Street Fighter

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Street Fighter

By Darkened

The door to Chance's room opened, or more like exploded, as three young furs bungled into the room. It was Chance, and two of his friends: Enoch and Lazar. Enoch was a slightly taller german shepherd, while Lazar was a slightly shorter kangaroo. They had just gone cycling, which they did every other day just about. It worked too, as they all were pretty fit for their age, and for their high school. Each one still had on the yellow and black biking spandex tops and bottoms they had bought together as part of their 'team'.

"Oh man, I'm hot, I'm probably going to take off this shirt in a bit," Enoch commented, but the others weren't really listening. Rather, a debate had started about what to do next. Lazar and Chance suggested they play some sport, like soccer or football outside.

"You're still ready to do more? I'm pooped guys, I'm tired," Enoch protested. He slumped into a chair, looking around.

"Aw come on," Lazar goaded, but he could see that it wasn't going to get very far.

Chance was tuckered out too. You see, for the last couple of rides they've taken haven't been exactly uneventful for Chance. He chalked it up to his puberty, but while he rode his bike he'd get a hard on from all the commotion. The pumping of his pedals as he rode up a hill caused a back and forth motion in his groin, rubbing his cock against the seat as he leaned forward into the bike. It wasn't that he was complaining, but it was a little embarrassing, if not difficult to simply maneuver due to what eventually happened. On the first trip where this started happening him and his friends stopped right as Chance reached his pique and he climaxed right in front of them. At first he thought they had noticed, but it seems that none was the wiser. Since then it's been like that, even this last time he was out he orgasmed on a bumpy downhill run.

Enoch turned and then pointed at the PS2, suggesting, "Hey, why don't you guys play that new Street Fighter you got?"

Chance and Lazar looked at each other and then shrugged. They stepped over and started to settle in on the floor in front of the gaming machine and television set. Chance sat to the left, and Lazar to the right, right next to each other. They're legs pressed up against each other. Both grabbed a controller and Lazar booted up the system.

"Could you turn off vibration?" Chance asked, "It always distracts me from what I'm doing."

"I suppose I'll play whoever loses the tournament," Enoch suggested very non-committal. He just wanted to lean back and relax.

Soon the tournament has begun. In this rendition each player goes through a tournament style round of match ups before they necessarily fight the opposing player, taking turns on their matches. Chance at first seems to not be racking up much points because he keeps losing at first. He's a little frustrated but he figures he'll have a chance to get back up again and advance through the tiers.

Eventually the computer matched Chance and Lazar up against each other. Ho boy, Chance thought. In a way he never really liked playing against others on his video games, he was too self conscious. However, he was a good sport and continued to play, setting the controller down in his lap to get a better grip on it. He realized after a bit that, if he uses the arrows instead of the analog stick, it seemed to give him better control.

As he continued to fight, with the controller resting between his legs, he noticed an anomaly. The controller was vibrating every time a hit was landed either on his character or on the other character. That couldn't be, as he remembered specifically asking for that feature to be turned off before. Now, however, that the controller was resting on his lap and causing surprisingly delicious vibrations to spread across it he didn't seem to mind it that much.

As he played, he noticed he was beginning to develop a pretty good erection because of this. It pressed against his black spandex, tenting it just a little. Chance was distracted by the keen awareness of how close the other young fur was to him as the vibrations massaged his erection, and almost lost the match. He noticed how their legs were pressing against each other, and were only really separated by a very thing layer of form fitting spandex.

As the game continued to progress Chance couldn't keep a good focus on what he was doing. I mean, he hadn't really thought of how difficult it was to secretly masturbate and play a video game at the same time. He watched the screen, expecting defeat at any moment when he noticed that his character started to fight back pretty well. His opponent's health was going down pleasingly fast. But the strangest thing was that what his character was doing on the screen did not match what he was doing with his thumbs. It took him a few seconds to realize that his character seemed to be fighting for itself. Perhaps he had discovered some sort of secret glitch? Without really thinking about it he was about to bring this to the attention of his two friends when suddenly he felt something stirring between his legs.

Up until this point the teenage wunk had been holding his controller in such a way that it rested on his lap, and thus on his erection, which was causing the aforementioned erection to strain and pulse. He suddenly thought of how embarrassing it would if both of the other males were to turn at this particular point and look at his lap. Telling them about the glitch was out of the question... in fact maybe he should stop this whole thing.

Chance attempted to push the gamepad away from his cock, but found that he could not do it. In fact, it not only resisted being pulled away, but rather with a mind of its own pushed down against his erection!

The wunk jolted a little bit and on screen his character proceeded to beat the shit out of the other one. "Hey, good one!" Lazar said, staring at the screen.

Chance tried to stare at the screen, and not give anything about what was happening to him away. Something on the ground caught his eye though and he saw that the cable of the controller seemed to be moving ever so slightly like a snake. He stared back up at the screen in an erotic horror. The pressure against his groin increased and then decreased, increased, and then decreased. It was clear that the controller had now begun stroking him profusely.

Chance felt even more self-conscious than before, and he couldn't get up or do anything to stop it, at least not without drawing undue attention to himself. To his left he could barely see his friend who seemed to be absolutely and completely clueless, but he didn't want to chance it. He tried moving the controller one more time, but really it was to no avail. To his right...

