Jaded Journeys ( pt 2 )

Story by Wind Wolf on SoFurry

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Mmmm.. Disclaimers.. But first : Someone or some such rated my last story kinda nicely. Thanks, I'm glad it's appreciated and that at least one fur is enjoying it. Now.. The crap. If you aren't eighteen, or legal age, or.. I don't know. Purple? Very simply, if you shouldn't be reading this, don't. Or don't get caught. I, and the moderators of the site shouldn't get in trouble with your parents because they caught you wankin' or.. Whatever, to this site. Or this story.. Yadada. Oh, and again, White Wolf Studios stuff is being used in this story, it belongs to them. My characters : Mine. - Wind Wolf

Jaded Journeys ( pt 2 )

The moon.. It was full and bright, hanging above just partially cloaked in a veil of clouds that threatened the city with a cold winter rain.. But no one was outside. No cars were driving past, nor were they idling in the street. Despite the rain.. It almost sounded like thunder was brewing somewhere above. No.. Not thunder.. A heart beat. A foot hitting the decaying concrete with each stride.. He was running. Running.. Where? Was it even him? Why was he running.. His thoughts had no effect on his view as the scenery jolted up and down in slow motion, he had to be running hard.. But he didn't feel tired. The winter air should have been tearing up his throat, but it wasn't. His legs should be burning with fatigue.. But he barely felt them. And as the world went by.. Part of him wanted to stop, or reach out and touch a passing parking meter. His body didn't respond.. Old sights passed right by him, the face of his mother.. The woman he thought of as one, at least.. A short raven that seemed perpetually happy. She helped him when he couldn't remember what he was, or why he was.. Or what happened..

Over lapping the city scape, the broken down city apartment appeared infront of him. His step father hitting him.. Again, the drunken old man was wearing his old white shirt that was falling apart with his sweat pants. Bloated beer belly that only seemed to get bigger with each can of cheap American piss water brew he knocked back. The fourteen year old cub he was.. Suddenly the eyes of the cub broke, the brown within changed to an intense amber. His muscles grew and his bones snapped, clothes were torn away.. Until he dwarfed him.. Then pulled him apart like a rag doll, all in slow motion for Rain to see once again. He couldn't remember it.. But he remembered waking up in the blood.. In the gore. in the remnants of the man he thought was his father, with his fur soaked in blood. The taste in his mouth..

The vision was gone as quickly as it came, leaving him with the passing city scape as it began to rain. Kevin.. The one whom claimed to have been his step brother, living with him there.. Until he ran away.. Had he been telling the truth? What had happened.. Did Kevin betray him, when he summoned those Banes? When he took him to the corrupted place and showed him, showed him how he was kidnapped from his real family. In the walmart lot.. Seeing his mother running out of the story, looking for him, but unable to find him as the small car drove off. He was too far to see her.. Only her figure.. He couldn't even tell her fur color. He couldn't tell if it was real, or another lie. Why couldn't he see her face? Just once.. Just one memory to cling to.. If he'd had a real family, the family he was supposed to have.. Maybe he would have been different..

Instead of growing up in the city.. The big city.. Streets paved with blood, gun shots and broken beer bottles. Skipping school to make sure no one did stupid things in his neighborhood. To make sure no one fucked with his friends. Even before he shifted, he was a guardian. He just couldn't be there all the time, and they got hurt. Killed. Addicted to some damn drug or just, disappeared. Even after he changed, he could never be there when he was really needed. The whiskey kept him going. The fucking kept the loneliness away.. To be lost in another's arms, or to hold them when they really needed him.. It'd make the world not seem so bad. Until they died..

He was running through the country house he had shared with Jessica, she'd been a Kin.. She'd accepted his proposal to marry her, she was pregnant with his cubs. They'd just had a fight and he was coming home a day later to make things better.. He ran through the door that was left open, the house was dark and the walls were painted in taint. Black, inky sludge that smelt of melted road kill and tar. The phone was dead.. He ran up the stairs, turning down the hallway. Eyes in the darkness. A hot burn in his back : Silver bullet in the shoulder. He kept running, the figure was already gone and he had to find her. His heart began to slow and drop in his chest as he opened the door..

