PMD - EOM - Chapter 14

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#15 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Ashley the Alolan Vulpix

Chp 14

"Phantom, you alive?" A voice asked.

He felt a paw pushing against his shoulder. He uncurled, noticing the soreness in his back, and looked up to see a white vulpix. "Ashley? How did you get in here?"

"Alakazam let me in. He may be book smart, but he's not street smart. I told him I was with you guys. Mystic's out cold over there." She said, moving to the side so he could see. Mystic was lying flat on the floor, her limbs splayed out in every direction, surrounded by papers. "Anyways, what did you find out?"

"Well, not much new. Mostly just evidence. Those berries are called Avos berries, that's for sure."

"Avos? Son of a bitch, I knew it." She said, grimacing and stamping her feet. "I told you saw those before, c'mon, I'll take you there." She turned and fast walked out of the room before Phantom could register what she said.

He looked around, grabbed the box, and started for the door. He stopped short to look at Mystic. He couldn't just leave her there. "Ahh!" He yelped, jumping away from the door as it hit him.

"Hurry up! We don't have long till opening time." Ashley poked her head in and said. "Where'd you go?" She asked.

"Over here." He said. She looked to the side where he now was. "Hold up, I need to send Mystic somewhere." He stepped over to her, took out his badge, and tapped her with it. A yellow beam appeared and whisked her away.

"Cool, it looks just like it does in my games." Ashley said. "Alright, we gotta hurry. They open in an hour."

"What? Who opens when?" He asked, chasing her out as she took off again. He tried to ask more questions, but she was nearly sprinting now, and he could barely keep up. They were now outside, and he couldn't help but marvel at the aftermath of the storm. The main paths were clear, but there were large drifts against many of the buildings, going nearly above the windows. He followed her down the street and to an oddly familiar building.

She entered it, and he followed her. "This way." She said, waiting for him next to another door inside.

"Isn't this the..." He looked around to see a sign. "Tempting Vixens" It read. "Ashley, what are we doing here?"

"I know somebody who knows about those berries." She went through the door and into a large room. Currently, it was well lit, but based on the purple color of the walls and the layout, it was meant to be darker. There were many chairs and some booths built into the wall. In the center of the room, was a large catwalk, with a pole in the center. There were a few similar stages and poles around the room, four in total. Ashley walked straight through the room and to a door marked employees only. She opened it and held it for him as he caught up.

"Um, are you sure about this?" He asked.

"Yea, c'mon, she'll be around somewhere." She said, leading the way in. She walked up to a mawile in front of a mirror and asked, "Hey Jess, where's Vix?"

She turned her head and looked down to her. "Oh, hey Ash. She was in the locker room last time I saw her."

"Phantom, c'mon." Ashley said, hurrying off again. He couldn't help but notice the look the mawile gave him. A look that said who is this and why is he here.

She led him through the dressing room and into another room, filled with lockers, and a small shower. Near one of the lockers was a delphox with sizable breasts, similar to the one on the sign. "Vix! I need some help." Ashley said, rushing over to the larger fox.

"Hello Ash, what can I do for you today?" She said in a sultry voice.

"My friend found a berry, and he needs more info on it. It's an Avos. Could you tell him about it?"

"Well, I was just about to hop in the shower, but I guess." Vix said. She turned to Phantom, revealing that she was wearing a skimpy bra. Her lower area was covered by her fur. "Hello there darling." She said, walking over and leaning down to pet Phantom between the ears.

"Uhh..." He muttered. He couldn't help but stare at her bosom.

"Oh, these?" She asked, hefting them in her paws. "I know, most pokemon don't have boobs. Guests certainly like them and they're fun to play with. Too bad they're fake."

Phantom shook his head. "I need to know about Avos berries."

"Ashley, you aren't trying to get a boyfriend are you?" She asked, looking back at her.

"No, my sister's his girlfriend. He just needs info, so I brought him here."

"Ah, that's nice. Avos berries make sex wonderful, just the best." She said, a paw running over her tits. "Better feeling, longer lasting, and no pregnancy. They arouse the consumer, and last for about an hour. You'll be fucking that entire time, for sure."

"Um," Phantom started, a blush on his face. Vix stood and walked over to the shower. "Where do you get them?"

"Looking to have some fun with your girl then? They can be pretty pricey. You can get them from most places, it's all about knowing the right people. We get ours from somebody up the mountain. He comes down once a week and delivers a fresh shipment." While she was talking, she removed her bra and got into the shower, deliberately putting on a show for the smaller male. "We were supposed to get a new shipment yesterday, but he never showed. You look like someone who can 'get things done'. So if you could go check on that, I would be 'deeply' grateful." She said with as much innuendo as possible. She leaned forward and pinched one of her nipples, water streaming through her fur.

Phantom swallowed loudly. "Uhh, no that's fine. Can we leave now Ashley?"

"Sure, let's go. I probably won't be in tonight, Vix."

"That's fine honey, but you really should come in more often. The boys go crazy for you." Vix waved them off with a spray of water leaving her fur.

