PMD - EOM - Chapter 16 (X)

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#17 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Chp 16

"I don't know how I feel about this place. Nowhere near as comfy as my bedroom." Ashley complained in the morning.

"I can agree with that, but it's free so..." Mystic said.

"We should get our own base, with blackjack, and hookers."

"Why? Gambling is kinda stupid. You never win..." Phantom said.

"No, that was a joke. But having our own base would be totally awesome."

"Do you have any idea how much that would cost?!" Mystic exclaimed. "I don't know, but it's gotta be a ton."

"Actually, if we built it outside of town, it wouldn't be that expensive. But we don't have enough poke to buy land and hire someone to build it." Phantom explained.

"Unless... we took on a big job." Ashley said.

"Well, not today. We've got plans. Just for the two of us." Mystic said. "Sorry to kick you out so soon, but we'll need some alone time."

"Ohhhhh~" Ashley purred. "I see. Well I wanted to tell dad goodbye before we left, so I could go back and do that."

"Sure, just press your badge to the place on the map, second floor."

"Okay, have fun you two~" She said, knowing exactly what the plan was.

Once she was gone, Mystic turned to Phantom. "So, I'd rather not do anything here. It's too public. Another good reason to get our own place."

A blush was clearly visible on his face. "I think I know a place... where..."

"Alright, let's go then. We should stop by the lunch room and get something to-go on the way. We'll make another date of it." Before they left, she turned to Zys, who was sitting against the wall with his eyes closed. "We'll be back later. Don't worry." She told him quietly.

They went out and into the main building, towards the lunchroom. Once they got to the front of the line, they found the meal of the day: surf and turf, specifically shrimp and roast beef. They got two orders, and a slice of cake, and left, Phantom leading the way.

"Where are we going?" She asked. "This feels kind of familiar..."

Journey town was situated on the edge of cliff overlooking the ocean. The waters were to the south. To the east was a hill leading down the beach, and to the north was a large hill, or tiny mountain, located behind the federation building. The entire city was surrounded by forests, except for the southern area. It wasn't very high up from the ocean, and a port area was located down the cliff side, with warehouses and businesses built into the rocks. They were headed to the east, though the path was well paved, leading her to think the area was associated with the town, even as they left the urban area. Then it dawned on her. The park, where they had met with the old slowking.

The path turned sharply to the right and once they cleared it, the obscuring trees were gone, revealing the wide open park. They were plenty of pokemon around, even a small group of kids playing in the shallow lake.

"Um, a picnic might be romantic, but this is a lot more public than our room." Mystic commented.

"The forest around here is really thick, so we can go in there. But it's not a good place for a picnic, so we should eat here."

She took the lead and went over to near the shore. The grass was neatly trimmed short, and the border of the lake was well secured, so the ground was perfectly comfortable. Their food was contained in plastic boxes and still steaming hot. The food was set down and they laid down close to each other and began to eat, neither speaking a word. They were too busy enjoying the nice day, the wind, the bird pokemon singing, the laughter of the playing children, it was quite pleasant.

She finished her meal quickly, eager to get down to business. He was eating slowly however. "Don't be nervous. This is supposed to be fun."

"That doesn't really help..." He said. "What if I do something wrong?"

"I don't think that's possible..."

He took a deep breath. "I don't think I can eat any more. I feel kinda sick."

She stood, followed shortly by him, and they went over to a nearby trash can to deposit the food. She then looked over to him. "Ready?"

He opened his mouth but no sound came out. He nodded instead. He walked past her, off the path, and into the woods. They walked for a while, getting plenty far from any other pokemon, before they found a relatively clear area. She ran her paws along the grass, making sure it wasn't rocky.

"This spot should do." She walked over to him and rested a paw on his side. "Would you be less nervous if I took the lead?"

"I guess..." He mumbled.

