A Pup Joins the Family

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#2 of A Pup's Day Out

A follow up to my previous story, but this time focusing on the pups (un)lucky enough to be forced into servitude. This one is a little darker than the previous one but I promise it has a happy ending. It ended up being way longer than I anticipated (10k+ words) but I hope you all enjoy it :)

It was 9 months before I got adopted. 3 months in processing and 6 months at the obedience school. 6 months of rules and commands and torture. I hadn't even passed my first exam. Month after month of eager eyed pups willingly did what they were asked, and advanced to the next level. But that wasn't me. I wasn't a pup. Everyone else here was someone who chose to be here or someone whose psych evaluation declared them a pup. But I had passed my psych eval at 18. It indicated I had aggressive, dominant tenancies. The opposite of a pup.

But I had made the mistake of trying to rob someone. I could try to justify it, say I needed money for rent, or that I didn't mean to hurt anyone. But unfortunately for me, none of that mattered. I had tried to mug someone on the street and even managed to cut them with a shitty switchblade. It turned out that they were a cop. My lawyer told me I could expect 5 years in prison and I had made my peace with that. But the judge decided to instead turn me over to the Department of Pup Affairs and have me trained as a pup. Which was a lifetime commitment.

I spent so much of those first few months begging for them to reconsider, asking anyone who would listen that I didn't belong here. But nobody listened. After a few months in a processing center, I was sent off to an obedience school on the other side of the country. But not before paying a visit to the vet.

The vet was a doctor trained specifically in treating pups, and he examined every part of me to make sure I was healthy. He roughly inspected my canine muzzle and fangs. Being a wolf, I have always been proud of my sharp, dangerous looking teeth, but in the hands of that vet I felt so vulnerable and weak. He trimmed my coat, cutting it almost to the skin. I almost cried when I saw my beautiful, luscious gray fur fall to the grimy vet office floor. I tried to beg him to stop, but he didn't even acknowledge my protest. Just continued on with his work as if I hadn't said anything. The worst part was when he inspected my hole. His latex gloved paw explored my hole with brutal efficiency, and he inserted a large metal rod into my asshole. I don't know how it worked, but the rod shocked me and milked orgasm after orgasm from me, each more painful than the last, until my cock was twitching but nothing was coming out. After that, he locked my now sore dick in an incredibly tight chastity cage and sent me on my way.

That was a turning point for me. Before the vet, I had been at the processing center. At the time I hated it, but I had my own bed, and my own bathroom. I had been allowed to use furniture and eat meals with forks and spoons. I could even jerk off. Fuck, I barely remember what that feels like now. I was only there until they could get all my paperwork in order, something that took longer since I was a court appointed pup. They also took the time to explain my new rights, or lack thereof. I refused to believe them. That they were really going to strip me of all my rights and turn me into a common pup. But it happened all the same, whether I wanted it to or not.

Then came the 6 months of obedience school. Crammed into a room with a dozen other pups, forced to obey any command our trainers gave us. Sometimes they would place a bowl of food in front of us and tell us to wait, and come back hours later to see if we had broken. Or they would have us perform tricks, anything from paying fetch to begging. Sometimes they would "reward" us with a walk outside. I hated that the most. They would take us around the outside of the training facility where everyone could see us, our collars marking us as pups-in-training, and lead us on all fours around the property a few times. I hated knowing that the entire world saw me as just another pup when I knew I wasn't. I was a person.

But everything changed when a trainer approached me and told me I had been adopted. It came as a shock to everyone, most of all me. I was the least advanced pup in the school. Every other pup was more obedient, more submissive. Why would anyone want me?

The person adopting me, my new owner, was a large skunk named Maurice, although he made it very clear I was only to ever call him master or sir. He was quite big, with a large belly and a massive tail. But what was most striking about him was his musk. A thick, earthy aroma that followed him around like a cloud. I was taken in a large van by the obedience school to my new owner's home, a large, spacious, top floor apartment with its own private balcony. Everything in it was new and shiny.

"Alright, pup, welcome to your new home." We had moved to the living room and I was kneeling in front of Maurice while he relaxed in an armchair. He was wearing a collared shirt and slacks which stretched tightly over his large form.

"Why did you adopt me?" I tentatively asked.

"Bad pup!" His hand shot out and gave me a hard slap across the face. "I did not give you permission to speak. And you are to address me as sir, do you understand?"

I clutched my cheek and looked up at him in shock.

"Well, do you?"

"Y..yes sir." I finally said.

"Good puppy." He scratched my head. My headfur still hadn't finished growing in from when it had been cut, but the sensation of being scratched and petted still felt good.

"But you are right, you deserve an explanation." Maurice continued to pet me, scratching me under the chin. I couldn't help but wag my tail and my tongue lolled out of my mouth in enjoyment.

"You see, I already have a pup of my own. He's off at obedience school right now getting recertified. You know how it is. And honestly he is the best pup an owner could have. Truly one of a kind." The skunk's voice filled with pride as he discussed his other pet. "And I wanted to get him a present, to thank him for being so good. And I thought what better gift than a playmate for him. Someone to keep him company when I'm away. And, if you are good for the next month or so, that could be you."

Is that all I was? Not even good enough to be a proper pet, just a cheap toy for a real pup. And how long before that pup, or his owner, decided I wasn't good enough. What would happen then?

"Frankly, you are all I can afford at the moment. I would have gone for a fully trained pup, but I'm still paying off my last one. So I'm stuck with you. You're an ugly mutt, I'll admit, but my pup won't mind. And even an ugly pup still has plenty of holes to use." The skunk laughed, his rotund body shaking. I whined in apprehension. I had my tailhole occasionally inspected, such as by the vet, but proper fucking was something that was taught later on in obedience school.

"Now, tell me pup, do you have a name?" The skunk guided my head so I was looking up at him.

"Yes, my name is-"

"No, bad pup." He slapped me again and I whimpered. "I am your owner and I have not given you a name, therefore you don't have one. Your trainers told me that you are quite the little Rascal. So why don't we go with that. Rascal. I think it fits you. Does puppy like his new name? Yes he does." Maurice pinched my cheek and spoke to me in a mocking, singsongy voice.

