What's One More?

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#5 of The Light in My Darkness

"Daddy, why do I only look like Wally?"

Chiaro's head looked toward his daughter. She looked up at him with those big, curious eyes. God, she was growing so, so fast. Three years old. Almost four. How in the world was she almost four years old? She was going to start school next year! Wasn't he changing her diaper just... oh god, he hadn't changed a diaper in years.

Wait, what was the question?

Chiaro leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Sorry, princess, could you say that again?"

"Why do I look like Wally and not you?"

A question Chiaro had been prepared for. A question he had a good answer for. Yet, in the moment, it disappeared like air from a balloon. His mind drifted back to the conversation he had a few months ago with his husband, Walnut.

'Oh, come on, Chi," Walnut said. "She's a kid! You could tell her that you downloaded her off the internet and printed her out and she wouldn't question it!"

Chiaro shifted in the bed next to Walnut. "I know you're right, but...."

"It only seems weird to you because you grew up in a world where it wasn't possible to do what we did. Your frame of reference and context is misaligned from modern realities, but she has no such preconceptions."

Chiaro cocked his head and stared at Walnut and his stupid smirk. This fucking guy. One moment he's saying the most brain-meltingly stupid shit, and the next, he's making insightful observations and cutting straight to the heart of the matter. And he fucking knows how that contrast looks. And he knows Chiaro knows. And he knows Chiaro knows he knows. And that's why his face was covered in a big shit-eating grin.

But, he's right. He's totally right. Chiaro sighed. "Okay, but what do I actually say? Do I tell her about the procedure or--"

"Nah, you're overthinking it. Just tell her that there are different species, and you're one or the other, and if different species make a baby, it'll be one or the other.."

"I guess. But different species usually--"

Walnut rolled his eyes and smiled. "Chi, she's three years old. She's not looking for a biology lesson. She doesn't need to know about that stuff right now."

Chiaro nods. Walnut's right again. "I suppose that makes sense."

Walnut raised a finger. "Yup! When you're dealing with kids, you just gotta get in their heads. See things their way."

Chiaro smirked. "Well, you're definitely good at thinking like a child."

Walnut narrowed his eyes, who couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Well, could a child do this?" He slipped his hand into the dalmatian's pajamas and squeezed his canine vagina.

Chiaro grunted as his sensitive vulva tingled, but an imp of mischief latched onto his thoughts. "Yes, children are usually capable of grasping and manipulating objects with their hands."

"Oh, I'll show you manipulation." Walnut slipped a finger inside before leaning in and pulling the dalmatian into a deep kiss.


Chiaro blinked and stared into his daughter's big, wide eyes. "W-well, you know what a 'species' is, right?"

"Yeah! It's how Wally and me are squirrels, and you're a dog!"

"That's right! Well, usually, uh--well, sometimes." He scratched his ears. C'mon, Chiaro. You can do this. "So, okay, it's like... usually, you have to be the same species to make a baby, but sometimes, you don't."

Mira stared back at him, her expression unchanging. "But why do I look like Wally and not you?"

Oh, right--that was the question. "W-well, when you're a different species, and you make a baby, the baby only takes one of the parents' species. No mixing!"

He imagined Mira with white fur and black spots, and his tail started wagging.

"Oh!" Mira said, her face illuminating with the light of comprehension. "Like how there are boys and girls!"

Chiaro clenched his jaw. Kids sure do have a talent for saying things that cut deep. He was definitely feeling better about himself these days. It certainly helped that his husband loved him for who he was--a man in every way except for his genitals--but the sense that he was somehow strange... twisted... corrupted, even, lingered in the back of his mind. It probably always would. And his daughter just reached in and yanked it to the front of his thoughts. He swallowed, and his deep voice cracked. "Well--" Before he could say anything more, Mira spun around and skipped out of the room.

"Thank you, daddy!"

"You're welcome, princess." After she was out of sight, Chiaro put his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. It wasn't a big deal. He had healed enough. He'd be fine soon. But 'soon' wasn't 'now,' and the confusion and dysphoria struck him again. Why couldn't he just be normal? Like everyone else? It's not that he wanted male genitals. Sure, he would be fine with having a penis and testicles, but he was also happy with his vagina. It was that so almost no one was like him. Why did he have to feel so... different?

Then again, if he had been born with male genitals, he wouldn't be able to get pregnant. Would that life even be worth living?

Tension swirled around his muscular abdomen. The urges were picking up again. Memories of carrying Mira inside of him intruded more and more. He missed the feeling of his big, round belly. He missed looking at himself in the mirror and rubbing his hands up and down his spherical stomach. He missed his husband kissing and worshipping it. He was attractive, but when he was pregnant, he felt hot, and he wanted to feel that way again.