She lowered her body and stuck her head under him. Her eyes immediately locked onto his package, a sheath with two fuzzy balls behind it. It looked... delectable, for lack of a better word. She went in and licked along his sheath, sneaking the tip of her tongue inside the pouch. She licked gently a few more times and brought a paw up to massage his member out of its hiding place. He let out a whimper from above her, and nothing was happening down below. "What's up? Are you okay?" She asked. She came back up and became worried when he turned back to look at her.

"I don't feel so good." He said quietly. He looked queasy.

"Wow, you really are nervous. Maybe we shouldn't..."

"But you want to do this, don't you?"

"Yea, but not if you don't." She said, looking at the ground. "It's only fun if we're both having fun."

"I want to." He said, his voice barely a squeak. He let out a frightened yelp when he was suddenly tackled. They rolled a bit until she was straddling his chest and he was pinned on his back. He opened his mouth, but his voice was silenced when she kissed him deeply, her tongue snaking into his mouth.

"Shhhh," She purred. She moved away, a string of saliva falling away from their lips. "I'll take good care of you." He was blushing violently. "Just sit back and relax. You don't have to worry about anything."

"But I..." He muttered.

"Enough of that. I'm going to show you exactly why you shouldn't be nervous." She moved off of him and strutted a small circle to end up facing his junk. "I'm sure you already know about this," She tapped his sheath with a paw. "But it never hurts to refresh. This is your sheath. It hides your penis, though most prefer to call it a dick, and keeps it safe. Below that are your balls. They hold your sperm, which your dick shoots out to impregnate a female in heat."

"I know all this..."

She continued on undeterred. She brought her other paw up and pulled his sheath down gently, revealing his obsidian tip. "Now, you're a feline, and I'm a vulpine. We'll get to me in a little while. Most felines have pink genitalia and barbs, but if I remember right, you inherited a different one from your father. I really like your dick, it looks so different. Especially this knot." She said, squeezing the still hidden base. "Probably just my instincts. And you're pretty big from what I've seen. About six inches..." She frowned a bit when she let go and his sheath covered everything back up. His tip wasn't even poking through. "Geez, you really are nervous." She moved around and kissed him on the nose. "Alright close your eyes."

He did so, and soon felt something wriggling around on top of him. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Keep 'em closed." She commanded. He felt a weight settle on his body, almost as if... "Okay," She said.

He opened his eyes and his brain nearly shut down. It felt like he had been punched in the gut. Mystic was lying on her back, on top of him, backwards, leaving her rear right in front of his face. She reached down with her paws and place them on either side. "Ready or not, here comes the tour." She used one paw to spread the top. "This is my clitoris, or clit for short. It feels good when touched."

Phantom was in total awe. He had seen a vagina before, but never this close.

She continued down, spreading herself wide for him. "This," she pointed to the upper hole. "isn't too important, but this..." She used her other paw to spread herself as wide as possible, allowing him to see a bit inside of the lower hole. "This is my vagina, or pussy. If you put your dick inside it, it feels really good, for both of us. See? No big deal, just anatomy and instincts."


She spun off of him and returned to her original position, sitting on his chest. "You're really not making this easy. I don't want to rape you, so last chance to back out. I want a yes or no."

"I mean... isn't sex for... like... mates?"

"No, breeding is. But I'm not in heat. We're doing this because we're close, and it makes both of us feel good. And like I said, everything you could do feels good. You're not going to hurt me or anything."

"I'm still scared..." He said, hiding his face with his forepaws.

"Haghh," She groaned, nearly at her wits end. "Fine, I'll do everything this time. But next time, you're mounting me." She scooted down, moving her rear over his. He let out a squeak when her cunny touched his sheath, dribbling a bit of her honey on it. She rubbed against it, moving her lips up and down. "Sheesh, how are you not hard by now." She said. "Any other male would be screwing my brains out. I can at least appreciate your respect, but that isn't going to make either of us cum."

She sat further up and then rested down, leaving his sheath between her lips. "C'mon~" She urged, lowering her head and licking his neck. She moved back up and saw the grimace on his face. "Why are you holding back? If you don't want this, just say so and I'll stop."

"But... I..." He groaned in frustration and his face scrunched even further.