The wunk's character performed a very tricky maneuver on his opponent, but Chance didn't really see it as he looked more intently at Lazar. The kangaroo also seemed to have his controller in his lap as well. Chance looked back at the screen and continued to mock fight for a while, while truly being jacked off. Again though, he turned his head slightly to see and looking carefully he saw that against the black spandex of Lazar's groin there was an outline of a hard erection pressed upon by his own controller.

Chance turned back and felt the cord of the controller bend underneath and begin moving back and forth along his length. He tried his best to make everything look as natural as possible, barely moving his hips to the motion of the controller.

Enoch sat there in his chair watching the game. These two are playing one long match, he thought. In fact, they had been playing better than they had played in a long time. From his vantage point he could see them playing and he observed them for a bit when he had noticed something. Were... both of his friends basically rubbing their cocks against the vibrating controllers? At first, he couldn't believe it, but, yes, they were. He would have been shocked, but he was more struck with the teenage feeling that this was incredibly hot! Carefully Enoch began to remove his upper shirt, until it was completely off. If they were going to do it, why not him? He carefully moved his hand down in between his legs and began caressing himself with the tips of his fingers on the sly.

Chance, at this point, had given up all pretenses of getting rid of this apparatus as it continued to give him a hand job. The strokes pressed on, up and down, and in a slightly elliptical pattern too. His hips wanted to so join in on the movement, but he knew better than that. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Lazar struggling almost.

He could tell the caresses of the controller were tender, and also just right as it vibrated in just one particular area. At the very top of the bulge where the head should be, there was a tiny glistening drop of precum. This drove Chance wild, and he started moving harder and harder trying to mask what he was doing as a sort of video game ritual kind of thing that guys did.

Enoch realized to himself that both men must think he's asleep at this point. Was this something they did together without him on a regular basis? His hand more boldly caressed up and down the length of his now sizable erection.

Eventually, the controller's strokes began to illicit more and more intense responses from Chance. He felt his cock completely engorged, stiff, and leaking precum. It was such a sight to his own eyes, glancing at his own precum drop on the tip of his bulge, that he nearly came then and there. Seeing his friend in the same predicament was also incredibly hot. He became dimly aware of the now rampantly sexual atmosphere of the room and wondered if perhaps Enoch had noticed anything. By the the way Chance kept playing, and the way he avoided thrusting his hips except for very gently he didn't think anyone had suspected. Just to be safe though, he continued in a sort of low key thrust.

Chance heard a small sharp intake of breath to his right, and looked barely over to watch the kangaroo. He could feel the warmth emanating from Lazar like an oven, and was almost drunk at the close touch of their two bodies both scantily clad. He even leaned on Lazar a bit, but his friend seems to be so taken with the 'game' that he doesn't seem to notice.

Chance's eyes widened as he sensed pre-orgasm approaching in a timely fashion. The vibrations from the controller were not uniform, but rather intensified or decreased as if it could read his mind.

Lazar appeared to be trying his best to keep his composure but he was not going to keep it up for too long. No, Chance could see that his cock, plainly visible through the black spandex shorts, was going to erupt soon. He could feel it just touching Lazar. Soon, the drop of precum on the black spandex became more and more prominent. Chance saw the handsome young kangaroo almost cringe just as his character landed a powerful blow. The controller actually managed to press down even hard against his cock, and the pearly liquid started to show up and run down the shiny black surface. His spasms were barely controlled as Chance feels his shoulder and leg both shake.

At this Chance can't help but wonder and he too begins to thrust into his controller as he deals a devastating death blot to his opponent. The vibrations in the controller reached a fevered status. He felt the vibrations running up and down his spine, and his own precum was now very visible and glistening on the tight spandex.

Enoch was just amazed at what he was seeing with his half closed eyes. He had never seen another male orgasm in front of him before, and he was about to see another one. His erection itself had managed to poke out just above the waistband of his shorts. His naked upper body flexed. Enoch carefully used his two fingers, an index and a thumb, to caress the head poking out little by little, until drops of precum began to form at the tip.

Chance turned back to the game and continued to play into the extended rounds. Lazar, the poor kangaroo, was continuing to play the game even though his own shorts were stained with cum. He couldn't really hide it, but he was trying to anyways.

Enoch continued to masturbate in secret, getting closer to his goal. All the while Chance's controller vibrated against his erection bringing all sorts of stimulations with it. The wunk was beginning to feel sort of breath. Enoch let out a quiet sigh, the tip of his cock turned a bright deep red, stiffening, and then shot out projectiles of cum. The white liquid landed on the young dog's chest as his body quietly convulsed.

Chance's controller pressed down on him. He heard panting on either side of him, which was a bit odd. He tried to remain in control, but at this point he absolutely and finally failed. His cock began to stiffen harder than before, and his breathing was almost cut off. Warmth began to spread from his lap upwards, and a pearlescent liquid leaks through the tight spandex shorts as his cock delivered shot after shot.

After his head cleared, Chance wondered what they were to do now. Control had been relinquished back to the players and both of them were playing the game like nothing had happened. He looked over to Enoch quickly, as it was hard to see him without losing the game, and he just lay there asleep. At least he hadn't seen this. He was pretty sure Lazar thought it was isolated to him alone as well. Boy's don't talk about this stuff...

They played the game for several more hours to no more event. Soon Lazar and Enoch had to go home and Chance bid them farewell. As soon as they left his room he stripped off his spandex shorts and actually, out of curiosity, smelled them for a few seconds. Then they were in the hamper and he was off to the shower.