen torturing her latest


Finally, the screams faded, and a short time later, the vixen entered with her wolverine

guards; she was carrying the silver platter with slimy lumps of flesh. Jason grimaced at the

gruesome display. He wasn't sure what the dark lumps were, but he assumed they were


"Breakfast time, kitty!" the vixen chirped. "I thought you might like to try something

different, so I extracted these for you." She poked one of the lumps. "So fresh they're still warm!

Come and try them!"

Jason remained seated on the bed next to Ellie. He didn't feel like eating anything after

listening to the horrific screams, especially when he knew where his "food" had come from.

Resisting his hunger was made even easier by the unappetizing appearance of the dark lumps.

"It's either this or nothing," the vixen stated. "If you're anxious to go back to starving, I

can oblige you."

Jason glanced at Ellie. "I'm sorry, Ellie," he murmured. "There's nothing I can do."

"I know, Jason. You have to get well again. You can't control what she feeds you."

Jason slid off of the slab onto his feet and trudged over to the vixen.

She held the platter away from him, "I'm not holding this for you. That's your friend's job."

Jason glanced apologetically at Ellie, and she hopped off the bed and across the cell,

grimly accepting the platter from the vixen. The vixen trotted around behind Jason and, grabbing

the leash, pulled him down into a crouch. She caressed his right ear.

"Alright, dig in," she commanded.

Ellie held out the tray, and Jason reached his mouth forward to bite into the larger lump.

The flesh was softer than what he'd eaten last night, and he was able to bite off a chunk without

Ellie holding it for him. A strange but deliciously savory flavor filled Jason's mouth, and he

gulped down the bite. Tears welled in his eyes as he continued to eat. Why did it have to taste

good? It should taste as horrible as what he was doing! He'd listened to the poor soul being

murdered! How could he enjoy any part of consuming their flesh?! He enjoyed the other pieces

less and was glad for their mere palatability. At least he wasn't experiencing any palate pleasure

from eating this part of them. He finished and sat back, belly full but also filled with guilt and

despair. The monstrous vixen stroking him didn't help. He kept his eyes downcast, unwilling to

look at Ellie's face, afraid he'd see disgust, disappointment, fear, or horror there.

"Good kitty," the vixen crooned. "Did you enjoy your breakfast?"

"It was horrible," Jason growled.

"You ate it well for it being 'horrible'," the vixen remarked.

"It was part of someone you murdered," Jason growled. "It was horrible."

"Not quite past tense yet. I think she has a few hours left in her. I only took her liver and

kidneys and patched her back up."

Jason reeled with horror. "Sh-she's still alive!?" he choked. "Zeus! I've helped you

murder her!"

"Jason, you didn't know!" Ellie protested. "It wouldn't have saved her if you hadn't!"

The vixen yanked him to his feet by the leash. "Why don't you come meet her? I'm sure

she'd be enthralled by the sight of the cat she'll be resting inside."

"No! You've tormented him enough, you witch!" Ellie rebuked.

The vixen aimed a kick at Ellie, but she dodged out of the way and threw the platter at

her. The vixen ducked the platter, which crashed to the floor.

"That's one of my nicer pieces!" the vixen snarled.

"Fuck you!" Ellie shot back.

The wolverines tromped across the room, cornering Ellie between them, and caught her

by the arms. The vixen sniffed contemptuously then yanked Jason towards the door. He was

forced to follow, still weak from his week of starvation and only about two-thirds the fox's weight

even at normal weight. She dragged him out to the stainless-steel table where a black Dutch

rabbit was tied down by her arms and legs. Another rabbit. Any species would have been

horrible, but knowing he was eating the same species as Ellie made it all the more terrible. He

grimaced at the raggedly stitched cut extending up her belly. Her eyes were squeezed shut as if

trying to shut out the horror of her situation.

The vixen ran the rabbit's right ear through her free hand. "Margret? I have someone to

meet you, Dear."

The rabbit opened her eyes and turned to look at Jason and the vixen fearfully. She

made eye contact with him. "A-are you the cat who's, who's," she wasn't able to finish the

question, staring at Jason fearfully.

He nodded miserably, "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"Did you already?" She swallowed nervously.

"I'm so sorry," he repeated.

She sobbed.

The vixen stroked her head. "Come now. You ought to get to know the cat you're going

to feed. Don't you have any questions for him?"

The rabbit stared pleadingly at Jason, "Please kill me," she begged.

His chest tightened. Please don't ask me to do that.

"Please kill me," she repeated. "Don't let her hurt me anymore."

"It's hardly up to him," the vixen declared. "But I'll let him finish you off if he wants to."

The rabbit's blue eyes gazed desperately into Jason's, "Please!"

He couldn't leave her to be tortured. There was nothing he could do to save her, but he

could make her death easier. He nodded once.

"You'll have to use your mouth," the vixen told him.

Jason nodded once again. The vixen stood aside, and Jason stepped up to the table. He

forced himself to lean down and reach his jaws around the rabbit's throat.

"Th-thank you!" the rabbit sobbed. "Please make it quick."

Jason squeezed his jaws shut, cutting off the pulsing blood vessels feeding the rabbit's

brain. The rabbit let out a fearful squeak but then held still. After a few moments, she fell limp.

Jason kept his jaws pressed down until her heart stopped beating and then held on a couple

minutes longer to make sure. Finally, he let go of the body and stood back up. Tears welled in

his eyes as he looked at her still form. I couldn't save her. This was all I could do.

The vixen scoffed, "That's it!? What a waste of prey! I'm not letting you at one again!"

She yanked the leash. "Back to the cell! Maybe it's a good thing you didn't eat your friend if

that's how you were going to kill her!"

Jason growled as he followed her. He'd like to get his jaws around her throat. He could

lunge for her, but she had the leash and could yank him aside. And if he failed, what would

happen to him? What would happen to Ellie? He couldn't take the risk.

The wolverines were already waiting outside of the cell, and they slammed the door after

the vixen shoved Jason through. He slumped on the slab miserably. Ellie climbed up beside him

and leaned against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Jason," she murmured.

He sighed despondently, "I had to kill her, Ellie."

Ellie tensed beside him, "You what?!" she gasped.

"She begged me to. It was the only way to save her from further torture."

"Oh Zeus! I'm sorry, Jason! You shouldn't have had to do that!"

"No, it was better than leaving her to suffer."

"Still, what about you?!"

"I'll be okay. It wasn't easy, but it's better than knowing I left her at the mercy of that


Ellie wrapped her arms around his middle. "We'll get through this, Jason. You'll get

better, and somehow, we'll get away."

Jason wished he could hug her back, but his hands were still locked behind his back. He

contented himself with nuzzling her head.

* * *

Rita let Boots finish cutting the rabbit into chunks for the cat's meals. There was no fun

in it when she was already dead. She headed up to the living room and slouched boredly on the

pink and gold couch. While both of them were clearly upset at the cat eating other rabbits, the

rabbit was less upset than Rita had hoped. She'd hoped the rabbit would be too horrified to

even approach the cat, but their affection had proven more resilient than she'd expected. Maybe

she should cut them both up and be done with it, but cutting up the cat still seemed distasteful to

her. She could only cut up the rabbit, but then what would she do with the cat? If she killed her

while they were still in "love", then that's how he would always remember her, and he'd never

forgive Rita. At which point, there would be nothing to do with him except keep him locked up or

kill him too. Either kill them both or what? She needed to come up with another plan.

* * *

That evening, the vixen dropped off an arm and a leg and Ellie's bowl of grass but didn't

stay to taunt them. Ellie had to help Jason eat the tougher flesh by holding the limbs, and Jason

was distressed by her involvement in the beastly affair. However, she only expressed anger at

the vixen for forcing him to eat someone while expressing concern for him. After a little while,

the vixen returned to collect her platter and the bones.

"You did a good job finishing your dinner," she remarked casually. "Is there anything else

you need?"

Apparently, she was playing the attentive host again. Jason found it disturbing how

easily she transitioned between diametrically opposed roles. "Could you bring me a new book

and a towel for Ellie and, uh, a deck of cards?" Jason requested cautiously.

"I could give you all those things, but I want you to give me something in return," she


Jason frowned. He doubted those unnecessary items would be worth anything she might

request. "Like what?"

"Do you play piano?"

Jason shook his head.

"No matter, I'd like you to come upstairs so that I can play for you."

Jason blinked. "You want to perform for us?"

"Only you. Your friend stays down here."

Jason glanced at Ellie.

She shrugged, "I would like that towel. If that's really all it is, then-"

"I promise. You only have to sit and listen while I play piano."

Jason shrugged, "Okay then."

The vixen smiled, "Come on then. Let's go."

He shuffled over to the door, and she took the leash to lead him upstairs. She led him

through the room they had visited when they arrived and then through a second ornate room

with cream colored carpet and crimson and gold walls.

They stopped in a large room, apparently forming the back of the house. Jason could

see the sun setting over the forest surrounding the manor, and its orange light filled the room,

shining through the glass back wall and ceiling. The grand pianoforte was situated on the left

side of the room, and Jason noted the several full bookshelves as well as a brass telescope.

The vixen left him at a wooden card table and trotted over to one of the bookshelves. She

selected a book and carried it over to the piano, flipping through the pages before setting the

book on the sheet music stand on top of the piano. She sat down on the black bench and, after

briefly studying the sheet music, began to play.

Jason recognized the music as J. S. Bach's. The vixen played tolerably well, and after a

while, Jason found himself relaxing while listening to the pleasant music. She's a murderer, he

reminded himself. A viciously cruel murderer. So what was the point of this? Did she think he'd

forget what she'd done if she played the piano well?

When she had finished, she turned to him with an expectant smile. She wants me to

praise her playing? Jason blinked at her.

The vixen frowned, "Don't you enjoy piano?"

"No, I do. Bach, wasn't it?"

"That's right. I hope I didn't butcher it too badly."

Like you butcher your victims? Jason shrugged.

The vixen frowned again, "Right, well, let me get the things you wanted." She stood and

trotted across to the bookshelf on the right side of the room and began digging around. "Did you

play Hunt as a child?" she asked conversationally.


"If you like, I'll collect a few of the staff, and we could have a game of that."

"A game about a fox who eats rabbits?" Jason asked pointedly. "I think I'll pass." Maybe

she really was insane.

She frowned, "Maybe some other time."

Or not.

She dug around some more before pulling out a box of playing cards. "Alright, let's get

the towel and book."

She trotted back over to take hold of the leash then led Jason back out to the entryway

and farther up the stairs to a very red hallway. She led him down the hall into the third room on

the left, which turned out to be the bathroom. She collected a pale rose towel from the cabinet

between the tub and shower. Then she led him back one room to a green carpeted room filled

with dark bookshelves.

"Go ahead and pick something that interests you," she instructed.

Jason began searching through the plethora of books: in addition to literature, there

seemed to be books on every conceivable natural science from astronomy to botany to

medicine to geology. He wondered how many of them she'd actually read.

She seemed to read his mind, "I've read most of these," she stated. "My parents thought

it was important to have a broad education though sometimes I slipped my horror novels into

the dust covers of my textbooks when a lesson was too boring. I never had much of an interest

in botany for instance."

Jason kept searching without response. Again, he was hardly going to fawn over how

well read she was or commiserate over the dullness of botany. Ultimately, he selected King

Lear, nudging it with his nose to indicate that was the one he wanted.

The vixen withdrew it from the shelf for him. "More Shakespeare, eh?"

He nodded perfunctorily.

"It seems like you'll have trouble turning the pages with your hands like that."

He frowned, "Are you going to take the cuffs off then?"

"No, but if you like, we can sit in here, and I'll read it to you."

"I'd rather Ellie read it to me."

The vixen narrowed her eyes, "I could gag her," she growled softly.

"You think that will make me want you to read to me?!" he asked incredulously. "What's

wrong with you?! You starved me for a week trying to get me to murder my friend, and now

you're tormenting me by making me eat other rabbits! I only agreed to listen to you play piano to

get these things to make the nightmare you're putting us through a little more tolerable!"

The vixen yanked the leash, forcing him into a crouch, and then kicked out, connecting

with his chest and knocking him onto his back. She stomped one foot down on his chest and

stood glaring down at him. "If you want a nightmare, I can give you one," she snarled. "I can

make you watch while I dissect your friend and then give you your turn. How would you like


"N-no!" Jason choked. "I'm sorry!"

She pressed down with more of her weight. "Then I want you to show me some respect,"

she growled softly. "I want to hear you say 'Your Grace' when you address me, and when I

deign to speak to you, I expect you to respond politely."


"What was that?" she asked dangerously.

"I will, Your Grace!"

She crouched down, one foot still on his chest. Her narrow amber eyes glared

menacingly into his. "Let's try this again then, shall we? How would you like to stay up here

while I read your book to you?"

"I-I would prefer for Ellie to read to me, Your Grace. She does amusing voices, a-and I

don't want to worry her by staying away too long."

"That's acceptable," the vixen growled. "Perhaps you'll join me some other time when

your friend knows where you're going."

"I-if that's what you want, Your Grace."

She reached down and ran a finger between the collar and his neck. "That's better. You

know, I really was impressed with your dedication to your friend, Jason."

"You were?"

"Yes, loyalty is very important, and I have to admit she's not wholly without loyalty to you

either. I thought she'd abandon you when she saw that you'd eat other rabbits, but she hasn't."

"She doesn't blame me. She knows I hate it as much as she does and that you're forcing

me." He quickly tacked on, "Your Grace!"

"I see that. This might surprise you, but I know what it's like to care for prey."

Jason gawked at her.

"Just because I kill some doesn't mean there aren't others I care for!" she replied

defensively. "In fact, you could say that's how this all started. Someone who was very dear to

me, a hare, tried to abandon me. It was then that I realized most prey are only good for killing,

but there are exceptions."

"Wha-at do you want with us, then, Your Grace?"

"First of all, I want you to accept your life as my permanent guest. I don't want to kill you,

but I can't let you get away. You only have yourself to blame for that; you forced yourself into my

life, not the other way around."

Jason didn't try to argue. He didn't want to make her angry again. "What about Ellie?"

"I wouldn't mind killing her," she answered bluntly. "But if you can show me that she's

worth keeping alive, I'll let her stay as my permanent guest too." She narrowed her eyes

warningly, "But she'll need to show me respect too. Don't think I'm going to tolerate her


"I-I'll convince her it's for the best, Your Grace!"

She smiled slightly, "Good. Please me and you'll find I'm not without mercy. Your life

here can be as pleasant as you'll allow it to be."

She removed her foot from his chest and helped lift him to his feet as she stood. She

bent back down to pick up the towel, cards, and book and then led him back down to the cell.

She led him inside and set the items on the bed. She turned and ran a finger down Jason's


"Have a good night, kitty," she trilled.

"Goodnight, Your Grace."

She smiled and booped his nose before dropping the leash and skipping out of the cell,

closing the door behind her.

"What was that all about," Ellie inquired.

Jason turned to her and took a deep breath. He didn't think she'd like what he was about

to say, but he hoped she'd see it was the best they could hope for. "The Duchess and I had a

discussion, and she's willing to let us live as her guests as long as we show her the respect she

thinks she deserves."

"What? So we just have to grovel sufficiently, and she'll let us live?" Ellie asked


"It's minimal. She only wants us to call her 'Your Grace' and be polite."

"And then we get to live with a psychotic murderer? How lovely," Ellie sniped back.

"I know it's unpleasant, Ellie, but i-it's better than the alternative."

"Which is?"

"She'll kill both of us. She threatened to make me watch while she kills you."

"That sounds about right," Ellie replied grimly.

"We only have to humor her, Ellie. That doesn't mean we'll forget what she is."

Ellie nodded slowly, "It won't be easy, but it will buy us time. I don't want to live the rest

of my life with this monster, but I can placate her until we can get away."

"Thank you, Ellie. I know it will be hard, but as long as we're together, we'll make it


Ellie hopped off of the bed and wrapped him in a hug. "Of course we will, Jason."

He nuzzled her head.

Ellie looked up at him worriedly, "You didn't have to do anything to get her to agree to

this, did you?"

Jason gave her a puzzled look, "Like what?"

"You know," Ellie muttered. "She seems more than a little physically attracted to you."

"Puhwha?! No! There was nothing like that! She really wanted to play piano for me!"

Ellie hugged him tighter and pressed her nose into his chest fur, "That's good."

"She did keep trying to get me to stay with her longer though," Jason admitted

disconcertedly. Was Ellie right about the vixen's attraction for him? Was that why she was

letting them live?

"What did she want you to do?"

"First, she wanted me to play Hunt with her."

Ellie snorted in amusement.

"I know. Then she, uh, she wanted to read to me in her library."

"Cozy," Ellie jested. "How did you turn that down?"

"I told her I'd rather you read to me."

Ellie looked up at him with a smirk, "You liked that, did you?" she teased. "I suppose I

can oblige."

"It was one of the only things that kept me going, Ellie," he replied sincerely.

Her smile softened, and Jason noticed tears welling in her brown eyes. She pressed her

face back into his chest and sniffed, "I'm so glad I didn't lose you, Jason. When I thought you

were going to die, that was worse than knowing what she'd do to me afterward."

Jason nuzzled her head again. Ellie held him a few minutes before looking up again with

a mischievous grin.

"I noticed you also requested a deck of cards. Are you anxious to lose at Gin again?"

she teased.

Jason rolled his eyes, "I thought we could have a friendly game. It's not like there's

anything for us to wager anyway."

"I don't know about that. How about if the winner gets to hold down and tickle the loser?"

"It might be hard for me to do considering my hands are behind my back," Jason replied


"That's okay. You're not going to win," Ellie dismissed.

Jason narrowed his eyes, "We'll see about that. I know your underhanded tactics now."

Ellie grinned, "Is that a wager then?"

Jason nodded. He'd tickle her until she begged him to stop even if he had to use his

nose. Ellie let him go and picked up the box of cards off of the bed.

"How are you going to hold your cards, Jason?"

