Prizon Love

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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This is yet another work of gay furry smut by me, Damionstjames. If you are offended by incest, watersports, scat, beastiality, or gay sex in general...stop reading. Otherwize unzip your fly and have a great read.

If you want a story typed just for you, with whatever content, write me at [email protected] or

"Prizon Fur..." (Yeah I know it's been done, bite me.) This story is (c.) me and all characters are mine, but if you want to use them, just ask politely. 3-5-2004

Prisoner 97206 was laying upon his bunk. He was tired and lonely. He couldn't beleive his sour streak of luck lately. For one; all his Bob Barker endorsed shower flip-flops had broken...meaning he had to take showers in bare feet, Two; he had lost his cellmate in a rather tragic accident a week ago. The poor spaniel had been running laps, when some prisoners started fighting. Eventually, the bullets flew, and his poor roomate had to pay the price for merely being there.

No, 97206 was not happy. "97" as he was called, was a lifer. He had earned that sentance for involuntary furslaughter. No one had ever learned what 97 did to get that sentence, every time he is asked, he goes quiet and just stares off into space.

It was a rainy afternoon. 97 was now staring out at the rain...wondering if a storm would brew. Storms were good days for sex...when his cellmate was alive that is. Storms distracted the guards...not that the guards really watched his cellblock anyway.

He was getting bored by the second. He had to do something. He unziped the top of his sleevless cover-all uniform, and let it hang around his waist, and grabed onto the water pipe in the middle. Once he had a good firm grip (he always thought he had a good firm grip), he let himself dangle. He looked this way and that, the front of his white brief underwear showing clearly. He didn't care. Fuck it if somone sees his cockbulge. He had chinups to do.

1..........2..........3..........he began to count in his head...god how he missed 88. 88, or 88727, was his former roomate. He wasn't a lifer, he was going to be out within weeks. It just angered him. It angered him so much...he didn't even notice his cell door open.

"Here ye go boyo...97 her is a ye better cout yer lucky stars I didn't put you in with 23 like I wus planin." Came the voice of McCobb, the head guard on the block. He was an older scotty, and polite as hell, but not one to piss off. He threw somone inside and shut the door, causing it to shut with a loud clang.

Only now did 97 look. His eyes had to be playing tricks...there was now a rather boyish looking kitsune was sitting on the bunk on the oppisite side of the room, the one mainly reserved if there was a third party invovled. 97 dangled there, the front of his coverals drooping lower...and he noticed the boyish kitsune staring at his nether reigons.

The boyish kitsune was staring up at a very athletic dingo. The dingo was half naked, and he hoped he would get more naked...but the poor boyish kitsune was too scared to say anything.

"Ooo are you?" Asked 97 in his thick aussie accent. The very boyish male just lifted his head, his long black hair falling over his face, making his look very enigmatic. 97 inwardly gulped...he was feeling a bit of attraction.

The boyish male sat forward, and pushed his long greasy black locks aside. "Jacob..."

97 made a frustrated half frown and dropped to the floor, hiking up the cover-alls a little. "No...we don't use names here, we use the first two digits of your prisoner number. What are those?"

The boyish male, still nervous, looked around the cell. It was old, and the floor sloped inward towards a central drain, so any liquids deposited onto the floor would be promptly taken care of. Behind the large half naked dingo, was a set of bunks hanging from the wall, they were the kind that folded in if necessary. There was a desk next to the dingo on his left, and a sink and toilet. It was not the kitsune's idea of a home, but it was not as if he had much of a choice.

"I am...13 I suppose..." He said with a half grin.

"13? So you're some kind political prisoner...something...stupid like that?" The dingo's aussie accent inquired. The boyish kitsune looked over at the dingo, only now noticing the tribal tattos that seemed to cover the male's entire body. They were tempting to get closer to and investigate.

"Yeah. I am guilty of insurance fraud. Tried to scam my insurance company. Um...nice tat's by the way." 13 said softly. The dingo raised his eyes and bowed his head in a thank you gesture.