"No! My name is-" I snapped back but one harsh look from Maurice turned my outburst into a low whine.

"It looks like I can't trust you to speak for yourself just yet." The skunk shook his head, disappointed. "Oh well, I had expected as much." The large skunk rummaged in a large duffel bag next to the armchair, removing a large bone-shaped gag. "Open up, pup." I shook my head and whined, but I knew not to resist when Maurice pried open my mouth and inserted the large red bone and secured it in place with the straps.

"Much better now. You look so cute like that, don't you pup?" Maurice gave me a pat on the head before returning to the duffel bag. "Here's how things are going to work. Seeing as you aren't the most obedient, we are going to take away some of your privileges, and when you've proven yourself obedient enough, you'll get them back."

I looked up at him, my new master, realizing how much power he had over me now. He took away my ability to speak, what would be next? And if he could give me my privileges back, did that mean he could remove the horrible cage from my cock? Unable to ask him, I whined and groped my cage.

"Awww, is puppy horny?" The skunk chuckled. "You're a pup now, no need to worry about pesky things like erections or orgasms from now on." He gave me a scratch under my chin. "If you are good I might consider letting you cum next year, but don't expect that cage to come off."

I whined and felt my ears press down against my head. I knew that pups needed to be caged. They were weak willed and too horny for their own good, and if left to their own devices they would spend all day jerking off rather than serving their superiors. But I wasn't like that. Sure, when I had been free, I jerked off every day, sometimes multiple times a day. But I didn't belong in a cage.

"Let's finish getting you geared up, and then I can show you where you'll be staying." I stopped trying to resist him and after all was said and done, my legs were bound to my thighs and my hands were locked in padded cuffs, so that if I wanted to move around, all I could do was crawl around on all fours. And if I needed to do anything that required the use of my hands, I would need to rely on my new master.

Maurice led me by my collar around the apartment, making sure to go slowly so I could get used to walking on all fours. I caught a glimpse of a bedroom through one of the doors.

"This is the master bedroom, if you are a good boy, I might even let you share my bed. I bet you would like that, wouldn't you puppy?"

Despite how much I didn't want to be here, the thought of sleeping in a real bed, even with a skunk who I barely knew, sounded amazing. I stopped myself from nodding but I couldn't stop my tail from wagging.

"Awww, yes you do, puppy. Well, you'll only get that opportunity if you really earn it. Most times you will be staying in our puppy playroom."

He led me to a windowless door which had been outfitted with a large sliding lock. He clicked the lock open and led me inside. The room beyond was windowless, brightly decorated with a soft, comfortable carpet covering the floor. One wall taken up with a large rack of sex toys, from massive dildos and butt plugs to whips and floggers. In the center of the room was a metal cage not quite tall enough to stand up in with a padded dog bed inside of it.

"Welcome to your new home!" The skunk led me over to the cage and unlocked it.

I stopped in front of the cage and didn't move. There was no way I was voluntarily getting in the cage, not on my own.

"Alright Rascal, get in the cage."

I shook my head.

"Rascal..." He growled. "I don't want to have to ask twice.

I growled back at him through my gag.

"It's for your own good. I can't have you roaming around by yourself. You aren't used to this new gear yet and you could get hurt! I don't want you to get hurt, do you?"

He looked down at me with such concern that I almost believed that he had my best interests at heart. I started to crawl over to the cage but then shook my head no again. What was I thinking? I deserved an actual bed, not a cage!

"Puppy..." The skunk sighed. "Please just get in the cage. It's been a long day and I just want to go to bed, okay?"

He really did look tired, and I almost felt bad for him. FInally, after some more encouragement, I made my way into the cage. The bedding inside was actually pretty comfortable. Once I was in the cage, he clipped a chain from the floor to my collar and undid the binds on my legs. However, he left my paws in their mitts. I briefly considered escaping, right then, as both my cage door and the door to the room were open, but Maurice was massive and could easily overpower me, even if I hadn't been chained to the floor and unable to use my paws.

"Good night, puppy." He gave me one last scratch under my chin and undid my gag and hung it on a nearby hook on the wall. I worked my jaw back and forth, trying to relieve the tension caused by being gagged.

"Th-thank you."

"Puppy..." He sighed in disappointment. "I'll let this one slide, but unless I tell you to speak, don't speak. And if you do need to speak, always refer to me as sir."

I opened my mouth to respond and then, realizing my error, simply nodded my head.

He shut the door to the cage, locking it tight. "I'll see you tomorrow and we will start your training."

With that he left the room, locking the door behind himself. A moment later, the lights inside the playroom clicked off and I was left in total darkness. I considered trying to escape then, but I realized that even if I waited until Maurice was asleep, it would be even harder to escape now. I would need to get through both the cage's and the room's locks, all without being able to use my hands or stand up. Unable to do anything else, I just curl up on my new bed and go to sleep.

It was the best sleep I had in years. Before I became a puppy, I often used my phone when I was supposed to be sleeping. And then, once I became a puppy, I had been in a shared room with many other pups. Not to mention trying to sleep with a chastity cage. But I had long since gotten used to sleeping in chastity and last night there had been no distractions and a surprisingly comfortable bed, so I was able to just sleep.

When Maurice finally came to greet me I was fully awake and well rested. He was wearing a loose bathrobe that was open in the front, showing off his bare chest and belly as well as a large bulge barely contained by his designer briefs.

"Did you sleep well, Rascal?" He asked.

I barked in agreement, making sure not to speak

"Good puppy. I don't think you're quite ready to ditch the gag just yet, but before we put it on for the day, let's have breakfast." He unlocked the cage door, but only unclipped my collar from the chain when my legs were bound like they had been yesterday.

He led me to the kitchen and sat down at a wooden table situated against the wall. I was able to briefly get a glimpse of the table, which had a large spread of food on it, before he dragged me by my collar under the table. All I could see of him was his feet, legs, and bulge, the rest being hidden by the table. Bending down in his chair, he placed a bowl of water by his feet, and I eagerly lapped up the liquid, not realizing how thirsty I had been.