He frowned. "Maybe you can hold them for me. You have to agree not to look though."

"That wouldn't be fair at all," Ellie stated. "I don't need to cheat to win."

He nodded. They sat on the bed. Ellie shuffled and dealt the cards, arranging his behind

hers, facing out. Throughout the game, Jason directed Ellie which cards to discard and pick up

for him. He tried to pay close attention to the cards she picked up and discarded as well, his tail

flipping as he concentrated on figuring out what cards she needed. However, it turned out luck

was against him: he didn't win a single hand.

Ellie smirked as she laid her final card of the last hand face down, "Gin! Looks like it's

time for a certain kitty to get tickled. Lie down."

"You looked, didn't you?" Jason grumbled.

"Did you see me look?"


"I told you I didn't need to cheat to win."

He lay down, resigned to his fate. Ellie climbed on top of him and sat on his chest facing

his belly. She peered back at him with an eager grin. She raised her hands and wiggled her



He nodded.

She turned back toward his belly. "I may have peaked once or twice," she stated lightly.

"What?! But you said-"

"That I didn't need to, and I didn't. I merely decided to expedite the process."

Jason didn't get a chance to protest before she dove in with her wriggling fingers,

attacking his sensitive belly. "Eek! Eeheeheehee! Y-you, eeheeheehee, you cheeheeheeter!"

"Now, now, don't be a sore loser," Ellie teased. "I'll have to tickle you longer!"

Jason squirmed and kicked, gasping between peels of uncontrollable giggling. Ellie

didn't show any sign of stopping, and his abdominal muscles began to cramp from being tensed

against the unbearably elating stimulation. The door to the cell flew open.

"What in the name of Zeus is going on in here?!" the vixen shouted. "Is she torturing


Ellie paused, and Jason gasped for breath.

"Eeheehee, hrm, n-no, Your Grace," Jason answered. "I'm okay."

"Haven't you ever heard of tickling before, Your Grace?" Ellie queried mockingly.

"Ellie!" Jason hissed under his breath.

"No, no, don't worry, Dear," the vixen reassured. "It was silly of me rushing in here like

that. Of course I know what tickling is. Shall I undo your handcuffs so that you can have your

turn as tickler?"

"He doesn't get a turn!" Ellie declared. "You can give me the key though. I'll let him loose

when we're done."

"You can give her the key if that's okay, Your Grace," Jason confirmed.

"If that's what you want, I was going to remove them before long anyway," the vixen said


She tossed the key, and Ellie caught it. She dangled it in front of Jason's face.

"Look who gets to decide when you get let loose now," Ellie teased.

The vixen giggled, "Heeheehee, oh dear, it seems I've turned you over to the mercy of a

rabbit. I hope you'll survive the night."

Ellie looked like she wanted to make a cutting remark, but instead she put on a forced

smile. "I'll take good care of him, Your Grace. You can give me the key for the collar as well."

"Hmm, no, I don't think so. I'll leave that on a while longer." She turned for the door.

"Have fun!" she called as she trotted out of the room.

The door slammed shut, and Ellie growled.

"'Survive the night.' You mean like your victims only do if you succeed in keeping them

alive so that you can torture them longer?"

"Shh, I know, Ellie, but she seemed amused. That's probably a good thing, and you got

the key for the handcuffs. It'll be nice to be able to hold you again."

Ellie sniffed contemptuously, "Amusing a monster. Wonderful."

"Are you done tickling then?"

"No! I'm going to tickle you twice as long to make up for the interruption!"

Jason smiled nervously, "Eheh, you're joking, right?"

Ellie turned to grin at him wickedly, "Yes, I'm going to tickle you three times as long."

Jason squirmed, and she grinned wider before turning back and plunging her fingers into

his belly fur.

Jason lost track of how long Ellie had been tickling him. It could have been half an hour;

it could have been longer. The lights went out, but she didn't stop. He'd given up begging. His

abdominal muscles burned from straining against the finger assault. His diaphragm ached from

spasming with laughter. His eyes were crusted with dried tears. Finally, Ellie slowed her

wriggling fingers. She gave his belly a few more pokes then smoothed his fur. She murmured

something barely audible, but between his gasps, Jason thought he made out, "That'll...who's

on top."

"Eeheeha, hum, uh, what was that, Ellie?"

She turned her head, looking embarrassed, "I was talking to myself," she muttered.

"'Who's on top?'" he quoted. "You, obviously, at the moment."

She flicked an ear, "You heard that? Okay, I, um, I know it's dumb, but I was talking to

your belly," she admitted.

Jason blinked, "Huh?"

She scrunched up her face in an embarrassed frown and averted her eyes, "It's just that,

you know, it was what tried to make you eat me."

"The vix-"

"I know she was responsible, but still, that was the part that wanted to. And, and now, it

got to have poor Mr. Potter and the other rabbit. I wanted it to know it hasn't won." She looked

back at him, "I may have gone a bit overboard. I'm sorry if that was too much."

"Did it make you feel better?"

She sighed wistfully, "Maybe a little."

"Then it wasn't too much. I'm sorry that you were ever afraid I might hurt you, Ellie. I tried

to control it, but I know I lost it near the end."

"It's not your fault, Jason, but thanks for understanding." She got up and turned around

to lay on top of him, wrapping her arms around his head. She stretched forward to nuzzle him

between the ears. "I'm glad I have my sweet kitty back." She scooched down and laid her head

on his chest.

"Uh, Ellie?"


"Before you go to sleep, can you undo the handcuffs?"

She pushed herself back up. "Alright, kitty, I guess I can let you loose now."

She felt around on the bed several seconds before she found the key. Jason sat up, and

she crawled around behind him to unlock the cuffs, dropping them over the edge of the slab to

land on the cement with a clatter. Jason stretched his arms, which were cramped from being

stuck behind his back for so long.


"I will be. Come here."

Ellie crawled back around in front of him, and Jason pulled her in, hugging her tight

against his chest. He lay down with her on top of him and stroked her back with one hand while

the other arm still held her close. Ellie sighed contentedly and snuggled her head against his

chest. Soon, she was breathing the gentle rhythm of sleep. Jason listened to the calming sound

as he held her. What they had gone through had been horrific, and they were still in danger. But

at least Ellie was in his arms again. He gazed at his beloved partner in the semi-darkness. He

wouldn't let anything happen to her. The vixen had tried to make him hurt her, and she had

failed. His body had tried to make him hurt her, and he had resisted. Whatever happened,

whatever tricks the vixen had planned, he would keep her safe. Secure in his convictions, Jason

allowed Ellie's gentle breathing to soothe him to sleep.

* * *

Rita hopped out of bed and accepted her morning coffee from Boots. At her request, he

had already sweetened it how she liked it, and she had informed Gustav that she would have a

guest for breakfast in the dining room. She took a sip of the heavily sweetened drink and started

on her way down to her dungeon. Both of her guests were still asleep when she pushed her way

into the cell. The cat was no longer wearing the handcuffs and had his arms wrapped over the

rabbit, who was lying on top of him. Rita left her mug on the corner of the bed and sauntered

over to the cozy pair. She ran her index finger down the rabbit's spine, tweaking her scut at the


The rabbit started awake, "Jason?"

"Good morning, Dear," Rita greeted sweetly. "I hope you slept well."

The rabbit looked back at her with a rigidly emotionless expression. "I did, Your Grace,"

she murmured, her voice strained.

Rita kept what she hoped was a pleasant smile though inside she was smirking at the

rabbit's obvious difficulty hiding her dislike for her. She reached out and tickled the rabbit's

nearer foot, causing her to flinch away.

"Now, now, Dear, didn't your friend tell you about our new arrangement? You don't need

to be afraid of me."

"I'm not, and it's Ellie," the rabbit grumbled.

Rita beamed back at the grumpy rabbit, "I'm glad to hear that, Ellie." She lifted the cat's

arms off of the rabbit.

The rabbit quickly sat up and pulled away, looking at her suspiciously through narrowed

brown eyes. The cat stirred and opened his eyes, blinking sleepily.

"Ellie?" he murmured.

"Shh, I won't hurt you, I promise." Rita reached out for the rabbit, who made as if to dart

away, but Rita lunged forward and grabbed her under the arms. She lifted the rabbit, who was

maybe one-fifth her own weight, over the cat and cradled her across her arms.

"What are you doing?!" the cat yelped.

"Calm yourself, Dear," Rita scolded. "I'm not going to hurt your friend." Rita looked down

at the rabbit, who was scowling back at her. "Is something the matter, Ellie?"

"I didn't say you could hold me, Your Grace," she grumbled.

"Didn't you? Well, if I ask, I hope you give me permission. I'd hate to have to go to the

trouble of tying you down," she responded lightly. She sniffed the rabbit's head. "You rabbits do

smell nice. It's no wonder we used to eat you. Although, I can't imagine eating all that fur is

really pleasant." She looked up at the cat, "How did you find it, Dear?"

"Horrible," he muttered tersely.

"You seemed to enjoy it."

"I was starving, literally."

"I suppose hunger will make anything taste good." She turned back to the rabbit,

"However, I'm sure we could find some tasty bits if we gave it a try."

The rabbit continued to scowl at her.

"I'm joking, of course," Rita explained. "You appreciate a bit of humor, don't you, Ellie?"

"When I hear it."

"Hmm, I'll try to be wittier in the future. How about we go see whether Boots is available?

I'm sure he'd like a turn holding you."

The rabbit's eyes went wide with fear, and she tensed in Rita's arms.

"Heeheehee, oh dear, now that got a reaction! You don't like Boots much, it seems."

The rabbit only looked at her nervously.

"He likes you though," Rita went on. "He even said you were almost as cute as me.

Quite a compliment indeed! I'm sure he would hold you for hours if I let him. Wouldn't you like


The rabbit shook her head.

"No? Well, you'll have to get used to me holding you then. You'll find I'm very

affectionate with my long-term guests." She set the rabbit back on the bed and retrieved her

mug. "I'll have Gustav bring down your grass in a little bit." She turned to the cat, "Gustav is

serving our breakfast in the dining room. It should be ready by now. Shall we ascend?"

"Can't Ellie come with us?" the cat asked.

Rita frowned and glanced at the rabbit before looking back to the cat, "Maybe after

you've settled in more. I can't watch both of you very well myself."

"Couldn't one of your staff help?"

"Do you really want her to join us?"

The cat nodded.

"Alright, we'll snag Edgar on the way," Rita decided.

The cat sat up and both of them hopped off of the bed.

Rita held her mug out to him, "Can you hold this, Jason? I'll need one hand each for the

two of you until we fetch Edgar."

The cat accepted the mug. Rita took his leash in her right hand and the rabbit's right

hand in her left. She led them to the surveillance room where the pine marten was watching the


"As you'll have noticed, Edgar, neither of them are in there at the moment," Rita stated.

Edgar jumped in his seat and turned around nervously, "G-good morning, Your Grace."

"Edgar, these are Jason and Ellie. Jason and Ellie, Edgar."

The pine marten smiled nervously, "Er, pleased to meet you."

The cat was staring at the screen and ignored him. "Is that a live feed of our cell?"

"It is," Rita confirmed. "Why? Didn't you think you were being recorded?"

The cat glanced embarrassedly at the rabbit, "I, uh, guess it wasn't a smoke detector."

The rabbit rolled her eyes and then glared at Edgar, "Have you been having fun

watching us?"

Edgar swallowed nervously, "I, uh, I-"

"Now, now, Edgar's only doing what I asked him to," Rita interjected calmly. "Anyway,

Edgar, I have a new task for you. Both of our guests are joining me for breakfast, and I need

you to watch one of them." She gently pushed the rabbit toward him. "She'll be your

responsibility. Take good care of her, but don't let her get away."

Edgar stood and straightened his light gray jacket. The rabbit, who was a head shorter

than him, glared up at him; he looked back nervously.

Edgar extended his hand, "It's, uh, nice to make your acquaintance."

The rabbit grabbed his hand and yanked him down to her level where she whispered

something in his ear that Rita couldn't hear. Edgar's dark eyes bulged, and his brown and black

tail bushed out like a bottle brush. He stood back up and looked at the rabbit fearfully; she

looked back with fierce narrowed eyes and a satisfied smirk. Rita frowned but otherwise avoided

displaying her exasperation. Maybe she should have gotten Howard: he was about the same

size as the rabbit, but at least the ferret had some confidence.

"Alright, let's go see about breakfast then!" Rita piped. She began to lead the cat back

out of the servants' quarters and paused to make sure Edgar and the rabbit were coming.

"May I take your hand, Miss?" Edgar whined.

"No, you don't need to, and it's Ellie."

"As you wish, E-Ellie."

The rabbit followed Rita and the cat, and Edgar brought up the rear. Rita sighed and

continued out to the stairs, leading them through the kitchen and into the dining room. Rita sat

at the near end of the long oak table, guiding the cat to the seat on her right and gesturing for

the rabbit to sit at her left. Edgar sat on the rabbit's left. Shortly, Gustav waddled in with Rita's

and the cat's plates, each with three pork link sausages, scrambled eggs, and a half of a

buttered English muffin.

"Thank you, Gustav. Could you bring something for Edgar too? And Ellie will be needing

her breakfast as well."

"Of course, Your Grace." The fat stoat waddled around the table, wiped his hand on his

white apron, and extended it to the rabbit. "Ellie, was it? A pleasure to meet such a charming


The rabbit frowned but extended her hand, and Gustav clasped it in both of his hands

and shook it warmly.

"If there's anything you need, you know where to find me!" he said cheerfully. "I'll be right

back with your food." He released the rabbit's hand and hurried back to the kitchen.

The rabbit stared at him as he went like he had a second head. "Doesn't he know you

spent the last week trying to get us to kill each other?!" she exclaimed. She turned to glare at

Edgar, "And you! You're no better! She was trying to get him to eat me, and you were watching!

'Nice to make your acquaintance!'"

Edgar averted his gaze, looking as if he'd like to sink into the floor.

"Don't be too hard on Edgar," Rita defended. "He's been having some trouble this past


"What? You didn't know 'Her Grace' was a vicious murderer before last week?" the

rabbit asked him scathingly.

"B-before they were only, um," Edgar began but stopped, eyeing the rabbit nervously.

"Only what? Go on!"

"O-only prey," he murmured miserably.

"'Only prey,'" the rabbit growled. "That's what I thought! And yet you dare to pretend to

be pleased to meet me, not at all convincingly, but you still wasted your breath with the lie! You

couldn't care less if I were dead! Maybe you'd prefer it!"

Edgar whimpered, "N-no, I, I don't prefer it. I just-"

"You just don't care enough to do anything about it! You'll keep working for someone

who's killed who knows how many prey like me!"

"You don't understand; Her Grace gave me a job when no one would, a-and she's

always treated me kindly. I couldn't betray that."

"She tortures and murders people! You think anything she does for you is out of


"I'm capable of both," Rita interjected. "Anyway, let's put this discussion on hold and

enjoy our breakfast. You can take the topic back up with Edgar later if you so desire."

The rabbit snorted contemptuously. "Probably a waste of time anyway," she muttered.

Edgar looked relieved.

Rita nudged the cat, "Go on, Jason. Your food will get cold." She took a bite of one of

her own sausages followed by a forkful of egg.

The cat poked at the sausage, "Who did this used to be?"

"No one! I don't eat people! Go on. It's lab-grown pork, and the hens were well paid."

Wearing a relieved expression, the cat took a bite of sausage. Gustav returned with a

plate for Edgar, minus the muffin, and the rabbit's bowl of grass.

When he'd left the rabbit poked at the bowl, "You'd think he could have done something

with it," she muttered.

"Is there something wrong with grass?" Rita inquired.

"Only that it's boring. I've been eating the same thing for a week." She glanced guiltily at

the cat. "I'm sorry, Jason. I guess I shouldn't complain about being fed."

"No, I agree," he replied. "If we're guests now, you should have something more."

"I-if you like, we can go to the kitchen and see what we can dig up," Edgar suggested

nervously. "I'm sure we have some other vegetables or-"


"I think so."

The rabbit stood and tromped off toward the kitchen. Edgar jumped up and hurried after


"I think they'll learn to get along," Rita commented. She went back to eating her


Sometime later, the rabbit and Edgar returned with the rabbit carrying a bowl of oatmeal.

When they had all finished eating, Rita surveyed her guests thoughtfully.

"I'd like to show you around the estate, but I don't think I can trust both of you outside

together yet," she remarked. "How about I show you around your new home? When you've

settled in, you'll have free reign of the house."

Neither of them protested. Rita led them back through the conservatory, living room, and

sitting room and then upstairs to the bathroom and finally to Rita's study.

"If you'd like to pick out something to read, you can, Ellie," Rita offered.

"I'm still working on Dracula," she answered tersely.

"Alright, I'm going to pick something." Rita selected The Picture of Dorian Gray. "I think

this might suit both of your tastes," she noted. "Let's head back downstairs and relax together.

You'll soon see that living with me won't be altogether unpleasant."

She led them back to the living room and sat on the pale pink and gold embroidered

sofa, propping her feet up on the cushion. She gently tugged the cat's leash.

"Lie your head in my lap, and I'll read to you, Jason. You don't have to worry about your

friend wondering where you are now."

The cat hesitated, glancing at the rabbit, but then obeyed, lying tensely as looked up at


She stroked his head, "That's a good kitty." She looked up at the rabbit and patted the

empty space on her right. "You can join us as well, Ellie."

"I think I'll pass," she replied dryly. She plopped down on a matching loveseat, and

Edgar squeezed next to her. She glared at him, "Did I say you could sit next to me?"

He jumped up and darted over to one of the matching chairs. She snorted


"If you don't want to listen to me read, why don't you go fetch your own book?" Rita

suggested. "Edgar, take her downstairs to get it."

Edgar jumped back up, and the rabbit got up more slowly. He let her go first and

followed her out of the room.

Rita looked back down at the cat and stroked him again, "Alright, let's hear all about

Dorian Gray and his portrait."