And, well... things were going pretty good. He was an in-demand physiotherapist, and a damn good one. And people pay damn good money for damn good medical care. As for Wally, he was promoted to lead programmer at his company, and was making even more than Chiaro. They could afford another child. Besides, Mira always talked about having a brother or a sister. They couldn't let her down, could they?

But what made the urges the strongest was the technology that let Mira exist in the first place. Before, limitations meant that the offspring would always be the same species as the one who provided the sperm, but this led to problems. Species evolve to deliver babies of their own kind, and not those of others. It wasn't a big deal for Chiaro. He and Wally were roughly the same size, so Mira's delivery wasn't hard; at least, not any harder than childbirth usually is. But he had heard horror stories. Recent advances, however, made it possible for the offspring to be the same species as the one who provided the eggs, and, more importantly, the one giving birth to them.

For Chiaro, this meant a little dalmatian puppy. What he had really dreamt of all his life. Don't misunderstand--he loved his daughter more than anything in the world. He would die for her. He would kill for her. But instinct is a powerful thing. And instinct told him that he needed to get knotted and pump out a puppy. The first part would have to wait until science got really freaky, but the second part? That was possible now. And he wanted it. He needed it.

But would Wally? Chiaro had brought it up a few times, and Wally seemed interested in maybe one more kid. Mira would be the perfect big sister age, too. He drummed his fingers against his chin. The more he thought about it, the more the time felt right. He got up and walked to Walnut's office. No hanger on the door... must not be too busy. Chiaro took a full breath and knocked.

"Come in!"

Chiaro gripped the doorknob, then looked down at his paw. Why was he nervous? This is nothing they hadn't done before. What's the worst that could happen? He exhaled, then shoved the door open.

Walnut spun around in his chair. "Good afternoon, handsome! And to what purpose do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" His goofy gaze quickly softened. "Hey, you okay?"

Chiaro nodded and walked up to Walnut. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, I was thinking--"

"Uh oh."

The dalmatian slugged his husband's shoulder. "I'll have you know that they're very good thoughts."

"Yeah? So why do you look like you're about to tell me my mom caught fire?"

Chiaro smirked and walked to the window. His tail wagged, shaking his hips back and forth as he put his paws on the window sill. "You know how Mira is always asking about a brother or a sister?"

"Oh, sure, I can put another one in ya."

The dog whipped his head around and stared at Walnut. The squirrel wore his signature all-knowing grin, but Chiaro smiled. "Well, yes, but--"

"Yeah, a puppy this time."

Chiaro threw his hands into the air and walked back to Walnut. "Man, you're not even gonna let me get all dramatic about it?"

"Nope! Honestly, Chi, I've been thinking about it too. Like, okay, did you see what Mira was doing yesterday?"

"With the potato?"

"Yeah! She was swaddling it like a pro! So I'm like, hey, whatcha up to? And she's like, this is my little brother!"

Chiaro's face broke into a pout. "Oh my god, that's so precious."

"It is! It was so damn sweet, I had to go brush my teeth after. But it also got me thinking, man, we can't let her be an only child. And now that you're drowning in money--"

"You make more than me."

Walnut chittered and waved his hands in front of his face. "Always getting bogged down in the details!"

"You're literally a computer programmer."

Walnut drew a large rectangle in the air with his fingers. "Big picture, Chi! What I'm saying is like, yeah, I'm ready. I think it's the right time for another kid."

Chiaro smiled. "Yeah. 'Family of four' has a good ring to it."

"It's a classic for a reason!" Walnut stood on his tiptoes and kissed Chiaro's snout. "And besides..." He slid his hand down his husband's stomach and slipped it under his form-fitting t-shirt. His finger glided along the gaps in the dalmatian's abdominal muscles. "I like this, but..."

The touch made Chiaro shudder, but the memory made him moan. "But what?"

With his free hand, Walnut made a semi-sphere motion over his husband's belly. "I miss seeing you big and round."


Walnut pulled Chiaro's shirt up, dropped to his knees, and kissed his belly. "It's just not the same, you know?"

With just a few words and touches, Chiaro felt like he had a fever. His knees shook as the squirrel pecked at his stomach. "Ugh, Wally..."

"But you know what I miss most of all?"

Chiaro grunted.

Walnut's voice dropped. "I miss Mira's big ol' kicks."