"I'm about to let you dump your balls in me. You don't need to hide anything. You're not going to hurt my feelings. How soft do you think I am? Metaphorically..." She said as he tails lashed about behind her.

He opened his eyes and looked up at her with a sad face. All her arousal disappeared in concern when she saw it. "I... All I hear is horror stories about couples. Even Ashley said her boyfriend dumped her after they had sex. My parents separated early in my life and all they ever said was that they had kids too early."


"And I don't want to lose you! I've never really had friends and I can't let something come between us!" He yelled. Once he was finished, he closed his eyes tight, afraid of retaliation.

Her face softened. "That's..." She came down and drew him into another deep kiss. Once she was forced to end it to draw in a breath, she looked down at him with a gentle smile. "That is the most romantic thing I've ever heard."

"That wasn't my intention..." He said quietly.

"I promise, nothing is ever going to end our friendship. Sex only has the meaning that people give it. This is just a way to make both of us feel good. Speaking of which..." She shifted her body upwards, revealing her crotch to him. There, nestled between her amber folds, was a jet black mast of flesh, glistening in her juices.

He let out a yelp when he realized his defenses had fallen. She raised herself with her legs, releasing his member from the prison of her body, and allowing it to point proudly upwards. This of course put it in perfect position for her to lower herself onto. Her body lowered until his tip was pressing against her heated canine mound. She ducked down and kissed him on the nose right before she dropped her hips, taking his entire cock in a single stroke. She nestled right into his lap, being filled quite well, even without the knot.

"So, how's that?" She asked, gyrating her hips.

"Nice..." He murmured, not sounding sure and still looking away.

She lifted up again, using her powerful hind legs and resting on his chest for leverage. She dropped back down, returning his member to her velvet depths. This caused him to let out a very unmanly squeak. "What was that?! Speak up!" She demanded exaggeratedly, clearly enjoying this. He opened his mouth again, but she licked across his open maw, stealing his voice before it came out. It didn't help that she began a pattern of rising and slow drops.

On the inside, she was fitting of a fire type, and her anticipation had left her soaked, and consequently, him too. Her muscle work, whether from instinct or some unknown skill, was masterful, milking him for all he was worth. She began to put more power into her movements, and he couldn't help but let out muffled noises.

His lack of stamina was quickly becoming apparent, as his knot was growing, and the faint bursts of pre were more frequent. His throbbing was growing stronger with every passing moment, even when she was still. "Getting close?" She asked.

He groaned loudly. She sped up greatly, causing a squelching sound to echo through the clearing. She lowered her head, placing an ear to his chest and listening to his heart beat wildly. "C'mon, talk to me here. Are you about to bust a nut?" She egged him on.

His face scrunched up like before, but this time he was at the edge of a cliff. "Mystic... I... Mystic!" He shouted loudly, causing a few wild pokemon to scatter in the nearby woods. He brought up his forepaws, grabbed her hips and pulled down, while making his first thrust up into her. Several things happened in quick succession afterwards. His knot, soaked and engorged, slipped in, tying them together. This caused her to yelp out in surprise, and threw her off balance, making her topple backwards. As his knot was firmly embedded in her pussy, it tugged him along with it, causing him to end up lying on top of her.

There was a split second of stillness and silence, before the dam broke, a seed began to gush from Phantom, firing out with such force that it hit the top of her uterus. Combined with the girth of cock inside of her and the knot keeping it all sealed in, she was quickly filled up to the brim. She let out a pleased howl as her silken walls convulsed and squeezed him for dear life, eager to take as much sperm as he had to give, despite how full she already felt. Her body heated up even further, transferring warmth into him and coaxing an even bigger climax.

There was a long period where all they could hear was each other's panting. "Are you still awake?" Mystic asked.

"Yea..." He said quietly, head still lying next to hers.

"Thanks. That was wonderful. I hope we can do it again." She said, nuzzling against his ear.


"And next time, it'll be better if you do all the work." She waited for a response, but he let out a quiet snore instead. Now that she thought about it, she could do with a quick nap.