"Woah puppy, no need to go so fast. There'll be plenty of liquids for you to drink later today." Maurice chuckled.

When I had finished drinking from the bowl, he guided my head so that it was resting on his bare thigh. His fur was soft and warm and it felt nice and relaxing. He started eating, occasionally reaching down to scratch my head or feed me food scraps. I wolfed down all the food that was offered to me, from half-eaten bits of toast to bits of fruits and even some dry cereal which I ate out of his palm. Then, without any warning, he placed a hand on the back of my head and pushed me so that my snout was pressed directly against his bulge. My nose wrinkled as it was assaulted by the scent of the unwashed skunk.

"That's it puppy, breathe in the scent of your master. You're going to get real familiar with this scent from now on." He said, his deep voice reverberating through his body.

I tried to pull away but he kept his hand firm on the back of my head and gently pushed his thighs together. Not strong enough to hurt, but strong enough to let me know that I wasn't going anywhere. And so, for the remainder of the meal, I was sandwiched between his massive thighs with my nose squished against his warm, musky bulge. Once he seemed satisfied that I wasn't going to resist anymore, he returned to his eating, still occasionally reaching down to shove me harder against his bulge or just give me an encouraging pat. For a puppy, I imagined this must be what heaven felt like. But I was not a puppy, and I wanted nothing less than to be forced to inhale an incredibly unhygienic skunk for what felt like an hour.

"Now, time for your real breakfast. We need to get some protein in you." Maurice said, and finally released his thighs, allowing me to pull back and gulp in clean, fresh air unfiltered through his briefs.

My ears perked up and I thought that maybe he'd let me have a proper meal. I'd even take eating out of a bowl on the floor if it meant getting to eat some proper food. But, as soon as he hooked a finger into the waistband of his briefs and slipped them off, I realized what he meant.

"Does puppy want a nice juicy sausage? Yes he does." Maurice said in an infuriatingly singsongy tone.

"No! I don't suck dick." I snarled at him, backing away. That wasn't entirely true. I had sucked off partners before, but I always considered myself more of a top than a bottom.

"I am willing to overlook the fact that you just spoke out of turn, but only if you show me how enthusiastic you are to serve your new master. Believe me, if you continue to misbehave, there are other ways this can go, none of which will be pleasant for you."

I eyed his dick under the table with apprehension. It wasn't the largest I had seen, but the skunk had a rather hefty ball sac that matched the black of his fur. Tentatively, I crawled closer and gave his balls a little lick. His earthy, masculine musk assaulted my tongue and I almost gagged.

"It's okay, Rascal. We can take things slow." The skunk said, reaching down and pushing me against his now free bulge.

It was so much worse than before. When he had been wearing underwear, the smell was strong, but no different than I was used to smelling in a locker room or from my own dirty laundry. And seeing other people in their underwear was something I had experienced when I lived with roommates. I could just close my eyes and pretend that I was just having a really weird breakfast with a shameless, smelly roommate. But now, without any underwear to contain it, his musk was far more potent. I couldn't pretend that this was normal anymore. I was his puppy and I was going to suck his cock. What I wanted didn't matter.

Pushing down my revulsion, I began licking at his ball sac, much to the skunk's amusement. I hated the way his musk coated my tongue so thoroughly that it was all I could taste. But I figured that the quicker I sucked him off, the quicker we would be done with all this. Pushing away from his balls, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and opened my maw.

"There you go puppy." The skunk sighed as I wrapped my muzzle around his hard dick. "You know, I have to feed my other puppy like this at least once a day, or he becomes a real whiny bitch. Uh, don't tell him I said that." He said, slightly embarrassed. "But it's true. Cum is an important part of a puppy's diet, so you should be grateful I'm giving it to you straight from the tap.

Despite my initial misgivings about sucking him off, my cock soon began to grow hard in my cage. There was no way I was actually enjoying this, right? It was just a physical response to feeling his dick stretching out my throat. What I wouldn't give to feel someone's lips around my cock. To my horror I began moaning as I deepthroated him, precum trickling from my cage.

"Looks like you're enjoying yourself too." The skunk chuckled. "I knew you'd like it. I haven't met a pup who hasn't loved taking my dick. It's what you were born to do. To take your superior's dick."

I tried to argue with him but it was difficult to do with a dick in my mouth so it just came out as more pathetic moans. I couldn't deny, however, that I felt more aroused than I had in quite some time. I didn't know if it was the one-on-one attention that I had so rarely experienced at obedience school, or the constant praise Maurice gave me, but a part of me liked this. A part of me that I refused to accept.

The skunk seemed content to just take things slow, and let me suck him off at a leisurely pace. He didn't try to force me down on his dick, or face-fuck me like I had expected. He just sat back and let me do all the work. I thought Maurice had been rather average sized, and luckily for me, he didn't get much bigger now that he was hard. But despite his length, he was quite girthy and it was a struggle to fit the entirety of his dick in my mouth. Despite all that, I was determined to get this over with as soon as possible, so I picked up the pace.

I used every trick I knew of, from pushing his dick as far down my throat as I could without gagging, to running my tongue along his shaft and teasing the head of his cock, salty with precum. Everything was made harder by the face that my legs were still bound and my paws were still locked in padded mitts. I had to rely on only my mouth to pleasure him. But eventually, after my jaw began to ache and I had been gagging on his dick for far too long, he gripped the back of my head and let out a long shuddering sigh. At the same time I felt his dick tense and began to pulse. I felt warm cum gush down my throat and I struggled to gulp it all down.

"Wow, Rascal. You were certainly eager. I might have to make you my primary cocksucker from now on. I'm sure my other pup won't like it, but hey, I'm the master here, so he doesn't get a say." The skunk said as he removed his softening cock from my mouth.