She had been reading for a few minutes, and the cat had already begun to relax in her

lap when they were both startled by sudden shouting from out in the direction of the entryway.

The cat shot up, and Rita quickly set the book down and hopped to the floor. However, before

she could rush out to see what was happening, Wolfgang shoved the rabbit into the room,

gripping her tightly by one arm.

"This one almost made it out the front door," he growled. He held up a scalpel in his

other hand, "I had to take this off of her."

"What happened to Edgar?" Rita asked, concerned.

"He's fine," the rabbit grumbled. "I locked him in the cell."

Rita sighed in exasperation. How had the pine marten let a rabbit get the better of him?!

"Take her back to the cell, and let Edgar out," Rita instructed.

Wolfgang turned, pushing the rabbit in front of him.

"Hold it! I have a better idea," Rita decided. "Leave Edgar in there a while to learn his

lesson." She raised her hands and clapped them sharply twice, "Boots!"

Boots' clomping began to echo through the house, and the rabbit's eyes widened in

horror. Rita regarded her calmly. After a few seconds of stomping, Boots tromped into the room.

"Yes, Mistress?"

"I want you to look after the bunny for a few hours, Boots. Make sure she's well taken

care of."

"Yes, Mistress."

Boots crouched down and lifted the rabbit away from Wolfgang, tucking her in the crook

of one arm before sandwiching her under the other. The rabbit trembled in his arms, and Rita

couldn't resist a smirk.

"That's all, Boots. You can take the rest of the day off to play with your new bunny."

"Thank you, Mistress."

He petted a massive hand over the rabbit's ears and smiled slightly before turning and

tromping back out of the room.

"Y-your Grace!" the cat cried. "You can't leave Ellie with him! Didn't you see how terrified

she was?!"

"She'll be fine," Rita dismissed. "Boots can be very gentle." She turned to contemplate

him. "How about we take that walk outside now? I don't think I have to worry about you running

away while I have your friend. You know what will happen to her if you do."

He nodded nervously.

"Let's go then. It looked like a lovely day when we passed through the conservatory."

She led him out to the front by his leash. Pulling open the heavy oak door, she breathed

in the sweet warm air that gently washed over her.

"A lovely day indeed. It must seem particularly nice to you after being locked in the

basement so long."

She led him through the yard, treading over the soft grass and into the woods that

surrounded the house. Silently, they strolled between the green canopied trees. After several

minutes, Rita sat on the trunk of a fallen tree and patted the space to her right. The cat sat next

to her, and she reached her arm around his back, scooching close. Turning her head , she

nosed his ear.

"Lovely, isn't it, Jason?" she murmured.

"I suppose so," he muttered.

"You could get used to living here, don't you think?"

He grunted noncommittally.

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"You mean besides the obvious?"

"What's that, Jason? Tell me it all, and I'll see what I can do."

"For one, you kill people."

"True enough," she replied lightly. "Is that all?"

"'Is that all?!'"

"You'll get used to it. Is there anything else?"

"Even if you didn't kill people, Ellie and I had a life together. We had our job, our friends-"

"Some of them didn't turn out to be so reliable," Rita noted.

He looked down at the leaf-carpeted ground, "I know," he muttered sadly.

"But I understand that it's hard to leave your old life behind. It'll get easier as you grow

accustomed to your life here."

"But what about our other friends? What about our families? What will they think when

we just disappear?!"

"I guess you don't have access to the news. You've already been declared dead, Jason,

both of you. The chief of police didn't waste any time. As far as anyone knows, you disappeared

investigating an as of yet unidentified serial killer, and the assumption is that you met a sticky

end. I suppose she decided the story would be more believable if she didn't stray far from the


"But that means they'll never really know for sure. They'll always be wondering if I might

still be alive somewhere."

"If you want, you can send your family a letter letting them know you're okay. I'll have to

read it of course, but if you want to reassure them that you're safe, I can have Wolfgang or

Johann post it in Maplesburg."

He turned to look at her, blinking back tears, "I can?" he murmured.

Rita pressed her muzzle to his forehead, "Yes, I don't see any reason your family should

have to worry."

He sniffed. Rita reached her arm up from around his back to stroke his head.

"There, there, kitty. I'm not the heartless monster you think I am. I want you to be

comfortable here, your friend too if she can learn to behave. Trying to escape is one thing, but I

don't know what she was planning with that scalpel."

"I'm sure she wouldn't hurt anyone," Jason murmured.

"You see how it makes it difficult to trust her though, yes? If she can't be trusted, I'll have

to do something else with her."

The cat tensed, "I-I'll make her understand, Your Grace."

She stroked him again, "Thank you, Jason."

Rita wrapped her other arm around his front and stroked his head and neck while she

held him. A gentle breeze carrying the sweet and musty scents of the woods stirred the leaves,

causing flecks of sunlight to dance across the forest floor while Rita comforted the cat.

Gradually, she felt his muscles relax in her arms, and she pulled him in closer against her chest,

tucking his head under her jaw. She breathed his slightly tangy feline scent that mixed with the

smells of sun-warmed foliage, decaying leaves, and a hint of sweet flowers.

If only the rabbit were as amenable to a few kind words and gestures, then Rita's job

would be easy, and she'd have a new pair of obedient pets in no time. She needed to find a way

to make the rabbit behave or to get her out of the picture without upsetting the cat or both. She

contemplated the cat tucked in her arms: he'd said he would try to make the rabbit understand.

Maybe that would be the most effective way to reach either goal; either he'd succeed or his

insistence on cooperating with Rita would drive a wedge between the rabbit and him. However,

she'd already found with these two that it wasn't wise to rely on one course of action. She

needed to pursue multiple avenues to get what she wanted. Rita grinned in anticipation as she

continued to stroke her new kitty. Soon, he'd be another of her faithful supplicants, and the

rabbit, well, she could cooperate or not.

Rita and Jason spent another hour strolling around the estate before returning to the

manor. Wolfgang met them in the entryway.

"No more trouble while we were out, I hope," Rita remarked.

"No, Your Grace."

Rita handed the cat's leash to the wolverine. "Watch him for a minute, Wolfie, I'm going

to go check on how Boots and our rabbit guest are faring."

Wolfgang accepted the leash, and Rita trotted off to the staircase, bounding down to

Boot's room in the servants' quarters. She knocked on the pine door.

"Boots? May I come in?"

His deep voice rumbled through the door, "Yes, Mistress."

She pushed her way inside; Boots was sitting on his bed, his signature steel-toe boots

removed but otherwise still fully dressed in his well pressed tuxedo. The rabbit was still tucked

into the crook of his left arm while he gently stroked her head, ears, and back with his other

hand. She wore a wide-eyed expression of catatonic horror. Rita grinned. With a leap and a

scramble, she made her way onto the high bed.

"She seems to be doing well," Rita jested.

"Still scared, Mistress, but I'm doing my best to comfort her."

"I'm sure you are, Boots." Rita climbed up onto Boot's stomach to prod the rabbit. "How

would you like to be Boots' little pet? I wouldn't have to worry about what you might be getting

up to then."

The rabbit looked back at her fearfully. "Please, no," she whispered.

"No?" She leaned in close to the rabbit's face. "Try something like you did this morning

again, and that's exactly what's going to happen," she whispered menacingly. "You think the

past hour has been bad? Consider the rest of your life."

"Only one more time?" Boots asked cheerfully. Clearly, he thought it was a foregone

conclusion. "Don't worry, Cutie. I'll take good care of you. I'll give you lots of treats and pets, and

you won't have to worry about upsetting Mistress anymore."

"Sounds tempting," Rita taunted. "You don't have to misbehave to become Boot's pet. I'll

let you make that occupational transition anytime you want."

"Are you going to take her back now, Mistress?" Boots asked plaintively.

Rita considered the rabbit briefly, "No, I'll let you keep her a few more hours to make

sure she's learned her lesson. I'll send Gustav down with some 'treats' you can feed her for


Boots beamed down at the rabbit, who Rita thought might faint at the idea of being fed

by the human.

"One more time," Rita warned softly. She hopped down off of Boots' belly and then to the

floor. "See you this afternoon," she called before trotting back out of the room and back upstairs.

Rita retrieved the cat from Wolfgang, snagged The Picture of Dorian Gray from the living

room, and led him upstairs. He stopped when she turned into her bedroom, looking at her


"Why are you taking me in here?"

Rita turned and blinked at him puzzledly, "I was going to get the key for the collar. Why

do you ask?"

"Er, no reason," he answered quickly.

Rita studied the increasingly embarrassed looking cat, and her mouth spread in a wide

grin as she realized what he'd been thinking. "And here I thought you were only interested in

rabbits," she teased. She waved her bushy tail enticingly. "Does the kitty want to find out what

it's like with a fox?"

"N-no! Er, I-I mean, uh-"

"What's wrong, Jason? Don't you find me attractive?"

"No, I mean, I do! B-but, Ellie and I, uh."

Rita drew him in by the leash and gently took him under the chin, "You have to earn a

privilege like that, Jason."

"Y-yes, Your Grace."

She patted his cheek. "Right, let's get the key for your collar. I assume I can trust you to

behave without it."

"You can, Your Grace!"

Setting aside the book, Rita retrieved the key from her dresser and unlocked the collar,

placing both back in the dresser drawer before turning back to the cat. She reached her hands

around his neck and massaged it. "Feels nice having that off, doesn't it?" she crooned.

"Yes, Your Grace."

She let him go and picked up the book before taking him by the hand. "Let's do some

more reading. We'll be cozier in my study."

"How was Ellie doing, Your Grace?"

"She's fine. Boots is taking good care of her. You'll see her in a few hours."

He nodded, still seeming worried.

Rita ignored his concern and led him to her study, guiding him to her reading chair by

the room's one window. She motioned for him to hop up and then squeezed in next to him on

the comfy green cushion. Scooching back, she pulled him over against her chest and tucked his

head under her jaw. Wrapping her left arm around him, she opened the book and lifted it up in

front of them.

"Comfy?" she queried.

"Yes, Your Grace."

Rita found the paragraph they were on and continued the story.

Rita had been reading for at least an hour when she decided it was time for lunch. She

closed the book and set it on her lap.

The cat lifted his head from where it had gradually become leaned against her right arm.

"Are you done?"

"We'll pick it back up later. Are you hungry?"

"A little."

"Let's see what Gustav has for our lunch then."

The cat sat up and slid off onto the floor, and Rita hopped down after him. He held out

his hand for her to take.

"You know the way. Let's go," Rita instructed.

She let the cat take the lead, watching his stripy tail bob behind him as he trotted down

to the dining room. He sat in the seat to the right of the end of the table, and Rita sat at the end.

Moments later, Gustav waddled in and set two bowls of thick creamy soup on the table.

"Clam chowder, Your Grace," he declared.

"Thank you, Gustav. It smells delicious as always."

"Thank you, Your Grace." He glanced at the empty seats to the left. "Is our rabbit guest

not joining you for lunch?"

"She's spending some time with Boots," Rita explained. "Take her lunch down to Boots'

room, will you?"

He bowed slightly, "Of course, Your Grace." He waddled back toward the kitchen.

Rita ate a spoonful of the rich chowder and glanced at the cat, who also seemed to be

enjoying his, apparently unconcerned about whether his friend was really faring as well as she'd

said. She smiled to herself and returned to eating her lunch.

* * *

The last thing Ellie wanted to do was nibble slices of carrot while the enormous creature

held her, but it turned out she didn't have much of a choice. She didn't necessarily think the

beast would force her to eat, but she was afraid not to comply with the desires of someone who

could crush the life out of her as easily as she might have a grasshopper, if she'd been inclined

to do such a vile thing. As it was though, she didn't have much of an appetite and had to force

herself to eat the sweet vegetables. The beast watched her fondly as she sat on his arm with

her back against his chest, taking slices of carrot and stalks of celery from the white porcelain

plate painted with a ring of pink flowers that he held in front of her.

Ellie tried not to shudder at the feeling of the monster watching over her. She tried not to

imagine being forced to spend the rest of her days as the creature's "little pet," but who knew

what excuse the evil vixen would find to turn her over to this beast? Yes, this time she'd tried to

escape, but she couldn't trust the capricious fox not to use some minor infraction to justify

carrying out her threat. The prospect of being handed over to this beast only made the need to

escape more urgent. She'd have to be more careful next time. She only hoped there would be a

next time before she was permanently in this creature's clutches because then she'd be little

better than a toy with no hope of fighting back or escaping. If she kicked him as hard as she

could, it would only amuse him, give him another reason to squash and engulf her with his giant

hands. She could bite him, but then what would happen to her? Would her bones be shattered

as he slammed her against the wall? At least that might be quick. She shoved aside the

gruesome thought. She would get away before then. She hoped she and Jason could escape

together, but even if she had to go on her own, she would get away. She'd come back with as

many people as she could, armed to the teeth, to rescue Jason and bring the vixen to justice.

When Ellie had finished eating, the beast set the plate aside and lifted her up in front of

his huge, grotesquely hairless face. She turned her head to the side as he tried to press her

nose against his, but instead he just nosed her cheek. She shuddered.

"Mistress didn't give me your name. What is it, Cutie?" he rumbled.

"Ellie." she murmured.

"What was that?"

"Ellie," she repeated more loudly. Not only was he ugly, but he also had terrible hearing.

"Ellie," he repeated. "Cute name. You don't know this, but I'm the reason you're still

here, Ellie."

She glared at him, "You're the one who spotted me escaping?"

He shook his head slowly, "No, I meant alive. Mistress wanted the cat to eat you. She

wasn't ready to give up. I persuaded her to try something different."

Ellie scowled, "By something different, you mean making him eat other rabbits."

"Yes, but it was the only way. Mistress wouldn't have agreed otherwise."

"Why me?"


"She's killed so many other prey, other rabbits. Why save me?"

"I don't usually get to see them before they're cut up."

"You could stop her! Easily!"

He frowned, "Mistress is Mistress. I'd never go against her, but I didn't want you to die. I

found another way to please her. As long as Mistress is happy, that's all that matters."

"What if she still decides to kill me?"

"She won't. Mistress doesn't go back on her word."

Ellie found that hard to believe, but she didn't think it wise to attack the vixen's character.

"So you thought I looked cute, and you came up with this plan to save me."

He nodded.

Maybe Ellie had been too hard on the creature, too prejudiced. He was gigantic and

grotesquely ugly, but that didn't mean he was completely evil. On the other hand, his blind

devotion to the murderous vixen didn't speak well to his moral character. "What's going to

happen to me then?"

"I'll take care of you, just like I said. You won't have to worry about upsetting Mistress

anymore. I'll keep you safe."

"I'd rather be free."

He screwed up his face in a conflicted frown, "Mistress wouldn't like that. You have to

stay here. You'll be safe with me."

Apparently, he wasn't interested in further discussion because he tucked Ellie back in his

arm against his chest and engulfed her head with his other hand, stroking her. Ellie tried to steel

herself against the terrible feeling of being utterly helpless to resist his rough and unwelcome

caresses, but she wasn't very successful. I have to get away!

After what Ellie was sure was hours, the vixen finally called at the door again.

"May I come in, Boots?"

The creature gave her a squeeze that he may have meant to be gentle but that crushed

her painfully between his arms.

"Yes, Mistress," he bellowed.

Ellie winced at the noise.

The vixen pushed into the room and grinned up at her. "I'll take her off of your hands

now, Bootsy. Did you have a good time together?"

"I think so, Mistress."

The vixen smirked, "How nice."

The vixen held out her arms, and the beast slowly lowered Ellie into them. The vixen

cradled her across her arms and smirked down at her. "I'm glad you had a pleasant day with

Boots, Ellie. Maybe the two of you can spend more time together soon."

Ellie scowled at the fox.

"Let's take you back to your room now," the vixen piped cheerfully. "Poor Edgar will be

getting lonely all by himself."

She carried Ellie back to the cell, supporting her against her chest while she opened the

door, and then set her down inside.

"You two get along," she instructed before slamming the door in Ellie's face.

Ellie heard the lock slide into place. She turned around to see the pine marten flopped

miserably on the slab, wrapped tight in the blanket, which was pulled over his head. Ellie

hopped up beside the bed and jabbed him. He flinched but didn't emerge.

"Go ahead and eat me," he whimpered. "I don't want to starve first if that's how it's going

to end anyway."

Ellie punched him.


"Eat you, you dolt?! Rabbits don't eat people."

He pushed his head out of the blanket and stared at her in surprise, "You-you didn't get


Ellie grimaced, "No," she grumbled.

The pine marten smiled, "Oh thank Zeus! I-"

Ellie glared menacingly at him, and his exclamation of relief was choked off as his

countenance transitioned to fear.

"P-please don't hurt me," he whined.

"We're all alone. I ought to beat the snot out of you," Ellie growled.

He whimpered.

"Get off of our bed!"

The pine marten scrambled only to tumble to the floor, landing on his front with a thud.

Ellie yanked the blanket off of him and gave it a shake to remove the dirt from the floor and the

pine marten's fur.

"Jason and I have to sleep with that, you know!" she growled.

"I-I'm sorry! I thought you got away! I thought she was going to, to." He curled into a ball

on the floor. "She still might punish me," he whimpered.

Ellie pulled back her leg to kick the vixen's pathetic stooge, but then she stopped. If this

was meant to be his punishment, then Ellie would be doing exactly what the vixen wanted. She

crouched down next to him and gave him a prod.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Get up."

He looked at her warily, "You're not?"


"What about what you said this morning?! About how you'd." He wrapped his arms over

his bottom, tucking his tail.

"I lost the scalpel I grabbed earlier. Besides, were you going to lie there while I cut them

out? Unless you're planning to cooperate or let me tie you up with our nonexistent rope, I don't

see how I'm going to make you eat your balls."

He regarded her nervously a few more seconds then pushed himself up into a sitting


Ellie narrowed her eyes. "Don't think I won't make you in the future though!" she

threatened. "You watched Jason starving for a week while that witch was trying to make him eat


He tucked his legs in with a whimper, watching her fearfully.