Ashley led him back outside. Once they were outside, he asked her something. "Do you really work there? As a stripper?"

"Yea, a girl's gotta make money somehow. Could you not tell Mystic though? I'm not really embarrassed but I don't want to scare her or anything."

"Well what should I tell her when she asks where we got the lead?"

"Just say I remembered where I saw those berries. Speak of the devil..." She pointed into the distance, to a vulpix sprinting towards them at full speed. They began to walk towards her. Before they made contact, Mystic attempted to slow down, but hit an icy patch, causing her to stumble and skid forward. She looked goofy, but managed to avoid falling.

"Phantom!" She yelled. "I met with Zys and Hunter. I told them everything we found. Zys was really happy to see me and Hunter told me about what they found. So, they scanned the city for tunnels and found a bunch, all leading to different places. He sent teams out this morning to investigate each one. And now they know what to look for. We could have just set the whole thing in motion!"

"That's great. Ashley came and found me before I sent you back, and she has a lead for us." He motioned towards her.

"Yea, so those berries, the Avos berries. I remembered where I saw them. They had 'em up the mountain, at the village there. I can get you up there just fine. Ready to go?"

"Uh, sorry Ashley, but I don't think you should come. It might get dangerous. These people are serious trouble." Mystic said gently.

"Sis, c'mon, I'm tougher than I look." Ashley said proudly, her tails bristling out behind her.

"I agree with her." Phantom said. "You really don't want to get involved with these monsters."

She put on a pouty face for a moment, and when neither of them budged, she relented. "Fine. Just be careful. And you have to come back and see me before you go home."

"Deal." Mystic said, coming over and nuzzling her cheek. They both shivered at the feeling of the other's polar opposite temperature. "Let's get going Phantom."

"Be careful and hurry. You don't want to be caught out in the dark on the slopes!" Ashley shouted after them.


"How late did we sleep!?" Mystic asked. The sky was already noticeably darkening.

"The better question is how late we stayed up." He looked further up, towards the peak of the mountain. "I don't think we'll make it in time. We'll have to find someplace to stay overnight." He turned off the winding path they were currently on, and began to trudge through the snow, aiming for a nearby rocky outcropping. She reluctantly followed him, and they began to comb the area, looking for any sign of a cave.

"Found it!" He shouted. She poked her head out from the ledge above him and looked into it from above. She disappeared again, and came down next to him after a bit.

"Is it gonna be warm enough?"

"Yea." He stuck a finger into his mouth and held it up. "The winds won't get in unless it changes direction." He started into the cave. It went straight in, arcing down a bit, before turning sharply to the right. "No water source, but it'll keep us from freezing."

"What about a fire?"

"We'll need to get some wood. On a mountain with few trees."

"I got this." She said. She turned and went back outside. He followed her slightly down the hill to a cluster of three pine trees. She drew in a big breath and breathed a stream of fire across the snow, melting most of it.

Phantom stepped past her and onto the wet ground. "Well, we got wood, but its wet." He said, flipping over a large branch. "We can use your tails to carry them."

"But... wet..." She complained.

"It's either this, or you breath fire all night long." He said frankly.

"Ugh, I know, but... damn." She walked down and held her tails down to the ground. He took several soaking branches, and plenty of sticks, and set them there. He nodded to her and he folded her tails back up, using their fluffiness to hold all the kindling to her back. "Okay, let's get this over with. Make sure I don't lose any." She started to slowly walk to the cave.

They made it fine, but night was closing in fast, and the temperature was steadily dropping. It had been cold before, but now it was nearing below zero. She let the wood spill out onto the cave floor.

Phantom started the pile with mostly small sticks, pushing the rest aside. "Okay, you're going to have to dry these, without setting them on fire yet."

"Hah, easy!" She said, getting close and creating a tiny ember. She moved it around, warming the cave slightly, and the wood.

While she was doing that, Phantom went over to the branches and began to use his claws to strip the wet wood from them. This continued for about a half an hour.

"Well, well, well. Looks like I found you." An arrogant sounding voice said from the higher ground of the cave. He began to walk down, slowly revealing more of his green body. He continued further in, showing his face. His eyes were covered by red goggle like lenses. The flygon had his nose turned up in contempt, the disgust visible on his face.

Both of them took up offensive stances, their respective elements building up for an attack. "Who are you?" Phantom asked, aiming his tail to launch a thunderbolt.

"Relax. I'm not here to harm you. I've been looking for you for quite some time. Personally, I would rather not bother with trash, but I have orders. I'm to give you a proposition. Willing to hear me out?"

"Alright..." Phantom said suspiciously.

Mystic swallowed back the flames she had built up. "Who the hell are you?"

"Down girl. You wouldn't want to get hurt. I'm Grit. I want to offer you an invitation. To the Shadow." His claws came together and he cracked his knuckles. "You don't have a choice however."

"The Shadow? Are you one of the people kidnapping pokemon?!" Mystic shouted.