There she was. He'd found her, dead, her clothing torn up and her head lolled back where she sat limply in the chair. A pistol was hanging from a long dead paw. The writing was on the wall in her blood : "It's your fault." Her pretty face was no more, he'd never see her smile again.. The bomb, under the bed. The red numbers that ticked away, like some demonic child hood monster. He was out of the window before he even knew what he was doing, falling through the air as he turned. It was all still going in slow motion.. The way the glass was caught in the light of the clouded, dull grey winter sky.. It was so beautiful.. Just like falling rain. Even the explosion that rocked the house and shot from the window in a firey rage was so serene. It was art.. It was poetry in motion..

The glass turned into rain, and the house was gone. The day sky turned to night, and he was laying on his back outside of some bar in the city he'd been running in. "Colin.. Your drunk again.. Out in this, you'll catch your death.." The voice was thick in a Scottish accent, youthful.. The young, lanky yet lithe wolf picked him up under his arms and helped him into the bar. Into the back room where he stayed with the boy. Onto the bed where he flopped, landing on his back without the boy's support. His clothes were taken off, and he was left bare in his wet fur.. It felt so good to lay down in the familiar bed once again. To be there with him..

"You've been thinking about the past again.. Haven't you?" He asked with a sigh, his paws reaching down to brush through his wet jet black fur upon his chest. "Oh baby.. You can't change it.. But you've done what you've can, don't blame yourself.." Rain felt like he could say something. Like he could reply, if he wanted.. But he didn't. He just stared up at the white ceiling, thinking how it looked like the clouds on that day. The paws went down to his stomach, but he could barely feel them. His worst scars were across his gut.. More claw marks then he could count, burns, a shotgun blast from the day he was a little too slow and the Hunter was a little too fast..

"I'll make you feel better baby.. I love you.." His paws went lower, caressing across his sheath then lower still. His finger tips smoothly glided across his thighs, then down to his testicles. His frail claw tips were just trailing amongst the fur there, making him shiver and close his eyes. Taey's tongue began to lap at his rain soaked orbs, bringing a slow warmth to them.. His lips, just softly sucking at them so soft and yet.. So nice.. Firm, strong as they left him. Then the tongue was rolling up from the base of his sheath, slowly along the middle it traveled. "Taey.." He whispered as the tip of his lover's muzzle reached the tip of his sheath, the lips wrapped around the opening, sucking gentle as a cub to her mother's breast. "Shh baby.. Shh.. Let me make you feel better.."

Just a moment for words before his paws stroked across both sides of his thick, musk laden sheath, pulling back with care.. His length slid free little by little into the waiting muzzle's wet, delicate warmth. His long, lupine cock slid up and into it.. Then down his throat as Taey adjusted himself, inches disappearing little by little into it. His musk hung in the air with Rain's, mixing together and making an intoxicating aroma better then anything in the entire world. His cock made it's way down his throat, and he swallowed around it.. The waves of pleasure washed over him as though real ones would on the beach. All over his body, a soft wramth developed from the outside in.. He wanted to hold his breath as the heat rose in his chest.

The muzzle began to slide away, making him whine a low plead to the fellow cub pleasing him, even the thought of the sweet pleasure being denied to him was too much. Just as it felt like the muzzle was going to slip away.. The lips locked around the head of his pride, sucking on it as though that was all that mattered.. A paw cupped his balls, squeezing and releasing them at a slow yet steady pace. The other paw came to the length, gripping it firmly at the base by his forming knot.. Then stroking up, to match the pace on his testicals in an alternating fashion. It was just like heaven, and as he closed his eyes, all he could see was the face.. Taey's face. A face he would never forget in this life or the next.