I bit back a response and realized that my plan might have backfired. In my desire to minimize the amount of time spent sucking him off, I might have accidentally doomed myself to a future of cocksucking. Maurice then had me crawl over and wait on the carpet in the nearby living room. But first, he inserted a completely new gag in my mouth. It was a metal ring that kept my mouth pried open while still making it difficult to speak. I realized that he was showing me the other "unpleasant ways" that he could make me comply. With a gag like this, he could face-fuck me as he pleased, without me being able to stop him. It was either do as he demanded and get some autonomy in how I obeyed him, or he would force me to obey.

The skunk then proceeded to clean up from breakfast. For once I was glad to not have the use of my paws because he didn't ask me to help, so instead I got a small break. Although, after cleaning up the plates and bowls he used, the proceeded to clean himself off on my fur, wiping the bits of cum still on his cock off on my headfur. I closed my eyes and whinned, but let him do as he pleased.

He then clipped a leash to my collar and led me to the apartment's front door. Still restricted to all fours, I hobbled after him. He pushed open the door and tugged on my leash for me to follow. He wanted to go outside? Where was he taking me? Would people see? I backed away from the doorway and growled, the only thing I could do to show that I didn't want to follow him.

"Come on Rascal, I don't have all day." He tugged on my leash again and I snarled. "Follow me or I will lock you in your cage for a week straight." The skunk snarled back. Reluctantly I crawled into the hallway and let him lead me. We made our way to the elevator and I crawled in behind him, kneeling next to him.

He pressed the ground floor button and the elevator began to descend. Unfortunately, we only made it 2 floors before the elevator doors opened again and two more people got on, a wolf in a tight business suit and his pup, a rat with an expensive looking harness.

Doing my best without the proper use of my hands and feet, I crawled behind my owner, hiding from the visitors. I screwed my eyes shut and futility hoped that they wouldn't notice me.

"A new pup already, Maurice?" The wolf asked.

"Just seeing if he's a good fit." The skunk tugged on my leash, pulling me out into the open.

"Ugly bugger, isn't he?" The wolf said, inspecting me.

"You don't need to look good to suck dick." The skunk shot back and both owners burst out laughing.

"He's a bit shy, but hopefully he'll socialize well enough with my other pup." Maurice continued.

While the two owners discussed the minutiae of training pups, the rat crawled over and inspected me. His nose twitched and his whiskers brushed against my face. After looking me over properly he gave me a lick on the face. I whined uncomfortably and he cocked his head. I could tell he was trying to be friendly, but it was too much, too soon. I just wanted to curl up into a fetal position and disappear, but even that was impossible with my bindings.

The rat, picking up on my distress, began rubbing my back, slowly running his hand through my short fur. I shifted so that my head was on his knees and let him take care of me while the elevator descended. My world shrank down to the heart beating in my chest, the hand on my back, and the rumble of the elevator as it descended. By the time we made it to the ground floor, my breathing had slowed and I was feeling marginally better. I tried to give the rat an affectionate lick to thank him, but my gag made it difficult. He seemed to appreciate the gesture nonetheless.

"Seems like he's socializing just fine." The wolf said. "I look forward to hearing about his progress."

Maurice nodded and we went our separate ways. The skunk led me down several hallways. I kept my eyes trained on the ground but that didn't stop me from hearing all the other people walking past us. Occasionally someone would greet Maurice, and reach down to pat me. It was deeply humiliating, to be paraded about an apartment building for everyone to see. But nothing would compare with the humiliation that was to come.

The skunk led me outside to a fenced in patch of grass where other residents of the apartment building were using. Several people were jogging around, or sitting on the grass and reading. I even saw a few other pups rolling around in the grass. Maybe he just wanted me to play outside?

"Alright, pup. Time to go."

Go? We had only just got here. I cocked my head in confusion.

"Unless you don't need to? But this'll be your only chance today."

I continued looking at him in confusion.

"Oh well, we can try again tomorrow. But you'd better not piss on the carpet."

No, he couldn't possibly mean. He wanted me to go to the bathroom? Outside? While everyone watched?? I shook my head vigorously no.

"I get it, pup, you don't have to go. You've made that clear."

I did need to go. I needed to piss very badly. But it was one thing to have to piss, another to do it in front of a bunch of strangers. I was always bladder shy. I never even used the public urinal pups because I hated the thought of people watching me go to the bathroom. At obedience school we had an area of our shared sleeping quarters that was a bathroom, but it had a little privacy screen. And even if anyone saw me pissing myself, they were only other pups. But pissing out in public was not something I was ready for.

But the thought of waiting another day... of sitting in my cage, holding back my piss. I couldn't risk that. I bowed my head to him and lifted my leg.

"Good puppy." He said.

I screwed my eyes shut and eventually felt a warm trickle of piss flow down my thigh. Pissing in a chastity cage was not something I had ever expected to do in my life, and even after all my time in obedience school, I still couldn't do it without making a mess of myself.

"Alright, pup. I have to go too."

What did he mean? He placed his dick at the entrance to my muzzle and sighed. He couldn't possibly mean to... No! I was a person, deserving of dignity and respect, who- And then the warm stream of piss hit my tongue.

I tried to shut my mouth, to stop him, but the ring gag prevented me. Pulling away proved impossible too, as he held my head in a tight grip, and all my thrashing around managed to do was get his piss all over my fur. Eventually, I gave up fighting, and let him piss on me. The humiliation was so much that I'm surprised I didn't pass out. It was all I could do not to start crying right then and there, but I forced myself to gulp down his piss as best I could.

His stream of piss continued strong and steady for what must have been several minutes, until eventually it slowed, and after shaking the rest of the piss from his dick, he smiled down at me and called me a "good piss-pup."

And then, he led me back through the building, wet and stinking of piss. He seemed to take joy in announcing that he had just finished breaking me in to every person he passed, and even offered to let anyone piss on me if they wanted to. Thankfully, no one took him up on his offer.

The rest of the day consisted of him introducing me to his different protocols and rules. Explaining the various rewards I could get if I behaved and the punishments I would get if I didn't. I found it incredibly hard to pay attention to as my fur was still damp with piss, and even after it dried, the thick scent of his urine continued to assault my nose. Towards the end of the day he led me back to the playroom for some "playtime".

