Can You Help Me? - Learning 2 - Shadow Man

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#6 of Survival Series

Can You Help Me? - Learning 2 - Shadow Man

By: DarkSerpent

I sat in my college dorm doing my homework. Every day got a little easier since I started visiting and getting help from my boyfriend. I picked up my picture of the very cute possum that I loved. The bayou was his home and it was slowly starting to become mine. I spent every weekend with him and we were only getting closer together. He was the dominater in our relationship but he didn't have a mean bone in his body.

I sighed staring at his smiling face in the photo. Suddenly I heard voices coming from down the hallway. Someone was laughing and I decided it was worth looking at. I stood and moved to the doorway peeking out. I looked down the hallway seeing a cheetah friend of mine and a group of his friends around something. The cheetah had been trying to hook up with me for a long time. He pushed away everyone who tried to be friends with me. I lifted my head up seeing William looking down in front of them. He was looking down clenching his fists crying. He wore his normal cloths with a few holes in them and they were still dirty from his work with his dad.

I gasped and moved down the hallway. "Now why would that sexy wolf Dexter want a hick like you!" The cheetah laughed. "You look like something right tout of deliverance, why don't you go crawl back to the cist pool you slid out from," Hid friends a horse pushed his shoulder. "Please...I just want to see Dexter," He sniffled out between tears holding his ground. "Like I said dip shit he doesn't want to see you!" my supposed friend pushed him making him tumble down the steps. I gasped hearing him hit the steps.

"Get the hell away!" I pushed them aside. Looking down the steps, I saw William looking up at me rubbing the back of his head. He looked up at me and suddenly bolted down the next stair well crying harder. "William wait!" I yelled. "Let him go Dex, you don't need that piece of shit," The cheetah wrapped his arms around my waist. "Get the fuck off me!" I pushed him back up against a wall. I growled and the horse took a step back. "Don't you ever talk to him again you son of a bitch, if I ever see you making fun of him I'll personally beat your ass to a pulp!" I growled raising my fist. I suddenly shoved him down the hall. He gasped in surprise as he hit the floor and I ran down the steps.

I turned down the second steps seeing William. He was outside running down the concrete path rubbing his face. He was fast because when I reached the door he was gone. With a small sigh, I looked down seeing a small gold ring with a tiny green gem in it. "To Dexter, From William," I read the small tag hanging from it. For him to buy this it would cost him a lot of time to save up. I picked it up slowly tearing up. I knew there was only one place he was running too. I ran halfway across town to the dock leading into the swamp. William sat in his dad's boat holding his knee's crying hard. He was bleeding a little from the back of his head.

"William?" I spoke softly and he flinched. I stepped into the boat slowly and touched his shoulder. "Please...go't want to see me," he sniffled out between gasps. I hugged him tightly crying that he felt so terrible because of me. "I want to see you baby, I would've stopped them! Please don't hate me!" I cried into his shoulder. He turned and looked at me I hated seeing his frown. He always smiled and I never seen him upset so badly. Without that smile, he just looked so hurt. "Please," I muttered and he turned hugging me. We just held onto each other tightly until the tears slowly came to a stop. I kissed him softly and wiped my face. He took the ring form my palm and slid it onto my finger. I smiled at the tiny gemstone, it wasn't much but it was enough.

"I'm so sorry, please come back and I'll get you something to drink and no one will make fun of you," I smiled and he nodded lightly. "Alright babe," He sniffled and I helped him out of the boat. We walked back to the dormitory. My ex friends saw me walk in with William and ducked down a hallway. I sighed and we walked up the stairs. I led him to my room and got a wet rag. Slowly I wiped the cut on the back of his head until he stopped bleeding. "There you go all clean," I kissed his bump and he laughed. I sat across from him. "I missed ya, I just wanted ta see ya and give you your gift," He blushed and I smiled. "I love it honey, I think it's beautiful," I kissed him lightly making him blush bright red.

"You know now that you're here I could use a little bit of help with my homework," I smiled. "You mean tutoring?" He smiled and I laughed. "No if you start tutoring me I'll never get anything done," I smiled and he pulled a chair next to me. I showed him my work and he started explaining everything slowly so I understood completely. He would make a great teacher for a boy who never went to a single day of real school. He was always so sweet about how he taught. He could make it sound so easy, he was the whole reason I was getting A's instead of C's. It was very late by the time we finished and he had to leave before the security guards came out. With one last big passionate kiss, he headed back to the swamp.

I sighed and laid down turning off my light. I curled up under my covers and face the opposing wall. Not many things frightened me but what I saw then scared the day lights out of me. In the moon light that shown through the window. My lovers shadow still clung to the floor even though he had left. I gasped and it slowly turned looking at me. As it stood, it appeared on the wall crawling along it slowly before crawling down the door. It vanished under the door and I sighed softly. Out in the hallway my ex friend came in from a long night of partying.