"Thank you. Insurance fraud eh? Lousy in for involuntary furslaughter. If I trust you enough...I might tell you what happened." The dingo said. "I'm 97. I used to be named Nygel, but just call me 97. I'm really a nice guy like the guard said. No worries and all that shyte." 97 said with a smile.

13 tilted his head. "You queer or something?" He asked. 13 just, picked up on some vibes, but lacked the real tact to ask in a better way.

"Am I queer? Well strait to the point now are we? What makes you ask that? That's really rather rude and I don't apriciate such bluntness." 97 said frankly. 13 recoiled, and looked out with his jade green eyes and then looked away.

"Well...all I ment was that most nice inmates are...that way. Just thought i'd ask."

97 turned his back on 13...he sighed. He wanted to say yes, but the way that 13 went about everything had him perterbed.

"Im going to nap" was all 97 said, ending the conversation.


97 was right about the storm. It was a major one. Everything was shut down, and most guards had to be sent home to avoid it. No one could escape, so why worry?

97 was half asleep, reclining in his underwear, halfway under his covers. Every once in a while,

lightning would crackle across the sky, illuminating the near pitch black room. 97 Sighed, this new cell mate was attractive, but a yutz.

And then, he herd something strange. He turned over, and saw 13, illuminated in the lightining, in his boxers. He was sitting upon the matress of his bunk and was shaking like a leaf...scared shitless. 97 turned over onto his oppisite side, presenting his back to him once again. "So what if he's scared," thought 97, "The bugger shouldn't have asked me that. So what if I AM queer, it's because I'm queer that I'm here in the first place. I should have been faithful, and not cheating on Dylan. God, why did my gun have to go off? I just ment to threaten..."

97 broke his concentration once agian, to look at 13. He was still shaking like a leaf. It seemed sad. 97 sat up, and ran a hand over his head. It was against his better judgement, but he threw the covers aside, and hopped down silently. He wagged his tail for a moment, and hiked his breifs up as he walked towards 13. He held his hands out in a non violent gesture.

"Ay mate...look you alright?" He asked...taking a few steps closer.

13 shook his head. "I'm scared of storms...and I've never been away from home before." 13 said trembling. 97 then rubbed his head, not sure what to do.

"Never? How old are you anyway?" He asked.

"18." 13 replied.

"Christ!" 97 said in disgust. "And they throw an 18 year old in here, and all you did was some lousy insurance fraud? Fuck...that's lousy. Why haven't you ever left home?" 97 asked, squatting down next to 13.

13 looked over at the next to naked 97, and couldn't help but feel attracted once again. He was scared, and he was gay as well. He didn't want to admit it, but he was. However the tenting in his shorts betrayed him. "I was too scrared."

97 noticed the tenting in the shorts. He stared at it. A rather healthy lump was down there. 97 Smiled and sat down on the bed next to 13. He could feel the blood pumping to his groin as well.

"Look. Lets start over. I'm 97, I am 32 years old, I have one son, and yes I am queer." He said with a smile.

13 looked over, a tenitive smile comming across his face. "Really?"

97 purred. "Yea mate. I just, didn't want you to just base me on some stereotype. bout a hug...k? Friends?" 97 offered. No sooner had he opened his arms, than the boyish kitsune had wrapped his arms around him in a hug. " there's a good lad."

97 hugged the boyish frame against his buff one. He was so warm and 13's fur was so soft and fine it was pleasnt against his own fur. 97 sighed, their groins almost touching as he hugged the teen. 13 sighed with great releif, and then sat back down. He panted for a moment, and then tossed his greasy locks back.

"You'll have to forgive me...I may be scared...but...Im kind of horny. You're so cute and all..." 13 said, sheepishly. 97 shrugged. He can take the compliments, and his heart was begining to open to this stranger.

"Masturbate if you want." 97 said, as if it was just nothing. 13 stammered and looked down.

"You mean, in front of you?" 13 asked.