"But like I said, I'm not going to hurt you right now."

"Why not?"

"Because that's what that witch wants."

She stood up and offered him a hand. He didn't take it but scrambled to his feet by


"So now what?" he asked nervously.

"Leave me alone, and hopefully, she'll get bored and let you out before long."

Ellie climbed up on the slab and grabbed her book. Edgar slunk across to the far corner

and slumped down. Ellie glanced at him, snorted contemptuously, and then opened her book to

start reading.

Maybe an hour and a half later, Ellie heard the slot by the door opening on the other

side. She hopped off of the slab and over to the slot. It opened to reveal a light blue plastic bowl

of grass.

"Wonderful, more grass," Ellie remarked sarcastically. She set the bowl on the slab and

waited to see what they would send through for the pine marten. She glanced at him warningly,

"If a knife comes through, you're not getting your hands on it."

He whimpered. However, the slot opened again to reveal a plate with a piece of grilled

meat, a few green beans, and a fork and serrated knife. Ellie took the knife, scraped the green

beans into her bowl, and set the rest on the slab for the pine marten.

"Seems she's going to feed you after all," she stated.

The pine marten got up and slunk over to collect his plate. He eyed the knife in Ellie's

hand. "I need that to cut my food," he whined.

"You have fangs. Use them," Ellie replied perfunctorily.

"What are you going to do with it?"

Ellie narrowed her eyes menacingly, "Nothing I don't have to."

He hurried back over to the corner with his food. Ellie ate the green beans and then the

grass. She looked up part way through the bowl of fibrous strands to see how the pine marten

was faring: he was holding the meat in both hands while he yanked at it with his teeth. He

managed to rip off a smaller chunk, and Ellie shrugged and went back to eating. He could hardly

complain when he had food. It wasn't her problem if the meat was tough. When she was done,

she went back to reading. She hoped the vixen would bring Jason down soon; she was getting

worried about him. However, the lights shut off without the vixen returning to deliver Jason or

collect the pine marten.

"Looks like we're going to be spending the night together," Ellie grumbled. "Don't try

anything. Remember I have this." She tapped the knife against the side of the slab.

The pine marten whimpered from the corner. Ellie was getting tired of his whinging and

whining. She lay on the slab and tucked the blanket around her, trying not to worry about where

Jason was. She likes him. But what if she liked him so much that she was doing something else

with him? Jason wouldn't want to have sex with that murderer, but Ellie could hardly put rape

past a monster who liked to torture her victims to death. Ellie tried to push aside the terrible

thought. Please be safe, Jason. Ellie shut her eyes tight and willed sleep to come.

Sometime later, still awake, she was disturbed by a whimper from across the room.


She ignored the annoying pine marten.

"Ellie?" he cried louder.

She turned over to look at his dimly lit form, "What?!" she growled.

"Th-the floor is hard and cold. I can't sleep here."

"Jason managed it," Ellie shot back.

"Can I, can I please sleep up there?"

"What makes you think I want you next to me?!"

"Please! I promise not to try anything!"

"You were willing to watch me be ripped apart. Why should I show you the smallest bit of


"Be-because I can repay you!"

"Can you help me escape?" Ellie asked skeptically.


"Then you can lie on the floor."

"But I can help make sure you have everything you want here! I, I know Her Grace

doesn't like you. It may be difficult for you if you have to rely on her for everything. If we're


"We aren't."

"If we have an understanding, then I'll bring you everything you need."

"And all I have to do is let you sleep up here?"

"I-I was hoping you might also agree not to, you know."

"Fine. If you'll bring me everything I need, then I won't cut your nuts out."


"But! The instant you go back on our agreement, that part of the deal's done too."


Ellie turned back over and scooted toward the wall. "Lie with your back facing mine."

She heard his claws scraping over the cement floor as he approached the slab, and then

he squeezed up next to her. She glanced around to confirm he was facing the other way then

shut her eyes. At least he would help keep her warm. Ellie was still having trouble sleeping for

worrying about Jason, and after a while she could hear the pine marten breathing gently. At

least he's asleep. She continued to fret about Jason, but eventually, the pine marten's gentle

breathing helped lull Ellie to sleep as well.

* * *

Rita stretched and opened her eyes. The morning sunlight was creeping across the pale

pink blanket. Boots hadn't arrived with her coffee yet, meaning that it must still be early.

However, Rita had turned in early and slept well, pleased with how quickly she was progressing

with the cat. After lunch, they had returned to the study to read more, and he had fallen asleep

in her arms. She'd let him nap, holding him gently until he'd awoken more than a little

embarrassed, but she'd comforted him with a few minutes of stroking. She'd left him with

Wolfgang again while she put the rabbit back in the cell. Then he had agreed to listen to her

play piano again, and this time he'd seemed to have enjoyed it. He'd asked about the rabbit

again at dinner but seemed satisfied when she had sent Gustav down with her meal. Then they

had played cards, read some more, and finally Rita had decided it was time for bed. She had

put the collar back on him and used a padlock to attach him to the bed in the guest room before

taking a shower and turning in herself.

Rita slid out of bed and crept across the hall to peek in the guest room: Jason was still

asleep. She decided not to wake him and instead to check on Edgar. Hopefully, he was still

alive, but on the other hand, if he couldn't defend himself from a rabbit, then perhaps he was

better off dead. Either way, she assumed he'd have learned his lesson by now. She trotted

down the curving staircase all the way to the basement and to the room with the closed-circuit

tv. She examined the black and white infrared video of the cell: one of them was on the bed, but

where was the other? She peered more closely at the picture. Which of them was that on the

bed? Her eyes shot wide as she recognized the rabbit's form pressed close against Edgar's, her

head tucked under his chin. She hit the switch for the cell's lights and goggled at the screen.

Was this rabbit some kind of seductress?! First the cat and now Edgar?! They hadn't even

seemed to be getting along during the few minutes she'd watched after putting her away!

Rita dashed out of the room and to the cell, yanking the heavy door open to stare at the

still sleeping pair. "What is going on in here?!" she shouted.

Both of them shot up. The rabbit narrowed her eyes at Edgar who looked back at her



"We were o-only sleeping, Your Grace!" Edgar yelped.

The rabbit glared at him, "Right, so what were your arms doing around me?"

"I-it must have happened while I was asleep!" he whined.

Rita sighed with relief. At least they hadn't had sex. She still wasn't sure how they had

gotten to the point of sleeping next to each other. "Were you cold, Edgar?"

"The floor was hard and cold, Your Grace."

"So you showed mercy and let her join you?"

"Er, uh, it might have, um-"

"I was the one who let him up here," the rabbit corrected testily.

Rita groaned in exasperation, "Edgar! You let a rabbit make you sleep on the floor?!"

"She had a knife!" he whined.

Rita narrowed her eyes and growled, "What knife?"

The rabbit held up the steak knife with a smirk, "Not that I needed it to put this one in his


Rita sighed and shook her head. She'd have to have a word with Gustav about being

more careful about what he sent in with the prisoners. Poor Edgar might actually have ended up

dead. "Toss it here," she commanded.

The rabbit lobbed it to her, and she let it clatter to the floor.

"Dull piece of shit anyway," the rabbit commented. "Next time you lock us up together,

send me a scalpel and some rope."

Edgar went rigid.

The rabbit smirked and prodded him, "I'm joking, you dolt."

He glanced at the rabbit nervously, and she grinned.

The rabbit turned to Rita, "Is it time for breakfast? I hope your chef is going to be a bit

more creative today."

"It's a bit early. Why don't we head upstairs so that you can tell him what you like?"

The rabbit hopped out of bed and Edgar slid down after her.

"You can do something else today, Edgar," Rita decided. "I can get Howard to help

watch our guests."

The rabbit put on a tone of mock complaint, "Aww, but I was starting to like this one."

"I-I'd prefer to keep looking after Ellie, Your Grace," Edgar murmured.

Rita blinked in surprise, "You would?"

He nodded.

Rita shrugged, "If that's what you want."

The rabbit grinned roguishly, "Carnivores, you just have to have a firm hand with them,

let them know who's boss, and then they hang on you like a baby opossum on its mother."

Rita narrowed her eyes. Prey shouldn't be this arrogant. She'd have to have a serious

word with Edgar about his attitude. "Your time with Boots seems to have done wonders for you,

Dear. Perhaps you'd like to spend today with him as well."

The rabbit gave her a defiant stare, "And abandon poor Edgar? I couldn't do that, Your


Edgar glanced between them nervously, "I, um, I-"

"Quiet, Edgar!" Rita commanded.

He flinched and looked at the floor sulkily. Rita tromped over to the pair and seized the

rabbit by the arms, glaring down at her. The rabbit smiled back mildly.

"What did you do to him?" Rita snarled.

"Showed him what mercy looks like," she replied flippantly. "If you want, I'll show you

too, Your Grace. Put yourself in handcuffs and a muzzle, and we'll spend a day or two together.

By the end, you might be as grateful as Edgar here."

Rita withdrew her right hand from the rabbit, pulling back to slap her, but then dropped it.

"You'll find your friend is even more grateful with how I've been treating him," she growled softly.

The rabbit frowned worriedly, "Where is Jason?"

Rita smiled and brought her hand back up to stroke the rabbit's cheek, "He's sleeping.

We had a busy day yesterday. You'll find he's grown to enjoy my company quite a bit."

The rabbit seemed disturbed by her assertion. Rita drew her in close and pressed the

rabbit's head to her chest.

"You'll share his sentiment soon, Dear," she whispered.

She glanced up at Edgar, who was watching them disconcertedly. She raised her right

hand and gestured him over with her index finger. He stepped closer, and she grabbed him to

pull him in. Wrapping her arms around him, she squeezed tightly, squashing the rabbit between

the two of them. The rabbit didn't make a sound, but Rita suspected she wasn't at all

comfortable being crushed between their bodies. She squeezed as tightly as she could,

relishing the feeling of the rabbit's body being compressed by hers.

"Y-Your Grace?" Edgar stuttered worriedly.

"Shh," she hushed him. "Aren't you a lucky little prey, Ellie?" she taunted. "So many

predators to play with. It must be flattering to get so much attention from so many majestic

carnivores. You'll have to be careful not to let it go to your head."

She let Edgar go, and he quickly stepped away. The rabbit gasped. Rita grinned at her


"A-are you okay, Ellie?" Edgar fretted.

The rabbit nodded, but Rita could tell being crushed had hurt her. Maybe she'd think

twice before talking back again.

However, the rabbit merely stretched herself before responding with another sarcastic

remark, "Thanks for the hug, but one of you smells like you need to take a bath."

Edgar shifted embarrassedly, "S-sorry."

Rita rolled her eyes; he was hopeless.

The rabbit turned to him, "Well, I guess I can't blame you when you were locked in here

all evening. How about you bring Jason and I a set of clean sheets, and we'll call it even?"

Edgar nodded, a bit too slavishly for Rita's liking, "No problem, Ellie."

She turned to Rita, "So how about breakfast then?"

"You know the way, don't you?"

The rabbit loped out of the cell, and Edgar hurried close behind. Rita picked up the knife

and followed further back, silently brooding. Subduing prey shouldn't be this difficult. Surely, the

rabbit knew what Rita could do to her, even with teeth and claws alone, but she acted like she

didn't care. Moreover, she'd already proven how completely her status put her above the rabbit

and even the laws she'd believed protected her. She could do anything she wanted with the

rabbit, and the worst repercussion would be having to off her new kitty as well. So why wasn't

the rabbit afraid?

Rita gave the knife to Edgar and let him take the rabbit to talk to Gustav and headed

upstairs to fetch Jason. He was awake and looked relieved when she entered.

"Good morning, Dear. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Your friend is already down talking to Gustav about breakfast." She trotted up to the

head of the bed and undid the combination lock. "Let's get the collar off you too." She took the

leash and led him toward her bedroom.

"Er, can I use the bathroom quick first?"

Rita dropped the leash. "Go ahead."

He hurried to the bathroom, and Rita waited in the hall until he came back out. After she

removed the collar, they headed downstairs to the kitchen. The rabbit was engaged with

Gustav, but she turned when Jason called her name and dashed across the room, throwing

herself at the cat. He caught her, and they embraced, closing their eyes as they held each other

close. The cat purred and nuzzled her head. Rita frowned at the excessive display; they'd hadn't

been apart twenty-four hours.

"I was worried, Jason," the rabbit murmured. "She didn't do anything to you, did she?"

"No, I was fine. How were you?"

The rabbit opened an eye to regard Rita warily, "I'll tell you about it later."

They broke apart, and the rabbit bounded back over to finish talking to Gustav. They

proceeded to the dining room and began with a pot of hot coffee, which was the only thing

ready. Rita added three lumps of sugar and cream to her coffee and passed the bowl and

pitcher to Jason who passed them directly to the rabbit. Rita stirred her drink and took a sip.

"She adds as many lumps as you, Your Grace," Edgar remarked amusedly.

Rita looked up from her mug, "What is that, Edgar?"

"Er, I only noticed that you both added three lumps of sugar, Your Grace," Edgar

repeated. "I thought it was amusing because of how similar the two of you are."

Rita gawked at the pine marten. What on Earth was he talking about?! Similar to a


"Similar to her!?" the rabbit yelped. She glared at Edgar, "I don't recall cutting you into

little pieces last night!"

"Er, I-I only meant, uh, you have, um, similar, similar personalities."

"In what way?" Rita demanded.

Edgar sunk in his seat, "I mean, you're, uh, very forceful in, in getting what you want but

also kind in your own way." His voice trailed off at the end.

"Kind! I'm sure that's how all of her victims described her while she was torturing them!"

the rabbit shot back scathingly.

Edgar sunk deeper into his seat.

"She's nothing like me," Rita declared. "There's confidence and then there's arrogance

and impudence."

The rabbit snorted contemptuously, "Then there's entitlement and sociopathy."

Rita glared at the rabbit, "I'm far from a sociopath, as your friend can tell you. If you

knew your place, I'd show you kindness too."

"Save it! I don't want kindness from a murderer!"

Rita turned to the cat; he'd been awfully quiet throughout. "What do you think, Jason?"

The cat started, "I-I don't know!"

"You don't know whether I'm different from a murderer?!" the rabbit gasped.

"Obviously, you're different in that way! A-and many other ways. I, I guess I agree you

are both assertive though."

"You're just a pushover, Jason," the rabbit rebuked. "I worry about how you're going to

handle being around this monster when you fold so easily."

He winced, "You think I'm a pushover?"

The rabbit rubbed her nose, "Alright, that was the wrong word; I'm sorry. It's more that

you're kind, and you want to see kindness in others. But you have to remember what she is,


"What you think I am, you mean," Rita rebutted. She shook her head, "Did I seem like a

monster to you when we were reading together yesterday, Jason? How about when we went for

our stroll through the woods or at dinner? She doesn't know what she's talking about; she sees

everything in black and white."

"I don't want to live in a world that's so murky gray that even murder is up for debate!"

the rabbit shot back. "And of course, that's not even what you think! You think it's okay when

you do it because you're above the law!"

"I am. I proved that to you. If I weren't, I'd be in jail now."

"So anything you can get away with is fine?!"

"Of course not. But as for killing prey." She shrugged. "We killed you for forever. Then a

few centuries ago, someone invented lab-grown meat, and that turned out to be much more

convenient. But doing what we'd always done didn't become wrong overnight."

"It became wrong as soon as you didn't need to!"

"So you wouldn't object if someone tried to kill you as long as they 'needed to'?"

"Of course I'd object! And I'd defend myself! But I'd understand it was either me or


"You or them." She turned to the cat, "Kind of like when you were starving, eh, Jason?

She was happy for you to die because it was either you or her. See how she wants to have it

both ways? 'Don't kill me because you don't have to, and by the way, don't kill me if you have to

because I'd rather you die.'"

"Ellie didn't want me to die!" Jason protested.

"Maybe not want, but she was willing to let you die," Rita corrected. "If one of us had to

die, I'd at least have the decency to put you out of your misery."

"You were the cause of his misery!" the rabbit shouted. "You don't care if people suffer

so long as you get your sick thrills!"

"Hush, inside voices," Rita scolded. "I don't expect you to appreciate my reasons for

killing prey. I don't care if you do. But I only wanted to show him how he overvalued prey. I didn't

think it would go as long as it did, and." She took a deep breath. "And I'm sorry."

"Puhwha?!" the rabbit squawked. "You're sorry!?"

Rita nodded solemnly, "I am. I understand that he cares for you, deeply. I shouldn't have

tried to take that away from him. That's why I hope you'll adapt to living here. We needn't have

unpleasant arguments like this, and, and I apologize for my part in it. I shouldn't have suggested

you wouldn't have cared if he died. I know you care for him too." She finished with a smile,

pleased by her own graciousness.

The rabbit scoffed, "I don't apologize, and I don't accept yours either. Try apologizing to

the families of all the people you've killed."

Rita sniffed haughtily, "I'm not going to continue to argue with you. I've apologized, and I

won't be dragged back in."

"As if saying mean things is even close to being on par with murdering people!"

"Ellie, you're not going to change her mind," Jason murmured.

"So? It makes me feel better!"

"I think she might be right that it will be better if we adapt to living here. I know what she

does to prey is horrible, but she can be alright if you let her."

The rabbit gawked at him, "Did you just defend her?!"

"N-no, but I don't think it helps to be miserable when there's nothing we can do. She'll

treat us well if we don't fight with her."

"I don't want to cozy up with a murderer, Jason! Do you?!"

"It wasn't so bad yesterday," he murmured embarrassedly.

The rabbit stared at him in disgust, "I can't believe what I'm hearing! You want to be nice

to a vicious murderer, for what? For tasty food? For pets and snuggles!?"

"For you, Ellie! If we don't cooperate, I don't know what she might do to you!"

"The plan is to make me live with that thing she has for a manservant," she grumbled.

"Boots is a human," Rita informed her.