He walked up the stairs where the shadow lay on the wall at the top of the steps. With out noticing the shadow grabbed the shadow of the cheetah's tail. "Who the hell is?" He turned seeing the shadow. He gasped and suddenly the shadow took off down the steps dragging the poor cat with it. He tumbled down the step as it let go. He stumbled onto his feet and ran screaming form the building as the shadow moved back up to my room coming back to the chair. Sitting slowly I heard the cat screaming outside about a shadow person. The outline of my lover faded and I let out a small sigh. I'd never seen anything like that before but he did get what he deserved.

That Friday I had a few questions for my Opossum when he came to get me for the weekend. He pulled out of the swamp his dad controlling the motor. They waved and I waved back. Slowly they pulled up next to the dock and tied off. "Morning Kiddo," His father stood up grabbing big mesh bags of fresh crawfish. People started buying them just as fast as he unloaded and we sat in the boat. "Ok...I have a question, A few nights ago I saw..." He placed his finger to my lips smiling. He stopped me from speaking and looked back seeing his father busy selling his catch. "What you saw was what my mother taught me, no reason to worry," He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I though your mother was a teacher?" I asked. "She was, but she was also dabbled in um...voodoo," He laughed lightly. "You mean like I got friends on the other side voodoo? Like the cartoon movie stuff?" I asked and he nodded. "Not with all the theatrics but pretty much," He slid his arm around me. "Does that mean you're like an evil person?" I tried to slide away and he pulled me back. "No not all voodoo is evil there's white and black, good and dark," He smiled and I gulped. "Are you afraid?" He looked down and I hated seeing him frown. "No I'm not afraid, just unsure about that stuff," I moved back closer.

His father stepped back into the boat and turned on the motor. We sped off through the cypress trees quickly. We soon pulled up to there modest home and William rushed me inside. Once we disappeared behind the door, he started kissing me and grabbing me. I admit I loved his enthusiasm when it came to our relationship. "Ok before I take this any further, what is all this voodoo stuff?" I took his hands in mine. We heard his father walking up the stairs and we ducked into his room. He shut the door and looked down with a small sigh. He pulled the small rug on the floor aside showing a square in the floorboards. He slowly bent down and pulled the square up and aside. He reached into the hole pulling out a book wrapped in a rag along with a small cloth bag. He sat it all down and smiled. "This was all my mothers," He smiled and I stared at them.

He opened the rag showing the large image of a skull on the black books cover. I gulped as he opened the bag letting bottles, candles, and bone roll out onto the floor. "Well this is what you wanted to see right?" He smiled and nodded. He opened the book showing all sorts of papers stuffed into the binding. Each one having a different incantation for every situation. "Here's how I made my shadow do what it did," He pointed to a spell written in very elegant handwriting. "So what kind of bones are these?" I asked looking at them. "Oh there chicken bones," He pushed it all back into the bag.

"I see, so how was your mother involved in all this?" I continued my questions. "Oh she moved here from New Orleans with my grandparents. When she arrived, she made friends with my dad and they fell in love. After they got married, my mother wanted to have babies but every child she bore was stillborn. So...She sold her soul to save my life but in turn she only got to spend five years with me." He looked down and I touched his shoulder. "So your not the trying to steal souls, voodoo doll, evil kind right?" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "No I only look in this book when I need to," He wrapped it up and put everything back down in the hole.

He closed it up and I stared down at my ring. His prehensile tail wrapped around my leg and I playfully patted it. Well at least that was off my chest and I didn't have to worry abut curses and such. We could hear his father sit in his chair and the TV click on. We peeked out seeing his eyes start to grow heavy. His eyes shut and he let out a soft snore. "Well Mr. Shadow Man I think you can tutor me now," I whispered and he blushed.

He pulled me close and kissed me softly. That long muzzle pushed up harder against mine as I felt his tongue slid into my mouth. I kissed back and he lay me back onto his bed kissing me repeatedly. My tongue ran between the gap in his teeth slowly. He lay on top of me as I pushed my hands up on his chest. "Mmm your so sexy," I whispered as he kissed down along my neck. He bit me gently grazing his teeth along my skin. My fur stood on end with sensation making me wrap my legs around him. I grabbed his hair roughly, as he moved down sliding his hands up under my shirt. He pulled it up and off and softly started to tease my tender nipple buds.

Slowly he kissed down along my belly and I stopped him. I pulled him back up and removed his shirt slowly. "There much better," I smiled and moved down unhooking his button. "I love ya Dexter," He blushed and I looked up. "You do?" I smiled and he nodded. "I love you to William," I kissed him softly. Slowly we started to make out our tongues dancing together as my feet pushed his pants down and off. I could feel the heat of his member pressed up against my stomach. His hands pulled off my pants and he bit my neck gently.

My legs tightened around him and I felt his member slid up and against my entrance. "That's where you belong baby," I held onto him and with a small push, he entered me. I jumped as he pushed in more and more until he pressed up against my ass. I clenched hard around him as he pulled back and slammed back in. Slowly he built up a rhythm and started to truly fuck me. The bed creaked softly as I took his whole member deep into me. I gripped his fur as his tail wrapped around me. He gasped lightly pounding harder and faster.

With both jerked and I felt him fill me. I exploded up onto my belly and we held tight to each other. A few soft kisses later, we slowly drifted off in each other's arms. I'm in love with a voodoo, hillbilly, possum and I have no complaints.

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