"I know today was a big adjustment for you, but I'm proud of you for trying. I think we can make this work." Maurice said. "So I've decided you need a little treat! My other puppy goes wild for this." The skunk held up a purple dog toy in his hand. It was the shape of a bone.

"Does puppy want the toy? Does puppy want to play?" He wiggled it in my face, squeaking it a few times. Then, he tossed it and it landed a few feet away on the carpet. "Fetch!"

A squeaky toy? Did he seriously expect me to be happy with a squeaky toy? It had been almost a year since I had played with any kind of toy, but I missed my video games. I'd even settle for a boardgame at this point. What was I supposed to do with a squeaky toy?

"Well go on, you've earned it." He looked at me expectantly.

Still unable to use my hands, I crawled over and leaned down to pick it up. It was difficult at first, and required me to squash my muzzle against the colorful carpet, but eventually I successfully lodged it between my teeth. It made cheery squeaking noises the whole time

"Good pup, now feel free to enjoy that toy for a while. I'm feeling generous so you'll get an hour of play time today."

I spent the rest of the night playing with the toy while Maurice cheered me on. It was humiliating, to be treated like I wasn't even a person. To be expected to thank him for letting me play with a stupid dog bone.

It went on like that for a little over a week. Maurice would wake me up. He'd eat breakfast and I'd suck him off. We'd go out for our morning walk and I'd often take his piss in the process. And then, if he was needed in the office, Maurice would lock me back in my cage and head out for the day. If not, we'd spend most of the day running through training exercises. On days when he worked, he often returned exhausted from work and he'd relax in front of the TV while I massaged his feet, or sucked him off again, or just sat there like a dumb, obedient puppy. There wasn't much to do while locked in a cage, and after the first day I didn't "earn" any more play time, so I mostly just sat there staring into space. No matter how the day went it was guaranteed to be incredibly humiliating for me and also incredibly boring.

And to make matters worse, he seemed to not have the highest standard for hygiene, and only occasionally bathed me. I constantly smelled like his musk, piss, and cum. There was no escape from his scent. And the worst part of it was that I was aroused by it. His musk was mixed with pheromones, and with the amount of sucking him off I was doing, I was starting to associate his scent with sex. At night I would lie in my cage and still be able to smell him on me, straining hard in my cage. And when I woke up, the first thing I smelled was his thick, cloying musk, and immediately my dick would react, trying to get hard.

After a week of it I began to seriously consider that this might be the rest of my life. An endless cycle of boring days where the most fun I could have was chasing after a squeaky toy and I was forced to demean and humiliate myself just so some smelly skunk could get off to it. All the while my cock stayed locked up tight. I had had enough.

My frustration reached a peak when one day he told me we would be incorporating something new into my training. We were in the puppy room and Maurice had dragged in a folding chair to sit on. I was to lie face up in front of the chair and worship his feet. It had been a long day at work for him and his feet were rank and reeked of sweat. Unfortunately for me, that meant that even just being in the same room as them made my dick start to grow hard. Smelling them directly made my cage feel incredibly tight. And putting them in my mouth made precum leak from my denied dick.

It was all too much. The taste of his filthy paws in my mouth, the straining of my caged dick, the horrible humiliations I had been forced to endure. I couldn't take one more moment of it. I channeled all of my hurt, my frustration, and did the one thing I could do. I bit down, hard.

The response was immediate. Maurice yowled in pain and wrenched his paw from my mouth. For the first time in a long time, I felt a sense of satisfaction. But it was short lived.

The skunk was furious, angrier than I had ever seen him.

"I was so stupid to think this could ever work! I hope you've enjoyed your freedom, mutt, because I'm going to make sure they send you somewhere no one will ever find you. You will regret this. I will make sure you regret this."

I snarled at him, baring my fangs. I didn't intend to strike again, but the look of fear on his face was delicious. He backed out of the room, continuing to scream at me. The door clicked shut and locked behind him and I was left alone in the room.

As my anger cooled I realized that biting him had not been the smartest move. I was in a windowless, locked room, with no way to escape. Even if there had been a window, I was a dozen stories off the ground, not to mention bound up and with my paws bound. I couldn't escape. And even if I did, I'd just be a stray pup lost in the city. I had heard the stories of what happened to stray pups, and I never wanted to find out if they were accurate.

All I had succeeded in doing was royally piss off the one person who could have given me a half decent life. The one person with complete power over me. I sat there, my anger turned to fear, and curled up as tight as I could. Hours later, when the officers from Pup Control finally came for me, I didn't resist.

I didn't want to go back to obedience school. I wasn't ready to go back. A small voice in the back of my head told me that this was probably for the best. That I could try again in a couple more years when I was better trained. That eventually I'd find a nice, good master to care for me. I squashed that voice down and refused to accept it.

I wanted to go back home. To my apartment, with its crappy bed and broken TV and leaky kitchen sink. Even though it was right next to the train tracks and the whole building shook when one went by. Even though the family above my apartment threw loud parties at night and the landlord charged way too much in rent and the heating never worked, it was the closest thing I had to a home. But I knew that even that was gone now. No doubt it was put up for sale the moment I became a pup. All my belongings forfeit. My phone, my computer. Everything, gone. I had been in the middle of a particularly hard video game, but I would never get to complete it now. And I hadn't been on social media since. I didn't even know if my favorite musician had come out with a new album, or how my favorite soccer team was doing.

All the small bits of myself, my passions and hobbies, had been stripped away from myself in the mission to make me a perfect pup. But I failed at even that.

But they didn't take me back to obedience school. When the van stopped I was dragged out by my collar and only managed to catch a glimpse of the building before being shoved into a blindfolded hood. But that glimpse was enough to make my stomach drop and have me howling in fear.

It was the Pound.