"Whatever. That's where I was most of the day yesterday, getting molested by that


"Molested?!" Jason yowled in horror.

"Not sexually," she amended quickly. "But still, squashed, manhandled. It wasn't


"I-I'm sorry, Ellie," he murmured. "I didn't know you were in trouble, or I would have tried

to help."

"She was fine," Rita dismissed. "Boots was being gentle. Anyway, like I told her, that's

for if she tries something like she did yesterday again. If she prefers to live in the cell so that she

doesn't have to interact with me, that's up to her, but I think it would be more pleasant if she'd

join us up here. Don't you, Jason?"

"I would prefer that, Ellie," he murmured.

The rabbit sighed resignedly, "What do I have to do to stay up here?"

Rita grinned, "You have to do what I say, plain and simple. I'll keep it easy for you,

nothing too humiliating, and if you're very good, I might even start to like you."

"Only that?" she asked sarcastically.

"And of course, you can't do anything to make me not trust you, or you go live with


"That doesn't seem fair. You only said I had to treat you with respect and be polite. Your

Grace," Jason responded.

"I can see that's going to be impossible for your friend. I'll take obedience without

politeness if that's all she can give."

"I'll try for you, Jason," the rabbit grumbled.

Rita beamed, "Excellent! Why don't you and Edgar go see if Gustav needs help?

Though, perhaps he's hiding until the arguing blows over. You can tell him we're finished."

The rabbit got up and tromped toward the kitchen. Edgar followed her. Rita took a gulp

of her sweet coffee. It seemed like her multiple avenues were meshing together well. The rabbit

wanted to be with the cat, and she didn't want to be with Boots, the carrot and the stick.

Hopefully, together, they would keep her in line.

After breakfast, Rita took them to the conservatory to play piano again. She played

Mozart's Piano Sonata Number Sixteen, which she'd been practicing since Howard played it so

beautifully a few weeks ago. When she was finished, she turned to her guests and Edgar. Had

they noticed the work she'd put into learning the piece?

Edgar clapped dutifully, "Well done, Your Grace."

Jason nodded in agreement, "That was lovely."

The rabbit scowled at him.

"Didn't you enjoy it, Ellie?" Rita inquired.

"I prefer jazz," she answered perfunctorily.

Rita shrugged, "There's no accounting for tastes, I suppose. Edgar, why don't you go

fetch Howard so that he can play something for us?"

The pine marten leapt up from the card table, "Yes, Your Grace." He scurried out of the


Rita sauntered over to the card table to sit with her guests. "Howard is a much better

player than me. I think even you'll enjoy his playing, Ellie."

"How many people has he killed?" she grumbled.

"None that I'm aware of."

"That's a start. Not much of one though since he still works for you."

Rita shrugged; if the rabbit was determined to be miserable, that was her own problem

so long as she did what Rita said. After a few minutes, Edgar returned with Howard. The white

ferret tromped bad temperedly over to the piano.

"I was still sleeping," he grumbled.

Rita had thought his fur still looked a bit ruffled where it showed around his black jacket.

He studied the book of sheet music on top of the piano, "You want me to play this one?"

"I just played that one," Rita informed him. "Why don't you pick another?"

He flipped carelessly to another of Mozart's sonatas, plopped down on the bench, and

began playing. Rita thought she recognized the fourteenth sonata, but she wasn't sure.

She turned to Jason, "Would you like to dance?"

He blinked, "It's, uh, not really dancing music."

She waved her hand dismissively, "You can dance to anything if you want to."

Across the room, Howard snorted. Clearly, he didn't agree. Rita stood and offered her

hand to the cat. He glanced embarrassedly at the rabbit, before taking it.

"I-if you want to, Your Grace."

The rabbit rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you dance with Edgar, Ellie?" Rita suggested.

"Is that an order?"

"Mmm, no, just a suggestion." Rita led the tabby out into the room. "I'll lead," she stated.

They took hold of each other, and Rita began to lead him in a meandering, twirling circuit

across the varnished pine floor. However, Rita could still clearly hear the voices of the two

sitting at the card table.

"I-I wouldn't mind if you wanted to," Edgar murmured embarrassedly.

"Does that mean you want to?"

"Uh, I, um, if you don't mind."

The rabbit sighed and stood up, sliding her chair back, "I guess you haven't murdered


After a few seconds, Rita glanced away from her partner to see how they were faring:

the rabbit appeared to be leading. Rita wasn't surprised.

"I said those two would learn to get along," she murmured amusedly to Jason.

After several minutes, Rita led Jason over next to the other pair. The rabbit was

watching Edgar dangerously while he nervously watched his feet; Rita wondered how many

times he'd stepped on the rabbit's long feet.

"Why don't you switch with me, Edgar?"

Edgar let go of the rabbit and turned toward Rita, looking relieved. Rita pushed the cat

toward him, and took hold of the rabbit, placing her left hand on her shoulder. The rabbit looked

at her balefully.

"Because of your stature, it will be less awkward if you put your hand on my waist," Rita


The rabbit scowled but put her right hand on Rita's waist. Rita took her other hand,

which was engulfed in her own, and began to lead her across the floor. Whether the rabbit

would have liked to lead was immaterial since Rita's much larger size meant that she could

make her go wherever she wanted. Rita glanced over at the cat and pine marten who were

confusedly trying to figure out where to put their hands.

"Put your hand on the pretty kitty's waist, and go, Edgar," Rita called jovially.

Edgar quickly complied, and Jason put his hand on the pine marten's shoulder. Then

they almost tripped over one another both trying to lead at the same time. Rita smirked and

turned back to the rabbit, who was scowling at Rita's mid-torso.

"Cheer up, Dear," Rita piped. "Think about how lucky you are. Prey usually only get to

spend a few hours with me. You have as long as you want."

"That's one way of putting it. Sentenced to life is more accurate."

"A life that can be as pleasant as you'll let it be. I can't help you if you're determined to

be miserable."

The rabbit scoffed, "Right."

After several more minutes, Howard finished the piece. He got up and unceremoniously

stomped out of the conservatory and into the dining room.

"Seems we won't be getting another performance until he's had his breakfast," Rita

stated lightly. "Why don't we head to the living room?"

The rabbit pulled away, but Rita kept a firm hold on her hand.

"Come on, Dear. I want you to sit with me today."

She led the rabbit into the living room, and Jason and Edgar followed. Rita let go of the

rabbit's hand to hop up on the pink and gold couch. She smiled at the rabbit and patted the

cushion next to her. The rabbit grumpily climbed up beside her. Rita pulled her down across her

lap and smiled down at her toy bunny.

"I'm pleased you've decided to be an obedient bunny from now on, Ellie," she teased.

"It's going to be fun having a bunny to play with." She grinned wider, "Well, play with in a

different way. Although." She ran one of the rabbit's ears through her right hand. "I'm sure we

could have quite an exciting evening downstairs together if you wanted to."

The rabbit continued to scowl at her.

Rita took the rabbit's right hand in hers and uncurled her fist to examine her fingers.

"Imagine the thrill of the lopper blades pressed around your fingers just before I snip them off."

She pinched the rabbit's middle finger with the word snip. She moved her hand to the rabbit's

belly and extended the claw on her index finger to lightly scrape against the rabbit's skin through

her thick, soft fur. "Imagine the tickle of the scalpel blade right before I slice you open." She ran

her claw down the rabbit's belly.

The rabbit stretched her legs.

Rita smirked at her discomfort. "Imagine the ecstasy of feeling me poke and prod around

inside looking for interesting bits to cut out." She mixed her fingers over the rabbit's belly.

The rabbit snorted and stretched her legs again.

Rita studied her curiously. Was that fear in her eyes or. Oh! Rita wriggled her fingers

again, and the rabbit squirmed. Rita's lips spread wide in a toothy grin.

"Well, if I can't tickle you with my scalpel then." She put her right hand on the rabbit's

chest to hold her down and brought her left hand to the rabbit's belly to tickle her. She wriggled

her fingers, watching the rabbit's face expectantly as she struggled against the urge to laugh.

"Akk, ahahaha! No! Ahahahahaha!"

Rita grinned wickedly as she tickled the helpless rabbit. "Dear me, you certainly are

ticklish for someone who likes to torment others this way! What if your friend decided to take


The rabbit tried to grab Rita's hand to pull it away, but Rita simply pushed the rabbit's

arms back and moved her right arm to hold them down, placing it over the rabbit's arms and

neck. She was easy to subdue physically, almost unsportingly easy. Why couldn't she be this

easy to control in general? Rita kept tickling her. If she couldn't make her behave the way she

wanted and she couldn't kill her without upsetting the cat, she could still have some fun with this

harmless torment.

"I, I, ahahahaha, I have to pee! Ahahaha!" the rabbit squealed.

Rita stopped; she didn't want pee on her couch. The rabbit calmed down, taking a deep


She looked up at Rita a bit embarrassedly, "I really do."

Rita let her up and slid to the floor after the rabbit. "I'll escort you."

She followed the rabbit up the stairs. There was a bathroom on the ground level, but it

was an offshoot of the kitchen and was used by the servants. The rabbit turned to look at Rita

disturbedly when she pushed into the bathroom behind her.

"I can go by myself," she muttered.

"I wouldn't want you trying to climb out the window. It's a long way down."

"I'm not likely to try it then," the rabbit said dryly.

"You never know. Don't worry; I won't watch you."

The rabbit grumbled under her breath but proceeded toward the toilet anyway. Rita

pretended to examine the tub while her pee tinkled into the toilet. After the toilet flushed, Rita

turned around. The rabbit washed her hands and started for the door.

"One minute. I need to go too."

"I can go back downstairs by myself."

"Oh no, you don't. Wait in here."

The rabbit crossed to the far end of the room and awkwardly peered into the shower

whilst Rita relieved her bladder. She flushed and turned to the sink to wash her own hands.

"I imagine you'd like to take a shower, Ellie," she spoke conversationally. "I'll have to

watch to make sure you don't leap out the window, but I'll let you take one this evening."

"Thanks," the rabbit mumbled reluctantly.

"No problem. You know, while we're here, we ought to have a private conversation, just

us girls."

The rabbit gave her an incredulous look, "You really think I'm going to bond with you

over our shared gender?"

"Not necessarily, but aside from an otter who works in the kitchen--Josie is her name,

sweet girl but not very interesting to talk to--you are the only other female at the manor."

"That sounds like an issue with your hiring decisions. I-"

"That's how I like it. I'm sure you can appreciate this, Ellie. I've seen you with your friend

as well as with Edgar. Males are easier to control."

The rabbit frowned, "Why are you telling me this? Are you trying to warn me not to upset

your harem?"

Rita smirked at the idea. "No, what I wanted to say is that, regardless of what I think

about your attitude as prey, I do respect your confidence as a woman."

"You mean my arrogance and impudence?" she asked dryly.

"As I said, your attitude may be unbecoming of prey, but species aside, I have a small

amount of respect for you. Men like to think they can bully you into whatever they want you to

do, but we know how to turn the tables on them. A little charm, confidence, some forcefulness if

needed, and they're putty in our paws."

The rabbit scowled, "Even if I agreed with everything you said, I wouldn't be interested in

your 'respect,' but whatever you think, I don't set out to manipulate people. My relationship with

Jason is none of your business, and as for Edgar," she shrugged. "Maybe he likes me, but it's

not for my trying to get him to."

"I'm sure," Rita replied with patronizing sarcasm. "But you should be interested in my

respect because that small amount of respect is the only reason I'm going to give you this

warning. You've already sunk your claws into Edgar, and that's fine. He could use a 'firm hand'

as you put it; he's much too gloomy and wishy-washy, but I don't have the inclination to spend

my time correcting him. Maybe you'll do him some good. However," she grinned dangerously.

"Your friend is going to be my faithful pet. I'll have him eating out of my hand in no time, and

there's nothing you can do about it. In fact, if you so much as try to counteract my progress, I'll

find a reason for you to live with Boots."

The rabbit looked nauseous. Rita crossed the room and pulled the rabbit in against her


"There, there," she crooned. "I'll let you keep your relationship with my pet so long as

you obey me. Even if you won't be my pet in spirit, you'll still be my little toy, so you'll get to

share in my tender care."

"Fuck you," the rabbit muttered under her breath.

"What was that, Dear? You're upset that I haven't been giving you as much attention

until now? Let me rectify that."

She wrapped her right arm tightly around the rabbit's shoulders to hold her arms and

used her left hand to firmly grasp the rabbit's ears, pulling her head back. Rita leaned down and

clamped her jaws around the rabbit's neck, squeezing just hard enough to press her fangs

uncomfortably against the rabbit's skin. Rita could feel the rabbit's blood pumping fast through

the veins under her tongue though she didn't make a sound. After a minute, she let go and

stood straight, smiling down at her prey.

"Some things feel so right, don't they, Ellie?" she teased softly. "Like a fox's jaws around

your throat, that contentment of finally finding what you were born for." She stroked the rabbit's

head. "What do you say we snag our book and head back downstairs to do some reading?

Jason is enjoying the story. I know you've missed a bit, but I can catch you up."

"I've read it before," Ellie grumbled.

"Well, then you can listen from where we are. I'm looking forward to a cozy afternoon

with my new pet and toy."

The rabbit didn't respond. Rita ushered her to the study to grab the novel and then back

downstairs where Jason and Edgar were waiting. Jason looked relieved when they walked into

the room. Rita climbed up on the couch, placing the book in her lap, and patted the cushions

next to her.

"One on each side," she instructed.

Jason jumped up next to her, and the rabbit reluctantly scrambled up on the other side.

"Alright, now, lean in," Rita reached around them to tuck them against her sides before

picking up the book. She glanced at Edgar. "You can join us too if you want, Edgar."

Edgar scurried over and squeezed close to Ellie, who grumbled under her breath.

"Nice and cozy," Rita stated. She opened the book and began to read.

* * *

The rest of the morning, Ellie observed Jason closely. Was there any truth in the vixen's

claim? Jason wouldn't fall for the charms of a vicious murderer surely! However, the longer Ellie

watched, the more uneasy she became: Jason certainly didn't seem as disturbed by being

forced to cozy up with the psychotic fox as Ellie felt. He looked almost comfortable snuggled

against her chest, and Ellie had even thought she'd seen him nuzzle the vixen. Although when

she had craned her head around the fox to see, he no longer was. Maybe he's very good at

pretending. That had to be the case, right? He was putting on a show to convince the cruel fox

to give him more freedom, ultimately allowing them to escape. Ellie did her best to convince

herself that was the case, but she knew the cat, and nothing about his behavior seemed other

than genuine.

Finally, the vixen decided it was time for lunch and let them up. The fat stoat served Ellie

a salad with dandelions, spinach, grass, carrots, and bell pepper with a sweet vinaigrette, so at

least her food was improving after talking with him.

Edgar, who was again sitting next to her, peered into the bowl, "What's it like eating all of

that stuff?"

"It's what I eat," Ellie answered perfunctorily. She wasn't sure if the pine marten was

attracted to her, but she didn't want to encourage it if he was. Ending up with his arms wrapped

around her last night might not have been the mistake he had claimed it was.

"It's all leaves and stems and stuff. What does it taste like?"

"I'm sure the chef will make you some to sample if you're really curious."

"Uh, maybe some other time."

He contemplated her thoughtfully. Ellie wished he would eat his lunch and let her eat

hers uninterrupted.

"Have you ever tried meat?" he asked.

Ellie turned to glare at him, "No! Rabbits are herbivores!"

"S-sorry." He continued after a pause, "That, um, doesn't mean you couldn't taste it


"I don't want to!"

He looked at the table, "Yeah, uh, I guess it might be kind of weird with you being prey

to, er, to know what prey tastes like."

Zeus, blast me, or him, but end this conversation.

"Especially if it were rabbit. Though I've heard it doesn't taste anything like the real thing,

er." His dark eyes went wide at Ellie's scowl. "S-sorry!"

"Maybe you can give us some insight on that, Jason," the vixen chirped. "How does lab-

grown rabbit meat compare with the genuine article?"

"I've never had it," he grumbled.

"Tsk, tsk, we know that's not true, Jason. What were Bart and Margaret if not the

genuine article?"

"I mean I've never had lab-grown rabbit meat."

"Don't lie, Jason," the vixen scolded. "I'm sure you've had it at least once."

"I never ate it raw!"

"Fine, just tell us about the flavor notes then. I'm sure Ellie wouldn't mind knowing."

Jason glanced at her miserably, and she nodded to affirm that he could go ahead. She

found herself morbidly curious to know.

He looked at the table, "It, the, um, the real rabbit was more, uh, more herbal or gamey,

and it was, um, really fresh tasting."

The vixen eyed Ellie, her amber eyes glinting dangerously. She licked her lips, "Sounds

tasty," she taunted. "You know, there's still part of Margaret in the freezer. Maybe I'll have

Gustav fix her for my dinner."

"You said you didn't eat people!" Jason protested.

"I wouldn't want to let her go to waste. You don't want her, do you?"


"Well then, waste naught, want naught. I didn't have the chance to play with her

properly, so I may as well get another experience out of her."

Ellie wished she'd resisted her morbid curiosity and told Jason not to share his

experience. She wasn't sure what gamey meant, but herbal? Like a nicely seasoned roasted

carrot? Ellie tried not to imagine the three carnivores sinking their fangs into her soft flesh the

way she might sink her incisors into a soft baked carrot.

"I'm sorry I brought it up," Edgar murmured.

"It's good to be curious, Edgar," the vixen encouraged. "Don't you agree, Ellie?"

"Most of the time," she muttered.

"It only makes sense that Edgar would be curious about his new companion," the vixen

went on. "You are, after all, quite an odd little creature with your funny food and your enticing

aroma. Edgar can hardly be blamed for wanting to know more. Isn't that true, Edgar?"

"I-I don't know about her aroma," Edgar responded nervously.

"Come now, Edgar. You must have noticed. You slept together after all."

"What?!" Jason yelped.