"Well think of it this way, I have a mind to join why don't we both eh?" 97 said, to ease the tension. 13 checked to see if anyone was looking. The cost was clear down the long corridors. Undoubtedly, somone else in the prizon was probably doing more thought 97, as he snuck a peek at the small yet firm rump of 13. 13 had his tail was lifted, almost in invitation. 97 shrugged, better now than never.

"Well?" He asked.

13 turned around, a new look of confidence on his face. "Ok..but only if you'll do it with me." 13 said.

97 stood, and pulled open the fly to his breifs. Out of his sheath was his mean 8 incher. His cock was tan, just like his fur, and it glistnened with pre in the lightning. He looked down at himself. 97 had earned his body, from years of eating right and working out. 97 leaned down, and started stroking himself, as 13 sat on his bunk, and dropped his clothing completely.

97 stopped stroking...he was stunned. Sure, 13 had a boyish, almost female frame, 13 had the biggest cock he had ever seen. 12 inches at least! 97 mrred...and started stroking himself a little faster. 13 seemed impressed at what he saw, and wrapped his left hand around himself, and started pumping.

The two stared at one another, pumping away slowly. No one said a word. 97 looked at 13, and couldn't help it, he dropped his drawers, and sat next to him. 97's entire body was done in sharp tribal tats, including his cock. It made him really special to look at. 13, using two hands on his cock, pumped away slowly and gingerly.

As the moments went by, 97 didn't notice, but 13 was leaning closer and closer...their faces now inches appart. 97 could feel the hot and lusty breath of 13 upon his was inticing. Slowly very slowly 13 made his move, and pressed his lips to 97's. They pushed their lips back and fourth against one another, untill 97 was bold and opened his mouth in invatation. 13, inexperienced in this, crept in very slowly, his delicate tongue tasting at him slowly. 97 closed his eyes, sighed out of his notrils, and brought their muzzles into full clasp.

Their kiss, took 13 to a place he had never been before. A type of pleasure through physicality that his young body had never known. He had to stop masturbating...he wanted to lose himself in nearly climb inside of this man that was treating him so nicely now. Their tongues lapped at one another, and occasionaly would freeze, and embrace one another...their tasebuds overflowing with the tremendous overload of flavor. 97 then finally pulled back, and sat back a few inches, opening his eyes. 13's eyes were still closed, and he was still panting. 97 smiled...

"Such innocence..." He thought. "But...can I really be falling in love? After all this?" He wondered.

"Why........why did you stop?" 13 asked, taking long deep breaths now, still very high from the phyisicality.

97 leaned in. "Are you a virgin?" He asked.

"Yes." 13 answered without hesitation.

97 then reached out with a tenitive hand, and took the bottom of 13's chin in his hand, and looked into his eyes. Their eyes met for the first time really. Their faces were drawn towards one another...the others eyes...were so deep. 97 saw 13's eyes of green, recalling they were like two glassy emeralds in the low light. 13 was so awestruck that he couldn't hope to try to describe such beauty.

"How about, we take care of that. I would like that...if you are." 97 offered.

"Yes...take me..." 13 whispered...laying himself flat upon the bunk. 97 then took himself, and laid his body on top of 13, spooning himself without crushing him. Their mouthes met once more in one breif kiss, before 97's tongue began to lick very slowly across the roll of 13's chin, and down the bottom of his muzzle. The sensation was so warm and tingly to 13, all he could really do was breathe...and stare off towards the concrete ceiling above him. He took his hands, fingertips mostly, and began to trace them across the valey of 97's spine, then working them back up his shoulderblade ridges, and finishing by going across his ribs to return to the vally of his spine. 97 started to controll his breathing, breathing in long slow breaths as he licked and kissed his way down, now at the base of 13's neck.

97 was pleased that 13's body was so toned, nearly girly, it allowed him better access to all the body's hot spots. Without hesitation, he traced his way to his right, onto 13's left, and began to suckle on the traprezius area, just above the collarbone. 13 shook his tail a little, and continued to trace his fingertips along the naked ribs of 97...speachless...and all around not sure what to do. Should he do something? Should he merely ride the pleasure? Should he demand that 97 merely give him the "prizon bitch" special and be done with it? So many questions...

