Short Stories with Cassandra: At the Park

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The park wasn't far from Cassandra's house. It was actually on the same block. However, Cass wasn't often allowed to go there because of her recent misbehavior in class, and she hasn't been there in a long time. She can still remember going there, before her current situation, and she remembered how fun it was, so she was very excited when her mother allowed her to visit the park one Saturday morning as a reward for good behavior in class.

Because the park was practically across the street, Cassandra's parents allowed her to go unaccompanied. Whether that was a good or bad thing for Cass is up for debate. Cass left her house in the early morning and was having a lot of fun. She used the swings and the slide and the monkey bars, but she was alarmed at how much smaller the park seemed, since she had gotten much bigger. In the past, she didn't like the jungle gym because it was hard to climb. But now she could move around with ease and she had a lot of fun there. As she was climbing, she ended up straddling one of the bars and it sent shivers of pleasure all through her legs so powerfully that she almost fell off.

Not wanting to get hurt, she climbed off, and caught her breath. Even after she stopped climbing, her heart was racing. She recognized this feeling. This was the feeling that her daddy helped her make go away. Soon, an intense itch grew in the pit below her stomach. Her legs were feeling weak, so she went to the park restroom to sit down and get some privacy.

The omni-gendered bathroom had seen many years come and go without a proper cleaning, and the distinct smell of urine was barley covered by a fragrant air freshener. She climbed into the cleanest looking stall and sat down. However, before she even had a whole minute of solitude, a teenage wolf burst into the room and ran to the nearest stall. And before long....

"Aahhh" and the sound of urine hitting's not hitting the water. "Woah! Oh crap sorry!" He says to the young cub who he is now copiously marking with his stream. Instead of getting out of the stall however, he simply kept going. "*Pant Pant* Sorry, I'm really sorry, but I just can't hold it anymore." he says.

Cassie was so confused as to what was happening, everything happened so fast that she hardly even realized she was being pissed on by a rather musky wolf. In fact, as she became more accustomed to the scent, she began to actually like it. She looked up at the wolf and, in the most bizarre response to the most bizarre restroom occurrence, she opened her mouth.

The wolf was startled, but the look in her eyes told him she was serious. "Are you insane? I'm not gonna.....Oh what the hell." And he aimed the last bit of his stream into her awaiting maw. She recoiled at the bitterness, of it, but she didn't spit any of it out. Instead, she just made a "KUH!" sound after swallowing everything he gave her. The wolf chuckled, saying, "Well that's what you get for opening your mouth," as he shook the last few drops onto her, then wiped the last bits on her face.

"That was fun, if a bit weird," he said as he left the now drenched cub in the stall, "See you around girlie." He was about to leave, but he noticed that the girl's skirt wasn't down, and the seat wasn't up, meaning she wasn't in there to use the bathroom. After sticking his head back in the stall, he says, "Pardon me for asking, but what are you doing in here?"

"I--um...Well I..." Cassandra stammered. She fidgeted while she talked, and began grinding her hips on the toilet seat in frustration and embarrassment at explaining her situation. "Well you what?" the wolf asked, now curious due to her response.

"Sometimes I get this really strong itch deep inside here," she points, "and I can't reach deep enough to scratch it." She rubbed at herself from her upturned skirt, "I just can't stand it," she begins to sob, "It's so frustrating." The Lion cub began crying hard now, and the wolf was confused. Not wanting to bring attention to the bathroom at this particular instant, he tried to cheer her up.

"Hey hey, you don't have to cry," he says as he kneels in front of her. And that was when he got a sample of her scent. He took a few deep sniffs, and he started getting hard. Without thinking, he stuck his muzzle beneath her skirt for a deep whiff, eliciting a moan from the cub. She smelled like she needed to be breeded, but she also smelt like she was covered in his piss, like she belonged to him. Naturally it was his duty to help the girls that he owned with their problems. "You can't seriously be thinking about this dude..." he thinks to himself, but the moans from the child above him convinced him it would be okay, "....Oh what the hell."

"Hey girlie." he says in a really cool voice. "I could help you with your....problem, if you want." The girl nods shyly to the stranger, and he pulls his shorts down for the second time in front of this girl, this time he's licking his lips and showing a little pink. He starts to rub his sheath to get more of himself exposed for his new friend. Once a small amount is out, he says, "Well? You can start now, or do you expect me to do the work?"

She cocks her head, "Start?" With a sigh, he puts a hand on the back of her head and aims his tapered tip into her mouth. Not having been told what to do, she begins to suckle on his cock like a bottle, letting her raspy tongue to wonders on his head. With a moan, the wolf puts a hand on the wall behind the girl, with his other hand he gets her head to start bobbing on his length.

She doesn't really know what's going on, but he kept pushing his meat in between her teeth, until he began to poke at the back of her throat. When she gagged, her muscles squeezed and massaged his length. He grunted and came with powerful jets in the back of her throat. She tried to get him to let her head go, but he held her still, filling her mouth with his canine cum. Eventually, her cheeks got swollen, and cum began leaking from around her lips. When he was finally done, he let go and she coughed as cum began to dribble from her mouth.

Cass was still coughing and panting when she heard his comment, "Hey girlie. If you ever need more help with your problem, you can come to my house. It's just behind this place," he said with a grin. This was the first time she saw another erect cock other than her father's. Her father was by no means a small lion. He was huge actually. But that was by feline standards. This canine cock in front of her that she had just been pleasuring was so different than her father's, but it was also large by canine standards, meaning it was much larger than what she had been dealing with before.

"Anyway," he interrupted her thoughts, "You might want to come by anyway, so we can clean your clothes. Besides, we can have more fun while your clothes are being washed."