"Only slept, Sir!" Edgar added hurriedly. "Sh-she was kind enough not to make me sleep

on the floor."

The vixen ignored Jason's outburst, going on calmly, "Go ahead and sniff her right now if

you don't know what I'm talking about, Edgar."

Edgar looked at Ellie nervously, "Do you, er, may I?"

Ellie sighed; she doubted she had much choice in the matter. "I'd prefer not," she



"Tosh! It won't hurt her! Sniff her, Edgar," the vixen decreed.

The pine marten looked at the vixen nervously, "Sorry," he whispered. He leaned his

snout close to Ellie's head and gave a couple quick sniffs.

"How does she smell?" the vixen demanded.

"Er, she, she smells nice."

Having not bathed in over a week, Ellie could hardly imagine that was the case.

"'Delicious' is how I'd put it," the vixen amended tauntingly.

Edgar shifted embarrassedly in his seat.

"I'm glad you enjoy my BO, Your Grace," Ellie rebuked.

The vixen grinned menacingly, "You know why that is, don't you, Ellie?"

"Not a clue, but if you want, I'll sit on your pillow the rest of the day."

The vixen gestured with one finger, "Come here, and I'll tell you."

"I'm eating. Besides, you're right next to me; I can hear you perfectly well."

The vixen stood and stepped behind Ellie's chair. Leaning down she whispered

threateningly in Ellie's ear, "It's because the stronger you smell, the easier it is to sniff you out.

It's like you're advertising. 'Here I am. Come have dinner.'" She lifted Ellie out of her seat and

sat back in her own, holding Ellie on her lap. She sliced off a piece of whatever kind of meat filet

she was eating and held it in front of Ellie's face on her fork. "You're sure you wouldn't like to try

some? Find out what you've been missing out on?"

Ellie turned her head away from the foul-smelling chunk.

"Alright then." The vixen ate the piece of meat herself. Then she pulled Ellie's bowl of

salad over and stuck her hand in to fish out a strand of grass, tickling Ellie's nose with it. "Have

some of your food."

Ellie turned her head away again. Not only was she not willing to let the vixen feed her,

but she didn't know how sanitary her hands were. At least she'd washed them after using the

bathroom, but that had been some time ago.

"Would you rather spend a few days alone in the cell?" the vixen warned softly.

Who knows how strong a hold she could have on Jason after that long?! Reluctantly,

Ellie turned back to the strand of grass and bit it, pulling it out of the vixen's fingers as she drew

it into her mouth.

The vixen grinned, "Munch, munch, munch. Go on, bunny: eat up all of your tasty green


Ellie really didn't have much of an appetite after all of the discussion of rabbits' smell and

flavor, but she forced herself to keep eating to placate the capricious fox. The vixen watched her

as she ate, and the feeling of her leering at her did nothing to improve Ellie's appetite. When

she was done, the vixen poked her stomach.

"Nice and full?" She caressed Ellie's neck. "I'm glad you didn't eat her, Jason. I can tell

having my very own bunny is going to be quite amusing."

Ellie looked up to make eye contact with the cat. He looked back at her worriedly. At

least he can tell she's not "treating me well." Having finished her lunch, Ellie attempted to get

up, but the vixen held her.

"Why don't you keep me company, Ellie? Edgar's not done eating yet anyway, so there's

no one to watch you."

Ellie didn't have much of a choice; she sat on the vixen's lap until the rest of them were

finished, and then the vixen lifted her off and set her on the floor.

"Let's have some recreation now," the vixen declared. "Have you ever played Hunt,


"Jason and I played once."

"How nice, then you already know the rules. It's out in the conservatory."

The vixen ushered Ellie in front of her out to the conservatory. She gestured toward the

card table, Ellie and the others went to sit down while she dug the board out of the bookshelf on

the right wall. She brought the worn black box over to the table and laid out the board and

pieces. There were four seats, but instead of sitting in the empty one, she snatched Ellie out of

her seat and sat down with her in her lap.

"Looks like I already caught one bunny," she stated amusedly. "What do you say we

make this a bit interesting? I'm the fox, of course, and if I win, I get to pick one of you bunnies to

spend some quality time with me downstairs this evening."

Jason's eyes widened in horror, "Y-your Grace?!"

"Shh, not like that. I promise whoever it is will come back in one piece."

"What if one of us wins?" Ellie queried.

"Hmm, I suppose you can pick something you'd like to do instead. Within reason, of


"So if I want to put you in cuffs and kick you around the cell for an hour?"

The vixen tweaked her cheek none too gently, "Cheeky bunny! No, I don't think I'd allow

that. I did promise not to hurt you; I expect the same." She glanced around the table. "Does

everyone agree?"

Edgar nodded dutifully, Jason hesitantly.

The vixen glanced down at Ellie, "Ellie?"

"Fine. Even if the best I can get is for you to leave us alone, it'll be worth it."

"Not very sociable, but I suppose that's acceptable," the vixen allowed.

They began the game with Ellie taking green, Jason taking blue, and Edgar taking

yellow. The vixen got a lucky first roll and was able to capture Jason's piece the first time. Then

she captured Ellie's piece when she was about a third of the way around the board, sending her

home. Ultimately, however, Edgar had excellent luck and returned home with an exact roll on

his first cycle around the board.

"Sometimes the rabbit gets away," the vixen conceded. She stroked Ellie's head, "But

not usually." She turned to Edgar, "What do you want to do then, Edgar?"

"Does, um, it have to be with you, Your Grace?"

"No, would you prefer to do something with one of our guests?"

He nodded, "Could, could we watch a movie together, Ellie?"

"That sounds nice," the vixen teased. "Do you have an idea of what you want to watch?"

"I-I only want to if she agrees."

"She already agreed when we started," the vixen replied dismissively.

Edgar looked at Ellie nervously.

"That's fine, Edgar," Ellie muttered. She really hoped the pine marten wasn't getting the

wrong idea about their relationship, but his wanting to watch a movie alone with her implied

otherwise. Obviously, he knows I'm in a relationship with Jason. She'd have to disabuse him of

his infatuation.

The vixen ran her claws through Ellie's cheek fur. Ellie tried to ignore what was

becoming constant invasion of her personal space by the loathsome fox, but it was far from

easy. It was made even more difficult by the vixen's scent: the heavy aroma of lilac perfume or

shampoo was unable to cover her sickly sweet musk, which was reminiscent of death and

decay and provided a constant reminder of the murderous vixen's favorite pastime. The vixen

wrapped one hand across Ellie's face, petting her nose with one finger.

"There's something so satisfying about having prey in your claws," the vixen remarked

casually. "I assume you know what I mean, Jason."

He shook his head.

"No? Oh well, I enjoy it anyway." She slipped her hand down to massage Ellie's throat.

"Is there something one of you would like to do?"

Jason glanced out the windowed wall, "It looks nice out. Could we spend some time


"I'll need to make sure this one can't make a dash for it, but otherwise, that sounds

lovely." She stuck her cold nose in Ellie's ear "I think you'll enjoy seeing the estate. It's beautiful

this time of year." Her breath tickled Ellie's ear, causing it to flick. She stood, scooping Ellie up

across her arms. "Let's go get the leash and collar so that you can't run off."

"I can walk," Ellie pointed out tersely.

"You can," the vixen agreed. She didn't put her down. "You two wait here. We'll only be a


She carried Ellie up to her bedroom and then, to Ellie's shock, tossed her through the


"Akk!" Ellie twisted in the air only to land on the soft bed. However, her relief didn't last

long as the vixen was immediately on top of her, pinning her with one hand against her chest

while she leaned over her to press her down with her weight.

"Caught you!" She sat back in a crouch and looked down at Ellie expectantly. "Go on,

spring up and run for me so that I can catch you again."

Ellie didn't move.

"No? Let's put the collar on then."

She crawled off the bed and dragged Ellie off after her, setting her on the floor. She

opened the middle drawer of the dresser in front of the bed and pulled out the familiar leash and

collar. I guess I get to find out how Jason felt. Ellie stood stoically while the vixen locked the

metal ring around her neck.

"A bit loose, but it won't be coming off," the vixen commented. She picked up the leash

and tugged Ellie into her arms. "Heeheehee, now you really can't get away from me, eh, Ellie?"

She held her and stroked her back. "Are you enjoying being my little toy so far?"

Ellie didn't dignify the question with an answer.

The vixen hugged her, "There, there, you'll get used to it," she crooned. "I'm enjoying it

thoroughly. Who knew playing with a bunny like this would be almost as fun as dissecting

them?" The vixen glanced behind her at what appeared to be a large closet. "While I'm up here,

maybe I'll put on something nice in case we see anyone. It's not likely so close to the manor, but

it's best to be ready to make a good impression."

Ellie didn't think fancy clothes would make much of a difference when you were leading

someone around in a metal collar, but she didn't bother to tell the deranged vixen that. The

vixen led Ellie into the closet and began sifting through a long rack of dresses before finally

deciding on a sky blue sundress and slipping it on.

She turned her back to Ellie, "Get the back, would you, Dear?"

Ellie zipped her up.

"I'm afraid they'll all be too big for you," the vixen noted. She turned and contemplated

Ellie a few seconds. "Although, perhaps I could dig up something."

"That's not necessary," Ellie muttered.

"You might look cute in one of my old dresses though. Don't you want to impress your

kitty friend?"

"I don't think that's something he cares about."

"Don't you? I bet we can make you quite alluring. Let's find out!" The vixen led Ellie to

another bedroom a few doors down the hall and began digging through the closet. "So many of

these clothes are still nice, but I can't wear them anymore. I suppose I could donate them to a

cousin, but I don't have any I like." She pulled out a short-sleeved multi-tiered black dress; each

of the lacey ends of the overlapping tiers was underlain with white, and a red sash around the

waist tied in a bow at the back accentuated the piece. "I think this will look adorable on you!" she


Ellie thought it was a bit much for a walk around the estate. "You really want me to wear


"Don't you like it?"

"It looks more like something you'd wear to a fancy dinner than to go for a walk."

The vixen shrugged and put it back, "Maybe some other time." She dug around again

until she found a short white sundress with narrow shoulder straps. "How do you like this?"

It was still hardly Ellie's style, but at least it looked like something she could maneuver

through the undergrowth in. She shrugged.

"Let's try it and see how it fits."

She lowered the dress, and Ellie complied by stepping into the dress. The vixen pulled it

up around her and zipped the back before standing back to view her. The flowing end of the

dress ended just above Ellie's knees.

"It seems to fit well enough. Spin around for me."

Ellie turned around once.

The vixen nodded, satisfied, "Very nice, let's head back downstairs." She picked up the

leash and led Ellie back to the conservatory. "Alright, we're ready to go," she piped as they

entered the room.

Jason and Edgar were still seated at the card table, and they stood. Jason glanced at

them and blinked.

"How do you like the outfit I found for your friend, Jason?" the vixen inquired. "I think she

looks quite cute in it."

"Er, yeah, it's nice. Where did you find something in her size?"

"It's one of my old ones. This one's from when I was barely more than a kit." She led

Ellie to the glass back door. "Let's go then!"

Jason caught up to Ellie, and the vixen let them walk in front, trailing a few arm lengths

behind at the end of the leash. Edgar brought up the rear. Jason took her hand, and Ellie leaned

her head against his arm as they slowly strolled through the verdant forest. It was nice to be

outside at least. It would have been much nicer without the collar pulling at her neck every time

she started to reach the end of the leash and without the vixen leering at them close behind.

Ellie fought the urge to inquire about Jason's behavior with the vixen; she couldn't do so when

she knew she would hear, or the vixen would make sure Ellie was out of the way until her work

was complete. Instead, they walked in silence.

They were still strolling like this when the leash went taut, halting Ellie. Jason paused to

regard her questioningly, but his expression turned to worry when he saw the vixen had also

stopped and was pulling the leash back tight.

"It's my turn to walk with the pretty kitty," she declared.

She drew Ellie back, and Jason was forced to let go of her hand to avoid choking her.

The vixen pulled Ellie up next to her and handed the leash back to the pine marten.

"You take care of her now, Edgar. Don't let her get away," the vixen instructed.

Edgar took the leash embarrassedly, glancing quickly at Ellie then away to the side. The

vixen trotted forward and hooked her arm through Jason's.

She tugged him to the left, away from the manor, "Let's head this way. There's a lovely

glade where we can rest and soak up some sun."

She led him off, and Ellie followed. Edgar stepped up beside her and tried to take her

hand before realizing he was holding the leash in that hand and awkwardly switching it to his


"Er, may I?"

Ellie snatched his hand and squeezed as hard as she could, causing him to wince.

"How about you hand me the end of that leash? If I can't wrap it around her neck, I

should at least be able to belt her with it," she growled softly.

"I-I can't do that!"

Ellie sighed moodily, "Of course not, but it would be nice."

She relaxed her grip on his hand, and he squeezed hers gently.

"I, um, like your dress by the way."

"It isn't mine," she responded tersely.

"It, uh, you look good in it."

Ellie turned to glare at him, "I know you know Jason and I are a couple," she whispered

so as not to involve the pair in front.

"I-I do!"

"Then don't get any funny ideas. I don't know if I believe it was an accident that you

ended up with your arms around me, and it certainly wasn't an accident that you decided we

should watch a movie together. If you have a crush on me or something, that's your problem.

Nothing is going to happen between us."

The pine marten looked away nervously, "It, uh, wasn't an accident."

Ellie growled, "I thought-"

"B-but I respect that you are already in a relationship! A-and, it wasn't like that, er, well."

He looked back at her ashamedly. "Alright, I-I did have, um, feelings for you. I-it was just that,

you didn't have to be kind, and I was so grateful."

"So you decided to invade my personal space like I expressly told you not to!?" Ellie

snapped back.

"I'm sorry! I know it was wrong! It won't happen again!"

"There isn't going to be a chance for it to happen again! You're lucky I'm not rescinding

our deal!"

He squirmed uncomfortably, "Th-thank you!"

Ellie snorted derisively.

"B-but, that's not why I wanted to watch a movie with you."

She glared at him, "Oh? There was some other reason?" she replied with scathing


"I-in a way," he whined. "I, I realized what I did was wrong, but, but I still admire you. A-

and if you're staying here, I thought maybe we could still be friends."

Ellie sighed exasperatedly, "Friends?"

"Only friends! I know Her Grace has been enjoying, uh-"

"Tormenting me."

"Ri-ight, but I don't like this." He held up the leash. "I want us to be friends. I know you're

a kind person, so if you can forgive me, I'd like to, to still spend time with you. I don't want you to

be isolated here."

"I have Jason."

"I know, but it, it doesn't hurt to have another friend, does it?"

Ellie regarded him skeptically, "You still work for her," she growled.

"I don't have anywhere else to go," he murmured weakly. "A-and it doesn't mean I like

everything she does. Since I met you, you've made me realize how, how I let, er, tried to

convince myself that what she did was acceptable."

Ellie scoffed, disgusted, "Acceptable!"

"B-but now I realize I was wrong! It's horrible that she kills prey! Just as it would be if she

killed carnivores!"

Ellie eyed him cautiously, "So what are you going to do about it?"

He looked at the ground miserably, "I don't know what I can do. I still owe her for this job.

I still don't have anywhere else to go."

"So you still aren't going to do anything," Ellie concluded.

"B-but if we're both trapped here, we could at least get along! I-I admire you, and if you

don't hate me-"

"I don't hate you," she cut in. "You should drive a knife through her chest while she

sleeps, but I understand if you can't do that. Like you said, in a way we're both trapped, and

maybe both of us have our own shortcomings to blame, at least in part."

"I-I don't think you can blame your-"

"Overconfidence? Lack of caution?"

"It, it was brave though. You were trying to do the right thing. Selflessly. My reasons are

all selfish."

"It wasn't all selfless," Ellie admitted. "I wanted the satisfaction of proving that arrogant

bobcat wrong."

Edgar squeezed her hand, "Maybe we can help each other through this."

Ellie studied his face: his dark eyes certainly seemed sincere, but could she trust him?

What did she have to lose? If all he wanted was to be friends while they were both trapped here,

then wouldn't it be better to have one more friend in this terrible place than yet another enemy.

Ellie nodded slowly, "Alright, we can try to get along. I don't know about friends, but in

time, maybe."

"Th-thank you, Ellie!"

She nodded.

"And, uh, I think you'll enjoy the movie I wanted to watch. It's really weird, in a good


Ellie smirked, "Sounds interesting. If you have good taste in movies, I guess hanging out

with you won't be all bad."

A short while later, they arrived at the glade. The vixen sat down and stretched her legs

out on the lush grass that carpeted the sunny gap in the trees.

"Join me, Jason," the vixen commanded.

Jason sat next to her, and she pulled him down across her lap before laying back to

bask in the sun.

"We can rest here until the sun dips too far," the vixen stated.

Ellie sat down as far from the vixen as she could get, and Edgar sat next to her. At least

the grass was soft and warm. She ran her hand through it then tore up a clump to sniff: it

smelled good too. She munched a strand and then started on another strand of the fesh sun-

warmed grass.


Ellie glanced at Edgar, who was wiping a piece of grass off of his tongue.

She smirked, "You doofus."

Edgar looked up at her then looked away embarrassedly. She shook her head in

amusement. Maybe there were some endearing qualities to the whiny pine marten's personality.

They dozed in the warm sun for a few hours until the shadows of the surrounding trees

began to creep across the glade. Ellie had her eyes closed, but she noticed the feeling of the

warm sunshine leave her face and sat up. The other three were still reclined, and the vixen and

Jason were still in a sunny part of the glade. Edgar appeared to be sleeping. This was the

perfect opportunity to get away. She only needed to slip the leash out of Edgar's hand and

creep away. But what will happen to him if he lets me get away? Ellie found that she was

genuinely concerned for the pine marten's welfare. How would the cruel vixen punish him? I'll

come back as quickly as I can with help to rescue him as well as Jason. Ellie leaned over to the

pine marten and began to ease the leash out of his hand. His eyes shot open, and Ellie froze.