"Ah!" Chiaro's stomach turned, but it was nothing compared to the wonderful sensation of his daughter twisting and tumbling in his womb. Oh, how he needed to feel that again. How he needed to swell with his husband's puppies. How he needed to feel that perfect agony as his child stretched him apart as they inched ever so slowly down his vagina. Fuck. He didn't want to wait another second. He yanked his phone out of his pocket and darted out of the room, his tail smacking into the door frame as it whipped back and forth.

"I... I need to make a call."


Modern science is a marvel.

Imagine going to the doctor, having them mess with your reproductive organs a bit, and suddenly you can get knocked up by someone from a completely different species.

Chiaro didn't have to imagine. It was his reality now. The misery of the past week was almost as bad as his first pregnancy. Just as they had to wait a week to make sure the treatment worked on Wally, they had to wait again to make sure it worked on Chiaro. On top of all that, he had to be off his heat suppressants. The burning in his crotch was so bad that he was ready to fuck his bed post.

But now he could reap the rewards. The doctor gave him a clean bill of health, and he was so excited that he broke multiple traffic laws on the way home. But that was all in the past now. As Chiaro stood in front of Walnut's office, the flames of lust engulfed his body. God, he missed this excitement. This fire. This primal desire. He shoved open the door.

The squirrel spun around. "Oh, hey, Chi," he said lazily, then turned back to his screen. "What's up?"

Chiaro strode over to the chair and grabbed Walnut's shoulder. "You know exactly what's up."

"Huh?" Walnut said, looking over his shoulder. "Sorry, fill me in."

Bastard. The red-furred fuck had that little twinkle in his eye that he always had when he was being a shit. Chiaro spun the chair around, grabbed Walnut's other shoulder, and pulled him to his feet. "You are not fucking with me right now," he said, his voice a ragged growl.

Walnut's expression didn't change. "Huh. That's weird. Can't help but feel like that's exactly what you wa--whoa!"

The dalmatian yanked his husband toward him, picked him up and walked out of the room. "My pussy is fucking on fire."

"Should I call 911?"

Chiaro snarled, his nose wrinkling as he bared all his teeth at his husband. He groped Walnut's groin. "This. Now."

"Oh, my fire hose!"

The dalmatian usually would have rolled his eyes, but his mind was too much of a mess. The only thing that mattered was fulfilling his basest, most fundamental need. The entire reason for his existence. He kicked open their bedroom door, body slammed Walnut onto their bed, then threw himself onto his back next to him.

The squirrel giggled as he bounced twice--once from the impact, and once from the fit canine landing next to him. "Hey, you think Mira would like a bouncy castle?"

Chiaro ignored him. His trembling hands gripped his pants, and he yanked them down to his ankles. If he waited a single second longer, he feared his vulva would ignite.


Chiaro shook his legs wildly, and his pants slid off his feet and onto the floor. "Wally..."

Walnut scratched his chin. "Maybe just a trampoline. You know, I've always--"

The dalmatian grabbed Walnut's arm and whimpered as he shook his puffy black spade with his other hand. "Fuck, Wally, please..."

Walnut hopped to his feet, closed the door, then positioned himself between his husband's legs. He dropped to his knees, positioning his face in front of his vulva, but Chiaro reached down and pushed against his head. "No. Not today. Please, just fuck me, please..." His voice shook out of his throat, weak with desperation.

Walnut looked up, and the mischief in his eyes vanished. "That bad, huh?" he asked, his soft voice a stark contrast to his earlier teasing.

Chiaro whined and nodded.

The squirrel pushed himself to his feet and pulled his pants down. His erect cock leapt from his pants and pointed toward Chiaro's pussy. A bead of precum shimmered on the tapered tip as he leaned forward and prodded his husband's entrance.

As soon as Walnut's cock touched his vulva, Chiaro threw his head back and groaned. The cock wiggled for a moment against his lower lips, then sunk in, drawing another deep moan from the canine. His cunt spread and wrapped around Walnut's cock as it pushed deeper and deeper, until the squirrel's hips crashed into his glutes. His toes curled and he grasped the bed. All was right with the world again.

"God damn, I forgot how fucking hot your pussy gets when you're off the suppressants."

Chiaro looked up at Walnut, then down at the thick lips of his vulva wrapping around the squirrel's cock. "Hurry up and fuck me..."

Without a word, Walnut slowly pulled his hips back.

Chiaro clamped down, his soaking hot walls clinging to the cock as it dragged along them. Just as his insides closed up, the squirrel slammed balls-deep, splitting him wide open again and sending another shockwave of pleasure through his body. And again, and again, and again. Chiaro slammed his arms into the bed, taking fistfuls of sheets as his husband ravaged his pussy. He grunted and groaned and thrashed, the moment completely overtaking him. This was his purpose. This was why he existed. His pussy was going to suck up every bit of Wally's seed, and turn it into a big, healthy pup. Visions--memories--of his full-term belly pushed to the forefront of his mind, making his skin crawl. Or maybe it was the cock doing that. The cock that was...