Pups were not allowed to go to jail with the normal population, as they were considered a vulnerable population and the potential for them to be taken advantage of was too great. Instead, the department of pup affairs maintained several kennels where violent or otherwise untrainable pups could be placed. Maurice had told me I would regret my decision and he was right. As my owner and trainer, he would have the right to declare me "untrainable" and have me shipped off to the pound for life. Especially factoring in my violent past and my recent attack on him.

I hadn't really paid attention to pup affairs before all this. I hadn't grown up with a family pup and I never had the money for one myself. My only knowledge of the pound came from a handful of legal dramas I watched when nothing else good was on. They portrayed it as a horrible place, one step away from hell itself, where only the worst of the worst ended up.

I would come to understand that it was far, far worse.

Instead of the comfortable and soft, yet durable collars I had been used to wearing, the pound fitted me for a heavy metal collar that was uncomfortably tight against my neck and, as the guards were far too eager to demonstrate, could shock me if they deemed I misbehaved. Or if they just felt like having fun at my expense. It was also capable of zapping me hard enough to knock me out, something they were sure to inform me would make any escape attempt futile. The only other thing I was "allowed" to wear in addition to the collar was my chastity cage.

One of the first things they did upon my arrival, after shearing off what little fur I had grown back, was seal my chastity cage shut. They strapped a vibrator to my cage and made me watch as they melted down my keys. Edging me as they destroyed any hope of release. And the worst part was that I almost came. It was more stimulation than my denied cock had gotten in months, and my cock almost spurted multiple times. But each time they stopped the pleasure and stopped melting down the keys. They made me beg for them to continue, beg to be locked away forever in the vain hope that I might get to cum one final time. But hours later, after the last key was finally reduced down to a pile of slag and they unhooked the vibrator, I still hadn't cum. I cried as they riveted the cage shut and realized that I would never feel my cock fully hard ever again.

Then I was dragged in front of the rest of the pound guards and they "introduced" themselves to me. Or more accurately, my holes. I was reduced to nothing more than a sexual toy, used for my holes and then tossed aside when I was no longer useful. It wouldn't be the last time this happened. The guards at the pound regularly found creative reasons to use a pup's holes, and I soon went from someone who had rarely been fucked to a well used cumrag.

No matter what punishments they had doled out at obedience school, they had made an effort to make sure they didn't permanently injure us. The maintainers at the pound had no such reservations. We were already considered "damaged goods" and they didn't need to hold back.

We weren't allowed to talk to the other pups there, but I was able to glean that a few had been in the pound for over a decade. The thought of spending any more time in this foul place was horrible, but the thought of spending another ten left me genuinely terrified. I... I couldn't do it.

I realized that the trainers at obedience school had not been cruel. This is what they were trying to keep me from. They had been efficient, cold at times, but never cruel.

My cell was the perfect comparison. At obedience school it was a utilitarian bunk room with 12 other pups. We each had our own, albeit cramped, doggy bed. I had even been allowed to talk with the other pups. At the time I had no interest in what they had to say. Most of the pups just gushed about how excited they were to finally get a master. Or, when they did express fear or worry about the future, the other pups would assure them that no matter how bad things got in training, it would all be worth it when they had an owner. I would give anything just to talk to another person now, someone who wasn't a cruel eyed prison guard.

But in the pound, all I was given was a small, windowless room with a large, impenetrable metal door. With a small patch of concrete barely big enough to fully lie down on. I wasn't even given a blanket or even a sleeping bag to lie on, and with most of my fur cut off, some nights I was too cold to do anything other than curl up and shiver.

Occasionally people came by and adopted a pet. But they were only the cruelest masters, those who hadn't gotten approved to adopt from the general population, or companies that needed the hard labor.

As much as I hated the thought of that happening to me, I was starting to believe that anything would be better than spending another month in my cold, stinking cell.

So when a guard came and told me I had visitors, my initial reaction had been one of hopeful confusion. I didn't know why anyone would want to visit me, but anything was better than my life for the past year.

I smelled him almost as soon as I saw him. Even if I didn't recognize the large skunk in a tight business suit, I could never forget my former master's musk. As soon as his musk hit my nose, I felt my cage get tight and begin to drool precum. I let out a soft moan and started to crawl towards him. The skunk looked down at me with cold, unfeeling eyes and I froze in my tracks.

"Hellow, Rascal." He said with disdain.

I shrunk back into the corner of my cell and waited for whatever horrible punishment he was here to give me. But then another figure joined us. A pup. A dalmatian in a fancy leather harness and an incredibly revealing pair of shorts.

"This here is my pup, Spot." Maurice said.

"And why are we here, sir?" The pup- Spot- asked.

"Do you remember, a little over a year ago, when you went back to obedience school to get recertified?"

The dalmatian nodded.

"Can I just take a moment to say how proud I am that you were able to do it in just two months? Bernard's pup took 7 months. You really are the best pup an owner could ask for. Anyways, I decided you earned a present after being so good to me. It was high time you got a playmate, someone to keep you company when I'm off on work trips. But I couldn't get a trained pup without waiting years so I decided to train him myself. He's not a naturally submissive pup like you, and he had a bit of a criminal past. But I was able to look past all that. And do you know what he did in exchange for my kindness? He bit me! He fucking bit me!!" Maurice's eyes were filled with anger as he stared down at me. I whimpered and shrank down even smaller than I already was.

"The thought of him hurting you, my pride and joy, it was too much for me. I brought him into our home and... I just don't know what I would have done if he hurt you." The skunk was hugging his pup, showering him with affection while I watched, cold and alone.

"You were really going to do that, for me?" Spot asked, looking up at his master with love.

"Anything for you!" The skunk said and began passionately kissing his pup in front of me. I realized that he probably just came here to gloat. To shove my failure in my face and make me regret my decision to bite him even more than I already did.

Finally, they broke apart, a line of saliva connecting their lips. I could see a small wet spot forming in the front of Spot's shorts and could tell he was caged under there.

"So why bring me here, sir?" Spot asked.

"To tell you the truth, I felt a little guilty. I may have overreacted in sending him here. And I thought coming here would give me peace of mind..." The skunk trailed off.

"But...?" Spot prompted.