97's mind was much clearer...he was focused upon pleasing 13...and giving his body a pleasure that it never has, or perhaps, never will experience outside of him again. He traced over to his left, and nibbled onto the thick muscle of 13's neck, causing him to tense around and under him. 13's arms sprang upward and wrapped around him as he did this...embracing the two once more. 97 smiled, and releaced his teeth, grinning as he went down slower...the skin of his tanned penis grazing 13's. 97 went down to the sternum of 13, and planted another kiss, before taking his handds up and over 13's bring them over and upon his pecs. 13 wimpered, and moved his legs about as one might when writhing in pain. 97 was some it might seem as if 13 was faking this erotic display, but no, it was genuine. 97 then stopped going slow, and moved quickly upon 13's right nipple, licking and circling his tongue across it.

13 closed his eyes. How in the world would he ever stop from cumming? Surely he would never make it...surely not. "Oh no..." 13 began to think to himself "...he's going lower. Now he's licking my little tummy...licking at my belly button guess one is ment to. I feel so good! No ammount of porn has ever made me feel like this...nothing. Oh god...what is he doing now? Lower? Lower?? LOWER!!"

97 had taken the large sausage that was 13's cock...and had plunged it down into his throat without care. The tenderness was he felt like being lusty, animalistic. The cock in his mouth had the sweet virgin flavor. The skin was untainted, soft, and fresh. He opened his eyes, and kept them focused on 13. 13 looked like a gunshot victim (which sad to say he knows what lookes like), the way 13 had his eyes wide and was breathing so fast and heavy. 97 wraped his lips around towards the front, and started to bob at a rate of about 3 inches up, and 7 down, a gesture that had him deap-throating in no time. 97 had skill, but he had his limits. 97 went untill he could go down no further, and had to break eye contact in order to keep it up. He bobbed up and down, working his breath in a fluid motion so he wouldn't exhaust himself. He could taste precum leaking out of 13's was amung the saltiest he had ever tasted. It must have ment that 13 was a strong cummer.

13 wanted to scream, he wanted to moan in extasy, he wanted to talk dirty...but part of this was that they were in prison and so they had to be quiet. He let his breathing and his gaping mouth tell the tale for him. 13 felt he was going to cum, he wanted to cum - yet he also wanted to keep this going on forever. He wouldn't have lost anything if he just shot his load from a BJ. No, he would have to do more. And as if 97 understood his thoughts, he gave his cock one last suckle...and pulled off. 13 looked down, his cock so moist from 97's saliva and his own precum, it looked like some 12 inch wet snake comming out of his body. Never had he really seen it like this before, and it was a sight to behold.

"What now?" 13 asked in a whisper.

"Well, I leave that up to you. Do you want to fuck me first or do you want me to take your precious virginity first?" 97 asked tenderly.

13 thought. If he fucked first, and came, then he really wouldn't be in the mood for much more, yet, if he was fucked first, then shot his load later, then perhaps he would be completed properly.

"Fuck me first." 13 said in a near-beg. 97 nodded, whispering for 13 to get on his little hands and knees. 13 rolled onto his belly, and pushed himself upward, presenting. 97 then looked down, and carressed 13's small and firm butt. How would he do this? Anal sex was nothing to joke about. There was going to be pain, and pleasure, but it was more the pain on 13's part that he worried about.

"Ok...well...I'm going to do this the old fasioned way. It'll hurt, but it'll break you in faster. Here take this pillow and bite down into it. Im more or less going to just...jump in. No lube or nothing." 97 said. 13 nodded as if he understood, and took the pillow into his mouth. He bit down hard, and was ready. 97 positioned himself behind him in his knees, and pushed his cockhead agianst 13's hole gently. He leaned in to speak once more. "If it's anything...I think I'm falling in love with you..."

"Go ahead...and...likewise..." 13 whispered.