Hey, why'd it stop? Chiaro craned his neck forward and looked at his husband with puppy dog eyes.

Walnut met his gaze and smirked. "Whew! Why you gotta be so fucking hot? Literally!" He reached back and pulled his shirt off with one hand. The red fur underneath crackled as static sprung from the fabric, leaving the squirrel looking even more fluffy than usual. After tossing his shirt on the floor, he slid his hand under Chiaro's shirt and rubbed circles around his nipples.

Chiaro shuddered as his sensitive chest tingled at the touch. He sat up just enough to pull his own shirt off, and Walnut leaned forward and kissed his pec as he resumed thrusting.

"God, you're so fucking hot," Walnut said as his thrusts settled into a rhythm. "And you're gonna be even hotter with our puppy in your belly."

The dalmatian moaned as Walnut's words titillated his mind. He tensed and released his pelvic muscles in time with the thrusts, as though trying to wring the cum out of his husband's cock. A wet squelch echoed around the room every time the squirrel speared his swollen cunt. Their shared fluids leaked out every time Walnut's balls smacked into his firm glutes. The physical sensation was incredible, but it was nothing compared to what was going on in his head. He was going to get pregnant again. He was going to be complete again. He shuddered and wrapped his arms around Walnut, digging his fingers into his shoulders.

Walnut smirked and laughed a shaky, breathy laugh. "Enjoying yourself, dear husband?"

Chiaro moaned in affirmation, then gasped and arched his back as Walnut slammed in hard.

"You want... more of that?"

"Ah... Wally..."

Walnut reached forward and stroked Chiaro's floppy ears. "Want more?"


Another squishy slap met their ears as the squirrel drove his hips forward. Then he did it again. And again. And again. Each impact shook Chiaro physically and spiritually. Each impact embodied the bond they shared. Each impact embodied the life that they had already made--and the life that they were making now.

The squirrel continued driving his cock into his husband, and they groaned and gasped and explored each others' bodies. They lost themselves completely in their lovemaking. Every desperate squish and squelch brought them closer to blissful release.

Soon, Walnut's moans picked up. "Chi... fuck..."

"Are... are you?" The thought made Chiaro shudder more than the fucking did.

"S-soon." The squirrel's breathing became more ragged. His big cheeks puffed out as little growls and grunts escaped his mouth. He planted more little kisses on Chiaro's chest and neck as his thrusts grew faster and faster. The bed thumped against the wall as Walnut ploughed the helpless dog.

"Fuck, Wally," Chiaro said, his usually deep voice now a high whimper. "Come on... fill me... give me my puppies..."

"Want me to make you big and round again?"

"Fuck! Yes! Make me a daddy!"

Walnut began shaking. He pressed his forehead against the dalmatian's solid pecs. "Oh my god, Chi... I'm going to fucking--"

Chiaro dug his claws into Walnut's back. "Breed me! Fucking breed me! Fucking br--"

His words disappeared into Walnut's mouth as the squirrel planted his lips on Chiaro's. The dog reflexively launched his tongue into his husband's maw, licking madly as his pussy slapped and squelched with each of the squirrel's frantic thrusts. He was so close. They were so close.

And then Walnut slammed into him and didn't pull out. The squirrel, lips still locked with Chiaro's, moaned loudly as his cock throbbed and clenched, spewing ropes of cum deep inside of the dalmatian. And Chiaro exploded. His legs, acting on their own, wrapped around Walnut's waist and pulled him as close as they could. He wailed into his lover's mouth, his whole face tingling as their orgasmic duet vibrated through each other's bodies. His claws dug deeper into the squirrel's back, snatching handfuls of fuzzy red fur. Walnut, still trembling, let off a few short, sharp thrusts, each accompanied by a guttural grunt as more thick seed spilled into Chiaro.

And Chiaro felt it.

He felt every last drop, clinging to his walls, squishing against his cervix, trying to squeeze through that narrow passage and fulfill their destiny. His pelvic muscles twitched and spasmed as though trying to will the cervix to stretch open and invite in as much seed as it could.

And then it was over. The thrusting stopped, and they gently released each other. Chiaro lay exhausted, tongue dangling out of the side of his mouth, panting faster than his heart beat. His tail wagged wildly beneath him, smacking back and forth off Walnut's legs. Eventually, he found the energy to slide his eyes toward his husband. His wonderful Wally. Father of his child--of his children. Love of his life. And he loved him more than ever right now.