"Kidnapping? Something so simple? You insult me." Grit said sarcastically. "To put it simply, the boss is impressed with you, for some reason. So he wants you to join up with us."


"Mystic!" Phantom shouted. "Stop. What would we be doing if we did?"

"You're not serious!" She shouted back. Her voice fell away when she saw his stern look.

"A lot more than kidnapping. We cover two major vices. That's all I'll say right now. So answer."

Phantom fur spiked out as he rushed forward and leapt into the air. He tackled the flygon as hard as he could. He squirmed briefly when he was grabbed and thrown into the stone wall. Mystic took the opening and breathed a stream of flames at Grit. He was obscured by the fire, until he stepped through it and slapped her down.

"You're both weak. Good thing you refused. Trash d-" Grit's head rose as he let out a massive roar of pain. He spun around and charged at the source of the multi colored beam, and right into a cloud of icy air. He roared again, flapping his wings and flying around the corner and out of the cave.

"Hah, hah, ha, ha, ha!" The white vulpix broke into a crazy laugh.

"Ashley?" Mystic asked, getting back to her feet.

"I fucked him up!" She cheered.

"What are you doing here?!" Mystic asked angrily.

"Chill out. Hah, chill! I just saved your butts." She said, dancing around, wagging her rear through the air.

"You're not supposed to be here!" Mystic said, still angry.

"Well excuse me." She said, pouting exaggeratedly. "I'll just let you die next time. Ooooorrrrr..."

"Or what?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"I could join your team!" Ashley said with a beaming smile. "How 'bout it Phantom?"

"Well, if he comes back, it would be good to have her with us..."

"Ashley, could you step outside for a second." Mystic said, not really asking.

She shrugged and went back out, towards the entrance.

"She is not joining our team!" Mystic whispered fiercely at him.

He was still lying on the ground. "She did just beat that guy..."

"No. No way. It's too dangerous for her."

"I'm not some fragile little girl, sis. I've been through a lot and I can handle myself. What makes you think we're any different?" Ashley said, coming back in.

"You don't have the experience to keep up with us! We're professional explorers, not like in your video games."

"Then I'll learn. Like it or not, I'm coming with you. And if you won't let me join, I'll start my own team." She said, turning her head away haughtily.

"We can settle this later. C'mon Mystic, you need to get the fire going." He said, getting between the angry sisters.

"Hmph!" They both grunted in unison. Mystic returned to the fire she was working on in the corner, and Ashley went to the other side. They both refused to look at each other.

"Guys... girls... c'mon."

"No way in hell. It's way too dangerous for her to come with us." Mystic repeated.

"But what about you? It's dangerous for you too!" Ashley said.

"I can accept that, but I don't want you or dad to get hurt!"

"What about me?! I don't want you to get hurt either."

"The difference is that I have something to fight for!" Mystic stood, yelling right at her.

"So do I! I want my sister to be safe! And the best way to do that is to be with you!"

"It's better that only one of us is in danger, instead of both! And what about dad? You'd leave him all alone?"

"What about my happiness? I'm not happy living here anymore. It's the same thing, every day. Phantom? What do you think?"

"Yea, what about you?"

Phantom look back and forth. "Um... I... ugh... Mystic, she attacked one of them. Now she's a target. She'll be safer with us, and with the rescue federation."

"Of course you would take her side. What, don't like me anymore? Found a new girl?" Mystic said.

"N-n-no! I'm not attracted to her! It's just logic."

"What? I'm not pretty?" Ashley asked, ready to keep arguing.

"Please stop fighting!!!" Phantom screamed. "Just stop." He looked to both of them, breathing heavily. "She has to come with us. If she doesn't, she and your father could be attacked. It's safer this way. We can protect her, and she won't come with us on any hard jobs. And if we refuse, she'll just do something drastic."

"I hate it when you're right." Mystic said quietly.

"Alright, now that it's settled, time to fill me in." Ashley said, smiling with tails wagging.


Higher up on the mountain, in the basement of a certain building, five pokemon were gathered. Seated at the head of the table, was Hearth the typhlosion. Down the right side was Grit the flygon, who was rubbing aching lower back, and Carver the absol. Down the left was Reaper the decidueye and Tyrant the tyranitar.

"Little shit got me good." Grit growled.

"You should have let me go!" Tyrant boasted in a deep and booming voice.

"You would have gotten messed up if it was a fighting type, you arrogant prick. Besides, it was my job."

"Gentlemen, relax. It'll all work out." Carver said. His voice was much less rough, sounding suave and calm.

Reaper grunted, his arms crossed over his chest while he leaned back against the wall, instead of in a chair.

"Enough." Hearth said, sounding exhausted. "We're burning this base tonight. Secrecy is our greatest weapon. Grit, I trust you didn't tell them anything?"

"Of course not. What, you think I'm an idiot?"

"Sometimes. Anyways, if we kill them, the federation will know they were close. Best just to cut our losses and pull out. Gather everything up and get ready to go. We need to be gone by sunrise."