He looked at her questioningly, and she let go of the leash and sat back, crossing her arms over

her knees frustratedly.

"Sorry," he whispered. "Part of me wishes you did get away."

"You could let me go," she murmured under her breath.

He shook his head slowly. A short while later, the vixen and Jason sat up.

"Let's head back," the vixen decided. "Gustav will have dinner for us before too long."

The vixen led them back to the manor, her hand clasped with Jason's. At one point, she

turned her head to nuzzle his ear, and he reciprocated the gesture by nuzzling her neck. Ellie

grimaced at the affectionate exchange. How could Jason forget what she'd done? What she'd

done to him?!

Eventually, they returned to the manor, approaching from the East side. Ellie noticed a

stone staircase tucked beside the house descending down to the basement. That must be

where the other door in the basement goes. She should have used that door instead of trying to

leave by the front. She might have easily slipped away into the woods. Also on the East side of

the manor, tucked into the woods beside it was a forest green pole barn. The gravel driveway

extended to its entrance, so presumably that was the garage. She wondered whether her car

was inside.

"What did you do with my car?" she called up to the vixen.

The vixen turned to glance back at her, "It's in there." She nodded toward the barn.

"Locked of course."

Ellie had a spare key stuck to the frame, so if she could only get to her car-

"We found your spare key too by the way," the vixen added casually.


"Ellie likes to drive," Jason told the vixen.

The vixen glanced back at her again, "Well, perhaps when I can trust you not to ram us

into a tree, I'll let you take me for a drive sometimes."

They entered through the front door, and the vixen popped into the kitchen before

returning to the entryway.

"We have an hour before dinner," she informed them. "Let's have some drinks and a

quick game of cards."

She led them to the conservatory and dug out a pack of playing cards while they sat at

the card table. She sat at the empty seat across from Ellie with Jason on her left and Edgar on

her right.

"Do you know how to play Bridge?" she inquired.

All three of them shook their heads.

"Hmm, how about Euchre?"

Ellie thought she had played it a couple of times, so she nodded her head. Jason and

Edgar nodded as well.

"Excellent! We'll be partners then, Ellie." She started sorting out the cards. "Does anyone

mind if I deal first?"

No one objected. Ellie might have except that she assumed her partner dealing was a

good thing. How did I get stuck with her? She knew it was because of how they'd sat, but she

could have suggested she switch places with Edgar though somehow she suspected the vixen

wouldn't let her. She was going to ask anyway when she was distracted by the fat stoat

waddling into the room with a silver platter carrying four wine glasses and a green bottle of wine.

He set the glasses in front of them and poured out white wine into each before setting the bottle

on the table. Ellie turned the bottle to read the label. Sauvignon blanc. She waited until the vixen

sipped hers before sipping the dry wine herself.

"Thank you, Gustav," the vixen chirped. "I'll send Edgar if we need anything else."

The stoat bowed slightly and turned to leave.

"Alright, let's get started!" the vixen declared cheerfully. "Is everyone enjoying their


Jason and Edgar nodded. Ellie bobbed her head once. It was decent wine, and the vixen

had done nothing but buy it. It wasn't really a compliment to her to acknowledge it tasted good.

The vixen seemed pleased with their affirmation anyway, smiling cheerfully, "Have as

much as you want. I'll have Gustav bring us another bottle if we need more."

Ellie thought that would be excessive. She wasn't about to get inebriated while she was

at this sick fox's mercy. One glass would be more than enough. The vixen sipped her wine

again then dealt the cards, flipping the king of spades in front of herself at the end.

"Pass," Jason said.

"So I can either pass or tell you to pick it up and then spades would be trump, right?"

Ellie clarified. It had been a while since she played.

"That's correct," the vixen confirmed pleasantly. "And if it gets to me and I turn it down,

then we go around again, and someone can pick a trump other than spades."

"And jacks are high, right?"

"Only in trump. The jack of the suit is highest, and the jack of the same color is second."

Ellie nodded; she remembered how to play now. She glanced at her hand: jack of

spades, ace of spades, ten of spades, and king and queen of hearts. "Pick it up."

The vixen exchanged the card with one from her hand. Jason led the ace of diamonds,

and Ellie trumped it with the ten. He frowned, and Ellie smirked. She wondered if he was any

better at this than Gin. Ellie led and took Jason's jack of clubs with her jack and then picked up

the remaining trump with her ace. She hoped no one had the ace of hearts, leading her king. It

made it around, and Ellie grinned.

"This one should be good too then," she played her queen.

"I have it actually," the vixen stated as she played her ace of hearts. "But well done.

That's two points for us." She adjusted their six and four of diamonds to reflect their score.

Jason collected the cards as it was his turn to deal. They continued to play. It was a

close game with all of them showing they knew how to play competently. Even Jason seemed to

recognize the importance of keeping track of cards, which was made easier by the reduced size

of the deck. However, Ellie and the vixen ultimately won ten to eight.

Ellie grinned and gulped her wine, "Ahh, another card game I can beat you at, eh,

Jason?" she teased.

"It was close," he grumbled.

"Perhaps you'll win if we play again sometime," the vixen agreed cheerfully. She smiled

at Ellie. "It was nice having you as my partner. You played well. I wasn't sure you knew how."

"I've played a couple times. I only needed a reminder."

"Impressive. You must be quite the card shark."

Ellie smirked and downed the rest of her wine, "You could, urp, say that."

The vixen picked up the bottle, "Why don't you have a second glass? We still have a few

minutes before dinner."

Ellie was about to agree, but Jason nudged her, "I think you've had enough. That was a

big glass for someone your size."

Right! I was only going to have one. "Er, I think Jason is right," Ellie replied.

The vixen shrugged, "Alright." She topped off her own glass.

A few minutes later, the fat stoat popped his head in to let them know dinner was ready,

and they moved to the dining room. Ellie found that even the one glass had made her fairly

tipsy. That was a big glass, fox sized. However, she managed to make it to her seat unaided.

The stoat served her a medley of roasted acorn squash, zucchini, and red bell pepper seasoned

with salt and marjoram.

"It smells interesting," Edgar commented.

"There's stuff here you could try," Ellie noted. "It isn't like the grass you tried this


"Heh, right," Edgar murmured embarrassedly.

The vixen giggled, "Heeheeheehee, my goodness, Edgar. Do you like your new bunny

friend so much that you decided you want to be one?"

"I-I just wanted to know what it tastes like, Your Grace," he explained nervously.

She grinned slyly, "Well, if you do decide you want to be a bunny, let me know, and I'll

give you the full treatment."

Edgar trembled and looked down at his plate, "Y-yes, Your Grace," he whimpered.

Ellie glared at the vixen, "Does everything make you think about murdering people, or is

it just always on your mind?"

"I was having a little joke with Edgar. There's no need to get upset about it," the vixen

responded mildly.

"Except that the punchline is that you like to kill people like me!"

The vixen shrugged, "I do. I'd like to kill you too, but I won't. You're more entertaining to

me alive."

"Exactly! That's all that matters to you! Your sick entertainment!"

"Not all. Let's not have this unpleasant argument again. I'm starting to like you. Don't

spoil it."

"I don't care if you like me," Ellie growled.

"You should," she stated matter-of-factly. "You live in my house now. Don't you think

your life will be better if you stay on my good side?"

Ellie scoffed, "Is that the side that likes manipulating people or the side that likes cutting

them up?"

"Your friend knows what I mean," the vixen dismissed. "I'm not going to argue further."

Ellie snorted contemptuously and glanced at Jason, who looked embarrassed. "You

don't actually think she has a good side, do you?" Ellie demanded.

"She, she can be alright, Ellie. She isn't always mean. Didn't you have fun while we were

playing cards? You seemed to be."

"So what, Jason?! Is being able to act like a normal person for an hour proof that

someone isn't all bad?"

Jason looked down at his food, "Can we talk about this later? When you're sober?"

Ellie scoffed, "Right, so I'm the one at fault because I drank more than I should have, not

the murderer. Makes sense."

Jason didn't respond and kept his eyes on his plate. The vixen reached over to squeeze

his hand.

"I think maybe you should wait until the alcohol wears off," Edgar murmured to her. "Your

friend is only trying to make the best of things."

Ellie rolled her eyes but didn't continue the discussion. It was pointless if Jason wasn't

going to participate. They ate in silence a few minutes before the vixen broached conversation


"Are you enjoying your food more after speaking with Gustav, Ellie?"

Ellie bobbed her head once.

"That's good. How about you, Jason? Are you enjoying the mutton?"

He paused worriedly, "It's, uh, lab grown, isn't it?"

"It is."

"It's good. Thank you, Your Grace."

"It's been nice getting to know the two of you the past couple days," the vixen went on. "I

hope we'll get to know each other better still. I think the two of you will make fine additions to my

odd little family here."

Family! Ellie didn't want to think of herself as any kind of relation to this monster.

"Thank you, Your Grace. I'm glad you feel we'll fit in here," Jason replied.

Zeus blast me! Edgar nudged her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up

grumpily to see him smiling affectionately at her. Apparently, he liked the idea. Ellie sighed

wearily. How was it that she was the only sane person in this place? Despite her frustration, she

tried to give the pine marten a little smile in return. He had plenty of issues, but at least he saw

that what the vixen was doing was wrong. Jason knows that too. He had to know that too, but

while Edgar seemed to have become less comfortable with it, Jason seemed to have become

more comfortable. At least more comfortable with her. Ellie didn't believe that Jason would

compliantly watch someone suffer the way the pine marten had, but would he get to that point of

acceptance? Ellie worried that he was on his way.

Once they had finished eating, Ellie pushed her chair back to get up. She was ready for

bedtime to be here; she'd certainly had enough of the vixen for one day.

"I believe Gustav has prepared us some dessert unless you're too full," the vixen piped.

Ellie sighed and scooted her chair back in. A few minutes later, the fat stoat returned and

served them each a piece of cherry pie.

"Would anyone like vanilla ice cream with that?" he asked jovially.

The vixen raised her hand as did Edgar.

"Uh, no thanks," Jason answered.

"I don't eat dairy," Ellie muttered.

"No problem, Dear," the vixen responded. "We have almond-based as well. Johann is


"Uh, I guess I'll have that then, thanks," Ellie told the stoat.

He smiled warmly and waddled off back to the kitchen. Ellie inspected the pie: she

couldn't deny that it smelled delicious. She cut off a piece with her fork and transferred it to her

mouth. The sweet and tangy flavors washed over her tongue as she chewed. She swallowed

and couldn't resist a smile of delight. This is amazing pie!

"It's interesting," Jason commented. "I'm probably not getting the full experience. Does

someone else want mine?"

"I'll take it!" Ellie piped before anyone else could claim it.

Jason pushed his plate across to her.

"I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, Jason," the vixen said.

"He doesn't like any dessert!" Ellie declared. "Cats can't taste sweet."

"Oh! I didn't know that!" the vixen responded in surprise. "I'll ask Gustav to try to think of

treats you'll enjoy."

"Or you can just give his to me," Ellie jested.

The vixen smirked, "I'm glad you like it, Ellie."

The stoat returned with two cartons of ice cream, giving the vixen and Edgar each a

scoop from one and Ellie a scoop from the other.

"Give me a scoop for my second piece too," Ellie requested.

The stoat complied with an amused smile. Ellie dug into her dessert. At least the stoat's

cooking was one good thing about living with the awful vixen. He seemed friendly too. Ellie

wondered how these seemingly pleasant people could work for such a monster.

By the time Ellie finished her dessert, she was stuffed. She sat back in her chair with a

contented sigh. The stoat returned to take their plates.

He eyed Ellie amusedly, "It's always satisfying to see someone enjoy your cooking. Was

everything to your liking, Miss Ellie?"

"Mmhm, and that pie was incredible. How did you make it so good?"

He winked, "That's my own little secret, but if you come help pit cherries sometime, I'll

show you." He collected Edgar's plate, and waddled back to the kitchen.

"And now, I think you may want to take that shower I promised you, Ellie," the vixen

remarked. "Then you'll have plenty of time to watch Edgar's movie."

Ellie eyed Jason lasciviously, "I know a certain kitty who needs to take one too. What do

you say we hop in together, Jason?"

Jason grimaced, "Haven't I been through enough?" he whined. "You know I don't like to

get wet."

"Phooey! You agreed to take one every week when we were living together. It's been

over a week for me, and that means it's been even longer for you."

"But that was-"

"You really should if you said you would, Jason," the vixen put in. "You shouldn't break

your word."

Ellie blinked. The vixen was taking her side? She wasn't sure she wanted her to. "You

did say you would, Jason," she reiterated. "Besides, it will be fun! I can't wait to help lather you


The vixen grinned, "How can you turn down an offer like that, Jason? If you don't want to

help wash Ellie's back, I'll be happy to."

Ellie frowned. She definitely didn't want to take a shower with the vixen. She regarded

the vixen warily but then noticed a twinkle of amusement in her amber eyes. She turned back to

Jason and put on an expression of mock horror. "You aren't going to leave me with her are

you?!" she gasped.

Jason sank resignedly in his seat, "Fine, I'll take one with you," he grumbled.

Ellie hopped out of her seat, "Right, let's go!"

The vixen stood as well and bent down to take Ellie's leash. "Let's get this off of you first.

Come one, Jason."

Jason stood slowly, and the vixen led them out toward the entryway, but she turned back

to look at Edgar, who was still seated at the table.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, Edgar," she intoned.

Edgar squirmed nervously in his seat. Ellie hoped he wasn't in trouble for something.

The vixen led them up to her bedroom where she unlocked and put away the collar and then

removed Ellie's dress, dropping it in the clothes hamper in her closet.

"I think it rather suited you, Ellie," she stated. "I'd like to see you in some of my other old

dresses if you don't mind."

Great, so now I'm her doll? "If it's really up to me, then I'd prefer not."

"That's too bad. I thought it looked cute on you, didn't you, Jason?"

"Er, it looked nice," Jason answered cautiously.

"Of course it looked cute on me," Ellie declared. "I always look cute, don't I, Jason?"

"I, uh, guess so."

"You only guess so?!" the vixen gasped in mock shock. She swept Ellie up across her

arms and held her under Jason's nose. "Look at how adorable she is! Can you honestly say you

don't want to hug and snuggle her?!"

"I-I do!"

The vixen grinned, "Well, here you go then." She lowered Ellie into Jason's arms. "The

two of you have fun in the shower."

Jason frowned, and Ellie smirked up at him.

The vixen ushered him down the hall to the bathroom with Ellie in his arms, following

them in. "Like I told Ellie, I'll have to watch to make sure you don't jump out the window, but I

won't keep too close an eye. Actually," she turned toward the tub. "I could use a bath myself. Do

you mind if I take a bath while you shower?"

"I guess not," Jason answered.

"Alright, you'll want to wait until I fill the tub so that I don't steal your hot water. The tank

is plenty big, but you know plumbing, can't have hot water pressure there if it's already pouring

out here."

Jason set Ellie on the floor. "Alright, we can wait."

Ellie was sure he was grateful for the reprieve regardless how short.

"I think I'll have bubbles," the vixen remarked.

She took a green bottle from a rack hooked over the back side of the tub and poured

some of the pinkish liquid into the bottom of the porcelain tub. As she filled the tub with warm

water, the rose scent of the bubble bath filled the room. Finally, she shut off the water, removed

her dress, and climbed in, facing the shower. She slipped down til only her head was showing

above the bubbles and gave a contented sigh. Jason stared at the sloshing bubbles nervously.

"What is it, Jason?" the vixen inquired. "Would you rather climb in with me instead?"

Jason started back in horror.

Ellie smirked, "He seems tempted. Luckily for me, he already decided on the shower."

The vixen grinned, "Go on then. We'll take a bath some other time, Jason."

Ellie thought Jason looked like he'd rather try his luck jumping out the high window. She

snatched his tail and tugged him toward the shower. He reluctantly allowed her to lead him to

the glass-doored cell. Ellie adjusted the bronze knobs until the water was a soothing, steamy

spray from the wide, bronze head. She tugged Jason in and closed the transparent glass door.

Fortunately, the condensation quickly fogged up the glass, so the vixen wouldn't be able to see

more than their silhouettes. Jason huddled in the back left corner as far from the spray as he

could get.

Ellie stepped into the relaxing torrent and beckoned Jason, "Come on, silly kitty. You

won't get clean over there."

He moaned and crept forward to the edge of the streams. Ellie grabbed his hand and

yanked him under, and he let out a yowl of protest before standing miserably as the water

poured over him. Ellie turned back to the shower, letting the water spray her face. She kept her

eyes closed as the hot, soothing water rinsed away the week's worth of grime from her skin and

fur. Jason continued to groan intermittently behind her, but Ellie didn't let him spoil the

rejuvenating experience.

Ellie enjoyed the hot water for several minutes, but finally, she decided it was time to

take a break to lather up. She shut off the water and looked around for the shampoo. The black

bottle was on a bronze rack in the back right corner, too high for Ellie to reach easily.

"Grab the shampoo, would you, Jason."

He complied and handed the bottle to her. She popped open the cap and sniffed: lilac. I

guess it can't be helped smelling a little like her when we have to use the same toiletries. Ellie

squeezed some out onto her hand and set the bottle on the white marble floor.

"I'll do you first," she told him. "Crouch down so I can get your head."

Jason crouched down and shut his eyes tight, and Ellie smeared the slimy liquid on his

head and began to work it into a lather. When she was finished with his head and neck, she

turned the water back on. Jason yelped in surprise as the water suddenly sprayed him, but then

allowed it to rinse away the shampoo. Ellie shut it back off and picked up the bottle to squeeze

out more of the sweet-scented liquid.

Ellie grinned, "Now comes the part where I get to have some fun with my handsome


She began to work the shampoo into his chest, her fingers kneading over every inch of

him as she worked. She frowned as she felt his ribs protruding sharply underneath his thick fur.