"But seeing how he's being treated here. I don't know, it makes me feel even worse." For the first time I saw what might have been remorse on the skunk's face.

"If you don't want him to suffer here anymore, you can always adopt him again." Spot said.

My ears perked up at that and I allowed a tiny bit of hope to enter my heart.

"Are you sure, Spot? That would mean sharing all your toys with him. And you wouldn't get to suck me off as often. And we both know how much you like cum."

"Let me think about it." Spot said and then leaned in incredibly close and whispered in my ear so only I could hear.

"Tell me the truth. Don't worry, he can't hear us. No punishment, nothing. Just tell me the truth. Do you really want to come live with us?"

"Yes, yes please. Oh god yes." I nodded as hard as I could, my muzzle rubbing up and down against Spot's neck.

Spot stood up and nodded.

"I think we should adopt him."

"Oh, I don't know." Maurice moaned. "It's a really big decision and I don't want you regretting it."

"Please?? My adoption day is coming up and I never ask for anything. Please? I'll even give up cumming this year."

"I know when to admit when I am wrong. I just get so protective over my pride and joy that... but you are right. He deserves a second chance." The skunk paced back and forth in front of me, thinking.

"How about this? No cumming for the next two years, for either of you. And then I might consider it."

"Thank you sir!." Spot barked.

"I want to hear you beg. You too." he gave me a kick. Was he serious? He wanted me to beg to have my ability to cum taken away? Spot gave me a nudge and looked at me with concern.

"Please sir. Don't let me cum." I said cautiously.

"Hmm I'm just not feeling the passion. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like staying at the pound."

"No! No please sir. I'll give up cumming forever, just get me out of here. Please."

"Now that is more like it. Since you asked so nicely I'm considering granting your request. What do you say, Spot? How about we get that cage of his riveted shut and never let him cum again."

I whined and looked away, embarrassed.

"Oh, what's this?" The skunk inspected my cage. "Looks like it's already been sealed. I guess that takes care of that." He chuckled, tapping my sealed cage with a finger.

"Please, master. He's been through a lot. Can't you show him a little pity? We both know you can still cum even with a cage."

"Fine, fine. But only because you are the best pup an owner could want. How about this, since Spot intervened on your behalf, you are his responsibility. You'll be able to cum. But only if Spot gives up his orgasms. Each time you cum, that means the next time Spot was going to cum, he won't. And seeing as he only gets to cum once a year, twice if I'm feeling generous, that means you probably won't be cumming much either. Of course, it's up to him." He reached down and gave Spot a scratch on the head.

"If he wants, he could let you cum every day, but that would mean never cumming again for him. Now, how does that sound to you?"

"That sounds perfect." Spot said, nuzzling his master's thigh.

I was able to leave with them that very night and go home to their apartment. It hadn't changed much since the last time I had been there, and the familiar scent of Maurice wafted through the apartment.

"Alright, Rascal. This is your last chance, so don't mess it up." Maurice said once we were situated in the playroom. "I don't want to send you back there, but I can if you don't behave."

I opened my mouth to tell him how obedient I would be but quickly realized he hadn't given me permission to speak. Instead, I crawled over and nuzzled his bulge, hoping that would get my message across. He had bound my legs and paws again, but even if he hadn't, I would have remained on all fours, eager to obey.

"Awww, did you miss your master's musk?" The skunk laughed and rubbed my head affectionately. "It's hard to stay mad at you when you look so darn cute between my thighs."

I continued to nuzzle him and breathe in his musk, feeling my cage grow tighter and tighter.

"Of course, there's still the matter of your punishment." The skunk sighed.

My ears perked up and I looked up at my master.

"Now that you are my pet again, I can't let your outburst last time you were here go unpunished. Spot, bring me the rope. I think he'll need to be restrained for this one."

I shook my head and whined. Hadn't my time at the pound been punishment enough?

"Please sir, let me take his punishment. He is my responsibility, after all." Spot begged.

"Are you sure?" The skunk said, surprised.

"He deserves a chance to rest."

"You are too good for this world." Maurice kissed his pup gently on the forehead.

"Alright, Rascal. Get down here. I want you to see what you're missing." I laid down on the carpet and Spot straddled me so that his caged cock was pressed against mine, and that our faces were even.

Then, Maurice began to spank him. Each hit caused Spot's body to rock against mine, causing our cages to press together. As the hits became faster and faster, Spot squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face in my fur. I felt tears wet my fur and heard his muffled whimpers.

I felt disgusted at myself that I continued to remain hard. I hated it, I didn't want to be so horny as someone was being hurt on top of me, especially since I should have been the one getting hurt. But after being locked up for so long, any amount of attention made my cock leak in my maddeningly tight cage. I felt marginally better when I realized that Spot was equally hard, straining in his cage just as much as me.

Eventually, Maurice stopped his assault and Spot collapsed on top of me, panting heavily.

"You took that like a champ." our master said. "I hope you're grateful, Rascal. Next time that could be you."

I nodded enthusiastically. I nuzzled Spot's neck and began licking him. I wanted him to know how thankful I was, any way I could. He returned my affection and soon we were making out, our tongues meeting and exploring each other's mouths. I moaned into his mouth and pushed against him, my cage leaking furiously. The dalmatian's hands explored my body and found their way to my cage, eliciting a sharp gasp of pleasure as they played with my cage.

"When was the last time you came?" Spot asked

"I... I.." I thought back on the past two years of torture and realized, to my horror, that the last time had been at my initial visit to the vet. When they painfully milked an orgasm with a vile machine. I couldn't answer him and instead I burst into tears at the horrible fact that I hadn't cum in over two years.

"Oh you poor thing. Let's change that." I choked back my tears and looked at Spot in shock.

"if you want to, that is."

"Of course, yes, oh yes please." I said, not caring if I was allowed to or not.

"Remember, Spot, that means no cumming for you this year." Maurice said sternly.

"Yes, yes. I'm just trying to make him feel like a welcome member of the family. Will you get me the vibrator?" Spot held out his hand and the master gave him a vibrator, a rod with a bulbous end. I realized with a sinking feeling that while they might let me cum, they couldn't unlock me. Not with my cage sealed shut.