The breath he wasn't breathing caught in his throat as his balls drew up close to his body, and his eyes squeezed shut as his length began to fire rope after rope of his thick, hot seed into the muzzle that brought him so much joy. For every rope that was sent, the hungry wolf on his cock swallowed, not a single drop of the prize was to escape.. And slowly his body lost it's tension, and he fell down onto the tangled sheets beneath him. He was panting again as his lover crawled up over his body, his arms slowly slipping around his chest as he leaned in and kissed Rain. The wolf kissed back just as contently, the passion gone from the both of them, replaced with tenderness.. Caring.. Sheer love for each other. Rain sucked his own cum from Taey's muzzle as their tongues twined and danced with each other. As he opened his eyes, and looked into Taey's.. All was right in the world. And he just wanted to say then, the one thank you, the one 'I love you', he'd not said before he left..

Just as his muzzle started to work the words, Taey, the back room of the bar, the rain beating on the window.. It was all gone. And for a moment there was nothingness, before the hospital room faded into his vision. The steady beeping of a heart monitor, an IV in his wrist.. The smell of sterile, barrenness in the air. Outside there was a storm, rain and wind throwing themselves wantonly up against an unmoving window. He could see it.. Just not hear it. A PA sounded somewhere in the distance as his head turned to find an aging fox with her blonde hair pulled up in a bun looking down at him, a pair of black wire framed glasses upon her face framed her almost disapproving eyes. Judging him before she knew him. Some punk that got shot in a bar. But he could tell deep down, she was glad he was ok.

"Your lucky to be alive, young wolf. The bullet didn't hit any major organs and did minimal bone damage, but you lost a lot of blood. You'll have a scar.. Another one.. Do you want to tell me where you got these?" She pulled down his blanket, then pulled up his gown to poke one of them with a filled, red painted claw tip. Rain looked dully down at it, just over his muzzle, then back up at her. "What about.. This one? Or.. This one? I'd love to meet the doctor that saved you after those, it looks like someone took a chainsaw to your hide.." He just stared at her as she spoke. Taey.. He didn't get to say good bye, he didn't get to say he loved him.. Again.. "Who are your parents? Whats your name? How old are you?" All were things he didn't really know.. He guessed he was around fourteen, but he just knw the name his 'step parents' gave him. He changed from that.. Again and again, he kept making enemies. Old memories he needed to get away from. A new life with a new name.. It never really worked. The memories and enemies came back. But it was worth a try..

"Are you a run away?" He felt like he wanted to cry, but he held the tears back. He didn't want to cry anymore. He didn't want to feel it.. The tears running down his cheeks.. He wouldn't cry. All he needed was a bottle.. The doctor looking down at him began to speak after a moment's pause. "I'm going to put you on a little more something for the pain, and give you an injection to help you get more sleep.." She tucked him in again, leaving his arms exposed as she took a needle from her coat along with a vial, and drew a dosage followed by testing the needle. As she reached down and took his arm, and was about to press the needle to his flesh, he grabbed her wrist and held it tight. Not with force.. More like desperation. His head turned to face her, and his eyes met with her's. "Please.." He begged, lowering his voice with a true need. "Don't make me sleep anymore.." The sadness in his eyes was a one rarely seen and it caught her off guard. He let his grip loosen as she slowly removed it from his grasp, but she couldn't look away from his oak brown eyes.

".. I'll be back to check on you in an hour, if you need anything, press the button there by your bed and a nurse will.. Come.. Excuse me." She turned and walked in a hurry from the room, closing the door behind her. Her voice had started to break, he almost could swear he saw something in her eyes.. Blue, such nice blue eyes.. He saw them as he looked up towards the foam tiles of the ceiling and the dull glow of the lights. But they weren't her's. They were that fox's, what was his name..? He couldn't quite remember, but it seemed like he knew it.. Or should. Almost like Taey's, only a different color. "Taey.. I know you'll never hear me.. Or my voice again.. But I love you.. Wherever you are.. I love you so much.. I'm so sorry.." The words were lost to all save the wolf, words that his long since gone lover would never hear.