"Damn, you really clawed me good," Walnut said with a chuckle.

Chiaro looked away. "Sorry."

"Nah, nah, I said clawed me good, not clawed me bad." Walnut pushed backwards, and his dick slipped out of the dalmatian. He glanced down at it. "Huh! Only a bit's dripping out this time. Guess it's because your cervix slurped it all up." He puckered his lips and made a wet sucking noise.

Chiaro laughed. That better have been it. A small load was the last thi--

Thump thump thump.

The noise sent ice through Chiaro's veins. He stared at Walnut with wide eyes, but the squirrel was already hopping back into his clothes.

"One second, sweetie!" Walnut said. He leaned over and scooped Chiaro's clothes onto the bed. His voice dropped to a raspy whisper. "Get 'em on!"

"But I'm leak--"

"Washing machines exist!"

A little voice came from the other side of the door. "Wally? Is daddy in there?"

Walnut hopped over to the door as he struggled into his shirt, and Chiaro pulled a blanket over himself as he tried to redress. Wasn't she asleep? Did they wake her up?

"Shh! We're playing hide and seek," Walnut said as the door clicked open.

"Oh." She sounded worried. "Was he crying?"

Two jolts coursed through Chiaro's body, one of embarrassment and one of guilt. Surely he wasn't that loud, was he? He thought for exactly one second and realized: yes, he absolutely was that loud.

"Not at all, sweetie! We were just having fun! C'mere, you."

After finally managing to wiggle into his pants, Chiaro stuck his head out of the top of the blankets as Walnut walked into the room with their daughter sitting on his shoulder.

"Hey! There he is! He was hiding under the blankets!" Walnut grimaced. "You're getting too big for this, Mira!"

Mira looked down at Chiaro and smiled. "It's stinky in here."

None of Chiaro's fitness training prepared his facial muscles for the strain they felt as he tried to keep them straight. He flicked his eyes to Walnut's, and the two shared a wide-eyed stare for a moment before he flicked them back to his daughter. "A-are you hungry, Mira?"

She nodded.

"Growing kids gotta eat! Let's go get some sunflower seeds!" Walnut said.

"Yeah!" Mira said, punching the air.

Walnut left the room with Mira bouncing on his shoulder. Before he stepped out the door, he looked back at Chiaro with an oh-god-that-was-close expression. He pulled the door shut with his foot, leaving the dog under the blankets.

Chiaro tossed the blankets aside, yanked his pants down, then looked at his underwear. Slimy semen lined the fabric as it oozed out of his pussy. He tensed up, rolled over, and pulled a short, thick, flared sex toy out of the bottom drawer of the bedside table, then unceremoniously jammed it inside of himself. He wasn't going to lose another drop. He was going to give his husband's load the best chance to baste his eggs and make him a daddy again.

But he certainly was not going to neglect the child he had now; she would get worried if he didn't join them for lunch. He quickly put on a fresh, tight pair of underwear, trapping the toy inside, then plodded out of the room as his stomach growled. Growing kids gotta eat, after all...


Chiaro clenched his husband's hand as they stared at the ultrasound monitor. It had been about sixteen weeks since that heavenly warmth spread through his loins, quenching his searing heat. It rewarded him with a quickly expanding belly, fulfilling his biological purpose and making him whole once more.

And boy, was it different from last time. Of course, he was expecting it to be. Dalmatian pups are larger than squirrel kits, after all. Still, he had compared his belly to photographs of his first pregnancy, and they seemed comparable to around the twenty-eight week mark last time. Dalmatian pups weren't that much bigger, were they?

Walnut drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair. "So, what exactly am I looking at? Like, when we did this with Mira, she was pretty easy to see, but I can't make out the shape this time."

Chiaro squinted as the slick, cold ultrasound probe slid up and down his round belly, making him shudder as it chilled him through his thin fur. He had to admit that he couldn't tell, either. Unless...

The technician smirked and grabbed the computer mouse. The cursor on the screen made circles around a shape. "Well, this is the head..." he said, then moved the cursor over to another shape. "And this... is another head."

Chiaro's eyes popped wide open, and he brought his free hand to his mouth. In the back of his mind, he knew this was a possibility... but he had never actually thought it would happen. He had never dared to dream it would. Behind his paw, his muzzle curled into a smile, and he looked at his husband.

Walnut's face told a different tale. He, too, had a hand to his mouth, but his shoulders slumped and his brow furrowed. He swallowed and slid his hand down to his chin. "Okay... so, just to be clear... when you say 'another head,' you mean--"

The technician smiled. "That's right. Two puppies!"