"Alright, Rascal. I'm willing to trust you one more time, but you'd better not mess up or it is over for you. Open up." our master said, wiggling his toes in my direction. Realizing what he wanted, I whined and my ears lay flat against my head, but I reluctantly obliged. I opened my mouth and accepted his toes into my warm maw, sucking at them.

"Ahhh. You've certainly learned a thing or two from last time. Good pup." he sighed contentedly and adjusted his absurdly large package. I closed my eyes and continued sucking, tasting his salty sweat and musk. I felt Spot's hand on my thigh, caressing it. My dick began to grow painfully hard in my cage.

"Are you ready?" Spot asked, gently touching my cage.

I nodded and he touched the vibrator to the cage, running it along the bars. I gasped. It felt so good. Better than anything I had felt in the past two years. But it also felt so fucking frustrating. My dick strained to get hard but couldn't find relief, no matter what.

I continued sucking the skunk's toes, harder and harder, as Spot teased my dick with his vibrator. But it wasn't enough, I still wasn't cumming.

"I think Rascal might need a little more encouragement if he's going to cum." Maurice said, removing his feet from my mouth. I stared up at him, panting and moaning, mondering what he would do next.

It turns out, the "encouragement" he had in mind was sitting on me, with my snout lodged between his large, sweaty ass cheeks. As Spot continued to use the vibrator on my denied dick, Maurice rocked back and forth, shoving my snout deeper between his cheeks until the tip of my nose pushed deep into his asshole. It was the most intense smell I had ever experienced. If I thought the musk from his balls turned me on, then this was something else entirely. My whole body was overcome with lust as I breathed in lungful after lungful of dirty, musky air. It was so overwhelming that I couldn't hold back. I felt my balls tighten up and an orgasm so intense it physically hurt swept through my body.

And so that's how I came. For the first time in 2 years. With my snout lodged so far up a skunk's ass that all I could breathe was his foul, putrid musk. And I loved every frustrating, horrible second of it. Because it meant I finally got release. I would have huffed his musky hole for weeks if I meant I got to cum. I felt his ass clench around my muzzle and heard him groan as he came. His body shook with pleasure and his asshole milked my snout as if it were a cock, squeezing down on it.

Finally, after his body stopped shaking, he got off me and I could finally take a breath of fresh air. Or rather, a breath of fresh air filtered through a nose that had been thoroughly coated in skunk musk. Every breath I took tasted like his musk, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get in a fresh breath. It was still better than being trapped between those warm, wet cheeks.

Spot wandered over and licked me, giving me a large sloppy kiss. He followed that up by gleefully lapping at his master's hole.

Did he actually like the taste? I felt like puking after being exposed to it, but he was willingly exposing himself to it. As much as his musk made me go crazy with lust, his hole was another matter. It was far more intense than any musk I had ever smelled and I just hoped our master preferred his mouth to mine. Our master. I felt betrayed by my own thoughts. But that was the truth, wasn't it? Whether I liked it or not, I was his legal property.

"Well what do you say?" Maurice asked.

"Th-thank you, sir."

"For what, Rascal?" The skunk asked. My mind whirred. Wasn't it obvious?

"Thank you for letting me huff your musky hole." I decided it was best to play along and keep him happy. "And for allowing me to cum."

"You're welcome, puppy. I think we'll make it a daily routine. How would you like to worship my hole every night? Because damn your snout felt amazing in my ass."

"I-" I bit back my pride and gave him the answer I knew he wanted. "I would love that, sir."

"I highly doubt you do, but you'll learn to love it. Eventually."

"If you think I'm going to give up my hole-worshiping duties to a newcomer, you are sorely mistaken." Spot stopped liking our master's hole long enough to answer. "Let's try once a month to start and see how that goes."

"Alright, but only because you look so darn cute lodged in my ass." Maurice said, spreading his cheeks and forcing the dalmatian's face between his meaty cheeks.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Once again, I was saved by Spot. I had been prepared to huff his hole as often as he wanted, if that's what it took. But if I only needed to swallow my pride once a month and make out with his hole, I would gladly do it. Although, if the last time I was here was any indication, my pride wouldn't be the only thing I'd be swallowing.

"It's getting late, so it's time for bed." Our master opened the door to our cage and Spot bounded over, curling up on the dog bed inside. I followed after him, and despite the cramped space, it was comfortable. Maurice didn't even chain me up this time, and even undid my binds.

"Now I know you are dying to get to know your new playmate, but don't stay up too late or you'll be exhausted tomorrow. And we have a lot of training to do tomorrow." The skunk said after locking our cage door closed.

He left us alone, locking the door to the playroom and turning out the lights.

Spot and I shifted around until we found a comfortable sleeping arrangement, with him spooning me. His body heat and soft fur were enough that I didn't even want a blanket. We lay like that for quite some time, just cuddling together, Spot's still denied cock trailing precum along my lower back. I would find a way to thank him for that orgasm, and make sure he got to cum next time, not me.

"Why did you help me?" I finally asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Us pups gotta stick together." he nuzzled me affectionately.

"No seriously, why?"

"Because you looked like you needed a friend." He sighed deeply. "I can't remember how many times someone stood up for me, or risked punishment to help me, just because we are both pups. Pups stick together, no matter what. I couldn't just let you stay there. And I don't expect anything in return. You don't have to pretend to like me or serve me sexually or anything. But I hope you'll consider being my friend?"

"Thank you." I nuzzled him back. "and you look like you could use a friend too."

I leaned into him and pulled his arms tight around me.

"Why don't I show you my toy collection tomorrow. I have this great squeaky bone I think you'll love."

I didn't think I would love a squeaky bone, but if Spot wanted to spend all day playing with random dog toys I'd be more than happy to. Anything if it meant I could show him how thankful I was. I would spend the rest of my life thanking him if I could. And for the first time in two years, I found myself thinking that maybe I could make this whole puppy thing work for me after all.