My poor sweet kitty. It would take time for him to recover from the horrific ordeal that monster

had put him through. Ellie wrapped her arms around him and pressed her nose into his sudsy


"I'm so sorry for what you went through, Jason," she murmured.

He patted her back, "It's over now, Ellie, and you're still by my side. That's what's


"Forever, Jason. Whatever happens, I won't leave you." After a few seconds, she pulled

away. "Better finish up before we get cold."

She went back to lathering him up, doing his arms and his back and then his legs and

tail. She worked her way back up toward his rear, and she felt a tingle of anticipation as she

approached his sensitive bits. Ellie got a final blob of shampoo and smeared it over his

muscular rump. Working in the shampoo, she moved her kneading fingers down until she

reached her hands around his scrotum, gently kneading in the shampoo as she fondled his

testicles. He shifted embarrassedly, and she grinned mischievously as she continued to gently

squeeze the tender organs between her fingers. She moved up to wash around the hole for his

penis and gently poked a claw through to touch the sensitive member.

He started, "Ellie!" he protested.

"Maybe you ought to put it out where I can touch it easier," she returned.

Finally, she gave his anus a good scrub and turned the shower back on to rinse her

hands. She stood in the steamy streams, warming back up while Jason rinsed off. When he was

done, she shut it back off.

"Now it's my turn," she stated. She picked up the bottle and handed it to him.

He copied her method, starting with her head and neck then rinsing before continuing

with the rest of her body. Ellie felt a warm glow of contentment and affection as his fingers

gently caressed her body.

He chuckled lightly as he ran his fingers over her still distended stomach, "Heheh, I

guess you got enough to eat tonight."

"I needed it after all that grass," she replied lightly.

He nuzzled her ear, "I'm glad there's at least one thing to make this a little bit easier for


After finishing the rest of her, he massaged her scut and then moved down to gently

knead his fingers over her vulva and finally her anus, sending tingles of stimulation up Ellie's

loins. However, it was over far too quickly, and he turned the water back on and stood aside

whilst Ellie rinsed off. When she was rinsed, Ellie shut off the water and turned to wrap her arms

around her kitty.

"You'll be waiting when I get in tonight, won't you, Sweetheart?" she murmured


Jason smiled lovingly and stroked her wet head, "Always, Ellie."

They stepped out onto the pink rug, and the vixen smiled at them. She was still reclined

in the tub with one foot resting on the left side edge.

"I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Can you bring me the shampoo, Ellie?"

Ellie picked up the black bottle and carried it over to the tub. The vixen reached an arm

up out of the bubbles to accept it.

"Thank you, Ellie. Towels and the blow dryer are in the cabinet on your left." The tub

sloshed suddenly and some of the water splashed out on the floor, causing Ellie to hop back in

surprise. "Oops, sorry, Dear." The vixen set aside the shampoo and lowered her arm back

under the foam.

Was she trying to splash me? Ellie turned back toward Jason and the cabinet when a

giant splash and gasp issued from the tub. Jason shot into the air, and Ellie whipped around:

Edgar was sitting up in the middle of the tub, facing the vixen.

"You startled our guests, Edgar," the vixen chided amusedly.

Edgar looked around embarrassedly, "Er, um, I'm sorry."

Ellie gawked at the pine marten. Was he just-? Ellie could imagine what he'd been doing

under the water.

He smiled nervously, "Uh, hi, Ellie. Did you have a nice shower?"

"I'm sure she did," the vixen answered for her. She reached her hand out of the water

and put it on his head. "Ready?"

Edgar turned back to the vixen and nodded, and she guided him back beneath the foam.

"Mmhuh," she stretched her leg on the side of the tub. "Go ahead and get dried off you

two. I'll have Edgar ready for you in a little bit, Ellie."

Ellie turned back awkwardly toward Jason. She kept her eyes averted and tried to ignore

the vixen as they wiped off, but it was impossible when she could hear her gasps and moans of

pleasure interrupted intermittently by Edgar coming up for air. Thankfully, the blow dryer

drowned out the vixen's sounds, but Ellie still knew what was going on just across the room. I

thought he was becoming less comfortable with her, but now he's pleasuring her? Whether or

not the pine marten accepted that killing prey was wrong, he was all too apparently still devoted

to the cruel fox. And she wanted to make sure I knew that. She knew I had changed his mind

and wanted to demonstrate that she's still in control. When they had both blown each other dry,

Ellie turned back awkwardly toward the vixen: she was wearing an expression of perfect bliss

while the water occasionally sloshed gently indicating the pine marten's continued activity

beneath the surface.

"Should, uh, we go somewhere else?" Ellie asked.

The vixen shook her head slowly, "We're, mmm-ah, almost done."

Edgar popped up again with a splash and a gasp. The vixen lifted her arms out of the

water and took his face between her hands.

"Same time tomorrow, Sweetie?" she crooned.

Edgar smiled embarrassedly, "I-if that's what you want, Your Grace."

She stroked his head, "I'd let you keep going, but you promised Ellie a movie. Maybe

we'll try it in bed tomorrow."

"In your bed, Your Grace?!" he asked excitedly.

"Mmhm, would you like that, Edgar?"

"Yes, Your Grace! A-and afterward, can I spend the night?"

The vixen grinned wide, "If you do as good a job as today, I'll cuddle you as long as you


Ellie thought the pine marten looked like he might weep with joy.

"Th-thank you, Your Grace!"

Zeus! It's only sex! She wasn't even planning to reciprocate the oral as far as Ellie could

tell. The pine marten was awfully excited to have the opportunity to lick fox vagina again. If Ellie

had only been willing to use sex in such an underhanded way, she could have easily given him

something to be more ecstatic about and eliminated the vixen's advantage. But she wasn't, and

even if she had been, she would have had to jeopardize her relationship with Jason to do it.

How was Ellie supposed to convince the vixen's servants with reason when her opponent had

no scruples whatsoever?

"You'd better get dried off now so that you don't keep your little friend waiting," the vixen


Edgar climbed out of the tub and slopped over to the cabinet to get a towel. He smiled at

Ellie embarrassedly as he passed, "I'll only be a couple minutes." After he had wiped and blow-

dried himself, the pine marten shook out his messy fur. "Alright, let's go, Ellie!"

He scurried toward the door, and both Jason and Ellie followed.

"You can stay in here with me, Jason," the vixen corrected.

Jason halted, "See you later then, Ellie."

"See you," she followed Edgar, who closed the door behind them.

Edgar galloped down the curving stairs all the way to the basement. I could try shoving

him in the cell again and escape through the other door. However, Ellie would have had to think

of a pretense for them to go to the cell as Edgar led them through the door beside the one for

the stairs. Moreover, she wasn't sure she wanted to betray the friendly pine marten like that

again. Even if he is that monster's sycophant. She let him lead her back to one of the rooms,

which was apparently his bedroom: the small, concrete room held a twin bed, a small tv, and a

bookshelf with a few books and a few dozen DVDs.

"You don't mind watching it in here, do you, Ellie?"

"Uh, actually, I'd prefer it if we watched it upstairs in the living room."

"Oh, okay." He selected the DVD case then grabbed the player. "We can stop by Boots'

room to see if he can grab us a bigger tv."

"On second thought, we should watch it in here. I don't want to trouble Boots," Ellie

amended hastily. The last thing she wanted was more attention from the enormous creature,

whatever the vixen had said he was.

Edgar shrugged and put the player back before inserting the disc and grabbing the

remote. He scurried over to the bed to quickly pull up the sheets and prop up his pillow

lengthwise against the white painted cinder block wall. He climbed up to sit on the edge and

patted the space to his left.

Ellie sighed and climbed up, squeezing into the space between him and the side wall.

The bed smelled like his sweet musk. This was an awfully intimate arrangement for--not even--

just friends, but as long as he didn't try anything funny, Ellie supposed she could tolerate it. I

should have grabbed a scalpel from the counter in the other room, just in case. Edgar turned on

the tv and started the movie. The movie turned out to be a Japanese fantasy horror movie

called House, which featured a haunted house that devoured a group of schoolgirls in absurd

ways. What could have been a dumb movie was made highly entertaining by the surreal and

zaney effects. Ellie enjoyed the movie thoroughly.

When the movie ended, Edgar lifted his arm from where he'd draped it over her

shoulders and ran her left ear through his hand. Ellie turned to him to warn him about getting too

intimate but hesitated when she saw him gazing at her fondly.

"I'm glad we're friends, Ellie," he murmured.

Ellie wasn't sure they were friends yet, but she didn't contradict him.

"And, and even though it's not your choice, I'm glad you're staying with us. You helped

me see I was wrong about prey."

"I'm glad I helped change your mind, but you realize why I don't want to stay here, right?

Your boss is a vicious murderer. She even said she'd like to murder me, just today," Ellie


"Sh-she also said she wouldn't! And that she's starting to like you! I, I think you should

give her a chance. She can be," He sighed, "She can be wonderful sometimes."

Ellie frowned, "Don't you see how she was only manipulating you? She didn't do that out

of affection, she only wants to make sure you'll do what she says."

Edgar frowned, "You don't know her like I do! She cares for her servants, and, um, being

with her like that, getting to be intimate like that, i-it reminded me of how kind she's always


"But she murders people, Edgar," Ellie emphasized. He had to see the contradiction.

"I know she does," he murmured. "A-and I know it's wrong. You helped me see I always

knew that. But I don't, I couldn't hate her."

"She's evil, Edgar! Murder is evil!"

"Then what about you, Ellie?"

"I've never murdered anyone!"

"But you'd like to murder her!" he accused. "You, you even said I should murder her! I

owe her so much! How could repaying her like that not be evil?!"

"I said I understand if you can't do it, Edgar, and that's why. I know you feel you owe her,

but you don't. She's only ever manipulated you. She doesn't care. Killing her would be

preventing more innocent people from being murdered."

"Y-you're wrong, Ellie! She does care! You only think she doesn't because, because you

assume she must be wholly evil. She was right: y-you see things in black and white. Her

murders are wrong, but she, she's capable of good too."

Ellie scoffed, "Good like being civil while playing cards for an hour?"

"What about the family of mice?!"

"Oh Zeus! She killed an entire family!?"

"N-no! That's the point! We all thought she was going to kill them, but she didn't harm

them! She, she treated them well and let them go. M-more than that, she kept two of the

smallest mice longer, and she treated them with, with the tenderest care! I've never seen her so

gentle as with those two little mice!"

"So what? That doesn't make up for all of the people she did kill."

"I-it doesn't, but don't you see how, how it shows she isn't wholly evil? She's capable of

good! You want to kill her! What if we, what if you can reform her? You might be the best person

to do it! You're prey, and she's already starting to like you. You can remind her that prey, uh,

that it's wrong to kill them! She wasn't born a murderer! You could help her be good again!"

The whole thing sounded preposterous, but Ellie didn't know how to refute it when she

didn't know the full story with the mice. Had the vixen actually been kind to them? What did it

mean if she had? Edgar wanted to believe there was some glimmer of goodness inside her.

Could Ellie prove that there wasn't? Maybe she really did care for her staff in a way. Did that

mean she wasn't evil? No! Her actions showed her for what she was: cruel and manipulative, a

vicious murderer. So what if she was nice to a few people too? But what if you could reform

her? Ellie pushed the thought aside: it wasn't her job to pursue an almost definitely impossible

task. She needed to get away, bring the vixen to justice. If she could be reformed, that was the

job of the justice system, but in the meantime, the public had to be protected. She shook her

head slowly, "She'll keep murdering people. You have to realize that eventually."

"C-can't you at least try?! Try to, to get along with her! She might see you're kind, like I


"Or she might take the opportunity to torment me more."

"Please, Ellie! I-I know you can do it! You're brave! I, I'll help you anyway I can!"

Ellie sighed. Clearly, there was no getting through to the pine marten at this point. "I'll try

not to fight with her," Ellie conceded. "At the very least, I won't start it."

"Th-thank you, Ellie!" Edgar pulled her up onto his lap and hugged her tight.


He ignored her protest and nuzzled her head, "I know you can do it, Ellie!" he murmured.

"You, you'll help her, and, and then we'll all be happy together, a big family, like she said."

Ellie grimaced at the idea. What was the vixen then? Her aunt? She struggled to get

away from the pine marten, but he wouldn't let go. "Let go, Edgar!" she growled.

"We're friends now, Ellie. I-isn't it okay to hug each other?"

"I'll let you hug me as much as you want," Ellie growled softly, dangerously. "But first I

want you to come lie on the surgery table. There's a couple pesky bits that need removed."

Edgar quickly let go of her, "S-sorry! I-I guess that's too much too soon!"

Ellie rolled off of him and onto the floor. "Thanks for showing me the movie. I liked it. I'm

going to bed now," she stated matter-of-factly.

She strode for the door, and Edgar jumped up to follow her. She led him back to the cell

and opened the door: Jason was already inside.

"Goodnight, Ellie," he murmured. He gently pushed her through and closed the door

behind her.

Ellie sighed. Jason patted the bed next to him, and Ellie hopped up to join him. Edgar or

the vixen seemed to have kept his promise as there was now a full set of fresh sheets on the


Jason gave her a concerned look, "Is everything okay, Ellie? Didn't you have a good

time watching your movie?"

"I thought I was getting through to him, Jason," she muttered. "He knows what she's

doing is wrong, but he's still devoted to her, now maybe more than ever."

Jason pulled her up onto his lap and hugged her, "I'm sorry, Ellie. I know it's frustrating

for you living with her. Maybe you should try not to think about what she does."

"How can I not think about it, Jason?! She cracks jokes about it all the time, especially

about me!"

"Well, then don't respond. Don't give her a reaction, and she may get bored. It's only

going to keep frustrating you anyway, arguing with her, arguing with them. If they weren't

devoted to her, they wouldn't be here. Anyone can see that what she does is terrible."

"I have to try, Jason! I almost got through to Edgar. I could get through to one of the


Jason hugged her again, "It's too dangerous, Ellie. What do you think would happen if

you succeeded in flipping one of them? Only one against all the rest? Unless it was the human,

it wouldn't end well for them or you."

"What do you think I should do then?!" Ellie demanded.

"Just be patient. We'll get away eventually. Try to get along until then. I know she likes to

tease you, but I know you can handle it. You're strong enough to take a few juvenile barbs, and

if you show her they don't affect you, she may stop."

"You sound like Edgar," she grumbled. "'Get along.' She's a murderer! She starved you!

How can you forget that?!"

"I don't forget it, Ellie. That's why I want to get along with her. I can't go through that


"I'm sorry, Jason," Ellie murmured. "I know it was horrible for you. It was horrible for me

too, but do you have to, to cozy up with her? To nuzzle her?"

"Yes, that's what she wants from me."

"You could resist a little!"

He shook his head, "Have you ever been starving, Ellie? Felt hunger gnawing at your

very being? Fought your every instinct relentlessly because, if you don't, you could kill the

person who means the most to you in the entire world?"

Ellie could only shake her head. Of course she'd never experienced any of that.

"And even when you think the nightmare is over, when you're finally being fed again,

you're forced to eat people of the very same species as your friend! And you can only think that

they also had people who loved them, who cared about them just as much as you care for her,

and it's only because you don't know them that you're complying, that you're allowing yourself to

hypocritically eat other rabbits to protect the one you love. Do you realize that, since I've been

cooperating, she hasn't made me eat anyone? I know it's bad now, but before was a nightmare I

can't go back to."

"I understand, Jason," Ellie murmured sympathetically. "But I'm worried about you. You

make it sound like you're only doing what you have to, but, but what I saw, it looked like you

were enjoying it."

"'Enjoying it?' What are you talking about, Ellie?"

"When she made us cuddle with her on the couch, when we were walking back from the

woods, it didn't look like forced affection: it looked genuine. I'm afraid that, even though you

know what she does is wrong, you're starting to like her, like Edgar."

"'Like Edgar?' Is that what this is about, Ellie? You're jealous? I love you! I'm not going to

leave you for her, even if she weren't a murderer!"

Ellie scowled, "I'm not jealous, Jason! Don't be an idiot. I'm worried you'll start to accept

what she does because you think she cares for you. You have to remember what she is and

resist her attempts to win your loyalty."

Jason nuzzled her head, "You don't have to worry, Ellie. I'm not going to forget, and I'm

sure if I did, I could count on you to remind me. We know what she is, and we'll get away. But in

the meantime, we need to keep her happy, even if it's degrading. I couldn't lose you, Ellie, not to

her and not to the human. That's why I want you to promise me you'll stop arguing with her. It

doesn't help. It only makes her want to hurt you, and you know she's capable of anything."

"You want me to snuggle up to her and nuzzle her too," Ellie grumbled.

"It wouldn't hurt, but it's not necessary. She likes to be shown affection: it flatters her. But

if you can stay positive, that's enough."

Ellie sighed resignedly. Everyone wanted her to cozy up with this murderer. She didn't

want to, but what had resisting gotten her? An infatuated pine marten who still wasn't interested

in trying to stop the vixen? Maybe she should try it Jason's way. "I'll try, Jason, for you."

He nuzzled her again, "Thank you, Ellie."

Ellie slipped out of his arms, "I'm going to use the toilet and brush my teeth, and then I'm

ready for bed," she stated.

"I already brushed mine. I thought you wanted to, you know."

"I'm too exhausted now, Jason. Maybe tomorrow." All of the stress of worrying and

arguing had drained her. Maybe cooperating really would be easier.

"Alright then." Jason pushed back the covers and lay facing out, waiting for her to join


After Ellie relieved herself and brushed her teeth, she climbed up next to him, and he

pulled her close against his chest. Ellie sighed in contentment: it was good to be back with her

sweet kitty. She tucked her head under his chin and closed her eyes. "Goodnight, Sweetheart."

"Goodnight, Cutie Pie."

Ellie grunted her displeasure at the pet name, but she was too tired to argue. She shut

her eyes tight, hoping whoever would turn out the bright lights soon. After what seemed like an

hour, Ellie realized they must have forgotten and pulled the blankets up over her head, soon

dropping into a deep sleep.