And 97 started his spearing. Sure, it hurt alot. 13 had never had anything like this happening, oh how he bit into that pillow. The de-virgination process that 97 was using was brutal, and he didn't stop plunging inward, no matter how much it stung. Oh would the pain stop? Is all gay sex this painfull? But...97 had reached the peak of his member, minus the knot of course, and started humping. Sure, he knew he was bleeding, but 13 was glad for it a little bit, because the blood acted as lube. It took 3 minutes from the initial penetration, before he started to feel it, a pleasure that his youthful body had not encountered. He now knew what a G-spot really was, because 97 hit it every time. He wanted to scream again, so this time he screamed a muffled moan into the pillow, letting his front relax as he held his rump upward to not incumber the angle in which 97 was humping. 97's gentle hands then traced across 13's back, massaging it ever so gently as he went. 97 had not felt an ass this tight around his member before, and he knew he wouldn't last long, not at all.

"Oh shit...I'm gonna cum..." 97 admitted. The sex had not been going on long, 15 minutes at that moment, but 97's stamina was going threw a new type of wringer...the wringer of 13's ass.

"Already?" 13 whined.

"Yeah - ugn - um...we'll have to try this again sometime...but...oh shit!" 97 whispered, as his cock gave a quick jerk, and he started to ejaculate. All 13 felt was a bit of throbbing in his ass, and as if he had been filled a little bit...he wasn't sure what to expect. He almost wanted to say "That was it?", but no...he knew that 97 had had a painfully good orgasim. He knew how his cock was when he came, and by the way that it twitched and jerked, oh it had to be a big one.

For 97, it was unlike any orgasm. It WAS orgasam. The ammount of cum he deposited mattered little, the fact that he came that hard, sent his head spinning...and he pulled out and laid himself down, missionary style. 13 then turned around...and looked at 97's cock, a little red, but oozing some white goo out of the tip. "Eh...I'll suck that later...I wanna fuck now." He thought. He asked what he was to do then, and 97 instructed him on how to enter. 13 then crawled into the position, poking his cockhead at the entrance of 97, also waiting as he had done.

97, comming down from the high that normally comes from ejaculation, told 13 to do the same, to spear it in, no matter how much it would hurt. "No matter how much it hurts...for you...I'll endure it." 97 said in a cheesy yet romantic line. 13 nodded...and started. 97's ass was more seasoned, yet had never encompased anything like this before. 97 was biting his lip and groaning in a low feral growl as 13 felt the moist and sticky feeling of the mucus membranes of 97's colon slowly closing around his deliciously delicate dick. 13, was without a knot, but made up for his lack with his sheer size. Immediately, he started humping, moving inch in, inch out. He felt like he was literally milking himself, the pleasure was insurmountable. He leaned down and kissed at 97, panting.

"Oh god this is increadible! I had no clue!" He muttered. 97 groped 13's ass, and helped to guide him, so that was he was going slower...but now he was gliding that whole length in and out. Both, recognized the difference in pleasure and nearly passed out. Their sweat was starting to drip, and the storm was picking up intensity. It was so loud and the wind was howling, they tempted fate, and declared their love vocally by screaming in extasy. 13 felt an urge now - now as they screamed to go harder, faster, deeper. His cock was his way to climb was his way to get into the man that said he was falling for him. He had to do this. Faster and harder he went, the skin of 97's asshole was so wonderful, it was almost like that blowjob earlier. Oh what now...he felt himself throbbing already...he felt...oh holy shit!

13 felt as if his nuts were yanked into his body, squeezed like grapes, and his asshole clench like nothing he had ever felt. He was cumming...he could feel his cum splattering out the sides of 97's asshole like when you hold your thumb over a hose. With each rope, he gave a noise like a "Gah...", and laid himself lower...and lower, laying into 97's embrace...


"Shhh...sleep've had a long day. And think...we get to spend much much more together.

13 nodded...and passed out. 97 smiled, and listened to the sound of 12's breathing. He was sleeping, still inside of him, happy for the first time in days. Sure, he'd get yelled at for fucking, but he'd tell them the truth. They fell love.